Mail: QEII would have ‘rolled her eyes’ at Princess Kate but still seen herself in Kate?

One week ago, Daily Mail columnist Liz Jones wrote a scathing piece about Prince William and Kate’s cringefest video, where Kate announced that she is “cancer free” and done with chemotherapy. Jones blasted the “hyper real, perfect, retro” portrayal of Will and Kate, said that Kate “has never seemed more detached” than in this “Hallmark, cringy, cliched” video. She wrote that it was a manipulative piece of misjudgment, done at the wrong time because “the monarchy is hanging by a thread.” Well, I guess Liz Jones got a call. Her latest piece is about the two-year anniversary of QEII’s death, and what Jones thinks QEII would think of all of this. Jones obviously takes several swipes at the Sussexes, and she’s backed down from blasting Kate and William. Some highlights:

The “distractions” at QEII’s funeral: There were distractions, too. The fact that Harry was not allowed to wear a uniform, despite his tours of active service. Meghan’s tears, wiped away by a black glove. Her black Stella McCartney cape dress.

Kate at the funeral: And, of course, Kate, who was dressed immaculately in a razor-sharp Alexander McQueen coat dress, looking solemn yet striking in a Philip Treacy hat and veil and ropes of creamy pearls. Appearing to pretend Meghan did not even exist, she kept a watchful eye on her children and Prince William. Kate knew the day was not about her.

When did Charles’s reign fall apart? And then… the Dutch version of a book by Omid Scobie named two so-called ‘royal racists’. The Princess of Wales was forced to apologise for confusion over edits to a ‘manipulated’ Mother’s Day picture. And, of course, Charles and Kate announced their cancer diagnoses within months of one another. Suddenly, the Royal Family seemed depleted, rudderless. Wild speculation about Catherine’s absence from public life earlier this year, before she revealed she had cancer, swirled online, and the Queen’s mantra of ‘never complain, never explain’ seemed as outdated and restricting as a corset.

What QEII would have said about the Harry issue: Then there is the Harry issue. I think the Queen would have counselled Charles to allow Harry more time when he flew to Buckingham Palace upon news of his father’s illness in February this year. She would have told her son that it was not a good look to be so ungenerous. And I believe she would firmly tell William to tread softly with Harry, too.

What QEII would have said about Andrew: I imagine Charles’s most recent hardening against his younger brother, Prince Andrew – wanting him to downsize from the Grade II-listed Royal Lodge in Windsor Great Park to the empty Frogmore Cottage – would also furrow her brow: the Queen, after all, made sure Andrew accompanied her to Prince Philip’s memorial, a rare act of placing family before duty.

What would QEII have said about the Labour government: The Queen would be dismayed, perhaps, that her generation, the one that built this country, is seemingly being unfairly punished by a new Labour government, though she would, of course, have kept any political opinions to herself. That’s what I miss most: her ability to keep quiet when there is so much unsolicited, ill-informed noise.

QEII would have been proud of Will & Kate though: But how proud she would be of William and Kate, watching their moving video announcing the Princess’s completion of chemotherapy. She would doubtless have rolled her eyes at the soft-focus, surely made in response to the tyranny of intimacy we all demand these days. But she would have seen herself in Kate – her uncomplaining, straight-backed, stoic lack of self-pity. And I am convinced the late Queen would be comforted that the family, currently so fractured, is in very safe hands.

[From The Daily Mail]

It feels like a blackmail situation, to get a Mail columnist to reverse course so quickly and pretend that she wasn’t one of the loudest critics of Kate’s cringefest video last week. I also think it’s sort of stupidly hilarious to go on and on about “what QEII would have thought about this or that,” like she didn’t make her feelings perfectly clear when she was alive. She clearly wanted the Sussexes to have Frogmore Cottage. She clearly wanted the Sussexes to still be welcome at family events and probably even state events. She clearly wanted the Sussexes to have security in the UK. She also wanted Charles to be a better father to both of his sons. Unfortunately, Camilla has been pulling the strings for years and what Camilla wants, Camilla gets. It’s funny how Camilla gets no mention here – probably because even royalist fantasists can’t lie that blatantly – “oh, QEII would have loved to see Camilla staggering around in all of her old jewelry!” Please.

