George Clooney & Brad Pitt looked ‘too old’ to be movie stars at the ‘Wolfs’ premiere

This is too funny. Last month, Apple quietly pulled Wolfs from a wide theatrical release. Apple had initially planned to spend a lot of money promoting Brad Pitt and George Clooney’s big on-screen reunion in Wolfs, and Apple was definitely looking to make back some money given the bloated production cost and George and Brad’s bloated salaries. Then Apple executives saw the film and they were like… you know what, nope, let’s dump this on streaming.

It was clear that George and Brad had initially planned a huge promotional tour too, and we saw the early remnants of that plan – the joint GQ cover, George and Amal doing the most to rehabilitate Brad’s image, Brad making his red-carpet debut with Ines de Ramon in Venice. But now that it’s been established that Wolfs is a mess which would have bombed at the box office, George and Brad aren’t even trying anymore. These photos are from last night’s LA premiere. George didn’t even bring Amal! And Brad didn’t bring Ines. That’s the biggest sign that they don’t give a sh-t about Wolfs anymore – they wouldn’t even use their partners to bring some extra pizzazz to the carpet (Ines did come to the afterparty though). I’m sure George and Brad would say that they have enough pizzazz on their own. But they both looked like ass and Brad has really f–ked up his face. They are both way too old to be doing any of this.

Speaking of, a few nights ago, George appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live. Kimmel brought up George’s NYT op-ed in which George declared that Joe Biden was “too old” and he needed to “step aside” and Democrats should have a mini-primary because the primary votes cast for Pres. Biden and VP Harris don’t count, and don’t worry about the money either. Like, go back and read how f–king insane that guest column was. Anyway, since Biden stepped down, George has been furiously backtracking and trying to claim that no one will remember his NYT op-ed. George addressed it again and it does feel like he’s really trying to convince people that they should not care about what he wrote two months ago.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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77 Responses to “George Clooney & Brad Pitt looked ‘too old’ to be movie stars at the ‘Wolfs’ premiere”

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  1. Agnes says:

    Pretty boys belong on Hollywood Squares when they turn into crusty old men. Or maybe one of them will go on DWTS. We are never going to forget, George Rosemary Clooney.

  2. girl_ninja says:

    I’ll say it again. They should have this film with Michael B. Jordan and Glen Powell as the leads. These aren’t the types of movies anyone wants to see Pitt and Clooney in anymore.

    And not only did they look old but they looked thirsty. Hamming it up. Shucking and jiving. It was cringe worthy.

    • Kate says:

      Hmm, I kind of think you’re coming a little hard for them. “ But they both looked like ass and Brad has really f–ked up his face. They are both way too old to be doing any of this.” Too old to be acting? I think if the same comment was made about Sandra Bullock and Cate Blanchett everyone would be telling that you can’t say older women look like ass and shouldn’t be acting any longer? What about Walter Matthau and Jack Lemon? I think this is more about who they are than what they’re doing for a movie red carpet.

      • Notjust says:

        100% agree

      • Banana says:

        Well said. I was trying to figure out what they shouldn’t be doing anymore. I don’t think they have the charisma together or separately they once had but that’s different. I know this is weird but I felt once Clooney got with Amal, she took away shine from him somehow. He lost stature and now it’s like something is missing. But I don’t think that’s age. I didn’t watch Kimmel but he’s usually pretty charming when interviewed.

        (Just saw comment about Clooney having serious medical issues which I was not aware of.)

      • Lauren says:

        Walter Matthau and Jack Lom embraced their age in their work, though.

      • C says:

        Pitt is in denial though. I remember when Luke Perry went to visit the set of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and Leonardo DiCaprio and Pitt were both saying “he was such an icon of our teen years growing up!” (Pitt was born 3 years before Luke Perry). The interviewer didn’t even realize this! If a woman said that it would have been highlighted and a source of ridicule for her. But with Pitt nobody even noticed? Lol.

      • MrsBanjo says:

        Walter Matthau and Jack Lemon played to their ages. They didn’t cling to this idea that they were still 20/30-something heartthrobs. Pitt and Clooney are trying to avoid their ages. They’re too old for this type of movie. They can’t sell it.

      • girl_ninja says:

        For me it’s about the material. Are they both objectively still attractive? Yes. I also think that for a role like this, there could be some script revisions, and the casting should be of younger actors. I certainly don’t believe that older actors should be put out to pasture but there should be an elevation.

