JD Vance admitted to ‘creating’ the racist lie about Haitians eating cats & dogs

Sunday afternoon, the Secret Service apprehended a would-be assassin at Donald Trump’s West Palm Beach golf club. Trump was golfing at the time, because of course. The would-be shooter did not even take a shot at Trump. The whole thing is bonkers, but I’ll keep my mouth shut until we know more – after all, there are still way too many open questions over the Butler, Pennsylvania shooting back in July. We still don’t know exactly what happened and why. I suspect it will be the same here, although we know now that both “shooters” were Republicans.

I bring this up because the Trump storyline overshadowed everything that’s happened in Ohio since last week’s debate. At the debate, Trump screamed out a MAGA lie/conspiracy that Haitian-Americans and Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio are eating dogs and cats. The whole thing was based on a completely random lie made by a white woman in Ohio and she’s now taken back the lie and said that she never meant it to go this far. That didn’t stop Ohio’s Senator JD Vance – who is also Trump’s running mate – to amplify the lie constantly. Since the debate, there have been threats and attacks on the Haitian-American community in Ohio, and those f–king Proud Boys even marched in Springfield. It’s all turned into a violent anti-immigrant and racist emergency. Sunday morning, Vance did an interview on CNN with Dana Bash. Vance admitted to “creating” the racist story which has harmed Ohio communities:

I actually watched about ten minutes of the full interview, and it was just as insane as all of this – he spent ten minutes trying to say that he is not personally responsible for inciting racist violence against Haitians, that he was just amplifying the concerns of his constituents… and then he admitted that he created the lie about people eating cats and dogs. He created a story to harm, target and foment violence against HIS OWN CONSTITUENTS. The Ohio senator is harming Ohio cities and Ohioians.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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63 Responses to “JD Vance admitted to ‘creating’ the racist lie about Haitians eating cats & dogs”

  1. Nancy says:

    I am so embarrassed to be an Ohioan. I just want to say that this racist misogynistic lying pig got elected because the people in the state congress got together and gerrymandered our districts in favor of the Republican Party. Our state government at the state congressional level is a hot mess.

    • SIde Eye says:

      There has been one silver lining though – the people of Springfield have really banded together to stand up to this hate! I have friends in Ohio. I believe Springfield was targeted because it was an immigration success story – meaning, the Springfield community has welcomed the Haitian immigrants and they in turn, have revitalized that town. Employers love them – they work hard and go above and beyond at their jobs. Springfield people are on the record saying this is a lie, crime has not gone up since the Haitians have arrived and emphasized that they are here legally. I am not from Ohio but the way this community has stood up to Vance should be commended, and I hope it continues at the polls. The whole state needs to be done with him, because what happened in Springfield with the terror will soon be everywhere

      Another thing, I think we can all stop pretending MAGA cares who is here legally and who isn’t – it’s clear they hate Black and Brown people status be damned. The Haitians are here legally. And it’s foolish to think MAGA will know the difference between a Haitian person and an African-American person, they will just start targeting all Black people.

      Vance is a racist POS. And I hope Springfield sues the crap out of him. He is 100% responsible is something happens – and so is the Karen who initially shared the post (I was just trying to be racist with my friends, not the whole country – some defense when someone gets killed). They have not taken back the lie (except the Karen) or apologized or told anyone to back off. Trump himself hasn’t denounced the bomb threats. Vile, evil, and I hope Ohio and the country remembers this in November.

  2. Miranda says:

    PUT.👏🏽 THIS.👏🏽 IN.👏🏽 A.👏🏽 F–KING. 👏🏽 AD.👏🏽

    This is f–king BLOOD LIBEL. It needs to be called by its rightful name and this interview needs all the coverage we can muster.

    • UpIn Toronto says:

      I agree!!! This is so wrong, and how people on the right are ok about the lies is INFURIATING! Immigrants are the answer to population growth, not forcing women to have babies! We all descended from immigrants ( unless you are indigenous), and should have understood by now how it benefits the USA!

      What the hell is wrong with with white men on the right?! What the hell do they think is going to happen?? This country has seen waves of immigrants over the centuries, and now we’re going to freak out bc they’re brown??!

