Journalist Olivia Nuzzi on leave after likely having an affair with Robert Kennedy Jr.

What a pre-October Surprise. Y’all know how Robert Kennedy Jr. is a serial adulterer who is currently on his third marriage, to actress Cheryl Hines? Kennedy started running around with Hines two seconds after he forced his second wife Mary Richardson to leave their shared house. Mary died by suicide in 2012 and Kennedy married Hines in 2014. Hines has been a huge part of Kennedy’s brain-worm’d presidential campaign, and Hines apparently suggested that Kennedy throw his support behind Donald Trump. Well, it looks like Kennedy was having an affair this year. With New York Magazine’s Olivia Nuzzi, who has now been put on leave from the magazine once her bosses became aware of the relationship.

New York Magazine Washington correspondent Olivia Nuzzi is on leave after an alleged “romantic” relationship with former independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Status magazine first reported on Thursday.

The magazine said in an online statement that Nuzzi “acknowledged” to editors “that she had engaged in a personal relationship with a former subject relevant to the 2024 campaign while she was reporting on the campaign, a violation of the magazine’s standards around conflicts of interest and disclosures.”

A spokesperson for RFK told CNN that Kennedy, who endorsed former President Trump after dropping out of the 2024 race, “only met Olivia Nuzzi once in his life for an interview she requested, which yielded a hit piece.”

Nuzzi said in a statement shared with outlets including Axios that “the nature of some communication between myself and a former reporting subject turned personal” earlier this year. “During that time, I did not directly report on the subject nor use them as a source,” she said. “The relationship was never physical but should have been disclosed to prevent the appearance of a conflict. I deeply regret not doing so immediately and apologize to those I’ve disappointed, especially my colleagues at New York.”

N.Y. Mag said in its statement that Nuzzi “would not have continued to cover the presidential campaign” had the magazine “been aware of this relationship.” It confirmed that Nuzzi was on leave from the magazine following the incident. “An internal review of her published work has found no inaccuracies nor evidence of bias,” per the statement. The magazine “is conducting a more thorough third-party review,” it added. “We regret this violation of our readers’ trust.”

[From Axios]

Every part of this is insane, honestly. Nuzzi wrote a profile of Kennedy for NY Mag back in November 2023, and their affair apparently began after that. So throughout the year, as she wrote truly awful campaign coverage, she was pillow-talking with the guy who loves to cut the heads off of dead whales? The guy who left a dead bear cub in Central Park? The guy who is missing part of his brain because of a worm?

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84 Responses to “Journalist Olivia Nuzzi on leave after likely having an affair with Robert Kennedy Jr.”

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  1. Mirelle says:

    Kennedy and Nuzzi — both trash pandas. No offense to actual pandas.

    • Kitten says:

      I don’t understand the raccoon comparison honestly. They’re lovely creatures who don’t deserve that shit.

      • Pinkosaurus says:

        She can be found enthusiastically rummaging through trash and hisses when you shine a light on her? Seriously though, raccoons are adorable and these two are very not.

      • Kate says:

        I am also offended on their behalf. These two are just trash. No need to drag more innocent animals into Kennedy’s storyline.

      • Megan says:

        Raccoons don’t make me feel like vomiting, unlike this story.

      • Janice says:

        absolutely right, leave racoons and panda’s out of this mess. can’t wait for this asshole to be out of the news.

  2. girl_ninja says:

    She’s exactly who we thought she was. A trash hypocrite DT sympathizer.

    She’s such a disgrace but this is not surprising. She’s a pick me hypocrite who idolizes Ann Coulter & Kelly Ann Whats her face.

    What a disgrace. But mostly I’m pointing and laughing at her arrogant ass.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      I’ve had to cancel so many media subscriptions in the past couple years, including to NY magazine (I miss you Vulture recaps!) because I just refuse to monetarily support garbage writers like this. I have no idea why NY mag thinks these compromised idiots should be writing for an otherwise sharp and professional publication. They’re so desperate for some of that MAGA/Qanon/both sides engagement they are willing to flush the rest of their readership down the toilet.

      • JustBitchy says:

        Pinkasauris I’m with you 100%. I too have had to cancel the same subscriptions. Nuzzi has taken women in journalism back decade so with this behavior

      • Jais says:

        Does nymag have other political reporters from this person? Or was she the main one? Bc she’s heinous. And it’s clear she always has been. Wtf nymag.

      • LOLWUT says:

        saves you money at least!

        so I take it that Olivisa is the person in the second pic, and the chick in the 1st pic is the wife. captions might help.

        I would have sympathy for the wife, except that I don’t have sympathy for naz sympathizers. oh well.

