Ben Affleck ‘could not keep his hands off’ Jennifer Lopez at lunch on Saturday

As we discussed, Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck were out in Beverly Hills on Saturday with their children. They went to the Polo Lounge at the Beverly Hills Hotel for lunch, and they got pap’d going into and out of the hotel. In front of the cameras, their body language seemed weird, not loved up. At one point, it looked like Ben was getting in Jennifer’s face about something. Jennifer also seems close to his kids – one of them gave Jen a big hug as they said goodbye, while Max and Emme were seemingly giving Ben the stinkeye. Having watched the way everything has gone down in the past four weeks, I’m getting the vibe that people in Ben’s life are actually disappointed in him and sad that he sabotaged this marriage. Those people include his kids.

While the photos have a weird energy, Page Six was the only outlet claiming that Jennifer and Ben were actually kissing and affectionate while having lunch at the Polo Lounge. Now a new Page Six story claims that Ben couldn’t keep his hands off of Jen, and it was also his idea to do the pap stroll outside the hotel.

Ben Affleck “could not keep his hands off” Jennifer Lopez at their brunch on Saturday, a source exclusively told Page Six. The “Argo” director wanted to meet his estranged wife at the Beverly Hills Hotel to show that they’re “friends,” and get their pics taken. But he wound up not being able to keep his hands off his ex, sources exclusively told us.

The estranged couple was having brunch with their children at the famed Polo Lounge in Beverly Hills, Calif., on Saturday — and the stars were seen “holding hands and kissing.”

A source tells us it was the “Justice League” star’s idea for the former pair to meet at the high-profile spot in hopes of getting their pic snapped. But Affleck apparently wasn’t counting on finding the “On The Floor” singer so irresistible in person, says our source.

“Once they were together, he could not keep his hands off,” our source said.

The insider added, “They have always had a lot of sexual chemistry. That was not planned. They are still attracted to one another.”

“It was Ben Affleck’s idea to meet there,” the insider said. “He wanted to show that they are friendly exes. He wanted those photos. You go there when you want to be seen. Paparazzi hang out there.”

[From Page Six]

For what it’s worth, Jennifer’s team clearly went to People Magazine to dampen the speculation that the Bennifer Reunification is back on. Sources close to J.Lo maintain that this whole thing was just a “fun lunch so the kids could hang out” and that Jen is “trying to be friendly with Ben. They are still moving forward with the divorce though. They are working out financial details amicably.” The same source said: “A divorce is never easy, but Jennifer doesn’t want to be selfish about it. The kids always got along and have fun together. It makes her happy seeing the kids happy together. Happy kids are her priority.”

So what the hell is going on? My theory is that Jennifer actually believed that she was done with Ben and she made sure that she fought back and let everyone know that she’s not the reason why they’re divorcing, that Ben is moody and he shut down and ghosted her. But Ben loves nothing more than when she’s suddenly unavailable to him. All I know is that his side is suddenly very eager to make it sound like Ben is open to giving it another go. If that happens, it will break me, ISTG.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Backgrid.

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61 Responses to “Ben Affleck ‘could not keep his hands off’ Jennifer Lopez at lunch on Saturday”

  1. Walking the Walk says:

    As I said yesterday, girl. Run. And of course he wants her now. He was shocked she wasn’t going to be publicly supportive like Jen Garner. Heck, even Ana didn’t say anything negative once they broke up. JLo refused to get blamed for this mess. And it is telling his kids are cool with her and her kids are not cool with him.

    • ML says:

      Yeah, ITA: Run very fast and very far away from him, JLo!
      This is not giving caring and in love as much as B trying to get her back for dumping him (ie, filing for divorce) and not letting him set the narrative (ie, receipts). Plus, he likes overcoming unavailability. Run!

      • Bamaborn says:

        Yes, don’t walk, RUN girl. They’re gonna team up against you. The more money Ben has to pay you, the less for Jen g’s kids trust fund. Run. Lol

      • Agnes says:

        There’s nothing that makes a flaming narcissist more hot-to-trot than giving him the cold shoulder. But no, JLo, he’s not even safe for booty calls. RUN.

      • Walking the Walk says:

        Dude is a walking talking red flag. Men like him do that. You move on, and now they have to chase you again. Bah.

    • AlpineWitch says:

      Exactly, girl…RUN.

