People: Princess Kate ‘is definitely going to be doing less’ from now on

Over the weekend, Roya Nikkhah at the Times had an exclusive about the Princess of Wales’s fall and winter plans. Long story short, sources said Kate would only be seen publicly maybe two or three more times this year: Remembrance Day, her Christmas piano recital and possibly at the walk to church on Christmas morning. Then on Monday, Kensington Palace released a new statement by Kate, confirming that she completed chemotherapy but will likely not return to work any time soon. It was a rare palace strategy which stayed on message – the Times piece was the preview, and Kate’s statement and video did not contradict Roya’s sources. It looks like Kensington Palace is also doing post-video briefings to emphasis it too, the fact that we will be seeing much, much less of Kate from now on.

Kate Middleton is adjusting to life after completing chemotherapy for cancer. Although the Princess of Wales, 42, has finished chemotherapy, she is not expected to fully return to royal duties anytime soon.

“She had a lovely summer and is very focused on her wellbeing. She is definitely going to be doing less,” says a source in her circle.

She will take on a lighter schedule for the remainder of the year, including a few select public engagements as part of a gradual return to her royal responsibilities. Decisions regarding 2025 will depend on medical advice, PEOPLE understands.

While working from home at Adelaide Cottage, Princess Kate remains engaged in her causes, including her early childhood work. While she is likely to attend Remembrance Day alongside the royal family in November and is actively involved in planning her annual carol concert at Westminster Abbey for December, her focus remains on healing and spending quality time with William and their children.

As Kate said in her message, being cancer-free is her focus, and it will take time. However, she is looking forward to undertaking a handful of public engagements in the coming months when she can, PEOPLE understands.

[From People]

Considering the months of clownery from KP earlier this year, I guess we should give them a cookie for consistency this week. Of course, I think the whole KP-produced video was cringe, but the message has gotten through and everyone’s on the same page, the page being “Kate won’t do much from now on.” Of course we hope that Kate is doing better health-wise, but that didn’t seem like the purpose of the video or any of this messaging.

If there has been inconsistency, it’s with this part of Kate’s statement: “Doing what I can to stay cancer free is now my focus.” Some of the royal reporters went to KP and asked them if we’re now supposed to say that Kate is “cancer-free” and the message seems convoluted.

Screencaps courtesy of Will Warr/Kensington Palace.

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177 Responses to “People: Princess Kate ‘is definitely going to be doing less’ from now on”

  1. Wagiman says:

    I didn’t watch the vid, but it sounds repulsive.. As someone who will (presumably) have willy as king and kkkate qween, not happy. Admittedly, I loathe them, but still. Lazy kkkate will do nothing.. We’ll all pay for her Caribbean holidays, plastic surgery, million dollar wardrobe. Nice

    • Josephine says:

      And the public will pay for the shoddy PR and ridiculous videos that allow them to continue to do nothing desite their public funding. They basically took an entire year off from doing very, very little in the first place. The most work the two of them have done is pretend to be a couple for their embarassing display in that video. Even the daily fail is critical of the video. Ouch.

    • Lady Luna says:

      The video was sooo weird. I had to sit for a moment after watching it and it was weird and cringe.

    • Lawrenceville says:

      I’m really confused at this “much less” meaning. She is already doing absolutely nothing. Is there anything like that’s less than nothing? Very confusing.

      • Giddy says:

        That’s exactly what I was think8ng; I guess her goal now is close to less than zero. Kate just wants to be a figurehead, to stay married to Peg, and to have a fabulous clothing budget. Sincere doing for others is not in her repertoire . I wonder if Cam is turning loose her stranglehold on the jewels. We will see.

      • goofpuff says:

        How can she do less if she doesn’t do anything meaningful? I guess it means she’s only going to do the “fun” engagements like tennis and skip the ‘boring’ ones like actually meeting the people she’s supposed to represent or charity of any kind.

      • Rachel says:

        you beat me to it! wtf is less than nothing? I suck at math, but does anyone know if there’s a numerical expression or formula for this?

  2. s808 says:

    So she’s officially retired under the guise of “trying to stay cancer free”? got it.

    • Becks1 says:

      Sure looks that way!

      • Anonymous says:

        I’ve never believed the Middletons have anything on Willy. They are absolutely nothing. Willy could just let loose the Kraken and it’s all over for the Midds. Their financial position is precarious and Willy could embarrass them so badly that they’d never want to show their smug faces again.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Anonymous I honestly go back and forth on that one. Kate might know a lot of Windsor secrets. And she might have something specific on William (drug abuse, domestic violence, etc.)

        But anything she has on him is dependent on the press printing it, and we’ve seen time and again how the British media carries water for the royal family. Right now, I think the press knows a hell of a lot more about what is going on with the Waleses and they are keeping it quit for them.

        But it certainly seems like right now, there was some of sort negotiation and Kate is able to be exactly what she wants to be – a rich aristocratic/royal wife with minimal expectations who can show up 3 times a year to standing ovations and spend the rest of the time shopping and doing the school run. How did she get there if not with something over William?

        But then I go back to my first point – even if she has something on him, does it matter? Harry certainly knows ALL the family dirt and they’ve still gone scorched earth on him. It would be worse for Kate.

        so as you see I am all over the place lol.

      • Debbie says:

        I think that she’s gotten so much sympathy and mileage from the “Doctors found signs of cancer which were removed-No let’s just call it cancer-trying to stay cancer-free/Naw, just kidding, trying to become cancer-free” narrative that she won’t give it up willingly. But I must admit that this is the first time I’ve heard of someone trying so hard to project, then cling to “cancer.”

      • Nic919 says:

        I think there are two options here. Either she has something that would damage William in the short term, like DV or drug use / alcohol abuse, or she is terminal. WIlliam looks like a hostage in most of these shots and it is not normal for a happily married couple of over a decade to still be so awkward like this.

        If it is the first scenario, William will eventually get what he wants. He will just wait a bit longer. But I do not see him putting up with carole middleton if / once he is king. He will have all the power and will control the media even more. He has been a more involved parent than Charles ever was, and so the kids aren’t estranged from him.

        The failure to thank any of the medical staff is pretty bad though. This was a “me, me, me” video if there ever was one something that gets lobbed at Meghan unfairly all the time.

    • Startup says:

      Maybe more accurate to say “she was retired by KP.” Maybe I’m a jerk but I think she’s fine and this is the big D but they’re branding it the big C so no one digs too deep.

