Prince William now claims that he’s using Duolingo to learn Welsh

Here are more unfortunate photos of Prince William yesterday in Wales. He had a full day (lol) of events, visiting a school and doing some sports-related activities and more. As I looked through the photos, I became sort of sad. Like, does Huevo have anyone around him willing to speak truth to him? Does he have anyone in his life capable of saying “the beard is tragic and you look like you’re obsessively copying your brother?” I’m always struck by William’s lack of skincare too. There’s absolutely no reason for a 42-year-old man to look this vitamin-deficient and just… depleted and ashy. Perhaps he’s too busy on Duolingo to moisturize:

Prince William has revealed that he is learning Welsh on Duolingo during his visit to Llanelli today. The royal, 42 visited the town today and met children who took part in a major Welsh language youth festival.

Urdd Eisteddfod is a cultural festival that sees many children and young people from the ages of eight to 25 compete in the sectors of music, arts and literature. Among them was ten-year-old Ruby Davies, who won the competition for her age group and her sweet reaction went viral and melted hearts all over the nation.

William said he had the language learning app, Duolingo, downloaded and that he was trying to learn Welsh ‘phonetically’.

[From The Daily Mail]

William’s approach to inheriting the “Prince of Wales” title is that he’s here for a good time, not a long time. He had four decades to pick up some conversational Welsh or at least study the language privately. He’s spent two years as PoW making excuses for why he never bothered to learn Welsh and why he won’t “rush things” on learning the language. Now he’s claiming that he’s doing Duolingo? Please.

There was also this story, about how William “advocates for female athletes” in Wales. Yes, the man was the patron and president of the Football Association for years and he couldn’t be bothered to attend the World Cup when England made the final… because it was the women’s team. GMAFB on “advocates for female athletes.”

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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81 Responses to “Prince William now claims that he’s using Duolingo to learn Welsh”

  1. Mimi says:

    This mofo has had every privilege and every opportunity to learn the skill for what he knew would be his job. This is so annoying to me. He is so wealthy, he can literally have a live-in Welsh tutor to get him up to speed,

    • StellainNH says:

      One would think that anyone who would called a prince/princess of any region, they should know the language of said region. Why didn’t William learn Welsh as a youngster? Is George learning Welsh?

      Sounds like gross incompetence of the monarchy to me.

      • agirlandherdogs says:

        This exactly. This isn’t a new development. Everyone has known since his birth that he would one day become POW. He should have been raised bilingual. The failure is not just his alone. His laziness has been reinforced since birth.

      • Megan says:

        Most people in Wales don’t speak Welsh. I think William’s general lack of interest in Wales is a bigger issue.

      • HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

        Wales is a country. Welsh is commonly spoken in the north of Wales, which is also the part of the country that really resents English rule. And, yes, His Laziness should have been learning the language of ‘his people’ for a very long time.

      • SamuelWhiskers says:

        Yeah, I was working in Caernarfon recently and I noticed that most people (in shops and cafes, on the bus or whatever) conversed in Welsh. I didn’t hear anyone talking English except tourists.

        Welsh is an active, living language that people speak as their primary day to day language.

      • Convict says:

        William was too coddled from the time of Diana’s death. Much like he is milking Kate’s illness now, he milked the death of his mother to get everything he wants on his own terms.

        He had way too much freedom and privacy for his position from birth. Remember when Edward’s film company tried to film him at university? He got up to who knows what at university.

        He was heir presumptive, but was allowed to cavort with the Middletons on regular holidays, doing next to nothing, which is now his undoing.

    • Dam says:

      IKR?! That lazy twit haplessly dancing to AC/DC and watching action films all day long.

    • Friendly Crow says:

      My kiddos learned that the welsh language was dying out and are hoping to learn it after we hit east conversation level in reading and speaking in Spanish.

      We use DUOLINGO. I would like to learn the language of the Ute people or the language of another indigenous people as their efforts to regain control and mastery of their own languages and cultures seems vital right now and is closer to home. So to speak.

    • ML says:

      Yeah, I’m not going to say that Duolingo is unhelpful, but an actual person who speaks the language and can interact with you is going to be far more important than this computer program to actually learning Welsh. Since he name-dropped it: Is he being paid to sell it?

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Duolingo is perfect for a dilettante like Huevo. It doesn’t get too deep.

        Am I the only one wondering if he said that at the prompting of his KP handlers, in response to comments made here in the last couple of weeks, deriding his laziness when it comes to his educational attainments? I mean, it wouldn’t be the first time KP has read Kaiser’s column, surely.

    • Elizabeth Kerri Mahon says:

      If he had cared enough, he would have taken the time to learn the language when he and Catherine lived in Wales for two years.

