Dave Grohl’s daughters deactivated their social media after their dad’s announcement

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On Monday, Dave Grohl shocked everyone with the news that, at 55 years old, he’d recently become the father of a baby girl born outside of his marriage. Dave has been married to Jordyn Blum for 21 years and they share three daughters together, Violet, 18, Harper 15, and Ophelia, 10. While Dave has a history of alleged infidelity, a lot of people assumed that he had grown up and was a family man. Speaking of Dave’s family, in order to prepare for the onslaught of public opinion that has predictably followed this news, Violet and Harper have deactivated their social media accounts. Both of their Instagram and TikTok accounts now show messages saying that their pages are “unavailable.”

Dave Grohl’s daughters Violet and Harper have seemingly deactivated their social media accounts following their dad’s announcement that he welcomed a baby outside of his marriage.

When visiting Violet’s Instagram account a message appears that reads, “Sorry, this page isn’t available. The link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed.” It is unclear when the page was deactivated.

The same message was visible for Harper’s Instagram account. Both Violet and Harper’s TikTok pages have also seemingly been taken down as well.

Grohl has opened up about his family through the years, sharing in a 2007 interview with The Guardian that Blum and his oldest daughter are “anchors that keep me from completely disappearing.”

Two years later, Grohl got candid about his changing priorities while touring with the Foo Fighters. “I used to tour nine months out of the year. Now I don’t like being away from my kids for more than 12 days,” he shared with Time. “It’s changed everything that I do. When you have kids, you see life through different eyes. You feel love more deeply and are maybe a little more compassionate. It’s inevitable that that would make its way into your songwriting.”

In 2007, Grohl gave insight into his altered lifestyle amid fatherhood. “We don’t talk about how much we drank last night [anymore],” he said about his band. “[Now] it’s how much sleep we got, how much sleep the baby got, diaper rash, formula. … I realized the life I always imagined beginning once the band ended has to begin now.”

Grohl has performed with his eldest daughter through the years, including at Lollapalooza in 2021. At the time, Grohl gushed that Violet was “the most bad-ass person I know in my life.” The next year, she sang a cover of Joni Mitchell’s “Help Me” at a pre-Grammys party in 2022.

[From US Weekly]

Ugh, I cannot imagine how Dave’s three older daughters must be feeling about all of this. This must feel like such a betrayal for them, too. It sucks that they have to deactivate these accounts, but staying off social media is probably for the best, both mentally and emotionally. I hope they’ve got a lot of support to help them through it. We don’t know how old the new baby’s mother is, but if she ends up being closer in age to Violet than she is to Jordyn, then I can only imagine how hurtful it will be for them to read articles that constantly point that out. I feel terrible for them and hope fans, paparazzi and randos on Twitter leave them alone. They are not responsible for their dad’s cheating or any of his other actions.

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This photo is from 2013:

photos credit: Getty and Joseph Marzullo / Wenn / Avalon

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21 Responses to “Dave Grohl’s daughters deactivated their social media after their dad’s announcement”

  1. HeatherC says:

    I hate this for them. They deactivated their socials because they knew they’d be tagged, trolled, and insulted/bullied for what their FATHER did, not them. They are his children, they are not responsible for his behaviors and misbehaviors.

    This is less a comment on how DG f^cked around and found out, and made his children find out too….and more on how toxic social media continues to be.

  2. It’s sad that they have to deactivate their accounts because some sickos will leave nasty comments about what is happening. This is not their fault. I wish them well.

  3. NotSoSocialB says:

    Of course I sympathize with his wife, but my god, the fallout those innocent kids have to navigate. What a selfish asshole.

    • Kitten says:

      That’s the thing with affairs: they are not victimless endeavors. His actions do not occur in a vacuum. The ramifications of his affair affect everyone in his life, especially those closest to him. It’s just really sad and if the rumors are true, this is Cyrus family-level drama.

  4. CL says:

    Deactivating those accounts was the wise thing to do, but I’m sure they’re still getting some blowback in their daily lives. It’s hard enough to go through something like this, but having the whole world know just makes it exponentially worse. I hope they’re getting some good support.

  5. Kitten says:

    I wonder if it was all worth it for him? Was it worth disappointing his kids to the point where they’ll never see him the same way again? Was it worth blowing up a 20 year marriage with the mother of his children? Was it worth completely uprooting and upending their lives because he couldn’t keep his d*ck in his pants???
    I always wonder if men take even a single f*cking second to consider the devastating consequences of an affair before they get involved in one.

    • Turtledove says:

      Your comment resonates so much.

      I went way off on a tangent about DG’s situation yesterday, and I think what I was actually getting at was your point, “was it worth it?” What bit of sex on the side could possibly have been worth all this?

      This guy is a huge rock star, has been for 30 years. He was unmarried for some of that time. He MUST have slept with so many groupies. It’s just casual sex. It’s not even novel after 30 years. HOW could it possibly be worth THIS?

