Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck reunited at a school event in LA this week

Jennifer Lopez filed for divorce from Ben Affleck one month ago exactly. Following that divorce filing, she spent one full week getting her side out there, with “sources” telling People Magazine what actually happened behind the scenes in the past year. There were stories about Ben’s mood swings, and how Ben basically ghosted her in April and began moving his sh-t out of their house while she was working in New York. Ben was also the one behind their documentary, The Greatest Love Story Never Told, and on and on. Basically, Jennifer was washing her hands of Ben and ensuring that she didn’t get the blame for everything that went down. I also believe Jen was behind the Kick Kennedy rumors too – Ben was seeing or is seeing Kick Kennedy, which likely started over the summer.

Anyway, all of that worked. Jennifer has, from where I sit, positioned herself pretty well. She’s hurt and sad, but she’s also making her peace with the fact that Ben sucks. Then there was a disruption in this “onwards” energy last weekend, when Ben and J.Lo pap-strolled at the Beverly Hills Hotel with their kids. Reportedly, Ben was handsy with her and they were kissing and being affectionate. Ben gets turned on when a woman publicly puts him on blast, apparently. Well, Bennifer reunited once again this week:

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck are doing their best when it comes to their kids … TMZ has learned they walked into a school together despite their divorce in full swing.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ … the exes were seen making their way to the back-to-school night Tuesday at an L.A. area school where they each have kids that attend. Our sources tell us the exes were totally cool with each other and very cordial.

But don’t get it twisted — our sources are adamant they’re not rekindling anything — they’re still getting divorced.

We’re told they’re a couple who still care for each other … they’re wrapped up in a years-long love affair.

But their kids are the real focus. Just last week, the two, along with their respective children, were spotted at The Beverly Hills Hotel, where witnesses saw them kissing and holding hands during the lunch.

[From TMZ]

As I said in the hotel photos from last weekend – Ben’s kids seem to get along really well with Jennifer, and Jennifer’s kids were giving Ben the “he ain’t sh-t” stinkeye. I don’t think Max and Emme want any part of this, but Ben’s kids are so disappointed that their dad f–ked up another marriage. Anyway, I absolutely hope that Jennifer has given up on Ben and that none of these outings lead to reconciliation. That being said, I feel like J.Lo is exactly the kind of woman who will keep making this same mistake, over and over.

One nice thing – J.Lo appeared at Kamala Harris’s Michigan town hall, hosted by Oprah. Jennifer appeared virtually! She’s a big Dem and she hates Trump.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images.

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23 Responses to “Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck reunited at a school event in LA this week”

  1. Mirelle says:

    Lunch date with the kids, back-to-school night, kissing, laughing, flirting with each other. I think Jen and Ben are trolling us, paps, media. And I’m here for it. Maybe their relationship works when they’re not married?

  2. yupyup says:

    They are def getting back together but she needs to be seen in control of what it looks like now. If he wants anything he has to do it her way and I’m for it. I still hope they make it work but yes divorce and don’t go into business but get together.

    • Amberil says:

      Exactly this. They are getting back together, jlo is controlling the narrative and Ben is letting her do it. I don’t think she was washing her hands off him, she talked to Matt at that party for a reason and it looks like he called Ben on his bullshit and now they are reconciling. I dont think Jlo’s kids hate Ben or she wouldn’t be imposing that to them, Emme and Ben were close and she was seen multiples times at his rental with Fin

  3. Aerie says:

    This couple has exhausted all interest and good will for a happy ending.

  4. Andrea says:

    The fact that Jennifer Lopez did not move back to wherever and kept her kids in same school speaks volumes.

    I think Ben’s kids expressed their disappointment to their to father. They are at the age when estrangement because of bad parenting or bad parent behavior, can happen and I think Jennifer, (the first wife ) layed it all out to Ben, that their kids are hurt that he’s destroying another family.

    • Amberil says:

      I don’t think his kids expressed him their disappointment and it made him change his mind all of a sudden. They’ve been separated since April, jlo was chasing him, going to his kids parties, spending a few days with Violet etc and he couldn’t care less.

    • Blithe says:

      But what do these “volumes” say? At this point, she has teenagers, who have built their own comfort zones and their own friendships. I’m sure she’s taking their needs into account with whatever decisions she makes, and all this says to me is that it’s likely that Max and Emme don’t want to be uprooted from their High School lives — whatever else might be going on. Good on the Jennifers for supporting the well-being of the kids.

      • Sumodo1 says:

        That azz tho!

      • Lens says:

        @Blithe exactly. She didn’t think of her kids when moving them to LA and now she is. Once kids start High school you don’t move them around. Eighth grade was bad enough and I’m sure max and emme let her know about that.

  5. Pinkosaurus says:

    Can I hope that Jen is making some new friends while supporting the campaign? I feel like Big Gretch would be an amazing get-a-grip friend.

    • LBB says:

      I feel like Oprah herself would give Jen good advice to ditch Ben, but let’s remember JLo listens to her heart always. I love and hate that for her.

  6. girl_ninja says:

    I hope for her mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing she doesn’t allow that man back in. That’s all.

  7. Mel says:

    I’m going to say the same thing about them that I said about Will and Jada: Can ya’ll take us out the group chat or let us unsubscribe? Please and thank you.

  8. SIde Eye says:

    He loves the chase. But she should just keep running.

  9. Somebody Nobody says:

    Jen is in fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me territory. What happens at fool me three times?

  10. Brynne says:

    I doubt they’re getting back together. This is purely for the kids which is actually a good thing to make sure they still feel connected and supported by everyone. The last lunch outing was likely to get all the kids together and explain the divorce to them. It was the first time they were all seen together after Ben ghosted Jlo. There was only ever one report that mentioned physical affection between them and that was Page Six playing up the will-they-won’t-they angle to start rumours. Nobody else and none of the pap photos have ever shown them displaying that kind of body language.

  11. HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

    They are done. This was an outing for the kids. Because Jen is decent and wants to stay in his kids’ lives. Unlike Ben who clearly doesn’t give a f*ck. There’s no photos to prove they were kissing and handsy. I think that part’s made up. What I see in these photos are two people who’d rather not be in each other’s presence, but they’re doing it for the kids.

  12. Lurker M says:

    I know Jlo’s sister Lynda & Leah Remini (all her family & friends) are TIRED!

    Just no, let that man go on his dysfunctional way.

    The 5 minutes to vent rule needs to be instituted (knowing she’ll probably go over it) for their own sanity.

  13. SarahMCK says:

    I mean, date if you want. Live separately and see each other when you feel like it. If something happened to my husband, I would not be super interested in living with a new partner when I could have my own space. And I don’t have anywhere close to their money.

  14. Lens says:

    I’m glad JLo kids are still at their LA school and she didn’t uproot them because of a man (again). She did look happier in the Hamptons despite knowing her happy in the Hamptons era being pretty scripted. Looks like Ben is taking his PR from his Jennifer garner divorce play book manual. Look like a good dad thinking about the kids welfare first despite being a bad husband who has been generally impossible and with the nanny (insert kick Kennedy’s name here now). It will probably work again especially if JLo goes along with it which she doesn’t have to but seems to want the blended family ideal still even with a divorce.

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