Elon Musk slammed for gross tweet about impregnating Taylor Swift

As I’m sure you know by now, Taylor Swift set off a minor MAGA sh-tstorm after she released her statement endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Walz in the 2024 US presidential election on Tuesday night. I think those weirdos actually thought that Taylor’s friendship with Brittany Mahones meant that they had a chance at a TayTay endorsement. Bless their hearts.

While MAGA world was busy freaking out, Elon Musk took one look at some of their reactions and went, “Hold my ketamine.” And just when you thought he couldn’t go any lower, Elon managed to top himself. In response to Taylor’s endorsement, specifically her signing off as “Taylor Swift, Childless Cat Lady,” Elno decided to add his own personal brand of ick, Tweeting, “Fine Taylor…you win…I will give you a child and guard your cats with my life.” F-cking. Gross. Don’t worry, though, basically everyone jumped on board to let Space Karen know just how sh-tty his comment was.

Taylor Swift fans—and other people who respect women—are slamming Elon Musk after the X owner used his own social media platform to send a “disgusting” offer to the singer following her formal endorsement of Kamala Harris for president.

The tech mogul inexplicably took to the site formerly known as Twitter shortly after midnight on Wednesday, Sept. 11, tweeting, “Fine Taylor … you win … I will give you a child and guard your cats with my life.”

It’s an apparent response to the way she signed off a lengthy message encouraging her followers to register to vote and do their own research to determine the candidate that best matches their values while revealing that she was going to be voting for the Harris/Tim Walz ticket this November. She signed her endorsement off as a “Childless Cat Lady,” in reference to viral comments previously made by Donald Trump’s running mate JD Vance.

But the internet at large banded together to express their disdain for the Tesla CEO and his “gross” and “creepy” commentary.

“This might genuinely be the worst thing he has ever tweeted,” one X user, named Jeff Michael, wrote in response. “Just a disgusting pig with zero respect for women.”

“is elon musk just openly sexually harassing taylor swift?” another user questioned, while former Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway’s daughter Claudia wrote, “You’re creepy. Full stop,” and someone else declared that it was a “gross piece of s–t that runs this website.”

“All the words in the English language and you thought those were the best ones to put together…. Weird man….” another reply to his original post read.

Musk, of course, is known to have at least 12 children already, though he isn’t as vocal about his brood as Nick Cannon is, who is often made the butt of the joke over his large family.

[From Parade]

Elon is just so disgusting. Seriously, f-ck this dude. If he wanted attention, he certainly got it because #ElonIsCreepy and #LeaveHerAlone were trending all day long as people were rightfully calling out just how gross, rapey, and Handmaid’s Tale-y his comment was. It wasn’t just inappropriate. As many pointed out, Elon’s Tweet was also sexual harassment and degradation. He felt that Taylor “deserved” it because she endorsed a different political candidate than he did while also completely p’wning the Republican ticket in the process. I’d be careful if I were him, though. He may be the richest person in the world, but he is no match for the Swifties. Karma’s coming for you, Elon, and from what I hear, Taylor and karma vibe like that.

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59 Responses to “Elon Musk slammed for gross tweet about impregnating Taylor Swift”

  1. LolaB says:

    I read his comment as he would let her borrow one of the dozen children he already has.

    • Maida says:

      I think it’s pretty clear that he’s offering to impregnate her. He keeps showing us exactly who he is — a creep perpetually high on his own supply.

      • Hypocrisy says:

        It was extremely clear. I’m actually struggling to understand how someone thought he was offering her one of his bakers dozen of already made offspring.

      • Megan says:

        I think Musk thinks he was being funny. He desperately wants to be funny on Twitter and he just isn’t and it drives him nuts.

    • DK says:

      Which, while less rapey, is still despicable. (Especially for his children being offered up for grabs.)

    • molly says:

      Which is gross and creepy in a DIFFERENT way?

      I generally try to give different culture/neurodivergence some grace from judgment, but Elon is too powerful to be this loud and despicable over and over.

      • MoonTheLoon says:

        Don’t be one of those people. Neurodivergence is no excuse for being an unmitigated arse. Sincerely, a neurodiverse grouch.

      • BQM says:

        My son is neurodivergent and he can say some very awkward things. Luckily he’s not on social media, isn’t an ass and doesn’t have an overinflated ego. Musk definitely think he’s wittier than he is and he just has doubled down the more he gets rightly mocked for the things he posts. Anyone with any sense of perspective and self reflection would just stop. But it just plays into his “last picked for dodgeball and hasn’t recovered “sense of self.

    • Friendly Crow says:

      I’m autistic. Relatively literal.

      I immediately was like omg he’s gonna buy her a baby? Or give her one of his?

