The British media is grappling with the Waleses’ new ‘f–k the press’ energy

Kensington Palace dropped Prince William and Kate’s new video on Monday, where Kate announced that she is “cancer free” and that she completed her chemotherapy. The announcement could have been a written statement alone, but the video was supposed to be something else. As I wrote, it felt like it was a different kind of proof of life, a “proof” of their performatively and awkwardly happy marriage. Just hours after the video release, one of William and Kate’s friends huffed to the Daily Beast: “It’s the reset to end all resets. This is Kate and William as they mean to go on. It’s family first and f**k the haters, f**k the press, f**k Harry and Meghan.” What a message of hope after cancer, right? In any case, the “f–k the press” part of the message seemingly came through loud and clear, and the British press has responded in kind, publishing several high-profile and intensely critical pieces about the stupidity of that video. Well, now another Daily Mail commentator is chiming in. The Mail’s Stephen Glover analyzes the stupidity of the video from a press-access and comms perspective. An excerpt:

And yet I do have a deep concern – not so much about the video itself as about the way in which the Prince and Princess of Wales have taken control of their own image and supplanted the traditional media. This development seems to me potentially dangerous to the future of the monarchy. Let me explain.

Catherine has a passion for photography, and for a long time has been releasing pictures of her family that in a previous generation would probably have been taken by professional photographers, if at all. Unsurprisingly, these pictures are very sympathetic to their subjects, to the point of being idealised. On at least one occasion they have been ‘photoshopped’ – that is to say, doctored to the advantage of the ­photographed children.

On Mother’s Day in March, Catherine produced a picture of herself, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis – all of them looking radiantly beautiful and utterly happy – that aroused the suspicions of ­several photo agencies. The Princess of Wales quickly confessed that she had edited the picture, and apologised. Two weeks later she released a video in which she announced with some dignity that she was in the early stages of treatment after a cancer diagnosis. Until very recently such information would have been given to the public by Royal media advisers in a deadpan way. The video of Kate was certainly moving, carrying as it did such dreadful news, although it threw further doubt on the authenticity of the photograph of two weeks earlier in which she and her children had appeared so blissfully happy.

And now we have a further video in which Catherine, ­William and their children seem utterly delirious – as if they have eaten too many magic mushrooms discovered in their enchanted, dappled wood. At one stage a smiling William even plants a kiss on his wife’s cheek. In a sense the video is intimate as we are briefly invited into the heart of a seemingly perfect family. But, of course, the invitation is entirely on the Prince and Princess of Wales’s own terms. They don’t begin to answer the question that such intimacy is bound to provoke – namely, what exactly was wrong with Catherine, and how long is the ‘path to healing and full recovery’ likely to be?

What is going on is nothing less than a revolution. William and Kate have taken control of their own PR, offering an idealised, almost fairytale ­version of themselves and their family. The traditional media, which might have been expected to ask a few searching questions, are virtually written out of the script…. It’s ironic that Harry has chastised both his father and his brother for having been too close to the Press, although, in reality, William and Catherine are seeking to neutralise it.

…I believe that this is a dangerous ploy. Most of us aren’t TikTok aficionados. More to the point, the British people don’t want a supposedly perfect, make-believe monarchy. They expect members of the Royal Family to be real, grounded, recognisable human beings who don’t inhabit a fanciful world of endless smiles and eternal laughter. In the end, the Royal Family survives, and is justified in the public mind, because it is scrutinised. And that is what the traditional media have done, doubtless not always fairly, but for the most part ­rigorously. If the Royal Family is allowed to repackage itself as a wholly sanitised yet untouchable institution – well, disaster is likely to follow.

Harry and Meghan are richly comic, as well as infuriating, figures as they painstakingly fashion their own image of perfection in California. Yet it doesn’t really matter a great deal what they do because they have become so peripheral to the monarchy. But the Prince and Princess of Wales are the future.

I rejoice that Catherine is getting better. She is a gifted woman, and we are very lucky to have her. We are fortunate, too, to have in William such a balanced and dedicated heir to the throne. But the monarchy will be weakened if the public comes to believe it is being fed a fairytale narrative that has been nurtured by the Prince and Princess of Wales beyond the scrutiny of the media.

[From The Daily Mail]

Basically, William and Kate have already been caught manipulating and editing photos several times this year, so they don’t have the credibility to pull off this hazy, fairytale-royal video. Yes, this is a member of the media advocating for his own profession and trying (in vain) to say that it’s the media’s responsibility to scrutinize William and Kate and independently verify whatever horses-t they push. But aren’t we too far gone for that? The horses have already bolted, you know? So the British media’s pushback this week has come across like they’ve only just realized that William and Kate plan to say “f–k the press” from here on out. The press created these lying monsters and they can’t figure out how to close Pandora’s box.

Photos courtesy of Will Warr/KP.

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148 Responses to “The British media is grappling with the Waleses’ new ‘f–k the press’ energy”

  1. girl_ninja says:

    Imagine if these two lazy bums had the F the press mentality when Harry and Meghan were still on salt island? Imagine if they were secure enough to see that they would have been stronger together? But here they are faking it to make it, and Harry and Meghan are free in Montecito with their babies, their businesses, their friends and their chosen family.

    • SquiddusMaximus says:

      Y’know, I am 100% in favor of Will & Kate cutting the tabloids out. These bloodthirsty, conniving, criminal outlets are NOT the monarchy (as stupid and outdated as I think that is, too) and they do not deserve any special privileges.
      Is this hypocritical? Sure. But it doesn’t make them wrong. All of this pearl clutching is just performance.

      • Lau says:

        They would never cut the tabloids out come on ! Both parties have been stuck in that toxic, co-dependent relationship for decades now, now way they will stop using each other any time soon.

      • Jais says:

        Okay, but if the Wales cut them out, then how would they plant their negative stories about the Sussexes? They love the tabloids when it’s convenient.

      • StellainNH says:

        The monarchy has had a quid pro quo relationship with the press. William and Kate’s “F the Press” may come back and bite them in the butt. William’s affairs may be broadcasted. Chuck and Queen sidechick may be able to spread all kinds of gossip. They don’t have the luxury of an ocean and continent that the Sussexes have.

      • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

        Feels like they want to be more independent, to maybe prove a point against what Harry said, that they are “trapped”, and hey maybe they want to be… half in, half out. As in half vacation, half school runs.

      • BeanieBean says:

        The nerve of this guy pretending they’ve EVER actually applied journalistic ethics to the royal family to ‘scrutinize, rigorously’ ANYTHING any of these people have ever done or said.

    • TheFarmer'sWife says:

      Didn’t Harry reveal that his nasty big brother took a huge payout from the British tabs? Where would Willy get his pocket change from if he’s no longer playing by the tabloids’ rules? And why does every article have to include some criticism of the Sussexes? Salty Isle is furious that their favourite whipping boy has left, isn’t returning unless it’s important to him, and has found great success and contentment in America!

