James Middleton’s memoir shows how the Middletons are ‘influencing the monarchy’

It’s no big mystery: James Middleton’s pseudo-memoir is being treated gently by the British media simply because it is pro-royal propaganda. I would even call it a fantasy version, half-fictional, of the Middleton family and the Windsors. James is not being accused of being tacky or classless or “selling out” either family… because they like what he wrote. Sort of. I can imagine that the Windsors are not happy, but then again, some deal was struck with the Middletons this year and the Windsors are clearly participating in the rehabilitation of the Middletons. The Telegraph recently covered James’s book and what James reveals about how the Middletons are “quietly influencing the future of the monarchy.” Some highlights:

It’s not Spare: “This may be a memoir starring members of the Royal family, written by a younger brother and focusing on the life-changing importance of a wife who has grown up outside royal circles. But Spare it is not. [The book] paints the picture of a warm, close-knit family whose members are imperfect but do their best.

How the Middletons are shaping the monarchy: And with it, inadvertently, it reveals first-hand for the first time how they are quietly, in some ways, influencing the future of the British monarchy. Their role in shaping the future King George and indeed King William has been transformative, balancing the formalities of the palace life of duty and service with cards at the kitchen table, hugs, and more hugs.

Ingrid Seward on the Middletons: “They took him [Prince William] under their wing from the very beginning and provided the kind of family atmosphere he had never had and probably yearned for,” says Ingrid Seward, editor-in-chief of Majesty magazine. “Lots of laughs, lots of family games and sharing of outdoor pursuits as a family. Just being there for him when his own father was far too busy and unable to provide this. This has made him very ‘family conscious’ which was exactly what King Charles wanted for him as he never had it himself.”

The Middletons can influence the Wales kids: The Middletons cannot trump the monarchy, but they have certainly had some influence on how its next generation will grow up. “The royal side will always come out on top however influential your family is or has been,” says Seward. “William is very family-minded because of this but he can’t beat the system.”

James thought of QEII as his granny-surrogate? Later on in the book, the late Queen is shown as a kind host, deftly playing jigsaws with a nervous James and giving him socks for Christmas, somehow “filling a granny-sized void in my life”.

James’s sisters fussed over him: His pride in his sisters’ achievements is palpable, even as they overshadowed his own – “Middleton Minor” – at school. “They would fuss over me like mother hens,” he said, even when he stayed with them in London during the noughties, and they were less than thrilled to have their “little brother disrupting their orderly, tidy existence”.

William & Kate lean on the Middletons: If the future of the monarchy rests on the Prince and Princess of Wales and their children, this memoir suggests, they rest in turn on the Middletons.

[From The Telegraph]

A commenter suggested that James’s book was written in concert with Carole Middleton and I have been thinking about that ever since. It seems very possible. Even if Carole didn’t coauthor it, I’m sure she edited it and “improved” on some of the stories. That’s the thing though – Carole and Michael come out of it smelling like roses, and there’s no mention of Carole’s schemes and machinations in business or courtship. This is part of Carole’s rehabilitation and a rewrite on the past twenty years of her life. Will King Charles and Camilla just let this stand? Or will the Middletons get some pushback from the palace, even if the “royal stories” are somewhat complimentary?

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, Cover Images.

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44 Responses to “James Middleton’s memoir shows how the Middletons are ‘influencing the monarchy’”

  1. Tessa says:

    It is more an exercise in name dropping.

  2. Sylvia says:

    This is the Middletons version of Spare

    • LRB says:

      Not sure , Spare was gut wrenchingly honest… this is sugar coated rubbish.
      But the influence of the Midds is no surprise… be careful what you wish for.

      • VilleRose says:

        There was one excerpt on People (not excerpted on this site) where he talks about his s**cidal ideation and how he contemplated ending his life and turned away from everyone. It was heartbreaking to read but it also made me think of Meghan and how she asked for help and was shut down. You would think Kate, having had her own brother deal with the same thing, might have shown compassion. And well, we don’t know what went on behind closed doors but I think Meghan would have said something had Kate shown any kind of compassion towards her when she went through the same thing (or it’s possible Kate didn’t know, who knows).

      • Eurydice says:

        It doesn’t seem very complimentary toward Charles or Elizabeth. Charles was too busy and unable and longed for family feelings from Elizabeth. And how does this lack of Windsor family consciousness translate into Elizabeth being a surrogate granny to James?

  3. No what’s influencing the monarchy these days is what happened on December 28, 2023. There is a whole lot of crap that seems to have gone down and now the Middletons and Can’t have some leverage that’s my theory.

