NewsNation: Princess Kate & King Charles ‘are not doing very well at all’

We rarely use NewsNation as a source because I haven’t really been able to gauge if their “exclusives” are real, or just sort of conservative-biased nonsense. But they’re running this new royal gossip piece and I thought, well, we might as well discuss it because it’s something different. This is from NewsNation’s The Scoop column by Paula Froelich, who formerly worked for Page Six. She claims to have gossip from royal “inside sources.”

My inside sources who speak with the Palace regularly say, both Catherine and Charles are, despite the bucolic picture painted in the video, not doing very well at all.

“(Kate) is not in remission and not cancer-free,” my insider said. “She’s not in good shape at all… it’s going to be a tough road ahead for both her and Charles. I had thought Charles was more treatable but both of them are not well.”

The concern is “one of them won’t live very long” and “plans need to be in place.”

Kensington Palace didn’t return emails.

…My sources point to the fact that anyone undergoing treatment for cancer must lead as stress-free of a life as possible — and that Harry with his constant complaining and whining about security is the opposite of stress-free.

“He’s very self-centered,” my source added. “He wants what he wants and has rarely been told no. Until now. When he left the Firm, that was it. They bent over backwards to make sure he understood what would happen — especially with security — but he keeps thinking he can (browbeat) his dad. It’s not good for (Charles’) health at all.”

And of course, there’s the fact that anything the Palace does, the Sussexes will try to outshine or piggyback on to. The most recent example: The day Catherine’s announcement was made, Netflix tweeted out a promotion and stills for Harry’s new documentary on Polo, saying: “POLO is a new documentary series that follows elite global players and offers an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at the fast-paced world of the sport. From Archewell Productions and Boardwalk Pictures. Premiering this December.”

“It’s just so… tacky,” my insider sighed.

[From NewsNation]

Here’s the thing: I honestly believe that palace sources or royalist sources are venting to an American outlet about Netflix posting photos from Archewell’s Polo series. Those were probably the same people screaming about how some dog biscuits stole Kate’s thunder at Trooping the Colour. They are consumed with the Sussexes and everything they do or say, and none of that is actually about Harry and Meghan. Anyway, the stuff about Charles and Kate’s health crises is interesting. Given Kate’s video and the contradictory, nonsensical palace messaging after the video, my conspiracy is that Kate is actually doing a lot better, health-wise, than we’ve been led to believe. I believe the opposite is true of Charles – I think he’s been doing significantly worse than anyone will admit. I also think that’s why William seems to be in IDGAF-mode in recent months.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Will Warr/KP.

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152 Responses to “NewsNation: Princess Kate & King Charles ‘are not doing very well at all’”

  1. ML says:

    If you look at KC, he visibly looks unwell and he has aged almost a decade since his mother passed away. No one has stated that he’s beaten cancer nor has anyone ever claimed that his cancer has an end date. This is not good.

    Honestly, I don’t know exactly what to think about K. The source might be right? I can see she’s lost weight, has appeared tired in public and there’s her face. However, since she wasn’t the busiest person to begin with, it’s hard to tell. As to Harry causing her stress?? Then she’s not listening to her doctors—all she has to do is avoid social media (she’s not being asked questions by reporters about this!). Why isn’t KC’s health causing her stress? That would make more sense.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      KC is not well. The happy birthday to harry is the olive branch because in the end, the king wants reporting on how he made up with his son instead of how they were estranged and didnt speak. He is making william retweet because there is no will in William.

      Kkkhate is just a narcissist competitive btch who absolutely wanted to supplant meg, she felt she was losing, it was sooo much work you guys to compete with smart Meg, then she got exposed by harry, then it was out that she was the racist, and just never came back from that slap in the face.

      • Megan says:

        I suppose they could just stop trying to compete with Harry and Meghan since they have long stopped trying to compete with the BRF.

      • Elizabeth Regina says:

        I agree with you re Kate. This is a woman who clung on for 10 years and endured so much crap. She is steely and resilient. It must have irked her that Meghan just came in and in less than 2 years she got the kind of husband Kate wishes William would be. Hell hath no fury than a woman exposed. I think something abusive or some sort of breakdown happened on the night of the 28th December and she may have had to be treated/sectioned. Remember that they tried that with Diana and Lord knows Baldimort learned from his father and he also has his own special unholy trinity of spinners to egg him on. The House of Windsor is in a huge, huge mess.

      • Nic919 says:

        Simon Case is still hovering around and he was behind the Flybee mess. I wouldn’t be shocked to hear he was involved with the frankenphoto.

    • Tessa says:

      Kate caused Meghan much stress and actually lunged at Meghan on front of cameras. Kate is not a victim.

      • ML says:

        Tessa and StillDouches, We’re on the same page with K’s treatment of Meghan. We’re also on the same page with her traditional lack of work ethic.
        Earlier in the year, after noticing her new scar, where we differ is that I believe she can be a bully and a victim. I don’t think her husband is caring or supportive and his treatment of her at Trooping was terrible.
        Here, someone is saying that she is not doing well. Who knows, considering we don’t know what she has (in addition to cancer?). The video is fuzzy, and the video rhymes with what W was saying at the beginning of 2024. “I had thought Charles was more treatable,” isn’t really good news for K, if true.

      • Proud Mary says:

        What I find equally disconcerting, is the fact that Meghan was called a liar when she spoke about the pain and suffering that the obvious and abject abuse she endured, had caused her. But we must automatically believe Kate, when she claims she has or had cancer, although we are yet to see any proof. She looks skinny and frail? When has she not looked that way. Quite to the contrary, in fact, I’ve heard more people saying this is the best she’s ever looked, despite her alleged cancer diagnosis.

      • Nerd says:

        Yes and the fact that Kate’s treatment of Meghan during her first pregnancy to the point that she contemplated suicide, is always ignored by these people. They completely ignore that stress from Kate, Charles, William, royal staff and the media caused Meghan and Harry to have to bury their second child.

