Cele|bitchy | Liz Jones: Princess Kate’s ‘Hallmark, cringy, cliched’ video ‘seems a bit desperate’

Liz Jones: Princess Kate’s ‘Hallmark, cringy, cliched’ video ‘seems a bit desperate’

As many have noted, it’s interesting to watch the reactions to and analysis of Prince William and Kate’s bizarre “cancer free” video, which was released on Monday. While royalists have done the most to praise Kate and her statement, it does feel like the video was A Keen Too Far. Even dyed-in-the-wool monarchists are openly admitting that if Meghan and Harry had made a video like that, the Sussexes would have been thoroughly mocked. I keep going back to the tonal, messaging and communications issues surrounding William and Kate this year – they are being advised poorly, or they are not listening to advice. The manipulated photos and videos, the refusal to acknowledge or thank Kate’s doctors or medical support, and months and months of lies. The video felt like the straw that broke the camel’s back of “WTF is going on here?” Anyway, you know it’s bad when Daily Mail commentators are calling sh-t out. From Liz Jones’ latest Mail column:

Kate’s message versus the video: “A few simple words we have all waited anxiously to hear. Phew. I was in tears. But then, suddenly and inexplicably, what began as a heartfelt message, a tonic, a relief after all the months of obfuscation, descended into a Boden advert. Or something Marc Jacobs might use to sell scent. There were trees. And ferns, so many ferns. Dappled sunlight. The sort of frolicking by children amongst farm machinery and ploughed fields that seemed to locate it not in 2024, but circa the Second World War, not least because of the old-fashioned cine camera special effects. Perhaps that was the message. Kate has been though hell, through a battle. And she is winning.”

Reminiscent of that long-buried 1969 documentary on the Windsors: And yet the ‘highly choreographed’ (those were the words used by the usually sycophantic ITV News at Ten), slick and soft-focus three-minute video released … was surely as misjudged as the 1969 documentary that attempted to portray the royal family as ‘normal’, backfiring so badly the Queen made sure it was never seen again. If that documentary following a year in the life of the monarch was accused of ruining the royal mystique by making them seem like any other ‘modern’ family, this new video was attempting to do the opposite. To portray the Waleses as hyper real, perfect, retro. Like something out of an Enid Blyton novel. But why on earth? A real portrayal would show the kids on their phones, surely. Catherine would look tired and pensive, not perfect with conker-coloured hair.

A literal walk in the park: She says it has been ‘incredibly tough’ but the trouble is, it all looks like a photogenic walk in the park. Only William seems almost real. Reclined on various blankets, or on the sand, he is awkward, as if placed there, limbs carefully arranged like a marionette. Catherine, towards the end of her voiceover (also strange, making the video seem like a wildlife documentary), speaks of walking side by side, hand in hand with other cancer sufferers, but in this short film she has never seemed more detached. It doesn’t help that her words are backed by a soundtrack of slow, ’emotional’ piano.

The cringe: Cancer is messy, imperfect, shattering. After all the mental health initiatives, her work stressing the importance of shaping young minds, this strange, odd film seems a misfire from a family once so protective of their privacy. It smacks of something Meghan and Harry might come up with: Hallmark, cringy, cliched. Not real or from the heart at all.

The keen chimera: Wouldn’t it have meant more if Catherine had discussed the type of cancer she is suffering from, possibly saving hundreds if not thousands of lives? Perhaps a video of her meeting other women with the same diagnosis? Where was the Catherine from that bench in Windsor, baring her soul, telling us of her diagnosis? Replaced by a chimera. An ideal. An illusion. Who at Kensington Palace thought this was the right approach? There were lots of sober comment pieces in the papers yesterday, saying Kate has taken control, driven the narrative. But it all seems off, and the public is seeing through it. After a strange video looking ecstatic leaving a farm shop, and radiant appearances at the Trooping of the Colour and Wimbledon, we suddenly have this outpouring of intimacy that, to me, to many of us, seems a bit… desperate.