      Then I was like – oh. He’s gonna get her pregnant. Way to dodge and not enable those rapey rumors dude. (Eye roll)

      Also. To be clear.

      He knows that her being child free and a cat friend is intentional right. That she’s proud of it and her choices. And it’s not about not being chosen by the sperm god yet?

    • Persephone says:

      @LolaB is this sarcasm? I can’t tell.

    • maisie says:

      nah, it was more “Ima put a baby in you” kinda statement

  2. Jais says:

    Restraining order. She should get one bc that was deeply disturbing.

    • Justjj says:

      I agree. This was next level creepy and public sexual harassment to humiliate, silence, punish, and dismiss her for speaking up. I hope her legal time is all over this and sues the sh*t out of him and files yes a restraining order. It was a creepy, violating, statement to make.

  3. equality says:

    Hard to believe that there are women who have willingly reproduced with this creep.

  4. ravensdaughter says:

    It’s beyond gross-it’s sexual harassment.

    I listened to this exposé on Musk last night on Fresh Air: ” What Musk’s Twitter takeover could tell us about a possible government appointment”.

    So yes, two NYT reporters investigated how Musk ran Twitter into the ground. Did you know that Trump has promised him a newly created cabinet position where he gets to audit the budget of the Executive Branch agencies? This is in exchange for $180 million (so far) in donations.

    He is the richest man in the world and he gets to help run the government. What would that say about our democracy? What it would say is that it isn’t one anymore…

  5. Miranda says:

    Remember when some asshole wrote an editorial about how Taylor was a bad role model for being unmarried and childless, and even people who dislike her were like, “hold the fuck up”? Yeah. This is another one of those, I think.

    As I said in an earlier post, it’d be funny to sic Travis on Space Karen. He wouldn’t even need to actually hit him. I’m pretty sure Elon would piss himself over a fake-out punch.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Pretty sure he did this for attention, just like all of his BS…and, it worked. Let’s just ignore him. He makes me want to hurl.

    • Kitten says:

      He’s referenced her many times in previous tweets and she’s never responded. It’s so sad and pathetic watching these men-children pull on her pigtails, desperate for her attention.

      And yes this is sexual harassment regardless of what his incel fans claim.

  7. Agnes says:

    He’s basically waving his bleached beached-whale micropenis in all of our faces, but especially Taylor’s. It’s indecent exposure at the very least, threatened rape at worst. He really is a pustule. I wish Travis would tackle him into a pulp.

  8. Mirelle says:

    First off: The Time Cover. THAT CAT. That cat is so adorably squishy!!!! Secondly, I want to call Elon Musk a bunch of words that I don’t feel comfortable using here. And thirdly, he’s not the only one. There are a few of these right-wing, MAGA jackasses on Twitter making lewd sexual comments about Taylor after her endorsement. It’s beyond disgusting. It also proves their mindset that women are theirs to control. Ugh! These cretins need to crawl back under the rock they came from.

    • Kitten says:

      It’s a Ragdoll named Benjamin Button. She also has two Scottish Folds. I don’t know shit about Taylor but I LOVE her cats LOL.

    • Agnes says:

      Yes, one guy, Dave Rubin, who has just been exposed for accepting payola from Russia, indirectly threatened her with rape from “Venezuelan Gangs.” WTAF

    • Eleonor says:

      That cat is a majestic fluff!!!!!
      And Elon Musk shouldn’t even be allowed to take care of a plastic plant.

  9. MsIam says:

    That whole Republican, manosphere grossness is just so toxic and it’s dragging this country to hell. I’m surprised there is not more outrage about what Trump said about VP Harris during the debate. It was vile and sexist too. Elon needs to take Trump along with him to Mars when he goes. Hopefully on a one-way trip.

  10. girl_ninja says:

    Musk is a scumbag. His insecurity reduces his value to being rich and fucking and he doesn’t even see it. He like Dump wants so desperately to be respected, loved and admired and only wannabes, racists, dictators and incels are attracted to him. Pathetic.

  11. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    So incredibly disturbing.

  12. Avonan says:

    Seriously, I know it may hurt to lose followers and the platform democracy-loving Twitter/X users should consider moving to another social media platform. The best you could say of Musk is that he’s a perverted psychopath…and the worst is he’s a traitor to democracy and to this country. And a perverted psychopath. He’s manipulating his social media platform with Putin-derived propaganda. And he’s interfering in the Ukraine war (and undoubtedly other regions) with his omnipresent Starlink satellite network. He’s dangerous.

    • Kitten says:

      He’s destroyed Twitter anyway. The algorithm, the engagement, the paying for blue checks….it’s a complete hellscape now.

