Donald Trump waddled into the post-debate spin room to lie about his ‘win’

This is Time Magazine’s latest cover. Donald Trump, stuck in a sand trap. They obviously released it after last night’s amazing debate. Amazing for Kamala Harris – she cleaned his clock, she laughed at him, she baited him into making an ass out of himself and then she laughed at him again. He looked old and tired and full of rage. He ranted about immigrants eating cats and abortions after nine months. He lied and sputtered and sh-t himself. It was a lot of fun. One of funniest parts is that conservative media can’t even spin this into a win for Trump:

Conservative pundits acknowledged on Tuesday that Vice President Kamala Harris got the better of former President Donald Trump in Tuesday’s presidential debate in Philadelphia, citing her success in getting under his skin.

“Let’s make no mistake. Trump had a bad night,” Fox News host Brit Hume said. “We just heard so many of the old grievances that we all know aren’t winners politically.”

“She was exquisitely well-prepared, she laid traps, and he chased every rabbit down every hole,” added former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R), who often appears as a commentator on ABC News. “Whoever prepared Donald Trump should be fired. He was not good tonight at all,” Christie said.

Harris baited Trump by bringing up the attendance at his campaign events, saying people leave his rallies early out of boredom and exhaustion. She also got under Trump’s skin by bringing up his calls for the execution of the Central Park Five, the teens who were later exonerated in the 1989 rape of a jogger, calling him a weak person who is mocked by world leaders and questioning his mental acuity. “We have the biggest rallies, the most incredible in the history of politics,” Trump shot back at one point, veering off his message on immigration.

“Trump lost the debate, and whining about the moderators doesn’t change it,” conservative radio host Erick Erickson wrote on X, formerly Twitter, referring to the Trump team’s complaints about the ABC moderators. “He didn’t lose because of their behavior. He lost because of his own performance while his lips were moving, not theirs.”

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) was similarly critical of Trump’s performance. He said afterward that the former president’s debate team should be fired and that Trump was unprepared, calling the debate a “disaster,” according to The Bulwark’s Tim Miller.

[From HuffPo]

Et tu, Lindsey?? LMAO. Trump and JD Vance both went (separately) into the post-debate spin rooms and that went poorly for both of them too. The fact that Trump waddled into the spin room to personally declare victory is not a good sign – that’s why campaigns hire surrogates to spin on their behalf post-debate. VP Harris had Gov. Roy Cooper and Gov. Josh Shapiro in the spin room, talking policy and being high-profile advocates for her. Trump didn’t have any of that, which is why he went to the spin room himself.

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Cover courtesy of Time, additional photo courtesy of Getty.

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70 Responses to “Donald Trump waddled into the post-debate spin room to lie about his ‘win’”

  1. NotSoSocialB says:

    Kamala is the gift that just keeps giving!!! This is a truly glorious spectacle.

    • the Robinsons says:

      After the 2024 Election we Americans will sleep happily ever after.

      • Libra says:

        Not so fast! I went to bed one night happily secure with a Hilary win. Woke up to a nightmare. We can’t let up. Vote, people.

    • TheFarmer'sWife says:

      Living on the other side of the world’s longest undefended border, I worry constantly about who will be elected President of the U.S.A. Canada is big in land mass but small in population. Who’s going to invade first: Russia from the North, China from the East, America from the South…some childhood cold war issues never go away. Anyway, it was a busy day on the farm, so I only caught the last twenty minutes. Kamala was excellent, but so was the spin room reporter from CNN who baited Vance into ranting about “the pets.” Trump and Vance just can’t help showing who they really are.

      • Christine says:

        They are both so shockingly bad at not taking obvious bait, I have no idea how they landed in politics in the first place. It truly blows my mind that either of them were elected to ANYTHING.

  2. Osty says:

    Lying is second nature to trump, the only truth I have ever heard him speak is him admitting yesterday that he doesn’t talk to JD Vance .

    • Michael says:

      I think lying is part of the skill set of corporate real estate people. I had a friend who also was into corporate real estate and worked for another billionaire real estate guy in Vegas and he admitted that the first thing he learned was to lie as easy as he breathed. It is mostly because they are so dependant on borrowed money to create their projects they learn to fake their whole life. Making themselves appear richer and smarter and flawless to encourage investors to bet on them. Trump took it farther than most because he is a massively insecure man as well as a huge narcissist. It is like he created his own world where he is God and can never be wrong about anything. If he was poor he would probably be in a mental institution

  3. seraphina says:

    It’s like he says: If you say it enough, they will believe it. I guess it holds true for him too.