      • BeanieBean says:

        I dunno. They’ve been telling us all along they’re not going to do much & people keep expecting something else. She didn’t show up for the Irish Guards, because she didn’t want people to have that expectation. He said they’ll do things differently, fewer projects, bigger impact (ha!). She’s reading professional journals (unverifiable, unless you ask her a question, I guess). He’ll be the first WFH king. They both say their kids are their focus, their kids come first, gotta do that daily school run! This is it. This is all they were ever going to do. Accept the money, wear the jewels, show up for the fun stuff (football, tennis), but that’s it.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      Whatever William did is really terrible if Kate and the Midds were able to negotiate her full retirement with all the perks of the job.

      • s808 says:

        He 1000% lost negotiations. I’m *almost* embarrassed for him. I’m sure he feels bitter that Kate doesn’t have to work anymore but he does.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        Technically, neither of them ever worked a day in their lives. For Kate, it’s now official. She’s “retired”.

      • monlette says:

        You can’t convince me there isn’t some monkey business going on with him and Jason Knauf, who to my knowledge is still consulting for William in London.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        @monlette Jason Knauf never left Dippy Egg’s side. Recall the fakakta “drive to visit Kate in hospital” – the hospital she wasn’t even in? Huevo visited once. Knauf was in the car with him for that jaunt.

    • The Duchess says:

      Sure looks that way to me. What a coincidence her cancer is one of those that will come and go as the season’s change. As if all cancer cases could be like that. Kitty has reached new lows of repugnance.

    • Gtwiecz says:

      She’ll be “avoiding cancer” her whole life, so she doesn’t have to be next to Wills in engagements. The royalist Brits have to be very naive to not see this marriage is on paper only.

  3. Chloe says:

    As many people on here have already said Kate will not come back as a working royal, except for the engagements that she deems fun and easily gets brownie points for.

    And that video…. Do not get me started on that video

    • SURE says:

      Standing ovations will also guarantee her presence.

      • Chrissy says:

        Like attending Wimbledon Men’s Finals?

      • Miranda says:

        Jealous, vindictive, ceases to exist without applause. She’s Tinkerbell, basically.

      • Kane says:

        @ miranda. Isn’t Peter pan based on personality types or something like that. She is a tinkerbell. She followed William and the whole shebang. Peter pan is a British story. Lol.

        As I written before I an still stunned her plan worked. She got her Peter pan. Ofcourse he is lazy unlike Peter pan but still…

    • Convict says:

      I still can’t believe she made one of the most famous, elite, prestigious sporting events in the history of world sports all about herself. The ego is off the charts.

  4. seaflower says:

    Less than nothing is, uh let me do the math here…. still nothing.

    • Nanea says:

      … cue Billy Preston singing
      Nothin’ from nothin’ leaves nothin’

      How nice to be able to completely refuse to do anything, not even thanking doctors, nor supporting cancer charities and still receive millions, while kids starve snd seniors will suffer from cold, dank apartments this coming winter.

  5. Miranda says:

    Finished with chemo, but not cancer free = We were quite pleased with the outpouring of sympathy this excuse bought us and we’re not done milking it just yet.

    • Nanea says:

      One could usually say one is cancer-free ~ 5 years after finishing the therapy, depending on the kind of cancer.

      That said, first it was mentioned she didn’t have cancer, right after surgery. Then, a few weeks later — cancer had been found and she’d get preventative chemo, and now it’s — she’s trying to do everything to stay cancer-free.

      What gives?

      Someone is lying, trying to obfuscate and getting away with it.

    • Harpervalleypta says:

      If she’s not cancer free nor in remission after several months of treatment…. That’s not good?

      I mean, i really hope this is PR shenanigans and trying to gin up sympathy while having a very diminished role, because the alternative is …. Not that great?

      Do they not understand what they are implying with this framing?

      • Becks1 says:

        I know I’ve said this before and others have as well, but a lot of this weirdness and lack of transparency makes sense if the prognosis is very poor. That could explain the comments about her long road to recovery, trying to stay cancer free, etc. We’ve heard whispers that Charles is a lot worse than they’re telling us – what if its not Charles but Kate?

        but then this line in her statement – “new phase of recovery” doesnt make sense in that light. But IDK. I think it seems weird to release a whole video about how you’ve completed chemotherapy and are trying to stay cancer free and then have your team run out to the RRs to insist that you’re not actually cancer free nor are you in remission.

      • Ginger says:

        The wording is very weird and confusing. I also don’t understand why she won’t thank the doctors and nurses that have taken care of her. This whole thing is odd.

      • Convict says:

        I don’t know. Could you pretend to be that happy and carefree with a diabolical diagnosis and prognosis? I think they know they played everyone, got away with it and will continue to do so in the foreseeable future.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Convict – right, that’s part of the weirdness. But even if its not a poor prognosis but she’s not in remission the video is still weird because she’s not out of the woods yet . I mean the whole video is just weird.

      • Convict says:

        @Becks: agreed there. But Kate is just too fragile to pretend under such a circumstance. She is not a strong and stoic person. She’s always been weak. I think she’s just hide completely. But, time will tell.

    • Jais says:

      I thought the video was her saying she’s cancer-free but then those tweets had me saying I guess she’s not? As @nanea says above, that term doesn’t get used till after 5 years? So the video was just announcing that she’s done with treatment? Am I getting this right? Sorry but my comment is basically one big question.

      • HeatherC says:

        The term that we all look forward to, those of us who have actually been through this struggle, is for a scan or test to come back saying “no evidence of disease.”

      • Lorelei says:

        @Jais, I’m right there with you. WTAF? It comes across as…they tried and the chemo (and whatever other forms of treatment she may have undergone) didn’t work, so they’re just going to focus on “making her comfortable” going forward — unsaid but implied is that she doesn’t have much more time left — but that makes no sense with the smiling, skipping Kate in the video! As usual, KP confuses every issue.

  6. WaterDragon says:

    How could she do less?!?!

  7. Carmen says:

    < 0 = 0
    Basic math.

    • says:

      I’ve been on the fence this whole time about what’s going on. Is is really cancer? Is it an ED and mental breakdown? Is it a divorce?

      I’m now of the opinion that she has terminal cancer. I read her statement (same was what was narrated). She says “road unknown”. If you piece together what certain media have been hinting at….she is very very ill. Lots of British media people have been dropping hints. She can have stage 4 cancer and be on maintenance chemo hoping everything is stable.

      As for why she’s not thanking doctors. In her statement she did thank everyone who has been helping and supporting her. It was done in a general way.

