Prince William was once again greeted by zero crowds in Aberdeen, Scotland

Before this week, Prince William was last in Aberdeen, Scotland in June 2023. He was launching his “Homewards” project and hyping himself as the savior of homelessness. He decided to do a six-city blitz to showcase that he was donating foundation money to homeless shelters and halfway houses, and a shelter in Aberdeen was one of the recipients of William’s very selective largesse. Last year’s Aberdeen trip was notable for one particular reason: no one in Aberdeen gave a sh-t. The police set up crowd-control barriers and not even four people showed up. The Scottish media made fun of William for being an uncharismatic snooze.

Well, funny story. It happened again on Thursday. William was in Aberdeen to once again do some events around Homewards, and William’s terrible staff put him in yet another horrible position, where it looked like absolutely no one gives a f–k about him:

As the camera pans around, you can see one or two people, including the journalist who originally took the videos. Last year, I suggested that it was bad staff work from William’s incompetent advance people. That still stands, and I can’t believe they let him take another huge L like this. I remember back when Prince Harry and Meghan lived in the UK, and wherever they went, they were greeted with huge, enthusiastic crowds. That’s why Huevo and Keen were so adamant that the Sussexes had to go. William and Kate thought they would get the same kind of reception when the Sussexes left. Not so much, as it turns out.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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88 Responses to “Prince William was once again greeted by zero crowds in Aberdeen, Scotland”

  1. Cassie says:

    That’s hilarious .

  2. Tessa says:

    He looks like a,lion roaring especially with that beard. So he’s going to go look at the plight of the homeless look concerned them hop into a copter and leave.

    • ShazBot says:

      Interesting that you’d say that. I’ve noticed a new (bot?) account on Twitter keeps popping up and commenting on William things calling him “the Lion of Wales” or something and him and Kate are Lion and Lioness. Do you think they’re trying to brand themselves like that? God that’s so embarrassing, I hope not, but I wouldn’t put it past them.

      • Tessa says:

        So may be William posed as a lion to try to live up to that name. He looks almost like he did when he was screaming during that game. Really bad.

      • Nic919 says:

        I think I know which one you mean. I don’t think it’s a bot but a KP staffer. They often take GB News tweets about the royals and try to praise the lazy ones.

      • Neeve says:

        I am sorry ,why the names Lion and Lionesses in UK,are there lions there ? What is the national animal anyways!?

      • Becks1 says:

        @Neeve I think the national animal of England is the Lion. That’s why their national football teams are the Lions and Lionesses.

        I think Wales is the dragon and Scotland is the unicorn.

      • ArtHistorian says:

        @Neeve, it has its roots in medieval heraldry.

  3. Lilly (with the double-L) says:

    Even though he’s growing a beard?

  4. LadyE says:

    Awww jeez, this is so sad, you’re gonna make me feel bad for Will. What does his staff do??? He has like one event every 4 weeks, how do they not at least manage to plan the extremely rare events he does halfway competently?? And to just totally not do any prep and then invite a journalist to take pictures?? lololol

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      KP courtiers truly outdid themselves with this beef-witted stunt.
      Nothing screams “competence!” like leaving your principal to roam gormlessly through empty streets, with only his mange-infested beard for company.

      You’d think they’d learn from their mistakes over the years? Apparently that’s asking for the moon.

  5. girl_ninja says:

    Scotland doesn’t give a fuck. And they probably saw his mangy beard and were gagged.

  6. Vixxo says:

    The King of Zero at this point because he keeps hitting a home run every single time. 🤭

  7. Lolo86lf says:

    This is what happens when you have zero charisma, you get zero crowds. Why didn’t William’s team put an ad in the local paper offering I don’t know 100 pounds per person to show up and cheer him on? I believe a few hundred people would have shown up and he wouldn’t look awkward.

  8. aquarius64 says:

    Scotland has had a beef with the British crown for centuries; but it seems like it accepted the reign of select monarchs. It should be a warning sign to the Duke of Rothesay (William’s title in Scotland) he may not be accepted as King of Scots. KP staff once again prove to very incompetent and a reflection of their boss.

  9. Chaine says:

    Can’t they even just pay some people to show up like US politicians do??

  10. Nanea says:

    The funny/sad thing is, in the Tweet you shared by Akan Zycinski, that there are visible crowd control barriers, leaning against the building, right next to the entrance.

    So they (whoever *they* are) were expecting people to come and fawn.

    Too bad, Mr Wannabe Statesman!

    • Madame says:

      Oh My Gawd! Good catch. I had to go back and look for those forlorn crowd control barriers against the wall.

      He is so useless.

