Lioness: Prince William is ‘down to earth’ & ‘he just loves football’

Back in July, Prince William stepped down as president of the Football Association. He’s still the royal patron of England football, but it definitely feels like FA was tired of William’s dilettante ass. William refused to travel further than Germany for men’s football, and he didn’t bother to attend the Lionesses’ World Cup final last year. Plus, William made a horse’s ass out of himself at the EUROs. Plus, he’s simply incompetent at everything. All in all, it kind of feels like William was pushed out for several reasons. The fact that there’s so little energy into making this into a story is fascinating too. Anyway, when William was FA President, he spent some time with the Lionesses, and one of those ladies has spoken out about what he’s really like:

Lioness Beth Mead has shared her thoughts on Prince William, describing him as ‘lovely’ and ‘down to earth’.

The Arsenal and England player, 29, from Whitby, who was awarded Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) last year, added that Prince William is ‘football mad’.

However, Beth said William ‘doesn’t like all the stuff that comes around him’, explaining: ‘Obviously, he’s got all of his bodyguards around, but he just says, “Oh, I don’t need it!” and he just loves football.’

She explained how William, who is the president of the football association and an avid Aston Villa fan, awarded her MBE last year in the New Years Honours list for her services to football.

She told Hello: ‘It was so nice to see his face light up when he saw someone that he could talk football with.’

[From The Daily Mail]

This is one part of William’s “Normal Bill” cosplay which seems somewhat authentic, in that I believe he’s “football mad” and would prefer to just sit around and drink and watch football. He thought that was what the FA presidency entailed – drinking and watching football. I also believe that William tells people “I don’t need it” about the bodyguards and all of the “trappings” that come along with being the heir. He only cares about it in relation to his competition with his brother, honestly.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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28 Responses to “Lioness: Prince William is ‘down to earth’ & ‘he just loves football’”

  1. Amy Bee says:

    Harry was right when he said William felt trapped.

  2. chatter says:

    William, Prince of Wales. Heir to the crown of England, future King of UK, Canada, Oz, Ireland, etc.
    Down to Earth? LOL
    His PR team is truly bad at the job.

    I do think William IS trapped. And he and Kate are actively raising all 3 of their kids to be fed to The Firm.

    Diana and Harry broke free.
    William and George, possible Charlotte also are trapped.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      If he doesn’t need security, that’s fine! Give all that money back to the people, petition to be removed from the line of succession, and go off and be ‘Normal Bill, Professional Football Hooligan’.

      He can take the wife and kids to Australia after Cluck exiles him! Maybe Cluck and Cloppy’s rumoured love child living in Oz can help them get settled. What charming neighbours they will make.

  3. Peg is anything but down to earth. He is a spoiled man child. Wasn’t there a story about him talking sh*t about a food delivery person? How down to earth is that?

    • Nanea says:

      There wasn’t just a story, it’s on video how he joked 🙄 that the delivery driver who brought Indian food to KP would have to be frisked, but I don’t remember if Bulliam actually said he’d nick the queen’s silver, or that it was just implied.

      And he made a disparaging remark how they put a menu with the order, as if he’d ever order again.

      Down to earth? Entitled, more like it.

  4. Sunnyside up says:

    He needs to get rid of the beard, it looks awful. And as for not going to the Ladies world cup, he’s an MCP and it is a good thing they gave him the sack.

    • Scooby Gang says:

      Yes to getting rid of the beard. It’s gross on him. I can’t help but wonder how fast he would shave if H turned up in NYC with no beard. 😂😂😂

  5. MY3CENTS says:

    He just loves (mens) football.

  6. Snuffles says:

    Is the UK press not talking about how genuinely sick Will looks lately? He looked like he’s aged 20 years the last two months. I zoomed in on those pictures and his lips look black and blue, he has severe dark circles under his eyes and he’s lost a ton of weight.

  7. Eurydice says:

    William isn’t down to earth; he’s ordinary.

  8. wolfmamma says:

    He really does look terrible. And he really does need to seek mental health help.

  9. Giddy says:

    Peg is down to earth and football mad? Oh, that’s different! Now I like him just sooo much! If I think about him liking football it doesn’t matter to me anymore that he’s a racist a$$hole who treated Meghan like dirt and has endlessly spoken of his hatred for his brother. Yes, it’s all different now…what a great guy.🤢

  10. chatter says:

    I’m saying it again.
    William does not want to be King.
    He does want the $$ and lifestyle tho.

    All things must pass. The Firm needs to see the writing on the wall.
    Start turning the Monarchy into museums.

    Charles, Kate and now William are all unwell. It looks like W has aged 10 years quickly. W looks worse than Kate right now.

    • sparrow1 says:

      He definitely doesn’t want to be king, agree. That’s why he hates Harry so much, for simply getting away. What W&K want, judging by her video, is the aristocratic life of his set. They want the big house, the range rover, the estate, the walks in the wood; they seem utterly surprised, she in particular, that they have to be working royals at the same time. To me, the video was saying, this is our life and this is how we’ll do it from now on. I think Kate has always regretted not marrying very rich, like her sister did. Thing is, with Charles’ ill health, they’ll potentially be king and queen sooner than they ever imagined.

    • Becks1 says:

      I think that’s part of why he feels trapped – he wants to be THE KING, he wants the trappings and the money and the palaces and he wants to be in charge of the family and all that.

      He doesn’t want the scrutiny, the responsibility, the work, etc.

  11. kelleybelle says:

    Dull, arrogant, rude, ragey, cruel, racist, unfit and very unsightly. Down to earth? Please.

  12. Chrissy says:

    William looks deranged in that top photo! I imagine not unlike he would look when someone brings up Harry. He’s such an embarrassment as the POW!

  13. Carrie says:

    William. Stop taking ugly pills. They’ve worked already

  14. sparrow1 says:

    He looks very ill. And before people jump out at me shouting “karma” – whatever our/my reservations about his character, he is looking worryingly sick and I hope he’s actually ok.

  15. tamsin says:

    If Charles were not such a failed father, he would be extremely worried about his son and heir. William not only looks like he is not well physically, but coupled with his inability to deal with his emotions and his general incompetence regarding his job, makes one think something catastrophic might happen with him. William simply does not seem to have the character or the practical and emotional skills to deal with losing his scapegoat, not getting a divorce because of Kate’s illness, and Charles’s cancer. Hopefully, he is coping decently with being a father.

  16. One of the marys says:

    I don’t remember him losing the FA gig. Did celebitchy cover it at the time? How humiliating. He already does so little

  17. Ohwell says:

    Some how the beard elongates his face.

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