    • Emcee3 says:

      I’m not familiar w/ T_FisherKing, but he also dropped this 🐸🍵ing one:

  3. Nanea says:

    *insert puking emoji*

    But, but she wrote it wasn’t physical.

    I wouldn’t even be able to listen to this anti-science, anti-vaxxer nutjob for more than a few seconds, let alone be up to interviewing that guy.

    And I’m not feeling sorry for CH.

  4. Get Real says:

    Talk about a broken picker. Ugh.
    She makes JLo look healthy.

    • Agnes says:

      JLo IS healthy. She’s just got so much inner shine it blinds her to faults. Whereas Nuzzi embiggens herself on notoriety.

  5. Proud Mary says:

    In 2016, this woman was always on MSNBC breaking news about her “interviews” with Trump. I always wondered, what, other than the fact that she was young and blond, gave her access to the Republican presidential candidate.

    • bisynaptic says:


    • LarkspurLM says:

      Proud Mary – yep! I remember that. She was a salivating fan-girl over Michael Cohen. My husband used to refer to her as Michael’s Girlfriend.

      Cheryl Hines = run away! Cue Curb Your Enthusiasm music and GTFO

      Oh and she can take a flying F since she was one of the first to spread rumors about President Biden.

  6. Miranda says:

    This must be so embarrassing for JD Vance. Now he’s the only guy on the ticket who doesn’t have his own rubber-faced gerontophile Nazi concubine to flaunt! They really do exclude him from everything, don’t they?

  7. LadyE says:

    Holy what on the CH encouraging the Trump endorsement, had not seen that and thought the opposite. Not sure if I believe it, but if what RK jr says is true, she went to the meeting, I guess I was wrong. On the you suck scale, it doesn’t really move the needle much for me, she already sucked enough in not publicly objecting to the Trump endorsement.

    I don’t like to be petty, but to this affair news….haha, karma, Cheryl! Yeah, I know, her husband’s the cheat, but…haha! Feel the same about the PageSix news on Kimberley being out the door and having little Trump’s new gf seated literally behind them. So embarrassing and disrespectful, but all I got is…haha, karma to you too!

    • Josephine says:

      This is exactly what is in store for all of these women who stand by their republicant losers — they will be dispatched and replaced by a newer version, and unlike someone like Cheryl, most of them will be without a means of support or basic lifeskills. And no amount of filler, implants or pretending to be brain dead is going to save you.

    • North of Boston says:

      On CH and KG, I figure – you crawl into bed with it, you must like it, and you’re making *your* character and values clear – when it’s concerning people so obviously selfish and mean-spirited and willing to attack, make things up and behave in ways that are likely to cause harm to vulnerable people. They are all bigots and selfish losers.

      Though frankly, with KG, I sat through enough episodes of Fox’s The Five with because an elderly relative wanted to watch it to know she’s a hateful, propaganda spreading, sleazy, Trump-propping up, lying poser A-hole in her own right. (Same goes for everyone on that show – Gutfield, and that smarmy A-hole Watters particularly)

      • bisynaptic says:

        If Guilfoyle sp? had hung on to Gavin Newsom, she would at least be First Lady of California, now. That has to sting.

    • MoonTheLoon says:

      CH encouraging BrainWorm to “hear Trump out” was talked about a bit here not too long ago. Even not knowing that, I don’t expect different, being married to such an extreme character. She’s known who he is for yonks now. As far as this affair, this is her karma. I’m dying laughing and I do not care what anyone thinks of it.

  8. Jais says:

    🤢 Gross. And sorry but her takes on trump and Biden show clear bias now that RFk jr has endorsed trump. So I guess she’s heading to Fox News now.

  9. Eowyn says:

    There are some very rude comments on social media about having sex with RFK that had me laughing to the point of tears.
    I can’t believe I live in this timeline.

  10. Chaine says:

    What does this even mean? They had phone sex? I guess maybe that would have been a scandal in 1991 but now who cares? Maybe he sent her dick pics and she responded with a belfie… So bizarre

    • Mirelle says:

      This is where my un-coffeed mind has gone this morning. If nothing physical transpired, then exactly what happened? Sexting? Nude pics? I don’t think phone sex not with that gravelly voice of his. Ugh. I need coffee to wash the images out of my head.

    • sevenblue says:

      She says it wasn’t physical. That doesn’t mean she is telling the truth, considering she lied about the existence of her relationship in the first place.

      • antipodean says:

        Call me naive, but how does one have an affair that is not physical? I know there can be other sorts of cheating, but my mind is boggling over this. Given this woman’s professed past views, and alliances, I am very doubtful that she gets within striking distance of the truth very often. What a cesspit!