      • Interested Gawker says:

        I think that’s the rub, Cam has her fingers in the DM and BM establishment papers/periodicals but William has Murdoch (or Murdoch has him…?) with a more robust international presence. Whether that money was recompense for the phonehacking or some other private arrangement is unknown. Those papers are on the outside looking in for some of the main aspects of this Kategate business. I don’t think the BM was prepared to lose access to H&M worked in concert with BRF to harass H back into the fold and now are on the outside realising they are shut out of everything -KP doles out their PR with Murdoch as their enforcer as they try to get whatever is scaring them about H’s lawsuit dealt with and the other parts of the BM are dying on the vine.

      • Pinkosaurus says:

        I think this article very strategically included the Sussexes as an example of what happens to you if you don’t play ball. This was directed square at William, Kate and KP.

        “Don’t you like it when we say ridiculously over the top, complementary things about you? You better keep going through the traditional press or we will treat you like the Sussexes.”

        Wonder if the message was received?

    • Becks1 says:

      The thing is, they’ve always kind of said eff the press in their own way. There are references to it here – the family photographs taken by Kate that cut out a professional photographer, the myriad of photoshopped pictures that really went unchecked until March, etc. There’s that story of their hike in Bhutan where they refused to let the rota complete the hike because they wanted a “private moment” at the top and the press was SALTY AF about that and the coverage of the tour reflected that. (I mean there’s an article with Tominey making fun of Kate’s accent! can you even imagine that now?)

      But at some point along the line they started to play ball with the press (including feeding negative stories about Meghan, but the switch happened before that.) It’s like they would say “Eff the press” just enough until the press yanked on their leash and got them back in line.

      but now it seems they’re fully back to “eff the press” which basically means they dont want any public scrutiny as this article correctly points out.

      • equality says:

        But even with taking the photos she still let the press use them, even to creating calendars with them.

      • Nic919 says:

        The press know a lot of their secrets and won’t keep things quiet if they continue to do this. Already the Standard is implying their marriage isn’t what they claim it to be.

        This guy was calling Kate gifted which remain utter bs so not sure if this guy if the one to say anything, but he may be the good cop in this scenario. At some point someone will say much more.

      • Becks1 says:

        She did, but if I remember correctly she got the revenue from the calendars. And besides the births and the christenings she and william refused to do any of the miniphoto shoots for the press that Diana and Charles did (and honestly I don’t blame them for that, those things seemed awful). They only started being more open with the press when the paparazzi was getting too intrusive (hiding in car trunks, etc) as part of a deal.

        Now obviously we know that William took money at some point and other things changed along the way, and this video seems like a particular eff you to the press as we’re seeing from the press reaction. But at some point William was willing to play the game at least somewhat.

        @Nic919 agreed. My guess is also that the press may know more secrets now than they did 10 years ago, especially about potential affairs or a very rocky marriage.

      • Convict says:

        The BP has always been passive-aggressive, even when trying to convey criticism. The relationship with the royals is symbiotic, so they need the royals for their employment and profits. If the press reported the truth, the monarchy would not exist. William has broken the implied terms of the contract. We shall see what results.

      • Tyra says:

        the thing is the press can only write these passive aggressive pieces that lacks teeth and are still steeped in deference and sycophantic.
        They have a symbiotic relationship, but the PPofWs are in the stronger position of the relationship and if we are to believe everything that have been written and said since 2017, then it seems that one used the other to clear the field and now the field is a very wide open space available to frolic as much as one wants – as what will the BP do? Will they character attack the same people who they have been telling us for the last six years are the perfect embodiment of everything the BRF is? Who will believe them? They already told so many lies, spread so many misinformation and disinformation to attack the characters of good people before, even two innocent babies – that even their usual audience are seeing through the ploy. The BP divided that family so far apart from each other and placed themself at the centre, holding spears of hate and discord at each point to prevent regathering , its no wonder the new branches – by products of their division – are all crafting new pathways to engage the people directly and make their own way forward. After awhile , everyone gets tired of the constant hate and sycophant songs, even if you once benefitted. No one wants to always be in a tornado of chaos, shouty, and disingenuous headlines .

        There are many successful institutions and public persons that are having direct relationship with their audiences and learning as they go with first-party data without needing the always negative-brigade to be the filter/conduit. The media is no longer the sole gatekeeper to audiences.

      • Convict says:

        The difference with the monarchy, Tyra, is that the monarchy only exists by the will of the people. They are neither elected nor have they earned their high public office.

    • khaveman says:

      The video made me uncomfortable.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      “Harry and Meghan are richly comic, as well as infuriating, figures as they painstakingly fashion their own image of perfection in California. Yet it doesn’t really matter a great deal what they do because they have become so peripheral to the monarchy. But the Prince and Princess of Wales are the future.”. Comedy gold.

      Harry and Meghan are ‘so peripheral to the monarchy’. lol You people have talked about them every f*cking day for at least 6 years. So peripheral! Rotas can’t write one friggin article that doesn’t mention Harry & Meghan. So peripheral. The Wank’s put out a bs video and a rota slides H&M’s name into the story. So peripheral! Can’t even, laughing too hard at this b&llfuc&ery. Waiting for the BM to go all in on the Sussexes and say they steal pets and eat them. Such. Gross. People. On. That. Island. *talking about the BM*

    • PrincessK says:

      Looks to me like a couple who have been going through marriage therapy and Willy has reluctantly participated.

  2. Walking the Walk says:

    Hahaha. Good that the press realizes they may not be able to control them anymore. Anyway. Abolish the monarchy.

  3. equality says:

    BS that the BM has “scrutinized” the royals. And how exactly is Catherine “gifted”? Since the RF relies on that lack of scrutiny and positive PR from the BM, this might start something. (Hopefully).

    • Mimi says:

      My eyes rolled back so much at that “gifted” line. Gifted in what, exactly? Waiting?

      • Moniquep says:

        Did you miss the ” the balanced and dedicated heir to the throne ”
        I was choking on the “gifted” then I died on that one!😂🤣🤣

      • Convict says:

        Well, she’s gifted at conning people, grifting, and avoiding work. You have to give her that at least.

    • Kittenmom says:

      She’s not even gifted in Photoshop

    • Beverley says:

      Keen is gifted in the art of jazz hands, open-mouthed guffaws, and displaying her tonsils at inopportune public moments. She was also gifted at fretting about how dark her mixed race unborn nephew would be and whether he would be photographed with her lily white children. She’s gifted in the stumble and stutter of her fake posh speaking voice.

  4. Jan says:

    Soon it’s going 5 years since the Sussexes left, if they’re on the peripheral vision of the Windsors, why are the Windsors still coping them, and the BM can’t write a story about the Windsors, without mentioning them.

