Is Donald Trump having an emotional or physical affair with Laura Loomer?

Laura Loomer is one of those absolute nutcases I try very hard to ignore. She is a ball of Nazi chaos who feeds on attention. She tries very hard to present herself as a far-right provocateur, when really, she’s just a garden-variety racist troll with a very specific grift. Well, over the past week, Loomer has suddenly been part of Donald Trump’s clique. They’ve known each other for a while, and Loomer is currently trying to position herself as the Jigsaw-faced Melania replacement of Bigly’s dreams. No one really knows how and why Loomer is suddenly in Trump’s circle of trust, but there are suspicions of elder abuse and blowy jays.

Last week, Trump brought Loomer to the 9/11 Memorial, which is pretty gross considering she’s spent years pushing 9/11 conspiracies. She’s also recently ramped up some disgusting and racist attacks on “DEI hires” and Kamala Harris. Loomer said publicly that if Kamala Harris is elected president, the White House will smell like curry.” Well, you know how JD Vance is married to an Indian-American woman? They asked Vance about Loomer’s presence around Trump:

Sen. JD Vance told NBC News’ “Meet the Press” on Sunday that “I don’t like those comments” when asked about far-right activist Laura Loomer’s remarks about Vice President Kamala Harris last week.

Loomer drew widespread condemnation from Republicans and Democrats alike last week for posting on social media that the White House “will smell like curry & White House speeches will be facilitated via a call center” if Harris wins the presidential election.

“What Laura said about Kamala Harris is not what we should be focused on. We should be focused on the policy and on the issues,” Vance, former President Donald Trump’s running mate, told moderator Kristen Welker.

After fielding questions from Welker about whether the comments offended Vance and his wife, who is Indian American, the Ohio Republican said he doesn’t “look at the internet for every single thing to get offended by.”

The GOP vice presidential nominee added, “I make a mean chicken curry, [but] I don’t think that it’s insulting for anybody to talk about their dietary preferences or what they want to do in the White House.”

[From NBC News]

Vance’s response is disgusting. Not surprising, considering this is the same man who said and did nothing when white nationalist MAGA supporters were targeting harassment on Usha and their three children.

As for Loomer and the campaign… MAGAville is unsettled that yet another wackjob has her hooks in Trump. One Trump ally told NBC: “She has to go. Laura Loomer cannot stay. She just can’t. She is unapologetic. This woman attacked the vice president of the United States in such a racist manner. It was appalling and she hasn’t apologized.”

Even beyond the fact that Loomer is an absolute nutcase, there’s the whole “are they having an affair” issue which, frankly, is being widely gossiped about online, but there’s barely any reporting on it. Trump is a married man – his wife despises him, but still – and he’s flying his likely Nazi mistress around the country. She’s also indiscreetly telling people about their sexual relationship. This should all be a much bigger deal in like twenty different ways.

Photos courtesy of YouTube, MSNBC.

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88 Responses to “Is Donald Trump having an emotional or physical affair with Laura Loomer?”

  1. Pinkosaurus says:

    She is grotesque inside and out. I don’t comment on looks except when it’s a choice and, for her, clearly a big investment to look like a 50 yo nightmare fuel. The fact that she’s his new side piece just shows how much Trump has declined. Maybe his vision is going along with his cognition as he slides into dementia. He has to have that constant ego feeding to maintain his bubble, like an opiate addict.

    I think Vance and his owners/handlers (Thiel) are playing the long game and are way more ruthless than Trump and his idiot offspring understand. If Trump gets elected, I don’t think he will be president very long because Vance et al is not going to allow these hangers on and grifters to have power. He’s just biding his time until after the swearing in.

    • Truthiness says:

      This is a crucial stretch of his candidacy and if he fritters it away with someone who is a walking disaster, racist and reaffirming his worse tendencies, the choice is on him. It helped him lose the debate. It’ll help keep Vance from higher office. He has always used racist lies, he’s always been a cheater. His allies can’t complain he let in a skunk ruining the campaign, he IS the skunk.

    • NotSoSocialB says:

      Thiel (Theil?) is just waiting to see rump sworn in and once the cabinet is in place, they will waste *NO* time slapping the 25thA down on his head, installing JayVee into the OO. That’s why they are so freely saying utterly unhinged things- because they mean it.

      It’s a five alarm fire situation happening here.

      Vote like your life depends on it, because it does.

      • Berkeleyfarm says:

        Yeah I think that’s the plan. JD (and his wife) have the eyes on the prize.