    • Chrissy says:

      I totally agree, Susan! Otherwise, why would this nobody be getting so much attention lately? Something devastating to the RF happened that raging bully Willnot desperately wants covered up! I think it’s domestic violence, hence the scar over Cannot’s eyebrow.

    • Mtl.Ex.Pat says:

      @susan Collins – agree totally. And once that went down the renewed grift of these guys is truly something else. Of course it has James’ name on it presumably to give him some $$ since he’s not exactly…skilled at earning a living – and also to shield mom & pop’s share from their creditors. So shifty…

    • Nic919 says:

      The Boleyns and the Nevilles also had power from their royal connection until they didn’t and it was a large crash.

      The Windsor will always win in the end because the monarchy cannot have an upstart common family grasp power as it would mean anyone can do it.

      This is just surface level sugar. We have already seen the criticism of the video across the media and Camilla will certainly pull some strings soon.

  4. kelleybelle says:

    What does he get so much press? I guess maybe because he does even more than Kate does?

    • Blujfly says:

      It’s a great question. And the answer is that he has cultivated relationships with the Press, especially the Daily Mail, and especially a Richard Eden. And the press doesn’t just promote someone for free.

  5. Megan says:

    This is a memoir no one is asking for.

  6. chatter says:

    I am ready to ignore the BRF, the press, the moochers.
    Most of humanity is struggling in their own lives.
    The BRF is a living soap opera in modern times.
    The Midds are ILs not main characters.

    Harry had the star power to carry more than his share of work. These days, dull rules the BRF.

  7. Henny Penny says:

    The fact that anybody would want it known that they are influencing this mess is a mystery to me. I’d keep that secret of it was me.

    • Anna says:

      TRULY. If it were me, I’d do a Mariah and just go “I don’t know her”.

      This attempt to rehabilitate the Middletons has me wondering if Camilla and Charles are just setting them up to watch them fall, “Didn’t you admit you were influencing the Wales? Was it not YOUR fault then that we’re in this mess?”

    • MoonTheLoon says:

      Image management. The Party Pieces downfall messed with Carole’s image badly and Queen Narcissist doesn’t want the history books to end her story there. If what we think happened in December 2023 did happen and she has leverage, she’s not going to squander the gift the Incandescent Dummy handed over on a silver platter.

  8. Jais says:

    Hugs. Hugs. And more hugs. Whew, Meghan mentioning the lack of hugs reallly triggered some people. It’s trying to rebrand kate as warm and huggy as opposed to a cold mean-girl. I mean we get it. She just didn’t want to hug the black woman who outshined her in every way. Bc she’s a cold jealous mean girl.

    • SarahCS says:

      Yep, if anyone doubts that Carole was heavily involved in this endeavour I refer them to exhibit A.

    • Dee(2) says:

      Yeah it’s like with everything else they claim they don’t pay attention but you can tell that they literally watch everything Harry and Meghan do with a full notepad. There was also an article talking about how James’s account of William and Kate meeting his wife completely negated Meghan’s account of Kate being standoffish because she was so welcoming and nice to his wife who turned up unexpectedly. One I don’t believe that, but two I was thinking do they really think it makes Kate look better to highlight how she was perfectly okay with the white woman showing up unexpectedly and being friendly, but wasn’t okay with the black woman doing the same?

  9. NJGR says:

    “His pride in his sisters’ achievements is palpable” – I wonder what achievements those are? /s

  10. Digital Unicorn says:

    This article is snark and Chuck/Cams won’t like the outright story that the Mids are influencing his legacy, he won’t like that at all. Expect some negative stories to drop about the whole family soon enough – am sure a nicely timed snark piece to remind everyone on their bankruptcy, stiffing people out of money.

    They might be back in with William but watch out for the other 2.

  11. seraphina says:

    The part about how Wills can’t beat the system struck out at me. Kinda like saying, no matter how much Wills may allow the Midds to leave their mark and voice on the monarchy, it’s a losing battle because the system always trumps everything. Sorta like telling the Midds stay in your lane because you won’t win in your efforts to take over.

  12. Blujfly says:

    This may very well be the spin, but if you read the full daily mail excerpts, he says that his parents are and were skeptical of therapy, that family therapy with them didn’t go well, that they do not agree with his diagnosis of clinical depression, that they think they know him better than himself and that their suggestions while well meaning haven’t been helpful. Now, Kate and William are painted as saints and saviors for sure. But his parents are not. He quotes Mike Middleton telling him his expensive education was a waste.

