Patrick Mahomes: Whoever I hang out with, ‘I’m not thinking about their political views’

Whenever we come across a celebrity or athlete who claims to they’re “not political,” I always wait for the other shoe to drop. Because it’s so clearly a lie – absolutely no one can remain completely apolitical personally or professionally, especially not a mixed-race Black quarterback on an NFL team. Well, Patrick Mahomes has actually avoided much of backlash from his wife’s MAGA games online. Brittany clearly wanted people to know that she is very “political,” and she made that clear by liking several pro-Trump comments and Instagram posts. Brittany’s MAGA status caught the eye of Donald Trump, and he repeatedly praised her and her husband. Brittany is political. Patrick claims that he is not.

Patrick Mahomes isn’t interested in talking about politics. Shortly after former President Donald Trump gave a shoutout to the Kansas City Chief quarterback’s wife Brittany Mahomes, calling her “a big Trump fan,” Patrick was asked about where his family stands.

“I’ve always said,” he explained to reporters Sept. 11 via A to Z Sports, “I don’t want my place and my platform to be used to endorse a candidate or do whatever either way.”

Instead, the 28-year-old feels his place is to “inform people to get registered to vote,” and encourage them “to do their own research and then make their best decision for them and their family.”

And Patrick believes having that ability to make decisions for yourself is “what makes America so great.”

“I’ve grown up with people from every aspect of life and every background,” he continued. “I think the best thing about a football locker room—and kind of how I’ve grown up in baseball lockers— everything about that is people can come together and achieve something and achieve a common goal…. Whenever I’m hanging out with whoever, I’m not thinking about their political views. I’m thinking about the people and how they treat other people.”

And the Super Bowl winner doesn’t believe that the former President discussing Brittany—with whom he shares children Sterling, 3, and Bronze, 20 months—will affect her one way or another.

“I think at the end of the day, it’s about me and my family and how we treat other people,” Patrick explained. “And I think you see is that Brittany does a lot in the community.”

For now, he and his family aren’t going to let these “political times” affect them, and will instead continue living their lives to the best of their abilities.

[From E! News]

“I’m not thinking about their political views. I’m thinking about the people and how they treat other people.” Does he understand that people’s political beliefs affect the way they treat other people, especially people in marginalized communities? Donald Trump and JD Vance are currently on a tear, amplifying harmful lies about an immigrant community in Ohio. Those lies do actual harm to people. Donald Trump’s Supreme Court judges are actively doing harm to the American people. Trump himself has harmed and assaulted people. Anyway, I absolutely wonder how Taylor Swift’s new Harris-Walz endorsement is going to play out across the football season.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, Cover Images and IG.

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75 Responses to “Patrick Mahomes: Whoever I hang out with, ‘I’m not thinking about their political views’”

  1. Seraphina says:

    I used to cheer for this idiot. But the fact that he is mixed race and has a wife that supports Trump is enough for me to know how he only knows how to throw a ball. Granted, he throws it well.

    • Clove says:

      As someone that is a mixed race, I stopped cheering for him when he denied trying to understand his other side of who he is. Plus, he’s doesn’t care to know that part of his family is insane. His wife being aTrump supporter is a deal breaker for me.
      I’m sorry I just cannot.

      • Starstarstarstar says:

        I wont even google to verify – but tell me you are black with a white mother. I’d bet money on this. Very cliche. I bet they see no color in their house.

      • kirk says:

        I thought he participated in some Black Lives Matter video? Not sure about anything else he’s for or against. If KC is in the Super Bowl, my husband and I pretty much have a standing $1 bet on the game if I’m interested in the other team. I’m currently 1-2 against hubby on Super Bowls, so my fingers are crossed Mahomes has a bad year.

    • He is a bigger fool than I thought he was.

    • Walking the Walk says:

      What you said. But hey we should ignore these people’s politics. One thing the UK did right was go after those idiots who rioted against immigrants. I swear the US is so focused on giving people who think some of us should not exist equal time it’s baffling. I live in DC and am happy that I’m not in some of these other states in the U.S. which are stripping people of rights. But hey we can all be friends though I guess? Ugh.