      • Matilda says:

        💯 this is the plan. Trump should be more afraid of JD and 2025 then the mentally impaired Republicans taking shot at him. JD/Thiel/2025 are planning to take over if Trump wins.

    • Another Anna says:

      I think the idea of Vance pulling some palace coup on Trump is unlikely. To temporarily remove Trump, Vance would need at least half of the Cabinet. Trump is going to stack that Cabinet with as many psychotic true believers as he can, but let’s assume Vance gets past that hurdle.

      According to the 25th Amendment, once a president has been temporarily removed by the Cabinet, it goes to Congress which must ratify by a 2/3 vote. There wasn’t a 2/3 majority to remove him after January 6th, and I doubt there would be enough votes to remove him now. I don’t think there are 10ish senators who hate Trump and are willing to risk the wrath of the party base.

      I think it’s a lot more likely that Trump needed money, Peter Thiel wanted proximity to power, and so a deal was struck for Vance. All of these guys are fundamentally cowards. They want Trump gone, but none of them will actually go at him. They’re all waiting for someone else to do it.

      • DK says:

        Not a chance with the current Congress, no.

        But there will also be a different Congress come January, and obviously we’re hoping for a Blue Wave down the ticket, including taking back the house and gaining more Senate seats.

        Of course, a Trump win would mean a Blue Wave likely didn’t happen either, but if it did?

        Can you imagine being a rational/reasonable Congress member (i.e. not MAGA) and having to decide whether to invoke the 25th on a president clearly unfit for office…which would promote to POTUS a VP *also* clearly unfit for the presidency (on account of his willingness to throw out the Constitution, etc. in favor of Project 2025)?

      • BlueNailsBetty says:

        @Another Anna

        1. Thank you for the details on the machinations of the 25th Amendment! That was really interesting.

        2. The only problem with what you said is that if Trump is elected, all the rules and laws go out the window. The GOP (especially SCOTUS) has shown they do not care about what is right or legal and they will steamroll right over any laws preventing them from their goal of absolute dictator power.

        3. I seriously doubt they will formally 25A Trump. He’ll probably have a “stroke” or “heart attack” and conveniently die in office. Or maybe they’ll get an Oswald type patsy to off him.

        4. Regardless, the GOP hates Trump (even Vance hates him) but they are willing to use him to reclaim the Oval Office. But the minute Trump is sworn in his countdown clock starts ticking.

      • Matilda says:

        They will off him one way or another.

      • BeanieBean says:

        I agree with @BlueNailsBetty–these people don’t play by the rules & heaven knows they change the rules willy-nilly to suit themselves.

    • Bad Janet says:

      I thought they would do this the first time around and it never happened, even though Mike Pence is far more intelligent and capable than JD Vance.

      If he gets elected, we are stuck with him unless his stupid ass falls down the stairs or he almost dies from COVID again.

  2. Aimee says:

    She is disgusting and vile and now I can’t unsee that tweet.

    • mycatlovestv says:

      …and the disgusting image that goes with it.

    • Vivica says:

      Speaking of things you can’t unsee, google Laura Loomer Trump Purple Dress.

    • Megan says:

      I can’t recall why MTG and Loomer fell out, but I think it was during the 2020 campaign. Marge has been calling Loomer crazy since then. Trump’s sudden close attachment to Loomer suggests to me he has fallen out with Marge. So that’s the upside, I guess.

      • BQM says:

        She and MTG went on an epic “you’re the bigger racist/no you are” tweet storm. It was hilarious because Loomer completely unleashed on her.

  3. Gail Hirst says:

    props to whomever wrote the article though for referring to Bigly as the FORMER President. It’s taken far too long for this bit of accuracy to become mainstream.

  4. girl_ninja says:

    They match each other’s vile, ugly, nasty, hateful, racist, deplorable energy so if they are bed bug buddies it tracks. She’s dumb b*tch too, she was paid to eating dog food for money. She’s disgusting, just his type.

  5. Arizona says:

    this is completely unimportant, but I genuinely can’t Believe that she is 4 years younger than me.

    • girl_ninja says:

      Believe it. Look at KKKate, she and Meghan are the same age and she’s aging like milk in the desert. Hate and racism will age you.

    • Cara says:

      That’s because she has had tons of lip filler to get that sex doll look. The rest is because she puts her makeup on with a trowel. I have seen earlier photos of her. I think she was originally blondish, so the super dark hair makes her look harsh. This is the Trump look. Kimberly Guilfoyle used to be attractive. Laura Trump used to be attractive. The Trump men love their women to look made up and trashy. It’s Halloween every day for these fascists.