      • Avonan says:

        “Hellscape” is a good word for it. The right-wing fascists/adversaries who took over traditional media by the likes of Murdoch and Sinclair are now hell bent on making social media their next frontier for propaganda and psyops.

  13. MaisiesMom says:

    Musk basically just said “I am going to get you pregnant!” to Taylor Swift and he did it in front of millions of people. It sounded like a threat, FFS. What an absolute weirdo and menace.

    Not that anyone should expect logic from this guy, but does he think she hasn’t had a child because no one else has been virile enough to sire one or something? Like if TS wanted a kid, she wouldn’t find a way to have one with a chosen partner or through adoption or a donor? She doesn’t need you, dude! Just stop trying to peddle your seed everywhere! Gross.

  14. Eowyn says:

    This is a rape threat to a famous woman. The intent is to try and diminish her considerable influence with a veiled threat, disguised as a “joke” 🤮. Also if you object to the threat, you are a humourless harpy, so you are diminished if you don’t respond, or if you object.

  15. smcollins says:

    Not that Taylor can’t defend herself or needs saving, but he does know who her boyfriend is, right? A dude that could squash him like a bug if he felt like it? Ugh…he is so gross & despicable.

  16. aquarius64 says:

    Apparently Travis Kielce entered the conversation & the Muskrat took down the tweet https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZP8JoUw2C/

  17. Anna Nonymous says:

    He said he’d impregnate her and protect her cats. Wtf. Does he think this is a kind or funny offer? Or does he see it as I will bless you with my magic sperm so you can have a much secretly desired child? Plus I will protect your kitties? He seems to think he’s making her an attractive offer and insulting her. The people he is insulting are anyone with a uterus. I don’t need or want your sperm or a pet sitter. I’ll give you a baby and watch your cats. He probably thought that putting in the part about the cats softened the first point of giving her his sperm. He is a disgusting cretin. He needs to stop talking, he’s ruining his businesses reputation and public image with his word vomit. The toxic masculinity is strong with this one! Does he think beautiful talented creative women in the public sphere need or want his sperm? Keep your psycho child army and spooge to yourself you disgusting, capitalist, awkward, strange, vile, cruel, heartless scumbag.

    • Snideysense says:

      Interesting- I took the mention of the cats not as an attempt to soften the disgusting r@peyness of the post, but as a reference to Trump’s “THEY’RE EATING CATS AND DOGS!” meltdown at the debate. As in, he’ll not only impregnate her (I feel gross typing that), he’ll also protect her cats from the illegal immigrants that want to eat them.

      This whole post is so bonkers to even type. We truly live in the darkest timeline.

  18. Avonan says:

    Sorry for repeating this post, but I had to correct a typo:

    I know it may hurt to lose followers and the platform engagement, but democracy-loving Twitter/X users should seriously consider moving to another social media platform. The best you could say of Musk is that he’s a perverted psychopath…and the worst is that he’s a traitor to democracy and to this country. And a perverted psychopath. He’s manipulating his social media platform with Putin-derived propaganda. And he’s interfering in the Ukraine war (and undoubtedly other regions) with his omnipresent Starlink satellite network. He’s dangerous.

  19. ML says:

    Taylor should keep a log of whatever creepy stuff he threatens her with. This comment is seriously offensive and disturbing and reads rapey.

  20. K says:

    This is really gross and he’s a complete scumbag. Frankly he deserves what he’s about to get. I wonder if Elon and JD hang out.

  21. teresa says:

    Ugh, ewww, ick, what a weirdo. It’s perfect he supports marmalade Mussolini. I gotta go bleach my brain after reading this ish!

  22. Brynne says:

    Elon Musk is one of those guys who has a breeding fetish. So gross.

  23. Marla Clark says:


  24. Get Real says:

    So basically if trump wins he and his whole cabinet would be in charge of a country where 50% of the population would be objectified, harassed, stripped of their reproductive rights and abused.
    Whomever can still justify voting for this POS is beyond contempt.

  25. Jes says:

    Musk is an incel. A loser and a fraud. Yes he has managed to impregnate some women (and i give first wife a pass, maybe he was less insane earlier). I feel sorry for his kids and anyone who needs to interact with him. Re PM, at some point he will reckon with how terrible his wife and mom are. If he is really dumb maybe he won’t. You have to willingly never think about anything deeply (or be unable to) to be ok with this. I bet Taylor will never be seen w them again after Travis retires.

  26. AC says:

    I can’t believe there was a time I thought he was OK being an innovator for EVs and to help broaden internet access and space exploration. His true colors came out and he’s really vile and disgusting 🤢.

  27. BQM says:

    As long as he deadnames his daughter his platform for election interference should continue to be deadnamed. And it really gets under his skin.

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