  2. Mimi says:

    trump’s lies about immigrants eating pets has already put Haitian immigrants at risk in Ohio. They are literally scared for their lives bc of the virulent magats in that part of the country. Supporting trump (or claiming not to support anyone) is not harmless. Even his saying “it’s what makes America so great” sounds like a dog whistle to magats that he’s one of them.

  3. Kitten says:

    Ah yes the classic “I just want people to do their research” cop-out line.
    And no, he has zero obligation to use his platform to speak out on anything political but he could at least acknowledge that his agnostic position comes from a place of privilege and comfort. But then again. I kinda don’t blame him because we all saw what happened to Kaep when he took a knee so…..

    • Megan says:

      It’s a tricky line to walk when the team owner is a right wing Republican.

      • wolfmamma says:


        And he doesn’t come from such a great family actually – either side

        Not excusing his statement though I do think he’s in a bit of a bind.

        Hopefully his wife will keep her mouth shut now though.

      • TigerMcQueen says:

        The owner being a right-wing republican hasn’t stopped Kelce from taking a far-from-RW stance on vaccinations. And TK is much MUCH less important to the team than Mahomes is yet kept his job (before dating TS), so no. It might be a tight line to walk, but Mahomes can do a lot better…if he wants to.

        But he doesn’t want to, because he’s MAGA.

        I haven’t liked him (or the Chiefs) since their first SB win, and it started with the people Mahomes willingly associated with despite their rather gross actions (his brother, his wife). That, and how he and the organization treated some former teammates… yeah, I’m honestly just glad other people are starting to see beyond the very carefully crafted public image of his.

      • Megan says:

        @TigerMcQueen So you think Mahomes should divorce his wife and mother of his children because she expressed political views you disagree with? Maybe Brittney is uneducated, or brainwashed by her church. Cutting people out of your life because they support Trump only drives them deeper into the cult because it reinforces Trump’s lies that he alone can save them.

      • Kitten says:

        @ Megan–The entire league leans Right. It’s not like the NBA, which is why I much prefer basketball.

        @TigerMcQueen–That’s a fair point about Kelce coming out as pro-vax—which really shouldn’t be controversial or political in any way, but ‘Merica and all that.

      • TigerMcQueen says:

        @Megan, you totally missed my point, which is that Mahomes is with Brittany and spouting BS like “do your own research” because he agrees with her political views.

        I totally understand the struggle people have dealing with close family members and friends who are MAGA. Mahomes…is not having that struggle.

  4. Pinkosaurus says:

    Ope! Just posted this on the previous post about TS but I have to think Patrick’s very well paid representation is not happy. Patrick Mahomes has one of the most positive and uncontroversial reputations in the NFL and they do not want his wife’s idiot likes and unlikes and juvenile slap backs to “haters” to mess with his (and their) money. I expect she’s been told to knock it off, but I don’t see that Trump is going to drop the topic. I bet he keeps bringing up Brittany every time Taylor Swift is mentioned.

  5. Henny Penny says:

    It’s disappointing to see a young mixed race person say such knuckleheaded, self-serving nonsense. Trying to act like you are somehow above the fray and unaffected by politics when one of the candidates has literally said he’s going to tear up the Constitution, jail political opponents, and become a dictator on Day 1 is an upsettingly selfish, myopic point of view rooted in some serious privilege and delusion.

    Some people use their power and fame to shine a light on injustice and lift others up, and some people don’t see their obligation to do any of that.

  6. Mirelle says:

    Patrick Mahomes is equivalent to Cheryl Hines IMO — both supporting their partners who are Trump supporters. He and Cheryl are probably Trump supporters themselves. How many people look up to him as a role model and he doesn’t say anything about Trump and the Republican racist, misogynistic, prejudicial platform? I get he has a lot to lose if he takes a side — his fanbase, career, endorsement deals, money. But knowing this, I appreciate Colin Kaepernick even more now for all that he given up to take a knee, make a stand.

  7. SIde Eye says:

    How nice for you Patrick. Guess that makes you a better person than me. Such a great guy to be able to look past nazi racist views. It’s like arguing about pineapple on pizza amirite?

    Instead why don’t you use your privilege to call out your classmates that are literally putting a target on the backs of Haitian immigrants in Ohio by making baseless, wild, insane claims about them. So sick of POC happily carrying water for White Supremacy. GTFOH

    God I can’t stand him now and that wife of his. I don’t follow football, but now I actively root AGAINST the Chiefs.

