Duchess Meghan is set ‘to repeat a controversial UK snub’ this month!!

On Tuesday, WellChild confirmed that their royal patron, Prince Harry, would attend the WellChild Awards on Monday, September 30th. Harry will be in New York next week and he has an incredibly full schedule, including an appearance at the Clinton Global Initiative. I assume Harry will travel from New York to London two weekends from now. I also assume that Harry will stay in a hotel, just like he has done for his past three visits to the UK. Harry released a statement about the upcoming appearance at the WellChild Awards, saying that he is “honored” to celebrate “the remarkable courage and achievements of children living with complex medical needs…These incredible young people, along with the dedicated caregivers, nurses, and professionals who tirelessly support them, inspire us all. It is a true privilege to recognize such extraordinary individuals.”

As you can imagine, the news of Harry’s upcoming trip has landed like a bomb in the British media. But it’s also nothing new, there’s no new catch or new storyline. Charles will still go out of his way to avoid and snub Harry, and the palace will likely brief against Harry during his visit. William will rage and scream about how he will never forgive his brother. And the British media will cry about how Meghan is “snubbing” Britain. LMAO.

Meghan Markle is set to repeat a controversial UK snub by not attending one of Prince Harry’s key engagements later this month. Harry, as patron of WellChild, the national UK charity for seriously ill children, will be stepping out at the organisation’s awards evening on September 30. The Duke of Sussex is set to host the ceremony for the 13th time – but, just like last year, he’ll be going it alone.

Harry has spoken at length about his security fears over bringing Meghan Markle or his children back to the UK. Earlier this year, he told ITV how the perceived threat of “a knife or acid” left him with “genuine concerns” about his wife joining him. Meghan didn’t travel with him to London last year for the WellChild awards – and has not returned to the UK since Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral in 2022. Despite avoiding her husband’s place of birth in 2023, the Duchess of Sussex was able to travel to last year’s Invictus Games in Dusseldorf, Germany.

Speaking on The Royal Record podcast, GB News’ Royal Correspondent Cameron Walker and GBNews.com’s Royal Editor Svar Nanan-Sen detailed just what the exiled royals’ upcoming engagements might look like. After highlighting the Duke of Sussex’s “admirable” commitment to the children’s charity, Cameron noted how a “big question mark” remained “over whether this is going to be a quick in-and-out trip for Prince Harry”.

He asked whether it would be a case of “back into the UK, then straight back to California” – or if he’ll spend longer over in Britain. Svar replied: “It’s an opportunity for him to see his family. We know he hasn’t seen King Charles since February, so that could be something that he’s keen to explore. I doubt he’ll see William… They obviously came face-to-face at their uncle’s funeral last month and chose not to speak to each other, according to eyewitnesses.”

“Last year, he came back for the WellChild Awards on September 7. He spent just a night in the UK, and then immediately flew to Germany for the Invictus Games. Meghan Markle chose not to accompany Harry to the UK, but then made the flight across to Europe anyway, and flew to the Invictus Games two days later, it was seen at the time as a snub. Meghan’s not expected to join him on his trip to the UK this year for the WellChild Awards – but we may see Harry stick around for more than just a couple of days.”

[From GB News]

They are still so salty about Meghan’s plane landing briefly at Heathrow before flying off to Germany. They are still so salty about Meghan refusing to go to the coronation. They are still so salty that they can’t benefit from the Markle sparkle. They cannot believe that after heaping racist abuse and a high-level smear campaign on her for years, she won’t come back to them and pose for photos. As for Harry’s plans… if past is prologue, that man is going to arrive on Sunday, do WellChild on Monday and dip on Tuesday. Then we’ll find out later that he also met with like five other charities privately.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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55 Responses to “Duchess Meghan is set ‘to repeat a controversial UK snub’ this month!!”

  1. They don’t consider that Meg would be unsafe on salt isle a snub. They know that Harry wants his wife and children safe. Harry will be there for them and I bet they would understand if he didn’t visit either because the BM and his family make it unsafe for him but Harry will be there.

    • lanne says:

      It’s worse than that. They want something bad to happen to her. If any person with a nefarious plan came near her, I’ll bet you could turn that person upside down, shake them, and see tabloid money fall out their pockets.

      The rabid ratchets want her to come so they can publically snub and shame her. They believe it’s her just deserts for rising above her station, refusing to accept their abuse, and being smarter and more charismatic than the blood royals. She should have been just a side piece after all. She’s “only” a biracial American actress after all.

      They don’t deserve to make 1 penny off of her.

