Sean Combs denied bail after pleading not guilty to federal charges

Sean Combs was arraigned on Tuesday, after being arrested by Homeland Security in Manhattan on Monday night. Combs was arraigned on a far-reaching federal indictment with charges involving a racketeering conspiracy, sex trafficking by force, transportation to engage in prostitution, and much more. The now-unsealed indictment reveals Combs’ decades-long history of abuse, trafficking, rape and coercion. There was a whole industry of enablers protecting and insulating Combs and his operation too. There’s a lot in the indictment about the “freak offs” organized by Combs, in which he and other men drugged, raped and filmed victims. Combs’ lawyers asked for his bail to be set at $50 million. The judge denied the request, so Combs is still in custody.

A federal judge has denied Sean “Diddy” Combs’ effort to be free until his trial on sex trafficking and other charges.

In an almost two hour hearing in a New York City courtroom, Magistrate Judge Robyn F. Tarnofsky agreed with the argument put forth by the U.S. Attorney’s office that Combs is a danger to the public and especially potential witness in the detailed case against him. After their client entered a not guilty plea in court earlier this afternoon, defense lawyers pitched a $50 million bond for Combs and in-home detention. Judge Tarnofsky wasn’t buying it.

After hearing from both sides and taking a brief break to consult with court officials behind closed doors, the judge ordered that Combs be “detained.” While seemingly certain, the order doesn’t entirely end the issue of whether Combs will remain in or out of custody. The defendant can make a Hail Mary appeal to the District Court — though it is unlikely they would overturn Judge Tarnofsky’s decision. Still, outside the courthouse, Combs’ main attorney Marc Agnifilo said that the defense would be appealing Judge Tarnofsky’s decision to keep his client in custody.

Sean Combs has also officially entered a plea of “not guilty” to charges of sex trafficking, racketeering and transportation to engage in prostitution.

[From Deadline]

I have a theory – I heard a rumor (?) that Combs and his lawyer were upset that Combs was arrested on Monday evening, that he wasn’t expecting it then, he thought he would be arrested on Tuesday. My guess is that something happened and the feds worried that he would flee the country or go into hiding. That concern – or perhaps they have evidence of a plot to flee – could be why the judge agreed to the prosecution’s request to deny bail.

You can read the full indictment doc here – people are talking about the fact that federal prosecutors got all of his dumbass aliases on the first page. There’s also a lot of talk about the amount of baby oil Combs had on hand (1,000 bottles). There’s less discussion about the fact that Combs kept IV fluid bags around for sex workers and victims so that they could recover from all of the drugs and assaults and keep the “freak offs” going. The feds now have Combs’ recordings of the freak offs too, because he apparently kept all of them.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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55 Responses to “Sean Combs denied bail after pleading not guilty to federal charges”

  1. MrsCope says:

    Depraved and disgusting.

  2. All I want to say is he is a dangerous dangerous sick fu**. May he stay locked up.

    • HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

      All this has me wondering what really happened to Kim Porter.

      • Digital Unicorn says:

        Indeed – wasn’t he also allegedly involved in TuPac’s murder and that of other rappers?

      • TQ says:

        @HillaryIsAlwaysRight — 100% this. The rumors have always been she didn’t die of natural causes and he is to blame for her death.

        @Digital Unicorn — rumors were always that Suge Knight had both Tupac and Biggie killed. Tupac’s alleged killer was a former LAPD cop with Bloods affiliation, Suge is Bloods affiliated, and I think may have even named Suge, etc.

        Interestingly Suge inserted himself into the JLo/Affleck divorce news recently saying Affleck ended things based on FBI tapes found in the raid on Diddy’s place included her. Who knows, but all of Diddy’s behavior is disgusting and they need to imprison him for life.

      • Maddie says:

        This! And I was also reading an article this morning about the time he shot that woman in the face and got away with it! I forgot that JLo was a part of that as well. She definitely has some stories

    • Eleonor says:

      May he rot in jail.

    • ella says:

      In fact the wealthy men who thrive from, enjoy, and keep alive these operations for decades are rarely caught.
      More cameras and monitoring around us are needed to capture how common these operations are. Be aware of what’s happening around you and report suspicious activity. Don’t be a bystander.

      Theres big money in sexually trapping women and children and the sentencing requirements upon these men remain soft.