      • Smart&Messy says:

        Proud Mary, I’ve also been saying that Kate looks better than she has in a long time. I don’t think she lost weight either. She has been this skeletal for a long time. I think she is much better than the rota and KP imply.

  2. Inge says:

    Outrageous that there people are trying to blame it on Harry who is just minding his business when the BRF were partly responsible for the stress that caused Meghan to miscarry.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      It’s outragous and scary. When KC passes, they’ll be blamed. And Williams seems to be battling some mental or physical issue that is rapidly getting worse judging by recent photos. If the cause comes out or something happens to him, they’ll blame the Sussexes too.

      • Roan Inish says:

        Maybe he quit drinking after that appearance where he was bestowing honorary medals and was swaying and dropped some medals. He might have tried to get healthier.Sometimes people look unhealthy when they first lose weight. Other than being noticeably thinner he looked …… better (?) in the 3 minute Wales family video.

  3. Nanea says:

    Kate had a health crisis last year, when she was getting visibly thinner, was using wigs instead of just wiglets, had those bandaged fingers, her grimacing was over the top. But I’m still convinced much of it was mental health-related, her EDs and everything combined.

    Now she’s looking much better, and I’m firmly anchored in camp *fake cancer* and have always been.

    Chuckles is wasting away.

    But to put all this on Harry and Meghan is ridiculous. The Windsors have been racists since forever, Harry’s brother lacks self-control, and they’re all not very intelligent. Their stress is self-made, all on them.

    And the Netflix trailer?
    As if a billion dollar company sits around, scanning the RF’s socials for the tiniest bit of action before pouncing? It’s been planned for weeks.
    Bish, please.

    • Sunnyside up says:

      The preview of the polo would have been planned weeks ago, the video was sprung on the public, was Netflix supposed to pull the preview hours before it was scheduled to be broadcast. I would have thought that the royals including William would have been glad if there were a distraction from the video. Not that I noticed any distraction for the BM from the video for a couple of days, it was everywhere and the review for Harry wasn’t seen until the BM realised how naff the video was and they are the ones who are using it to distract.

    • Christine says:

      There wasn’t even a trailer. It was four photos, none of them are identifiable as Harry, Meghan, or hell, even Nacho, the professional polo star!

      • Sunnyside up says:

        I didn’t see it, where I am we can only get French television. Too many tall trees between us and the Astra satellite.

    • KC says:

      I agree. The longer this goes on the more implausible cancer feels with Kate. I hate to say that anyone would fake cancer, but these two (W&K) are certified.

      I honestly wonder what they do all day? Soaps? Do they even lunch with friends?

    • Smart&Messy says:

      I agree on all points. Kate’s health crisis was last fall and cilminated end of december. I also think it was mental health related, at least partially and it has something to do with the Middletons’ leverage on William right now. I also agree that they keep saying cancer to distract from the truth and it either never was cancer or her treatment ended long ago. She looks much better than she did last fall.

  4. Jan says:

    IF, Chucky wanted to make his life less stressful, he would allow Harry to have security, he is only worried about the court cases, because the tabloids are going to throw KP, BP and CH under the bus.

  5. Nic says:

    That video was really unsettling and left me with the impression that Kate is truly unwell, and much sicker than has been let on. The shots of her walking away from the camera alone, into the waning afternoon light, trailing her hand along the reeds, the release of the butterfly and the bit at the end about light and darkness. I wondered if the video was produced as an on-the-record historical document meant to reshape the narrative around her marriage, family and public legacy. In addition to create a public record for her children. Why else would William participate, and how else to account for his rapid loss of weight and unsteady appearance. I can’t think what other purpose the video serves. It gave me the chills.

    • Tessa says:

      I did not see that it was Kate wanting to be center of attention

    • sevenblue says:

      At their last appearance, he was still ignoring her. Him and Middletons literally made a public war where Will lost and had to show public support to them and that’s when Kate showed up in public first time. I don’t know, either he is a lot more cruel than we can imagine that he can’t still be a good husband to the mother of his children, who is terminal or K&W are milking Kate’s illness for getting out of all the work, which they did before Meghan showed up. K&W weren’t full time working royals until they had to compete with a black woman.

      • Sunnyside up says:

        Meghan was too good at the job, she had to go, the future Queen couldn’t be outshone by a mixed race American actress. Tut, tut.

    • Clutzy says:

      I had the same thought as Nic. Kate’s video is her farewell- whether due to a terminal illness or her phase out of public service.

      • Tessa says:

        I didn’t see that at all. William seems to be doing her bidding now and is not ignoring her parents

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Trying to memorialize herself a la Diana b/c she knows the public won’t.

        She saw the lack of flowers at the palaces when she was “in hospital” and also missing for months.

    • harpervalleypta says:

      I’m also on the doom and gloom side of things.

      With all caveats that I hope she recovers fully, the video could be read as a final “Remember me when I looked great!” time capsule.

      If she’s not cancer-free nor in remission, that means she may be facing another round of treatment, probably much harder on her and will make her look and feel terrible. This was done weeks ago (as evidenced by the lack of egg beard), and so she may already have started the next round and just feels like absolute crap.

      This may — MAY — be an attempt to create a final record of her image while she still has time, because she may not be guaranteed that again during/after the next round.

      Granted, all speculation, but if the cancer treatment wasn’t going well, what they are doing now is perfectly reasonable response from them. Including all the anti-Harry nonsense, because that’s also their MO: when things are going very badly for them, throw Harry to the wolves as a distraction.