The monarchy is hanging by a thread: To my mind, the portrait of our next King was off, too. How can we take William seriously, having seen his bare legs, wrapped around his wife? The monarchy is hanging by a thread, please don’t stretch our credulity. This was a film too easily dismissed as manipulative by those who don’t like the royals. I am, of course, a staunch supporter, but even I don’t want yet another Instagram account, spooning fantasy into our open mouths, as if we are baby birds, not adults with our own mounting problems.

[From The Daily Mail]

Yikes! Liz Jones makes some criticisms which even I, a certified hater, would hesitate to write. “Hallmark, cringy, cliched” and “seems a bit… desperate” and “To portray the Waleses as hyper real, perfect, retro.” I would love the behind-the-scenes story on who came up with the concept of the video and what was said in those palace brain trust meetings. There’s an aspect to the video which I do feel like is pure Kate. As in, this is what SHE wanted, this is the image she wants to project, as a throwback, retro, Edwardian royal who was briefly struck down with the vapors and now spends her days galloping in a field. So what was the coordination on Kate’s vision?

Photos courtesy of Will Warr/KP.

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105 Responses to “Liz Jones: Princess Kate’s ‘Hallmark, cringy, cliched’ video ‘seems a bit desperate’”

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  1. laurie says:

    idk, seems like there’s no winning ever in media. either you’re damned if you don’t release anything (initially when she was literally trying to figure out how to tell her children she has cancer before it blew up in the media) and people make up gossip you’re dead, or she releases a video showing her entire family and how she’s doing and people mock her for saying it’s cheesy. as a cancer survivor, this was hard to watch. especially when there’s still a lot of people saying she’s lying about it.

    • Julia says:

      I would say Charles has navigated this perfectly. BP gave us just enough information without being intrusive and we have seen him enough to know he is doing OK. Will and Kate are being advised by amateurs.

    • sevenblue says:

      Please, you are saying this about a woman getting praised by the propaganda machine, that is UK media, for her breathing. What they were screaming at Meghan, “we pay, you pose”? No one is expecting a commercial video from them, just tell the truth. No one is sh*tting on Charles, that was all they had to do. Don’t give mixed signals, don’t post a fake pic as a proof of life. If you are too ill to work, you should probably also skip the fun events.

    • Nic919 says:

      It’s a produced video with outfit changes and scenery changes so nothing about the video was authentic. That’s what people are responding to.

      And yes Charles handled this much better and didn’t need to frolic in the woods with Camilla.

      • I agree! This was a total sh*t show video. These two came off as fake because these two don’t love each other. It’s so very natural for Harry and Meg because they love one another and they don’t lie about everything!!

      • Minnieder says:

        I struggled to watch the whole thing, I have so much second hand embarrassment. And really wtf is with all of the ferns? 😂😂

      • Kittenmom says:

        Oh thank Jesus for this. Chuckles and Camilla necking on the forest floor with his bare legs wrapped around her 😭😹🤮 would have been way too much to take.

      • Becks1 says:

        Yup….for people who say “she can’t win” or “what do you want from her” – Charles is RIGHTTHERE showing exactly what to do. He didnt reveal a lot of details, but he revealed enough that people don’t feel he’s lying to them or trying to cover up something bigger.

        The thinking Kate was dead was always a little extreme and people on here know I never bought into that theory – but to not see the Princess of Wales for over two months besides one heavily manipulated photo….the conspiracy theories write themselves.

      • Miss Melissa says:

        It looks like a Trad Wife influencer Insta.

      • Dee says:

        Why a Hallmark video when a press release or short press conference (paired with a visit to a hospital to thank her doctors) would do? It’s overdone for several reasons they don’t want us to know.

      • Ella says:

        That’s so true about Charles’s creepy weird red portrait being a bad sign.

        She’s being very honest in saying what everyone thinks : that this misguided video is yet another result of a dying monarchy.

      • Barrett says:

        Agree. I thought this missed the mark. I’m like to she want this martyr legacy not based in reality (the prancing in the woods). Think of Princess Diana in the minefield w the bomb vest on or in hospitals w real people. I cant imagine she would think oh make a video of me prancing to resonate with people. I feel bad for her diagnosis, I wish her well and do wish she would use it as a platform to connect/help other woman. No whimsical theatrics just direct to the camera I made it through chemo, William has been very supportive….