      Cheating is abuse and it affects the bystanders in so many ways that most people don’t even think about. A commenter yesterday mentioned that those kids could have trust issues after this. Not to mention they are at just the right age to be mortified, and this is playing out in the public. And it’s probably going to be so confusing for them, there’s my dad, who I love, and who did this really awful thing to my mom who I also love. And now I get to split my time between them all because my dad couldn’t keep it in his pants. Ewwww.

    • goofpuff says:

      Cheaters, especially serial ones, are narcissists. Its always about them. They are always the victim. Blame drugs. Blame alcohol. Blame mental health. Blame the spouse. Blame the children. Blame society. Blame culture. Anything to avoid taking responsibility for their actions.

      He’s just another guy who thought what he wanted was more important than his family.

      He considers it worth it clearly to blow up his family life. And doesn’t consider his family worth anything at all keeping safe.

  6. Jeanette says:

    I just saw a blind floating around on FB that the baby mama is 18 and her claws are out. Oh boy…

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      Someone on the other thread said that she was/is a friend of one of the daughters.

      I take back what i said about him being a good father and bad husband partner – he’s a scumbag esp if it is true that he knocked up one his daughters friends.

  7. Anon says:

    People make mistakes. It doesn’t mean one is a bad or irredeemable person, but his kids may be too young to understand that and it will be too bad if they have to read people writing about what a horrible person their father is on the Internet forever before they can understand that their parent is, well, human and it’s about how he moves forward and also for them being able to move forward in a healthy way.

    As part of that, they were probably advised, or know themselves, that being off social media is currently a wise choice. At least in the beginning while the world reacts and perhaps before they’re practiced at the tools they need to use to work through the situation.

    • Walking the Walk says:

      Why do we preemptively say that hey this person is still good? We got no idea who this man is and all we know is he cheated and acted like this just happened like an accident.

    • Turtledove says:

      This wasn’t A mistake. Even if this was a situation where he slept with that women just one time and it just so happened to result in a baby, which is so incredibly unlikely, he had to make SO many decisions to get there that it categorically can’t be called “A mistake”. Even if it was a one off, SO many bad choices had to be made to arrive at this outcome.

      It doesn’t mean that he is the most evil man that ever lived, it doesn’t negate good deeds he has done. But it does mean that he is an entitled asshole that lacks character and valued some random sex over the security and well being of his family.

    • Eleonor says:

      He is a grown ass man with three daughters and he clearly chose to not use protection. That’s not a mistake. Sh!t happens all the time, I can get this, however if you choose not wear protection I hope you know your partner enough to avoid AT LEAST possible infection, or God knows what. So no, no pity from me.

  8. Flamingo says:

    In Dave’s selfishness to get his peen across the land. He took away something from his kids that is integral now to young people.

    I really, really, hope he is ashamed of himself for what he did and how he announced it.

    When you have a family it’s not just about you anymore. But men like him don’t think with their big brain….

  9. Isabella says:

    He created this clean image of himself in his memoir, which focuses on his love for wife and children. I fell for that. Sigh.

  10. Chaine says:

    Why does all of this remind me so much of when Ewan McGregor blew up his marriage

  11. maisie says:

    I hate it when people frame it as “cheating” and “infidelity”. I think it’s far more likely that they have some sort of “arrangement” whether it’s an open marriage or a “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” thing.

    I have spent a lot of time backstage, have known a whole lot of musicians in my time and I can tell you that sex is so tied up with rock n roll, especially for touring musicians that I can’t really imagine anyone not succumbing to temptation. when there’s literally a buffet of gorgeous young women waiting for a chance to service the guys.

    it’s the fact that bro knocked someone up that is the problem. as Keith Richards once said “dude should have got a vasectomy” a long time ago. that is probably the deal breaker.

    • ama1977 says:

      I hate this take so much. If they had an arrangement, then I hope it was an arrangement that she felt good about and not just him asking permission instead of forgiveness (i.e. “I’m going to do it anyway, so you might as well tell me it’s okay.”)

      I’d like to believe that what I bring to the table as a 47 year-old woman who has been married for almost 20 years and is the mother of his kids is of more value to my husband than the momentary pleasure of some strange. We’ve built a beautiful life together, and no, I don’t look like I did when I was 28, but the commitment, shared experiences, and respect between us are irreplaceable. I’m not married to a rock star, but he’s good-looking, compassionate, kind, funny, smart, and successful, and I’m sure there would be “takers” if his light was on. He travels a lot for work, but I know I have nothing to worry about. An “arrangement” that I didn’t agree to 100% would eat me alive.

      Men have the ability to be faithful, and we do them and ourselves a disservice when we act like it’s impossible.

    • goofpuff says:

      That is pretty awful take to say that men are incapable of being faithful if there are available women around. Men like that should not get married unless they find a wife who is completely open to having an open marriage. He should definitely wrap it up no matter what! Risking STD on his family is just pure selfishness.

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