Tessa Dunlop is one of the few royal historians/commentators who refuses to adhere to the strict royal propaganda line. Dunlop has been, at times, critical of King Charles and Prince William, and the Sussexes as well. She’s one of only a handful of historians who actually understands that the current royal estrangements are horrible for the Windsors and for Britain. On Prince Harry’s birthday, Dunlop wrote this piece for the Independent: “Harry at 40 might miss Britain, but the uncomfortable truth is we may miss him more.” As in… the Windsors’ and British media’s obsession with Harry is pretty obviously about how everything fell apart for that family when the charismatic ginger prince left. Some highlights from Dunlop’s piece:
The first Invictus Games in 2014: In front of a 2 million-strong television audience, alchemist Harry had successfully melded the disarming qualities of his late mother with royalty’s powerful service platform. The effect was electric. The closing ceremony of those first Games coincided with his thirtieth birthday, when he “danced, sang and celebrated being alive.” Proof, if any were needed, that Harry was born to serve.
The Sussexes’ royal tours: It’s the duke’s aptitude for service that’s the main stumbling block for those who remain on the other side of the Atlantic. Royal stalwarts huff and puff about Harry’s hypocrisy; how dare the duke steer his ship into the rocky waters of Nigeria and Columbia, when he complains Britain, minus security, is unsafe for his young family. (Alongside the service gene comes a heft of entitlement, another hallmark of royalty.) But Harry’s princely expectations should not detract from his achievements: whether people like it or not, together with his savvy duchess, the Sussexes cut a dash in countries long resistant to Britain’s privileged royal brand. The then Cambridge’s 2022 Caribbean tour doesn’t bear comparison. The bitter note in Britain’s coverage of the Sussexes’ ‘DIY royal tours’ speaks for itself. Long may we wonder if Harry misses Britain, anything rather than invert the question and admit Britain misses Harry.
Harry always had more rizz than William: Always the more charismatic of the two, a new-age Harry, comfortable in his own skin, joshing with the kids in Colombia, is jarring for William. Even now, when a Cold War keeps the two siblings apart, the Prince of Wales finds himself inadvertently playing catch-up with little brother Harry. It was the duke who first defied royal rules to sport a stubbly beard, and long before Kate’s sumptuous, scripted recovery film, it was Harry and Meghan who produced heavily curated versions of their healing journeys.
The Sussexes understand the zeitgeist: The couple’s infuriating knack of identifying the zeitgeist and running with it, has kept Sussexes in the headlines, that’s why we tune into their effortless overseas spectacles and pour over the minutiae of their lives. When it comes to being royal – a toxic cocktail of privilege, service and celebrity – the Sussexes have nailed it. Back in Britain that hurts.
Charles must take the lead on reconciliation: Charles knows his reign is not for the long term and must now take the lead when it comes to mending father-son fences. It is one thing to feel threatened by a sibling, quite another by a child. That Charles does not like to be upstaged is yet another reason for him to make the first move. Wearing the mantle of kingship, as England’s Defender of the Faith, Charles can’t busk his reputation on man-hugs with rugby players and simultaneously leave a gaping wound at home. Time is of the essence…[In] Harry’s relationship with Charles, he’ll always be the child, and in his forties will continue to behave like one. In this royal equation, the King, as a parent, bears the brunt of responsibility. Ten years ago, Charles was proud of his ‘darling boy’. Today, he may wish him well, but he must dig deeper and find a vestige of that pride once more.
They need Harry’s fairy dust: Redemption and forgiveness are powerful forces in our fractious world, likewise the embrace of difference. The King sits on the British throne, there is no greater stage in the United Kingdom. To reach out and reconnect with Harry, who has forged a different path with his birthright, would inadvertently win back some of the Duke’s fairy dust for Britain. But the King must make the first move. Harry has another forty years in front of him, and even William may be glad of the day when his brother is not constantly cast in opposition to the royal family.
I just appreciate it when, after all of the ink spilled about “Harry must apologize” and “why isn’t Harry coming back” and “Harry must be so jealous of William and Kate’s awful video,” there’s at least one British person stating the obvious. That Charles and William are sick with jealousy over Harry’s life and success, that they’re mad that he took his star power far away from them, that Harry makes his father and brother look like charisma-vacuums. Britain does miss Harry. The Windsors were also slow to realize that Harry was the one keeping the whole sorry thing relevant.
Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images.