      • Granger says:

        Yeah. FWIW (and as always I’m late to post), I think she’s terminal and they aren’t going to announce it publicly until it’s too late to keep it from the kids anymore. I also find it hard to believe these two are such good actors that they would make a video like that if they hate each other and are about to divorce. The PDA in the video is ridiculous and some of it is obviously forced, but I grudgingly felt some of it was also genuine–that perhaps this is a couple who’ve had a lot of lows in their relationship, but now that the end is in sight, they’re going to work on it so the kids’ have good memories of their parents’ marriage.


    Don’t give them that cookie for consistency just yet! it’s still only Tuesday and based on that article from the Daily Beast I’m sure will be covered, W&K will find a way to step on their own good PR.

  9. Honey says:

    She, William, and the whole situation are all ridiculous. She’s always been workshy, and she will always have an excuse.

  10. Dee(2) says:

    So are they giving back any money then? Because if she wants less stress and to prioritize staying cancer free, so she’s not working that’s fine, but you shouldn’t be getting paid (millions!!) for a job you’re not doing. I wonder how long this nonsense is going to last because they are pretty boring and the media apparatus in that country clearly need something to report on and no one’s going to be interested in Harry and Meghan’s tax bill long-term. Either she’s going to have to come back, or they’re going to have to be honest about what’s really going on.

    • s808 says:

      Those kids are still like decade out from being served up to the media as their parents are sure to do once the time comes. They’ll have to figure something out and they could start with W working more than 3 days a month.

      • sunnyside up says:

        William is out ‘working’ today and then nothing for the rest of the month. William has no excuses now for not doing something useful.

    • Convict says:

      She should have her security cut. But then, the children will be used as an excuse. The rule is that those who don’t work full-time don’t get full-time security, but for Kate that rule is broken.

  11. Maxine Branch says:

    The most cringe video I have seen on social media. What was the purpose? To show these folks are very much a couple? Unbelievable the tripe these folks sling out into the public. We get it, you are cancer free and will do all you can to stay cancer free. Do they hear themselves?

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Just how much of the taxpayers money was spent on this video? I’m sure the pensioners who are loosing their fuel subsidy would like to know, because this video is just blatant propaganda and self promotion… oh and according to all their friends that run to the tabloid rags it was a huge fu to Harry and Meghan.. I’m so done with all the left overs, I hope they rot in their racist hate, truly disgusting behavior.

    • Chaine says:

      I’ve just finally had the time to sit down and watch the vid & i 100% agree with those yesterday who said the part with Kate meandering through the field in soft hazy light reminded them of an old-time douche commercial. The children do seem genuinely happy. I wonder how large was the film crew. I expect we will see the next batch of “casual” family photos also wearing the clothing seen in the video and having been shot the same day.

      • Becks1 says:

        Literally I thought when watching it – “well we know where the christmas card pic is coming from.”

      • ellyn says:

        Although we might want to chalk it up to W&K being able to take direction and sell a story, the kids appear relaxed and happy and I don’t think you can script their performance—something about how their parents relate to each other appears to have been altered enough that George and Charlotte look like normal kids (and Louis is being a cute handful instead of an agent of tantrums and other kid chaos, with is normal for his age but puts a dent in his older siblings’ united front).

  12. Anna says:

    Poor cancer-stricken lilly-white princess, she is so fragile we cannot mention she is also racist and participated in bringing her SIL to suicidal thoughts. Or acted like she wanted to physically threaten her at the walk about after the Queen died. We cannot mention it, the poor woman has cancer! Look how cute her little family is, they must be so terrified and have such a difficult time! Do not ask what are they doing all day! She has cancer! Or had, or not, or focuses on staying cancer free but she is not completely cancer free. We are so confusing in messaging so better not ask or comment because you risk hurting her white delicate feelings.

    Well, this is how I see their PR strategy. Wish her health, whatever is going on there, but surely it isn’t pretty.

  13. aquarius64 says:

    That Hallmark video was cringe; and making out in front of your kids is really hard selling the loved up angle. Rumors are flying this was filmed in August and the nine month slip, if you count back, goes to December, close to the night of the ambulance. Mixed reviews surprised me but I think the March 2024 FrankenPhoto has damaged KP’s credibilty.

    • Seraphina says:

      That part of the video, I had to go back to because I’m like WTH is going on there. It’s definitely a try hard and well hard video.

    • Julia says:

      It’s too sickly sweet and staged for the sensibilities of a lot of British people. So the mixed reviews aren’t surprising. Of course her fans will eat it up but I think this kind of messaging may cause problems for them down the line. It’s so opposite to the couple we were sold a few years ago.

    • Lorelei says:

      I think the March photo debacle flat-out *obliterated* KP’s credibility (not that they had much to begin with, at least for those of us who’ve been following along the entire time).

      @Julia, Philip and Liz are spinning right now!

  14. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    Opportunist. Taking the illness to bow out and step down from royal life …to avoid work. But she’s with all of us, who needs to work day in day out, illness or not. Ok. And william loves her, OK? despite him not caring for her in public at all those polo games where he doesnt give a sht about her, she can prove it’s not like that in private! They are hugging, touchy feely too just like meg! And she’s sick of that ring! Doesn’t want to be associated with diana anymore! She’s the new her! Forging her own path!

    • aquarius64 says:

      I thought Big Blue was missing. It wasn’t in the Olympic video.

      • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

        That ring is an enormous symbol. She either gave it back because she’s out or they took it back because she’s out. Either way, that ring supposedly is to take Diana to the throne where it should have gone. Looks like the throne doesnt look so good anymore now that she reallly has to work to maintain the idea of her working…

  15. Steph says:

    Does anyone have a guestimate on how long after chemo it takes to get back on your feet if you are recovering? I’m talking about those who are done with chemo bc the cancer is gone, not bc it isn’t working.

    • Seraphina says:

      In watching the video several thoughts stood out to me:
      One – the try hard loved up scenes.
      Two- if she really is batting cancer than she is luckier than the rest of the population in that she has the best medical care and can stay back living her best life while not working.
      And then I thought, I know stress isn’t good for cancer. And maybe she gets stressed out to the point they want her doing nothing. But she isn’t really doing much anyhow.
      What a crap show.

    • BeanieBean says:

      @Steph: hard to say. I know my boss broke his arm skiing & through X-rays they discovered he had lung cancer, additional tests showed it had spread to his brain. And he fell down that rabbit hole of tests & treatments, and still he managed to work! He had afternoons off, here & there, so I don’t know. Here we are, almost two years later, and he’s doing well (enough). It’s very individual. And Kate being Kate, it’ll take as long as she wants it to.