      That photo of him in her face is a little brutal, we clearly have no audio but it feels like he’s excited and behaving in an aggressive way and that’s not good.

  2. Anita says:

    Good for them n kiddos if or when they reconcile.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Good on them if n when reconcile

  4. girl_ninja says:

    Jennifer NOOOOO! Don’t let his peen anywhere near you! Lawd have mercy. Ben doesn’t like that Jen fought back in the court of public opinion and he wants to recoup his image. I hope that Jen doesn’t fall for the okey doke…or in this case the okey dick.

    • Sandra says:

      My first thought seeing this is “what is affecting his life enough that he is trying to do damage control. The photos do not reflect what is being written about his affection toward her.

  5. Justpassingby says:

    And out of all places in LA, they picked the Beverly Hills Hotel, which is where Ben Affleck has been spending time with Kick Kennedy…

    • Arizona says:

      I remain completely convinced that Kick Kennedy’s team just threw it out there that they were seeing each other, because absolutely no one knew who she was beforehand, and there’s zero evidence they even know each other, as far as I can tell. I don’t think that’s happening.

      • Lens says:

        Ben ghosted Kick as soon as it got out. He complained about his bad reputation from his last divorce when ‘terrible terrible things were said about me’ as he whined to Howard stern when nobody believed him about not being with the nanny and how Shookus was a ‘new’ girlfriend when he was seen partying with her way back in 2013. He’s such a liar.

  6. Lili says:

    LOL, i’m just an old cynic, what does Ben stand to lose, he was all about the fever dream a few weeks ago now he wants back in. Meanwhile what is happening with Jen G i thought he wanted to get back with her? and why did she turn up to pick up the kids can Ben not be trusted to return them. Something is not right

    • Yeahyeahyeah says:

      I think he’s drinking / high again, the way he’s walking, the aggressive way he got in her face.

      • ElleE says:

        With the cameras right there!

        He had to bend down to get in her face bc she is tiny & honestly, her calmness made her look like a victim.

      • Justjj says:

        I think he’s absolutely drinking again and his toxic narcissism is on full display the way he’s been juggling J.Lo, Jen G., and Kick the past few weeks… he’s using them all for narcissistic supply and triangulating them all for more attention and an ego boost. Clear as day. I hope J.Lo kicks him to the curb and goes full grey rock while she just goes to therapy for a year or so.

      • goofpuff says:

        Yeah that was triggering to watch. Jen trying to be calm while Ben was being aggressive. Just triggering for anyone who grew up in an house like that. No wonder her kids don’t like him. The fact that his kids seem to really like her and Jen G gets along really well with her says alot.

  7. Chaine says:

    Nooooo it’s like when your sister that came to you crying about her no-goodman for six months finally leaves him and you breathe a sigh of relief and take a minute for yourself and then you turn back around and dammit she is talking about “they will always be each others best friend” and sexting him again

  8. Supersoft says:

    This is better than any Telenovela. I’m still rooting for these two, don’t ask me for the reason though. Maybe that’s the romantic in me.

    • ravensdaughter says:

      Not rooting for these two so much, but I have been enjoying the soap opera-since May!-as much as anyone else. They’re adults so whatever, I just hope the kids don’t get hurt.

  9. North of Boston says:

    This latest nonsense is giving Ben as Dry Drunk. Maybe not so dry.

    It’s like every bad boyfriend careening back and forth between over you and hey baby and back to Whoa Whoa I’m out.

    Even just looking at those few pics, his body language is so broad … like, grow up dude. Have a normal conversation without crowding or flailing your arms at your ex – not so much because the paps are there, but because your KIDS are.

    • EmpressCakey says:

      Yes. Dry Drunk energy for sure.

    • Nicole says:

      Thank you for pointing that out. That’s exactly the energy! Anyone who has ever lived with someone dry knows this vibe. JLo needs to go to Al-Anon and run away from him as far as possible. I’m glad she’s checking in on the kids cus they will need it. AND Ben go to a program! Staying dry with no support will not keep you sober. You will relapse (if you haven’t already done so).

    • Christine says:

      This makes so much sense.

    • AMB says:

      “Dry drunk” = “not using but still acting the fool.”

      Also: 12-step programs don’t work for everybody (documented fact; not documented in my case, but they didn’t/don’t work for me). So “YOU MUST GO TO AA” or Al-Anon is not necessarily good advice.