- Düsseldorf, GERMANY – The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, were seen in high spirits during day 4 of the Invictus Games 2023 at the Merkur Spiel-Arena in Dusseldorf. The royal couple was actively engaged in the day’s events, adding a touch of glamour and attention to this international adaptive multi-sport event. Pictured: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle BACKGRID USA 13 SEPTEMBER 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Dusseldorf, GERMANY – Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, and Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex during a medal ceremony on day 4 of Invictus Games 2023 at the Merkur Spiel-Arena in Dusseldorf. Pictured: Prince Harry, Meghan Markle BACKGRID USA 13 SEPTEMBER 2023 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Bogota, COLOMBIA – Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, Vice President Francia Marquez during a summit in alliance with The Archewell Foundaiton and Luminate in Bogota, on the first day of their 4 day visit to Colombia. Pictured: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex BACKGRID USA 15 AUGUST 2024 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex during day 2 of Invictus Games 2023 at the Merkur Spiel-Arena Featuring: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex Where: Dusseldorf, Germany When: 11 Sep 2023 Credit: Dutch Press Photo/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE NETHERLANDS OR FRANCE**
- The Duke and Duchess of Sussex at the IG25 and Team Canada Reception at the Hilton Hotel during the Invictus Games in Dusseldorf, Germany. Featuring: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex Where: Dusseldorf, Germany When: 15 Sep 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Closing ceremony of the Invictus Games. Featuring: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex Where: Dusseldorf, Germany When: 16 Sep 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Handout photos of Prince Harry, Meghan Markle during their official visit to the school of drums of the cabildo in Cartagena. Featuring: Prince Harry, Meghan Markle Where: Cartagena, Colombia When: 17 Aug 2024 Credit: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, Meghan, Duchess of SussexAbaca Press/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Handout photos of Prince Harry, Meghan Markle during their official visit to the school of drums of the cabildo in Cartagena. Featuring: Prince Harry, Meghan Markle Where: Cartagena, Colombia When: 17 Aug 2024 Credit: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, Meghan, Duchess of SussexAbaca Press/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Handout photos of Prince Harry, Meghan Markle during their official visit to the school of drums of the cabildo in Cartagena. Featuring: Prince Harry, Meghan Markle Where: Cartagena, Colombia When: 17 Aug 2024 Credit: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, Meghan, Duchess of SussexAbaca Press/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
I loved her very truth be told article. Peg doesn’t have rizz and Chuckles is very jealous of all the love and great attention the world showers on Harry. They backed the wrong horse and now they are paying for all the crap they did to the horse that broke away and is living his best life.
And if Charles were anything approaching a good parent, he’d say to himself, “The world adores my son Harry” and he would be proud. But no, he’s just not capable. What a small, petty man.
If William and Kate weren’t so petty they could have sat on their asses and let Harry and Meghan do all the heavy lifting while they trotted themselves out in fancy clothes every once in a while.
Ain’t that the truth. It really could’ve been that way😂. I’m glad it turned out the way it did, despite the heartache it caused along the way. The thought of Meghan being used as their work-horse while likely still being vilified in the press doesn’t sit well. But yeah, they could’ve done bare minimum as they wanted if they hadn’t been such a-sholes.
But it would never have been that way. How could it ever? Too much bitterness and jealousy, coupled with heir Willy having been raised to expect Harry to forever be his spare, his scapegoat, his wing man, his idea man, and his ‘liege man of life and limb.’ 🙄🤦♀️
Harry’s dream of a real ‘fab four’ was the only way it might have worked. But that dream could never have been realized because of the firm’s built-in curses, generational toxicity, Chuck’s selfish, clueless lack of leadership, and Willy’s lifelong jealousy and petty lack of character.
I believe the way things happened is how everything was always intended to happen. There is such a thing as fate. The problem for the left-behinds, by this point, is their mulish insistence on refusing to acknowledge their own guilt and responsibility for their past and ongoing harmful actions and obsessive ire against Harry and Meghan.
I’m so sick of seeing this stupid take.
Exactly @Kingston. 🥱😴
Meghan & Harry were not going to continue putting up with abuse, especially not directed against their offspring. And, the left-behinds were never not going to refrain from being abusive. Salty isle nonces were never going to accept and respect Meghan either. No one Harry married would have found peace and acceptance in the firm. We know from reading Spare that Harry was at the end of his rope with everything when by divine providence he finally laid eyes on Meghan on his mother’s birthday in 2016.