    • MaisiesMom says:

      My husband had prostate cancer a couple of years ago. It was caught early and not that serious, to the point that had he been about a decade older they would have just left it and kept an eye on it. But they decided to treat it, so he had to do some hormone therapy followed by a few months of radiation.

      I would say it took almost a year after that for him to feel 100% himself, but a lot of that was due to the hormone therapy which lowered his testosterone. The radiation wasn’t the biggest factor. But he was working the whole time, exercising, going to the office etc. In other words he was under way more pressure than Kate is and handling it better.

      Every type of cancer and every case is different obviously. Maybe she really was very sick and is still in a precarious state, idk. But given her history of work shyness I just don’t know. What makes no sense to me is why they don’t tell us what she had/has. People would be sympathetic and it would bring attention to the issue.

  16. LM says:

    Does it take a few months post treatment to be classified as being in remission? Like a six month period, and if the scans are clear, you are classified as being in remission?

    • Simone says:

      Hi, I’m married to a cancer surgeon. If the chemo had worked properly, her final scan would show that & she would now be able to say she’s in remission. The final scan is done weeks after the treatment finishes. After 5 yrs of remission she would be declared cancer free. If it’s incorrect to say she’s in remission then the chemo hasn’t worked as well as hoped & she requires further treatment. That’s why she will still have good days & bad days & be seen only a few times for the remainder of the year. It sounds like she has an aggressive form of cancer, which is pretty normal for someone in their early 40’s. It looks to me like Kate is having trouble accepting her diagnosis or she needs privacy & can’t deal with the public knowing how serious the issue is.

      • ShazBot says:

        Simone, that is helpful.
        I keep thinking it’s got to be worse, and having this nice video will be good for her kids and posterity. I would totally get why they wouldn’t want to make a bad diagnosis public.

        Or they’re lying to sow confusion for a lazy lifestyle. But I don’t know. The inclusion of her parents made me wonder.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        Thank you, Simone, for the clarity. If she’s not cancer free and not in remission but chemo is finished, that indeed sounds bad.

      • Jais says:

        I do hope she’s in remission bc otherwise this video feels even odder. Understand wanting privacy but unfortunately the wording and the vid caused some confusion which doesn’t help them. Due to their lack of honesty in the past, it’s hard to tell what’s actually going on.

      • Sid says:

        The messaging is all over the place. In her original solo video from what I read didn’t she say she was well and getting better everyday or something like that? And that the continuing treatment was just in case there were stray cancerous cells around where the original mass was that they later found had cancerous cells? The media then ran with the “she has cancer” narrative and KP leaned into it. Now apparently in this new video she says she is cancer free, but then KP is saying not so? This is a circus.

      • blueberry says:

        I’m honestly confused though. If she does have aggressive cancer how is she able to have these vanity video shoots frolicking in the forest? I have an invisible illness myself so I understand about not “looking sick” but the energy to shoot something like this is astronomical. Like everything else it’s perplexing

      • Convict says:

        @blueberry, I also have an ‘invisible illness’ (autoimmune) and I recall going to my top specialist, who remarked, “you look so well”. He, of course, never saw me on my bad days.

        Still, no, I don’t believe any of this fiction. She does not have cancer and never did.

  17. Becks1 says:

    So, many of us here called this back in March, if not January – this is the end of Kate’s public life as a working royal. Trooping, Wimbledon, Remembrance, Christmas – maybe she’ll add in Easter next year. She never has to work again for the rest of her life and the public will continue to support her. It’s clear she bargained for this as well as her parent’s return to the upper levels of society. She’ll continue to be supported by the duchy of cornwall and public funds and she’ll be a wealthy SAHM with her nannies and staff.

    Nice work if you can get it, for sure.

    • s808 says:

      William lost so bad. We’ll never know what he did but it must’ve been bad enough that he can’t get rid of her and she gets to do nothing while he has to keep working (I used that term loosely). Knowing him, if Kate gets to do nothing and remain Princess of Wales, he shouldn’t have to work either. This partially explains why he’s sooo mad at Harry. W probably could’ve semi-retired too with H&M still around but nope. Now he doing the work by himself and can’t even replace Kate officially, meaning there’s no chance of resetting with a better partner.

      • Becks1 says:

        It certainly explains a lot of his rage over the last few months and what has seemed to be renewed anger at Harry.

        What I don’t quite get though – we’re saying Kate won, William lost. But if she’s overplaying the cancer, I feel that gives him a lot of negotiating power back. So that makes me think the cancer story is true because if its not, she just handed William a lot of leverage. But at the same time……I guess she’s roped him in enough that if it comes out the story is a cover, he’s just as much to blame as she is.

        I don’t know. This whole thing has been so weird.

      • Digital Unicorn says:

        I dunno about that – he might not be able to divorce her for the foreseeable but I still think it will happen. Once she has been erased from the public eye (which is what is happening now), there will be a quiet divorce where he funds her lifestyle for the rest of her life and she gets to keep at least one title (the Cambridge one) as mother of the future King.

        The more the stars of Harry and Meghan shine high and bright, the more the other brother will want to compete and show that he too can be like them. His pathological need to be seen as better than both Sussex’s is taking him down a very dark path – one that might end with him being removed from the line of succession if he continues to unravel.

        I can’t help think of the predictions of that American psychic whose astrology charts said that Kate would retire from public life citing ill health and that William would also walk away from the throne, passing it onto George. He also said that Harry would serve as Regent until George was old enough.

        Interesting times!

      • Eurydice says:

        Yes, it will be interesting to see what happens when William becomes king. He can try to d0 nothing, but some work is unavoidable. The country can’t isolate itself diplomatically just because the RF doesn’t feel like working – there will be state dinners and visits and necessary trips. Who will play Kate’s role in this? Sophie? Will they deputize one of the Yorks?

      • s808 says:

        @Digital Unicorn Divorce may not be out of the equation but I think it’s off the table for the foreseeable future. They’ll lead separate lives as usual but he’s publicly stuck with her.

        @Becks1 I don’t think he has leverage like knowing she’s faking having cancer and I don’t think it’d be believable that he didn’t know if it ever came out like you said. He’s fully in this. I think we’re in phase 2 lik everyone has said. She retiring from public life and when (if) the time comes, they’ll divorce to allow W to look for a new wife who can actively be Queen.

      • Startup Spouse says:

        @Becks These are the talking points they would have negotiated, so it’s not giving him leverage. There is a story they agreed on and he is playing his part.