  8. JulesB says:

    Pat Mahomes is 100% a Trump supporter, he from East Texas (very red), his mom and brother have both liked/posted pro-Trump/MAGA messages. Pat is savvy enough to keep his political views to himself. Pat’s family can’t stop embarassing him – his brother forcibly kissed a KC bar owner, his mother and wife are attention seekers, and his father has had multiple DWIs.

    Brittany Mahomes is so dumb, her public perception had really improved with her proximity to T. Swift. She toned down her attention seeking antics, but decided to piss it away with her MAGA social media likes.

    • Lucy says:

      I was hoping he wasn’t, but a reel he made with a mega pastor in KC came across my feed this week where he’s inviting people to the church’s tailgating events. All of what you wrote, plus maga church association, plus the Chiefs owners being super maga means he’s not just going along to get along. He and Brittany are interested in sports team ownership, and those owners are maga. When they first started talking about team ownership, I thought he was doing it as an investment and an opportunity to change the culture up top. I don’t think so anymore.

  9. Mel says:

    I’m over these “I wanna be white so bad, I crap on my own kind “people. I don’t follow football, but he can walk off into the deep end of the ocean and take his ugly on the inside and the outside wife with him. May their next baby be a beautiful chocolate brown with an abundance of beautiful, coily hair.

    • Ms single malt says:

      This post breaks my heart. Why would you think it is ok? Sigh … I expect this type of sheer ignorance from King Charles and Camilla. Do better.

      • lanne says:

        I get the frustration–but let’s not wish a chocolate brown baby on people who cant be trusted to raise that child with unconditional love. Black babies are not “punishment” for white-wannabes.

    • SIde Eye says:

      Thank you lanne for saying this. Spot on. Dark skin is not a curse or a punishment. All skin tones are beautiful (and I mean that) but I admit I think Sonia Barbie Tucker is a goddess and I’m a wee bit jealous of her insane beauty and her whole I turn heads wherever I go vibe.

      • bubblegum dreams says:

        Quietly googling Sonia Barbie Tucker. My oh my. What beautiful goddess

      • SIde Eye says:

        Omg Bubblegum you are about to be enthralled. I’m sort of obsessed. The colors she wears. The feathers. The fashion. The slow motion walks while everyone just stands there mouth agape (my understanding is they are real bystanders she films herself walking past and the reactions crack me up all the jaws dropping lol). I love her videos! I love her and could get lost in her instagram. She also has a few videos where she cooks with her sister and some really fun travel ones.

        Another one will drop your jaw is Duckie Thot. Add her to the mix of she doesn’t even look real. I always laugh like why do I do this to myself – I will never look like this but it’s fun to dream. I would wear all those bold colors and feathers to the grocery store if I looked like this lol. I mean God was just on fire, and clearly showing off with those 2…

      • Mel says:

        Of course dark skin is not a curse , but they’ll protect and live that baby and maybe, just maybe they can see that we are not other but all the same.

    • NikkiK says:

      LOL. They aren’t having no chocolate babies. All their children are AT LEAST 75% white and I say at least because even though Patrick’s father is Black, we all know that most Black Americans already have European admixture.

      Mahomes doesn’t see himself as or identify as Black. Let white people have him, lol.

    • Fabiola says:

      This comment is is gross. Why is a dark skinned baby a punishment?

  10. GoodWitchGlenda says:

    Quick reminder that Patrick’s father was a MLB player. He’s been privileged his whole life. Of course he’s a Trump voter.

  11. BlueSky says:

    PH is another example of a self loathing BM that thinks his proximity to whiteness will protect him. His wife has posted stuff in the past that could be seen as racist. PH absolutely shares the same views as his wife and wouldn’t surprise me if they both hate BW. I’ve also read his mother is a Trump supporter. He doesn’t want to alienate the people who show up for his games and support his team.

  12. QuiteContrary says:

    The absolute privilege.

    Look, I get that TS — like many of us — have to coexist with the Trump supporters in our lives. But for anyone to pretend that they’re above politics is nonsense. Only people shielded by wealth will be unaffected by how November plays out.