    Chucky was somewhere this week getting a group hug, it was funny as hell, copying Harry.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      It’s bizarre that they think copykeening Harry & Meghan’s clothes or actions, will somehow magically make them more popular.

      It’s not the clothes, it’s not the actions alone – it’s the charisma. Sussexes have it, Windsor left behinds do not. Left Behind Windsors are finally finding out that charisma is not something that can be bought. Love that for them.

      Sussexes are sunshine in human form; the Windsors are dismal, self pitying, and self loathing. One energy draws people to them, the other energy repels people from them.

      It’s Windsors’ FAFO time: you get what you give. Windsors take everything and give nothing, and are very publicly reaping all the rewards of that. So are the tabloids that suck up to the BRF.

    • PrincessK says:

      Exactly, ‘peripheral’ my a***. Harry is the most scrutinised and written about royal. He and his family will remain central to anything to do with the royal family because all the others are all so boring.

  5. Sunnyside up says:

    The DM isn’t allowing anyone to criticise this video. Even the warning about not climbing on log piles has been censored.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      That’s an angle the BM should take up to dissuade KP from continuing to go with this ‘Zoom reign’ route, they should hammer the fact the WanK’s video is playing up a serious safety hazard as ‘jolly fun’ and irresponsible behaviour from a family meant to be portrayed as ‘never putting a foot wrong.

    • Becks1 says:

      which is hilarious bc the DM has articles criticizing the video lol.

      • Convict says:

        In fairness, what would they know about true parenting? The kids are raised by nannies (the demanding parts, at least).

    • sparrow1 says:

      The log pile! Yes. I almost shouted at the screen about how dangerous it is. Thing is, as a kid in the sticks we climbed all over them and went out from dawn to dusk without our parents knowing where we were. However, I’d not tell my kids this, and nor would I put it in a video. Log piles aren’t safe, even if I stupidly used to treat them as climbing frames. If they were true rural dwellers, they’d know that this is something kids want to do but shouldn’t. If I saw one of my kids do it, I’d take them down. And yet they are happily walking along and taking photos of it.

  6. Well here’s a thought. Why doesn’t the press who is all upset about being bypassed start telling the truth that they know about the leftovers. They could exact revenge and let the people in on the lies the royals are telling. They could kill two birds with one stone. Come on press who is Peg diddling on the side and what really happened on December 28th 2023? Run with those two stories and you will have all the clicks you want.

    • Andy Dufresne says:

      I agree with you Susan!

      The press really do have the upper hand. They have all the information about the royals that they can expose at anytime. If Kate and William are saying f- the press, well it’s now time for the press to retaliate!

      Let them destroy each other!

      • Interested Gawker says:

        But there’s the sticky problem of the lawsuits, the lengths the BM might have gone to in their H&M harassment and an apparent schism in which DM and Mirror Group are on the outside looking in, apart from the Murdoch machine running KP right now. There is no upper hand for them if they try to go against KP with Murdoch as their enforcer. The photo of ‘William visiting Kate’ seemed as much a warning to the BM to sit there and stay neutered with CJ visible in many photos as ‘just a pic of William en route to London Clinic’.

        With the caveat that I am only guessing from the sidelines, the car chase in NYC had BM input, cooperation and a campaign of hashtags and negative articles locked and loaded they were ready to deploy until they got the unhappy surprise of Harry being present too.

        I don’t think the BM can go after KP outright they way they might want to because they made a lot illegal moves of their own that would put them in big time trouble and Murdoch seems to have a firewall between his outfit and the rest of them over that as well as a deep bench of international blackmail to draw from. These critiques are probably as much as they can manage without incriminating themselves or stepping on whatever injunction William has going.

      • Lady D says:

        Maybe Willie is trying to pull a Harry and get all his blackmailable info out in the press now so they can’t blackmail him when he’s king? This probably won’t work because I would bet my little white cat that he has illegal or extremely questionable stunts in his history. Plus he expects the press to portray him as perfect, because he doesn’t make mistakes.

    • Tarte au Citron says:

      I reckon that is what will happen. The press can’t really go hard at St Kate or the kids, so it leaves Bully. And there is plenty of dirt there and nobody likes him. Let’s give it a few months… 😉

  7. Anonymous says:

    The press created these lying monsters😂. Yeah, they did. They created them by lying for them rather than scrutinizing them. They want to curate their image as they see the Sussexes doing, as they see other celebrities doing. But they’re making a pr vid using the money from the public. It’s also hilarious that the Wales have this F- the press mentality when they’re happy to play games with the press if it means hurting the Sussexes. They’re happy to have the press blow smoke up their butts. But apparently the press wanting to know what’s happening with Kate this year was a step too far.

    Edit-this is jais!

  8. Neeve says:

    I wonder what would really happen if they do decide to tell the press where to go when it comes to their personal lives. I would love to watch the press treat the Wales like the Sussex in real time. It would be very interesting if the press turned on them and then we will get to see just how much they were protected.However i don’t think these two fragiles could take it,Kate got a little heat for a couple of weeks and practically had a breakdown.

  9. Alicky says:

    “Balanced and dedicated “? HA!

  10. Anonymous says:

    “What is going on is nothing less than a revolution. William and Kate have taken control of their own PR, offering an idealised, almost fairytale ­version of themselves and their family.” How is this different from the version that the British media portrays? It seems to me William and Kate want it all: the continued sycophantic coverage from the invisible contract media AND they also want the life they forced the Sussexes into. The Sussexes had no choice but to take control of their own PR, because of the media abuse engendered mostly by KP. The complete re-writing of history on this issue is not surprising at all, from the same people responsible for this result. It just didn’t turn out the way they had hoped. They expected the Sussexes to come crawling back. And. Not only did it not happen, but the Sussexes are thriving, and even doing better than William and Kate. And this part is really laughable: the British people don’t want a supposedly perfect, make-believe monarchy. Since when?

    • TigerMcQueen says:

      The rota is ok promoting that idealized lie about the Wails relationship IF the Wails continues to play ball. But if W&K are indeed saying “f**k the press” and pushing this BS out alone, well then the rota will not be happy. As you can see with recent criticism of the video.

      And note here that the criticism is very pointed at the glowing idealized perfect image W&K portrayed with that video. All “the public want the royal family to be a normal family with faults” (to paraphrase) was interesting too. It tells me that the rota knows very well the true state of the Wails’ union, they know it’s not rosy and loving, and they are sending a big message about any attempt to cut them out.

      • Becks1 says:

        I dont know if the rota will break silence on the marriage unless there is a smoking gun. But I do think we may start to see more comments like we’ve seen over the past few days, alluding to the “supposed” perfect marriage etc.

        I almost wonder if some in the press are waiting for the Wales to threaten a lawsuit over a story so they can talk about the legal threats – kind of like what happened with Rose Hanbury. The legal threats turned what was kind of a nonstory into a big story.