      • KC says:

        Agree. Honestly think some of those people want Meghan dead, and Harry broken and back as William’s sidekick and scapegoat. They’ll have their precious boy back where he belongs. God knows what they feel about the children. Is there enough bleu blood to cancel out the taint of an American biracial mother.

      • Yvette says:

        @lanne, who wrote: … “They believe it’s her just deserts for rising above her station, refusing to accept their abuse, and being smarter and more charismatic than the blood royals. She should have been just a side piece after all. She’s “only” a biracial American actress after all.”

        She also used ethnic sexual voodoo to ‘steal’ Prince Harry away from them.

      • paintybox says:

        @Ianne – co-sign to what you said x 1 million – every word

      • Bad Janet says:

        I agree they have sinister motives here. Why TF would Meghan EVER go back to England? Why would she ever go to a place that is fully intent on abusing her at every opportunity?

      • Debbie says:

        Yup, to Meghan I say “Snub, baby, snub!” Then, back it up and snub them again.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      I hopes she snubs them again, waiting at heathrow again for Harry to do his wellchild event and for them to maybe all head off to africa for more harry’s 40th birthday celebration.

  2. Joanne says:

    But, but, but they are owed a wave from Meghan. How dare she snub them before they can snub her.

    • Giddy says:

      This! She’s being so rude to not give them the opportunity to snub her first.

      • CL says:

        This is exactly what it is. I guess it would be too much to expect the British media to realize that the hate for Meghan they’ve been peddling DAILY might actually be dangerous for her.

      • Square2 says:

        “I guess it would be too much to expect the British media to realize that the hate for Meghan they’ve been peddling DAILY might actually be dangerous for her.”

        Oh they KNOW. They, the BRF & derangers know & secretly wish upon it.

      • Proud Mary says:

        CL, they know it is; but that’s the point, isn’t it?

    • Megan says:

      Since she isn’t the patron of Well Child, not sure how this a snub.

      • paintybox says:

        What, you want it to make sense? Lol. Nothing about their constant attacks on Meghan make sense. It’s such a stretch to find anything wrong with her in the first place that they have to get creative just to keep feeding their petty rage fire.

  3. Jais says:

    It’ll be what’s now called a coat hanger visit. He’ll be headed to the airport with a coat hanger in his hand. Unless of course Charles deigns to come down from Scotland, despite having an event a whole two days beforehand.

  4. Dee(2) says:

    I feel like the media just wants Harry to wander around Windsor and Kensington hoping to run into one of his family members on the street or something. Why does he have to stay for an extended period of time? The people that want to meet with him will make an effort to meet with him, hence why he always manages to meet with two or three of his charities, do interviews, and all other manner of things in the one or two days that he’s in town. If his father can’t be bothered to use one of his multiple methods of transportation to see his son that’s a few hours away as opposed to a few time zones away that’s on his father.

    • Becks1 says:

      yeah its not going to be an extended stay especially if he’s going directly from New York to London. That man is going to want to get home to his family.

  5. Hypocrisy says:

    Why would she return there especially with the way the media still vilifies her. Meghan isn’t returning and neither are the children until the RAVEC court case is overturned and they get protection (Prince Harry has made that perfectly clear several times now) so they can stop whining and crying like her going there was ever a possibility.

  6. Sunnyside up says:

    Meghen is wise not to come to this country where the DM is the best selling paper. Whining and crying about it creates clicks and sells advertising space.

  7. Amy Bee says:

    Didn’t the press want Meghan to leave the UK and don’t they hate her, so why are they always upset when she doesn’t go back to the UK?

    • Christine says:

      I think it might be as simple as all of these people are just terrible humans. It makes absolutely zero sense that they blather endlessly in the tabloids about how much they can’t stand Meghan, never want to see her again, blah, blah, blah, only to cry foul when Harry shows up without her.

    • Mtl.Ex.Pat says:

      @amybee – yep my thoughts exactly.
      Imaginary conversation goes something like this:

      Meghan: ok British media – you’ve made it clear you don’t want me here and are going to be abusive, racist and sexist. Ok. I won’t come.
      Media: But…but…why won’t you come?
      Meghan: because you’ve said you hate me and I should go back to the States & stay there. So I did! Now everyone is happy, no?
      Media: (awkward silence then headline) “Meghan snubs UK again!”

  8. Freddy says:

    It really bothers me that the British tabloids refer to H&M as “exiled.” Exile is when a person is expelled or barred from their homeland. Harry left.

  9. Jas says:

    This is a bit of a tangent, but all these appearances have me wondering if Prince Harry gets paid fees for turning up.
    I find the logistics of their lifestyle fascinating. They don’t work exactly even though they’re very busy so I’m interested in how they (and other philanthropic types) make their money.