    • Amy Bee says:

      @Girl Ninja: I had similar thoughts about the casting for this movie. Brad and George were too old for these roles.

    • SarahCS says:

      That’s a movie I would very much have gone to watch.

    • tealily says:

      That’s a good take, I think. When I saw the preview the first thing I thought was that I don’t want to see these two in something. The second thing I thought was that it looked like a throwback to 90s/00s movies. Combined, this is just something that seems stale and unwatchable. With fresh casting, it could hit some notes that aren’t being hit in the current slate of new releases and could be a comfy watch!

  3. Mario says:

    Wow. That’s all I can say because I have a strict self-prohibition against criticizing appearance (or the natural ravages of age, which comes for us all), but, yeah. Pitt has done too much and Clooney…. shouldn’t be judging anyone on an aged appearance, gait, or anything else.

    • Snuffles says:

      George has a history of severe medical issues. He had a spinal cord injury and chronic pain. It might be catching up with him.

  4. Hannah says:

    Clooney looks shrunken and frail. I know he has pretty nasty back problems (iirc) and Pitt reminds me of a bottle blonde version of a pudgy, bloated Depp (from too much drinking) he really should have had his fillers done months ago so they had enough time to *settle* before this promo

    • lanne says:

      It may be just the picture, but Brad looks like he’s leaning on an invisible cane. Or that he accidentally left his cane at home.

      When people come at them for age, I don’t take it as age shaming. Films about older people should be played by older people, and older people should be visible and celebrated. It’s that they’re still holding on to their “dashing young male lead” eras way past their expiry date. Both of them should allow themselves to play characters their age. It’s seedy of them to try to appeal to 20 something women. That time is past. In fact, they are giving me glimpses of Mae West’s movie “Sextette.” She was in her 80s playing a “leading young lady” role with Timothy Dalton as her love interest. The film was awkward to watch, but it’s probably a camp classic now (or it should be, just on the basis of Mae West’s vivacity!) Lots of vaseline on the camera lens.

      Hang it up, Brad and George. They got to play “hot young lead” for a lot longer than women ever get. They had their ride, and now it’s time to transition to age appropriate roles.

  5. Lolo86lf says:

    They do look old. Clooney’s approach to Joe Biden’s age was a bit too brutal. It will take years for us to forget his comments.

  6. Jais says:

    I mean I think there’s a space for older actors and interesting roles to be created. But that’s not the kind of roles they’re looking for. Especially not Brad. And the nyt article will not be forgotten regardless of how much George tries to play it off like it was NBD. If it wasn’t, he wouldn’t be acting like it was. And he follows that up by doing big glossy magazine covers with a domestic abuser and then hanging out on a red carpet with a domestic abuser. Yikes.

  7. Lucy2 says:

    Both of them have coasted on their looks and “charm“ for their whole lives and are never used to there being any consequences.
    Lol at George thinking no one will remember what he did, dude everyone will. And finally I am starting to see Brad‘s history of abuse against his wife and children brought up every time he is discussed.

  8. Amy Bee says:

    I mean somebody had to do the Op ed but shouldn’t have been George Clooney or any other actor.

    • MrsBanjo says:

      No. No one actually had to do the Op ed. It was completely unnecessary.

      • Amy Bee says:

        Biden needed to step aside so the Op ed was necessary.

      • lucy2 says:

        Biden stepping aside was clearly the right call, but no op-ed was needed. There should have been conversations with him, his family, his advisors, etc. Not a movie star using celebrity to do get an op-ed published.

      • Mere says:

        Yes, someone did. Biden was saying he would only step down if God himself told him to do it. The pressure on Biden to step down was crucial. He had to go. None of us knew that Kamala would wow us like she did, and when she did everyone fell in line, which was great for us – politically. But it wasn’t terribly democratic. If Kamala hadn’t performed so well since then people would be complaining there wasn’t more of a process.

      • StarWonderful says:

        Right! The Op-Ed was unnecessary — and cruel!

      • tealily says:

        Do y’all really think the op-ed was the thing that turned the tide? C’mon.

      • Kitten says:

        The Op Ed didn’t turn the tide but it echoed what so many of us were thinking and in that sense, it was validating.

  9. Mirelle says:

    The ultimate pick me, look at me try-hards. They act like out-of-touch hipsters trying to play up to the crowd. Look at us! We’re cool! We still got it! So disingenuous.

  10. MsIam says:

    Clooney definitely looks like he’s lost weight and not in a good way. Hopefully its just stress. Brad is giving old used car salesman vibes, there’s something creepy about him.

