Kamala Harris’s Michigan town hall, hosted by Oprah, was pretty amazing

Last night, Kamala Harris took part in a fantastic town hall event in Michigan. Oprah Winfrey was the host of the event, and they staged it like Oprah’s old talk show. I was watching MSNBC last night and there really is something about Oprah which makes even hardened and jaded politicos completely lose their minds. Like, they love Oprah and they love the way she wields her political power. They understood the power of this event, the fact that Oprah was getting involved, the fact that it was staged like Oprah’s talk show, the fact that Oprah did more to humanize Kamala Harris and talk to female voters than anyone else. Big Gretch was there too! Michigan’s Governor Gretchen Whitmer got to go on stage with Oprah. Big Gretch is a rock star.

Anyway, while there were plenty of voters at the event, asking questions and speaking, there were also celebrities there, appearing over Zoom. Oprah must have brought in her old producers, because all of it went so well from a production standpoint. I’m including clips of Meryl Streep “accidentally” referring to VP Harris as “President Harris” and Julia Roberts talking about how Americans are perceived internationally. One of the most powerful moments was when Amber Nicole Thurman’s mother and sister spoke out. Amber, a 28-year-old mother, died because of Georgia’s abortion ban and a Georgia hospital’s refusal to care for her. Hadley Duvall also spoke at the town hall. She’s in Harris’s ads too.

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15 Responses to “Kamala Harris’s Michigan town hall, hosted by Oprah, was pretty amazing”

  1. girl_ninja says:

    I really enjoyed it. It had me crying and laughing, both Kamala and Oprah were in their element. I was so happy to see MVP doing a town hall and loved how they got all the Zoom groups together. If we fight! We win!

    • CLOVE says:

      @girl_ninja It was! I didn’t expect to get emotional! I cried for Hadleym, Amber, and Natalie. I am more inspired to work harder on her campaign!

      • girl_ninja says:

        It makes me more determined too! I get so anxious and even burst into tears today because of all that is at stake. But I know I always feel better when I am helping with organizing and being proactive during campaigns.

    • ariel says:

      It was lovely, but i wept through most of it.
      Hadley, Amber’s family, the mom of the injured teen from the school shooting.
      All of them spoke eloquently.

      I don’t know how any decent human could have watched that and thought – more nra, more abortion bans!

      I only wish when on the subject of gun violence or ivf or abortion, someone would have mentioned that EVERY GOP member of congress votes against gun control and women’s safety.
      I am not picking at the program (it was fantastic and UNIFYING)- i just wish more gop senators/representatives would get their nazi butts kicked out of office.

  2. Agnes says:

    You now, Oprah is always going to be The Boss, remember that story a few years back about her and La Streisand getting territorial over a microphone? So for her to really get behind Kamala and help her become the next POTUS is great. But their body language was interesting. Harris did a good job of acknowledging the queen while projecting her own Boss energy. I think that was difficult for both of them?

  3. Proud Mary says:

    It was amazing. I watched on Kamala’s YouTube channel. Petty me couldn’t help but chuckle, while comparing that to the orange one’s “interview” with Elno.

  4. LBB says:

    I read that there was donation email sent out after and they raised some crazy amount of money in donations, said to be $100 million. If that turns out to be true, well that is crazy exciting.

  5. MaisiesMom says:

    I watched a lot of it too. Very powerful. I was a mess listening to Amber Nicole Thurman’s mother and sister talk about her. MVP really connected with them beautifully I thought. She seems like a natural but it has to be difficult in a public setting like that, because their grief was still so raw.

    I missed Hadley Duvall but I have seen the ad featuring her, which is a gut punch too.

  6. Brassy Rebel says:

    The best hour and a half of the campaign so far. Everything about this event was absolutely epic, from the production values (A+) to the audience members telling their moving stories. And Kamala got a chance to share her policy details while her warm and strong personality shone through. I hope whatever voters are out there and still available to persuasion watched it. There is no comparison between these two candidates. The contrast is stark and clear.

  7. Square2 says:

    Loosing love one is devastated; watching & knowing they suffer while dieing is a whole new level of pain. The cruelty of current GOP, extreme right- wingers & white supremacists has no bound.

    Please Americans, vote up & down straight BLUE, let the very qualified MVP Harris with the support of Congress to steel American (and in a sense, the world) onto the right path again. Thanks.

    • Ciotog says:

      Amber had a young son. When I think of him I get so angry and sad. Her death was completely preventable and now he’s without his mother for no damn reason.

  8. lucy2 says:

    I commented about this on the other post too, it was very well done, but I cried through a lot of it. Especially Amber’s mother, saying all she can think is “preventable.”

    They did an excellent job mixing the speakers in, and hitting all different topics of policy, and as always Kamala really connected with the audience.
    I know Oprah is hit or miss for a lot of people, but I do think she still has sway over white women of a certain age, and I hope this maybe brought in some new voters.

  9. Grace says:

    Two queens, but my favorite is Kamala. Since forever!

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