  4. Mina_Esq says:

    Pathetic. Can’t believe the race is still as close as it is.

    • Mabs A'Mabbin says:

      Ditto. I’m triggered simply being in this situation.

      • booboocita says:

        The only polls I care about are the state and municipal special elections (in which the election is scheduled because there’s a vacancy that needs to be filled, usually because a representative died or had to retire due to illness). The Democrats have been consistently winning those for the past couple of years. They even managed to flip a ruby red district in FLORIDA, of all places.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      That’s just it, I don’t believe it is that close. I am voting a straight blue ticket this election and probably every election in the future after Trump but I’ve never been registered in any political party and always voted for the person not the party until Trump first ran. I don’t watch the news propaganda and that includes the polls they run which are just as biased as their reporting. People just need to register to vote and then cast their ballots. I also found out it’s a good idea to check that your voter registration is still correct I’m in a red state and I was purged and had to reregister.

      • lucy2 says:

        I don’t think it’s AS close as the polls are saying, but it’s still way too close.

        Also if anyone wants to help get voters registered, Vote Forward has letter campaigns for the swing states.

  5. Indica says:

    He wants to have won, that’s all that counts in his little mind. So therefore, he won.
    Poor deluded weird baby, perhaps it’s time he goes to the nursery for his nappy change…

  6. Yes he told everyone how this was the best debate he ever had lol. Meanwhile you could see his handlers looking dejected and sad like somebody ate their pets. The sh*t show continues.

  7. HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

    LOL What poll results are available right after the debate ends? Why are people still taken in by this inveterate liar? I do have to hand it to what ever drugs he takes. They really keep him going. Or does he just thrive on hate?

    • Blithe says:


      Trump does seem to thrive on hate and cruelty. And when I bothered to pay attention, Trump’s eyes looked noticeably “off” and he was oddly, blinking a lot. Could be his contacts were drying out, but I’m guessing drugs helped, and I’d love to know what they were.

      I actually was surprised that Trump didn’t have a more explosive meltdown. No stalking, no actual tantrums, although he did seem to react poorly to absolutely everything that Harris put out there. I think he never recovered from Kamala’s accurate mention of his rallies.

    • Christine says:

      I can’t figure out why he hasn’t stroked out yet. Seriously, what the hell blood thinners is that man on, because there is no way he is naturally still alive with all of that rage. That can be his new career, blood thinner commercials.

  8. Pinkosaurus says:

    I could not be more delighted that Fox News, of all outlets, immediately took Trump off track asking what he thought about Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Harris/Walz. He was so unprepared for that and everything else. I’m sure the hallways were ketchup stained last night.

    I wonder if the moldy pumpkin will make any campaign staffing changes? Maybe try to push Vance out because I could see him getting blame for alienating the “unusually beautiful “ TS given her sign-off as a childless cat lady.

    Finally, Brittany Mahomes only liked and unliked a couple MAGA posts EXCEPT then she issued that completely immature and frankly stupid response to “haters” of “her success”, AND THEN she did not respond when Trump thanked her for being such a stalwart supporter. Now that Trump is comparing her favorably against her supposed friend TS, is she not going to say anything? Trump’s campaign is going to make her the MAGA poster child and I’m quite sure her husband’s representatives financed by his highly lucrative endorsement deals will not care for that. Patrick Mahomes may be full MAGA but he has been very careful for years to remain inoffensive and nonpolitical and his idiot wife has stepped in the 💩 and is tracking it all over their family name and his uncontroversial, highly positive reputation.

    • Jais says:

      That’s my thing. She’s publicly liking maga posts. She might as well just go to his rallies too. Go all in. Show who she is.

  9. Miranda says:

    He’s quite predictably already trying to weasel out of another debate. When Kamala’s people brought it up, he claimed that it was because they knew she had just lost badly and wanted another shot at him, and saying that he’d be “less inclined”, trying to frame it as not wanting to give her the satisfaction. 🙄🙄 MFer, we see your obvious ass.