(Incidentally, the biggest lie of all in this piece is that Kate is somehow demure and mindful at funerals – Kate turned both QEII and Prince Philip’s funerals into her own little Solemn & Keen extravaganzas.)

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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100 Responses to “Mail: QEII would have ‘rolled her eyes’ at Princess Kate but still seen herself in Kate?”

  1. Alicky says:

    Yes, a woman in a black dress wiping away a tear is SUCH a distraction at a funeral. It distracts from the jewelry display a few feet away. /eyeroll/

    • equality says:

      There were reports of Eugenie wiping away tears, Zara crying, Beatrice breaking down at the funeral. Where is their mention as a “distraction”?

      • Sunnyside up says:

        But they are not interesting, they are not there to be slated by the daily mail to attract clicks and sell advertising space.

      • Chrissy says:

        But they’re all Blood Royals, don’t you know? Oh, and they’re white! That’s the difference.

    • seaflower says:

      The gaudy amount of jewelry Kate was wearing a few feet away.

      • Josephine says:

        It truly was tacky. Add the netting and her hard posing, and it’s clear who was trying to make the event all about her. Kkkhate’s display at the funeral was deliberate and classless.

    • Jais says:

      The true distraction was that people were looking at photos and shocked that Meghan was the oldest, especially in comparison to the Wales.

    • AMTC says:

      Ahh yes, the vulva necklace. Perfect for a funeral.

      • seraphina says:

        As a jewelry and bauble lover, I will say this until I am blue in the face: that necklace is beautiful. Kate being decked out like she is going to a tea party in all these jewels is a different story. But please leave this poor innocent necklace alone. 🙂

      • Jen says:

        Nope, it’s always been the hideous vulva necklace to me, even when QEII wore it.

      • KC says:

        No more jewelry shaming!

    • Flowerlake says:

      Note how the Daily Mail uses some Royal story as an excuse to talk sh*t about the Labour government.

      That is the real intention of this media: Tories in power, Labour out.

      If you look up who the owner is of the Daily Mail, you know they want the Tories back asap.

      All this casting of Meghan as the bad woman is part of that too, making the BRF (elite) look nice vs the “mean, upstart” who is not from a royal house. That is why these media are never completely loyal to Kate either. When they can’t tie something to Meghan, she is next in line for talking shit. She wasn’t born royal either.

      Thinking of that in regards to this article makes a whole lot of sense. She gets a bit of positive (as she is still loyal to the BRF), but also gets a bit of negative (still not a royal or from noble stock).

    • Noor says:

      The Daily Mail always do their best to write a trashy article.

      • KC says:

        It’s what they do best, complete with misspelling and incorrect grammar and overuse of the word “pert”.

    • Nic919 says:

      Charles had tears at one point. The reason why Kate didn’t is because she is the cold woman Harry told us she was. And she was posing for her life at the QEII funeral more than anyone.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Huesa was up to her usual Zoolander “Blue Steel” nonsense at both funerals.

        Will she be brave enough to flip Gladys the bird when it’s Fred’s turn?

    • curious says:

      QEII was respected worldwide. Im not a royalist but claiming that K is like the Queen is an enormous insult. K does nothing, except focus on herself ,has a very trashy history which keeps getting deleted. Her so-called work history is very questionable. QEII was not perfect, she worked tirelessly and publicly was admired. Claiming K is like QEII or Diana is blindly claiming that used toilet paper is the same as the finest silk.

  2. vs says:

    I actually finally understand what Kate’s problem with the public is: none of this is natural; it is all forced and I think that’s why the public never really warmed up to her. Compared her to Diana or Meghan. All the attention they get is because of them, it is not manufactured by the press.
    The windsors proved that Kate is not really needed and she could disappear for months and no one really cares as long as some know she is alive. She just exists…..

  3. equality says:

    Kate was keeping an eye on PW and her children at the funeral? So PW needs someone to keep an eye on him same as people under 12? And Meghan crying at a FUNERAL was distracting? Had it been any other of them pictured crying it would be how touching.

    • Alicky says:

      But her DRESS!

