Jennifer Aniston wore Oscar de la Renta to the 2024 Emmys: lovely or boring?

Jennifer Aniston had a habit for years, if not decades, of always wearing sort of boring black gown whenever she had a big red carpet. It all got a bit same-y. Well, I’m glad she’s mixing it up a bit. At last night’s Emmy Awards, Jennifer wore this sparkly Oscar de la Renta column gown. It’s nice, it photographed well, and I liked that she added some sparkle with some diamonds too. My criticism: it would have been nice to see a different hairstyle. I also think she’s way overdoing the Botox and fillers, she could barely move her face during her red carpet interviews. Also: she was nominated (but did not win) for The Morning Show.

Speaking of The Morning Show, Nicole Beharie wore Chanel. She looked lovely, and I hate that she gets overshadowed on red carpets because of her costars.

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TMS’s Reese Witherspoon turned up on the red carpet with my nemesis (and her good friend) Laura Dern. Reese wore Dior, and I actually love her dress. My nemesis looks like sh-t and I love that too. Those bangs and that hair… hilariously dated. The giraffe’s ensemble isn’t terrible, but the top part didn’t fit her correctly.

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Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Getty.

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49 Responses to “Jennifer Aniston wore Oscar de la Renta to the 2024 Emmys: lovely or boring?”

  1. Josephine says:

    I thought Aniston’s dress was really pretty but it wasn’t doing anything for her. And it’s not much different from her usual fare, just a different color. But I agree that the hair is more to blame – she was casual lunch at the beach on top and night at the opera on the bottom.

    Loved Reese’s look, especially with the jacket over the shoulders.

  2. Granger says:

    I can’t stand what all these women are doing with Botox or whatever it is they’re using around their mouths. Sandra Bullock, Nicole Kidman, Goldie Hawn, etc., and now Aniston. It’s very distracting watching them talk and barely moving their mouths because they’re so frozen. I will never get why they think it’s a good idea and why nobody around them tells them to stop.

    • Becks1 says:

      Especially when you’re an actress! We want to see your facial expressions!

    • Barrett says:

      B/c in “Holly weird” I’ve read its normal to be in a room of people who look like botox/plastic surgery aliens. The assimilate. I read she told Courtney Cox to cool it w the fillers but now Courtney needs to return the favor.

    • equality says:

      You would think they never look in mirrors or watch themselves on screen. They need to practice talking and facial expressions in a mirror or look to see how it makes them seem on screen. I can understand the temptation though, because the women especially are making their living , at least partially, on looks.

    • SpankyB says:

      They’re getting fillers and botox in the upper lip to cover the smoker’s/aging lines. At one point JA’s was pretty noticeable. I think she’s over-doing them though.

  3. Becks1 says:

    I thought Jennifer looked great. I think she just likes her hair down like that and I think it gives her a more laid back appearance. I think she knows shes not likely to win (was she nominated in her category this year?) so approaches the Emmys more just like a party.

    The funny thing about the Botox is that I think she’s starting to let up on it, lol. I feel like a year ago she was looking REALLY…..well, botox-y. And she still does but in comparison this is better.

    I really like Reese’s dress and hair etc. She looked great. I remember hating her last Emmy dress so this is a win for me.

  4. seraphina says:

    JA’s dress is pretty but boring. I could have sworn she has worn this style before. I think she is not a risk taker.
    And I am curious, when is Dern Kaiser’s nemesis?????

    • Neeve says:

      I have wondered for years why she is her nemesis lol

      • Looty says:

        I think it’s bad blood over Ben Harper.

      • Becks1 says:

        She explained it in a podcast once – I just think she’s one of those celebrities that rubs Kaiser the wrong way for no real reason. Kind of like how I can’t stand Emma Watson or Jessica Chastain (although the latter is growing on me) but there’s no real reason.

      • Becks1 says:

        Sorry I weirdly feel the name to correct myself here. Emma STONE is the one I can’t stand for whatever reason. I love Emma Watson lol.

    • MS. Lib says:

      The real problem with Botox – once you start you can’t stop.
      Just have a face lift already – oh wait, maybe she did???

    • Deedee says:

      She did. I think it was when she was still with Brad Pitt.

  5. Mtl.ex.pat says:

    I loved Jennifer Aniston‘s dress. I saw some other close-up photos and they were describing the detailing as being small pearls. I think it’s very very pretty in a subtle way.

  6. Neeve says:

    Jennifer Aniston is such a creature of habit that I am convinced I have seen this before. She is sooo safe,I guess good for her she has never felt she pressured to overhaul her look.

  7. Giddy says:

    Kaiser, please! Why is Laura Dern your nemesis?

  8. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    Every time i see laura dern, im like, uh oh, what’s gonna be said and look forward to a goid laugh. Remind me why she’s nemesis although ive been folloowing this page since possibly +/-20 years? Is that even possible?

