We haven’t talked about Sarah Huckabee Sanders in so long. It’s been nice, because she is a despicable person. She was Donald Trump’s press secretary for a time, and she’s currently the unhinged governor of Arkansas. On Tuesday, Donald Trump appeared in Michigan with Huckabee Sanders and they did a “town hall” event. This is how Gov. Huckabee Sanders spoke about Vice President Kamala Harris:
Huckabee: “So my kids keep me humble. Unfortunately, Kamala Harris doesn’t have anything keeping her humble.” Yiiikes. What a loaded statement in like ten different ways. For one, why would a Black woman need to be “humbled” again? And then obviously, the Republican platform is now explicitly about pouring scorn on childless women, women without biological children, women with fertility issues and women who are not stay-at-home mothers. JD Vance has made that clear. Sarah Huckabee Sanders has made that clear. It’s appalling.
Mika immediately made the point in this clip – Kamala Harris is a stepmother of two kids. Ella and Cole Emhoff love Kamala and she adores them. Even if Kamala wasn’t a stepmother, it still wouldn’t f–king matter and it still wouldn’t be anyone’s f–king business.
Someone made the point on this Chris Hayes tweet – it’s not “contempt for people without children.” It’s specifically about WOMEN who have not given birth. Lindsey Graham, a childless bachelor senator, is never spoken about this way.
I'll say this: at this point this isn't some savvy political calculation: they genuinely, as an ideological matter, have contempt for people without children. https://t.co/QOGYOX2bSn
— Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) September 17, 2024
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- Sarah Huckabee Sanders, governor of Arkansas, speaks while delivering the Republican response to President Biden’s State of the Union address in Little Rock, Arkansas, US, on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2023. Biden tonight vowed to not allow the US to default on its debt, calling on Congress to raise the debt-ceiling and chastising Republicans seeking to leverage the standoff to force spending cuts. Featuring: Sarah Huckabee Sanders Where: Little Rock, Arkansas, United States When: 07 Feb 2023 Credit: Al Drago/CNP/startraksphoto.com/Cover Images
- Sarah Huckabee Sanders, governor of Arkansas, speaks while delivering the Republican response to President Biden’s State of the Union address in Little Rock, Arkansas, US, on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2023. Biden tonight vowed to not allow the US to default on its debt, calling on Congress to raise the debt-ceiling and chastising Republicans seeking to leverage the standoff to force spending cuts. Featuring: Sarah Huckabee Sanders Where: Little Rock, Arkansas, United States When: 07 Feb 2023 Credit: Al Drago/CNP/startraksphoto.com/Cover Images
- Day 2 of the 2024 Republican National Convention at the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin Featuring: Sarah Huckabee Sanders Where: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States When: 16 Jul 2024 Credit: CNP/INSTARimages **(RESTRICTION: NO Daily Mail. NO New York or New Jersey Newspapers or newspapers within a 75 mile radius of New York City.)**
What a horrible and cruel loser who hides behind religion. She is not religious because if she were she would have an open heart. She is a name calling bitc* nothing more.
You’re right! SHS is nothing a hypocritical lying bit*h who will use religion as a weapon to attack others.
Her face is the definition of RBF! Should be in the dictionary!
Every time I see Sarah Huckabee Sanders, I remember someone saying that “her face looks like it’s tired of being a face”.
Ozempic is not kind to faces & it did a powerbomb on Sanders!!! 🙂
The breathtaking ACCURACY of this description of her face lolllll
She brings Miss Trunchbull (Matilda movie character) to mind every single time I see her.
@Hyprocrisy I bet Sanders loves putting people in her ‘chokie!’ 😖
Agreed on all points SC.
I am so exhausted by Republicans twisting laws, twisting religion, and weaponizing everything in sight to grasp power when they have not won the popular vote in 20 years and have not even been the ones who offered pregnant women $6,000 dollars ! It was a Democrat Kamala Harris who promotes that generosity to women and children in America and she WILL win the popular vote.
ella–the Republicans are chaos agents. They don’t care about problems; they make problems way worse for no reason–and they have no solutions. To anything.
I’m feeling very angry today. That’s my excuse for not making a point. Children do not keep you humble. That is not their role/responsibility. Being a good, loving parent-whether you gave birth to them or not-is the humbling experience. And, Kamala’s step? children don’t have a problem with her. At all!
Received a text from a sister who can’t have children due to an infection/situation they were born with. gist-F*ck them.