  13. Agnes says:

    Very disappointing and cowardly. MAGA isn’t “politics” as in something to avoid being discussed at the dinner table, it’s a polemic against the entire USA aligned solely with hatred and greed. Its implicit assumption being that America isn’t already great. And it DOES hurt and kill people.

  14. girl_ninja says:

    I watched the first throw of Patrick Mahomes college career at Texas Tech. He is made in the mold of Peyton Manning, be great on the field, funny and charming in front of the camara and say nothing of substance.

    Some Black folks think that their proximity to whiteness will cover them and Pat being biracial he probably holds very tightly to that notion. If Pat had a dad who had the mindset of Malcom X, Martin Luther King Jr, John Lewis or even Barack Obama he may have different stance. But his mother is supposedly maga and his daddy probably is too. Seeing how horrible his sexual assaulting brother is we have a glimpse as to how entitled that family is. Pat also has another half younger brother who is a football player at Brown University, so I think he craves stability that he may have missed.

  15. Becks1 says:

    So okay, taking his comment at face value – you don’t think about someone’s political views when you “hang out with them” – I try not to either. If I am sitting on the sidelines at my kids soccer game and i’m pretty sure the parent next to me is a Trumper, I try to keep the talk to the game and the practice schedule. that’s “hanging out with someone.”

    Your wife is not “hanging out with someone.” that’s the person you married and based on his comments about people should judge her for her community work etc….yeah I’m going to say he’s a full on Trumper and just doesn’t want to come out and say it because he knows it will affect his image.

    • Smalltowngirl says:

      He said the party about people you hang out with after being asked about Taylor and Travis, so it was about them and not Britney but I do think Pat shares his wife values but is smart enough to try and keep his mouth shut.

      • Sparky says:

        I think that it also refers to his relationship/friendship with Harrison Butker, the Chiefs kicker. Butker made news over the summer after giving an extremely misogynistic commencement speech.

    • Lookatme says:

      So, what would you have him do, divorce her? I understand that the election and politics are super important to people, but suggesting that he should break apart his family because of it is really extreme.

  16. MsIam says:

    This sounds like it was written by some agent or PR person trying to thread the needle. But it’s not helping and comes across as tone deaf. He shouldn’t be so worried about offending terrible, racist, wannabe dictators or their supporters.

    • Lucy says:

      To be fair, I think him and Travis have both been so careful about what they say because the owners of the chiefs are super maga. They’re notoriously tight fisted and that’s who signs their checks. At this point I do believe Pat agrees or is fine with maga stuff though. He’s evangelical, everyone over 20 in his family seems to be a total mess.

  17. Melissa says:

    Politics ARE personal!!! Such a privileged position to say that someone’s politics aren’t a reflection of their values and who they are bc it doesn’t affect his day to day life. He will be fine financially and medically, his bodily choices aren’t at risk, his marriage isn’t under threat, etc no matter who is elected.

  18. Walking the Walk says:

    Self hating Black people been around for centuries. He can take his comments and shove it. And I’m sick of celebs hanging out with these idiots and allowing them to think their views are valid. I recall that stupid SB commercial that has flat earthers talking to scientists and they acted like both sides had sane comments. One side is racist as shit and calling in bomb threats. One side is not. One side is trying to track pregnant women. One side is not. One side is trying to demand trans kids don’t exist at all. One side is not.

  19. bisynaptic says:


    P. Mahomes: My wife does a lot in the community.

    • SIde Eye says:

      This right here! Thank you.

    • L Williams says:

      Give it ten years and the mahomes will be probably separated. That’s because Maga is more than a cult but a lifestyle to these people. It doesn’t allow for growth or change but a narrow minded opinion of the world. What P Mahomes ignores at this stage of his life will become a irritating sore in his life later because he is a man of mixed race. Blonde and stupid will not look so good then.

    • Jais says:

      😂 I mean that’s it right there.

    • Justjj says:

      The glaring hypocrisy and irony lost on these people… you can’t make it up. I don’t think he’ll ever get it. When is someone going to tell all these weirdos that being friendly across aisle or being apolitical is not the flex they think it is when we’re talking about a party of actual fascists and Nazis?

      • bisynaptic says:

        Some of them have already heard it. But it’s the nature of fascism to not care about such things.