    • antipodean says:

      Another old timer here, and as far as I know it has always just been taken for granted that Laura Dern will raise Kaiser’s hackles! I think we probably all have at least one high profile person that we just cannot tolerate, and for some reason this is Kaiser’s. Maybe it is the bangs? I feel like that about the orange menace, he makes me physically ill.

      • Amy says:

        We definitely all have one. Mine is Helena Bonham Carter. You bet that if I ran a celebrity gossip website I would dunk on her all the time!

  9. Mego says:

    Just saw Feud Season 2… Diane Lane was amazing and her face was moving. Calista Flockhart and Demi Moore not so much…. So please stop the botox…

  10. North of Boston says:

    Loved seeing Nicole Beharie!
    She looks great.

  11. Chaine says:

    We feel we have seen it before because we have. This a favorite silhouette for Jennifer. Look back at her 2004 Emmys dress and her shimmery 2009 Oscars dress. I wish she had not done the facelift or whatever it is.

  12. Lens says:

    I thought jennifer was lovely. Just because you don’t like her here doesn’t mean she’s boring. I don’t know what she’s got against up-dos but at least her hair is pretty and all hers. No overly long extensions I mean. I like Reese’s and the nemesis looks okay I guess although the pants under dress thing is dumb. I think she is the posters nemesis because she won an Oscar and her fave JLo wasn’t even nominated at time but she’s my nemesis because she’s one of those actressy actresses who act like they are doing brain surgery and its just acting.

    • Barbara says:

      I think JA doesn’t wear her hair up because it accentuates her jaw and chin. Back in her Brad days she did pull it back but left pieces hanging down around her face to kind of hide her jaw. I think she looks fine too; she obviously works hard on her body and knows what kind of dresses look good on her so she sticks with it.

  13. girl_ninja says:

    Nichole looked beautiful as always and was the best dressed of her Morning Show co-stars. John Ham needs to go to Billy Crudup’s tailor because his tux did not fit him. Jennifer’s dress was lovely and really flattered her. I actually think the fillers are more subtle right now.

    I didn’t like Reese’s dress; it resembled a duvet and Laura’s dress was veering into Diane Keaton levels of style.

    • Jais says:

      Nicole Beharie! She looked so good. I’m still a fan of hers from sleepy hollow season 1😂

      • Babz says:

        I loved her in Sleepy Hollow so much! She got royally shafted on that show, but I’m glad to see she’s in a hit streaming show now. She looked gorgeous last night.

  14. MsIam says:

    Jennifer looks the same and that taupe color washes her out, imo. I don’t care for Reese or Laura’s outfits either. Nicole looks nice but that bow on the front is too prom dress. It would look more elegant without it.

  15. Sasha says:

    I am so curious as a LT reader. Why is Laura Dern Kaiser’s nemesis?

  16. Lucy2 says:

    Nicole is so beautiful, I kind of wish she would’ve taken a bigger swing with a more dramatic dress for the attention, she deserves it.
    I love Reese’s dress! And I think Jennifer’s is really beautiful also.

  17. chatty says:

    I like all these looks.
    At last, no sheer underwear dresses passing as formal gowns.
    Reese and LD are very classic Hollywood gowns here. LD looks similar to Sandy Bullock dark blue gown with pockets from a few years back.
    JA, the color seems to wash her out, why not a deep shade of color?

  18. Libra says:

    Taking my life in my hands by saying I have a soft spot for Laura Dern. Way back, she came home from a location shoot to find her live -in boyfriend had married someone else. That would be a jolt for anyone.

  19. kelleybelle says:

    New face but not boring. I think it’s beautiful.

  20. blueberry says:

    Something about Reese gives me prom vibes— the dress? The hair? The prom date’s tux jacket? lol

    • Diamond Rottweiler says:

      Reese always dresses like the southern girl she is. Which means she’s always going to skew a little sorority/debutante/beauty pageant. But I accept this for her as it’s true to her roots. It also took a lot of fashion discipline for her not to slap a gigantic bow on there somewhere (unless it’s in the back?).

    • MaisiesMom says:

      I agree with Diamond that Reese dresses in a way that is true to her roots and persona. She’s always looks nice, classic, quite classy (IMO). She doesn’t tend to show a lot of skin or go for a super sexy or fashion-forward look. There’s no WOW moments with her red carpet choices, but on the plus side there are never WTF moments either.

  21. Ayy says:

    Omg wth did laura do to you!? Lmao

  22. Ameerah M says:

    Nicole Beharie looked BEAUTIFUL. I truly want all the best for her. She is such a criminally underrated actress and she deserves a much bigger career. Jen Aniston looked Jen Aniston wearing a Jen Aniston dress.

  23. pamspam says:

    I wish we weren’t so hard on women. They all look lovely.

  24. khaveman says:

    Wow I think JA looks the best I’ve seen her in a long time. Either she switched up her filler/Bo game or she laid off. It’s the eyes. They look relaxed and pretty. Nice dress. I hope she chooses wisely in the filler game in the future – she’s so gorgeous, great genes. 🙂

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