    • Cali says:

      I was thinking about the weight loss too. George looks best when he is a little beefier.
      He looked good in Hail Caesar and that was less than 10 years ago. I always thought George would age like Cary Grant but he is changing rapidly.
      Right now he looks gaunt and frail. I hope he is able to get better but something is going on with him.
      I wish him well health wise.

  11. Mslove says:

    I don’t know if it’s the lighting, but Clooney looks yellow. And Brad looks like he showered for once.

  12. Angelica Schuyler says:

    George Clooney can F all the way off. He tried to step around the VP and many of us will neither forgive nor forget this any time soon. As for their movie, I am definitely not watching it. George and Brad look so bad now because they are trying to hold onto their fleeting youth. They gained a lot of their success by being eye candy and now that they are clearly NOT eye candy anymore, they have not aged well into being older actors. Some men age gracefully and still keep their sex appeal, but these two come across with the same type of desperate energy that Madonna has. It’s like they’re in denial that time has caught up with them. Instead of being sexy men in their sixties, they look like old men trying to look like they’re still in their thirties.
    It’s kind of sad really…

    • Hypocrisy says:

      George definitely tried to tank the Democratic Party ticket right before the election.. it was unforgivable imo.

    • Jegede says:

      Only the Slate comments are 90% defending Brad. #sameold😕

      • ANDREA1 says:

        Its really sad

      • Jegede says:

        I miswrote 99% of the comments are defending Brad!!!🤔

      • lucy2 says:

        Probably some hired bots, I’d think.
        That Vulture article called Ines, 31, relatively age appropriate for Pitt, 60. Um…

      • Jegede says:

        I’m wary of how the bots angle is always the go-to for discerning opinions in all discourse.
        Should add I’m a Slate subscriber -😉 – the tone of engagement/debate in comments is very much the norm.

      • lucy2 says:

        Well then maybe they’re legit comments, but it hasn’t been unusual for PR teams to use bots to fake support for someone like that. Depp was a prime example.

      • Lauren says:

        @ Jegede

        Actually it’s not if you read anything about what is going on with Pitt you will see why people are saying it’s bots.

        Just a f.Y.I Pitt hired Johnny Depp and Harvey Weinstein as crisis managers. It was already outed in articles a couple of years ago that their crisis manager hired a bunch of bots to flood social media news comment sections. People are seeing the same pattern with Pitt that they saw with both Depp and Weinstein. We know that there are always going to be people who depend on abusers👀, but that doesn’t take away, the fact that they do flood the Internet with bots.

  13. Hypocrisy says:

    My favorite movies of all time are the Grumpy old men ones.. I loved both those actors have watched movies just because they are in them. So old men can still attract audiences. What I will never support is any actor, politician or celebrity that is an abuser or been accused of abuse and the friends that support the abuser are on my no-go list also. Brad continues his abuse through the media and courts, and George has attached himself and defended Brads abuse. I would not waste my time or money supporting or watching anything with either of these actors ever again.

    • strah says:

      Well said! I have no problem with their age or appearance but knowing what Brad has put his family through and what George said about Biden, as well as his support of Brad, has cast a shadow over both of them.
      There’s a lot of media in the world, I’m not interested in seeing projects with either of these two involved.

  14. Jegede says:

    If Brad debloated he could look like a latter-day Robert Redford.
    The white shoes are ……..😨😨😨😨😨😨

    In all seriousness, Clooney looks unhealthy.

  15. HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

    Imagine enduring what every woman in Hollywood has to endure once she’s 40 years old….continuous scrutiny about their physical appearance and questions about whether they can carry a film. I can’t feel bad for these guys. They’ve got their money.

  16. North of Boston says:

    Clooney shifted his acting persona 5-10 years ago, he’s now leaning heavily into aging guy who is irritated and angry and put upon by someone… eg that movie he did with Julia Roberts as exes at their kid’s wedding. Even just from the trailer it was SO off-putting. Like, I’ve had enough first dates with middle aged divorced dudes with that irritated/whiny/angry energy over something, or someone, refusing to just be a grown up and enjoy the moment they’re in. So, no, i didn’t want a 2nd date and I don’t want to pay $$ to spend a couple hours with one … it’s not charming, appealing or attractive, it’s 100% self-centered energy.

    And that what wafts off him now in appearances too. He lost his dignity, playfulness and charm. Bro-ing up Pitt is the nail in the coffin.