    • Lady Digby says:

      ,@Blujfly I wonder if Mike considers Kate’s expensive education was also a waste? She’s never used it in anyway : no career, no critical thinking, no application?

      • sevenblue says:

        @Lady Digby, she “used” her expensive education to meet the future King. How else would she get close to him? I am sure her family sees it as “money well spent”.

      • Chrissy says:

        The whole idea was to put Kate et al. in the vicinity of William’s circle of friends. Why else would the middle-class Middletons put a lot of money into elite educational opportunities for their average children? They hoped that at least one of their three kids would land them the jackpot. To them, Kate (along with her family) won the jackpot! Too bad her prince is a toad, even though he is the head toff!

    • ShazBot says:

      I can well imagine Carole Middleton would not do well in therapy.

      In fairness to Mike…he’s probably right about the education.

      • Blujfly says:

        Lol I tend to agree with you about Mike. Carole is crying in every excerpt and he’s parenting. It’s interesting to me that James’ performance at school only seems to crash come the latter stages of high school and college. And to be fair to Mike, that was said when he failed his college entrance exams, not when he had suicide ideations.

  13. Amy Bee says:

    Where’s the outrage? That’s my only question.

  14. Penny says:

    This family are being set up for something. The twee hand of Ma is all over this book and the recent film.

    But really, what kind of person tries to prevent their own son, who professes suicidal thoughts, from getting help? Possibly one who fears being exposed by a professional as an enmeshing, manipulative, self-interested control freak, obsessed with one ‘golden child’ and moreover, their partner.

    • Blujfly says:

      To be slightly fair, the comments are at different times. I don’t think he ever told his parents or anyone about the suicidal ideations. But like a lot of parents they see it as a comment on their parents and their failure and it seems like now they click their tongues and say if only we’d known. He does also say that they didn’t know how to get him help and there wasn’t help available – which is totally untrue, he was in high school in the mid 2000s, not the 1990s.

    • Eurydice says:

      It’s totally Carole – this is the narrative she’s built up over the decades.

  15. Blujfly says:

    If by “influence,” they mean that the Middletons showed William that your children shouldn’t be treated like great rivals to your throne and neglected for your husband and travel, and that you shouldn’t carry on a public affair after marriage, and that you shouldn’t marry a person you barely know, and that you shouldn’t openly pine for a female child and express disappointed that your second child was a boy, and that you shouldn’t treat your siblings as tremendous rivals and then give only one child independent money and homes, sure, the Middletons are influencing the monarchy. It is a sad commentary on the totally grotesque royal family, led and encouraged by “granny.”

  16. aquarius64 says:

    The 1000 year institution that is the British monarchy is not going to let a family descending from coal miners run the show when the royal useful idiot the eldest child stalked and bagged is on the throne. The Middlestons are still seen as social climbing trash by the aristos and no aggrandizing fluff piece will change that. What social event that the titled set attend that the Middletons mingle (without the presence of the BRF)? And where’s Uncle Gary? He’s the family attack dog on the Sussexes but he doesn’t figure in.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      Indeed and no matter what leverage the think they have on William it will soon get ‘dealt with’ before he takes said throne. Kate won’t be Queen and am not convinced William will take the throne either.

      • Nic919 says:

        William can murder someone and he still becomes king. Since Kate looks fine, he’s going to flip the switch soon enough. Carole will overstep as usual.

  17. Jamie says:

    “If the future of the monarchy rests on the Prince and Princess of Wales and their children, this memoir suggests, they rest in turn on the Middletons.”
    Making my popcorn now for when Camilla responds to this one!!!

  18. VilleRose says:

    I’ve found reading about the darker parts of his memoir (the ideation, the depression) and the excerpts about Queen Elizabeth the most interesting. I always like hearing about QEII and what she was like behind closed doors so I’m all for him revealing all he wants about her. Plus she’s deceased so it’s not like he has to tiptoe around her existence anymore. The rest of it surrounding his dog is sweet but in general James Middleton is not a super interesting person and no one was clamoring for this book.

  19. KC says:

    I can’t imagine Charles or anyone else in the Firm will be happy to read that the Middletons are shaping/influencing the royals. Heads will roll.

  20. Mel says:

    Who is going to buy and read this though? That’s the question. He’s not a success at anything, he’s not interesting, doesn’t have a great career/job, didn’t invent anything. His claim to fame is being the brother of the future lazy AF Queen. Who will care? Nice try though

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