Harry was never going to survive or thrive in that mess of a family even had he not met Meghan. But he did, and it was undeniably fated that they met. The rest is history. It is a useless enterprise to speculate on ‘coulda been’ scenarios.
But then Meghan would complain of ill treatment
Exactly this. A smarter couple would have realised that you can’t get overshadowed by a bright light if you stand in the right place.
I don’t get it. If Harry is doing so well in the USA why does he need to return to the UK where he has said he was so unhappy?
How is it being entitled to want security in a country where the media and the RF have spread racism and hatred against you? And PH isn’t the one being childish in the relationship, that would be KC. And PH has 40 more years? Is she a psychic? Is the RF “powerful” givers or do they take more than they give back?
It’s not a stretch to imagine Harry might live to age 80.
It’s not a stretch to say beyond either so why say any number?
@equality – not everything is literal and this is an opinion piece. The concept here is that Charles does not have time on his side and the way to make that more vivid is to throw in some numbers. She could hardly say Charles has only 2 years to go, so she adds the numbers to Harry’s side.
Sorry, but I see throwing out an actual number to be literal.
And they want to pay for it themselves! Honestly, I hope Harry and Meghan take that off the table. It’s abundantly clear that their presence ANYWHERE brings huge dividends to the hosting nations.
So yeah, the part about Harry being entitled for wanting security rubbbed me the wrong way. He’s been a scapegoat and a goldfish in a bowl for that entire country since the moment he was born. Imo, he is owed security by a public that still supports the monarchy. I get that not everyone still wants the monarchy, but for now, it’s still there. Security for the kid y’all made walk behind his mothers coffin, for the teen and young adult y’all terrorized by documenting every detail of his life for your entertainment. For the man, who to this day, still has his life and wife and kids dissected in multiple articles every dang day. Yeah, you could give him security. F-ck that. The second thing that annoyed me was calling Meghan savvy. I mean she is but it didn’t feel complimentary. Aside from those things, Dunlop is stating the obvious, which is pretty rare in the BM. Her perspective is unique but still has that layer of BM snark. Overall, it feels like another plea to Charles to make amends before it’s too late and I just don’t think Charles is capable of it.
The same Tessa Dunlop wrote a whole article stating that Harry and Meghan CANNOT compete with the royal family. She infact referred to them as thrushing around with no purpose and time and time again she always says that Charles and William have so much they should give Harry something to do. Tessa was one of those people who were cheering Harry and Mehan on as they left. Now she wants them back working in the royal family because she believes the royal family has the bigger platform to play from and she want Harry and Meghan on that platform. iF Charles and William such terrible people why does she want wonderful Harry anywhere near them?
@equality. She used the number 40 because he just turned 40 , thus the term another forty years. It really is simply using his current birthdays age as reference. Many people say things like Happy 40th, here’s to 40 more.
Couldn’t agree more. This article may be far more truthful and fact-based than most others about the Sussexes and the BRF, but there’s still a little snide nastiness about it (“princely entitlement” -? When the lives of your wife and children are threatened on a daily basis?). I’m wondering now if this will always be the case — that Harry and Meghan will never get a straight, factual account of their lives and doings from any “journalist,” unless it’s Scobie.
@ booboocita. Agreed, there’s shade, so I don’t take any of them seriously.
@ booboocita. Double agreed. Strange to think that historian Ms Dunlop is incapable of checking the historical record where proof exists that even in UK, where the public is trained to hate H-M, they imprisoned two people who posed deadly threat to H-M-A.
And there is the truth
Cry racist-ass bitches – CRY!
Matter of the fact is, he was the one doing all the work (sorry to Anne, but the media didn’t care about her events). Harry was doing all the international tours giving material to the rota. He was the spare, so the BM was free to mock him, harass him freely. They had it good with him, using him, his name, his work to sell papers in UK, exclusive pictures to the international media. Now, they are losing money. That is what all they care about.
And he was the one that made the monarchy seem relevant because he was young, fun, and able to connect with people and celebrities in a way that William just can’t. Can you imagine William racing with Bolt the way Harry did? Taking an HIV test with Rihanna?
I think this was always explained away in the Firm by “harry is the younger one” but now at 40…..that doesnt work anymore. I mean 40 is still young, lets be clear lol, but the reason Harry is still connecting with young people and celebrities can’t be explained away by his age. It’s his personality and his charisma.
and that is something the Firm cannot replicate. That’s why they keep putting out there the idea of Beatrice and Eugenie or Zara or Louise Windsor. Whatever they may be like in real life – however nice they may be or not nice or whatever – none of them have Harry’s charisma and charm.