    And Pitt the rage abusive dude is just NO! NO! NO! Forever NO! At this point.

    • SueBarbri33 says:

      I actually accidentally saw that movie with Julia Roberts. I still think George Clooney looks good on film, but there was a scene on the beach and in the sun where both of them looked absolutely ancient to the point where I thought I was watching On Golden Pond for a few moments. Except, of course On Golden Pond was a great movie with good acting.

    • strah says:

      Your comment made me think, ‘George must be deciding to pick up the roles that Jack Nicholson used to play’ and many of those films have not aged well.

  17. Jay says:

    Hmm – funnily enough, George still seems to be giving his all to promote this movie. It’s Pitt who is pulling the dynamic down, Franco-style, like he’s too cool. Almost like he’s a selfish partner, huh…

    I’m comparing this promo to the movie Clooney did with Julia Roberts a couple of years ago, the one where they played the divorced parents who hate each other and then inevitably fall back in love? I fully admit that I didn’t see it, it wasn’t for me, but it did decent at the box office, and a big part of that was doing promo together and convincing people that it was fun for them to work together again. That strategy only works if both people are in on it!

  18. chatter says:

    Cary Grant was a handsome and charming man well into his last days.
    To me, Clooney has always been weakly cos playing as CG.
    Brad Pitt has always been Robert Redford lite.

    The Oceans movies benefitted from both of them playing off their “Hey, we are eye candy movie stars having fun making $$ from this lite comedy, join us.”

    Grant, Newman, Redford = classic stars with talent.

    I know too much about their personal lives now.
    Hard pass on both.

    • SueBarbri33 says:

      Yep–and I’ll add that my favorite Cary Grant movie is Walk Don’t Run, where he plays an older guy helping a young couple get together. Charming stuff. George doesn’t have the chops.

  19. beff says:

    George looks like he’s jaundiced. Brad needs to find a new plastic surgeon, his current one hates him.

  20. elle says:

    I wouldn’t say too old as much as too unappealng.

    George looks weird – like he got a chin implant he didn’t need. Is it because his face has gotten gaunt?

    • lucy2 says:

      I agree – ageism isn’t the way here, let’s focus on the lack of appeal both of these men now have.
      Personally I’ve been off Pitt since he dumped his first wife and blamed her for not giving him kids, and then hid behind the children he did have and his “philanthropy” to avoid criticism. Not always a popular opinion around these parts! But he’s been a problem for a long time. Clooney, I was a fan of for a long time, but in recent years, not so much, and lately not at all. He does not look well here.

      • tealily says:

        I agree completely! Pitt showed himself to be a shitbag pretty early on. Clooney more recently and not to the same degree, but this whole thing in a big ew.

  21. Lauren says:

    Clooney does look frail. The weight loss has given him the bobblehead look and age him. Pitt looked better with the sunglasses it helped hide all the work he had done to his face.

    Someone said in another post that they saw a video of Clooney and Pitt’s press interview in Venice, and Pitt’s behavior was erratic, and even at times, Clooney looked annoyed by it I wonder if that’s why Pitt wasn’t on the Jim Kimmel show. Oddly, they didn’t do the interview together. When Clooney did that movie with Julia Roberts a couple of years ago, they promoted the movie together, and their chemistry and energy sold it. While Pitt and Clooney’s promo just feels lackluster it’s not giving the Oceans chemistry they once had. They were using their partners as a buffer to rehabilitate Pitt’s image and sell a dynamic duo power couple image that fell flat in Venice.

  22. MOHN says:

    Temu Heidi Fleiss girlfriend was there, Temu Brad Pitt just didn’t allow her on the red carpet with him, just like he did at Venice. I can see why amal sat this out .

  23. Gail Hirst says:

    I don’t remember whether it was on a JLo post on a Clooney post, but someone recommended the movie “Out of Sight”, so I bought the DVD and watched it last weekend.
    Clooney (though he knew it, which was a little off-putting) was smolderingly lava sex appeal.
    So was JLo. It was a fun caper, but what held it together was their dynamic couple appeal.
    Though I was disappointed in the ending, which I felt was very weak. The movie just sort of trailed off without any conclusion, seemed to me. I suppose I was just supposed to decide for myself if they figured out a way to be together or not.
    Anyway, my point was they were having FUN making the move and it showed.
    Doesn’t look like anyone is having fun here. And I shall never, ever look at any new work either of these two are in or produce because we know who they are now.