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        @Minnieder – oh lordt, the ferns – I think her lack of anything constructive to do has left her going down Insta and Pinterest cottagecore rabbit holes.

        She’ll be dressing Charlotte to cosplay Prairie Dawn or Holly Hobbie next! Mary Engelbreit dresses will come horrifyingly back en vogue…

      • Convict says:

        I happened to see the snippet of a video elsewhere which raised the most valid point for those of us in the Commonwealth Realms. I think it was a left-leaning journalist (don’t know who).

        If the monarchy is:
        – a public institution: it needs to be under the same scrutiny as any such institution;
        – a brand: equally, it is open to criticism;
        – a family: then they need to remove themselves because that is not why they are in unelected high public office.

        This nails the point I have been making about this ostentatious public show of affection. The monarchy is drifting so far away from what it actually is. Fixing on family dynamics is utterly self-serving and how the public get brainwashed. The state of their marriage matters not to I.
        They are not there to promote themselves, but that is how this presents and a foreboding glimpse of the future.

      • Iolanthe says:

        Has anyone noticed that the kids are in the exact same clothes as in the Fathers Day pics with William on the beach ..Charlotte takes off her stripey knit top in between but otherwise, this was shot months ago

    • Jais says:

      Eh I’m not sure that applies in this case. Damned if you do or damned if you don’t doesn’t really work here. Creating a Frankenphoto that gets called out as South Korean levels of propaganda by news agencies is a misstep. The tone of this video is a misstep. I think there’s a scenario in which a video could have been made that would have connected better. For example, the simple bench video was mostly lauded by the media and even critics of the monarchy. But it’s disingenuous to say that this is a video just showing how she’s doing. It’s a piece of propaganda. I think everyone is saying they’re happy to hear she’s well and that the kids were very cute.

      • Jais says:

        North Korea! My deep apologies.

      • Eurydice says:

        The thing is this video is not showing how she’s doing. Maybe she wishes she was frolicking through the tall grass with flowing hair and a pretty dress and a husband who actually loves her, but that’s not her life and everybody knows it.

      • ShazBot says:

        @Eurydice I think this is something a lot of media has skirted around (including Liz here) but don’t want to outright say. Every single appearance she’s done, she looks like her normal self. Pretty and put together as ever. Nobody wants hospital bed photos or videos of her being ill, but the imagery is not jiving with the narrative and every time they release something it only makes it worse. That’s why this is so obviously propaganda of the image they want to project – just a country loving family doing super fun family things and loving each other all day, every day. But they’re telling us she’s been very sick for 9 months.

    • Lizzie says:

      QEII gave a masterclass in royalty winning with the media. As Julia says, Charles also navigates the media very well. The truth is she is living a lavish lifestyle off the public purse, if she wants to be a private citizen I guess she can give up her titles and pay her own way. Glad she is well but this video is so cringe it reeks of desperation. BTW, Meghan would never.

    • Interested Gawker says:


      KP was trying to avoid scrutiny after lying repeatedly about ‘Kate sightings’ and having their Mothering Sunday photo killed by the international news wires after the BM had already praised it to the skies while William wanted her lack of Big Blue in the Frankenphoto amplified as a major talking point in the Murdoch press.

    • equality says:

      When Meghan was suicidal and couldn’t win with the media and was trashed for breaking “protocol” while doing things Kate was praised for doing, did Kate say word one?

    • BQM says:

      I’d agree if it wasn’t for Charles concurrently battling cancer. Just a few public statements here and there would’ve been all that was needed. We still don’t know what type of cancer they have that’s fine, they deserve the privacy. But he had none of the conspiracy theories.

      Congratulations on being a survivor and best wishes for your continued health. 🙏

    • Convict says:

      There is no evidence that she has cancer. They are in unelected high public office. They are not self-funded celebrities. But this video has raised some issues about the future of the monarchy.

    • bros says:

      OMG it’s so LOOOONNNNG it’s at least 2 minutes too long! what even is this hollywood hallmark crap! just issue a staid statement and have some dignity.

  2. BW says:

    “It smacks of something Meghan and Harry might come up with . . .”


    Not that H&M would have come up with something this bad.