      • aquarius64 says:

        The only way William can be separated from Kate now is as a widower. ‘Till death do us part has gone up exponentially.

      • Becks1 says:

        @StartupSpouse yes I agree with that generally – that this was all negotiated. I’m referring more to the insistence from some people that the cancer story is just a cover for something else. If that’s true, then the negotiations would have played out very differently IMO. I think something else was being negotiated, then she got the diagnosis, and here we are.

        This is weird but it reminds me of the end of the Nanny Diaries, when the husband is gearing up to ask for a divorce bc he’s having an affair and the wife is like “oh i’m pregnant again” and he knows he lost and there will be no divorce.

      • Convict says:

        Harry or no Harry, it is not open for William to be part-time POW and King.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Convict except…..he’s already a part time PoW.

      • Convict says:

        @Becks: true … for now. It can’t go on though. We know why he’s getting away with it now. He had better not get too comfortable though because his day of reckoning is coming.

    • Nic919 says:

      The video showed she can take time to film stuff in different outfits but not show up to see cancer patients. She’s also implying that work causes cancer. This is similar to how she says parents not being with their kids all the time are bad parents.

      So she now can say she can’t work more because it might make cancer return.

    • Julia says:

      The public will grow tired of it eventually. She can probably spin this out for a few years because the press will keep giving her sycophantic praise but eventually the public will notice, they always do eventually. Most people aren’t really paying attention but as the children get older (and so does Kate) more and more of the public will start to notice that she is living a lavish lifestyle and doing next to nothing.

    • Convict says:

      Not one aristo or wealthy family in the ‘top echelons’ of British society want to associate with the grifting Middletons. Well, Willy is forced to.

      • Becks1 says:

        I dont think they are going to have tea with the Duke of Northumberland or whoever. but I do think they’ve gotten what they wanted – events like the royal box at Ascot, etc.

      • Convict says:

        Again, I think this is temporary. But I accept that I could be very wrong. We shall see.

        If KC dies soon, William will have more leniency, because, you know, the school run, poor kids, Kate is still battling cancer … but if KC lives another 5-10 years, those excuses will not pass the pub test and William will look old into middle age. He will have to trot the kids out so he can bludge.

        Sorry, that last para should have been the response above.

      • Becks1 says:

        If KC dies soon, william will still be 17 years older (at least) than his grandmother was when she took the throne and didnt have any of the leniency that I think William will have. Of course that was a different time, pre social media, etc.

        But it will be interesting to see because I do think you’re right about his leniency (I mean he’s had leniency for the majority of his time as a working royal, except for a few stories about him being lazy that went away once Harry married a Black American actress.)

        I think it will be a very interesting few years for royal watchers, both monarchists and republicans. Charles basically continued on like his mother – regular engagements, summers in Scotland, winters in Sandringham, weekends at Windsor, and everything from ribbon cutting to bigger events in between.

        William doesnt just want to do things differently, he doesnt want to do things at all.

      • Nic919 says:

        Charles also had decades of putting in roughly 500 engagements per year, sometimes doing more than Anne. And despite his messy personal life, few would question that he was at least doing what his mother did.

        WIlliam has been lazy from day one. He doesn’t have that background of working and really spends most of his time trying to attack Harry in the media. They know this.

        It will be harder and harder to justify providing the Soverign Grant to a shrinking number of working royals, and some who are missing altogether. As much as they have set up hate against Harry and Meghan, those two do not take any money from public coffers. At some point the British people will start to question why they were distracted for so long.

    • Lorelei says:

      @Becks, I was right there with you all of those months ago, calling it — but I’m realizing that I didn’t quite believe it. Because now that it’s actually happening, it seems absolutely insane

  18. Stef says:

    That corny video made me throw up in my mouth a little – so contrived!

    Honestly, I feel a bit bad for her. This is her phase out in full effect. Hope she stays mentally well for herself, and those kids – they never asked for any of this BS.

  19. Digital Unicorn says:

    While its great that she is doing better but as I said yesterday I ain’t buying what they are trying to sell – either she’s cancer free or in some sort of remission, she can’t be both (as that Ship idiot seems to be implying).

    The more they fk up the messaging the more people will buy into the theories that she never had cancer and it was a cover story for a MH break/ED treatment/something else.

    Either way she’s being retired from public life (which is likely what she ‘won’ with the recent negotiations) only showing face at the big family events and any other event that takes her fancy (i.e. the mens Wimbledon final). She has finally got what she wanted – the life of a lazy rich royal who does nothing while being funded by both the UK taxpayer and the Duchy of Cornwall.

    • Convict says:

      Duchy of Cornwall = public funding. The Windsors do not own it. It is private income for the POW and family, so it’s a bit murky. But the estate ought to be returned to the Crown = public, if the monarchy is abolished.

  20. Whalesnark says:

    If the excuse wasn’t cancer then it would have been another kid, or the memory of Ol’ Lizzie is too much to bear, or she stubbed her toe, or she’s distraught about Meghan sneezing. This isn’t a valid justification, it’s expediency.

    • Convict says:

      At her age and low weight, I’d suggest she’s already in early menopause. My Mum went through the change at 39, she was thin, but not unhealthy.

      • lanne says:

        I’m thinking osteopenia–Gwyneth Paltrow dealt with that due to low weight and crappy diet and cigarettes. Also her shitty exercise regime that was all cardio and no weights because of the “weights bulk you up” lie. Weight training needs to be encouraged for women throughout our lives–it definitely can help mitigate the bone loss that all women face from aging.

  21. MY3CENTS says:

    We saw it, we called it,we were right.
    Phase 2 begins.

    • PinkOrchid says:

      Yep. And furthermore, WHAT KIND OF CANCER does she have already? Without naming it, the whole campaign is suspect. Ditto for the unspecified “abdominal surgery.” I don’t care if it’s embarrassing or involves lady parts. The beautiful Farrah Fawcett had one of the most embarrassing-to-say-out-loud cancers of all, rectal. She didn’t hide. KP’s whole BS campaign stinks. And the tone deaf woodland frolic in a tradwife dress video, while C announces that her future focus will be on…wait for it…herself! What kind of public servant SAYS that? At least PRETEND to give a F about your subjects. 🤮

  22. Kate says:

    The way the language has changed through this whole thing is interesting. I don’t think she’s ever said herself I have cancer( maybe I missed it) the press did. I thought they removed something, it had cancer present and she was doing preventative treatments. Press said she has cancer. Now the cancer free thing isn’t straightforward. I think things have gotten away from them due to the press possibly. At the end of the day they know and the press know no one that matters will question any of this, and any other who does how dare you she has cancer! Or did! Or might still ! , so no straight answers will ever come. It’s good she’s well. I think she will start “working” but only things that help her pr, cancer kids, and cancer related projects, psa stuff, really leaning into cancer stuff. The video is very odd, bizarre.