  20. ML says:

    Until I moved to another country, I didn’t realize how few people actually vote during elections in the US. Given that statement above, I don’t believe that PM is a nonvoter—he just doesn’t want people to know how he votes. Fair enough, it’s his right. However, in the US most Republicans are extreme right wingers at the moment and his own wife liked a list of far right talking points. He’s got a weird kicker on his team who essentially stated that educated women should become wives and SAHM. That a really creepy view, too. If people around you are liking or spouting views that take away rights and freedoms of others, it’s fair to ask how you stand. And what your values are. One candidate for president constantly lies—do you believe in that?

  21. Kiela says:

    These comments are gross. Americans are so ridiculously divided right now they apparently can’t even hang out with people with other views. Do you want a civil war? Because this is how you get one. Be an adult and learn to get along with other human beings.

    • Walking the Walk says:

      We’ve already had a civil war. And we had the beginnings of one three years ago on January 6th. Just because people like you want us to smile in the face of terrible people and act like their views are not abhorrent. As I said up above, I am glad the UK government went after people just like this who decided it was great to lie about immigrants and were trying to burn them out.

    • Kitten says:

      *The Trump supporter has entered the chat*

    • SIde Eye says:

      Omg you’re right! We should just BE NICE.

      Trumpsters: Mexicans are rapists! Mass deportations! They’re eating the dogs the cats they’re stealing your pets while you sleep at night! These people are ruining America! If you don’t march down to the Capitol and stop that vote count you’re not gonna have a country! Arm the children! Arm the teachers! Arm the pets! Mass shootings are a way of life but they’re killing babies after they are born and that’s the problem!!! March down to the Capitol! Shit on the Capitol. Desecrate it! Attack police officers with flag poles! Erect your gallows – get Pence get Pelosi!!!! DO IT NOW!!! Civil war!!! If we lose the election civil war!!! These Black and Brown people and the gays and the women have to be stopped!!!! We’re the oppressed ones!!! We had to wear masks during a pandemic get your foot off our necks HOW FUCKING DARE YOU????

      Democrats: We want equal rights for everyone. We want everyone’s vote to count. We want everyone to feel safe.

      We’re so close to a middle ground! I can almost taste it!

      I’m thinking compromise? Maybe we let the Blacks and the Browns vote on off years? Or maybe we arm the pets only half the year? Or arm only the Pugs and the Beagles? Or maybe we let MAGA hang only certain members of Congress but not others? Or not accept election results every other 4 years? Or maybe only when they lose? How about we do prayer in schools on Mondays and Tuesdays, and maybe nazi salutes Wednesdays and Thursdays, and mindfulness on Fridays? And we just work our Black jobs and smile and BE NICE while you vilify us, bash veterans calling them suckers and losers, and take our ALL our rights away.

      How does that sound? Is that getting along nicely enough for you? We should just GROW UP and keep sitting in uncomfortable silence while MAGA spouts their racist, xenophobic BS and physically attacks this country, its people, its buildings, etc., drops the N word the C word the B word and marches with their Tiki torches shouting antisemitic things?

      You’re right. It’s on us to BE NICE and be reasonable! Why didn’t I see it before? As a wise owl once said there are good people on both sides!

    • Lauren says:

      Don’t you have a Trump rally or a Klan meeting to go to? I love how you people always have something to say to the Bi-POC community, lgbtq community, and people who walk the walk and not talk the talk people who stand on business, but never the people whose views and beliefs harm others and cause life and death situation.

      • SIde Eye says:

        Exactly! When that N word gets dropped and the talk about “illegals” ruining the country and how Trans people shouldn’t exist starts, it’s a deafening silence from that whole lot. They just sit there in uncomfortable silence even when they don’t agree even with their own friends and family. Zero courage. None. No wonder MAGA has been running amuck all over this country.

        There have been zero consequences for them – other than the few who stormed the Capitol and went to jail. In my personal life, there are REAL consequences for being domestic terrorist apologists. You don’t even have the decency to sit this one out. You watched that sh**show of a debate saw the dude is completely incoherent, narcissistic, paranoid and completely delusional.

        You watched in real time how he intentionally put a target on the backs of an entire community. You see with your own eyes he is unfit, way too frigging old and senile, and he could not care less about this country. Like at all. But yeah let’s stick it to the Libs. What’s a little treason here and there? It’s no biggie! Keep excusing him and shrugging off this abhorrent behavior and watch where it takes you.