  10. Libra says:

    This morning he still has his delusional supporters. This defies all logic. He is not qualified for public office. CNN fact checked him at 33 outright lies during the 90 minute debate.

    • HuffnPuff says:

      His delusional supporters are closeted racists and/or misogynists. He could personally set their homes on fire and they’d still vote for him over a Black woman.

      • Libra says:

        Unfortunately you are correct. A now former acquaintance sent out a post calling Kamala a witch who is using trickery and cheating with a hidden microphone. I have had to block her. We were once close.

  11. MsIam says:

    If you watch those trailers for The Apprentice movie, based on Trump and Roy Cohn’s relationship, one of the things Cohn told him is to “Never admit defeat, always claim victory”. So this behavior tracks, along with claiming to have won in 2020. Trump needs to realize that Cohn gave him some bad advice.

  12. Jais says:

    Please. His debate team doesn’t need to be fired. I imagine they gave him decent advice. And he didn’t listen bc he can’t control himself. He needs a minder and a handler. And the country doesn’t need a man who can’t control himself as president. I saw a pundit describe it perfectly. I don’t know who it was but I think she was blonde? But she basically said, Kamala Harris just manipulated the hell out of Trump. So when she says Trump can easily be manipulated by foreign leaders, she literally just showed how it can be done. Onstage. For all to see.

    • SIde Eye says:

      Yes Jais! It was masterful. Like literally debate teams should study this footage. Lawyers who are about to cross examine narcissists. etc. It was so epic.

      Also, the headline “waddled offstage” I died. I’m dying today. It’s all so glorious.

      • Christine says:

        It really was the most masterful thing I’ve witnessed in a long time. I feel better than ever about President Kamala Harris, and I was already all the way in deep with her.

    • AMB says:

      The debate team must either be delusional or purely in it for the money, and either way I hope they’ve been paid handsomely – UP FRONT. Short of sewing his lips together, there was never any way to make him look good in this.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        Chris Christie says whoever prepped him for the debate should be fired. No one prepped him because no one can. He’s just a loose canon that has no plans. Just “concepts of plans”. Everyone keeps pretending that there’s a sane, rational candidate somewhere under Toddler Man. But this is it. This is who he is and that won’t change. So stop gaslighting us with “if only he would stick to issues, he would be awesome.” Honestly, if you wanted a candidate who is interested in issues, you could have nominated one.

    • lucy2 says:

      The “debate team should be fired” stuff is just deflection away from the fact that he is full blown nuts and/or in massive cognitive decline. Just like him blaming Nancy Pelosi for not defending the Capitol the Jan 6 attack (?), he always blames someone else.

    • Bad Janet says:

      You are completely correct, but it doesn’t matter to his supporters, who still think he is “presidential” just by being the loudest oaf in the room. To them, that’s power. Who cares if people like Putin play him like a damn fiddle? They think strength is being a bully. Figures.

  13. ML says:

    Hahaha! I wonder if some of his people told him there’d be a crowd he could speak to in the Spin Room and it would look great in pictures.

  14. Truthiness says:

    Remember how Melania attended the 2020 debates Trump had with Biden and Trump tried holding her hand for a ‘happy couple’ look? Now she stays out of the same zip code as her husband and when he’s at Maralago she is in a different wing. Melania and Ivanka have both ghosted him. Where’s that loving family Donald?

    • Bad Janet says:

      I’m pretty sure I saw Precious Ivanka there after the debate. But he keeps so many blondes around, it’s hard to tell.

      She is smarter than he is. Maybe she finally figured out how much he sucks. Or maybe someone whispered in her ear all the pervy stuff he has said about her. I have to wonder if he finally took it too far and actually made a pass at her.

  15. SIde Eye says:

    You know the people are coming to me with billions and billions of people are coming to me to say I won the debate. It’s what everyone’s saying. They’re coming, they’re coming with tears in their eyes to say Mr. President, Mr. President you won the polls are saying by 125% that you won it. And it’s billions and billions that are saying you were right about the bird cemeteries you were right because because when the babies are born the doctors are asking do we kill the baby and when the mother says yes they do it they take the baby to the other room and kill it. And my daughter Ivanka was instrumental in getting these taxes on the foreign on China I mean when we’re talking about those numbers those numbers are much bigger than the numbers we were previously talking about and the people are asking me Mr. President where are all the birds? Did the windmills kill them? Well a guy on TV said the Haitians and the illegal aliens these people are criminals they’re escaping from insane asylums and prisons and they are here billions and billions of them are here and they ate the birds they’re eating the parrots, the dogs, and cats, the canaries, they’re coming into your homes at night and stealing them and eating them.

