Sean Combs was denied bail again, because they believe he’ll tamper with witnesses

Sean Combs was arrested in Manhattan on Monday evening and held overnight ahead of his Tuesday arraignment. On Tuesday, there was an hours-long hearing over bail, with Combs’ lawyers asking for Combs to be released on a $50 million bond. After a few closed-door sessions, the judge said absolutely not, no bail in this case. Combs’ lawyers immediately appealed. They were shut down again on Wednesday and Combs remains remanded to jail. I thought this was primarily about the flight risk Combs poses, but apparently the prosecution is much more worried about witness tampering.

Sean “Diddy” Combs was denied bail again on Wednesday, Sept. 18, a day after a federal judge in Manhattan remanded him to await trial at a jail in Brooklyn.

The rapper was initially denied bail during his arraignment in Manhattan’s federal court on Tuesday, Sept. 17, and remanded to jail. A different judge denied his request for bail on Wednesday. Combs’ legal team promptly appealed the judge’s decision to deny bail, and returned to court the following afternoon. In a Sept. 17 letter to the judge, Combs’ lawyers described conditions at Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn as “horrific” and “not fit for pre-trial detention.”

His defense proposed in court Wednesday that Combs live at home alone in Florida with a 24/7 security team that would monitor a pre-approved guest list. He offered to give up any access to his cell phone or internet, and in the words of his lawyer, Marc Agnifilo, “do nothing but prepare for his trial.”

But Judge Andrew L. Carter, Jr. said that “there is no condition or combination of conditions to ensure he will not obstruct justice or tamper with witnesses.”

Combs, dressed in the same black shirt and gray striped sweatpants he wore during his first bail hearing on Tuesday, dipped his head, looking down at the defense table when he heard the judge’s decision.

In a 14-page indictment unsealed in the Southern District of New York Tuesday, Combs was charged with one count each of racketeering conspiracy, sex trafficking by force, fraud or coercion and transportation to engage in prostitution. Calling Combs “a serial abuser,” Assistant District Attorney Emily A. Johnson said in court Tuesday that the rapper had demonstrated a “pattern of abuse” and for years been “undeterred” by law enforcement. “He is an extreme danger to the community,” she added.

[From People]

“There is no condition or combination of conditions to ensure he will not obstruct justice or tamper with witnesses” – that’s WILD. I mean, think about how wealthy people are treated by the American justice system. Think about the kind of offer Combs’ lawyers made to the court: no internet, no cell phone, house arrest, monitors. And the judge was like “nah, he would still find a way to bribe, threaten, extort, harass, cajole and abuse.” Which is true, Combs absolutely would find a way, and the prosecution already has evidence that Combs has done just that. Justice was delayed, but it seems like it’s all happening now.

Speaking of, one of Combs’ most outspoken critics and whistle-blowers has always been Aubrey O’Day. For years – decades – she’s been openly discussing his abuse and for years, Combs has been doing the most to punish her career. After years of trying to raise Sean Combs’ issues, she finally feels validated.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images.

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54 Responses to “Sean Combs was denied bail again, because they believe he’ll tamper with witnesses”

  1. I’m glad the judge is protecting the witnesses by keeping him locked up. However I am willing to bet he will have his minions out there tampering with the witnesses. He has a very large network that works for him.

    • Laurie says:

      If there’s a “no contact” order in place, its not just for Diddy. It also means that if ANYONE from his web of perverts tries to contact victims, witnesses, OR their families, Diddy will be dragged back into court & sanctioned along with whoever did the contacting. No contact means no contact.

      • SarahCS says:

        I hope all the potential witnesses are aware of that, I still worry they will be threatened into silence.

    • kirk says:

      Judge Andrew L. Carter, Jr., and the prior judge who denied bail, sound like they’re absolutely on top of this case, “there is no condition or combination of conditions to ensure he will not obstruct justice or tamper with witnesses.” Damian Williams, US Attorney for SDNY said Combs didn’t do it all on his own, he “used his business and employees of that business and other close associates to get his way.” Federal racketeering charge, usually used for Mob, means anyone in the enterprise could face their own criminal charges. The investigation is “active and ongoing.”

      MDC Brooklyn sounds like it has multiple problems, the only fed facility in NY after they closed crumbling MCC where Epstein killed himself. As for defense lawyers calling MDC Brooklyn “horrific,” consider dictionary definition of “horrific” – “having the power to horrify.”

      That would be true of any jail cell in Diddy’s eyes. Too bad, so sad. Not.

    • bisynaptic says:


  2. girl_ninja says:

    Good. I hope he’s miserable everyday and that he never knows peace. Serial rapist, terrorist and possible murder. Burn in hell.

    • DK says:

      The idea that his lawyers claimed the jail he is in is “too horrific” to await trial is what got me in this article.

      Too horrific? Are people assaulting him? Raping him? Trafficking him to others? Doing what he did to so many women?

      No? Then sit down and be quiet.

      • Kitten says:

        He locked women in hotel rooms for DAYS on end, torturing and beating them.
        I generally avoid encouraging violence in our carceral system but I make an exception in this case: I hope he gets the same treatment as his victims.