    • Jais says:

      They just have to get a dig in at Harry and Meghan. At the end of the day, even if one finds Harry and Meghan too emotive or cutesy, it’s real. That’s how they actually live their life. I think people want authenticity, whether that’s being publicly reserved or publicly emotive. And yes Meghan would never. She would have included tangible support for others beyond mere throwaway lines about walking together.

      • Moniquep says:

        What Meghan would have done is what she did with the announcement of her miscarriage. Did an article that was not just about her, but made it about an experience shared by many others.
        Kate is so obsessed with outdoing Meghan. I firmly believe she had a full face lift and was totally excited to show off her newly refreshed face to show Meghan and the world how young a beautiful she is, and how her husband loves her. This took precedence over acknowledging caregivers and other cancer sufferers.

    • Sunnyside up says:

      Trust the DM to insult Harry and Meghan in the middle of the article, she couldn’t resist it.

      • Lady Esther says:

        I think that’s the royal rota’s bona fides, the certain inclusion of a dig at Harry and Meghan: they’re saying to the RF don’t mind our mild criticism, we still hate Harry & Meghan, don’t worry!

      • Princessk says:

        Exactly, she had to have a dig at Harry and Meghan otherwise this risky article by Daily Fail standards would never get published.

    • Tima says:

      However the last bit of the video when they ventured into the sea was ok- nice to see the kids having fun.

      • Kittenmom says:

        A shame they had to drag their kids into this public spectacle. I’m sure they’d have had even more fun if there wasn’t a camera crew there.

      • Tessa says:

        And it was not a “real” private moment with kids, with the playacting by the Keens and cameras all over.

    • Debbie says:

      No, Harry and Meghan would never. First, as people have correctly stated, their feelings are authentic and have been from the start, so it’s really disingenuous for the BM to pretend that the Sussexes were ever this clumsy and hackneyed. No, this smacks of Kate and W. thinking to themselves, “They get so much attention. So, what would the Sussexes do?” then coming up with an over-the-top, clumsy, @ss-backward interpretation (or just hiring the former Sussex online media person years ago). It’s like how the Wailes spent so many years trying to capture their own photographs under an umbrella, or trying to be pictured holding hands, but those pictures get ruined by one or the other quickly snatching their hand away. Then, that was repeatedly followed by Kate grabbing William’s butt in public, knowing that it embarrassed him and not caring that it was crass and know that she would be praised for it anyway. It’s like the Bizarro Superman character.

    • Bean says:

      Harry and Meghan would never!!!

    • Chelsea says:

      Harry & Meghan wouldn’t have done anything like this because they wouldn’t have staged weird overproduced videos with their kids for a crew. Anyone who watched the docuseries knows that the clips we got of archie and lili were home videos(it’s a pretty easy tell because usually one of them is out of the shot and heard from behind the camera)

  3. Laura D says:

    Yip! Nic919 in the other thread has got it right. If Liz Jones of the Daily Fail is writing a hit piece like this and got it published then BP and CH were not happy with this overly sentimental infomercial.

  4. Digital Unicorn says:

    As I keep saying this (and the other stunts that have been pulled by both of them) is desperate damage control and rebranding after she was outed as a bully and racist mean girl. Her image took a MASSIVE hit and they have been using cancer to try and bury all of that. Its not really working, mostly because of how they’ve handled the messaging which was soo bad that people are now asking if she really did have cancer.

    The press backlash has begun – wonder what their reaction will be, will we suddenly get more info on her condition to get sympathy? Probably.

    The press know what really happened but they can’t talk about it but they can certainly snark at all their PR nonsense.

    • Nic919 says:

      The standard gets very close to suggesting their marriage isn’t as perfect as these images suggest.

      • Sunnyside up says:

        William looked bored when she put her head on his shoulder, I think she is more to blame than him.

      • Jais says:

        Even this one hints at it. Saying William looks awkward and posed like a marionette!!! It’s a clear suggestion that something in the milk ain’t right.

      • Digital Unicorn says:

        Yeah the standard piece is certainly full of hints about the marriage and none of them are good.

        As someone up threads suggests – I wonder if Cams is behind the the negative briefing in retaliation for the ‘family summer holiday’ Boden ad they released.