    • Honeybee says:

      I am suspecting that William is trying tell something through his beard. He is missing beard in the cancer free video, the car photo Op to church. It seems like he is kept alone without support. Kate is playing well. Even Middletons are in the video. It doesn’t seems like cancer free video. It is definitely divorce paused video. Poor egg can’t escape.

    • Elizabeth says:

      He should have learned Welsh starting in elementary school.

  2. MY3CENTS says:

    So mindful, so demure, using duolingo instead of all the private tutors in the world.

  3. ClaireB says:

    JFC. He has all the money and resources in the world, and he claims to have downloaded an app? William can eff right off with this. He should have been learning Welsh from a tutor since he was knee high. They always knew he’d be the POW, barring tragedy, and they knew the Welsh resent it. Charles should have hired him a tutor or a nanny who spoke it. This whole family is trash.

    • JanetDR says:

      Yep, you have to give some blame to Charles. But of course he was too busy with his side pieces to bother himself with his children’s education.

    • SarahCS says:

      And you’ll note there’s no mention of him actually saying anything in Welsh.

      With Duo you can have fun with that as some of the sentences are ridiculous (‘the duck reads the book’ is one of the few things I remember from doing Portuguese for a while ahead of a holiday and before switching to Spanish 4 years ago).

    • Eurydice says:

      Yes, it sounds insulting, doesn’t it? Like he’s not Prince of Wales, but some random tourist on holiday who wants to learn “How much?” “It’s too much,” and “Where is the toilet?”

      • Becks1 says:

        LOL! I had a teacher in middle school who had lived all around the world with her husband (military) and she maintained that was all you needed to know to get by in any country – how much, too much, where’s the toilet lol.

  4. Pinkosaurus says:

    This poor man, if only he had the resources (like $20 million+ in income a year, lots of free time, hundreds of staffers and being the GD Prince of WALES) to take actual formal education and practice in a language instead of doing the least laziest possible option and listening to an app now and again. He is so completely unserious.

  5. Ennie says:

    Instead of using a knowledgeable tutor who can also help him navigate more cultural aspects of the country he is a supposed prince of, he goes the easy way that doesn’t interfere With his multiple vacation days.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Apparently Cluck did give Dippy Egg a Welsh tutor, well before he hit university age.

      Dippy didn’t do diddly to master the course.

  6. Nanea says:

    As much as I despise Harry’s father, but at least he went to Wales to actually learn the language.

    Unlike Harry’s brother, who’s not only a sad creature, but also a lazy, lonely, ragey one.

    Poor people of Wales, who deserve so much better — a Welsh person as their head of state, someone who would care.

    • MMRB says:

      thats because granny had a finger on the pulse, and was aware of the public’s view on their wealth privilege and also, because she was committed to showing effort for the crown.

      • Convict says:

        Charles went to school in Australia too. William made his first solo visit in his late 20s. No commitment at all.

  7. TN Democrat says:

    He looks like he has been on a weeks long bender and hasn’t showered the entire time. How can his style be so bad with Diana and Charles as his parents? He may phonetically memorize a line or two of Welsh for a speech, but he will never make the effort to learn the language as a middle aged adult. The Prince of Wales title, to Willy, meant financial gain and Charles losing the leverage to force him to give even the slightest effort.

  8. Amy Bee says:

    I’m sure he has the app downloaded on his phone but I doubt he’s using it. And was he given idea to use duolingo before or after Meghan said she was using it to learn French?

  9. Blithe says:

    So, despite actually living in Wales for some 3-4 years, William, the “Prince of Wales” doesn’t have a single Welsh speaking person in his life that he can converse with on a regular basis. Sad.

  10. Neeve says:

    He looks skinny and like the life has been sucked out of him.

  11. Barbara says:

    He looks like his handshake is both dry and moist at the same time.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      Hahaha, that is both a perfect description and completely grosses me out 💦🤝💦

      The only thing nastier is when he’s licking his dry chapped lips. Why are they always so chapped and cracked? Can’t someone hand this man some lip balm now and again?

      • Steph says:

        Lip balm won’t do anything if he isn’t drinking enough water to counter the dehydrating effects of the alcohol (speaking from experience). Topically, he should use something with HA and put the damp UK air to good use.

      • Friendly Crow says:

        He’s scared to ask Kate after Meghan did. And unless it’s set out for him next to his toothbrush with tooth paste on it – he’s not gonna remember his Death Valley lips.

    • M says:

      This is the funniest thing I have read in days! And it’s so true lmao

    • Ameerah M says:

      This man looks like he has never used body lotion or moisturizer a day in his life. Meanwhile it’s clear that Meghan has introduced Harry to the wonderful world of moisturizing and he’s better for it.