Oh lets stick to facts and not make up history. Harry and Meghan did 18months as a married couple in the intistution of monarchy. They did 78 engagements in total and infact complained in Spare and the docuseries that there was a hierachy and therefore they could never do the activities they wanted to do. They are OUT now and free to do those activities. The moonarchy is not the only platform that there is. The Bill Gates of this world are doing great things. Mother Teresa changed lives from Calcutta. If Harry and Mehan are so fantastic they should be able to operate from anywhere. It is just that Tessa Dunlop wants them to operate on the monarchy’s platform. An institution Harry and Meghan told the world was toxic and cold. Stay in Montecito
I keep feeling that as the head of the Church of England, next in line to God, Charles is not acting like a Christian. Neither is William. Both are showing why Christianity is irrelevant in today’s world. Do as I say not as I do Christianity is a waste of time.
Charles may have attended church services more often but he falls into my “Trump Christian” category. They both use the church when needed but have never lived by the Christian faith based on their choices.
To be fair to William he doesn’t pretend to be Christian, the next head of the Church of England doesn’t do religion. An interesting concept, I wonder what will happen. But neither of them follow the teachings of Jesus, but then Jesus didn’t believe in the church either.
Any how is Harry acting like a Christian? Do tell
Is Harry the Defender of The Faith? Is he going to be? Can you see the difference now?
I wish the rest of the media would admit that they miss Harry and what him back too. It’s the only explanation for the press’ continued coverage of someone they deem irrelevant.
Also embrace his wife and children.
And upset their readers?
@sunnyside up,
I think their readers will believe what they are told to believe. That’s the nature of devoted tabloid readers. If it’s in print they gobble it up.
“[In] Harry’s relationship with Charles, he’ll always be the child, and in his forties will continue to behave like one. ” Really???
I shall forever continue to side-eye this woman. She literally called Harry “childish” in her pseudo-“truth-telling” article.
Far too many snide asides about Harry for Dunlop to be taken seriously. She USED to be a truth-teller before she went full tabloid and now she’s trying to pretend that she’s moving back to the side of truth, while still smearing the man. I’ve got no time for people like her.
Harry is the adult in the room.
Harry and Meghan are the ONLY adults in the room, and I think that part is what shocks me the most. I had no idea how deeply dysfunctional these people were until Meghan arrived on the scene. I had some idea, from the Diana years, but even she got nothing that reaches the levels of vitriol these vile people have for Meghan.
So be it, the British monarchy dies because they are all fatally spoiled and immature. Sounds about right.
I took that comment to mean Harry will always be Charles’ son no matter how old he is. Charles has the power because he is the parent (and arguably since he is the king of England.)
Oh no, Roan Inish, she meant that Harry was being childish for standing his ground in the face of years of abuse and their endless smears and attempts to get rid of his wife and child (now children). The word “behave” was a dead giveaway. They always write articles with “clever” phrases like these, designed to give themselves plausible deniability. It’s like the dogwhistles they frequently use, then say “Who me?!” when they are called on it.
Don’t fall for it. She’s not as smart as she thinks. In the entire article she has attempted to cement the impression that Harry is the one in the wrong, while pretending otherwise.
Yeah, there’s a difference between “Wah, I’m gonna take my marbles and go home” and “Well, I’ve tried everything I can in the face of unreasonable behavior, I guess I’ll go carry on with my life elsewhere”. And the difference is called “acting like a grown-up”.
Yep, Dunlop is the same as the rest of them. Completely lacking in insight. She accuses Harry of being childish and entitled, but it is the British royal “experts” who talk as though they own him and resent him for revealing that life in the British RF is no fairytale.
There certainly has been a very dark cloud hanging over the Monarchy since the Sussex’s were forced out and left stranded without security or an income before finally being evicted. I personally hope the Sussex’s never return to the BRF apologies given or not. The Sussex’s post working Royal life is so much better to witness. I can’t wait to see what they do next, and where they will take us. The best the BRF can do at this point is pray one of the three Wales children has a “sparkle” because the current crop are absolute duds.
I don’t think they would return and thats probably part of why C won’t reconcile. H is of no use to him as a person if he won’t work for the monarch.
Yikes. That’s cold but it kind of rings true. Unfortunately, while Harry won’t work for the monarchy, Charles is blind tot he fact that’s making peace with his son will make him look better as a king, which would benefit the monarchy.