    • Eurydice says:

      “Appearing to pretend Meghan did not even exist, she kept a watchful eye on her children and Prince William”. That reads like Kate was keeping an eye so they wouldn’t be contaminated by Meghan.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Eurydice, and this woman is gonna be the Queen of the country, meet with other leaders. She can’t even be diplomatic at a funeral.

      • Eurydice says:

        @sevenblue – well, since she won’t be working for the next 12 years at least, the UK is safe from her lack of diplomacy.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Eurydice,😭😭 yeah, forgot about that. I have a feeling, she won’t miss tiara events with important people or men’s tennis tournaments though. She just doesn’t want to deal with peasants.

      • Proud Mary says:

        The fact that they would bring this up, makes it clear she is obsessed with Meghan.
        It’s like trump saying over and over , unprompted, I’m not weird.” I think the article was written by KP and Liz dutifully allowed the attribution. I remember Kate looking Meghan up and down, as she and William and their kids had to step aside, for Meghan and Harry to walk to their seats. Not only that, Kate has copied Meghan’s out fit from the funeral — that disgusting, trashy red ensemble she wore to the Korean state dinner, when she embarrassed herself by flashing her legs.

      • Becks1 says:

        I read this as “Kate was being a bitch who couldn’t even reach out to her SIL at a public event like a funeral.”

  4. Miranda says:

    Kate’s record at solemn events: Wearing hot pink (or red? Can’t remember, but either way) to the 9/11 Memorial. Eye-f–king every camera she could find at Philip’s funeral. F–king CHARGING Meghan during the walkabout. So class! Much immaculate! 🙄🙄

    Let’s not forget that QEII also made her feelings about Kate be known while she was alive: Lazy.

    • Chloe says:

      I still cannot get over the fact that she turned Prince Philips funeral into her own personal photoshoot. It was so blatant.

    • Tessa says:

      And the red cape dress where she got out of the car in a way there would be a good view of her legs.

    • Jenni says:

      Don’t forget about the floral look at a Holocaust event!!

      • Becks1 says:

        The two piece floral dress with open toed sandals (something we have rarely seen her wear at daytime events) – that was a choice.

      • Nic919 says:

        I mean it’s totally what normal people do, wear flowers and sandals when visiting the death camp at Auschwitz. 😐

        Kate should watch Zone of Interest but I somehow doubt she would understand it.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Hot pink coat, or possibly a coatdress, to NYC Ground Zero.

      Oh, and she wore yellow to a big military memorial in India. She was sans knickers at the time and her skirt flew allll the way up. Royal cheeks all over poor Al Gore’s Internet.

      • Christine says:

        She was straight up CopyKeening Jackie Kennedy at the 9/11 memorial.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Jackie would have dressed with dignity and showed up in a more somber ensemble. Jackie would also not have spent the entire time simpering and preening to the cameras and onlookers like a tawdry pick-me girl…something Kate seems compelled to do whenever she’s at an event that requires mourning/somber, quiet reflection.

        Kate’s cosplay had far more in common with Trump’s trashy wife (who also has a garish history of attempting to cosplay former First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy).

      • Lou says:

        Someone should make a report of how many times she was racist with her clothes. I remember when she wore white in her caribbr tour

  5. Pink tutu says:

    I don’t understand why the media is so scared of the Wails. The BM has been generally conservative for decades, yet they used to lay into Charles back in the day. They are terrified of offending them, so we get this syrupy guff.

    That comment about Meghan is so offensive when Kate makes everything about her. I’d love to see her put properly in her place. It won’t happen, I guess.

    • ShazBot says:

      Yeah, I don’t get it either. At this point, the media is getting absolutely nothing out of this lopsided relationship with William.

    • Jais says:

      Despite this reversal, she did get some backlash for the video. Which is more than she usually gets. And despite the BM’s “Kate never puts a foot wrong”coverage, there are a lot of facts out there for the wider world. She stayed silent when Meghan was crucified in the press for making her cry. Not a good look. She made comments about the skin color of a baby. Not a good look. And there’s so much photographic evidence of her being a rude and ungracious mean girl. Her reputation is actually pretty poor if you think about it. Maybe that’s why they have to big her up so much. I think there are some identity issues. Royalists do want to be represented by a princess they can be proud of so there’s a lot of propaganda to make Kate palatable. Also, they’re still scared of losing access, which is actually silly bc she’s not giving them anything anyways. And not planning to for the next 12 years.