    • Jan says:

      How do you know, that they don’t work?
      Why not visit Philanthropic types Web Site and find out.
      Harry donates money to his charities, it is in their Statements.

      • Athena says:

        So JAN, I did a quick google search, compound interest calculator. $20M at a very conservative 5% annual rate of return over 28 years gets you $78M.

    • Zahra says:

      You must have consumed British gutter press!, Meghan was working since she left high school so why do you she don’t make money? I’m sure her investment is around a half billion now. And everyone I know has listed to Harry’s audiobook which I believe made millions, and harry has couple of paying jobs so why do you think they don’t make money ?

    • Athena says:

      Think about… he inherited $20M from his mother 28 years ago if invested properly that should have doubled by now. He wrote a book, which according to the press earned him $20M, he gets paid by better-up, they created 4 show for Netflix, Meghan’s got paid for the podcast, Meghan gets residuals from Suits and had a few millions of her own before she met him, Meghan wrote a book, TheBench, that should be good for a few hundred thousands. So Jas, do you still wonder how they can afford to live their lives without bleeding the people of the U.K?

    • sevenblue says:

      Non-profit organizations don’t pay people to turn up. Harry has been patron of multiple organizations and he donated to them. Derangers tried to spread rumors about Invictus paying for H&M’s expenses and they asked them through e-mail. The Invictus said they don’t pay anything to or for H&M. Why is it so hard for people to believe H&M are rich people, who pay for themselves? Meghan has been a millionaire before marrying Harry.

    • garrity says:

      Just asking questions, are we? Mmm.

    • Becks1 says:

      I imagine whether he gets paid depends on the event. I remember back in maybe 2020/2021 he gave a speech at the annual meeting for a big financial company (Goldman Sachs? Chase? I cant remember.) I assume he got paid for that.

      for WellChild? No, he’s not getting paid. I highly doubt he is getting paid for any appearance in New York next week.

      And yes, he works – he wrote a memoir, he works for BetterUp, he has a Netflix deal, he had a deal with Apple TV, etc.

      And then for a lot of philanthropists, after a certain point, you don’t “work” for money because your money is working for you via investments etc and you are able to devote yourself fully to philanthropy.

  10. s808 says:

    They told her to leave if she wasn’t happy and she went! What’s the problem???

  11. Tessa says:

    SO what do they really want then?

  12. GMH says:

    It continues to amaze me that the tabs are so willing to play with explosives regarding Harry’s security in the UK, when several white nationalists are actually sitting in prison already who have literally said the Sussexes are polluting the race there. Of course Harry won’t let his family set foot on UK soil without armed protection. Who would?

  13. Aimee Michard says:

    I still don’t understand the RAVEC thing. If Harry is willing to foot the bill for his protection what is the problem? Will someone explain this to me???

    • lanne says:

      the cruelty is the point. It’s punishment. It’s the only thing they have left to deny him. They can’t deny him money or acclaim. It’s their last source of control and because of that, I don’t believe any agreement made with them will ever be trustworthy or made in good faith.

    • ShazBot says:

      What I don’t understand is that Charles pays privately for security for his brother but won’t do it for his son and grandkids to visit him.

      • LRB says:

        What don’t you understand? To my mind Charles is a very bad father and just as he didn’t – I hope – have anything directly to do with Diana’s death, I think there’s a part of him that didn’t care. And equally if something happened to Meghan ( I hope even Charles wouldn’t stoop to putting his son on the list ) he wouldn’t care. But clearly he cares a lot about his paedo brother.

      • Angied says:

        I think it’s hard for a lot of people to understand that she means nothing to him therefore their children mean nothing to him. All those articles about him wanting to see Harry’s kids are all PR. People keep expecting some sort of feelings from him and he has none. They see the pics of him shaking babies hands and smiling up at them but it’s all PR for them. Harry is no longer of any value to him therefore he and his family don’t exist to them. Look at his brother. He hasn’t seen Harry’s kids since they left. These are really damaged people. Meghan is right to keep her family away from them. Personally if they decide to bury the hatchet and meet up I would never leave my children unsupervised around them. Who knows what they would do or say around them.

    • sevenblue says:

      The argument is that the police isn’t for rent and RAVEC doesn’t see the need to protect H&M. They said the survival of H&M isn’t a priority for UK while defending their argument. So, if the event H&M are visiting UK for is acceptable, they are gonna provide security. I imagine Invictus will be one of them. I am sure the bidding process included the assurance for security for the founder.