This really is it, no matter how cold it sounds to us. If the current monarch and his heir can’t use and abuse Harry and Meghan whenever they want for their own gain, they are utterly useless to them. There is no love in that family.
For the billionth time, I am so glad Harry and Meghan got out of there.
I believe that too. They don’t want to reconcile with Harry if they can’t use him 🙄the whole think looks awful but the royals are stuck between a rock and a hard place because Harry is the STAR of the family and that is not about to change even if William copies him to the moon and back 🙄
I’ve got Cher’s Song “If i could turn back time” running in my head and i wonder if Charles could turn back time Which event would he Change? Harry and the current state of affairs is a product of the decisions Charles made in his life. Would he make sure the mother of his Children was kept safe, or would he nip the media in the bud and not allow them to go rogue on his youngest son, would he have been a hands on Dad so William wouldnt be the way he is ?
Lili, I think it would be his first marriage, 29. July 1981. He should have never married without at least being honest about it before.
@Blubb, I don’t think he’d go back that far. Remember, he married because he was getting pressure to pound out an heir and a spare, and at that time he couldn’t have married Camilla.
I honestly think he’s self-centered enough that he feels things are unjustly done to him through no fault of his own. Maybe being anointed God’s Chosen One at birth will do that to a guy.
Dunlop states what is onvious and underscores how the monatchy is so entangled with an inept and bloated staff who can’t manage their way out of a paper bag. Neither can the king.
Harry should stay where he is … happily making a difference. He could be leveraged by the king to add an additional dimension to the monarchy by doing the tours and projects he already has on his plate. Leave the royal staff out of it but add the goal of Harry showing a different approac as a royal. They could take credit for all he does, keep William in the UK playing a formal role and accepting that he is the serious one because he has to be as the next monarch. Coukd be win-win but the king , POW and dumb staff are not up to taking yes for an answer.
I have no sympathy. They all treated H like sh*t while knowing he was the one keeping the train on track (alongside the queen) he was doing the grunt work and tours! They should’ve been doing whatever it took to keep him happy, not only because of his work but because he’s FAMILY. You don’t treat family that way and have the audacity to get upset when they leave. The BM is morally bankrupt, no expects anything of them but the BRF had more of an obligation to H. They owed him so much more. Their stubbornness, spitefulness and abuse will be their undoing. I’m glad H realizes he’s much better off where he is now.
It’s a better article than the usual rota trash, but it still has that passive-aggressive backhanded compliment technique down cold. “When it comes to being royal – a toxic cocktail of privilege, service and celebrity – the Sussexes have nailed it.” They aren’t trading on their royalty, and they aren’t toxic. They are going places to further causes they believe in, the most important IMO being Invictus. And it is NOT hyprocritical to go to “dangerous” countries when the security provided is adequate. Which it was, both in Columbia and Nigeria. If anything that security provided shows how murderous RAVEC is, not to take Harry’s requests for security seriously.
Yep, her tone reminds me of the passive aggressive Guardian articles. Her’s is more Harry’s more interesting, but how dare he point out our foibles on the world’s stage. He’s spoiled for expecting his family to support him in his endeavors even if they don’t align with what they had planned, and entitled to expect them not to engineer active harm against him. Where with the Guardian it always feels like they ignore the real detriment that can occur to someone’s mental health and feeling of safety and security by the treatment that they’ve received as silly foibles from those stupid royals who are so beneath us with our intelligence, and couldn’t possibly know what real struggles are (always conveniently ignoring Meghan’s entire life). They all realize the truth but for different reasons is just a step too far to unequivocally without any asides to
admit that his family is terrible, the media is complicit, and they’re envious of people that they have tried to put in boxes shattering those preconceived notions about them.
Yep, Brits are clearly brainwashed since birth that the Royal Family is important and even the smart ones just can’t seem to admit that It Isn’t.
It’s the levels of brainwashing that are crazy to see! I really thought the royals were just an oddity, no matter what monarchy we are talking about. I had no idea the British people were so weirdly married to the monarchy somehow making them all better than the rest of us. Not all, obviously, but enough to where it is so strange to witness complete strangers defend the monarchy like it is essential to their life.
I don’t think she’s saying H&M are toxic – she’s saying that they’ve managed to work with and get around the features of royalty that can make things toxic. There’s no doubt that H&M are Duke and Duchess, Prince and Princess, and there’s a certain amount of privilege that comes with it. There’s no doubt that they’re huge celebrities – we’ve seen how that can open doors but also be an enormous difficulty. And they want their philanthropy to be meaningful, instead of performative ribbon cutting. It’s extraordinary that they’ve been able to navigate all this.