    • sevenblue says:

      They probably offered something in exchange. Meghan said that is what they do when one of the royals gets a little criticism, a story about another royal was offered. Since there is no privileged access now to W&K or their children, they might have thrown another story to get a sugary one.

      • Becks1 says:

        I wonder what was offered.

        Last week this woman was one of the biggest critics of the video, and now she’s talking about how moving it was, even if QEII might have rolled her eyes at it a bit.

        Someone got a phone call from KP and was either threatened with a loss of access or offered something in return.

      • TigerMcQueen says:

        Something was offered, but I have to think at some point the rota bosses realize that going after the lazy left-behinds will generate more clicks and cash than sugary coverage that’s obviously fake.

      • Becks1 says:

        @TigerMcQueen you would think!

        I do wonder how they view the comments on some of these articles. We know they’re monitored, despite the DM et al saying they’re not – so even if they are deleting the negative comments, they’re still seeing them. They’re seeing the negative backlash even if they’re trying their hardest to prop up the royals.

        At some point some of these news outlets or RRs will realize that access isn’t worth sitting on the story that can make you a legend if you print it.

    • Proud Mary says:

      I don’t think “scared” is the the word. I think symbiotic, parasitic is more like it. They feed of each other.

      • Pink tutu says:

        Yes, that’s true. They’ve also had this relationship for decades, so in many ways this is new. It can’t just be a counterpoint to Harry and Meghan?

        They can’t threaten the media when they don’t actually do anything. They release kids / family stuff themselves on social. This is next level arse kissing and I really want to know why.

    • Normal_Islander says:

      Maybe they’re scared of the Wails because they actually know how little time Charles has left and how soon they’ll be taking over as heads of The Firm?

  6. Jais says:

    Wow, what a reversal. Phone calls were made. And Kate was her usual mean girl self at the funeral. For all to see. As usual, she saves her most ungracious behavior for church. A future queen of diplomacy she is not.

  7. Sunnyside up says:

    The late Queen was supposed to be a leftie.

  8. Digital Unicorn says:

    QE2 made her feelings about Kate known very early on with the ‘What does she do?’ comment – when they got married she graciously made the effort with both Katty and her grifter family to please William.

    And yeah QE2 would have rolled her eyes at the PR sh!tshow coming from KP in fact it would never have gotten that out of control if she had still been here.

    Kate is lazy and has always been – she’s all about the status, money and titles. William at least used to make an effort with his duties but he seems to have stopped giving AF.

    • Becks1 says:

      Let’s not forget the snub at Windsor in December 2020. That was a very clear message about how she felt re: Kate.

      QE2 would have had no time for the mess over the last 9 months. If Kate didn’t want to make a public statement about her health, fine (QE2 didn’t announce when she was diagnosed with cancer) – but the late queen kept working and making appearances. She was working two days before she died. Kate has been on a 9 month vacation.

    • Nic919 says:

      The queen never did. A Solo train ride with Kate but she did with Meghan. That must have pissed off kate.
      Kate was also rarely invited to do any events with the Queen on her own over a decade in. Sophie did them all the time.

      The Queen tolerated Kate, but even at the end she didn’t care to pretend. The Covid choo choo tour cut direct by the Queen confirmed Kate was not someone she respected.

  9. windyriver says:

    No one was more striking on any day than Meghan in that caped dress. What I remember about Kate from this time was the honking big shiny leaf (Christmas tree?) brooch with the large pearls she wore at one of the processionals. So very Kate to make sure to wear something (however tacky) to draw eyes to her as she walked in.

    And remember how TQ totally, publicly ignored Kate when they got back from the Choo Choo tour (I think that was the event)? That was TQ rolling her eyes, and sums up her attitude to this woman.

    • Miranda says:

      It was especially tasteless because it appeared that she couldn’t even wait until QEII was buried to get her hands on all those jewels. Like, days later she was wearing ostentatious evening jewelry for The Most Holy Sacrament of the School Run.