  11. Hypocrisy says:

    Absolutely love this for him, empty streets and zero crowds is a beautiful sight. Hope to see more of this elsewhere in the UK with all the leftover royals.

  12. Jais says:

    I think he has to visit schools and community orgs to get more of a crowd? Or tourist areas.

    • sevenblue says:

      Yeah, that is what they usually do. They go to crowded places, then pretend like they were there to see them. But, sometimes the staff remembers to ship some school students to create a crowd.

    • Becks1 says:

      yes exactly. He goes to touristy areas but that’s also why he visits so many schools and the like, because they bring out the students et al to give the illusion of crowds.

  13. Dee(2) says:

    So I don’t feel bad for him because he’s a horrible person, but this is actually pretty bad work on his team. Just like JD Vance’s advanced team at the donut shop you should never put your principal somewhere to make them look like this. And once they realized that it was going to look like he was walking into midnight Mass they shouldn’t have had him walk half a block to get into the facility. They should have just had him drive literally up to the door wave and walk in quickly. But I guess you can’t get any muscle memory for good advance work like this when your boss works six times a year.

    • sevenblue says:

      That would be the most logical option, just drive him to the door. You can see some cars parked near the entry, so they could very easily do that after seeing the street is empty. The royal team is so incompetent.

    • Becks1 says:

      I agree – while I think this is hilarious, it just showcases how incompetent his team is. It makes it look so obvious that no one is there. If this visit wasn’t announced with enough notice to scrounge up any sort of crowd, or if people just didn’t care, then just drive him to the door and drop him off.

      this reeks of entitlement – “the prince of wales is gracing Aberdeen with his presence, of course the peasants will come to see him!” and the result is embarrassing.

    • Jay says:

      Yep, that’s what is standing out to me, too: it’s bad advance work by the KP team all around. The fact that this exact same scenerio happened last year and they neither changed their plans nor attempted to bus in some enthusiastic crowds. The unused crowd control barriers are what make it sad, especially the lone journalist sent to cover the event.

      So, either the KP team doesn’t learn from past mistakes, doesn’t care about their principal, or is delusional and somehow expecting a different result?

  14. Amy Bee says:

    Why did his security team make him walk all that way to the centre? I don’t get it and you could see like he was expecting people to acknowledge him. It’s just embarrassing.

    • ShazBot says:

      I think they were going for a “relatable” and “environmentally friendly” angle. And a bunch of wales loyalists on Twitter screeching that he doesn’t have oodles of security so he’s better than Harry (without realizing he doesn’t need it because nobody cares about him, but also his security is definitely there and just out of view).

      • Nic919 says:

        It’s pretty much guaranteed that no one has more security than William except for Charles. The RPOs are just competent and stay out of camera view so they can’t be easily identified.

    • Henny Penny says:

      Willian’s midlife crisis is just beginning. And I don’t think it’s going to help that he’s both not very smart AND too full of himself to realize just how not very smart he is. A personality transplant wouldn’t go amiss, but lacking that he clearly needs a professional PR person, a stylist, and someone to show him some other ways to pose for the camera besides looking like he’s either fervently lecturing the actual experts on topics he clearly knows nothing about or laughing hysterically at his own jokes.

      • ArtHistorian says:

        Even the very best team cannot make the principal look good if the principal does not take advice. In the past, William has literally bragged about doing the opposite of what he is advised to do.

      • Bingo says:

        It just occurred to me that he is very much like his uncle, Andrew in this regard. Not so bright but largely unaware of this limitation.

      • Gabby says:

        “Not very smart” is the understatement to end all understatements He’s a complete idiot and (I can’t believe I’m typing this) but KKKate is the brains of the Wales operation.

    • Agnes says:

      There was a similar shot a few months ago of Edward walking around Scotland in a kilt, trying to engage people who were studiously trying to ignore him. LMAO. Scots are embarrassed by Bill’s facial fluff and stayed well away to keep from laughing.

    • Jay says:

      Clearly, they had visions of adoring crowds lining the streets and cheering for William – despite their experience last year. I don’t know if it’s a sign of true incompetence or delusion on the part of his team.

      But good for Scotland for giving TOB the cold shoulder!

  15. Fifi says:

    Couldn’t have happened to a better man.🤣

  16. JC says:

    Awkward. Looks to me like it’s William all along that doesn’t need any security detail since… you know…

    No one really shows up for him. At least in Scotland, anyways.