        You think I’m gonna smile in your face while you spew your garbage, throw up the nazi salute, fly your confederate flags, throw up the White Power symbol, and just pretend you’re not a complete psycho in a cult with a F** Biden t-shirt on, a “swallow all of it Kamala” bumper sticker and a maxi pad over your ear? And those that don’t do that just tolerate it and expect us to tolerate them when they show they have not one shred of a moral compass? I don’t think so. Not here. No ma’am. Not today.

        Go gaslight someone else.

    • Justjj says:

      A civil war and class war is well underway. Republicans have been targeting the basic rights and very lives of women, the LGBTQIA+ community, and people of color… and they have been winning. People are passing away every day because of Trump’s Supreme Court and his rhetoric. Abortions are at a record high because they increase as women’s access to reproductive healthcare decreases. There are an average of 2,000 kids and adolescents who die by gun violence every year. Infant and maternal mortality rates are through the roof since Dodd. Over 500 people of color were killed by police brutality in 2023. 45% of LGBTQIA+ youth say they’ve considered suicide within the past year…. Trump’s rhetoric and his policies, as well as Supreme Court are actively harming and hurting people every single day. The marginalized and oppressed people whose lives are in daily jeopardy would probably be able to tell you that a “civil war” is not a distant concept. Republicans want to hurt and kill anyone who isn’t white, rich, cis, straight, Christian, and supportive of their fascist agenda-and they are winning right now. I’m shocked by people who say they can look the other way. How? Can you really sit there and say who you vote for does not have anything to do with how you treat people? Or is that code for “who you vote for has nothing to do with how you treat people who look like you”?

    • Jaded says:

      Because the people with other views (read MAGA) are harming women’s rights, LGBTQ+ rights, black and brown rights (especially voting rights), calling in bomb threats to the city hall in Springville Ohio because ‘killingcatspuppiesduckssomethingsomething’, and threatening immigrant children to the point where their parents are afraid to send their kids to school not to mention gun violence killing young kids DAILY.

      It’s called defending oneself against a tsunami of violence, lies, and hatred. This can’t be fixed by some simplistic “I’d like to buy the world a coke” attitude. Grow up.

      • SIde Eye says:

        Thank you Jaded. That unhinged lunatic just doubled down on the Haitian community of Springfield (who are here legally btw) today outright calling them child rapists. It’s abhorrent. He has basically called on his supporters to go kill them. Some did not send their children to school today. This should terrify everyone.

  22. Visa Diva says:

    Being Patrick Mahomes or Brittney being a MAGA isn’t going to protect their biracial children, Patrick’s Black and Brown teammates, nor the Black, Brown and LGBTQIA+ players on the KC Current team they own during a second Trump Administration. Trump and Project 2025 simply won’t care.

    • Justjj says:

      It should chill all of us to the bone. Project 25 is scary. There’s no way anyone should be saying there’s a need to be nice to these weirdos at this point.

  23. Jilliebean says:

    lol. For some reason I am pretty sure Patrick mahomes doesn’t think of much in general hahahahahhah

    Dude sounds just like Kenny Powers bahahhah

  24. AC says:

    I’m literally done with these 2. And so are a lot of people.

  25. Sarasmiles says:

    We are living in dangerous times. I despise Trump and what he has done to polarize ppl in the US. But tolerance for different viewpoints is important even if you don’t like the viewpoint.

    Mahomes works for a republican. He has stayed neutral while encouraging ppl to become educated, register and vote. He disagreed with Harrison B’s comments (which were ludicrous) but respected his teammates choice to have his viewpoints.

    I strongly suspect that all Chiefs players have been advised to stay apolitical as it brings too much conflict to the workplace. Think about it. Would your bosses allow you to make public statements that could affect the viability of the organization you work for? I’m not just talking $$$. Unstable people are inflicting violence with shootings daily. Like at the Chiefs Super Bowl celebration. The Chiefs and NFL have to keep the games safe for people to enjoy.

    Trump and Maga have to go but so does the lack of tolerance that he has stirred up. But expecting every star, singer or athlete to state their views isn’t necessary or desirable. Oh and Brittany needs to stop tweeting.

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