      • sparrow1 says:

        They were certainly determined to show a hell of a lot of physical contact. Perhaps the resurfacing of Rose Hanbury stories at the beginning of all of this hit home.

      • Chrissy says:

        I cringed when she was practically grapping his crotch while around the kids at one point. So Royal!

      • Convict says:

        There is not enough criticism about this crass behaviour, royal or not. He was practically feeling up her leg too. As I said, I care not about the state of their marriage. That is their business. But I care about unelected freeloaders in high public office being professional and not promoting themselves.

  5. Liz -L says:

    They actually looked like something from a Boden catalogue. Like staged actors.

    I’ve a feeling their family life behind the scenes is quite different to how it was portrayed here.

    Liz Jones is spot on.

    • Ameerah M says:

      The Boden catalog reference was SPOT ON. I get mailings from the because I own a few pieces and this is exactly what they look like lol.

    • sparrow1 says:

      Ha! Hadn’t read your comment but commented below about Boden. Spot on.

    • SarahLee says:

      Boden! Yes! The other similarity – which is somewhat ghastly if that was intended – is her walking through the field touching the grass. That scene is straight out of Gladiator and as he dies, he imagines that scene again, walking through the tall grass to his family. Sheesh!

  6. Ameerah M says:

    LMAO. Wow. Her talking about William looking like a marionette and his “bare legs wrapped around his wife.” DEAD. I think this was all definitely Kate’s idea – but I also think William was keen because he thought it would give him a chance to look “authentic” like his brother. Hence the shorts. All he managed to do is look awkward as hell making weird faces. Anyway…I love this for them. And ole’ girl was right – this could have been an easy slam dunk if Kate had done a video with other cancer survivors. But then 1. she would have had to be HONEST about what is actually going on with her health and 2. She would have had to speak and be around REAL people. And we know she hates that.

    • Nic919 says:

      This has been similar to how the HG situation was handled. Never any direct mention by Kate or any charity relating to the issue visited. Only the media discussing it and making connections for her.

    • Jais says:

      Right? The marionette part! So who’s pulling the strings? Kate or Carole? Or both of them together? There was a discussion on one of yesterday’s posts about Carole having a part in this. I mean she’s in the dang video.

      • Iolanthe says:

        You beat me to it ..this has Caroles party planner paws all over the place . Pity they had to drag the children in as well .

    • Becks1 says:

      This article is hilarious – Jones is like “I’m a supporter BUT……”

      even on US newspapers I’m seeing a lot of comments like “glad she is doing well BUT…..”

      the BUT is a big one and Kate seems unwilling to address it – BUT what about other cancer patients, BUT what about those without your resources, BUT what about public engagements if you’re this healthy, etc.

      I think one of the reasons this has backfired is that one of the big points here is that Kate can’t resume public duties for a long time yet. But in the video she looks……fine. Active, healthy, maybe a little thinner or more tired than normal, but it really comes across like she and William are just using this as an excuse to avoid work completely and frolic in the countryside.

      • StarWonderful says:

        As another reporter said, this is crass manipulation and a grizzly attempt at squeezing the last drop of sympathy for Kate.

      • Convict says:

        Absolutely; and with William expounding that she “still has a long way to go”, they are going to milk this for another 12 months at least. If she is genuinely ill, ok. But that means, no fun events only and he needs to get back to a full schedule and stop using it as an excuse to be more lazy than usual.

        She’s going to turn up to that Christmas event and nothing else because it’s all about her. She’s is so self-centred and absorbed it’s unreal.

      • Nic919 says:

        The video shows her hiking with a backpack. Really makes one question why she hasn’t shown up to at least one hospice yet.

  7. Pappyblues says:

    If a desperate video screams hey look at me I’m rich and lazy then yeah it’s pretty desperate.

    • sparrow1 says:

      I felt the wealth pulsate with the drive around the estate. And the bit at the beach. There is no way in hell they use that beach in a casual way; there will be security all round them, guarding space. I’d like to know whether that beach is private property or, if not, whether people are told to move on because W&K are at the beach today. I know very little about this because one, I thought the way they were groping each other was so weird I was kind of blindsided (which she probably was, as well) and two, I had the sound off. I’m not sure whether she was possibly saying something daft such as “and we’re blessed to have our own little bit of sand”. I literally cannot listen to her voice and mute her stuff.