      • Nerd says:

        I don’t know if I can say that releasing that video was a reasonable response from them or that it was used to throw Harry under the bus. This article and the media’s response to this video has been the throw Harry under the bus. There isn’t anything reasonable about releasing a video and lying to the public (that funds you) about your prognosis and the experience with cancer. It’s actually very insulting to those who have or are going through cancer to paint it in such a “Summers Eve fresh as the morning Sun” tone. They thought that it was a cute video to get attention from for PR. It was only because of the backlash they received that they have responded with attacks on Harry and Meghan. This is how they always work. They do something mediocre that the media praises and as soon as it’s evident that the public noticed how mediocre or trash it is they throw Harry and Meghan under the bus. That is why so much of what they do is them trying to copy Harry and Meghan, because they see how successful and good they are in whatever they do and Will and Kate think that doing it (even without charisma, talent or intelligence) they will be just as successful. But as usual they fail at it because they aren’t Harry and Meghan who are far more superior to them in every way.

    • JustBitchy says:

      I tend to agree. I wonder if they found early stage ovarian when they were operating?

      • Sunnyside up says:

        I wonder if she had cervical cancer as a result of William playing the field, which is why the type of cancer is so top secret.

    • Butterisbetter says:

      EXACTLY. This is exactly how I felt watching the video. This is a legacy piece because the POW is not long for this earth. Gave me the absolute creeps.

    • Jais says:

      IF Kate is truly so sick that she is possibly not going to make it, then this video is beyond messed up and in poor taste. This was meant to be a celebratory video for the public to announce that she is done with treatment. It was meant as good news. So IF she’s that sick and they put this video out, that’s actually a bait and switch with the public. That’s playing games with their subjects and messed up beyond belief. I realize they are very capable of playing games but it would be really disgusting if they put that video out to the public as a memorial for a dying Kate while making it seem like she’s finished her treatments and better. Bc the takeaway from most people was that she’s better bc that’s how they made it sound. I tend to lean towards her actually being better. It would be messed up if KP put out this video while knowing she wasn’t.

      • Nic919 says:

        Kate is many things, but to say in the video she is cancer free and that be false would be a huge disaster in PR if this was a complete lie. That video of it was a farewell, was a farewell to doing any work. She’s out there briefing that no one should expect her to return to work in any real way for about 12 years when Louis is done secondary school.

        That’s not the messaging of someone who doesn’t have much time left.

      • Becks1 says:

        I agree.

        I can see why people think, just watching the video without the voiceover, that this is a preplanned memorial to Kate. That’s dark and twisted but I can see that reasoning.

        But with the voiceover it doesn’t make sense – she talks about trying to stay cancer free, she talks about being done with chemotherapy, etc. Of course its possible that she’s done with THIS round of chemo, or that she’s done with chemo because there’s nothing else to do for her – but that just makes the message more messed up.

        KP has done messed up things before and has certainly tried to deceive the public before so I’m not putting this past them but it just seems like a really odd move if that’s what’s happening here.

      • Jay says:

        Yeah, to create a whole ass video about her “recovery” and then have the exact opposite be true is not only incredibly cynical – it’s counterproductive to the image of William as well. He’s been a big part of the “Kate is fine, she’s working from her sickbed” stories and he was in that 3 minute advert. KP may be perfectly willing to throw Kate’s reputation to the wolves, but they have always protected the heir. And, for better or worse, for his fans, William is associated with being a family man who cares for his wife and is protective of her.

        If, after posting a highly produced video about her being “cancer free”, it was revealed that the opposite was true and William was part of a cover up? I think there would be no going back for him.

    • Sunnyside up says:

      I do hope the butterfly didn’t suffer.

    • thecookingpan says:

      @nic, yes!. Oddly enough someone mentioned today that both are not doing well at all, allegedly. Also bearing in mind that on the release of the video, the press was instructed that she had completed chemo but they are not to publish that she is cancer free. The video, to me, is a record about her, her marriage, her kids and W. Why would she include her parents if they hadn’t played such a big part in her family life? Almost had an obit feel to it. Hence it creeping so many people out.

  6. Tessa says:

    Kate had enough energy for Wimbledon and frolicking in the woods. That video was tacky for many reasons.

    • Yes Can’t had plenty of energy for her few appearances and video. She seems fine while Chuckles doesn’t look good at all.

    • Anna says:

      Absolutely agree. If I was in terminal stage of cancer – as a mom, and wife, I would not be able to go through such a display of happy family without constantly breaking down in tears over leaving my babies alone.

      Taking into consideration how extremely happy the Midds were to be welcome back in public life – Kate has issues, but I do not believe they are as dire as they are trying to tell us. Mental breakdown plus family incident – this I believe in. Phasing out as she negotiated working only when she wants. Wills terrified about truth coming out. Yeah, and Chuck is probably the one seriously ill.

  7. seaflower says:

    Harry is the least self-centered of all of them in that stupid family. Charles especially but also Peg and their wives are totally self absorbed.

  8. Brassy Rebel says:

    I have no idea what’s going on with Kate and IDGAF at this point. Or about William either. I’m bored with all the treacly melodrama and fake affection. I do have concern for the kids. They are probably going through hell and have been for months. I hope they have some mature adult in their lives they can turn to.

    Charles is another matter. He seems more ill even though we see more of him. But this whole article seems written mainly to get back to what is always the business at hand with the royals these days. And that is criticizing Harry. They are emphasizing how sick both Charles and Kate are so they can come to the conclusion that “selfish” Harry is killing them.

    • Tessa says:

      I doubt William spent much time with Kate

    • seaflower says:

      The kids have their nanny who I’m sure spends more time with them than their parents.

      • Sunnyside up says:

        Yes and Nanny has been in their lives for as long as they can remember. But what happens is Nanny wants a life and children of her own.

      • sgtmajorette says:

        Didn’t the nanny get hurriedly hustled back to Spain early in the year, when the Spanish papers started printing stories about what happened to Kate?
        Who’s taking care of the children now?