      • Convict says:

        The problem is, becks, that such subtlety doesn’t work with the passive reader of royalty. It goes over their heads. it’s only us who are invested enough to see through the words on the page.

  11. Hyacinth Bucket says:

    Well, the press does know where some of the bodies are buried. These stories contain a stark warning. If they try to do the fairytale bit, the press will do the “grounded, real people” bit. They signal clearly, that not all is well in the Wales World and will be prepared to spill the beans, if KP tries to lock them out of a very lucrative market.
    Popcorn anyone?

    • First comment says:

      “as we are briefly invited into the heart of a seemingly perfect family. ” Exactly!all is not well in the Wales family and as they admitted. “Seemingly perfect family”does a lot of heavy lifting!

      • Hyacinth Bucket says:

        @First comment
        What intrigues me: All the really big guns from the British tabloids are tooting into the same horn. Richard Eden, of all people is “sceptical” of this move by KP.

  12. Angied says:

    Bravo Kate and William you played the press. The press created Saint Catherine and her adoring husband and children and now they are telling you to fuck off. Whose going to believe you now that you made them untouchable. They can speed dial their media cronies to neutralize any opposing article you print about them. Who will believe you when you have written such glowing articles about them and now write about how awful they are. You meaning the media villainized Harry and Meghan to build up William and Kate and now they are saying we hate you fuck off we will do what we want. You got played.🤣🤣🤣

    • It’s a slick move. With Harry and Meghan five years gone and counting, lazy becomes laissez-faire, which goes in the direction of republican sentiment. As UK sentiment gallops away from its colonial history, all Will and Kate have to do is pump out videos and wait to be invited to go into a rich and fantastic retirement. Monarchy is finished.

    • First comment says:

      Even in this article the writer calls Kate “gifted”(in what?playing the piano?or photoshopping?) and continues the brainwashing with “British people are lucky to have her”!

      • garrity says:

        He also, I note, calls her “Kate.” Gosh, so infuriating for protective, protective William. (Oh, wit- sorry, that only counts when a Sussex calls her Kate.)

    • TigerMcQueen says:

      The press got played, but they are still in the game. Their glowing coverage of K only began after H&M’s wedding, and what they prop up, they can tear down. And people will absolutely be willing to believe a new round of stories about W’s drinking, his temper, his affairs, K’s unwillingness to work not because of her health but because of W, etc. despite the past. One of the reasons tabloids exist is because the public love scandal. You think the press can’t get photos of W out with his “friends,” of him out drunk, or anything like that? That they’re not willing to hack phones and tape private phone calls? Look at what they did to Charles and Diana…and no one, not even W&K, are untouchable if they really, truly cut the rota out.

  13. Andy Dufresne says:

    Well, well…. 2024 is indeed the year of Karma!

    Time to abolish the monarchy.

  14. sevenblue says:

    lol. While trying to write a little criticism, they still have to kiss W&K’s asses at the final paragraph. BM is not as powerful as they think anymore. Will said openly, who is gonna check me, boo? And they are still trying to negotiate with him the terms of their relationship. That ship sailed. Will realized if they went too far criticizing the future Q&K, the monarchy would fall and all these royal reporters are gonna be jobless without them. Windsors are still gonna be one of the richest families in the world. That is why Will was briefing to the media, he was okay if the monarchy falls after H&M left the UK. That was the threat to the media. Fun to watch girlies fighting. 😂😂

    • Eurydice says:

      I wonder at the ass kissing. Does he really believe it or is it more like a warning – as in “this is the kind of coverage you won’t be getting anymore.”

      • Jais says:

        You know what? I think they believe it😂. But it’s superficial bc they’re likely deeply insecure somewhere way down. But the embiggening helps get them going.

  15. Blairski says:

    “Searching questions”?!


    I can think of some searching questions y’all never asked about the Windsors. Pretty rich to stamp your feet about it now, maybe you could have approached your job with fairness and accountability?

    • BeanieBean says:

      I’m thinking about that other video they put out, the one where they’re prepping for the coronation. Where was the searching questions about their tardiness? Where was the rigorous inquiry about W&K being so late & making the king wait?

      Ooh, thought of some more rigorous questions: hey, Will, can you show us your certificate from that bespoke farming course at Cambridge? How about your timesheets when you flew as a rescue co-pilot? Kate, what is your monthly shopping totals, per category–clothing, jewelry, etc?

  16. Brit says:

    The press are getting their karma. They got played because the press are gagged and can’t talk about certain things and their real cash cows are gone but the people they praise to high heavens don’t have the charisma or star power to replace the Sussex gravy train and William and Kate are lazy. They ruined any chance of access regarding the Sussexes and are completely shut out and being sued. All they can do is threaten and plead with William in articles to forgive Harry and try to ask for reconciliation because they’re losing.

  17. Nanea says:

    I’m sure that Harry’s brother and Harry’s SIL saying “F* the press” is H&M’s fault too.

    No idea why the Fail doesn’t spell it out clearly (yet?), but instead resorts to calling H&M “peripheral to the monarchy”. Too bad they aren’t peripheral to the UK’s media as well…

  18. Monika says:

    It would have been great if the BM had scrutinized Willi and Kate but they have not. After the communication disaster earlier this year (Mother Day’s photo etc.) Willi and Kate try to use social media to regain control by circumventing the main stream media in going directly to their subjects via social media trying to promote a picture for the public ( by the way this was always what the BRF did, keeping up a facade). Now the BM see their livelihood going they wake up and push back crying that the BM need to scrutinize the BRF, what they have not done for years. It will be an interesting cat fight between KP and BM.

  19. Noor says:

    The legacy press is panicking. Rather too late to say that the press wants to scrutinize the royals and hold them accountable. They have stopped scrutinizing the Wales since Meghan married Harry.

    • Brit says:

      I think the press are scared that William and Kate are going to pull a Harry and Meghan with the press. They don’t want them to act just like them. They don’t mind the cosplaying but Harry and Meghan have way more courage and I doubt the Wales’ will completely shut out the press. The BM is still reeling from Harry and Meghan leaving almost 5 years later.

  20. Digital Unicorn says:

    I agree that while the UK press has created the vacuum for these 2 lazy unpleasant grifters, they are not completely out of options to ‘close pandoras box’ – while yes their hands are tied due to Williams love of super injunctions but that applies to the English press only, the media in Scotland, NI and Wales can still drop the truth about them. Same goes for the international media – all it will take is for one tabloid to go rogue and print some of the dark secrets these 2 are hiding.

    One thing is clear – the 2 of them are not going to be as visible as they were, which means the press are going to keep poking them until something breaks.

  21. JT says:

    The only way the BM can close that Pandora’s box is by telling the truth about W&K.

  22. Lulu says:

    Here is the thing, this video shows a made up version of the Wales and the rr also feed us a made up version. So really no difference.