      The GOP can kick rocks

    • Bad Janet says:

      People who love this kind of hateful rhetoric won’t give a damn that he outright said he created this narrative. Surely he just “misspoke” 🙄

    • Gloria says:

      Absolutely! Call it out for the horrific Nazi move it is.

    • pottymouth pup says:

      if only the average American understood the debt we owe to Haitians that fought for us in the revolutionary war.

      • SIde Eye says:

        I am so glad you bring this up pottymouth pup. For those of you who aren’t familiar. The Haitian slaves kicked Napoleon’s ass and became the first and only country to successfully overthrow slavery and establish the first Black country in the Western Hemisphere. Napoleon ran back to France, and his resources were so depleted, he had to offload some property to the United States in exchange for some much needed cash- hence the Louisiana purchase.

        Literally half the damn country is here thanks to Haiti.

    • bisynaptic says:

      🎯 put it in an ad. It’s Pet Libel. 😁

  3. VilleRose says:

    When Trump said during the debate immigrants were eating cats and dogs in Springfield, OH, I had no context for that sound bite and was like where is this coming from?! I hadn’t listened to him in speak a long time because I ignore him as much as possible. Ignoring him and JD Vance meant I was totally out of the loop with JD Vance’s fearmongering lies about the poor Haitian immigrants in Ohio. When I realized this was coming from Vance, I was surprised because it’s usually Trump spouting nonsense and lies. If Trump loses (please please), he is going to blame Vance completely.

    Now I’m wondering if it’s because of Vance that young people are going around saying something is “So Ohio” for anything weird or cringey? I only learned this term recently (I don’t have kids!).

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Kamala’s team only briefed her about this disinformation about an hour before the debate. They couched it as “This surely won’t come up, but, just in case.” When Trump said it with his whole chest I think she was only surprised that he went there. Lunacy. And I think Trump got it from Laura Looney Tunes, not Vance. He admitted not talking with Vance.

      • Miranda says:

        Speaking of Looney Tunes, we have a few family friends who lost loved ones on 9/11, and holy f–k are they pissed that he had the gall to bring his nutty concubine to the ceremony. They really want it publicized that she’s one of the chief people whispering in his ear.

      • VilleRose says:

        Interesting about Kamala’s team briefing her, at least she knew where it was coming from because I was just sitting there going “is this a sign of dementia or something else?” I also only learned who Laura Loomer was a few days ago. I know I should be paying closer attention to what is going on but for my own mental health I just can’t.

      • Christine says:

        Absolutely no one needs to apologize for stepping back from the news for the sake of their mental health! I worry about the people who have to follow this shit all day, every day, as part of their job!

    • BeanieBean says:

      Oh, he will turn on Vance in a New York minute & I am here for that!

  4. Jais says:

    Listen, trump is not well. He’s old, unhealthy looking and often incoherent. This Vance guy CANNOT be allowed to be anywhere close to the office of president. He is causing harm and will continue to cause harm without losing a wink of sleep.

    • Blithe says:

      I strongly agree with this. I’ve thought for a while that a possible plan might be for the Republicans to use Trump to regain the White House — then quickly shuffle him off to the side, with the promise of pardons. If Trump were to get elected, his obstreperous behavior would then outweigh his usefulness, and Vance is indicating his willingness to do whatever he is told.

      I’m feeling sorry for Vance’s kids, and wondering if Usha Vance quit her job so that she can homeschool them. Being a biracial kid with a father who flagrantly lies as a point of pride probably won’t go over well on the playground or in classrooms in the DC suburbs.

      Oh Ohio! Whatever Vance’s plans for future employment look like, he doesn’t seem to think he’ll need support from the Republican governor of Ohio, or the Mayor of Springfield.

    • Agnes says:

      I really believe the Peter Thiel/Putin plan all along has been to squeeze Vance into the line of succession on Trump’s coattails, then when in office pull a the 25th Amendment alarm on Demented Donny. Can you imagine Vance as President??? He’d be Trump with A PLAN, not just a concept. Like, Thank God Trump is so stupid as least there’s An Option this November to vote Sanity in.

    • Feeshalori says:

      Yes, I really believe this has been the plan all along. Trump is the red herring, and while we’re looking his way, we’re not looking in the other direction where Vance is lurking and waiting for his opportunity for Trump to be reelected, declared incompetent by the 25th Amendment and for him to take power. Please let this not be so and let voters recognize what this devious ploy is.
      And my deepest sympathy to Ohioans that they have Vile Vance as their senator and to the Haitian community as well.