  23. Alexandria says:

    If she works less so be it. Then pay her less like U know how all of us would be judged by the workplace for working less. As usual she made working mothers look less and now she makes people with cancer still carrying on look less. Chuck has cancer. So did the late Queen. Just sayin.

  24. Beana says:

    I showed my husband the video this morning (since he’s not a royals watcher), and he had a negative visceral reaction to the slick marketing – Kate’s tradwife style, the woodland frolicking, the glossy Instagram-style framing. We agreed it was as if Marie Antoinette shot a video on her hobby farm, saying how happy she is to recover from the head pain of her over-large wigs.

    • Christine says:

      THIS! That video is the modern equivalent of “let them eat cake”. If Kate has worked hard at anything in her life, it’s her stunning lack of any kind of self awareness. Is life dysmorphia a thing, because I think she’s got it to go with her body dysmorphia.

      • PinkOrchid says:


      • Lady Esther says:

        “Life dysmorphia” LOL. I agree, I think Kate wants to live her life as in “White Woman’s Instagram,” minus the irony and adding chauffered Bentleys, Royal jewels, exotic vacations and every other perk she can imagine, throughout her life. She’s won. The end

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Stated perfectly! 🎯👏🏼

    • BeanieBean says:

      You know what stupid thing about that video I’m still thinking about? That big, heavy, canvas backpack Kate was wearing. They’re all marching ahead of her on the trail, empty-handed–although somebody has a cricket bat & ball–and frail, cancer-stricken/cancer-free-but-maybe-not Kate is carrying the pack that presumably has all the picnic stuff in it. And it’s canvas. Not a modern, lightweight nylon for the Wales’s, oh no, but canvas. Heavy when empty green canvas. There’s nothing about this video that tells me these people are actually practiced outdoorsy lovers of nature.

      • Startup Spouse says:

        This is a really good point – but also, the one with cancer is carrying all the heavy picnic stuff? Tell me W doesn’t give s–t about Kate without telling me.

  25. Amy Bee says:

    So she’s not going to use her platform to advocate for cancer research and to promote cancer charities? Is she ever going to acknowledge her privilege as a cancer patient? Plus the press has to kicking themselves because they chased away Harry and Meghan for doing things differently only for William and Kate to copy everything they did. If they had left Harry and Meghan alone they wouldn’t have to sent reporters to stalk them in Montecito.

  26. Kateee says:

    So she only had found she had cancer cells by accident, only treated it preventatively, has completed treatment to prevent the cancer, but cannot be described as in remission or cancer free?

    Because she never had cancer, or because she has a terminal cancer and this will continue until she dies? I surely don’t wish her harm, but I’m confused why they would put out this video but still hedge.

  27. RMS says:

    The Queen had an immune system cancer (Multiple Myeloma) and still managed to work. And not to frighten anyone here, but ALL of us have ‘cancer’ cells every day of our life. Cancer = irregular cells. In a healthy body they get cleared out, if they’re aggressive enough, they start rampaging and you need to seek treatment. Every single person is trying to stay cancer free every day, whether they know it consciously or not. Speaking as someone who has a chronic cancer that I will fight until it or something else kills me, this chick is a big fat unimpressive zero. Pull it together Katie, put on your big girl pants and try to earn the respect you think you deserve.

  28. Eowyn says:

    Doing less than nothing?

  29. Amy Bee says:

    I can understand the desperation for Harry to come back to the UK now. With Kate in semi-retirement there’s absolutely nobody for the press to cover on a regular basis.

    • Becks1 says:

      and I think it puts his visit from last February in a different light as well. Charles wasn’t asking him to come back for 6 months while Charles and Kate went through chemo. Charles was asking him to come back permanently because Kate is out of the picture for the foreseeable future.

      I wonder how long it took harry to say “no” LOL.

  30. Tina says:

    Well we all saw this coming and honestly I think the new arrangement will make everyone happier. Kate can just be a rich aristocratic wife and William is free to do his thing. As someone who has hate-watched the royals for 40ish years I just don’t understand how the media is playing along with this. How is William pulling this off? Do they just realize that the Wales are all they have left so they have to prop them up? Has William promised more access to the kids? WiIl there just be more videos like this to get clicks? I know we all recognize Camilla’s brilliance at using the media to her own goals but I’m starting to think William has her beat.

  31. Tessa says:

    People in the real world can’t afford to stop working after recovering from an illness. And they worry about hospital bills and deal with insurance payments or lack of. Keen plans commercials and lives a life of luxury.

    • Chrissy says:

      Oh, I think you give Kate too much credit. I think that Carole Middleton is the mastermind behind his decision. I see Carole calling Little Willy’s bluff with the cheating/drinking allegations and this is the result:
      Kate living the life of Riley, while the MIddletons still have access to Royal events despite cheating the British taxpayers when their house of cards came tumbling down. Carole must have real dirt on the Bad Brother because this is the Middleton’s dream come true.

      • Convict says:

        Nah, Carole thinks she’s a major player and mastermind but she’s really just a low level grifter and gutter snipe.

      • Jaded says:

        Carole is a dangerously conniving woman who has won this battle and now has the sword of Damocles hanging over Willbur’s head to keep him in line. She maneuvered her way into a position of power which ensures her darling Kate will stay firmly within the confines of the BRF in her useless life between AC, Anmer and Bucklebury, with all the perqs and pleasures of being royal at her fingertips despite having no agency or power. Kate will beat the cancer drum for the rest of her life and stay married to a man who has treated her like sh*t, and was possibly violent with her, all for the sake of becoming QC. I hope she enjoys the Faustian bargain in a gilded cage her mother made for her.

      • Convict says:

        I see that your argument has force, but there is a huge imbalance of power. This assumes William has none, and low level Carole holds the cards. How?

      • Becks1 says:

        @Convict I’m not fully on board, but the general theory is that William has been violent towards Kate and that is something the Middletons are holding over his head.

      • Unblinkered says:

        Agree with you, Chrissy, about Carol being the mastermind/master negotiator behind whatever is going on. But I’m not convinced it’s because she’s got dirt on W, I suspect the Middletons have agreed to something demanded by W & the Crown and we’re seeing W playing his part – for the time being. W will come out on top, I’m certain, and it can only be some sort of official separation divorce even. Titles for the ghastly Middletons may follow before we see the true end game.
        The business of KM’s rings may signify a lot.