As a mother of an only child, I can also say that even if Kamala had bio kids, there would then be comments about how she doesn’t have enough of them. I get so many snarky comments about how I don’t really understand parenting because I only have one kid and I’ve noticed that people with 3+ often dump on people with only two also….so basically unless you get pregnant at 16 and pop one out every year, you aren’t truly a parent to some people.
If Kamala had biological children they would be saying that she was a bad mother or had no maternal instincts.
At this point, I find myself wishing she had a bunch of kids without being married to any of the fathers because obviously they would prefer that. Or, if she had five with three different spouses like her opponent because they never complain about his life choices.
If she had biological kids, the Republicans would be telling her she needs to stay at home. And the Republicans would attack the children for being bi-racial.
@Cate I have three kids and can say with absolute certainty that you understand parenting just fine. Sheesh…what is wrong with people?!
As for Kamala, the child-free attacks are aimed at othering Kamala for conservative white women in the hopes that they will do what they’ve done in the last few elections and vote for Trump.
I really could have lived without knowing that SHS continues to be the absolute worst, but I guess it’s good to check in every once in a while.
@Cate – but that’s only for white women. A black wonan getting pregnant as a teenager and/or popping out a lot of kids would be immediately assaulted with “welfare queen” stereotypes.
Kamala wouldn’t win in this racist, misogynist gatekeeping no matter what.
So I’m glad she doesn’t play their stupid, small minded BS games!
Yesterday before the NABJ, when asked about Republicans mocking her sense of joy and her laugh, the vice president had some advice for young people and, well, everybody. She said that you will have adversaries in your life who will try to turn your strength into weakness “Don’t let them.” Then she went on to describe all the joy that she finds in the American people. How can anyone not love this woman?
@Brassy Rebel, I watched her remarks twice about all the ways she finds joy and celebrates joy because I loved it so much. Then there were some excerpts showing her dancing with children, and just dancing, and I thought how much we need her to heal us from the hatred spewed daily by Trump and Vance. I’m not a person who prays a lot (or talks about it when I do) but I am praying daily for the American people to rise up and save us from Trump. Elect joy, elect hope.
Goodness! People are so ridiculous! Tim Walz has the perfect response, ‘mind your own damn business!’
I’m also the mother of an only child. She’s recently told me that I/we might not ever be grandparents. I told her, your life, your choices. I did not give birth to you to make me a grandma in the future.
100%. I have one and I’m told I’m selfish for having just one. Actually, yes – I AM selfish and that’s part of the reason I have one. BUT the fact that I realize I wouldn’t be able to be my best self for my children and husband if I had more children makes me self aware and actually improves the quality of life of all my family members. So………
These talking points are insane. What about the women who desperately want children but can’t have them? What a crappy situation to put those women in with these points. Zero empathy. (And that’s the INSANE undertones of this whole stance aside.). I continue to be disgusted by this MAGA party.
I wish the press would ask JD Vance and these other politicians why they hate women who don’t have children so much?
I wish they would ask the childless republican men the same things they ask the women.
Seems like a perfectly logical question. Probably because they figure childfree women can’t be “controlled” (though every mother of my acquaintance is anything but a pushover. 🙄) It’s the image of women as docile, pretty, pliant ornaments they love–not women themselves.
Magat has contempt for anyone not a wealthy white cis man, which is why it is so ironic that so many people still support the orange menace. Lort. She and her father are just awful people. As a society we didn’t fight back forcefully when the magats and Q marginalized gay and trans people. Now they feel totally secure coming after everybody else.
Same OLD playbook/I mean nonsense 🙄🙄don’t they have any imagination 🤣🤣🤣
Children have always been used as a way to control women. That is what they have contempt for, and it’s only contempt for women not men.
Yes, this. That’s part of what they miss about the “good old days”. It was so much easier to control women back then.
I really wish they’d be made to answer why they don’t talk like this about childless men. We all know why, but they need to own it.
They are forcing women to give birth to children they don’t want, saying that they can put them into adoption (supreme court stated as “domestic supply of infants”). Then, they are saying publicly if you didn’t give birth to a baby, you don’t count as a parent. It is like they can’t remember even some Republican women can’t (or don’t want to) have children. It feels like they are trying to make Kamala win the election.
“Domestic supply of infants” still absolutely enrages me every time I hear it. Like our bodies are a f–king Walmart.