      • ArtHistorian says:

        @Sunnyside up

        When the head nanny was hired, the press was briefed that W and K had actively sought someone who would be unlikely to star a family of her own, i.e. one who would devote her entire life to their children.

    • windyriver says:

      @Brassy Rebel – that was my impression as well. Harry has a lot going on in the next few months, starting with his schedule in New York City next week. The paperback version of Spare is due out shortly. Then the polo documentary. And the Invictus games in February. The “family” is getting an early start in what will probably be months of Harry bashing, despite the happy birthday wishes.

      However, I do suspect Charles is worse than we’ve been led to believe, while like others am not convinced that Kate’s primary medical problem has been cancer. My thoughts like yours are mostly about how the children are doing in the midst of this mess.

  9. Eurydice says:

    It’s William that’s causing the stress. Billions of people go through life not knowing what Harry is doing and Kate could do the same. But, if William can’t let go, if he has to hate Harry every single day, what must it be like in that house?

    I don’t think NewsNation knows any more than anyone else. It doesn’t take a lot of imagination to think two people with cancer aren’t doing very well. But, what would happen if both Charles and Kate are lost?

    • Nic919 says:

      William actually looks far worse than Kate lately. He looks stressed and has lost weight in the last year.

      Kate is as thin as she was prior to her disappearance from public and she got some refresher work done, especially if you look at her lower jaw.

      Whatever happened on Dec 28, William lost a lot of leverage and she was able to parlay that into a deal that works for her. The video was done earlier in the summer where she’s running around with backpacks and pushing swings and be very active. The time it took to do that isn’t someone who looks worse.

      Charles is a different story. He’s pushing through and his treatment probably worked for now, but he isn’t bouncing around like Kate at all.

      • blueberry says:

        Yes, that video would have taken several days to shoot plus the voice over work. It’s *possible* but highly unlikely that a person in such dire health would be able to commit to a filming schedule like that.

  10. Tessa says:

    Charles if he loves harry would call a halt to his author and journalist friends who trash harry and meghan.

  11. Chaine says:

    What you’re saying kind of makes sense if we look at it from perspective of Charles is very ill and won’t be here much longer; ergo, W & K both (1) want to spend as much time doing family things with their kids before the mantle of monarch falls on them and (2) want to set a public expectation that as monarchs they are not going to do as muchbecause they have young children and shouldn’t everyone just let them and their children climb log piles in peace instead of working.

    • Granger says:

      I go back and forth on this craziness all the time. First time I watched the video, I thought Kate is terminal, this is goodbye. Now… I think your theory makes a lot of sense. They know W is going to be king sooner than they ever expected. They have to give the impression they’re a solid couple so that when KC dies, the public has faith that King William and Queen Catherine are the bomb, and they’re going to save the monarchy. But at the same time, they want everyone to know that K isn’t going to step up — that she’ll be as absent a Queen as she can possibly be. All this so she and W can live their separate lives.

    • Sunnyside up says:

      Even if climbing log piles is dangerous.

    • Becks1 says:

      this theory makes sense in my mind, as much as anything else does.

      We’ve said that the video and the past few months in general were about Kate setting up expectations going forward. Maybe its about Kate and William setting up expectations for when they’re king and queen. Kate is sick and has to raise the children, William has to support her and also raise the children, so…..expect the bare minimum and that’s it. Meetings with the PM will be a zoom call.

      • Nic919 says:

        Jennie Bond is out there saying to not expect Kate to return to work full time until 12 years from now. That’s the expectations they are trying to set.

      • Christine says:

        Is she really?! Wow. Just wow.

      • Jais says:

        I’ve been watching Jennie Bond’s clips online and at times she can be fair to the Sussexes. But I’ve also sometimes gotten the feeling that she has Middleton sources. So she may have a feel for the actual plan. 12 years seems like quite a long stretch though. But I can believe that’s what Kate wants. Only the glam events and little more. At home with the kids and her aga.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Jais Louis is 6 so 12 years makes sense compared to the story we heard last year about how Kate wasn’t going to work FT until her kids were done school.

      • Christine says:

        What are they going to float when all 3 are in boarding school?

      • Jais says:

        Ah, okay, the 12 years makes a kind of sense then. At the end of the day, she wants to be a SAHm then if that’s what they’re briefing. As for boarding school, maybe that’s why there was a conflict. Kate knows that boarding all 3 would not give her the ability to stay home with three kids and claim that as a reason to do less. But on that note, I wouldn’t want to board my kids either.

    • Tessa says:

      And William has to do those school runs

  12. MSS says:

    I do think Kate is doing better health wise but I think the video itself was to try to disprove rumors about the state of their marriage. I do think Charles is sicker than we’re being led to believe, since unlike Kate herself who said she wants to stay cancer free and her chemo treatment is complete, Charles hasn’t indicated when his treatment is over nor if it will end in the near future like Kate did.

    • equality says:

      Exactly. The source is calling Kate a liar, because she said her chemo was preventative and that she has completed her treatments.

  13. Amy Bee says:

    Is NewsNewsNation’s source Angela Levin? Unless both Charles and Kate disclose the type of cancer, stage and treatment we will never know their true status.

  14. equality says:

    Why would the security battle stress Charles? Haven’t they been claiming that the king has no influence with RAVEC? It shouldn’t involve him at all then. And yet again, no worries about H&M’s safety or his beloved grandchildren’s safety stresses him.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      CIII is probably stressed because Cam will look worse in the public eye than she already does when the media point fingers at her briefing as they try to wriggle out of the phone hacking charges. Making security a problem for H hasn’t slowed things down except losing money for the BM which I’m sure they whine about incessantly. Taking away Frogmore cottage didn’t slow H down, he keeps popping up in England like a jack in the box and he is diligent about filming any paps monitoring his movements through the windscreen with his phone and now Charles Spencer has signaled his support of H openly twice this year. Does he see some satisfaction in CIII’s historical press abuse coming to light through the courts -vindication for his late sister? Cam’s probably apoplectic. ‘Security’ is stressful for CIII because interfering with RAVEC hasn’t ‘worked’. As he gets closer to the edge of meeting his reward he’ll have no documentation that he ever met H’s daughter but he can only continue keeping H away or let some dark entities try to harm his own son for the sake of burying all his earlier sins and helping H’s wicked stepmother. After waiting nearly his whole life CIII’s reign is a disaster.