    VP Harris: Da fuck????

    Fox News: Sir how do you feel about Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Harris?

    Trump: I? What now? Oh did she endorse Harris? She did. Oh well Brittany Mahomes I prefer her anyway, she not she’s not as hot as my daughter Ivanka but she’s hot so now I’m not too worried about it because no it’s Biden has no plan. He has no plan. And I, I have a concept of a plan. I have a concept.

    • Miranda says:


      This was so pitch-perfect that it took me until the bit about Ivanka being hotter than Brittany Mahomes to be absolutely certain that you didn’t just type up a transcript, lol.

      • SIde Eye says:

        ha ha! It cracks me up when I am on Reddit and the real headlines are worse than the ones from The Onion. Lol

      • Yonati says:

        Why? He is known for talking about how hot Ivanka is.

      • Miranda says:

        @Yonati – It was the word choice. I don’t think he’s ever used the word “hot” about Ivanka. She’s always “byootiful”. The same word he uses for his whole tacky, white trash lottery millionaire aesthetic.

    • AMB says:

      @SIde Eye – are you OK?

      • SIde Eye says:

        I’m great! Thanks for checking. I really do appreciate the concern. I can tell you really love me.

        And I’ll be really great in November when Agent Orange gets that ass whooped (again).

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      Brilliant, Side Eye 😂. I’m going to be claiming to have a concept of a plan years from now. The biggest, the best concept of a plan, everyone says so.

    • SIde Eye says:

      Trump’s actual answer on the question: what specific policies do you plan to enact to make child care more affordable? This one is actually a direct quote:

      “Well, I would do that, and we’re sitting down — you know, I was, somebody, we had Sen. Marco Rubio, and my daughter Ivanka was so impactful on that issue,” Trump’s 368-word answer began. “It’s a very important issue. But I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I’m talking about, that — because, look, child care is child care. It’s, couldn’t, you know, there’s something, you have to have it — in this country, you have to have it.

      “But when you talk about those numbers compared to the kind of numbers that I’m talking about, by taxing foreign nations at levels that they’re not used to — but they’ll get used to it very quickly — and it’s not gonna stop them from doing business with us. But they’ll have a very substantial tax when they send product into our country.

      “Those numbers are so much bigger than any numbers that we’re talking about, including child care, that it’s going to take care. We’re gonna have — I look forward to having no deficits within a fairly short period of time, coupled with the reductions that I told you about on waste and fraud and all of the other things that are going on in our country, because I have to stay with child care.

      “I want to stay with child care, but those numbers are small relative to the kind of economic numbers that I’m talking about, including growth, but growth also headed up by what the plan is that I just, that I just told you about. We’re gonna be taking in trillions of dollars, and as much as child care is talked about as being expensive, it’s, relatively speaking, not very expensive compared to the kind of numbers we’ll be taking in. We’re going to make this into an incredible country that can afford to take care of its people, and then we’ll worry about the rest of the world.

    • CreoleTomato says:

      Hey Side Eye. That was freaking awesome. Right on the money. That’s exactly how that fool “speaks”. The mindless ramblings of a lunatic. Well done!

      • SIde Eye says:

        Lol Thank you CreoleTomato. My teenager likes to text me exact Trump quotes, and it sounds even more deranged in writing. If you want a good laugh go to YouTube and someone injected Trump into a scene from the film “One Who Few Over the Coo Coo’s Nest” It cracks me up every time I see it.

      • Cait says:

        I was supposed to be doing Francine prep last night, but my husband and kids and I settled in and watched instead, and holy hell. Y’all. I went to college on a debate scholarship, and Madame VP rolled in super well-prepared. Was she perfect? No. But she was prepped and practiced and nailed it. What galls me is that the instant reaction from the right is that she must have cheated – what? Because she put in the effort? Sweet baby Tebow at a drive-through daiquiri stand, what hubris.

      • SIde Eye says:

        Your are so right Cait it was a masterclass in beat down. Literally I could hear the Mortal Kombat video game telling the Kamala Chaos character: FINISH HIM!