      • Tamale says:

        The beach scenes were likely near Holkham Hall. That old biddy Anne Glenconner who doesn’t miss an opportunity to belittle Harry and Meghan probably invited the Wales and crew to stay.

      • Convict says:

        The RPOs (who are police) probably patrol and not let anyone else enter.

  8. Monika says:

    Liz Jones had to bring in Harry and Meghan. If Harry and Meghan had done this kind of video it would have been much more natural and authentic because they are not afraid to show their affection to each other in public. For me authenticity is the key here Willi’s and Kate’s video does not feel authentic. It really feels more like a commercial ad and not even a good one, a box standard ad you see every night on TV promoting perfume, washing powder or food.

    • Sunnyside up says:

      Margarine advert before people began to realise that margarine wasn’t as health as the manufacturers were making out.

    • Jais says:

      Ugh, I need to scroll down before I comment😂. Agree 💯. It’s about authenticity. I don’t think, for me anyways, the answer is that the royals should never be emotive. But they do have to not so obviously be trying to be something that they are not.

  9. Melody Troehler says:

    I’m calling it right now. Willy gave her HPV and she had an irregular pap and had to take the year off to cope. Only explanation between preventative chemo and staying cancer free but also not cancer free and not in remission

    • Libra says:

      This is the first time on any site that the possibility of STD was mentioned. Possibly??

      • Interested Gawker says:

        That had been hinted /suggested at as a possibility a few times -back when the cancer video was released, as a reason why they weren’t disclosing what sort of cancer it was. It may have been floated , here and there, as early as the ‘William swaying at the investiture’ time period.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        Some CBers were switched on right from the start!

        January 17, 2024 at 12:22 pm
        “Hysterectomy which will be spun as her cancer scare hell whenever they need a PR bump.
        She may be refreshed at the same time and use the down time to let it settle“

      • Nic919 says:

        Cervical cancer is very treatable if caught early. And there wouldn’t be this length of chemo.

    • Magdalena says:

      Doubtful. From her desperate arse-groping behaviour it’s clear he hasn’t touched her in years, and that she was initiating numerous instances of awkward public PDA to remind the mistress(es) that she was still the wife.

  10. TN Democrat says:

    I did not have the fail turning on the failing wailing wales before summer was officially over in 2024 on my bingo card. I thought it would take until at least next summer for royalists to turn. That video was a lot though. Just how out of touch with reality are the Wails? How can anyone be so coddled and isolated not to have any common sense pr instincts?

  11. SarahCS says:

    Going back to how and why this was made, we know they are pretty dim and lack any sort of curiosity, they also pay terribly and employ people who are not good at the jobs they are supposed to hold. With all that in mind, I think this was their sincere best attempt to do some of the many things H&M are praised for (outside of the hate bubble), invite people into their lives, show up authentically, etc. The Queen would release pictures and statements as required and her people briefed the press. So this is a more modern approach and a step away from how things were done before.

    But it’s awful as both they and the people around them have no clue how to do this well.

  12. Amy Bee says:

    I do get the sense that some of these columnists are also angry that William and Kate played them for fools. After all they got the press to attack Harry and Meghan to point of leaving for things that William and Kate are doing now. Plus Harry and Meghan would never do something like this. Harry and Meghan would have highlighted the charities and research being done, would have acknowledged their privilege and thanked the doctors and nurses.

    • sparrow1 says:

      Exactly, Amy Bee. Said below, this was a weak attempt at being M&H. Rolling around in sand dunes FFS. I don’t see how this fits in with the message, indeed any message, about recovery. She could’ve done a video, all very lovely, with a thanks to the medical team and charities that support people with cancer. Not, “look at our relationship, aren’t we loved up. M&H hold hands…we grope about in sand dunes and William has facial hair like Harry”. Nothing screams relationship insecurity as much as this kind of thing does: if you have to show it, it doesn’t exist. Like you say, M&H were tabloid fodder for being tactile, and then W&K do this. The hypocrisy. I found it pretty weird and can I say a bit distasteful.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      I think you are correct they ran the Sussex’s off only to have the leftovers go on what amounts to an extended hiatus since the coronation they have barely worked at all. I think they are tired of all the “friends of Peggy” and “sources close to Peggy” articles that have been recycled for five years now. The racist Royals better feed the beast that they created soon because it looks like it is ready to turn on them at any moment.