      • Snideysense says:

        They won’t use the 25th amendment. They’ll a$$assinate him and blame it on a “far left” person as an excuse to start locking up Democrats. And that way he’s a martyr to keep his cult members engaged.

      • Jack says:

        Agree with Snideysense. IMO these a**assination attempts are to pull sympathy and votes from undecideds and get more money. They are trying to blame the Dems for all of this and scare people. This is a set up to the big finale – the next ‘attempt’ won’t miss and I think it will be while votes are being counted. They will use that as an excuse to stope certifications and send to house and supreme court and install JD.

      • SIde Eye says:

        This is exactly the plan. Trump is a useful idiot. He is so preoccupied with the imaginary “Coup” in the Democratic Party (cause he’s senile and doesn’t understand the law – Biden was allowed to drop out of the race until early August) that he can’t see what’s right there in front of him.

        Vance and the Heritage Foundation have a goal to implement Project 2025 by any means necessary. They will get rid of Trump once he is elected. I believe Vance will simply invoke the 25th – Lord knows he has enough evidence of Trump’s cognitive decline to do it.

    • Truthiness says:

      Agreeing with everyone that Vance’s role is to be the last man standing once elected and wield power from there. Trump isn’t well, he doesn’t work out, and we’ve suspected he had a mini-stroke or two. He drags one leg at times and there was that unexplained rush to Walter Reed. The golfing may be his notion of following doctor’s orders to get exercise. I think he’s hiding something about his health that would damage the ticket.

  5. MsIam says:

    What else will they make up to suit their own interests? How are the American people supposed to trust these liars? And font say all politicians lie either, these two are on a whole other level. This is batshit crazy but I guess that’s what it means to be MAGA.

  6. AmyB says:

    I hope the Haitian community can file some class action defamation lawsuit against these two racist lying bigots – Vance and Trump. Just like the two GA election workers sued Guiliani for his baseless, dangerous lies accusing them of being involved in voter fraud. This is UNACCEPTABLE – someone is going to get killed.

  7. girl_ninja says:

    Pete Buttigieg said on Meet the Press that false claims about Haitian immigrants promoted Donald Trump and JD Vance are a strategic move to distract voters from “their actual record and agenda.”

    That’s all it comes down to, distracting us from who they are. Project 2025, the Right to Choose strips from us in the United States and them cavorting with racists and 9/11 deniers.

  8. chatty says:

    Politics have reached new lows in the US.

    Can you imagine having this garbage as VP? One heart beat from the nuclear code?

  9. Blithe says:

    So, the “honorable “ Senator from Ohio is fomenting violence and divisions in his own state — even as the Mayor of Springfield and the Republican Governor of Ohio refute Vance’s admitted lies. Meanwhile, Vance and his family are living comfortably in a liberal DC suburb. Vance is openly willing to crap on people in Ohio in the hope of pleasing Trump’s MAGA base. This will definitely come back to haunt him in one way or another.

    I feel for the Haitian population. It’s also chilling, since hatred and violence can quickly spread, and Trump and Vance are deliberately stoking resentments and violence as we get closer to the elections.

    • PunkyMomma says:

      I agree.

      I add this: he’s sh@tting on his own constituency because he’s not planning on being a senator for much longer. Mango is the Trojan Horse in this scenario—

    • Truthiness says:

      Is Karine Jean Pierre safe? I hope Biden has offered protection to his press secretary who is Haitian American.

      Trump married 2 immigrants and Vance’s in laws are immigrants, their hypocrisy is flamboyantly clear.

    • pottymouth pup says:

      It’s interesting that Vance complains about how Springfield doesn’t have the resources they need to handle significant influx of Haitians recruited to move to Springfield to fill the multitude of open jobs while conveniently forgetting that he is a Senator representing the state of Ohio and is in a position to help them get those resources but hasn’t done jack for them

  10. Diamond Rottweiler says:

    Sociopath game recognizes game with the former guy and this vile bottomless trash pit he chose. Or was chosen for him by the tech bro billionaire crowd. Vile beyond words. But he sure has handed Tim Walz the biggest cudgel imaginable for their debate. Waltz’s response to everything Vance says should start with, “Racist liar actively trying to get people killed just to win an election says what?” Then hard pivot to Project 2025, gas under 3 dollars, jabillions in student loan forgiveness to be expanded, corporate greed, tax breaks for middle and lower economic groups, and then stick the landing with abortion rights. Vance is going to have to carry his ass home in a sack. I look forward to it.