      A girl who was raised into prostitution from infancy described this massive industry as continually driven by rich men all over this world. She said rich men are a danger to women and children, rich men are the problem.

  3. Roo says:

    I keeping thinking about how he, like Epstein, used all his money, power and access to bring so much pain and suffering into this world. What a small and terrible person.

  4. Pinkosaurus says:

    He was very openly and obviously contacting and threatening witnesses and victims. Get him prosecutors!

  5. Mirelle says:

    “There was a whole industry of enablers protecting and insulating Combs and his operation too.”
    Let this ahole face be held accountable but I want him to also squeal to the Feds. Everyone who supported him, the freak-offs, the rapes, trafficking, and victim intimidation need to face justice too. Bring the whole network down with him.

  6. Neeve says:

    Humans are really strange, why they do what they do is a mystery. This is a man who for all intents and purposes can get beautiful consenting women without all the criminal activities, so why even do it? I scratch my head when I see people who have it all and lead such risky hedonistic lives.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      The abuse, for him, must be part of the excitement. He loves being able to abuse and violate other people. He’s a vicious monster and I’m glad he’s finally facing a small amount of justice for decades of terrible crimes.

    • Mirelle says:

      For Diddy and people like him, it’s not about consent. It’s about ego, control, power, and fear. They want victims subjugated, humiliated and bowing at their feet. It’s Diddy, Weinstein, and Trump. They’re all the same. Inferior men with God complexes.

  7. Serena says:

    May all the other enablers and men who participated be called out and pay for their crimes. The audacity to even plea “no guilty” after all the evidence, this man only regret was to be caught, I hope he’ll rot in jail.

  8. Kristen from MA says:

    Rot in that cell, you POS.

  9. aquarius64 says:

    Combs’ lawyer was on CNN claiming the sex axts were consensual. The video of Combs beating up Cassie was played and the lawyer tried to clean that up. Diddy is in the same detention center that R. Kelly and Ghislaine Maxwell stayed. Too many big names could be implicated as time passes. Is Combs guarded in his cell to make sure there’s no repeat of Epstein?

    • Queenie says:

      A journalist raised this question (about Epstein) at the press conference with the attorney general. I don’t think they’ll drop the ball this time.

  10. PunkyMomma says:

    The indictment is an absolutely horrific read—I hope his victims are given whatever they need to help them get past this nightmare, if such relief exists.

  11. Miranda says:

    To be so sure that you’re going to inflict so much harm on your victims that you keep medical supplies on hand…that’sjust a whole other vile level of premeditation. It would not surprise me in the slightest if there are literal bodies buried somewhere.

    • Jay says:

      That’s the detail that I keep thinking about – and yes, my guess is that they “learned” to bring IV bags only after there was a death or serious injury.

  12. girl_ninja says:

    They have to stop calling what he was doing and coordinating “freak offs” because that was organized rape. IV’s for the participants and the victims?!?!?! I hope that he rots in prison and burns in hell.

  13. Jay says:

    ” Kept IV fluid bags” on hand, I’m assuming so that they wouldn’t have the bother of ridding themselves of some poor woman’s drugged, spent body. That might have stopped the party!
    That is some Mad Max-level misogyny, and everyone who was part of it, enabled it, or allowed it should get what’s coming to them.

  14. sevenblue says:

    It is really horrific. He has a private jet and can easily get out of the country. I am surprised he waited that long, knowing that they had the tapes of his crimes. I wonder how many people he got blackmail material on. I hope they all get punished and the law enforcement doesn’t stop with him like they did with Epstein and Maxwell. We know that all kind of materials were taken from Epstein’s island as well and his clients have still been protected.

  15. Amy Bee says:

    Cassie and all the other people who came forward must be commended for their bravery and I hope they get justice.

  16. Subvers says:

    If I was a rich person who was going to be arrested, and probably decades in prison, I would leave the country ages ago. What does it take stay under these conditions? Is he deluded or what? He’s had all the chance to leave.

    • sevenblue says:

      I wonder if he has some powerful clients that he was expecting protection from. That would the only reason he waited that long to leave the country.

    • Seraphina says:

      My thoughts exactly. Why stay and why have ALL THAT evidence on hand for them????