Margaret Atwood is a prophet in her own time.
They are also forcing them to keep pregnancies that they DO want but aren’t viable. Like Nicole Thurman of Georgia. These people don’t care how many women die because of their extreme agenda.
Thank you for bringing up Amber Nicole Thurman in Georgia. If anyone has not seen Lawrence O’Donnell’s POWERFUL statement on this tragedy, please pull it up on MSNBC’s website. Lawrence was on fire last night about how various Republicans have blood on their hands because of this young woman’s needless, preventable death. He also told a very personal story about his own mother when he was the same age as Ms. Thurman’s now motherless son. Powerful, powerful stuff.
Somebody has to raise thae infants. Guess who it is they volunteer.
If your children are “humbling” you instead of making you proud as a parent perhaps you aren’t raising them right?
When she complained there’s nothing humbling Kamala since she she hasn’t birthed kids, all I saw was the uppity black woman trope. I can’t wait for the presidency to become “one of those black jobs.”
It really, really seems like every single Republican resents their children. They feel obligated to have a few, and spend the rest of their lives basically calling their kids ungrateful assholes when they don’t feel utterly worshiped by them. None of them ever speak about the joys of parenting. Never.
Also, is there a Stepparents For Kamala yet? Because damn, I’ll start if there isn’t.
Right-wingers care about power over everyone “lower” than them. Their philosophy is all about doing what they are told, but when they find they don’t get the joy/fulfillment they are promised, watch out. Kids are just things to wield influence over–not people to love.
SHS is far from humble. She is a lying disgusting vile disingenuous right-wing snake. Does she really think that by insulting women who have not had children she is going to get their votes? According to her only women who have reproduced are validated. Donald Trump/JD Vance are going to lose the election in November for sure.
With Trump at the top of their ticket are they really expecting any sane person to believe they value humility?
Harris is the sitting VP of the United States, and you’re talking about her as if she’s the woman who scrubs your floor, yet you want us to believe that having kids has humbled you?
Vile! When the sewers overflow, sewage seeps out.
Keeping her humble? Anyway, her children are not doing what SHS says they are.
SHS is a miserable, unhappy, cruel, and cold person, and you can see that in every single photo of her. It’s a shame instead of trying to make her own life better she is focused on making everyone else’s worse and tearing other people down.
I agree, Lucy2. A little part of me wants to tell her she would look so much better if she smiled, but I have been told that myself so many times that I’d bite off my own tongue before saying it to another woman.
She looking like The Trunchbull!! Except, The Trunchbull was actually kinda likeable. Lol
Trunchbull was not likeable. SHS is Laura Loomer-or as someone recently called her-Laura Lamer.
Love the Matilda reference.
Trumpsbull reckoning. Crossing fingers in hope!
Looking in the mirror should keep Sarah Huckabee Sanders humble, yet she keeps pontificating arrogant nonsense, and standing against her sisters.
Absolutely true! A face like SHS’s is more than enough to keep anyone humble.
Mean girl meangirling. I watched Michelle Wolf’s takedown from the 2018 White House Correspondent’s Dinner this morning as therapy.
The woman governor rolling back protections against child labor shouldn’t be talking about kids at all.
Made the same comment below. She means only the white children of “good” Christians keep her humble and matter. Despicable woman!
Which disqualifies Doug’s children from even being considered…after all, they may be white but they’re not Christian (Jewish). SHS is disgusting.
This woman is vile, and her ugliness is highlighted every time she opens her mouth.
I have actually been called a failed mother because my youngest is on the spectrum.
To them I say my child has more self worth, compassion and empathy then all of these f!@king republicans combined.
He is my hero, and he is voting for Kamala on Nov. 5th.
Yes!!! Mine as well, and also my youngest. I find it refreshing that he simply does not (almost cannot) get caught up in the illogical nonsense put forward by republicants. And what a load of crap that anyone would dare to call you a failed mom – sounds like you hit it out of the park raising a good man who cares for others. Wonder woman!!
One of mine is on the spectrum, and he’s literally the coolest, kindest person. It’s not a failure at all! I have heard it was because of vaccines, but I’d rather have an autistic kid than a dead kid, they can judge my parenting all they want.
Autism is NOT because of vaccines and has nothing to do with parenting. It is most likely genetic, but we are still trying to figure that out.
Doctor, here. Vaccines have not been demonstrated to cause autism. We’ve looked.