    • Christine says:

      Brilliantly done, Side Eye! Do you freak yourself out a little bit with how entirely you have nailed your Trump impersonation?

      • SIde Eye says:

        Lol I have so many Trump quotes in my head. It’s cause my teenager likes to text them.

        Me: what would you like for dinner?

        My kid: you know everyone’s saying your chicken pot pie is great and you’ve got you’ve got billions and billions of people saying it’s great because I’ve got great people around me, the best people, and those numbers those numbers are higher than people initially thought and you’ve got these people these people are criminals coming her to get chicken pot pie and you know when Mexico sends people to get chicken pot pie they don’t send their best.

        Me: sends a cartoon GIF of my head exploding or Trump dancing. Then responds: so lasagna then?

        He doesn’t do it every day, but when it happens it cracks me up.

    • HeatherC says:

      This was so pitch perfect I had to double take. It could easily have been a speech at one of his rallies. I loved it.

      Also, I now expect this speech out of him lol

      • SIde Eye says:

        Ha ha! Thank you. I’m glad you enjoyed. It’s hard to tell the jokes from the real speeches, which is why I posted a real one. I cannot wait for the SNL skit!

    • goofpuff says:

      lol wow, perfect 🙂

    • bisynaptic says:

      😂 🎯

    • Moxiemiam says:

      @SideEye – your posts are always bangers. This had me actually screaming with laughter and I scared the cat. Her startle reflex should protect her from being eaten. 🙌 ALL the applause and thank you for sharing. Brava!

      • SIde Eye says:

        Lol and thank you so much Moxiemiam! Apologies to your cat! You just cracked me up talking about her reflexes protecting her from being eaten. I can’t! lol

  16. Roo says:

    Harris had two fantastic governors in the spin room. Trump couldn’t find two people willing to do his grunt work? Where were Abbott and Kemp? For that matter, what about Rubio or Cruz or dog-killer? No bigwigs in the Republican Party wanted their name associated with that shit show?

    • Ciotog says:

      I have read that most of them secretly want him to lose. And he doesn’t want anyone else in the spotlight, even the “post-debate spin room” spotlight.

  17. Swack says:

    While Kamala took him down, we can’t let up. We all thought Hilary was going to win and then she didn’t. We need to keep pounding him to the end and hopefully turn some of those races down ballot. I watched a couple minutes (can’t handle his voice) and he consistently went off topic of the question asked.

  18. K says:

    As a childless cat lady of middling years, I must say I never in a million years would have thought I would have cackled at the words “they keep eating the neighborhood pets, the cats and the dogs” so hard. What a buffoon. I loved the way Kamala’s eyes sparkled. God, it was glorious.

    • lucy2 says:

      That might have been the point when she stifled a laugh, or when she looked over like “dude, are you OK?” I can’t remember. But at one point she gave a clear “Grandpa’s off his meds, we need to take his keys away” look.

  19. Lau says:

    Republicans are really leaning into the racist “immigrants eat pets” rhetoric, according to the Gardian they bought a freaking billboard about it. We are still a long way from election day so I’m wondering how much lower they can get.

  20. Catherinski says:

    I have a couple of friends whose husbands are MAGA and the women follow along. Since 2016 (!) our group of friends has agreed to not talk ‘politics’ and have mostly avoided this whole subject. It’s the oppressive elephant in the room. I have an ominous feeling that this debate will cause the hubbies to double down to try to provoke a response at our next get-together. Just as DJT knows he has been humiliated and will act out even more I think his followers will do the same. Admitting that their guy is a loser would mean that they are losers too. And. they. won’t. These friendships might not be salvageable. At this point it would be kind of a relief, frankly.

  21. Mee says:

    Make new friends. I had to in 2016. I’m better off. The MAGA ones, their lives went down hill in soooo many ways.

    • BlueToile says:

      I couldn’t agree more. No friend is worth the stress of knowing they really, really are (at the very least) okay with cruelty, internal ugliness, racism, etc. I have left everyone like that in the dust, from lifelong friends, to family, to my stock broker. If my husband were MAGA, he would have been my EX-husband by early 2017. I am tired of people acting like this is just a normal difference of opinion. It’s not. I can see the appeal of Bush, Romney, McCain, and the lot, back in the day, but those days are gone. This. Man. Is. Not. Normal. And neither are his followers.

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