      • K.T says:

        Olivia Dunco Nazi has been on my radar for at least five years and as TOTAL liar who loves Milo ex-Trump assistant and far right Breitbarter, passionate for Kelly Ann Conway/Ann Coulter but was still defended by some good journalists. Being a starf*ker for the worst ppl is just her true self …It’s awesome she’s been caught finally but I imagine her slithering into another blond job.

      • MoonTheLoon says:

        @antipodean- Emotional cheating is a thing. Confiding in someone else before or in place of your partner, relying on their emotional support, sharing intimate things about your relationship with your partner and even complaining about them to this person. The more obvious part is when overt endearments and talks of love or sex start. Then there’s when you consider their wellbeing (in all respects, especially mental/emotional) over that of your partner. You’re creating an inappropriate bond. It’s why I can’t stand all that WorkSpouse crap. If you already have a partner at home, funnel your energy towards them. And quit giving people titles that don’t belong to them.

    • Nikki says:

      It’s not about the actual act it is about a so called legit journalist having an affair (physical or of the heart is irrelevant) with a subject that she’s covered or expected to cover.

  11. Hypocrisy says:

    I don’t even know what to say about this man anymore.. I’m thoroughly confused on why so many women would have sex with this man or marry him. After Trumps gop is defeated and people like this aren’t news every day I hope sanity will return I’m tired of them all.. our nation will need therapy after surviving all of this.

    • Layday says:

      That’s the thing. At this point, some women must just be trying to check off the bucket list that they got it on with a Kennedy because nothing about the way the man talks, speaks, looks, or even his behavior says throw your entire journalistic credibility away to become a laughingstock. By pretty much every metric he’s a terrible and selfish person. But from everything coming out about her, they seem cut from the same cloth. Honey you a long way from that Camelot Kennedy rizz.

      • LeonsMomma says:

        I was at a party in the early aughts where Patrick Kennedy was the guest of honor. The women swarming around him was amazing. I was too hungover to participate, lol. But it must have peaked his interest as the only woman who wasn’t interested, because he came over to sit and talk to me. Then the women came over to re-swarm — I left.

        Nice guy, but I’m telling you, that Kennedy name gets them all sorts of things…

      • MoonTheLoon says:

        @LeonsMomma- It’s hilarious, considering that the name Kennedy means “big fat ugly head” in Irish. I learned that in Killarney in the early Aughties. I was on a package tour and one of the other customers was a Kennedy. No relation, though still well to do. Very kind people. Turned out we were on the same flight home. They talked the check-in agents into letting me check in at the First Class desk with them, though I was in steerage. Fun trip.

  12. Amy T says:

    I will refrain from commenting on her taste in men, but was immediately transported to 2009, when a similar situation happened in Milwaukee – a reporter who’d written a feature about the police chief (much better looking than RFK Jr., and with no publicly disclosed brainworms) ended up in an affair that tanked her marriage but not so much her career…..

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      Oh yeah, I remember that. You know the worst of it is that reporter threw away her hard earned reputation on Flynn who was a legendary dog and would hit on anyone and everyone, just working the odds. He really got around.

      She “reports” for some local right wing blog these days.

    • ML says:

      This is totally giving play stupid games, win stupid prizes. RFK Jr is so horrible, this won’t really impact him at all at this point, but Olivia Nuzzi just shot herself in both feet.

  13. Izzy says:

    Calling her a trash panda is so mean. Let’s leave the raccoons out of this, they never did anything to deserve being dragged into this mess.

    • Mirelle says:

      A trash panda is a raccoon? I didn’t know that. That’s just mean and discriminatory towards raccoons. That’s bad enough without being associated with trash Nuzzi.

    • Kitten says:

      Thank you! Raccoons are so cute.

      • Pinkosaurus says:

        Raccoons are absolutely adorable but I don’t think they would be insulted by being associated with trash. The ones in my neighborhood love trash, it’s their favorite thing, like a weekly buffet. Really have to keep your cans locked down until pickup. We occasionally call our black and white cat the trash panda because he loves playing with bits of paper, milk rings, old tissues, etc. We have to keep him out of the open waste baskets too.

      • Emcee3 says:

        I’ve seen many adorable videos of raccoons washing their food before eating. There’s one w/ a bowl of cotton candy / sugar floss & a kiddie pool directly next to it. It’s kinda funny, but also “Awww… Why you gotta punk these cuties?”

      • Jaded says:

        @Emcee3 – Raccoons actually wet their food to gather more sensory information about it from nerve endings in their paws. Moistening food enhances a raccoon’s understanding of what they’re eating.

  14. Amy Bee says:


  15. Brassy Rebel says:

    I think she’s just saying it wasn’t physical because imagining her having actual physical relations with him is nausea inducing. He is gross looking and his obsession with dead animal carcasses is repulsive. I’ve been side eyeing her for years since she always gave right wing vibes. 😏🤢

  16. Lucy2 says:

    Ew. And I’m having doubts there was no physical affair.
    Real quality man you got there, Cheryl.