      • Jais says:

        All I know is if Carole masterminded this video, then yikes, she made a mess. It’s off. A 3m long vid announcing Kate finished her chemo treatment as she wanders through a field of grass? It’s tonally off and it’s not reading the room. There’s already backlash in a lot of the papers. But it makes sense. I don’t think Carole is that great at masterminding. Imagine if she and Kate hadn’t gone to Tominey with the whole lie that Meghan made Kate cry. Yeah, it was good for Kate in the short term but it didn’t work out in the long term.

      • Convict says:

        Thanks Becks: I concur, I’m not fully on board with this. Having said that, anything is possible with these two. There is something murky in the background and it isn’t cancer.

      • Unblinkered says:

        Agree with above that, ultimately, Carol’s tactics have backfired time and time again. Maybe one of the Wales’s new hires had a hand in this latest charade, with Carol. It’s not hard to imagine what Charles and the rest of the RF thought of it, ditto the royal houses of Europe.

        At least Sarah Vine in yesterday’s D Mail was subtlety critical of it, thank goodness.

        Watching the video, and I was horrified, my thought was this is nothing more than an ego bath for KM. Cancer patients everywhere must have been sickened by it: a year off on full pay with servants attending to her every need, endless holidays, and the best private care for whatever actually is wrong with her. I very genuinely wish her well, but truly starting to get Marie Antoinette vibes…..

  32. Chelsea says:

    Wait this article and those tweets from Ship and Palmolive have me confused: I thought the cancer was removed during her surgery and this was preventative chemotherapy? When did they reveal that the cancer had returned?

  33. ariel says:

    Could this all be about mental health- as in, has the institution broken her the way it tried so hard to break Princess Diana and Duchess Meghan?

    Maybe the artifice and the behind the scenes insanity and william being a rage monster was too much for her.
    Is she sitting around the house popping valium and watching tv waiting for the kids to get home from work?

    Am i the only one getting that vibe?

    • Becks1 says:

      I keep coming back to the book The Royal We from the Fug Girls – I know it was just a fictionalized account of W&K, but they had Princess “Emma” (obviously Diana) as a mentally fragile woman who rarely left her house and was basically a recluse because of mental breakdowns.

      sometimes life imitates art.

    • lanne says:

      I don’t think anyone can look at her and see a woman with any agency over her own life. She has nothing of her own–no money, no house, no powerful support system, no friends. She’s the ultimate Tradwife in that she’s completely dependent on her husband for everything, unless she’s managed to negotiate any kind of settlement (which for her sake, I hope she has). She’s in the same position as that Hannah from ballerina farm–who makes all those videos and yet owns nothing of the enterprise. I think her position would mentally break anyone–her job is entirely appearance focused, and she’s been shown up in the worst possible way (another woman more capable at the job than she is).

      If she’s not broken, it’s because she’s an empty headed fool who gives no thought to anything other than herself. I personally think she has leaned into her fragility because no one, quite frankly, has ever asked anything else from her. She’s pretty non-functional–she can barely string three words together. I can’t imagine how she would behave in any kind of crisis. She’s the jointed doll who’s either too afraid, too broken, or toonarcissistic to be anything else.

      • Convict says:

        She doesn’t deserve those things you ascribe to her. She’s an empty-headed, vain, foolish woman who desired the life she has.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Ianne, I’m wondering if it’s KHate that is refusing to come back to work. In the article it says she’s “likely” to do whatever. The bm and, therefore, the brf aren’t sure when she’ll reappear.

        It’s possible that after whatever illness kept her away from the public was a wake-up moment for her, and she’s reclining on her chaise lounge and saying, “no”.

    • Lorelei says:

      @Ariel, I think a good part of it could probably be attributed to mental health issues, but these two would NEVER admit it. And it’s that hypocrisy that bothers so many of us. For more than a decade now, they’ve claimed to be on a mission to destigmatize MH issues and encourage people to ask for help, even launching that texting initiative, yet imo they themselves need to be seen as perfect in every way. They talk about acceptance until they’re blue in the face, but clearly, when it comes down to it, they must view suffering from MH issues and having to seek help is a flaw or a failing. Which is obviously disgusting.

  34. Colleen says:

    The video was so fake and manufactured. There’s nothing genuine or authentic about either of these jabronis.

    Not sure why she has to announce she’s still not going to do anything but ok.

  35. Over it says:

    I don’t know if the princess of Karen’s had, or has cancer or not . What I do know is that Kate public image was in the toilet. Between End Game and Spare . I do know that she started to look rough because people started to see the real Kate based on her behavior and those books . Kate disappeared from public view for months and when she came back, the big C was announced as the reason . I also know that because of that . People are no longer allowed to ask questions about her lack of working or her history of being lazy . We are to never say a bad word true or factual about her because then the British media and it sickos want to stone you . Well whatever is going on with her and William that allows her parents who scammed and stole from so many to be bought back with Bells on and no questions asked whatever it is . Fine . She doesn’t want to work , fine . But she needs to be taken off the public purse right away. No work , no pay . So many other British people have cancer and that can’t stay at home and do nothing or only do things that are on the grand scale when all cameras are on them . I find it disgraceful that she doesn’t get how the regular mom fighting cancer and still trying to keep a roof over her family head is doing.Kate messaged reads like well I am cancer free and I stayed home and beat it. . Too bad if you can’t . I don’t really care if you can’t. I will continue to do nothing because no one heath of children are more important than mine . It more important I stay cancer free because I am a princess . Don’t you understand how much more important I am than you?

    • sevenblue says:

      I don’t know what is wrong with her or if there is any truth to their public statements, they are proved liars, so it is hard to believe. However, she was looking rough almost a year before cancer announcement. We were commenting about her increasingly weird looking hair pieces / wigs. She was never the perfect picture of health, but I thought she looked ill. Even some commentators here wrote about her touching her stomach on her last appearances when we didn’t know she was ill. It might be the case of her deciding not to go along with the palace orders anymore after they kinda stopped protecting her and her family after Spare and End Game.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        The decline in Princess Catherine’s physical appearance in the run up to Christmas last year made the announcement of abdominal surgery seem very plausible.

        The faff over pretending William was being husband of the year and it being cut off at the knees by CIII ‘also’ being at the London Clinic made KP’s story fishy.

        Princess Catherine ‘Leaving’ the London Clinic, purportedly on the same day as CIII -but no pictures- made KP’s story fishy.