Agreed, especially as we see with the left behinds, they can’t navigate that. Compare H&M to W&K with this thought of the “toxic cocktail of privilege, service and celebrity” in mind – W&K can never overcome the element of privilege. Its why they always come across as so incredibly tone deaf. They are privileged and they want to be huge celebrities and service is just something they have to pretend to do.
Some of the other royals like Anne navigate it differently – she pretty much bypasses the celebrity element and people think she lives a life of service so they ignore her life of privilege.
Harry and Meghan are celebrities who are privileged and very wealthy at this point and they use that celebrity and privilege for service. So they are able to navigate that toxic cocktail in a way that other royals can’t quite do.
I truly think most Brits don’t give much thought to any Royal, in/out/in between. There are too many bigger problems.
Charles is a small petty man. And the PoW is even smaller and pettier. It was proven in the decline of his marriage to Diana. Diana herself at the end said it was a tragedy, that if he was able to embrace her star power, and lean into his agenda, they would have been a wining team. But he could never overlook that she was more charismatic and shown brighter.
This is the problem with Harry. He is everything that they need. Smarter than they give him credit for. Married to an incredible charismatic woman with service ingrained in ever cell of her being. Doing wonderful work with veterans and the less fortunate. And all they can do is sling bile and sh!t at them.
I don’t think Charles put much effort into working on his first marriage. Diana was to have the heir and spare and then he was done with the marriage.
I recently rewatched Diana’s interview with Martin Whoever, and in it she says they made a good working team. It was her opinion that they could still be very effective, even though they were separated. Charles couldn’t get past his all consuming need to be loved by the public the most. He was the heir, and like William, he thought that entitled him to all of the public’s adoration.
I wish they would say Charles needs to also apologize to Meghan and he should be sincere and also really see his youngest two grandchildren. I doubt Harry will stay in the UK considering who is next in line.
Obviously, Harry is a great man, but he is a greater man with Meghan beside him. The UK may miss Harry as much as they want, but they need to miss Meghan as much.
Why, Tessa Dunlop wrote a piece in May 2024 and she didn’t “miss” his “charisma” then!
2 generations ago a charismatic, popular king was exiled. He never again set foot the palaces he grew up in, and he rarely saw his family.
The press wrote crap about his wife until the day she died.
The End.(repeat)
ElleE, you forgot the part where the two of them were Nazi collaborators.
Oh I remember that the whole family was GERMAN.
Churchill wanted to go to war with Germany, Parliament and QE’s father did not. Churchill was almost voted out of power for wanting to war against Germany; do you mean to say that the entire British government and royal family were “collaborators”? Sheesh
ElleE, there is a difference between sympathizer and collaborator. He and his wife were collaborators.
Edward was able to go to the UK to visit his mother. The Queen allowed Wallis and Edward to go to a Memorial dedication to Queen Mary. She also visited him in the hospital when he was ill (along with Charles and Philip)
Edward VIII was indeed charismatic and popular, but he completely lacked Harry’s work ethic and commitment to service. And yeah, there was that Nazi thing …
@booboocita are you kidding me? Edward was a staff officer in WW1, made more goodwill tours in the 1920’s than any other royal & he shook so many hands that he suffered nerve damage to his right hand and would sometimes have to switch over to his left, after three or so hours of shaking hands at working men’s clubs in the 1930s.
He might’ve like the Nazis in 1936 but so did Parliment and, unlike Prince Phillip, none of his sisters married actual Nazis, so there’s that.
@Ellee, apparently you are unfamiliar with the true selfishness and lack of character of Edward VIII, The Duke of Windsor. You should read: “Traitor King,” by Andrew Lownie, and “A Conspiracy of Crowns: The True Story of the Duke of Windsor and the Murder of Sir Harry Oakes,” by Alfred deMarigny. The latter covers questionable aspects of the Duke of Windsor’s governorship tenure in the Bahamas, although it is chiefly about a murder mystery and Edward’s connections to so.e of the characters involved in the mystery. Sure there are lots of fawning biographies out there and a complete rewriting of Edward’s real history and selfish character, e.g., we saw how Edward (David)’s behavior was rehabilitated in The Crown. In truth, the British government plotted to use Edward’s obsession with Wallis Simpson as a way to push him out and to rehab second-in-line Bertie as King George VI.