    • Nerd says:

      That’s exactly what that part of the article is saying. That Charles cares so little about the safety and lives of his son, DIL and biracial grandchildren that Harry fighting to protect them stresses him out so much that Harry should just stop fighting to protect himself and his family. He’s cares so little that he will pretend that he doesn’t have any influence on making sure they have protection for short visits to see their beloved grandfather who hasn’t said one thing to defend or protect them.

  15. EasternViolet says:

    Charles being unwell and unlikely to make it, may explain how absolutely wretched William looks. He does not appear ready – he does not want to be ready.

    • Lady Digby says:

      Agreed @Easternviolet Will is looking like the King train is hurtling towards him 20 years before he expected it to arrive. He’s gnashing his teeth at a fate he can’t dodge. Yes he can have the Biggest Changing of the Hat ceremony with Beckham seated at his right hand to show to the world just how much he’s snubbing his only sibling. However, being King is highly structured with daily, weekly, monthly meetings and a lot of responsibility which he can’t shirk altogether. Okay he can reduce charity events and patronages but being king commits him to plenty of daily work. I hope Kate is on her way to recovery but is she going to ever be well enough to share the burden of monarchy with her husband? He’s focused on Harry because he’s jealous that his brother escaped and enjoys the love of a good woman and freedom!

      • Sunnyside up says:

        William could alway abdicate and lumber George with it while he is still a child. I wonder if he would be that selfish. Apparently George won’t be able to abdicat until he is 18.

      • bisynaptic says:

        What kind of real “work” does the king have, besides meeting the Prime Minister, opening Parliament, and signing off (rubber-stamping) legislation? The Red Box? What obligation does he have to do anything about its contents? What does he do about them, anyway (someone commented that the Red Boxes are the greatest opportunity for insider trading—and I agree)? He has secretaries who can take care of seeing to them and protecting the monarchy’s best interests. The truth is that the Sovereign of the UK has virtually no constitutionally-mandated work to do.

  16. Digsbee says:

    It could be Charles is in rough shape. I’ve noticed he and Camilla are being driven to church while at Balmoral for the last few weeks. A change from Charles driving Camilla to church.
    Certainly if we see Charles being driven everywhere combined with less walkabouts = mobility issues. It seems Charles is destined for a short reign indeed.

  17. Barbara says:

    Whatever’s going on with Kate (and I still don’t believe it was full-blown cancer vs pre-cancerous cells), it’s nowhere near what Chuck’s dealing with. He looks completely terrible yet he’s still dragging himself to work now and then, unlike Kate who’s apparently just sitting around.

    • Nic919 says:

      And she’s briefing that she’s taking another 12 years of rest.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      Kate’s face looked like a jack o lantern at Wimbledon, so she’s either on strong medications puffing up her face or they are using prosthetics, not just cosmetics, to make her presentable. I suspect it’s the later. When you see her try to introduce her sister to that tennis player with the light behind her Kate’s face looks broad and round and peculiar. Something happened to Kate’s appearance, that the papers let slip ahead of Trooping, that takes an inordinate amount of time in the makeup chair to counter.

      She did look unwell last year but I still think she’s got some sort of disfigurement.

  18. MaisiesMom says:

    I cannot believe they are trying to blame Harry for Charles’ and Kate’s poor health. He did not give them cancer FFS. They’ve barely seen him in four years. He and Meghan put out the documentary and then “Spare” was released and that’s it. There is no “constant complaining” from Harry. He’s just doing his thing. The law suits don’t involve his family, or at least they shouldn’t. If they’re worried about something unflattering being revealed as a result of them, that’s their own fault for being complicit a-holes.

    As to how well or poorly they are doing? I do believe Charles isn’t doing well. He certainly doesn’t look healthy and he’s an elderly man. Kate is a mystery.

    • Nerd says:

      Your comment made it even more obvious to me that if Charles is unwell and the outcome is dire, it isn’t Harry who is responsible for any stress that Charles would have, but the heir who has failed to take the burden of being monarch off of his ailing father’s shoulders.

  19. Cerys says:

    I think it’s been obvious for a while that Charles is very unwell. He has seemed more frail on recent appearances. It could be the effects of chemotherapy rather than the cancer itself but either way I think he is more ill than we are led to belief.
    I don’t believe that Kate has or had cancer. I think she has been ill but it’s more of a mental health and/or eating disorder issue and they have used cancer as a way of covering such a lengthy absence. Nevertheless, I hope she is recovering.

  20. Agnes says:

    It’s just so silly that any article about ANY of the BRF has to also include a swipe at Harry and Meghan. It exhausts us to read, imagine how it makes the Sussexes feel. I hope they have strong spiritual protections in place, because the hexes coming at them from those feeble idiots accumulate.

  21. Kateee says:

    This is a major conservative talking point: Harry is a whiny baby and his every breath causes irreparable harm to the monarchy. This is just more of the same disgusting finger pointing, except now they want to blame him for CANCER. Just horrible.

    But from what we have otherwise observed of them, of course both Charles and Kate are in poor health. You can tell without seeing either of them; William looks like absolute death. You can’t fake that kind of stress. No nurses, no nannies, no couriers can help with that.

  22. Jais says:

    A polo documentary is tacky? Oh please. It’s going to be interesting. Not nearly as tacky as a cancer commercial with no links to cancer charities and no mention of thanks to a medical team. Now that’s tacky.