        The three wheeled car made KP’s story fishy.

        The Mothering Sunday photo getting killed by the news wires made KP’s story fishy.

        The farm shop video was false, never retracted and defended by The Sun making KP’s story fishy.

        The ‘cancer video’ being a BBC Studios production rather than the news division and the fact that cancer had been denied at first made KP’s story fishy.

        The Reddit rumour about Houston with a concerted effort to amplify the rumour with bots and paid comments made KP’s story fishy.

        And the SM moves were clearly a coordinated campaign the entire time with Murdoch media outlets -very fishy.

        None of this has made sense and the BM is actively complicit in making sure KP continues to avoid scrutiny and accountability.


  36. Anonymous says:

    What really happened: Kate tried to phase out Rose but is now actually being phased out by silly-Billy with the help of the whorse, an Olympic champion in bed hopping, swinging and musical chairs, to succeed her her as pegging sidechick queen.

  37. girl_ninja says:

    Preventative chemotherapy is still something I don’t understand. That bit of performance art and cosplaying Meghan and Harry sure didn’t clear it up. But I suppose I am not their target audience.

  38. Kittenmom says:

    How can one do less than nothing!

  39. Proud Mary says:

    How does a person work to “stay cancer free?” Was it the plan all along to bench her, and cancer is now the convenient excuse? Is Chris Ship a journalist, or a KP mouth piece? How can this so-called journalist, who was criticising the Sussexes, two private citizens, for not allowing him access to their foreign tour, now refuse to ask basic questions about the future queen’s diagnosis and prognosis, but instead choose public to serve as Kate’s whisperer? How is this journalism and not propaganda?

    • Convict says:

      eThe propaganda is one of the main gripes of the Republic group. I can see why. There is no objective, critical reporting on the royals. If there is, it is fleeting. It really is North Korea level.

  40. Lau says:

    Unemployed and yet overpaid woman doesn’t want to do any “work”. Classic British royal family. I wonder if people in the UK who have been diagnosed with cancer around the same time as her (or any other cancer sufferer really) have received the same swift and successful medical treatment as she did.

  41. Pork Belly says:

    Interpretation: There’s no public demand to see this bland & racist woman but we’ll feed you this story so she can save face.

  42. QuiteContrary says:

    Most people who have had cancer do all they can to stay cancer-free … while actually working.

    KP is filled with idiots if it thinks this is going to fly.

  43. BeanieBean says:

    Ah. My understanding is, with most cancers, there’s a five-year mark to hit. Regular checkups through then & then if they still don’t detect cancer, you’re in remission. I don’t think they ever use ‘cancer free’, do they?

    • Kel says:

      Yes some doctors say youre never cancer free until you die which is a tough way of looking at it. My uncle went through this. Some say if you go a year or two without reappearance then you’re cancer free.
      But remission means a decrease or disappearance of cancer. So if she’s not in remission sounds like she still has cancer but has finished her first rounds of chemo. Doesn’t sound great.

      • Kel says:

        Ok coming back to this.
        “Doing her best to remain cancer free” could also just mean she finished chemo and there’s no appearance of cancer but she’s afraid to say “cancer free” because with cancer you never actually know.
        She could still be take post treatment pills, frequent checks ups..

    • Convict says:

      By that reckoning, she won’t do anything meaningful until at least 5 years has passed.

  44. Polo says:

    IF I give them the benefit of doubt then I think like other commentators that her cancer is probably one that is aggressive or has a high chance of reoccurence. She’s finished chemo and now maybe they wait to see what happens. Will cancer spread? Tumor or whatever stop growing, etc…..

    Now considering their history of lying to the public and lying about H&M (for the wales personal benefit) I also have a hard time believing anything they are saying.

    Only time will tell.

    • Gig says:

      I suspect Kate has stage 2 ovarian cancer. The rate of survival is roughly 70 per cent. I can understand why Kate wants more time with family however I’m very disappointed she’s not highlighting the issues by seemingly not having contact with cancer clinics and survivors. Given today’s technology I see no reason why Kate can’t zoom or at least work the telephone from her home. She married into a life of service.

  45. Amyb says:

    The Queen racked with bone cancer and 96 years old did more work in her last week than Kate has done in the last 9 months.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      This is absolutely true. And KP stomped over the anniversary of QEII’s death to continue to embiggen themselves with propaganda.

  46. Convict says:

    Kate is living in the 1980s! Check out this video of “Tucker’s Daughter”, a huge hit back in 1989. Great song, but we used to call model’s dress the “Tucker’s Daughter dress”.

    You’ll see their copy Kate right away. It was recorded or mixed in the USA.

  47. sparrow1 says:

    I’m pleased she’s OK. This video, though. I just think, can you imagine the vitriol if M&H had done this. They hold hands, the sky falls in. William’s practically on top of Kate with the kids looking on, and it’s fine. I always hold back on her appearance until she’s in daylight and her photographer hasn’t edited the shots. Her videos are hugely filtered. William was out and about today and he looks nothing like he does here. I can’t understand how people believe their p/shopped images and curated videos. Wait and see. The main thing is – She’s well and that’s good. I think we can all agree on that. And I hope you’re all well, c/bers one and all! I’ve been out of things for a bit with work and it’s good be back in and read. x

    • Convict says:

      Exactly; and as one proper journalist reported, it’s undignified. As I said, I’m no prude or pearl-clutcher, but come on, he’s the future King in his 40s, one death away from the throne and they are acting like a couple of horny teenagers!

  48. Dee says:

    Nothing from nothing leaves nothing. Kate doesn’t do anything. Never has, never will.

  49. Anonymous says:

    I, along with everyone I know, also need to a year off work and to reduce my workload by 50% going forward to focus on staying cancer free

  50. Lavendel says:

    They are clearly trying to break out of conventions and traditional roles by bypassing the usual news channels. They are learning from the Sussexes. They want a more modern life, they want both. Royalty and Montecito. We will see to what extent the monarchy, the civil service, the tabloids, the conservative British in the country will allow this. I fear it will not end well.

  51. The real queen says:

    She has never done much of anything to begin with!

  52. TN Democrat says:

    The video was bizarre. I stumbled across it on my Facebook feed and thought it was AI. She always did less anyway and well into middle age is still posturing like a child. Hilary Mantel was prophetic. The supposedly apolitical Wales have leaned so hard into rightwing traditional wife imagery that when political winds finally shift and their deep connections to extremists are finally revealed, the house of cards is going to crash around them. Thankfully, Harry got out of this bizarre mess.

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