  23. Amy Bee says:

    I think piece is comical and hypocritical considering the press has been partners in William and Kate’s fairytale portrayal to detriment of Harry and Meghan. The real issue is that William and Kate have made the press look like fools and hypocrites. William and Kate were jealous of Harry and Meghan and they used the press to bring them down. It would seem that the press has now realised that they were being used and have ended up with an imitation of Harry and Meghan.

    • Brit says:

      Do you think that’s why some of the press have backed off the Sussexes a little? I doubt it was just because they were cut out of Nigeria and Colombia. The gravy train is not what it used to be.

    • Angied says:

      I call them the Temu version of Harry and Meghan.😂

    • Lady D says:

      I believe the press were more than happy to be used by the royals, especially the sneaky dirty royals. They enjoyed and reveled in their close friendships with the Wales, and that tramp, Camilla. Special shout out to Charles who enjoys his own cozy relationship with the press.

  24. Hypocrisy says:

    They need to stop saying that the manipulated photo was a little photoshop, major news organizations do not issue “Kill Notifications” deeming you an untrustworthy source for a little photoshop. So now they are doing all their videos and photos through social media and somehow that is f*** the media. They are just angry at being exposed and like toddlers aren’t going to share anymore. I hope they are shredded by the same press they blatantly used in their targeted hate campaign against the Sussex’s. Also, I don’t even know what to say about a woman who survives some mystery cancer and she is briefing through her “friend” that it’s “f*** Harry and Meghan” who left five years ago… must suck to be that vile of a human being. Thank goodness the Sussex’s on the other side of the earth 🌎.

    • Jais says:

      Yeah, that’s something that always gets me. Cutting and pasting faces and body parts is not light editing. It’s disingenuous to say otherwise. But even Marina Hyde wrote a guardian column about the video and referred to the Mother’s Day photo as light editing. I was like ma’am, you’re writing for the guardian and really shouldn’t be downplaying royal propaganda.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      I noticed that in the Guardian piece too. The fact of the matter is the BM can’t change tact because the international timezones let them fawn all over the farm shop video and Frankenphoto in articles that already went to press before the incredulity took hold for the farm shop and the photo service photo kill. It seems they can’t bring themselves to deviate from the ‘modest tweaks to improve the children’ after going along with it to the ridicule of the wider world and left the cancer video and children’s birthday photos to pass with no criticism as well. They are all too far inside the BRFs propaganda bubble to admit they were ignorant these photos and videos were manipulated fakes now to their readership. That even The Guardian won’t upset the apple cart and toes that line is depressing.

  25. sparrow1 says:

    “Gifted woman”??? Gifted at what? Have they seen the list of accomplishments she got before marrying into the family, compared with Meghan’s. Perhaps stalking her husband to be could count as a gift of sorts. On another post some weeks back I said Kate is still obsessed with Meghan. Someone counter commented: Kate won’t be thinking about Meghan after all this time. But this video proves it – it’s a made to measure soup of M&H wannabee mentality. W&K’s friend’s comment about “**** M&H”. Well, first off it’s disgusting, immature, and using someone’s illness to vent. That whole spew of sentiment comes from W&K. They are obsessed with M&H, and this video proves only that she and her husband are now pictorially stalking his brother and his wife. The message is wishy washy, sans thanks to anyone who cared for her medically, and clearly made with the intention of trying to get back at M&H. They are utterly childish.

    • Tessa says:

      She is not gifted, She just waited out the years of hoping for the ring doing very little.

      • Convict says:

        Save for a very mediocre degree that her parents funded to put her in close proximity to the future king, she has achieved absolutely nothing. I would be ashamed. Yet, she’s lauded for “marrying well” and looking pretty, whilst those on meagre welfare are vilified. She’s the biggest welfare scrounger of all.

  26. Lady Digby says:

    Final paragraph describes Kate as gifted and Will as a balanced and dedicated heir which continues BM fawning over a mediocre pair who are inadequate, unprepared, lazy and yet praised to the skies as saviours of the monarchy!

    • sparrow1 says:

      Exactly. She can’t even speak properly. Got an art history degree at William’s university of choice, faffed around at Mummy and Daddy’s party pieces, and then picked up the phone a couple of times at Jigsaw.

      • Convict says:

        The job at PP was a ruse because even the late QEII was not happy that she wasn’t working. It was a contrived response to the loud criticism and “Waity Katie” nickname that stuck.

  27. Snideysense says:

    I don’t know…I read this more as a warning from the BM to Will and Kate. “You can’t cut us out. We know where the bodies are buried.”

  28. s808 says:

    Anyone with half a brain could have seen where this was all going. Did the press really think W&K weren’t gonna try get around them eventually? Especially with H&M successfully not having to deal with the BM at all? W&K are STILL trying to compete with H&M and one thing that has greatly helped their success in the states is not having to answer to the BM about ANYTHING. BM does not control their story anymore. These days the BM finds out LAST. W&K were always gonna try and do the same. They won’t be successful at it though cause while BM can’t go scorched earth like they did with H&M, they can yank that chain and Cammy will make sure that chain is yanked tight.

    • Angied says:

      I disagree. Camilla can say what she wants but people don’t like her as well as they do William and Kate. Like it or not she is on her way out. Will and Kate are the future. The press knows this hence the constant ass kissing of William and Kate. No one cares about what Camilla does daily. No one is interested in her children or grandchildren. They are only royal adjacent. William and Kate are the royals. They don’t get the print that Harry and Meghan does hence the jealousy but they are way better than her. It’s all about the advertising dollars. Harry and Meghan first than William and Kate. Since William and Kate are the only ones in the UK the press won’t damage that relationship too much. They certainly won’t kill the golden goose for Camilla who they know is on her way out.

      • s808 says:

        This is true! I don’t believe they’re ever go scorched earth on W&K but I do believe they will slow drip information and threaten to keep them from toeing too far out of line.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        “Camilla can say what she wants but people don’t like her as well as they do William and Kate. Like it or not she is on her way out. Will and Kate are the future.”

        100% true.


        What if we’re all looking at this the wrong way? Maybe we are witnessing fallout of Cam trying to insure protection for herself by using Rocksavages – a family with an inherited obligated to serve during William’s reign- as her way of having a mole helping her maintain some sort of power post CIII. Setting aside whatever ‘Rural Rivals’ actually *is/was* that was the catalyst for KP going after Tatler, leaving in the ‘Meghan made me cry’ and, later trading H&M stories for Rose ones. What if all these old Rose stories are being deleted to spare Cam, not William?