  23. Becks1 says:

    I have no idea what is going on with Kate at this point. I think the clear message from KP is that she is done as a “full time” working royal, whether thats due to cancer treatments (if her cancer treatments are going on endlessly that seems to imply she’s a lot worse off than they’re letting on), some other physical ailment, mental health treatment, or just sheer laziness – or some combination of the above.

    William’s haggard appearance could also be any combination – he’s scared of becoming king too “young,” he’s upset because he’s trapped in a miserable marriage, he’s been on a months-long bender, or maybe he’s the one who’s sick.

    I dont know. the PR from KP for the past 9 months has been super messy and unclear. I think its clear they are hiding something. But what?

    • Eurydice says:

      If William is sick, I think it’s from existential stress. It’s like he’s in a trap and the only way out is to chew off his own leg. He’ll be stuck being king, he’s stuck with a wife who’ll be of no help, it doesn’t look like he has any advisors, he’s alienated himself from Harry. No matter how much William tries to avoid doing any work, the institution is too big and too old, with too many expectations and responsibilities – and he’s not prepared for any of it, not by character or temperament or education.

      And I think the main reason the PR from KP has been messy and unclear is that William is messy and unclear.

      • Mairzy Doats says:

        What is alarming about William is the loss of muscle tone especially in the chest area which makes his posture look horrible. Looks like a lack of self care that he can’t even find an hour or two a week for a session of cardio and weights.

    • Helen says:

      I have also wondered if William might be ill himself. Remember during early months of the Covid pandemic when both Charles and the British prime minister were ill with Covid at the same time. It was only revealed to the public about six months later that William had actually Covid at the same time as Charles and the prime minister, but KP didn’t inform the public because William “didn’t want people to worry”

  24. Harla says:

    Wow, almost a year into this and I find myself still not caring.

  25. Lady Digby says:

    Agreed@ Becks1 Kate is now “excused boots” and Will has enjoyed a lot of latitude his entire life but now show time as FT King for the rest of his life is getting so much closer. He really looks like the walls are closing in on him. PR has been messy and chaotic so probably it is horrendous BTS and these folks can’t manage their way out of a paper bag. KC is monarch and father to a future king. Both Chuck and Will have mutual responsibility towards each other. Is he going to his grave continuing to fail both his sons? I am a 60 year old mum to 2 sons so it is influencing my thinking here. Surely as king and dad Chuck should reach out to both sons? If Will is about to keel over then an intervention is essential and Chuck is in charge and should be making that call? Also call the dogs over Harry and Meghan and speak to them privately and stop leaking trash about either of them!

    • Jais says:

      Part of me wonders at William being so stressed out about the prospect of becoming king. I know Tina Brown said he and Kate were both feeling that way. Maybe I don’t know the ends and outs that well, like I get there’s more busy work and mandatory things, but is it really going to be that bad for William ? He’s going to figure out a way to skirt it, relegate things to zoom etc. So what is he so freaked out about?

      • Liz -L says:

        Exactly Jais. His grandmother ascended the throne in her 20’s. His father didn’t get there till his 70’s.

        Probably 40’s is optimum time – many European royals abdicate in favour of their heirs taking over at that age.

        William has been trained since birth but is still woefully inept. And he married someone who after a 10 year courtship is very much the same.

      • ArtHistorian says:

        You forget that these people have never been used to daily work of several hours a day. So anything more than a few hours work twice a week probably feels too much for them.

  26. Misab says:

    Ok , I have the theory that kate is not well and kate is wearing wigs and some cancer patient have energy to work and kate clearly have the energy to do this video. ( I know a Bollywood actress have stage three breast cancer, in chemo and does ramp walk with huge leghenga). No matter what Middleton’s have over william doesn’t hold up. I think kate might be terminal and that’s why william do this for his kids and her last wish might be make peace with her family and william accepting dying woman wish. That’s the only explanation on this and he might not fight her over this . Because those dv issues etc can get spinned in william favor with good pr ( look at depp). So I dont believe that william lost the deal etc. As for appearance with public , its get trickery because people will watch over her skin, hair , nails etc for sign. She doesn’t want up close with the public. By tropping color , remembrance day etc she is far from public and palace control the media and she can get away.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      Kate’s teeth are different though… she could have cancer/illness too but something else is going on.

      If the Middletons didn’t have a winning hand they would still be dragged in the press like they were last year.

    • Pink tutu says:

      I can’t buy the Kate’s terminal comments that all around this blog today. It’s strange suddenly terminal is popping up after the absolute trashing of the video.

      Kate’s had work done on her face. The Middleton’s are back. Kate’s extra lazy and doing only fun things (which she obviously can).

      I’m camp something happened, she’s lying about cancer as the public excuse, but she’s got egg over a barrel.

      • Nic919 says:

        Also note the comment that started it used a version of my handle. That’s not a coincidence folks. It’s not the first time that this site has seen comments with slightly off handles. I think it happened to Becks recently too.

        KP visits this site. Of course they want to create confusion.

  27. TikiChica says:

    After more than two decades living in the UK, I became a British citizen last week. Traditionally, they have a picture of the monarch at the registry office, where the citizenship ceremony takes place. For some time, they would have had a picture of the late queen, with a black sash over it, and then it would have been replaced with one on Charles. But… there was no picture. They explained that the Charles one hadn’t arrived yet. I wonder if they stopped distributing them because they know they will have to replace them soon with one of William?