  6. Jay says:

    Given TFG’s past behaviour, I think it’s quite safe to assume that his relationship with LL is at the very least “inappropriate”, to be diplomatic.
    What is more interesting is how MAGA world is blowing up about it! Even Margie Space Lasers herself is upset.

    • ML says:

      As others have stated, if the goal is to get TFG back in the White House and then use the 25th amendment on him, it’s helpful for MAGAts to point out his lack of judgment: LL is so extreme, she perfectly lends herself to showcasing Agent Orange’s lack of mental fitness.

    • Golly Gee says:

      I read somewhere that MTG wanted to be close to him probably to increase the amount of power she wields if he is elected, but she’s been pushed out by LL.

    • marci-m says:

      Marge is jealous: she thought she was the ‘work-wife’, and has been usurped. For me, JDV is more terrifying than DJT. I sense a coup within a coup.

      • Kateee says:

        Yeah, this my read too on all their pearl clutching: some new grifter with her own goals has entered the chat and is stealing their influence on this gross old fker. How dare she try manipulating him like they all do!

        But they’ll give her the Lara Trump makeover and slide her into a Fox News show to make her go. If she’s lucky.

        As for the visual… just… there are no words, only vomit.

    • Kitten says:

      MTG isn’t disgusted or mad–she’s jealous that Loomer has taken her spot.

      • SIde Eye says:

        Lol Tough break for B6 (Beach Blonde Bad Built Butch Body) Keep clutching those cheap racist pearls – she outmaneuvered you – lol everyone getting what they deserve. Boomer and Loomer perfect match if you ask me. They even look like they’re bonding over makeup tips and share a foundation.

  7. Brassy Rebel says:

    She is certainly a very disgusting racist for sure. But she is hardly the only disgusting racist in his life. He only has to look in the mirror to see a disgusting racist looking back. That said, I think the campaign finds Laura Looney a convenient scapegoat for all of Trump’s weirdness. They really want the voters to think that Trump would be fine if not for LL. I disagree. On top of all this, the gossip about sex after all their efforts to portray Trump’s marriage as blissful has them squirming.

  8. Miranda says:

    Why would you brag about that?! Literally no one is impressed. NO ONE. Not even the most devout MAGAt wants to know what’s going on in his Depends. This lump of Silly Putty with Temu hair extentions is disgusting in every imaginable way.

    • SIde Eye says:

      Lol Miranda right? I can give a great BJ to someone the size of a dwarfed string bean crippled by pesticides while ignoring the stench from his diaper – not exactly the flex she thinks it is.

      • Monc says:

        You slayed me with that…. Cause I thought the SAME damn thing!

      • SIde Eye says:

        Lol Monc! My people! Maybe she found a limp broken in half crochet needle to practice on. Sad!

      • Juls says:

        Haha yeah, weird flex. Like he would ever turn down a beej thats being so aggressively offered. He could fall dong-first into a Venus fly trap and he would just ‘go with it til it stops working’. Like Vance with a couch.

    • Luna says:

      Now I can’t unsee him as a Silly Putty lump with Temu hair extensions . Unexpectedly simultaneously accurate and disconcerting.

  9. Val says:

    Dear lord. I’m not one to go after anyone’s looks, specially a woman’s… But jeez, what the hell did she do to her face? The Jigsaw insult is not far off. Like just wow. That’s gotta be severe dysmorphia, right? Poor woman.
    Anyhow, yes, they’re most definitely having an affair. Like, without a doubt in my mind. Trump loves adoration and she’s clearly bootlicking to gain power and attention. So bigly sad that anyone who gets with him is after something.
    Also, have you seen the tweet where she acts like she’s “Black” while calling out Kamala for not being “Black” enough and claiming to be for votes? The cognitive dissonance and delusion in this one is STRONG.
    But yeah, these two deserve each other.

  10. davywavy says:

    From what I recall with Ivana, this is how it went down: he’s a nasty person to live with and Ivana had somewhat distanced herself while (in her mind) cementing her role in the firm/family by managing a property or two; in slipped Marla Maples who built him up, clung to his side. I curdle to remember the marriage ender Marla quote headline in the NY POST: “The best sex I ever had.” She built him up is a virile fox. Loomer is doing the same thing.

    I was spitballing a few days ago when I wrote that Melania is increasingly valueless deadweight. But this is all tracking. I do not believe any moves will be made until after the election.

    It gives me the heaves to think about The Donald as a sexual being, but must needs here: I think any of his sexual liaisons, especially as he ages, die out pretty quickly. But this is starting to look like the kind of connection that breaks up marriages and that is going to involve ***some kind*** of intimacy.