      • samipup says:

        Staying sober for today, one day at a time and practicing honesty is the way to maintain sobriety. Many excellent paths and one goal.

      • Elo says:

        AA programs don’t work for many people. It’s crucial to treat co-occurring mental disorders and address trauma so that sobriety will stick.

    • Lauren says:

      Ben looks grumpy-horny, and is pissed that J-Lo isn’t fawning over him. JL is not feeding his ego anymore.

  10. Sue says:

    When Ben’s source says “That was not planned…”….that means it was planned.
    Also, the kids are teenagers. They can’t drop them off to hang out together somewhere private where the paps aren’t lurking? J. Lo’s side of the story here isn’t true either.
    Ben is a man child, and they are both addicted to attention.

  11. SIde Eye says:

    I love the detail about Max and Emme giving Ben the stink eye. It’s totally what I would do.

    Jen, girl run. Look how happy Jennifer Gardner is with him gone – this could be your life! You too could have a reading nook, an amazing kitchen, and a sleepover room that you designed! You could have peace, happiness, and be surrounded by kids, love, books, and pets.

    Or you could have this grump faced meme doing the Al Bundy sigh in your space as you walk on eggshells for the next 50 years.

    Your choice.

  12. Get Real says:

    JLo still in her “pick me” era. Ben will get laid and spilt again. Girl, grow tf up. I don’t know who’s worse.

  13. K says:

    Girllllll. No.

  14. Amy Bee says:

    Pics or it didn’t happen. I believe JLo has moved on.

  15. MaisiesMom says:

    Jesus. This is too much. I have always been inclined to defend Ben. He has issues but I never saw him as a bad guy. And I still don’t think he’s a bad guy, just a bad husband.

    Those poor kids. I know Jen is a strong woman but she’s probably hurting, or at least was hurting. I wouldn’t blame Max and Emme for giving Ben the stink eye. They must feel protective of their mother. It sucks for all of the kids. They have no control over it.

    These two need to keep it cordial but I hope they don’t reconcile because the instability is just toxic for their families.

  16. Proud Mary says:

    Oh puhleez. So who leaked all this? I’ll know they’re serious when I stop hearing about or seeing them. It just all seems so desperate, on both side.

  17. GoodWitchGlenda says:

    IMO, either Ben was drunk or this didn’t happen. I just find it hard to believe at this point.

  18. Kitten says:

    Eh, I’m doubtful that this has to do with him wanting to get back with her. More likely this is him and his team trying to combat the negative portrayal of his behavior like “Look, she doesn’t hate me AT ALL!!”
    It’s all lame PR shit IMO.

  19. Lori says:

    Fact: paparazzi are not allowed to hang out under the portere cochere entrance at bev hills hotel …someone called paps to coordinate this. $ on Ben calling it in!

  20. Eloise says:

    TMZ also back tracked and said there was PDA inside at the brunch also, for what it’s worth. Jen was also seen wearing his jewelry again on Sunday… sooo yeah. Ben loves the chase. If he really wants her back though, he’s going to have to put in major work.

  21. One of the marys says:

    It would be better for her image if she ended things cleanly now. Him still wanting her versus he’s sleeping with other people and he’s moved out? She’d be leaving Him, leaving on a high

  22. Carolnr says:

    Interesting that the paps happened to be at the same hotel where he allegedly hooked up with Kick Kennedy ( you know he so did!) They BOTH wanted to be papped there. ( JL for obvious reasons- he takes me there, too!)) & Ben ( to make him look like a good guy) Sad they involved both of their children in this drama!
    I believe JG showed up there to get her 2 children away from that circus!
    Ben moved out awhile ago & bought a
    house. FGS ! He does not want to live with her! He didn’t even want to promote Unstoppable ( as a producer) with her.
    And yet, we are to believe he couldn’t keep his hands off her?! Please!
    But of course, JL is still going through the divorce. IMO, Ben is letting her control the narratives of this divorce now…

    new home, fgs! He certainly doesn’t want to live with her!

  23. Jais says:

    The man who ghosted her for months is now all over her? What a d-ck.

  24. elizabeth says:

    I love a flared jean and platforms; the outfit is great. She looks amazing.

  25. Lens says:

    After the last jlo post I read this article. It has Benny Medina’s hands ALL over it. With the tattle that Ben was the one who wanted to be photographed so people wouldn’t hate him for ghosting the Muniz kids and being a /rick to jlo (believable and most people had thought it was jlo’s doing) to pumping jlo up as the sexiest woman alive (which is his job and damn Ben for hurting her desirable image). This is such old school tabloid journalism I think only us oldies can appreciate it.