        The firm chose to back a member of William’s staff over a blood prince of England. Why would Charles want to do that unless whatever went on between Wootton, Jones and William would implicate Cam too? No one cares about what Camilla does and no one is interested in her children or grandchildren SPECIFICALLY because she spent all those years making deals with her press pals to rubbish Harry rather than turn the lenses on them. William has the Murdoch press as an ongoing partner of KP supplying international print media and social media support to Kategate that Cam’s domestic UK allies can’t compete against and seem muzzled over. The BRF DID want Meghan out, they DO want Harry back to control him support W’s reign and stop his exposing the BRF’s(Cam’s) nefarious selling each other out to the press but what if the fight now is Murdoch using William to throw a lit match on the Windsors while trying to keep The Sun from getting shuttered from illegal activities first and foremost while W gets to throw petrol on Cam for trying to get her claws on his reign through Rose and avenge Diana in one fell swoop?

      • Tessa says:

        William is doing a bad job “avenging” Diana, he called her paranoid and had her interview censored.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        Yes, perhaps I should have said sticking it to Cam in general rather than avenging his mother.

        I also wonder if being filmed making that remark about Diana being paranoid and coming out against the Panarama interview being shown was a condition of whatever that Murdoch money that changed hands for. I suspect William is not an ‘equal partner’ in this ongoing arrangement; some of Wootton’s columns aimed at W were very passive aggressive and it was interesting how he wriggled out of the allegations Byline Times had published. They are assisting KP but the also keep W in line with the dirt they’ve got.

      • Convict says:

        Your argument has force and is well articulated. I would agree, however, Camilla has struck: see latest DM article. There is no way that the royals don’t have staff trawling the public sentiment on SM.

      • Magdalena says:

        CHARLES was the future while his mother was queen and that did NOT stop the British press, en masse, from going HARD at him for everything, not just his affairs. They criticised his environmental ideas – and his were far more original and better and more effective than William’s earthflop. They criticised his dress sense, his big ears, his intelligence, his correspondence with government officials, and much, much more.

        What dangerous, eye-bleeding secret do they know about William that makes them ALL strive so hard to kiss his behind and praise him to the high heavens, and by extension Kate?

        I keep thinking of that tweet/comment many moons ago that said “There really is a dead body, isn’t there?”

  29. Hannah says:

    If absolutely nothing else. This confirms, for me at least, that H & M were waaay ahead of the curve 5+ years ago. And will continue to always be

  30. VilleRose says:

    I think we all agree the video was overly produced/stage managed almost like a happy music video with no song/Hallmark trailer. But I am surprised by a lot of the reactions from the British press because the Waleses have released videos like this before. However the difference is maybe this one went on for too long? I’m trying to understand why the British media keep calling out this video because I just assumed they’d be thrilled to see Kate is doing better with the announcement of the end of her chemotherapy treatment. She isn’t transparent about the kind of cancer she had, how serious it was, and if she actually is cancer free, just that she is trying to “stay cancer free.” Kate has been more upfront about her health issues than Queen Elizabeth was. But it does keep people guessing how well she is actually doing. I personally don’t need those details from her but it seems like the British media does.

    The only thing I can think of they are taking issue with is they know that William and Kate are separated and leading their own lives behind closed doors (which is what I’ve believed for several years now) and are lying about the state of their relationship with all the “PDA” moments in the video. And that’s why they keep getting called out for portraying a “fairy tale” family when the press knows otherwise? Is the British press trying to threaten Kate and William they are going to reveal what’s really going on with them? This is really the only thing I can see why the British tabloids are offended by this video. I think it would have been better to just do another bench/couch video where she’s sitting with William at home and just said exactly what she said in her voiceover. It would have been more impactful and direct, like her March video was.

    • sevenblue says:

      “Kate has been more upfront about her health issues than Queen Elizabeth was.”

      Correct me if I am wrong, but the difference is, we still saw QE2 working even though she was ill. In the same way, we are still seeing Charles walking around, posing for photos, going to events. Kate isn’t working, not giving fresh articles, pics to the tabloids to work on. When she gets in front of the camera, they are now using their own team and posting on their own social media account. The point of the royal rota is, they get the preferential access to the royals and sell the photos and the stories to the international media, making a lot of money. Now, W&K cut the middleman. That is why they are starting to hit back a little.

      • VilleRose says:

        They’ve been bypassing the media though since the Mother’s Day photo debacle though correct? I don’t think the Waleses will go back to providing the royal rota with early access to photos and videos of them anymore after that whole brouhaha.

        While we did see QEII still “working” while she was sick, she canceled a lot of appearances citing “mobility issues.” She barely managed a showing at her last Jubilee. Charles picked up the slack for her because she refused to be seen in a wheelchair and she could barely walk. I know she saw Liz Truss two days before she passed away and that is pretty impressive given she was seen standing. But the BRF was very secretive about her health and I don’t think she managed a whole lot in that last year because her 90+ year old body finally gave out on her.

      • sevenblue says:

        @VilleRose, QE2 did more engagements before dying than “full-time working” Kate. Yes, she cancelled some, but we saw her and the royal rota still got their pics and consistent briefings. I think, the months of Mother Day’s photo were kind of survival mode for the royal rota. W&K got embarrassed and humiliated by the international media. So, BM was in the defense mode for their ticket meal. I think, they want W&K come back to their flashlights now instead of hiding, so we are seeing a couple of criticism against them. When they agree to come out, it will be all fawning articles again, no doubt.

      • Convict says:

        She’s only conditionally upfront because she hasn’t done any work in 2024 and wanted to continue to do nothing. She was forced to say something and that something has been meaningless and evasive. As others have said, the late QEII kept working.

    • Jais says:

      A lot of things going on. Some of it def has to with the media knowing the truth about the Wales marriage and that it’s not as seemingly perfect as they say. But also, I think a lot of it has to do with the cancer part. There is something deeply off-putting about creating a video of butterflies and wheat fields to announce the end of one’s cancer treatment. A lot of people have cancer and know what it’s like and there’s a disconnect. Also let’s be real, Camilla took one look at this vid, up-chucked whatever gin was floating around in her belly, made some calls and said unleash the hounds. And finally, William or William’s friend called up the DB and said F- the press and the press is saying F-u right back. And yeah, @villerose, the Wales are still massively angry about the mothers’ day photo being called out.

    • Tessa says:

      The PDA sessions were not in the earlier ones. The Wails had to prove they were so very happy and tactile but it was not a private moment, cameras were there and the kids were nearby.

    • Magdalena says:

      The UK media have backed themselves into a corner. They have to react like this now (and their reaction is still pretty damn tame to me) because the international media whose spotlight the Wailses wanted has been pretty harsh and a lot of it has opened the sycophantic stenography of the royal reporters and so-called experts to scrutiny. So yes, they are pissed to have been excluded from this and other KP media releases, but also because they can’t praise it if the world’s media (and multitudes of social media posters) are mocking the sh*t out of the video.

      That they helped William and Kate drive out the Sussexes, only to end up being shafted by the stale leftover royal bread and with dwindling income and only lawsuits and lack of access to the genuine working royals in California is just gravy.