Sweet Jesus–are people _still_ spreading that canard that mothers are responsible for autism?!?! Author Jacqueline Susann suffered mightily from medical personnel alone treating her like that–and that was sixty years ago…
I really hope all the wonderful step parents and step children out there are okay after these cruel statements the psycho conservatives keep pushing. Kamala. Is. A. Parent. Ella Emhoff has stated she considers herself and her brother as kids to Kamala. Kerstin Emhoff has talked about what a loving blended family they have.
Sit down, a-holes.
Kamala is also a loving aunt to her niece Meena and her great-nieces as well.
she’s such a gross in every way nepo baby. maybe her kids dont like her either.
The only thing keeping Sarah Huckabee humble are her Ozempic shits and her reflection. The leader of child labor and $19,000 lecterns. What a disgrace she is.
“Ozempic shits” 😂
I do have to wonder if any of Sanders’ kids love her as much as Cole and Ella and all her nieces, nephews, and godchildren love Kamala. 🤔
Oh tell me another one Sarah. When I think of a “humble” mother I think of you. /s. You’re a mutha Sarah….a mutha (insert VP Harris’s favorite cuss word here!)
God what an unattractive woman! And piggybacking on so many of the comments, it is only the children of white Christian mothers who matter and “keep them humble.” In 2023 Huckabee Sanders signed the Youth Hiring Act of 2023, meaning children under 16 don’t have to get the Division of Labor’s permission to be employed, and the state no longer has to verify the age of those under 16 before they take a job. Basically allowing companies to further exploit migrants and their kids, allowing children 14 (!) and older to work in factories (chicken processing is big in AR), around hazardous conditions, chemicals, etc. And apparently this sort of legislation has been happening, or is proposed, in other GOP lead states.
So when they talk about how important children are, the sanctity of life, etc. remember that it’s only certain types of children that matter.
wait – I though you were supposed to automatically be humble if you had kids. What went wrong with you SArah….?
Who is advising these people? I ask because the childless cat lady comments have not gone well for Trump and yet they seem to be doubling down on this narrative. Sure they are appealing to their horrible base but you’d think they’d be realizing they are not winning hearts and minds with this approach. Not that I’m complaining! Keep it up you pathetic bunch of deplorables.
Let these morons keep flapping their yaps until they’ve alientated *everyone*. Now they’ve got the devoted step-parents ticked off, and those people are used to being attacked from all sides. A co-worker had a plaque that read “You don’t scare me – I’m a step-parent to teenagers.”
I love this for the Repugnantcans. Their next fiasco will go after adoptive and foster parents.
Looking in the mirror should keep this woman humble, not her kids. Ghoul…
I am legitimately shocked by the apparent belief of Trump supporters that people without children cannot be trusted as policymakers because they feel no stake in the future. That the only reason one could possibly care about others is some kind of proprietary stake–because MY people will be affected. Have they no empathy, no concept of care and concern that is rooted in a sense of common humanity? I guess these answers are obvious. Wow.
This! Also aren’t people deciding to not reproduce because of their climate fears about raising children in a possible hellscape on earth?
I’m a 50-something person, child-free by CHOICE and I am very happy with MY decision and to each their own. But SHS and the other GOP = #GFY.
I tried to decide responsibly. With multiple elderly relatives needing care, and no spouse on hand with eager relatives offering childcare, I decided— painfully— that my line will end with me. I wasn’t willing to trust what the world would do to a parentless Black kid without a family — if anything unexpected were to happen to me. The most loving thing that I could imagine doing as a prospective parent was not to be one. Instead, I’ve adored striving to be an awesome “extra-auntie “, and derived great satisfaction from my community based, child-focused career.
When I was young, I always thought I would have children. But in my 20s I realized that nah, I wanted to spend my life doing other things. Not to mention that I figured out I would be a crappy mother. And I decided for absolutely sure that I would never ever become a single mother. There are 1,000 reasons to have kids and 1,000 reasons not to have kids. I’m very glad I grew up with options and very disgusted that those options are being taken away from the next generation. It’s appalling.
Nepo Baby Sarah needs to be humbled quite a bit more.
Republicans keep telling me I should NEVER vote for a Republican again.
I hear this in my Mom’s voice, in a very rarely used acerbic tone that trails off a bit, gently, at the end. : “Well, she certainly has a LOT to be humble about, doesn’t she….?