  17. Blithe says:

    “William weaves his way through the crowds of well wishers…” is deliciously brutal.
    That tweet deserves a medal. It’s impossibly unlikely, but it would be great if wooly wee William reflected on the lack of throngs — and gave some thought to shaping what influences and resources he has access to — in order to offer actual value along with his mere presence. Isn’t he supposed to be doing fewer patronages so that he can be more deeply and meaningfully involved with the ones that he does purportedly support?

  18. L says:

    Well, that’s embarrassing. What annoys me is that the few people that did show up had to say «Hi William» to him! He didn’t look at them prior to that. Not an acknowledgment until that meek «hi» and then he waved. Jesus no wonder they don’t bother showing up

  19. Sunnyside up says:

    Got to laugh. Perhaps if he had dragged Kate with him he might have got more of a crowd.

    • Nic919 says:

      I don’t think Scotland gives a shit about her either. Neither had tons of crowds when they did the Covid choo choo tour in Scotland and it’s unlikely they have gotten more popular since.

  20. Eurydice says:

    OMG, I can’t stop laughing! That one fellow who was waiting to cross didn’t even turn his head, and I can see from the reflections in the shop windows that there was practically no one on the other side of the street.

  21. Hyacinth Bucket says:

    A look into what’s mirrored in the shop windows, as he walks by, shows he’s waving a exactly nobody, noone, not a soul.

  22. chatter says:

    Thank you to Scotland for ignoring William!
    Will showing up for his PR event and finding nearly no one attending, cheers me up. LOL

    More ignoring by everyone, everywhere please. 👍

    • L Williams says:

      This really burns for William because he thinks he is the true King of Scotland since his Spencer bloodline is descendant from James 1st King of Scotland and England. While his father who is of the Hanover/ Windsor line has little or no claim.

  23. Fifee says:

    All I can hear in my wee brain when seeing zero folk in the windows reflection is Nelson Muntz (The Simpsons) saying ‘ha ha’. Childish? Most definitely but oh so deserving.

  24. One of the marys says:

    Well you’ve said it all. This is the bed he made 🤷‍♀️

  25. Bingo says:

    So I have two controversial opinions this morning. First, I don’t mind the scruff. He is a very unattractive man. I think he looks marginally better with scruff. At least it’s a more interesting look.
    Second, do the crowds really matter? Why not just go about his business – attending the meeting with the organization and try to use social media to bring awareness. If the crowd is organic then great – but why bother if not? I don’t know that we should be mocking them for not having a crowd – I’m pleased no one turned up. Better for their ego (as in, get over yourselves). Better for the environment (transporting people has a climate impact).
    You’re right though – stupid AF not to just drop him off at the door

    • Becks1 says:

      I don’t think the crowds matter as a general point – is he there for the crowds, or is he there to visit an organization and publicize their work on social media and through royal channels? (the latter doesn’t really help the organization but as a general objective lets go with it.)

      The lack of crowds matter because we all know it stings his ego, and also because it just shows how incompetent his team is. If there were no crowds, they should have just dropped him off at the door. This same thing happened last year so I dont know why they were anticipating something different this time.

    • Eurydice says:

      As an isolated event, crowds don’t matter, but taken in context of a years-long narrative that William is jealous of Harry’s popularity, crowds do matter.

      It would be a good strategy for William to pick a business, stick with it, go about it with genuine enthusiasm and then actually promote it on social media, but that’s not what has been happening. But, who knows, maybe he’s changed…

    • Nic919 says:

      They set up barriers for the crowds that never showed up though. Maybe they need to lower their expectations.

    • Normal_Islander says:

      Crowds matter to all of the BRF because without at least the appearance of public support they’re nothing.

      It was the same for QEII’s lying in state. This happened post-Covid, in a UK which had just managed to run testing and vaccination programmes which used timed appointments and paperless ticketing to avoid people having to queue and risking spreading the virus. Plans for QEII’s death had been in place for years, people could have booked slots and the massive inconvenient queueing system could have been avoided but the long queues, road closures and major disruption were necessary to make it look like she was much more popular than she actually was.

      I remember the Queen Mother’s 100th birthday and how aerial shots revealed that the BBC had used strategic camera angles to make the tiny gathering of well-wishers outside Buck House look much bigger. They did the same with the screening of QEII’s funeral in Holyrood Park, I saw the crowd from the top of Arthur’s Seat and it was very sparse. The Platinum Jubilee celebrations were hyped up as well, no street parties anywhere near me and the only place I saw any bunting was a Wetherspoons.

      The BRF have been doing this for years, it’s just becoming more obvious in a world where everyone has a high quality video camera in their pocket.

  26. crazyoldlady says:


  27. QuiteContrary says:

    Minuscule turnout for one of the smallest men who ever lived.