  12. sevenblue says:

    There was an episode of the Crown we see Charles living in Wales to learn the language and his relationship with his tutor. Can’t wait for the future season of the Crown where we watch Will sitting on a couch with his phone with the app’s sound effects. I also use Duolingo to learn Deutsch, but it is because I am not the future King and don’t have unlimited resources.

  13. Fig says:

    Looks up William is a lazy ass in Welsh.

  14. LittlePenguin says:

    My 8 year old is also learning Welsh using Duolingo (and French and Ukrainian and Spanish); He probably has a longer streak than Prince WillNot! Seriously, I’m guessing he had an aid download the app for him, sign him up and then he hasn’t touched it since he picked an avatar.

    • Steph says:

      How is the app working for him? I want to learn Spanish and downloaded the app. Haven’t tried it yet.

      • Friendly Crow says:

        @steoh we have the app and are actively using it for Spanish. Our streak is almost 200 days.

        It’s a really great tool. I do end up having questions on things that my kids are picking up intuitively. Like when to use specific endings or adjective placement. But DUOLINGO max actually has a feature where you can explain why you answered a specific way and it can walk you through the correct answer. It’s kind of like having a private tutor!

        Once we have been learning for a year or so, We are going to sign up for conversations with people learning english and wanting to practice their english while we learn how to converse in Spanish with them. It’s free at our library.

      • SarahCS says:

        I’m now 4+ years of Spanish on there and on my last holiday managed to do everything I needed in Spanish apart from one question about tax back on my shopping. There was an occasional assist from Google Translate but it’s given me a level I never thought I’d get to.

        Plus, whatever else has happened (or not) in my life each day, I can always go to bed feeling I’ve learned something even if I only did one lesson.

      • Steph says:

        Thanks everyone!

      • LittlePenguin says:

        Both my sons (ages 8 & 11), my husband and I use the app! The kids love it since it only takes a few minutes each day. I’ve been using it to polish up my French and my husband is using it for Spanish. We both like it because it is just a few minutes a day. Pro Tip, turn off the push notifications as they get annoying. We both get an email if we haven’t done our lesson by dinner as a reminder instead.

  15. MrsH says:

    These photos my god. Shave and sober up psycho. He looks at various times in pain, drunk, and angry in these.

  16. Tina says:

    The energy around this man is so miserable.

  17. Agnes says:

    What a pathetic unshaven wastrel.

  18. Steph says:

    His beard adds to his ashiness. If he lets it grow, it might not look so bad but for now it’s too close to his complexion. The ash/gray coloring just makes it looks like that’s his skin color.

  19. Lau says:

    I feel like the beard makes his giant teeth look even more yellow than they usually are.

  20. CLOVE says:

    He should have started when he was younger. He knew that one day, that he would be “Prince of Wales.”

  21. Eowyn says:

    He looks like he’s trying g for a “young Labour politician” look. Haha.

  22. Cj says:

    Genuinely feel he didn’t bother because he figured/hoped he wouldn’t be pow for any length before becoming king. Hence the let’s skip Charles stories for a bit there. Wishful thinking. And now his shock at Charles being ill – it’s the monkey paw wish come true and he has no idea what to actually do to rule and he’s learned Harry doesn’t even envy him his kingship.

  23. Square2 says:

    This bearded unserious weirdo has “concepts of a plan” for using Duolingo, don’t you know? Applause, Applause! /S

  24. L4Frimaire says:

    Part of the reason he won’t learn Welsh is because learning and reviving the language is tied to Welsh nationalism and sovereignty. The English took that crown and banned and suppressed the language for centuries. He treats it as something he’ll eventually get to on the to-do list but doesn’t take seriously. As for DuoLingo, he has time and funds for a tutor if he wanted it. Also, remember that little video from Meghan’s Variety interview where she says she’s on Duolingo trying to re-learn French. Of all the language apps in all the gin joints in the world. If he studied Welsh the way he studies the Sussexes, dude would have a Ph. D by now, lol.

  25. Ameerah M says:

    I truly didn’t think his face could give me more ick than it already does, but that beard…NEXT LEVEL ICK.

  26. Belinda says:

    Although I cannot stand this man, he is giving me a massive vibe of mental health and ADHD issues, possibly major depression, and also possibly alcohol/drug dependence issues.

    He looks TERRIBLE in these latest pictures. He always looks rather seedy/hung over/ disinterested etc but this is the worst he has ever looked.

    For a supposedly loving husband (lol, if you believe the Hallmark/Advertising Ad video that the Wales family just put out), whose much adored wife has just taken a major step forward in her cancer battle (-again, I don’t buy into that), then SURELY he would look relived, happy and much better than this.