Edward (David) was woefully unsuited to be king. His own father, George V, knew it, and so did the British government. For sure, Edward was extremely popular with the public, globally, especially in his youth. But his good looks and charm covered up a multitude of dysfunctional sins and poor character traits.
so…the rent is due and this miserable cow thinks Harry owes her a living. Got it.
That’s what this is about. The whole establishment banked itself on having Harry as their whipping boy. No human being would choose the position they have placed him in. The answer is not to try to drag him back. They are damaging the monarchy with their idioticv attempts and providing further justification for why the Sussexes left.
Instead, the royals and their ratchets need to have a come to Jesus meeting. Is this institution more important or is their own petty jealousy more important? If they really give a damn about the institution, then they need to do the 2 things Harry requires. 1) apologize to him and Meghan. 2) reinstate his security. 3) call off the racist media. That’s it.
The fact that they aren’t willing to do those 2 very easy things for the sake of the monarchy means that no one is actually minding the monarchy at all. Jealousy has one. Fine. They get what they deserve.
Otherwise, if they suck it up and act like grownups, then maybe they’ll get the half in half out that benefits the royal family. Harry and Meghan’s charisma can be used to benefit the monarchy ON THEIR OWN TERMS. They have no carrots or sticks to entice the Sussexes, who are completely independent. So this very well could be a critical moment. What is the British monarchy about? Did duty die with the queen, which I believe is the case? The message of both Charles and William is “I deserve the crown bc it’s my turn, damnit!” Can a global monarchy be built on that as a brand? (It can’t. We saw that with the Caribbean fiasco). In jealousy matters, then prepare for the royal family of the UK to lose influence, relevance, and attention around the world. They will ultimately become the royal family of sad little England over the next few decades, which will be their just desserts.
3 things. apparently I can’t count
Meghan and Harry are NOT coming back, regardless of whether proper apologies and restoration of security happens, which we know is NOT going to happen. Please remember that Harry is only requesting apologies and security protection in order to visit his birth country as a family member. Harry has told us for once and for all that he does not want the institution, but he would like to maintain family relations with those who are amenable and respectful toward him, his wife, and children.
I think the Monarchy had relevance worldwide because of QE2. It seems that in later years when she became quite ill, she determinedly continued to be ‘seen’ because she knew how important that was. Now? Well, the two who should be out and ‘seen’ are curiously absent. I agree that the Monarchy will ultimately be for England alone.
Well said, I could not agree more!
The wrong brother will inherit the crown and everyone senses it but dare not say it.
I disagree. Until someone takes a long hard look at how the establishment revolves around elevating the “heir” the “wrong” sibling will always inherit the crown. Margaret and Andrew were both popular “spares” until it looked their popularity would overshadow the heir and then all their dirty laundry was aired to the public. Harry’s role was no different and if he hadn’t met Meghan then goodness knows what would have happened to him. He too would probably have ended up an unhappy lush like Margaret or worse (if Andrew is anything to go by.)
I hope William and/or Kate take a look back at how previous spares have been treated and encourage George to remember Charlotte and Louis are his siblings and not his “fall guys.” Otherwise, there will come a time where we’ll once again be saying the “wrong” sibling will inherit the crown.
I also think when people talk about the “wrong brother” its ignoring the whole nurture argument. Harry would have turned out very differently if he was the heir. William would have turned out differently if he was the spare.
As we’ve seen, some spares live very messy lives. but I think even pre-Meghan harry was taking the title of Spare and trying to make it his own and to make something more out of his life than just being The Spare. I’m not sure if William would have been able to do that, but we just don’t know because so much of these men’s personalities and characters were formed the instant they were given those roles.
Yes, there’s a misunderstanding that the “right brother” should necessarily be a good king. But the system isn’t set up for good governance, it’s set up for retaining power within a particular family.
I disagree with you @Becks1. Humans are born with their unique personalities and destinies. While birth order can be a factor in one’s development, particularly in the British patriarchal heredity system, personalities are not largely determined by birth order.
If Harry had been born first, there would be much rejoicing, because he has the head and the heart for true leadership. His mother, Diana, knew it when ‘Good King Harry’ was just a child. 🤌🏽 Everyone else knows it, too. Sure, if they coddled and protected him, Harry would have had that detrimental over-favoritism to overcome. But, since Harry has been able to overcome worse treatment as the second-born, his much stronger personality than William’s, undoubtedly would have helped Harry rise to the occasion as the first-born, rather than succumbing to fawning courtiers, rota ratchets, and busybody Tories.