  13. QuiteContrary says:

    “The monarchy is hanging by a thread …”

    Oh, how I love this for them.

  14. Eurydice says:

    These comparisons to Elizabeth are so interesting – what would the Queen have thought and done? There’s an expectation of “royal” behavior. Even if you’re not a monarchist, there’s more to be expected from the next King and Queen, who are supported by the nation, who have massive wealth, multiple homes and unfettered access to any possible service. W&M aren’t there just to siphon off wealth, they have responsibilities.

  15. MaisiesMom says:

    “So many ferns!” That made me chuckle.

    I like that she pointed out cancer sends people reeling, and that Kate should be more open about hers to show solidarity, bring awareness and save lives. That’s how I have felt about it all along. I don’t know what kind she has or how bad it was/is, but in any case she should share some facts with the public. It would have simplified things and it’s the right thing to do for a someone in Kate’s position.

  16. sparrow1 says:

    To me, it was an attempt to use M&H’s videos as template. I think we all saw that from the get go. And yes M&H’s videos are slick productions, but they are also wonderfully heart felt and the production fits and enables the message. Isn’t the guy behind Kate’s video an advert maker? The change of place and pace was so manufactured. And the bits where William is practically on top of her were so weird: imagine being directed to do that. To me it was “this is us now”; we walk through woods, we grope in sand dunes, we play cards all the time… Actually, a misfire in terms of sincerity because it was more about branding than anything else. I hope this isn’t the way they’re going to go because it’s going to be yuck. In terms of the sound of the video. I watch all her stuff with the sound off because her voice is difficult. The Guardian had a good article yesterday about how she’s shown herself to be a victim of social media with this video, rather than the winner.

  17. Interested Gawker says:

    “ Where was the Catherine from that bench in Windsor, baring her soul, telling us of her diagnosis? Replaced by a chimera. An ideal. An illusion.”

    😏 Soooooo close, almost there…

  18. Kim says:

    I dont think there was palace meetings. Charles and crew would’ve done a better job.

    This was a kate and the middletons production. Could Kate actually be ill and this is william being nice? We know kate used the m&h trips to get this video made yet it seems a lot of wish fulfillment.

    This is her retirement video. She even got her dad and george to speak in it. Which is funny because the general public doesn’t seem to care. I thought there would be pieces about hearing george for the first time.

    • sparrow1 says:

      Agree. This is so far from traditional BRF that I suspect Charles had nothing at all to do with it. It was a position statement: this is us, loved up, modern, with a bit of old fashioned hand held photography to make it feel authentically royal. It was more like a Boden advert.

    • aftershocks says:

      @Kim, this may be the first time we’ve heard the speaking voice of pre-teen George, but it’s defintely not the first time the public has ever heard George’s voice. There was a previous promo video in October 2020 of all three much younger Cambinos with Sir David Attenborough. All three youngsters very sweetly asked Attenborough questions about animals in connection with one of his nature documentaries. You can find the old video on YouTube.

  19. Lavendel says:

    Someone in the background said – you must embody the greatest longing of the British – the ideal conservative family in all its never-existing glory. The Sussexes – said the voice in the background – embody individuality, freedom, glamor and you must show the longing and fulfillment of an ideal fairytale world. This voice in the background …. has no idea about anything. Neither of freedom nor of fairy tales. Kate was and never has been this fairytale character, and neither was William. These people simply don’t understand the principle of authenticity. And the tabloids will destroy anything they don’t trumpet to the world. What – that doesn’t matter at all.

    • Kim says:

      Levendel what you wrote is kates whole schick (spelling). She picks people to copy. I think if she would’ve portrayed her grubby self things would’ve went better for her.