    • Sunnyside up says:

      It’s part of the Police but they are not for hire, it is also the only way for Harry to get armed bodyguards with inside information about the threats in this country. They can do a far better job of guarding him and his family than any private security.

      • Christine says:

        It blows my mind that they won’t even share credible threats with Harry and Meghan’s private security. Every single one of you placed a target on Harry’s back from the second he was born, just by proxy of being a royal. You decided your royal family is important to your national identity, and now you don’t want to provide adequate security because he hurt your feelings? You want Prince Harry DEAD, because you’re sad? It’s pathetic.

      • Izzy says:

        They may not be for hire, but they’ll sell themselves to the palace lackeys and the tabloids.

  14. VilleRose says:

    So nothing new here. Harry continues to go to the UK alone to honor charity or family commitments and will do so for the foreseeable future. William continues to lose his mind and brief against his brother every time his brother is on UK soil. Meghan, Archie, and Lili will probably not go to the UK for a very long time. Next time they will all go will be for Charles’s funeral. Good on Harry for remaining loyal and dedicated to WellChild!

  15. QuiteContrary says:

    The Duchess of Sussex received “disgusting and very real” threats while she was a working royal, the former Metropolitan Police assistant commissioner Neil Basu said. He added that he would understand if Meghan had felt “under threat all the time.”

    In light of that, why the hell would she come back to England without proper security?

  16. Becks1 says:

    I think this is why Harry was so clear a few months ago about “not bringing his wife back” while there were so many threats. Some on here took exception to the phrasing, saying its Meghan’s decision, but I think Harry was trying to take the blame so that these kinds of stories don’t gain steam. Meghan isn’t going to the UK because she, Harry and their security team have decided that she is not safe in the UK. Until she gets proper security, she’s not going.

    • lanne says:

      some of the “outrage” is at the idea that Meghan is even worth protecting. They still think of her as Harry’s “good time gal.” A “degree wife” a senior royal said, meaning disgardable.

  17. Ak says:

    This is an incredibly horrible question to ask and by the grace of God, it will never come to pass.

    If god forbid Harry dies from an attack in England, who has the right to make decisions over his remains and funeral arrangements? His safety whenever he travels home puts my stomach in a knot because of his mother’s demise.

    I also wouldn’t put it past these vile people to block Meghan from his funeral while “reaping” pity and goodwill from his passing as they did for Diana.

    Extremely morbid question, but it plays on my mind during his travels home.

  18. Saucy&Sassy says:

    I can’t understand that when the proper security is in place M and the kids would go to the UK. Does ANYONE believe that the bm would suddenly stop writing their fairytales to engender anger and hate against the three of them? Why would anyone take their children into that type of environment? This has always puzzled me. Maybe someone here understands what I don’t.

    • Square2 says:

      Harry was raised in a Cult. It’s hard to totally break away from Cult.

      Harry was a soldier, he loves his country.

      Harry wants his kids know their heritage & their father’s country.

      [That’s why Harry wants top security provide (& pay for himself) when in UK for his family.]

      Meghan is a good person and loves Harry.

    • Becks1 says:

      I don’t want to say we will “never” see her do another public event in the UK, since she was at One Young World in 2022, so its certainly possible with appropriate security.

      but I think generally what they want is for Meghan and the kids to be able to go to things like Harry’s uncle’s funeral, or to spend some time in the English countryside in the summer with friends, or things like that.

      I don’t think this is about Meghan making public appearances. I think this is about her feeling safe enough to go to the UK in even a lowkey way.

      • lanne says:

        Her terror at appearing in public was so evident at the funeral. The royals have zero graciousness. Their hate of Meghan was stronger than their reverence for the Queen. That’s when my disappointment in them turned to active contempt. There’s nothing noble or regal about the Windsors. They are a pack of racist petty tyrants. They embody the worst stereotypes of “new money,” (ew, get away from me poors!) proving that “breeding” is an absolutely arbitrary mark of value without the slightest glint of reality.

  19. blunt talker says:

    Harry told eveeryone over a month ago why his wife and kids would not be coming to the UK-security folks!!!!-until Harry is satisfied about the security of his family travelling in the Uk there will be no trips to the UK for his family-I truly love his dedication to Wellchild charity but I also want him to be very careful because there is underlying hatred in the UK as we witnessed over a month ago-those actions and feelings have not disappeared-there people in prison right now for threats to him and his family actual murder threats against him and Archie-so I pray that his trip will be safe and that his family will safe-he is his mother thru and thru-God bless and keep the Sussex family safe.

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