      • Turtledove says:

        I’m not really saying anything different from you, but presumably other people are detained in that “too horrific” jail. What did those people do if it’s too bad for Diddy?

  3. aquarius64 says:

    Diddy must be in isolaion to avoid another Epstein situation. Competent guards, working cameras, the whole deal. Anyone who attended those freak offs are sweating now because most likely their names will come out. Will Diddy squeal for a deal?

    • ML says:

      Is this court in Manhattan the same one as the court Epstein and Maxwell attended? If so, they seem to have their ducks in s row and do a good job of getting justice. It really says a lot that the court can unequivocally deny bail based on probable witness tampering—they must have solid evidence of him having done this more than once.
      I hope his victims receive justice and peace.

      • Bumblebee says:

        I read the prosecutor told the judge Coombs personally texted and called a potential witness in his most recent a civil case 58 times over 4 days. The texts/calls stopped immediately after she posted a ‘denial’ that she saw anything and that she experienced things differently than what the victim was saying.

      • ML says:

        Bumblebee, Thanks for the info. Yikes: 58 times!

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      Given the charges he faces he will absolutely take everyone else down with him even if he keeps his mouth shut the video tapes he kept will burn them all down.

      The judge is clearly not going to play.

  4. Mrs. Smith says:

    I read elsewhere that the defense said the conditions in the jail were “horrific” and therefore Sean should be allowed bail. 🤣

    • Lauren says:

      Yes, because the prince is too good for the horrific Jail conditions major eye roll. What he did to his victims was horrific no one cares about how he feels.

    • seraphina says:

      Well, I guess he should have acted like a decent human being so he could enjoy not only the luxury his vast wealth could purchase, but also privacy when using the bathroom or showering.

  5. Mirelle says:

    Diddy has a network of enablers that can terrorize witnesses without his explicit permission. I doubt he would tamper with witnesses in person nor would he need to give any directive to his network for this to happen. I suspect a lot of big wig players have a lot to lose — they’ll take matters into their own hands.

  6. HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

    Defense attorneys will always argue for bail. That’s their job, I get it. But I think the judge is actually doing them a favor; they won’t have to worry as much about what he’ll do before the trial if he’s locked up. I applaud the judge for seeing that he’s too much of a danger to the witnesses to be let out before trial.

  7. It is a good thing that the orange one would never think of tampering with witnesses

  8. Amy Bee says:

    People on twitter were saying that he was calling people on Saturday so yeah I understand why the prosecution is against bail.

    • seraphina says:

      So he was smart enough to witness tamper but he left all that evidence (oil/lube and videos). He KNEW he was going to go down, right? Or did he still think he could get away with it.

  9. Bumblebee says:

    Bring on the wheelchair, heart problems, balding, slumping, aging, pity me face. It’s amazing what justice does when it finally comes for a horrible person like this.

  10. SIde Eye says:

    Can I just say karma has been a patient gangsta in 2024? This news is right on the heels of VP Harris whooping that ass in a debate. Back to your cell Diddler- those horrific conditions are nothing compared to what you put your victims through.

    2024 the year of Women! LFG! See you in November at the polls! May they all fall like a bunch of weak, trifling ass dominos.

  11. Dorianne says:

    The fact this vile piece of dog excrement even THINKS he’s worthy of bail is just the apex of malignant narcissism.

  12. GoodWitchGlenda says:

    I think ol Puffy will not see freedom for many years if ever again.

  13. chatter says:

    Flight risk. He’d run first thing.
    No bail for him.

  14. Serena says:

    Oh that’s fantastic news. Keep h8m in jail, let him rot there with his accomplices!

  15. Eowyn says:

    I hope tons of co-conspirators get taken out through this case.

  16. VilleRose says:

    Good. He deserves to stay locked up for the rest of his miserable life. I hope his twin daughters are somewhere safe and away from his enablers. I don’t have much hope for his sons, he probably initiated them into his disgusting lifestyle. Why are men so terrible? Not sure if anyone has followed the story of French woman Gisele Pelicot and the trial going on around her, it’s huge news in France right now. Not going to summarize it as the details are too upsetting but her ex-husband and the 50+ men involved in her SA deserve to rot in prison for life.

    • SarahCS says:

      That who I keep thinking of as well, one the one hand I’m so pleased these cases are seeing the light of day (in her case because she insisted it be open) and at the same time we have the local mayor saying something along the lines of ‘but no one was killed’ and a newspaper (The Telegraph?) using the term ‘revenge’ in a headline about her. Justice, the word you’re after is justice. UGH.

    • Kitten says:

      I talking to my husband about this and he was shocked. I had to explain to him that what was done to Ms. Pelicot, although on an almost unfathomably large scale, is far more common than we know. Listen to the podcast Betrayal.

      And didn’t the defense lawyers insinuate that she consented to a decade of rape?? Even thought the videos clearly show that she was comatose??

      But yeah, I literally almost threw up reading the details of that case. I hope she gets the vindication that she deserves and the therapy that she needs because PHEW, that is some seriously vile shit.