  31. Kelly says:

    Can you imagine the comments that George and Charlotte are going to get at school when their schoolmates see this schmaltz? Not going to be fun.

  32. AuntRara says:

    Aren’t they worried that this video is writing checks that their public appearances can’t cash? I mean nobody expects them to be arm-in-arm, nuzzling each other’s necks at official engagements or anything, but won’t this video lead people to expect that they won’t seem so awkward together? Or are they just not planning to do engagements together in the future? Is this truly her retirement video?

    • Jais says:

      I think the plan is to reduce the miner of public appearances, especially the ones that both William and Kate have to attend.

  33. QuiteContrary says:

    I loathe the Daily Fail, but I did LOL at this line: “now we have a further video in which Catherine, ­William and their children seem utterly delirious – as if they have eaten too many magic mushrooms discovered in their enchanted, dappled wood.”

    That column also raises these legitimate questions: “what exactly was wrong with Catherine, and how long is the ‘path to healing and full recovery’ likely to be?”

    If the rota starts asking actual questions of the Waleses, the monarchy is cooked. And I’m here for it.

  34. sparrow1 says:

    Essentially, W&K have failed to impress the more educated here in the UK. Unsurprisingly, they’ve got the tabloiders in a froth of delight with this nonsense video, but people I know found the whole thing over produced, ridiculous, laughable and embarrassing. And this is a problem for W&K: they desperately want to appeal to people more sophisticated, worldly and cosmopolitan than their tabloid worshippers. Their desperation is so obvious that it’s destined to fail; in copying they signal only their absence of the same qualities.

  35. Tina says:

    William has always hated the press as much as Harry has. He got away with alot more than Harry did but he has always resented the intrusion in his life. The fact that he coupled up with the press to destroy Harry and Meghan was brilliant and it has effectively worked at least amongst the royalists in the UK (although I have met many normal non-royalists from the UK who sadly have consumed the tabloid narratives). In turn the press got access to the Wales, many leaks and storylines which have kept them fed for years. I think the press just assumed William would always be their useful idiot and play along but I do think he’s pretty smart to cut them out at least a little bit. They may hint about the marriage or push back but ultimately they are all going to play along and prop up the monarch. Charles does not look well and even if he recovers it will be short reign. That will neutralize Camilla and her power. And then the reign of King William the WFH King.

    • Angied says:

      The only thing they didn’t count on was Kate being sick. It’s good for him he gets all the attention and bad for her she is sidelined. Although I think this is what she wants all the perks but none of the work. You can see from their former pics when they were out and about. Them gloating and getting so much positive press. Her cosplaying Meghan. Her sickness is a way for them to completely kick the press out of their lives. Now and them they will give exclusives to their favorite press people but now I feel that they currently have the upper hand.

      • Tina says:

        Yes I think they have ‘won’ in the sense that they will do very little going forward and share even less and get away with it. William and Kate are boring and aging badly but they and their kids are the future of the monarchy. There is no one to tell William ‘no’ and no way to make him do what he doesn’t want to do. The press isn’t going to lose access to the kids who are the future meal ticket. I will always feel sorry for the kids. Still think William is totally miserable though but other than that its likely worked out pretty well for him.

      • Convict says:

        It has indeed worked out well for now. But that will not continue indefinitely. they are not the masterminds they think they are. I do fear though that if something happens to Kate, William will use that has a lifetime “get out of work free card”.

  36. Over it says:

    I say this is the perfect opportunity for bride of chucky camilla side piece to do what she does best. Call up your tabloid besties and tell them let it rip . After all
    That Tom Sykes article did take a dig at Charles and how he was making up him and Kate being so close due to cancer. They drove home the point by only putting Carole and Mike Jenners in the video. Now normally I can’t stand Camila but In this case , she actually has the ability to sink willy and Kate ship .

  37. Veronica S. says:

    My thing is like…why lol? Just press release, say she’s well, and move on. They drew MORE attention by posting this inane video The only reason it was even a scandal to begin with is because of how stupidly they handled it, when all they had to do was release a public note that she was ill and recovering, with more details being released later.

  38. Saucy&Sassy says:

    I’ve said that the longer Bone Idle stays out of the public eye, people will forget about her. The same can be said for the entire family. If Billy and Bone Idle won’t be in the public eye, will be putting out a video periodically, and essentially disappear from public, the only question I have is will this mean the amount of money that goes to the brf for their ‘work’ be seriously reduced? I’m American, so I don’t care if I see any of them.

    Just an interesting tidbit about Rupert Murdoch. He’s in court in Nevada. He’s attempting to change his irrevocable trust so that Lauchlan can make all decisions instead of Lauchlan, James and two sisters having equal say. Rupert just wants Lauchlan. James endorsed Kamala Harris and has gone his own way because he’s leans left–evidently his two sisters do too. What’s at stake? The Wall Street Journal, New York Post, and Fox News and how each goes forward–right wingnut or balanced. It’ll be interesting to see what Nevada does.

    If Kaiser allows it, here’s a link:

    • Interested Gawker says:



      Those are the very outlets that KP has been relying upon in circumventing the BM for all the Kategate business.

  39. Lady Digby says:

    So their reset is a syrupy commercial about their family life, logs ,loafing , lurve and luxurious lifestyle funded by taxpayer largesse? Perhaps eventually an inspirational tweet from their PR on all you need is love dedicated to all those UK pensioners freezing without their winter fuel allowance? How heartwarming of them to spare a thought for all of us not blessed with a Sovereign Grant and having to work to pay our bills and keep a roof over our heads!

  40. Tessa says:

    Kate is so not Gifted. And William is still lazy.

  41. Feebee says:

    Well they almost had me. Yes, they’re advocating for themselves in the royal system. But then they had to go and lie which makes everyone think ‘f**k the press’.

    1) they scrutinize at times rigorously. GMAFB, they do nothing of the sort
    2) they drag H&M again for no reason whatsoever
    3) Kate is not a gifted woman and William is just lazy. He’s not adding value at all.

  42. BeanieBean says:

    Just another weird, random thought about the lack of actual outdoorsy experience these people have: I have sat on logs–specifically, downed trees, and certainly NOT stacked logs–and let me tell you, the bark will poke at you through your clothing. I always wore khaki trousers in the field & still I felt that bark. Kate’s sitting there in a flimsy dress, nothing between that bark & her skin but that thin fabric. That’s gonna hurt! And scratch! Not to mention, ants & other bugs live in the bark of a downed tree–or even a cut log–and those will be crawling around under your clothes in no time if you’re not careful. I’m still just gobsmacked at the floaty dresses to wander around in the woods! That’s just idiotic!

  43. Lady D says:

    I just realized I’ve read two articles in two days from scummy DM hacks. I haven’t read two articles in that rag in over three years. I usually let Kaiser do her hilariously incisive recaps instead.