  24. chatter says:

    Clooney and his political op going after Biden, makes zero difference to me.
    I pay attention to the candidates, the policies, etc. myself.
    My vote is not influenced by any celeb making their views known.

    Clooney and Pitt can both move into producing as they age. But they do need to face their ages, same as the females in Hollywood.
    Hollywood is not kind to actors aging, it’s $$. The day Cruise movies stop earning he’ll be out too.

  25. Diamond Rottweiler says:

    Real question that perplexes me: why did both Clooney and Amal spend so much of their currency trying to rehab the POS that is Pitt? What was the upside of rolling around in his enormous stink after spending years carefully curating their brand as serious and respectable do gooders?? Does Clooney need the money and thinks it’s worth clowning with the likes of a man that even his children won’t have anything to do with?? It’s such a strange choice for them. Money is the answer to most questions like this, but I thought he was doing fine with all that tequila loot. What do you think?

    • tealily says:

      Maybe a sense of duty to friendship? Like, “this guy doesn’t have anyone else pulling for him and he’s never hurt ME personally…”

      • Erica says:

        Except they’re not that close.  Clooney’s real celebrity friends are Matt Damon and Julia Roberts; they have all gone on multiple vacations with each other and are constantly visiting each other’s homes. While Pitt and Clooney have lived down the road from each other in France for years and have never been at each other‘s houses.  What does that tell you about their relationship?

  26. MaisiesMom says:

    Wow, Clooney looks rough. I didn’t realize he had health problems. He’s too thin. Hope he’s OK.

    I will always be angry about that Op Ed he wrote. I do think Biden needed to step aside, but it wasn’t George Clooney’s place to say it the way that he did. And he wanted us to have a primary five months before the election?! GTFO. He said this not knowing how well Kamala Harris was going to do. It was disrespectful and highly risky.

    That said, I have always liked him as an actor. I agree he needs to embrace his age and not try to turn back time. Pitt I have always thought was overrated in every way.

    • CLOVE says:

      @MaisiesMom, all of this happened because he didn’t want the VP either! He may have thought that he did the right thing, but it wasn’t, and no, I will not get over it because it wasn’t his place, and many people resent him for this. His audacity to say we will get is a bridge a bit far for me.

      The primary five months before the election was insane because we would not catch up, and Trump would be ahead. Biden gave us Kamala, and I am thankful for that!

  27. SIde Eye says:

    I don’t think it’s age cause let’s face it if Clooney got behind VP Harris and did the right thing here instead of possibly throwing the party into chaos in the most important election of our lives we’d be looking at him differently. But he did what he did, and what bothered me about it, dude lives abroad, is rich as hell, so if this country blew up it wouldn’t really affect him in the same way.

    George is a very good looking older guy. Here, he looks in considerable pain.

    When I was traveling I noticed how damn fine New Zealand men are and that whole area Bora Bora Fiji etc. the men are FINE AS HELL. Like 50, 60 years old ripped, beautiful skin and hair. Same with Kenya, Tanzania. Italy. I say that because a lot of men in the US don’t age well – it’s a very high stress life here. We work too much. Our diet sucks. Add to it mass shootings, the television that pushes its anger agenda, the racism -it’s all so aging and toxic.

    My generation of men are drinkers or worse. Brad and George, having avoided the stress of the 9-5 plus unpaid overtime (and I am not suggesting they don’t work hard but they live in a privileged bubble) are rock stars in the United States you guys. I am trying to get better commenting on looks but it’s the truth. They look really good for the men of that generation.

    When I saw the pics from my law school reunion the men are unrecognizable and all the women almost the same as they did 25 years ago – despite doing the childbearing and all the household chores and even the married ones were single parents pretty much. The women look great. The men. Ooof. Brad’s character sucks. And by association I think George in now a jerk. That OP-ed didn’t help. Has he even said out loud he supports VP Harris? Last I checked he hadn’t but I don’t pay attention to him anymore. I’m over Amal too but that’s for another post.

  28. Lucía says:

    Honestly I just feel bad for their costar, Austin Abrams (of Euphoria and Dash&Lily fame) because he’s a pretty good young actor and deserves the attention. Not sure how big his role in this movie is, tho.

  29. Kirsten says:

    It does not help that Brad is dressed like he’s going to an annual get-together dinner at a Florida retirement community.

  30. wolfmamma says:

    Well there are plenty of older folks who are still acting and doing just fine. And we are well entertained and happy for it .

    However they are not out there with controversy. Get a grip boys and read the room.