  10. Amy Bee says:

    If the press can’t use Harry and Meghan for clicks they will use the dead Queen instead. Liz Jones was obviously told to tone down the rhetoric against Kate and it’s clear that she and the rest of media were only focused on Harry and Meghan at the Queen’s funeral.

  11. Lolo86lf says:

    I think QEII would be shocked to learn that Kate has no intention to do any royal work for the next 12 years or so. Because doing charity work is so exhausting for poor little Kate, and she has to take life one day at a time. The dead queen would give her a tough- love talk.

  12. Tessa says:

    Kate did not ignore Meghan she lunged at her. The queen had the opportunity to over rule William and Charles but didn’t. Kate is nothing like the queen. The queen did not have wardrobe malfunctions like Kate or wore a see through outfit. Kate is tactless rude and wants to be the center of attention.

    • Nic919 says:

      A few days ago some outlined the issue with the video and a lot of it relates to Kate and her “chav” taste. Even over a decade in the family Kate still shows low class taste. Now that meghan is not around to provide cover, it’s obvious who the narcissist has been all along.

  13. s808 says:

    The BM is in for a long ride if a single phone call from the palace is all it takes for these people to do a U-turn and turn up the propaganda. They’ve ended up with the royals they deserve. They’re fading into obscurity right alongside their monarchy.

  14. ML says:

    Maybe it’s just me, but I read this excerpt as a strong rebuke of the RF alienating Harry. She mentioned him not being allowed to wear his military uniform in spite of actual military service, and she’s literally telling KC that he should have taken more time with Harry and William should tread carefully.
    Next, Meghan can be interpreted 2 ways: the regular RR nonsense, which LJ has a history of. However, people cry at funerals, and Meghan was the least flashy royal…who LJ then juxtaposes with K, the most flashy royal at the funeral.
    Alexander McQueen died young. She uses words like razor-sharp and striking for K’s attire. She mentions K being a mean girl to her SIL. And she brings up the royal racists.
    To me, this article is superficially about QE2’s death, but it’s dripping with frustration and a bit of venom about the official royals as well as showing a longing for Harry.

  15. Tessa says:

    Kate was grinning away in a photo call with william charles and camilla and this soon before the queens funeral

  16. twoz says:

    “ropes of creamy pearls”
    That’s a *very* odd way to describe the vag necklace.

    • Mayp says:

      LOL, I think she may have been referring to the long two stranded pearl necklace that Kate wore at some of the events around the time of the Queen’s death. Much had been made at the time that it was supposed to have been a gift from the Queen to Kate but, I’m not sure, they looked pretty cheap.

      • windyriver says:

        It sounds like she must have been referring to the “vulva” necklace in this description. What I remember with respect to pearls though, is the picture of Kate and Camilla happily smiling and chatting away at the reception for the dignitaries who had come to pay their respects to TQ. Kate is wearing a very long three strand pearl necklace, with a multi strand pearl bracelet on her right wrist, both presumably from the royal stash. TQ hadn’t even been buried at this point. Such a classy group!

        And, oh yes, this was the reception that Harry & Meghan were initially invited to, before someone decided to rescind their invitation.

    • Christine says:

      LMAO!!!!! I am so glad I was not taking a drink!

  17. TN Democrat says:

    Charles, Diana, Princess Margaret, the Queen Mum, Prince Philip and more or less the entire Windsor family used to be raked over the coals in the press regularly. Until Meghan came onto the scene, Willy and Keener used to regularly get blasted by the rota. The sickly sweet coverage of Willy and Keen while crucifing Harry and more or less leaving the rest alone is appalling. Queen Elizabeth was no fool. She saw Keener for exactly what she was (a workshy grifter). The Windsors were determined to never have another married in superstar and they knew keen fit the bill. They probably had complete dossiers on her grifting family as soon as she was in Willy’s orbit and thought they had leverage over her they never had on Diana because of her aristocratic background. Willy is completely out of touch with reality if he thinks this type of coverage is sustainable because both he and keen are charisma vaccums. The dissonance between reality and what is being screamed in the tabloids is eye opening.