  44. Kim says:

    I don’t understand the “Fuck Harry” and “Fuck Meghan” narrative when The Sussexes have done nothing to The Wales. I believe it’s more about jealousy: Harry & Meghan are independent, successful, intelligent, charismatic, and not obligated to deal with the press. They are free, being 5th in line. Perhaps life would be better for The Wales if they didn’t spend so much time copying The Sussexes and trying to compete with them – The Wales’ won’t win.

  45. Jay says:

    What “f**k the press” strategy? They are still briefing the rota left and right in the traditional media and giving them something to write about per the invisible contract.

    This is the same old “reset” that they do every other fall when they talk about the new and improved “Cambridge way” or Kate “top CEO” or whatever new “keen to be keen” strategy they are trying this year. This year, they are doing a pale, stale imitation of the Sussexes, but without any of the actual sincerity, integrity, or warmth.

    It’s like a pop singer’s version of trying to give themselves a punk “edge” via their style – donning ripped clothes or getting a piercing, but it’s just another costume to put on, there’s no understanding.

  46. Mrs. Smith says:

    I think W&K believe they can get away with this plan of less/no press strategy, but let’s get real, the press have all the power here. They will let W&K run with it for a bit, but ultimately the press can (will?) take them down. Once KC has shuffled off, Cams and the rota will burn it all to the ground. How else can the media make money otherwise? They’ve proven they will gleefully destroy whomever they have in their sights, so good luck to the Wales.

  47. Angied says:

    I believe that this is what the incandescent anger is all about. This is why he is so angry with Harry. People keep saying it’s the book but I don’t believe it. Why? He’s seen plenty of thing written and said about him so the book isn’t anything different. Sure he probably was angry that Harry exposed a lot of his true personality that the media won’t print or say about him. It’s the fact that he has no way out. His life is mapped until the day he dies. What time he gets up to who he see’s is not under his control. It’s all under the control of the grey men just like his Mom said. When his father dies there is no one who understands what he will go to other than his brother. Harry knows all his fears and won’t be there for him to lean on. He failed to protect and cherish the one person he could count on and this eats at him. He knows what he did to his brother and can’t bring himself to ask for forgiveness from him. I believe if he did this Harry would forgive him because that’s who he is. Sure he would never live there and work but he would support him. He has to carry the whole load by himself and he deserves it for how he treated Harry.

    • Sunnyside up says:

      It’s easy to imagine Harry forgiving him, but I can’t see him bringing Meghan and the children back to a country that showed such disdain for his mixed race wife and children.

      • Tessa says:

        I think William reached the point of no return. Unless he goes in for therapy. Maybe but he just seems to get worse.

  48. Call_Me_Al says:

    All of this scenarios is so Gone Girl to me. The errant husband, the bitter wife who was always trying to be a “Cool Girl,” the dramatic disappearance, the fumbling left-behind husband making gaffes here, there and everywhere, and finally, the emergence of a triumphant wife and reunited couple with the “perfect” family, with the bewildered husband awkwardly tagging along and playing his part.

  49. Meredith says:

    I just don’t understand why Kate hasn’t visited fellow cancer fighters in hospital, or even zoomed with people who are suffering to offer solidarity and support.

    It would be a PR lay-up.

    She wouldn’t even have to disclose more details of her diagnosis!

  50. Mads says:

    Rebecca English is the weathervane here and she’s been defending the video. If she starts to change tack, then KP will know heavy pushback is coming.
    I’ve got a suspicion KP won’t care if she does; in a weird way, Harry and Meghan cutting out the press and Harry’s legal cases has kinda helped WanK by making a lot of people think the UK media is toxic so, if they do start to attack, it might not be as effective as it would have been a few years ago.

  51. sparrow1 says:

    I’ve been thinking about the comment re why couldn’t she say which type of cancer? I used to think, this is her illness, her privacy. But, in a way, yes, why not say more. Why not use this as a chance to educate people more. Why all the big secrecy and attempt at enigma while being so explicit in the sand dunes with your husband. She treats cancer as it used to be treated decades ago – all a bit hush hush and something to be ashamed of. Really bad. This veil of secrecy is at odds with today’s honesty with cancer. Again, she’s trying to be all never explain never complain old fashioned and mysterious, using “cancer” as some kind of magical mystery term for a woman too ethereal to speak the truth or even be expected to asked. This is actually how the queen would have done it back in the day. So, OK, be all old fashioned, wanting to say but forbidden by the decorum of a princess, but don’t then roll around in the dunes with William, because that certainly isn’t what the late queen would’ve done. This is going to be her usp for years. And it’s also brilliant at not giving a timeline, a return to work, a thank you to a specific medical team or hospital, a nod to research and education. I suspect it was bowel cancer and she doesn’t want people to know because that’s too “base” for her. Her choice, but it is manipulative.

  52. slippers4life says:

    Well, looks like they finally ran out of Sussex stories to feed the crocodile and now the press is turning.

  53. tamsin says:

    That top picture is comically awkward. That Wales hand sandwich and is supremely awkward- there is a big space between the two of them, and William is completely self-contained. Kate is the one who enters William’s space by putting her arm through his armpit. In fact pictures of stacked hands do not give off intimacy vibes and these stacked hands appear frequently in what now many people think of as the Wales Family Happy Marriage and Family propaganda video.

    “She is a gifted woman, and we are very lucky to have her. We are fortunate, too, to have in William such a balanced and dedicated heir to the throne. She is a gifted woman, and we are very lucky to have her. We are fortunate, too, to have in William such a balanced and dedicated heir to the throne.”

    Gifted? Gosh, if one could only become gifted by having some one telling them they are. “balanced and dedicated?” How does someone lazy lout who is driven by anger and jealousy become balanced and dedicated?

  54. L4Frimaire says:

    If the Sussexes are so peripheral to the monarchy, then why even mention them at all? Why compare this weird video to anything they do? If William and Kate want to ice out their UK press collaborators and mouthpieces, I really don’t care. Let them whine and complain all they want. They never scrutinize or demand any form of accountability from them until it affects their bottom line. They even all lined up to praise that fake photoshopped Mother’s Day photo until international press and social media called it out, then they made weak excuses. Anyway, it’s not like they’re gonna work any harder and the press will fall back in line when they turn up at another movie premiere.

  55. Eowyn says:

    Someone has placed a pharmaceutical advertisement voiceover on the video…I’ll leave it at that.

  56. sammi says:

    Gifted woman and balanced man …….lucky to have them? Accusing them of fairy tales and air brushing reality and then this guy does it in spades!

    I would love Kevin Macguire to expand on his comment on live tv news that if we knew the truth ‘it would make our eyes bleed’ and be more sympathetic to Harry and Meghan.

  57. Dog Mom says:

    The header photo 😂😂 W looks like he realized the small toot has turned into a shart of hot, epic proportions 😂😂

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