  17. Angela says:

    What’s funny is RFK “I don’t know her” rebuttal. Throwing away your career for him???

  18. Nerd says:

    What I takeaway from this is that there was no confirmation that it was RFK Jr. which is the even more disturbing part of the article because if it were to come out later on that it wasn’t RFK Jr. but Donnie or Donnie Jr. I wouldn’t be surprised about any of these men doing it because all of them have done it previously. That is the morality of the people who surround that presidential campaign.

  19. Kitten says:

    HIGHLY doubt it wasn’t physical…I feel like we’re gonna learn more.

  20. Harla says:

    Not shocked, not surprised just fairly nauseous.

  21. Bean says:

    Bloomberg canceled the big promo of her show a couple weeks ago, and some media bro claimed it was because “libruls” were bringing up old tweets “that were just jokes you guys.”

    Perhaps they knew something we didn’t.
    I love this journey for her.
    Godspeed, racist.

    • Nic919 says:

      More of these right wing idiot women need to read up on what happens with the Nazi handmaidens. It never ends well for them.

  22. Jay says:

    So, she just had an emotional affair with this awful guy? That’s somehow…worse?

    • Chanteloup says:

      seriously, what are they trying to say, they traded fantasies about what they’d like to do to dead animals I feel sick

  23. chatter says:

    RFK, jr is scum.
    He drove the Mother of his children to end her life.
    After cheating on her for years and putting her thru a humiliating divorce in which he refused to pay her $$.

    Look up his private history. Scum.

    • Blujfly says:

      It’s actually worse, first he drove his first wife into glorified isolation and disappearance from public kefir, and she was a lawyer he met at UVA from a regular family in Indiana. She’s the mother of Kick and Bobby. Then he took what he learned and knocked up his sister’s friend and roommate while still married to Emily black Kennedy and then he drove the second one to suicide.

      • chatter says:

        Geez, I did not know all that. I was thinking of Mary Kennedy. Had no idea Mary was a friend of his sisters, etc.
        I recall very clearly seeing photos of their kids at their Mums graveside, just striken looking.
        So, cheated on #1 wife. Started up w #2 wife (Mary) and cheated on her with Cheryl. The married Cheryl, etc.

        Hot mess of a foolish, cheating man, the only thing he has is the faded Kennedy name.
        The Kennedy name and glory days are well over by decades.
        Well Cheryl, you knew what you were getting.

  24. Nic919 says:

    Do a quick search on her current finance Ryan Lizza. He’s a gross sex pest who may actually make RFK jr look better in comparison, morals wise.

    Why this woman isn’t fired for doing this is pretty absurd.

    • Jaded says:

      Yeah, he’s just as scummy. He got fired from New Yorker in 2017, for “improper sexual conduct” and subsequently suspended from his role as a political commentator by CNN. If that wasn’t bad enough, Georgetown University, where he taught a class in American politics, also cut ties with him. Nuzzi’s been put on leave from New York Magazine while the issue is being investigated. There’s a necessary legal protocol that needs to be followed rather than just saying “You’re Fired!”

    • QuiteContrary says:

      Apparently, because life comes at you fast, Lizza is now her “ex-fiancee.”

      From Politico this afternoon:
      “A note from our own Ryan Lizza: “Because of my connection to this story through my ex-fiancée, my editors and I have agreed that I won’t be involved in any coverage of Kennedy in Playbook or elsewhere at POLITICO.”

  25. bisynaptic says:

    She could become Kick’s next stepmom.

  26. QuiteContrary says:

    If Eva Braun wasn’t setting back the cause of women, I’d be thoroughly enjoying her comeuppance.

    (Lots of this-didn’t-age-well retweets of her 2015 tweet in which she asked, “Why does Hollywood think female reporters sleep with their sources?”)

  27. crazyoldlady says:

    Love this for Cheryl Hines

  28. Anonymous says:

    TYT especially Ana Kasperian idolizes Nuzzi.Gave her a huge interview so that she could trash Biden.

  29. dc says:

    My first & only response to this news was: someone actually wants to get close to that…that…horrendous pile of bs???? Both inside & out.

  30. Peanut Butter says:

    I wonder who found out and could have been about to spill their affair to her bosses? I can’t imagine that Nuzzi would otherwise confess to doing something so monumentally ill-advised and unprofessional. Ugh, I hope he was worth destroying any of your remaining credibility, dear.

    And Cheryl Hines married him anyway, despite his awful treatment of his second wife. I wonder if she’s used to him having affairs and rating his conquests. It’s hard to imagine him leaving that kind of obsessive, antisocial behavior behind just because he got married again. Imagine settling for that walking chancre of a human being.