  28. tamsin says:

    So what has Homwards done in the intervvening year? What progress, or result, or change? It seems like all the homeless are going about their business oblivious to William who says he is trying to help them? I’m not clear on exactly how he plans to tackle the problem. Why is he not even connecting homelessness to one of his other issues- mental health? But it seems he knows nothing about mental health and how it affects everything. And another thing, William always looks so angry during discussions, and those hands! I’m concluding all those facial expressions and hand motions are the Waleses “acting” out their involvement and interest?

  29. JC says:

    Oh well! Still going to be king!

  30. TN Democrat says:

    The UK really isn’t going to be the UK much longer with charisma vaccums like Willy leading the way. His staff are probably fearful of protests. It makes my teeth hurt to hear his staff blamed when most of what ails Willy is self-made, down to his continuous press attacks on Harry that are gradually morphing into the real story. Willy doesn’t have the backbone or character to be king and needed his brother far more than Harry needed him. Staff can only do much to prop up a dull, workshy dud thinks he knows it all and can’t listen to sound advice. He also hires the staff. Buck stops with a failed to launch 42 living on the tax payers generosity.

    • Normal_Islander says:

      “His staff are probably fearful of protests” – and they have good reason to be. When Charles and Camilla came to Edinburgh for the sword ceremony/second coronation the protesters were a large minority of the crowd and their shouts of “Not my king” could be heard inside the cathedral on the TV coverage. Wonderful stuff. And William is even less popular. Not even Kate can bring enough of a touch of glamour to keep people interested.

  31. Square2 says:

    Wasn’t it once (that we knew of) on the day of the event, then Cambridge/KP staff went on knocking doors around the event location, informed them W or K or both of them were coming, came out & watch them? Really pitiful.

    And whatever happens to his ITV docuseries about William, the Prince of Wales, that was supposed to air during summer last year? (To compete with Heart of Invictus, I guessed?) Has it aired? They made such a big announcement & arranged he to visit those Homewards locations.

  32. Normal_Islander says:

    How long before the BRF start using the seat filler services? Or would the risk of someone leaking to Popb*tch be too great?

  33. Libra says:

    Why not charter busses and give the care home people a nice ride and change of scenery. They’d love it and might clap for you.

    • Normal_Islander says:

      The problem here is that most people in Scotland hate the BRF. Could bus a few over from a certain segment of Glaswegians I guess.

  34. L Williams says:

    The Three lions symbol in the British emblems comes from Richard the 1st who was King of England, Duke of Normandy and Duke of Aquitaine.

  35. Cairidh says:

    I remember when he arrrived at St. Andrews to go to uni. There was a massive crowd cheering for him. He was furious because he expected to just turn up quietly the same as the other students. He didn’t want a public arrival. He smiled and waved to the camera but it was a grimacing smile with clenched teeth. He was so popular. He didn’t have to earn the love of the public, he already had it just for the way he looked and because he was Diana’s son. He looked like peoples idea of a perfect fairytale prince so people assumed he was going to behave like one. He also looked like Diana so people thought he would be a male version of her. He had super popularity handed to him on a platter, all he had to do was keep it. And to keep it he would probably have only needed to work hard…. or at least a normal amount.

    The journalist who interviewed him for an article when he arrived at St. Andrews
    (It was a man), said he’s not just enormously handsome, he has charisma too. Somehow he’s never managed to show that to the public.

    • Nic919 says:

      That journalist was being generous because Harry had obvious charisma in the interviews he did as a teen. William never did. He had Diana’s blond hair though and that gave him cover for ,many years.

    • Jais says:

      Yeah, it’s interesting. I give William a hard time about his posture. It’s honestly just painful to look at. But if you look back at him during his youth, he always had the hunched shoulders and dropped his head down. Usually to avoid the photographers. So I have sympathy towards that but at some point a better posture is needed. And honestly it’s never too late! Your back and hips and legs will thank you! And I’m getting of my posture soapbox now.

  36. Over it says:

    Wank looks like his first stop every morning is the bar. He just looks drunk and high every time I have seen him recently. And that dirt on his face is definitely not helping him look sober

  37. kelleybelle says:

    Please, PLEASE shave that god-awful beard-thing. You only look like you need a shower.

  38. Hummingbird says:

    Harry manages to pull a bigger crowd when they don’t even know he’ll be there.
    We Scots just don’t give a flying one about the BRF.

  39. Michael P Cowtan says:

    He should speak to Trump, who knows all about renting crowds

  40. Murphy says:

    Princess Beatrice gets more attention when she walks to Equinox.

  41. Marni8 says:

    It’s what he deserves.

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