    • SarahCS says:

      He got away with it for decades so maybe in his arrogance didn’t think anything would actually come of it this time. Or that he would get bail and could then flee if it looked like he’d actually face any consequences.

    • Jay says:

      When he was arrested in Miami a few months ago it was at the airport, so it’s certainly possible that he intended to leave but didn’t/couldn’t? But this is a man who felt perfectly comfortable committing his crimes in public, in person and knowing he was on camera. He’s always had enough money, power, and leverage to avoid accountability and punish those who would speak out against him. I could see him thinking: Why would this time be any different?

      There are likely only a few countries that SC would be able to flee to where law enforcement wouldn’t be able to reach him AND that he could live out the rest of his rotten days in the manner to which he is accustomed. Like, it’s not zero but the Venn diagram is pretty small.

      His crimes were committed here in the U.S., his base of power is here, his properties and connections are here, and most importantly, the people that owe him favours are here. He had enough incriminating evidence and power that he felt safe, and frankly, looking at the track record of men who are punished vs how many get away with crimes against women (particularly black women) for years, the odds have always been strongly in his favour. They still are, frankly.

    • Fabiola says:

      He probably thinks so highly of himself that he never thought they would really arrest him. Too late jerk, you can’t flee now

  17. Lucía says:

    So his MO is pretty much just like that of Dominique Pelicot’s (the french rapist who sexually abused his wife alongside +50 other men). Commited the crimes, had a bunch of accomplices, kept all the receipts. Of course, he had many more resources given his millionaire superstar status.

  18. Chaine says:

    I wonder how long the federal investigation has been going on. Was it Cassie’s lawsuit that triggered the investigation? Or did she get wind of the investigation and it gave her the courage to sue?

  19. Eowyn says:

    I have no doubt his arrest was delayed because he was useful in collecting kompromat on other powerful people. Put him under the jail.

  20. Libra says:

    Keeping him alive is the goal here. There must be a few very important names that want to avoid going down with him. Power is power.

  21. Midnight@theOasis says:

    Bet there are a lot of nervous folks right now wondering if they’re going to be outed in all of this. Hope that Diddy and all his enablers rot in jail for what they’ve done.

    • Joanne says:

      That’s what I wonder too. There was a recent article about Diddy and Cassie being out for dinner with a group of men including Usher. Diddy punched Cassie in the stomach and she was escorted out of the restaurant. No one did anything to help her. I’m sure there are some really nervous people wondering if the Feds are coming for them.

  22. blue says:

    Will JLo be asked for evidence? She dated him for quite a while years ago.

    • Libra says:

      And she was present at the 1999 shooting in the face of a lady (can’t recall her name). He was acquitted but JLo was in the car afterward with him and the gun. Wonder if she knows something.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      I wonder if his arrest has anything to do with her divorce – she was with him a LONG time, no way she didn’t escape the same treatment as Kim, Cassie and the others. It’s highly possible that she is also on some of these ‘freak out’ tapes.

      And yeah am sure she’ll be called to give evidence at the trial which will be epic by celebrity standards.

      May he rot in the depths of hell.

  23. Dorianne says:

    So many enablers willing to step up for these rich and famous creeps. How many more Diddys, Weinsteins, and Epsteins are out there that we don’t even know about yet? And at the center of it all, ALWAYS, are women being abused. Fck these bstards. Let the dominoes fall.

  24. Aidee Kay says:

    I will be waiting in the coming weeks for revelations to come out about other celebrities who participated in Diddy’s sick trafficking ring. Also: the indictment says he blew up Kid Cudi’s car!!!

  25. Colleen says:

    Guess who else was GOOD GOOD FRIENDS with Diddy by his own admission???? The tangerine melted candle. So many photos with the two of them and he attended the parties.

  26. Mrs. Smith says:

    Russell Simmons “relocated” to Bali when people started filing SA lawsuits against him in 2018. Maybe Sean had the same idea? Best to keep him locked up until trial.

  27. JJ says:

    He is disgusting. How can he plead not guilty with all that evidence against him? And in his second bail hearing, he and his incompetent lawyer blamed Cassie, saying, “that’s just the way they liked to relate to each other sexually”? Really? Like it wasn’t abuse, she wanted it that way so they are actively blaming her? Astonished they thought Sean would get bail.

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