    • Proud Mary says:

      Ivana also accused him of rape. Regarding his current wife, I think too many, including you, have way too much respect for Melania. She’s a gold digger whom Donald pick up from the Kitty Kat club. She renegotiated her prenup prior to moving into the White House. Whether or not she divorces him (and I doubt she will, who else will give her the public attention she gets trough trump?), she will be just fine. Melania is no different from Trump. She may not be as loud as Loomer, but she had no trouble publicly co-signing trump’s birtherism. She is not trump’s victim, she his cohort.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I don’t know if Ivana actually distanced herself–Marla Maples showed up on the ski slopes on a trump family vacation to confront Ivana, with the three kids present.

    • bisynaptic says:

      I doubt Trump is capable of having a physical “affair”, even with Viagra. This must be a head-f—k on a different level.

  11. ncboudicca says:

    Malarkey…that guy definitely can’t get an erection. If she’s saying that, it’s calculated to make him seem more virile and less decrepit than he actually is.

  12. Supersoft says:

    Anything for attention. It’s probably just to pretend/get the story out there that Trump is still having sex so he comes across as virile to his followers.

  13. FancyPants says:

    “[Vance] doesn’t ‘look at the internet for every single thing to get offended by.'” Oh really?? It seems to me like that’s ALL he does all day every day! Oh and Laura: you clearly haven’t noticed that Donald constantly says everything is the biggest and most tremendous and best he’s ever seen. There’s nothing special about you, sweetie.

    • Ponchorella says:

      Vance just makes shit up to get offended by. No internet required.

    • Kitten says:

      It’s literally all these people do: find things to be mad, offended or scared of. There are entire conservative accounts on social media devoted to perpetrating the conservative victimhood complex. It’s madness.

  14. Supersoft says:

    Jeez. I didn’t realise she is 31!! She looks like in her late forties. And that’s what I thought her age was. 31 makes it weirder in any dimension.

  15. Proud Mary says:

    No one knows why or how a racist troll who feeds donald trump’s ego is part of his clique? Funny you say that.

  16. Abby says:

    That tweet. uhhhh I wish I hadn’t seen it. What an absolute mess. How is he still leading with evangelicals? HOW?

    I can’t believe that I am ten years older than this person. That is a lot of plastic surgery.

  17. Amy Bee says:

    They’re probably having an affair. Trump was asked by her and he said he didn’t know what she said, she’s a free spirit, he can’t tell her what to do and that she’s a supporter. As for Vance, he wishes he wasn’t married to Usha.

  18. North of Boston says:

    I feel like we’re living in a twisted reenactment of The Stand, in the post-virus part where people are joining up to one side or the other, with Trump and MAGA-ville are standing in for Vegas.

    When you put out a beacon calling in all the bigoted greedy liars, and chaos agents, you’re not going to be able to pick and choose. You get what you get: the BJ bragging loomers, the necromancing animal carcass gathering Kennedys, the RW secret society Catholics.

    The media needs to stop treating the Trump shitshow as entertainment and clickbait and keep focusing on policy and actions, including the lies and incitement. And stop headlining the lies without using the headlining the fact that they are lies.

    And sane people need to register, vote and volunteer to encourage, help others to do the same, and support election workers.

  19. RMS says:

    Lest we all forget, he is interviewing for a job that he was fired from 4 years ago. One that comes with a free security clearance. Anyone remotely portraying the behaviors and known associates that he has would be disqualified for the job and the clearance ages ago.

  20. Kathalea says:

    It doesn’t matter. Yuck to both

  21. JanetDR says:

    Just when you think it couldn’t get grosser or more disgusting… 🤮
    On the bright side, he might lose some voters 🤞

  22. Sue says:

    Wait, is the tweeter, MILO…Milo Yiannopoulos? Wow that whole universe really is imploding.

  23. Nina says:

    I’m all for Loomer to continue feeding Trump her weird conspiracy theories so that he can keep making an absolute buffoon of himself and tank his campaign.

  24. MaisiesMom says:

    Blech, I don’t want to think about it. Brain bleach please.

    She really is a nut job. And WOW how can she be so young?! I have a picture of myself at that age with my then infant son sitting on my desk in front of me, and I looked a good 15 years younger than she does now.

    I heard a rumor that she had been kicked off his campaign plane by his handlers or family, but I don’t know if it’s true or not.