  11. Clove says:

    The Haitian community had bomb threats, and the proud boys marched there over the weekend. Someone can and could’ve gotten killed. This needs to end, and they need to sue the Trump campaign! I am mad as h-ll about this!

  12. K says:

    Maybe the real goal isn’t to get Trump elected…for very long, that is. Maybe it’s to get Vance elected. This is a nightmare.

    • Luna says:

      This is my concern, too. A vote for Trump is a vote for Vance as president in the not too distant future. That would usher in a new Dark Age in the US.

    • lucy2 says:

      I wouldn’t be surprised, and trump is too stupid to realize it.

      • Blithe says:

        I don’t think he’d care — as long as he’s assured that Vance will pardon whatever he does. Governing and being held up to scrutiny was never what was driving Trump. If he resigns “for health reasons” he’ll probably prefer fundraising for his presidential library and golfing without criticism to actually being President. Melania and Barron would likely prefer this too.

        I do have horrible thoughts about what kind of person Vance would choose as VP — and what kind of person would accept such a job. I’m sure the Heritage Foundation already has a list drawn up.

    • Blithe says:

      Yes, while stoking divisions of all kinds — class, gender, racial, ethnic, political, economic, and probably a few more.
      I’m concerned about the Haitian community in Springfield—and beyond. Although the Senator who’s supposed to represent their interests is deliberately inciting violence against them, their Republican Governor and Republican Mayor seem to be genuinely trying to tamp out the racist flames that Vance and Trump are stoking.

      My concerns go beyond this crisis to the broader civil wars that Trump and Vance are building — and to the criminal behavior that our attention has shifted from as we focus on the Trump/Vance deliberately created crisis of the moment. It’s truly terrifying to live in such interesting times.

  13. nmb says:

    We are really at a cross road as a country. Did they purposely lie or is JD Vance trying to spin the lie? Either way – this is profoundly wrong. I am at a loss for words. How can people not only go along with these lies but passionately support it in the face of reality. Now these candidates aren’t even trying to spin or cover their lies. They are ADMITTING it. I don’t understand how people can vote for these two. We are witnessing the end of democracy in our country. I am speechless. I grew up conservative and voted mostly Republican in all elections prior to 2016. I haven’t voted Republican since. I might not agree with everything the progressive Dems value, but there is no way I could ever vote for this neo-Republican party. Ever.

    • Blithe says:

      @nmb, thank you very much for your comment. The current Republican Party is anything but “conservative “, and I truly applaud people like you who are both paying attention to the many ways that the RP has changed, and willing to put country and the future of Democracy over party — when it really counts. I hope that people who are on the fence about realizing the ways that the Republican Party is now functioning can read posts like yours and vote for the kinds of values and decency that posts like yours represent.

      • nmb says:

        I just do not get how reasonably intelligent people who identify as conservative or Republican vote for Trump and his cronies. On principle, how can they? If they’re patriots and lovers of history….just. How?! I’m closely nearing the point where I don’t even want to spend time with half of my family because of how blinded by party lines they are. Oh, and the complete hypocrisy. I can feel my blood pressure rising as I think about it. Like I said, I do not fall in line with 100% of what the Dems are doing, but there is just no way my conscience would ever let me vote anything resembling Trump and/or his policies.

  14. Jennifer says:

    I can’t even be shocked at him making up shit like his new boss does. I’m only surprised he admitted it.

  15. Brassy Rebel says:

    This is all very deliberate on the part of Trump and Vance. The Trump campaign is very worried about this election (thank you,MVP!) and they know they don’t have a very good Get Out The Vote operation since so much of the campaign’s funds are going to paying Trump’s legal bills. So this is their Get Out The Vote strategy—work their crazed MAGA base into a frenzy of hatred and anger in the hopes that they will vote in such huge numbers that KH won’t have a chance. Even scarier, it could work if we don’t counter it with an even bigger turnout, including early voting.