  28. Nerd says:

    This article is for an audience of one (Harry) to convince him to drop his lawsuits and not fight for security to protect his family. The reason he is fighting for security for himself, his wife and kids is because of the credible threats to all of their lives because of the racists royal family, their racists staff and friends in the media. There are people in jail for making threats in his and his wife and children’s lives. Only racists devils would think a man fighting to protect his biracial wife and kids from racists threats is complaining or whining. He was “told when he left the Firm” that he and his family would continue to have security (which he stressed was the most important thing he wanted to keep) for the one year trial period and CHARLES took security away from his son, DIL and grandson almost immediately after they left during a time when there were even greater threats on their lives. He even leaked their location in Canada (then California) for good measure. The only ones piggybacking off of anyone, is the UK royals who piggyback off of Harry and Meghan. They even copy what they wear and the designers they wear. Dior has never seen as much royal attention until Meghan started wearing them. Kate just wore all American designers that Meghan recently wore because she doesn’t care about the people in the UK who fund her. She only cares to piggyback and copy Meghan. The Sussexes don’t run Netflix so they are unable to plan or schedule when any promotions are released. That’s like me telling my boss when to send out emails and what to write in them. The examples they tried to use don’t even make sense because no one knew that Kate was going to be at Trooping or anywhere else until it was suddenly released shortly before the event. No one knew that she was going to put out her hilarious Summer Breeze commercial. Netflix doesn’t just put out promos on a whim, they schedule these things way in advance.

  29. Meredith says:

    I’ve thought since the beginning that Kate was diagnosed with an advanced stage of cancer. The “planned abdominal surgery” with a two week stay was the first tell.

    The weird messaging around it was the second. And the fact that she wants to stay home and be with her kids indefinitely is the third.

    I really hope I’m wrong.

    • sevenblue says:

      Not to be that person, but anyone with eyes can say that she didn’t stay at that hospital they said she did, so “two week stay” can’t be considered a fact. There was no photo / video of her leaving and entering, no visit from her parents, siblings. All we have is BRF’s word for it and since they are proven liars (fake photo, all the sh*t they did to Meghan), I wouldn’t believe it.

      • meredith says:

        Yes, and part of the reason I think Kate’s cancer is bad is because of the lack of credibility around the way they’ve handled this whole thing.

    • Lookatme says:

      I agree with this. I think she likely has very advanced cancer, I would guess it is a gynecological cancer. I don’t like any of the royals, particularly, but I wish her well.

    • Lessie says:

      @Meredith – I totally agree with you and it is very sad. In this sense I hope that we are both wrong.

  30. QuiteContrary says:

    “My sources point to the fact that anyone undergoing treatment for cancer must lead as stress-free of a life as possible — and that Harry with his constant complaining and whining about security is the opposite of stress-free.”

    You know what’s stressful? Having to work through cancer treatments. Having to pay bills. Having to do one’s own child care and housework and errands. Charles and Kate have to do none of that. So cry me a river.

    Harry seeking security doesn’t count as a stressor, unless Charles is the one withholding it. If so, then he can remove that stress in a phone call.

    • Merely me says:

      I genuinely think being estranged from a child you love is more stressful than going to work. Assuming Charles is capable of love, he is grieving the loss of Harry, and from what I’ve seen reading advice columns, being mostly responsible for the estrangement has never been consolation to the parent experiencing it!

    • Christine says:


    • QuiteContrary says:

      I should add: Charles also fears Harry’s star power, because Charles remains a man-child who can’t handle attention directed elsewhere.

      If he truly loved Harry, he would not have taken Frogmore Cottage or allowed his security to be removed. So I’m not buying the notion that Charles is grieving the loss of Harry.

    • Kittenmom says:

      Excellent points, and Harry’s security issues shouldn’t affect Kkkate at all. Unless she’s so stressed that she isn’t his best girl anymore that it caused her “cancer.”

  31. Fastgran50 says:

    We shall see how true these rumours are in a few weeks .Charles and Camilla are doing a state visit to Australia and the summit in Samoa. If he makes it he’s doing fine if not hmm. For some reason the government is desperate to host the Commonwealth games in Glasgow. BP will be pushing this as the games have been passed around like a hot potato for a while. Anyway I looked a the DM website today first time in a long time. Meghan smiling in a car with Harry. Apparently they had been at Tyler Perrys birthday bash with all those Celebrities who snub them. They both looked very happy in California. 😂

  32. wolfmamma says:

    Kate doesn’t seem to have the gracious gene. I see “ how dare you snap my picture “ instead
    Truly needs to develop some skills regarding being Queen! Yikes

  33. chatter says:

    KC, K, W are all making me tired.
    If only they would stop all their PR nonsense and stay in their lane, that would be terrific.
    My option for all of them is
    #1. Stop all the PR, you are NOT fooling anyone.
    #2. Only show up publicly for the big events, wear your stupid gowns, hats, feathers 2-3x a year total is plenty.
    #3. Shove a crowbar into your fat, far wallets and do some actual good for “The People”

    Their wealth hoarding really angers me.
    When the hugely wealthy “Rock Gods” do charity performance….why don’t they start by donating $250k each, add that to the amount raised.
    Clapton, Collins, each member of Queen, Zep, RS, Zep, Macca, Sting, the list goes on.
    No one person needs $20-$600M.
    How many millions a year does the Duchy of Cornwall bring ? Every.year.

    Imagine if every year KC, W&K donated $10M each spread between several existing charities, take photos. Do it. See if I’m wrong.
    Abolish the Monarchy. Save Prince George!

    • Blubb says:

      Chatter, I couldn’t agree more… What do they need all this money for? Charles sells a million things in Highgrove, Sandringham… For charity? Or for himself?
      And yes monarchy with this intruding press was and is child abuse. Save the next generation!!!

    • Joy says:

      The duchy had a value of 1.2 billion in 2022. I’m sure it’s worth even more now 2 years later. The PoW makes around 23 million per year from it. That’s his money, it doesn’t go through the royal trust. He can spend it how he likes. Must be rough.

    • Liz -L says:

      Chatter – great points. Dave Gilmour of Pink Floyd suggested this years ago. He pledged a million pounds of his own money towards ending homelessness. And invited fellow rock gods, rf and other high earners to do the same.
      Not one of them did.