      • Izzy says:

        The defense lawyers asked her if she lived a “libertine” lifestyle. I hope every one of them rots.

      • VilleRose says:

        The mayor of the town made comments along the lines of “at least she doesn’t remember any of it” and compared it another similar case in a neighboring town where the woman was conscious and can remember the assaults and how that more traumatizing. He’s really trying to distance the town from the case and it comes across as so tone deaf, saying things like “well the couple wasn’t from Mazan, they were from Paris” (they moved to Mazan when they retired and had been there for over a decade). I was very moved by the videos showing her exiting the courtroom and everyone cheering her on saying “We are with you!” You could see her getting emotional.

    • Golly Gee says:

      I think France suffers from pervasive sexism. Look at what Gerald Marie has gotten away with. I don’t know if it’s a sense of entitlement or what, but it is the attitudes of men that prevail and women are discounted and silenced. Not just sexually. There was this big news story about a postmistress in France and the post office was defrauded of a huge amount of money by a scammer. It was an all the news media and she was shamed and ridiculed mercilessly. There were also men who lost tons of money to the same scammer, but that never made it into the newspapers.

    • chatter says:

      I’ve read the details of that case.
      Death penalty for the Husband + 50 years to life with no parole for one of the others charged, the law should move with quickness to get those scum off the planet.

  17. lucy2 says:

    Yet another person I’ve always gotten bad vibes from, for like decades.
    Glad the judge is holding firm and not giving him the chances to harass and threaten witnesses. I hope the prosecutors have an air tight case, and anyone and everyone who participated in this horrific abuse is held accountable.

  18. Renee' says:

    I find the silence from industry peers and celebrities scary. Why aren’t they calling out this behavior? When Weinstein was arrested, there were several Hollywood industry people who made statements. But so far with Diddy….it’s crickets.
    Is it because so many attended parties or at the least knew about his crimes? I don’t know the answer but their silence is deafening.

  19. Charlotte says:

    “Tamper with” = “murder”

    Good on the judge for denying him bail. If he was white, he’d be out, which sucks about our justice system, but at least he’s locked up for the meanwhile.

    • Luna says:

      Yes, and why are so many people willing to do his bidding?

    • Anna Nonymous says:

      That’s an excellent point that witness tampering here means murdering the witnesses and or credibly threatening them to. On CNN legal analyst Ellie Honig spoke about this phase of his trial from his experience as a prosecutor is that this case is still being formed in the sense that Prosecutors are publishing the arrest, story, and his detention so that other accusers can feel comfortable that he’s currently in jail and they can come forward to share their story. I hope he spends the rest of his life in that horrible jail. It still will be NOTHING compared to the decades of pain, horror, beatings, black eyes, concussions, bruises, mental and emotional anguish and torture he put those in his life through. Cassie was with him being beaten and literally trapped for ten years. His attorney said it was a tumultuous relationship and they both were abusive. What a crock. Being abused, raped, beaten, choked by a drunk and high narcissist used sexually by multiple men while most of the victims were underaged or barely legal? The man is unredeemable scum that freely kicked, punched and abused all of his spouses for his entire adult life. Kim Porter his kids Mom ended her own life. Throw the book at him. Throw away the key.

    • bisynaptic says:


  20. UpIn Toronto says:

    Id love to put all these toxic men (Diddy, Elon, Weinstein, Peter Thiel, Andrew Tate, Joe Rogan, Vance, etc) on a ship with enough fuel for a one way trip to Mars today

  21. Arhus says:

    He absolutely would tamper with witnesses. I wonder how quickly this will be brought to trial.

    I wish these news stories about how Wendy Williams or Aubrey O’Day were right about Diddy or sounding the alarm actually gave examples or links! They’re all just people saying they told us blah blah. When I search it’s all just the exact same story linking the exact same tweets. What did they say about him?!

  22. chatter says:

    I would love to see this set a new record for how quickly this goes to trial.
    Federal prison for life. Diddy and as many of his fellow criminals as they can convict.

    Why did so many know and cover for him?

  23. Airmid says:

    Correction – One of Combs’ most outspoken critics and whistle-blowers is Jaguar Wright

  24. Anon says:

    Well well well. And WHO (or whom if more than one) might show up under this latest DM headline: Supermodels, singers, social media stars and significant royals: As jailed Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs is accused of hosting sex-fueled ‘freak parties’, a look at his social circle of celebrity friends and acquaintances…..

    Andrew is depressed. William is a mess……things that make you go hum……..

  25. bisynaptic says:

    Diddy should have run for POTUS. Then they’d let him out.

    • bisynaptic says:

      BTW, If he can intimidate witnesses, while under house arrest, he can do the same, in prison. He was denied bail, because the judge wanted to throw his ass in prison—don’t forget: he’s Black.

  26. Mina_Esq says:

    It’s amusing to me when criminals complain about being placed and forced to live amongst their ilk – other criminals. My dude, that’s how we feel when you’re walking amongst us. That’s why you’re in jail. Take a look in the mirror – you are them, they are you.

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