    Vance actually tried to argue that he has to make up stories because the media doesn’t cover these stories unless he does. Hard to believe this guy went to Yale. Of course, the media doesn’t cover stories that never happened!

  16. chatter says:

    The GOP and all former POTUS should be calling for Vance to step down completely ASAP.
    What is happening in the GOP/DEM parties? Why is No One calling for an end to this constant ruin of the political system?

    I miss the days of well spoken, intelligent noms (both parties) who tried to keep the wheels on the tracks of running a country. Not saying any pol is a boy scout but, Trump/Vance are just lying liars all day, everyday.
    Is there no shame at all anymore? And WHY NOT?
    Why aren’t the big national press shouting from the rooftops?

    • Blithe says:

      Look at who controls the national press and other forms of media now. That will answer your question.

      I think we’re beyond the point where Democrats — including past Presidents— will be listened to by the people who make up Trump’s base. As to why there’s no shame in some sectors of politics, I’d point back to Newt Gingrich— who worked to move politics from a culture that often valued bipartisan agreements and interactions quite highly, to something that has grown increasingly polarized with his winner-takes-all competitive values. I’d add in racism and misogyny, as well as other prejudices. Politics in the US used to be an almost exclusively white and male game. Quite a lot of what we’re seeing now is backlash against the gains of the civil rights movements — with grievances and resentments stoked by elderly white men like Trump and Gingrich, eagerly perpetuated by people who believe that they deserve to benefit from their visions of their own brands of supremacy.

  17. Kelly Collins-Cunningham says:

    Casey Weinstein, Ohio Senator, has called for Vance to resign. The Governor, Springfield Mayor and Chief of Police, all Republicans, have all said this dog eating story is BS. That and Trump’s toddler I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT post is a real nail in the coffin.

    I surfed through Truth Social and there were the usual deranged supporters, but overall the comments were, dude, you’ve lost it.

  18. Walking the Walk says:

    What’s disgusting is this rhetoric is working. There’s tons of white and even freaking Black people believing this mess and demanding all immigrants get out of the country even if they are legal. And this crap will make him pop up on the polls more. The border is unstable is not working cause the Dems were able to blame that on him (rightly so). But now they are doing the same boogeyman that they did in 2016 and too many White People (I said what I said) are believing it. I saw the white voter breakdown yesterday. It’s once again going to come to people to say racism is bad and not vote for that man.

    • MsIam says:

      Where have you seen “tons” of black believing this mess and telling immigrants to get out? And in fact Trump is sinking even further in the polls. Hence why they need “distractions” ahem. The key now is for people to not get complacent on the democrat or I should say “decent” side and show up and vote blue!

  19. Eden75 says:

    I, as an outsider looking in, am so blown away by several things:
    1) how this idiot got voted into anything
    2) how US politics got to this point
    3) how the hell is it even a close election

    Even if you are not a Dem, how in the name of all things could you vote for He Who Shall Not Be Named and Golem here?

    • slippers4life says:

      Right? Like, how is this close? My American friend tell me that some families vote for parties religiously. So is that why it’s close? Like, this is not just arguing things like less government interference in business versus government’s role to protect. This is like blatant ..they aren’t even trying to hide it anymore… racist, lying, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic bat shit ridiculous couch fucking idiots versus experienced, intelligent calm people with a track record of supporting human rights. There should be no contest here. And yet …here we are! I am going to need something to take the edge of election night in the US.

      • Eden75 says:

        slippers: I don’t get that either. We are basically a 2 party system here as well, but holy cr@p, this would probably kick off a vote of non-confidence and which ever party it was spouting this offal would be out. When someone is this far out to lunch, how can you not see it? I understand that the point is to appeal to those who may not know better, or, sadly, have the same views, but this is so far out that I don’t understand how anyone could be ok with this. I really don’t, I don’t care what your party alliances are.

  20. chatter says:

    Exactly, I agree.
    WTH is going on here?
    Every. day.Trump.Vance show us who they are, every day.

  21. Mara says:

    I am an Ohioan with a mixed race family. The lies being spewed by red devils are beyond evil, and are horrifying. Sanity must prevail because our great nation is on the brink of disaster otherwise.

  22. Lau says:

    I know it probably won’t be the case but I do hope that Ohioians get rid of him at the next election because he’s treating them like absolute garbage. That guy needs to be humiliated in the polls.

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