  18. Hypocrisy says:

    So screaming calls were made to clean up the mess made by the articles being truthful about how cringe and self centered that video was. What’s hilarious to me is that they think that the public doesn’t see this for exactly what it is, the Invisible contract on full display. Prince Harry is booked and busy until the end of September, so I imagine WanK will be busy (in articles without new photos) until they have another extended holiday that will start the day after Prince Harry returns home after the Well Child awards.

  19. Eurydice says:

    When has Kate ever exhibited a “stoic lack of self-pity”? Would Elizabeth gone on and on for 5 years about how someone made her cry?

  20. Proud Mary says:

    First, let me remind you of the journalist Anna Pasternack, who spoke about William picking up the phone and calling the Daily Fail to blast her after her Catherine the Great article printed in Tatler. William’s rant was followed by a DF spread abusing Pasternack. Make no mistake about it, it’s the same thing that happened. This is why I roll my eyes every time people say “the tide has turned,” each time one of these toadies go off script. As long has the owners of these rags have contracts with William, the so-called journalists will come crawling back.

    Regarding the queens funeral, I think the royalist are still upset that Meghan showed more condolence and reverence for Betty than Kate. A lot of these female royalist live vicariously through Kate. And she never fails to disappoint them. Meghan’s curtsey was amazing, kate’s was half-azzed. Kate seemed to be celebrating throughout the week. I had never seen her so happy. She was trolled on line for showing up to the funeral, draped from head to toe in the queen’s jewelry. So incredibly tacky.

    • sevenblue says:

      She looked like a mob wife with all that jewelry at a funeral. Before the funeral, there was a church event where she looked very old compared to Meghan and there was a highly circulated photo where Meghan looked younger than all of them. I think, she was pissed at that, that is why her funeral photos were highly airbrushed and she tried to drape herself in royal jewelry to show off.

    • Jais says:

      It’s interesting though. No doubt Liz Jones got a phone call and I don’t know much about her perceived stature in the BM but she was not the only one writing negatively about the the video. There were actually quite a few people writing negatively about the video. Did they all get a phone call?

    • Becks1 says:

      Kate used the funeral and surrounding events to showcase herself, her new jewelry, etc.

      Meghan used it to showcase….well, nothing. She was there was a mourner, supporting her husband who had lost his grandmother. That’s why there was such outrage over her “bare forearms” – because that was all the press could say about her at the funeral. She looked much more subtle and classier than Kate and the press knew it.

  21. Blujfly says:

    It wasn’t all that watchful, Camilla had to instruct Kate to get ahold of Charlotte scampering away from her as they watched the coffin be loaded and waited for their cars

  22. Blujfly says:

    The media’s opinion is that if someone discusses themselves, that’s self-pity. I’d you use a lackey to do it for you and your entire public image is laced with pity (poor Kate the commoner that just loved William and didn’t ask for all this) that’s not.

  23. Irene says:

    Liz Jones was obviously made to attend Kim Jong Will’s re-education camp.

  24. aquarius64 says:

    The desperate rebranding of Kate. The Firm knows Kate (and William’s) reputation took a hit after Oprah and Spare and three years later it has never fully recovered. It doesn’t matter how many fluffy pieces are put out, the internet will always undercut their reporting. I still say the BM sends out the Bat Signal to hostile nations that the Crown can be blackmailed.

  25. Liz -L says:

    QEII thought Kate was lazy. And she’s an attention seeker as shown by her attendance at Wimbledon making it all about her and that awful cringeworthy video.

    She is far from being uncomplaining and stoic

    • Chrissy says:

      Only someone like Kate would take a six month self-imposed sick leave (unable to do the simplest ribbon-cutting), to pull herself out of her sickbed, to make a splashy appearance at her favourite Wimbledon’s men’s tennis match. And all to applause from the other onlookers like she deserves a cookie for getting out of bed! And she hasn’t worked since…except for the soft-focus commercial-grade propaganda film co-starring her cheating, equally lazy husband! Poor, poor Kate!/s

  26. QuiteContrary says:

    I’m no fan of the monarchy but the queen worked practically up to her demise. She was the anti-Kate.

    Kate seems to need vacations after she takes vacations.