      She is so out there and petty. Its the only thing interesting about her. If people knew more about that maybe she wouldnt have to pull these dumb stunts. Flipside when she pulls a stunt it would be seen as normal instead of purely weird. I assume this video is vindictive toward m&h and the people asking her to work.

  20. Over it says:

    This is what you can expect when you say f the very people who you been in bed with for so long . The people who been covering up all your lies and secrets. You then bypass them to use your Instagram account. Bad move . How you expect these rats to finish renovating that 4th bathroom if you cut them out ? Did not think that one through did you willy and Katie keen . I never thought I could actually laugh while reading anything from tabloid trash . But here we are . I need more articles like this and hopefully if they see that the public prefers them .
    Then we can finally get to the truth about everything regarding Kate and William

  21. Lau says:

    I mean they could be badly but reasonably advised AND decide not to follow said advise making everything somehow worst. It would be very on-brand for them.

  22. Mel says:

    Acknowledging her care team is not going to happen because people would be able to find the hospital/practice the Drs. and then whatever lies they told would be exposed. I’m beginning to believe that she never had cancer and it was all just one big lie to detract from something else.

  23. Proud Mary says:

    Of course, the obligatory sideswipe at the Sussexes. Harry and Meghan done several things. So you don’t have to make shite up. Show me an example of anything they have done that looks so cheesy?

  24. Ocean Girl says:

    Finally caved and watched it (sound off).
    Billy is a semi-decent actor.

  25. Connie Allenbury says:

    Does anyone have a link to the Standard article?

  26. Bad Janet says:

    If the monarchy can sink or swim due to a dumb video, or even William’s mood, it isn’t worth maintaining.

  27. Cassie says:

    Kates extreme jealousy of Meghan from day one now ends with her cosplaying being an actress .just like Meghan .

    I think Kate was broken when Harry was taken away from her as he was her support ,pretend husband .
    Seeing him so in love with Meghan and basically abandoning her , sent her into some kind of breakdown .

    It’s actually quite sad when you think about it .
    However she chose the wrong brother , the empty , heartless one .
    I hope she recovers from whatever illness she has for her children’s sake .

  28. MarqueeMoon says:

    This is the very definition of “hate copying”

    Their whole schick these days is how much they hate the Sussexes

    They hate them and they want to be them, from Williams struggle Street beard, They want to rebrand them selves to be more like the Sussexes. It’s very obvious but of course they will deny it till they were blue on the face.

    They are so so jealous of them and criticise everything. Sussex but at the same time, are trying to become the Temu version of them.

    They were better when they were Positioning themselves as the Conservative opposite to the Sussexes, the buttoned up and wooden vs the warmth, the old fashioned vs the flashy new
    Even then they were awful but far more authentic to themselves And there were some people that they represented,

    Of course everyone’s glad that Kate is better, but there’s no reason for William not to be working and neither of them are really doing anything to pull their weight , her parading her glowing outdoors just begs the question of why neither he or she can do the job that they have been paid for very handsomely

    Of course many of us would love to stay home and just go on nature walks into the beach and on holidays and be fully attentive parents at all times to our children but that’s not the reality for many people
    As someone above mentioned Diana was there at the Hospital beds of patients and war veterans and bringing attention to real causes from her public position

    I’m not English but I have no idea why they put up with it and then to be fed this fantasy fluff on top of it all? It’s summer heights high level of narcissism

    • Convict says:

      As I have said, the reason why many of us ‘put up with it’ in the Realms is because we have no choice. The royal propaganda, which is on steroids at the moment, doesn’t help. Many Brits are brainwashed from birth too, so there is that. I’m astonished at what I read in relation to Kate. Ordinary people have bought into this “they are just like us” rubbish.

    • AC says:

      @marqueemoon There’s an excellent post in Twitter about an immigrant’s experience in the UK. They don’t like directness or ambition and they frown on change. Complaining, Whining, and negativity is very much part of their culture. And they don’t mind being stagnant.
      No wonder M was everything they hated.

  29. sammi says:

    The reason Liz and the other media are mad is because they were sidelined and it seems that the Cambridges are going the same way as Harry and Meghan which means the sucking up to the Press is in danger of ending and with it their jobs!