  26. Amberil says:

    This article don’t sound like Ben sources at all, it’s very obviously Jlo’s source. First of all they throwing him under the bus for the paps strolls and then saying how irresistible he found jlo and couldn’t help himself ? Lol it’s so obviously coming from her camp, i’m surprised you didn’t catch that kaiser.

    Jlo’s sources going to People don’t mean much, they’ve done the same thing when Bennifer reunited and they were saying they were just friends.

    I do think jlo wants ben back and he wants her too because like you’ve said she’s not available. Her camp just dont want her to look too eager to get back with again after all the circus she did with the Nonstop leaks about how terrible he was etc

  27. Smices says:

    This is giving serious Lauryn Hill “Ex-Factor” teas.

  28. Carolnr says:

    This hotel is known for their no cameras policy, supposedly. Explains now why Ben allegedly takes all of his hook- ups there & there aren’t any pics…

  29. Hypocrisy says:

    There is so much about the drama of their marriage/divorce printed every day maybe they just need to put their issues on a reality tv show.

  30. FHMom says:

    I maintain they could have been happy if only they did t marry. Not sure why 2 adults with several failed marriages
    between them would want to marry again.

  31. Serena says:

    This is completely and utterly ridiculous, a clown show led by Ben Affleck.

  32. Visa Diva says:

    I’d love to see the texts between Leah Remini and Matt Damon right now.

  33. Baily says:

    They should have just continued to date forever. That would have kept Ben interested. They act like teenagers. It’s ridiculous. I like them together because they are both so toxic that no one else can deal with them lol.

  34. Lookatme says:

    I am surprised that she would want to attend this lunch with him if she did not hope to reconcile. It seems like an odd choice if he really has been just ignoring her for months. Maybe they have a chance to work things out. I thought she was a perfect match for A-Rod (don’t like either of them but they seem right for each other). In any case I hope the kids involved are OK.

  35. Aurora says:

    This outing is clearly PR, since pap-hub Beverly Hills Hotel is far from being the only place where their kids can gather for a meal and some fun out of the house. Truth is, she has this recent movie plus another one that Ben produced. I guess an environment of acrimony is not beneficial for promotion purposes.
    It s*cks that the kids are involved, since -if the pics give any indication- it was not a jolly encounter. I also wonder what kind of relationship Max keeps with the Affleck kids. He reportedly studies at a different school; also, he’s at an age where most boys still act super akward towards girls, and look at 13yo like Samuel as toddlers.
    Personally, I wouldn’t allow any man I’m divorcing bc he ghosted me for months and describes our union as a ‘fever dream’, to go all handsy on me in public. Feminism points are earned for a slap in this situation, JLo! Double, if their kids clap to it!

  36. Anna Nonymous says:

    I think that one day she will look back at this divorce and be happy she got out now. He has never been a convincing actor to me. There was one role that he did that I watched him in that he truly inhabited. That was him in Shakespeare in Love. He played a raging jerk that screamed and schemed. I found it creepy and telling how completely and deeply he was able to portray a vicious, angry, immature, selfish man baby and now I think I know why. He is that person. In the pap pictures of this get together he is pulling a sadly familiar to me face and demeanor. He is in her personal space, indeed, in her face angrily, aggressively. His jaw is set, his teeth are clenched, eyebrows down and his arms are raised behind him in a mocking what do you want from me dramatic movement. Leaning into her face angrily and throwing his arms behind him looks like he’s confronting her on something but disavowing his own power or ability to fight back against a perceived aggression on her part. Hes always been immature, making childish little boy faces especially around her. He finds normality like life with Jennifer Garner and their kids to be stifling and according to him triggering to make him want to drink. Buddy join the club. Life makes people want to use. It’s called Life. Finding it challenging is kind of the whole point. It’s how you meet those challenges and teach your kids how to that matters. He never had to slog through a normal life, he made big money as a very young man. Perhaps that’s his issue. Whatever it is just do some inner work, stay out of the public eye, don’t date publicly, maybe even take a break. At this point he is destroying his career, any goodwill and inspiring active intense dislike with his continuing ick. Anger, immaturity, and clear mistreatment of those close to him.

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