I’m confused. As a single Black woman, I thought these people DIDN’T want me to reproduce.
Now, it seems that instead of pursuing quite a bit of higher education and training in support of enhancing the well-being of OTHER people’s children, I should have popped out a few additions to the “domestic supply” of infants. Then what, though? Even as a young teen, I was well aware that “adoption as a solution “ didn’t always play out well for the “domestic “ supply of Black kids, with wealthy white adopters often preferring their kids untethered to complicated interpersonal and family dynamics just a phone call away. Hmmm.
Which MAGAT is going to be the first to openly and on record admit their antebellum fantasies— instead of trying to minimal disguise them in more socially acceptable terms?
Oh, no, they need you to have kids. Otherwise, who will work their plantations/work camps/factories?
This horrible woman is not only my governor, but my neighbor. I’m happy to report that the entire neighborhood hates her and everything she stands for. She can see our WiFi networks so we made our network “Sarah Fuckabee Sanders”. From every Arkansan with more than one brain cell, we apologize this woman has a national audience. We are embarrassed she represents us.
@befuddled Bless you my child for doing an honorable service for your country! Your comment made my day!
You’re forgiven! 😁
Thank you for trolling her in a small, but I’m sure deeply irritating, way. You are doing good work.
Bwahahahahahahahahaahhahahah!!! Brilliant!
I don’t have children – the career I chose would Not be fair to properly raise children. I’d have to get help – my parents are dead, I’m an only child, my late husband’s parents were substantially older so I definitely would need help!
Kamala Harris sacrificed Not having children, which, IMO is an unselfish thing to do! Huckabee – with her appalling DNA, should have spared the public by Not having children. Gawd knows they may take after her Psychotic Animal Killing Brother…
@Befuddled You are an everyday hero.
She looks like her face is melting.
Well thanks for continuing to confirm the Republican Party considers children, and overall existence, a punishment. I guess
Between lecturngate, and altering and withholding public records in connection to her office’s spending habits, this is just a pathetic and transparent deflection. Like father like daughter, both as crooked as a dog’s hind leg.
She looks like a female version of jd Vance. Sounds like him too.
Every pic I see of her, looks like she may have just taken a bite of a shit sandwich and cannot decide whether she likes it or not.
To quote Samantha Jones from SATC: YOU BITCH!
Sorry, all I can see is Aunt Fester when I see her mug
You can’t help the face you get, but she sure got the face she deserves. Every bit of the hate, hostility and hardness shows.
Bragging about how humble you are is quite a humble brag.
She is ugly inside and out. Having children hasn’t made her less cruel, clearly.
This is not exactly relevant but wanted to share. Years ago when she was living in DC, this woman hosted an au pair from Colombia through an agency I worked for. During the au pairs time they got along very well and she even chose to stay with her family for an additional year. Naturally, we were all shocked because au pairs are given the option to switch families/see another part of the country for their second year. Ok, so this was also when Trump blocked the J-1 visa and blabbered on about illegals stealing our jobs, etc. Nobody in that company could understand how on earth this childcare/cultural exchange did not implode!
Please note, in NO WAY am I supporting this vile woman. I just always found this story fascinating bc NOBODY forced the au pair to stay and she must have been aware of what that woman was doing/saying on camera. #mindblown
Maybe she was coerced, in some way, to stay?
I dislike Sarah Huckabee so much.
Can’t wait for her 15 minutes of fame to end.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders Is not humble! 🙄
I’ve always noticed how VP Harris is so receptive & loving to her great-nieces. In 2020 when Biden/Harris won the nomination, on the stage Harris immediately took her little great-niece over to meet Biden. Biden was not too attentive & I really think it was because of the historic moment for him. But I was so impressed that Harris felt so much love for her great-niece that she included her in this momentous moment. MSNBC Nicole Wallace’s show just a few minutes ago had Maya Wiley (attorney & former NY mayoral candidate) on who told the story of the first time she met then Senator Kamala Harris at a college graduation? where Maya was speaking. Senator Harris came back to meet and compliment Maya on her speech and Maya asked why she attended, and Harris’s response was she was there for her god-daughter’s graduation. Maya was so impressed by this.
I’ve seen so many videos of Harris talking to young people (especially young females) and she seems to really enjoy herself with them. And her dancing with them is soooo cute. She seems like such a loving person.
SHS & the gang of repulsicon’s mission statement, “cruelty is the point.”