  27. sparrow1 says:

    As I’ve said before, Kate will now be defined by delicate health, as women were in the nineteenth century, and we’ll be left feeling hugely grateful when she turns up 3/4 times a year or she has the strength to do a zoom call. They’ve obviously picked up on her Elizabeth like stoicism in the video, without realising that this was a sham and a manipulation: the “I’ve got cancer” but not revealing what type was Kate’s attempt at sounding all nobly suffering and regal but, in reality, it helped her get away with giving a recovery time for a knowable cancer. I can’t stand that video. In particular it’s old style montage which, in being not of this time, is a meta version of nostalgia by using two steps back filming methods. As resignation letters go, it’s pathetic. It hoodwinked people for a good while, but, judging by comments on the DM, readers are just coming round to the fact that she’s opted out and that she’s as lazy as ever. What if the king is truly sicker than thought: she’ll have to be queen. Dear heavens, that will be work. The thing is, whether they are tax payer funded or not, the PERCEPTION is that they are funded by us. Sympathy will soon dry up for this workshy and wasteful woman.

  28. Tanisha says:

    Them pearls were not demure or mindful but hmmkay.

  29. Lady Digby says:

    I suspect Will’s gran was equally appalled by both W and K who are well matched at coasting through life on crack baby cocktails. The late Queen served over 70 years, rain or shine, even at 95 with cancer she greeted Boris and Liz Truss on her last work day. She was dutiful. Now W and K seem like some self indulgent method actors by comparison as in, won’t show up until they they are in the right mood and mumbling away, self concerned and self involved. The late Queen was under no illusions that either one was up to snuff and probably rued the day Mr lazy married Mrs lazy.

  30. Lmaozedong says:

    The Soprano family had a better sense of self-preservation than the BRF. More entertaining, too!

  31. VilleRose says:

    Every time I see a picture of Kate at QEII’s funeral, I’m reminded how she wore that hat with the HUGE veil and that gaudy necklace. I knew she would try to steal the show and act as Mourner in Chief. Camilla had a veil too but it was small and her hat was a lot smaller. You can barely see her necklace. She looked appropriate. Kate did not. I was so distracted by Kate at QEII’s funeral and not by Meghan.

  32. chatter says:

    QEII never would have OK’d that video of W&family with Kate rolling around in the grass!
    QE famously once said something about “You must protect the magic of royalty, shining light on it diminishes it into dust”
    She was correct about that!
    The more we see of the BRF the more they show us how very unnecessary they are to daily life.

  33. chatter says:

    Photo #2. That pearl necklace is gorgeous.
    And could easily be auctioned off for a good $$ for charity.

    I hate the Monarchy.
    The entire 1000 year run of endless suffering brought to the citizens, of so many countries.
    Ireland, I beg you, demand your Freedom from British rule. (Yes, my fam has lots of Irish)
    Oz has been gaining a good amount of citizens leaning toward breaking away.
    Canada? OMG, the day Canada tells the BRF to pound sand will be fabulous.
    I hope I live to see it.

    QEII held on so long. KC, W will not. I truly think when Charles goes a very large push from “their” United Kingdom will happen.

  34. Thelma says:

    Let’s not rewrite history: it is well-known that Queen Elizabeth thought Kate was lazy and wondered what she did with her time. Princess Anne is a mother and seems to have juggled motherhood and royal duties just fine.

    • Becks1 says:

      Princess Anne, Diana, Sophie – I’m not sure about Sarah Ferguson but I get the impression she worked regularly.

      Kate is the outlier.

    • Nic919 says:

      There were many articles using the quote “but what does she do?” That was blasted out during the dating years when Kate having spent no time working and just going on holiday with William when he felt like having her around.

      The Queen did not care for Kate but tolerated her. She did not give her the family order until Harry was engaged to Meghan and even then it was sketchy as to when she was given it. No one ever waited longer for the family order than kate did because no woman was ever as lazy as her, especially someone married to a future king.

  35. JDLS says:

    I swear she looks like Jackie Collins in those first two photos 😂

  36. Saucy&Sassy says:

    “The Queen would be dismayed, perhaps, that her generation, the one that built this country, is seemingly being unfairly punished by a new Labour government …”. You mean the government with the help of the bm that pulled the UK out of the EU? The government that has done everything it can to break UK health system? Should I go on? Idiots.

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