  25. aquarius64 says:

    I think Trump and Loomer are hooking up and the campaign and MAGA allies are upset she may have it all on tape, along with text. Loomer may be the new Rielle Hunter. (History, Hunter was the political kryptonite for 2008 Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards. They not only had an affair they had a child together while Edwards was married to his cancer stricken wife Elizabeth Edwards, the potential FLOTUS at the time.)

  26. Agnes says:

    I’m all for Trump surrounding himself with nutjobs. It’s the “normal” Republicans who have enabled him every. step. of. the. way. that have led us to this sorry pass. Loomer shows us who he really is, just an orange chimera in a fascist funhouse mirror.

  27. manda says:

    Her face makes her look like the killer from saw

  28. Plums says:

    An emotional affair implies being capable of feeling human emotion, so no, they’re not having an emotional affair.

    And I’m assuming whatever quack botched her face into that grotesquery destroyed her sense of smell at some point in the process, because I can’t imagine anyone with an intact sense of smell would be capable of not vomiting during an attempt at a Trump bj. No amount of money or professional sex work training could circumvent a body’s natural physical reaction to being that close to the sewage held in by the diapers he wears.

  29. Chantal1 says:

    I believe it (the photos of them together are interesting). 45 flying her around on Epstein’s jet is also an interesting choice. She was part of his debate prep, hence the “they’re eating pets!” meltdown. Actually, these two degenerate racists deserve each other. Maybe that’s why Melania is MIA. Laura is a loud and proud racist and most of her tweets are disgusting.

    As for Shady Vance, he continues to prove what a terrible person and husband he is. Not VP and definitely NOT presidential material! What is with these spineless male Repubs refusing to stand up for their wives whey insulted by other Repubs? As Joy Reid of MSNBC said, “JD is the first senator to admit to terrorizing his state on purpose” with his lies about Springfield Ohio’s LEGAL Haitian immigrants. The Ohio governor told Trump and Vance to “knock it off” bc that community is getting bomb threats. I’m so glad some of his colleagues are calling for his resignation from the US Senate.

  30. Jaded says:

    Loomer has had an unhealthy obsession with Trump for years. I watched a video of her the other day talking about a guy she’d been seeing who dumped her because all she did was rave constantly about Trump. She stalked him like an infatuated teenager and now she’s part of the inner circle. Oh I’m sure there’s a sexual component to their relationship, she’s clearly leading him around by the dick. I hope she has a ready supply of clothes pegs to put on her nose during their *trysts*.

  31. Alice B. Tokeless says:

    I don’t mean to be unkind, but who was her plastic surgeon? Picasso?

  32. chatter says:

    Ish, ish, ish.
    No. Nope. Never Trump.
    Any woman that willing engages with Trump is a damn fool and she KNOWS who and what he is, zero empathy.

    At this point, if the GOP would nom a lovely, happy Labrador for P/VP, that good boy pupper would be a Godsend to America.

  33. Catherinski says:

    Attention-seeking low-life is in heaven right now.

    She ranted on Rumble: “[Kamala] ain’t like me. I ain’t like her. Okay? I don’t s**k d*** to get to the top. That’s what Kamala Harris does.”

    She once handcuffed herself to Twitter building’s front door, people went in and out all day using the adjoining door. Police finally came around 6 pm and sawed through the cuffs.

    😆 Genius response to her nonsense:

  34. Veronica S. says:

    The fact that MGT is who told Loomer off on social media is what’s wild to me. Imagine being too racist for a woman who claims Jews fire space lasers.

    • They def be look at how happy he looks with her boobs touching his chest. Hahaha says:

      They def be Look how happy he looks with her boobs touching his chest. Ew. Barf. But really this is funny cuz they’re now imploding???

  35. Bean says:

    I’d take words from Milo Yiannapolis with a grain of salt. They have a longstanding feud I think. Plus he’s just as vile as she is. They lie a lot.

    Now their body language? Absolutely tells a story. Ewww.

  36. HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

    Vance has really sold his soul to the devil. Imagine how he’ll have to explain to his kids one day why he didn’t defend his family, or denounce the racism directed at them.

  37. TN Democrat says:

    Ick. Ick. Ick. Ick. Ick.

  38. Henny Penny says:

    The only real hope we have is seeing Kamala win. There is no Plan B and no way to abort another full term President Trump.

    Vote like everyone’s lives on the entire planet are at stake. We cannot allow this to happen again.

  39. Lau says:

    The DM did an article about her so they’re definitely having an affair.

  40. Underhill says:

    Loonie blowing Chump?? ugh. Thanks for that mental image, now I need mind bleach.

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