  34. Mads says:

    When the video was first released, I posted that my initial observation was ‘obit reel’.
    It’s the kids I feel sad for.
    As to H&M, the UK press is going to go full throttle at blaming them when the inevitable happens.

  35. Merely me says:

    Kate’s video had a very goodbye/shaping her public legacy tone to it. And KC didn’t seem to be in the greatest health before the cancer (judging by his complexion and hand swelling). So I believe they are both very unwell.

    • Pips says:

      It helps explain why both sent online b-day wishes to Harry. Post death KC and Kate don’t want to be described by historians and others as bitter, stubborn and unforgiving etc…

    • Lessie says:

      @Merely Me – I totally agree with you. It’s rather like a British “Hallmark” version of a final goodbye – I have an eerie sense that perhaps by the end of this year, the answers will be known.

    • Jais says:

      Eh, someone going to news nation and saying she’s very unwell just isn’t legit. There’s really no evidence one way or another. Guess we’ll see. Wish her good health but random sources going to random American publications is shady and suspect. Like they want that narrative out, that’s she’s sicker than is being said. Feels like a ploy for sympathy after the video was widely derided. Maybe I’m wrong but there’s no way of knowing at this point.

  36. maisie says:

    this whole notion of avoiding “stress” is complete BS. It’s a way of weaponizing events against Harry and Meghan that are completely irrelevant to them. Yes, it’s good for everyone to live a calmer, low stress life. But it’s not H&M’s job to manage any of the stuff that’s happening on that island. that’s why they left.

  37. Lessie says:

    @Nic – I totally agree with everything you said here. Last week, I posted for the first time on this site and I said very similar things to what you have. I do believe that she is much worse than anyone is letting on and the most recent video is her way of perhaps curating and crafting her image in the mind of the public at large, and also as well for her children, too.

    • Pink tutu says:

      It goes against everything she said though. In 10 years time we’ll still be getting Kate wishes to stay stress free because she’s lazy.

      • Nic919 says:

        The queen never lied about saying she didn’t have cancer. She just didn’t say anything. Charles has also not said anything further after the diagnosis.

        Kate is not going to say she’s cancer free if she’s that serious.

        She’s also done an early years meeting. I guess the 12 years and backlash to the video got her worried.

  38. sparrow1 says:

    My goodness. This is very sad but one day, one day, they’ll have to stop blaming Harry for everything.

  39. Bad Janet says:

    Oh, okay. Harry is literally k!lling Kate now with his very existence.

    I don’t trust this “source” any more than Ia trust the RF. But I do hope Kate is well, regardless of whether or not she has done bad things.

  40. NikkiK says:

    I said the same thing last week in a comment! That video gave off weird, I’m going to enjoy what time I have left, vibes. Or maybe that’s her retirement video; either way, I don’t think her prognosis is good. I always tell people what people DON’T say is just as important as what they DO say.

    KP is being very particular with wording and what they do and don’t say – and I imagine it’s so they can’t be accused of misleading the public in the future in regards to what happens with Kate.

    The weird silence around the type of cancer is strange too, especially considering how much awareness she could bring and I think it’s because of people knew what kind of cancer, they’d be very concerned.

    • Merely me says:

      Yes, and this could also explain why she isn’t thanking her doctors— when you are dying, or treatment is failing, you don’t feel very thankful (at any age, but maybe particularly so when you are a young mother).

      • HuffnPuff says:

        The not thanking the doctors could be due to where the treatment was done. If it wasn’t in the UK, then that’s a bad look for the RF. It could also be that she had a particular type of cancer that she finds embarrassing and if she thanked doctors, everyone would know what type of cancer it was.

      • Jais says:

        Can’t one just say thank you so very much to my medical team? That’s generic enough.

      • ArtHistorian says:

        She didn’t thank her medical team because she is simply that ungracious. Both Kate, her mother and sister are notorious for their bad manners towards people they deem below them.

    • Nic919 says:

      Get a grip people. She didn’t thank the doctors because she’s self absorbed. Charles managed to thank his team and he’s still getting treatment.

    • Miss Scarlett says:

      I think, now, this is because her type of cancer is so severe and so scary, and they are trying to protect the children as much as they can. I don’t think the children know the extent of it, probably little more than what’s been published, except that they know their mum has traveled extensively for treatment and was undergoing extensive treatment.

      • Unblinkered says:

        Like a lot of people on here I don’t want to spell out what I believe the reality of all this is, suffice to say I don’t believe KM has or had anything terminal. Whatever is actually wrong with her I wish her well, and she appears to have made a full recovery.

        The video, however, is horribly insensitive to the majority of cancer sufferers and its real purpose may be guessed. It has Carol Middleton’s fingerprints all over it – not for the first time, I ask what monies has Carol received directly or indirectly from Duchy of Cornwall funds?

      • ArtHistorian says:


        I agree. The tacky vibe of the video has Carole’s stench all over it.

      • Tessa says:

        They should not make those tacky videos and bring the children into it.

  41. bisynaptic says:

    How can Kate try to “STAY free of cancer”, if she isn’t, currently, “free of cancer”? At this rate, she’s going to be at death’s door, in a month. 🙄
    How are they going to explain it, when she continues to keep living?
    Their anything-goes communication strategy is going to be the death of their public support, though. What a short-sighted group of people.

  42. Olga says:

    If KP had been honest from the beginning不remember they wrote non known to be cancer,it has caused all kinds of unnecessary speculation,i mean can they not see that honesty may have brought more empathy towards Kate if indeed the surgeons found evidence of ovarian cancer which is one the worst ones

  43. Henny Penny says:

    Everybody who gets cancer should be allowed to retire immediately to their country estate where they spend their days being waited on hand and foot while cuddling their children and fondling ferns.

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