    His eyes speak to me of major depression. His face looks grey, ashen and extremely troubled. He’s desiccated, dried out and quite frankly, looks extremely ill with mental health and substance addictions imo.

    Something big is going on behind the scenes imo. I think he has always been difficult to control, narcissistic, selfish and rage filled. Hence him not learning Welsh. As others have said, he could have had so many chances denied to others to learn Welsh fluently, and this would have been trumpeted from the rooftops from the Royal family if he had done so.

    But this is something else entirely. I didn’t think I would ever feel sorry for him, but today, I think he’s just a step away from a full breakdown or worse.

    Why can’t the royals see this? How can they keep up with the Keep Calm and Carry On shite, and metaphorically stick their fingers in their ears, close their eyes, and sing “la la la …” as if nothing is going on with him? For Gods sake, this man needs help, and now, as a human who looks in deep distress, depression, illness and most possibly addiction demons. Even if you can’t stand someone, you still need to step in and do something when they are very obviously a hairs breadth away from complete breakdown.

    • Square2 says:

      “Why can’t the royals see this? How can they keep up with the Keep Calm and Carry On shite, and metaphorically stick their fingers in their ears, close their eyes, and sing “la la la …” as if nothing is going on with him? ”

      Because just as the BRF & their minions have said (revealed in court evidence) that if Prince Harry dies, that’s of little interests to the British people. So if Will is not well, there are 3 Spares there to fill in. Those 3 might be easier to control/manipulate than Willy.

  27. Jennifer says:

    Why bother to learn? It’s not like he’ll get fired from his job over not learning.

  28. Jay says:

    The embodiment, always, of “the least you could possibly do”.

  29. kelleybelle says:

    So he DOES hear the public criticism about this. That being said, it’s total bollocks.

  30. Henny Penny says:

    Charles was too busy being Camilla’s tampon to parent William, and William never thought much about growing up because he had every reason to believe that he’d always have Harry as his scapegoat and whipping boy.

    When I see photos of Princess Margaret in that wheelchair with her burnt feet sitting next to a rather lovely and very healthy QEII, I see in my mind’s eye all the cruelties William had planned for Harry.

    And now Harry’s not only free, but happier than William will ever be. And William is a lost man. And now he looks like a man who has been lost in the woods for a week.

    • Convict says:

      Margaret had a sad end to her life, but she wasn’t blameless. She was an inveterate snob, apparently and loved to remind everyone that her sister was the Queen. She loved the high life and lived it to the hilt.

  31. Tennyson says:

    I’m 72 and as far as I remember the press, local and international presented William as the most gifted of all the Windsors ,studious and fluent in 6 languages plus self taught in Swahili. He can’t articulate, or even read 1 sentence in any foreign language.

  32. Lavendel says:

    Meghan mentioned somewhere that she does 10 minutes of Duolingo in the evening, or am I wrong?

  33. Lavendel says:

    She speaks French with Duolingo – easy to find on TikTok. Is it really so primitive that these London people just take everything from Harry and Meghan and shout “mine, mine”? What are grown-up people like Harry and Meghan supposed to do with these teenagers? Head shaking. Authenticity has nothing to do with this childish stuff.

  34. Tarte Au Citron says:

    They lived in Angelsey for 2-3 years, but Kate felt isolated there after giving birth to George.

    Angelsey afforded them plenty of privacy, but on the other hand, locals didn’t want to intrude on them and they largely “Mixed with their own sort” according to this DM piece:

    They could have learned *some* Welsh while they lived there. Roughly half the island is Welsh-speaking. What a great opportunity to immerse themselves in the language and culture, what a waste that they didn’t bother to learn some basics.

  35. Convict says:

    Someone or persons at KP is reading this site.

  36. Blackbetty says:

    Give me a break. He has so much money he could easily fly to Wales and hire a tutor. His title is an insult to the Welsh nation

  37. sammi says:

    He lived in Anglesey with his family whilst ‘serving’ in the something or another Air sea rescue service. His co-workers did not like him as he did not even turn up for the limited work sessions he was meant to attend. None of the family learnt welsh and there is no point now as the Welsh in the main do not recognise the English Princes and Princes of Wales.e.g. they objected to the new bridge being named The Prince of Wales Bridge and wanted it re-named. Good chance they will petition to remove the investiture of these two useless individuals and remove any further imposed Prince and princesses.

    The Welsh were treated appallingly by the English and the children punished for even uttering a word in Welsh to try and suppress the language which they haved failed to do as it has a long heritage and wonderful musical traditions.

    Check out Michael Sheen at the BAFTA ignoring William and he is now Playing Andrew in a new production based on the Interview with Emily Matliss!

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