Moreover, Harry likely would not have agreed to poor treatment of the younger spare, eh! Much would be different, which is why these ‘What if’ scenarios are useless meandering.
Another “journalist” proving Harry’s truths. The snide attacks, ‘hidden’ within a ‘complimentary’ article.
Just more crap.
Yeah, Dunlop gets some things wrong — Harry is the least entitled of that whole sorry entitled bunch (he lived in servant’s quarters, basically, before he met Meghan) — but her bottom-line conclusion is correct: It’s up to Charles to apologize to Harry.
Not to compare these two people in any way but – the recent attempts to end Trump’s life highlight that PH needs to continue be very serious about his security. There are so many nut jobs out there who are influenced by the media’s negative campaign against H/M. How many thwarted attempts are out there that we don’t even know about? From the beginning (when they were in Canada) their safety has been compromised by the RF and their quick cancellation of security. Don’t ever go back Harry – you will never be safe there.
You’re absolutely right Jen.
Time for all of USA to be serious about security.
Time to repeal the 2nd Amendment; we don’t need no stinkin’ militia.
The article acknowledges Harry’s popularity and charisma but still, a snide tone permeates throughout. Nowhere does Dunlop mention that Harry actually serves and does things that help people. He wouldn’t have the reputation and the respect he currently has without the hefty weight of his humanitarian work behind him. He is not internationally respected and an effective force in helping to make the world a better place for individuals today just by the quality of his ribbon cutting and planting of trees.
While Elizabeth was alive, her longevity and sense of duty made the British monarchy respected around the world, and although she was not charismatic, her youth and being a part of a good-looking and glamorous couple at the beginning of her reign earned honor, likability, and prestige. With her gone, William and Charles cannot maintain the respect or the prestige. You can’t capture the world’s interest if you are both dull and lazy, nor if you are petty, jealous, mistreated your first wife, failed to parent your children, continue family feuds, show no leadership as head of the family, and inflicted your mistress on the kingdom. i respected Charles at one time because he made use of his time as Prince of Wales to try to do good. Too bad he wouldn’t let Diana help him, and increase his effectiveness by working as a couple, as Harry and Meghan now do.
Reading and watching the clips of BM, I’m always taken taken aback by the snide tone. It’s so snotty and snarky. There are a few outliers of people who aren’t but sooo many are. But I’m an American watching from the outside. I don’t know that they see it bc they’re in it. And I’m sure outsiders see a specific tone in American news. Id be curious to what it would be called though. Brash? Arrogant?
Honestly probably the most honest you will get out of a member of the rota. And I am cracking up about her bringing up the terrible Caribbean tour when Willnot and Kate got fired on camera.
That’s how I read it too.
Essentially she’s acknowledging H&M’s star quality, their hard work, and their loss to the UK. And she’s brave to contrast that with W&K’s disastrous Caribbean tour, the after effects of which will resonate for decades.
Harry and Meghan represent humans and their needs, not the needs of the monarchy. As long as the monarchy only represents and protects itself and only uses “charity” as an act of self-preservation, people like Harry and Meghan can never be won back.
One more person who cannot spell ColOmbia… F.F.S.
Actually she spelled it Colombia, once, after first misspelling it as Columbia. So 50% right. Which equates to letter grade of ‘F’ in USA.
We do miss him! But they shouldn’t come back; this place is toxic for them and they’d never be safe.
Harry’s better looking, kinder, more intelligent, with more charisma, work ethic, effectiveness, warmth & charm than his awkward prick of an older brother.
Meghan’s way harder working, better looking, more capable, talented, more intelligent, more stylish, more charismatic, decent & warm than narcissistic, boring af stepford Middleton.
Those were always the issues & still are. Jealous & insecure individuals can’t compete so they freeze out the people who are superior to them.
Lort. Someone in the British media spoke the quiet part outloud. Did not have that on my 2024 bingo card. This is the most spot on honest article I have seen about Harry in years. Fabulous.
The RF always knew Harry was the one with star power, which is why they made his departure as difficult and humiliating as possible. They were counting on him coming back, broke, broken and divorced so they could control him all over again. A broken Prince Harry would also have a wonderful chilling effect on the Wales’ children should they ever get the same idea a few years from now. Unfortunately for them, they seriously underestimated Harry and Meghan.