Olivia Nuzzi apparently sent ‘demure’ photos of herself to Robert Kennedy

Last Thursday, New York Magazine suddenly announced that journalist Olivia Nuzzi was put on leave after they discovered/learned that she had been engaging in an affair with Robert Kennedy Jr. There are several funny/awful/unethical elements to all of this. Status broke the larger story on Thursday, with some interesting details like Nuzzi did not “proactively disclose” her relationship with Kennedy to New York Mag and the magazine “only recently learned of it.” Which explains why the magazine acknowledged that if they had known, they never would have let Nuzzi cover any part of the election. Status also gave a timeline – Nuzzi met Kennedy late last year, probably October or early November 2023, when she interviewed him for a New York cover story. Then the “romantic” relationship “started around the new year” and continued through this year. The entire time, Nuzzi was engaged to Politico’s Ryan Lizza, and they were seen by some as beltway media’s It Couple. Lizza announced their split on Friday, and then Puck dropped some exclusive news hours later:

In a subsequent statement that contained quite a morsel of a twist, Olivia Nuzzi clarified that the relationship was “never physical”—an insinuation that it was some sort of prurient emotional and sexting dynamic. For its part, R.F.K.’s camp claimed that the two had met only once, for the interview that “yielded a hit piece” in the magazine. (At the time, R.F.K. tweeted out the article and called it “provocative.”)

As it turns out, Nuzzi sent Kennedy nude photos of herself—“demure,” per a source familiar—and the relationship likely was indeed strictly remotus (of course, only two people know for sure). Meanwhile, the relationship probably started just a bit earlier than the existing timeline suggests, and the claim by R.F.K.’s spokesperson that they only met once is not entirely accurate. (It was more than once, but whatever.)

Nuzzi and Ryan Lizza had been engaged for two years, up until a month or so ago, when they broke up. In the immediate aftermath, some of Nuzzi’s associates advanced the idea that Lizza had leaked news of his ex-fiancée’s SMS dalliance to Haskell and New York, perhaps through anonymous channels, in order to exact some measure of retribution. Again, there are certain things only certain people know for sure, but my reporting thus far leads me to believe that this hypothesis is not true. (Interpret this how you will, but Darcy’s original report notes that the 70-year-old R.F.K. was “alleged to have boasted privately about the alleged relationship” with the 31-year-old journalist.)

Outside the rampant speculation about disgruntled lovers and ulterior motives, the most pertinent question is whether Nuzzi will keep her job. After a chaotic first 24 hours in which Nuzzi appeared to have been getting conflicting advice from multiple friends, frenemies, and representatives, she is now quietly awaiting the results of her employer’s investigation. The salient question for Haskell and Vox Media chief executive Jim Bankoff, of course, is whether her relationship with R.F.K. influenced any of her coverage—including, most notably, her memorable July feature about “the conspiracy of silence” to protect Joe Biden from scrutiny over his mental decline. (At the time of publication, Kennedy was still running on a third-party ticket.) In an interview with The New York Times in March, Nuzzi asserted that the 2024 campaign was “a three-man race,” and she knocked “the establishment press” for refusing to take Kennedy’s candidacy seriously. Anyway, it’s a lot for Haskell to think about on the flight home from Milan.

[From Puck]

Like everyone else, I’ve been looking through some of Nuzzi’s political and election reporting throughout this year and I have to say, she absolutely deserves to be fired and blacklisted. She was sexting Robert Kennedy and sending him “demure” (and likely mindful) nudes privately and then going on CNN and MSNBC to mock President Biden’s age and capability AND telling people that Kennedy is a viable candidate? It’s a whole other level of unethical. As for the scandalous/gossip side of this – it would be next-level if Ryan Lizza found out about his fiancee’s affair and found a way to inform her bosses. I would also buy that Kennedy has been indiscreet, and really, it could be all of the above. Plus, I doubt Nuzzi was all that discreet.

Imagine being 31 years old and sending your nudes to a 70 year old dude with a brain worm? That’s something else… like, Nuzzi was still having this extremely inappropriate online relationship with Kennedy even after the brain worm story came out. F–king spare me the “she’s just a 31-year-old girl, HE had all of the power!” No he didn’t. He’s an absolutely batsh-t 70-year-old missing part of his brain because a worm ate it, and she was the one sending him photos and pursuing him.

This was Lizza’s statement in Politico’s Playbook:

Photos courtesy of Instagram, Avalon Red.

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43 Responses to “Olivia Nuzzi apparently sent ‘demure’ photos of herself to Robert Kennedy”

  1. Pinkosaurus says:

    Since everyone is just speculating, Imma gonna say the brainworm saw the coverage Trump was getting for his whatever with the loon and wanted a piece of it. Look! I’m a virile, oddly colored elderly man fooling around with a 30 yo batshit nutjob too!!1!1!1

    Seriously though, I think RFK Jr has continued his f*ckboy ways uninterrupted since marrying Cheryl Hines and has so many side pieces, he barely remembers Nuzzi. Didn’t he keep a notebook detailing 37 different women the year before divorcing his 2nd wife? He really gets around and I’m not sure he even pays attention to who these women are. That would be consistent with his denial – they aren’t saying nothing was going on, just that they weren’t meeting up in person on the regular and he didn’t consider it an affair. Meanwhile, she’s going to be dumped to writing for fringe publications, although she is rid of her terrible sex pest fiancé, so there’s that.

  2. Rhea says:

    This story keeps getting more bananas! I doubt we’ve heard everything, there’s more to come out. 🍿

  3. Harla says:

    I saw on social media that Ryan cheated on his ex with Olivia, so now her cheating on him with a brain-worm infested 70 year old is some stellar karmic retribution. I don’t know if it’s true but, I do enjoy when karma works quickly.

    • Mars says:

      YEP! Lizza and her had an affair and Lizza left his wife for Nuzzi!

      Sidenote: no one should feel bad for Cheryl Hines. She was his mistress too while still married to his second wife Mary (Mary was also his mistress-turned-wife!) RFKjr moved Cheryl into his mansion while making his still-wife Mary living in the guest house. Mary eventually committed suicide. Cheryl deserves ALL of this becoming public.

  4. duchess of hazard says:

    Nuzzi seemed to be a birther conspiracist as well (in terms of her tweets re Obama whilst in the White House). I’m just gobsmacked that she threw away her career for *checks notes * RFK Jnr?

    That she sent on nudes (demure or no, it’s still nudes) and didn’t think that would have been alarming?

    Yeah, a lot of people online are defending her as if she’s sixteen and not thirty one. This is mental.

    Now, I gotta look for the profile she wrote on RFK Jnr because I’m a completist.

  5. maisie says:

    let’s not even get into the awful racist tweets she made about Obama. they are still on her feed.

  6. Amy Bee says:

    She probably did more than just send nudes to RFK Jr. It would be interesting to know how people found out about the affair. I don’t think Lizza sold her out.

    • Emcee3 says:

      I read last night that RFK Jr had been boasting about the nude sexting w/ Nuzzi, which found it’s way to her boss David Haskell. When initially confronted, Nuzzi denied, but then came clean. realizing the gossip volume was now out of control
      Also read the scandal rolled out just before Cheryl’s 59th birthday. She’s in Milan w/both her daughter & Bobby’s youngest Kyra–who’s there to walk in a Gucci show. Reports are Cheryl replaced her big honking wedding rings w/ the thinnest of gold bands.

  7. Somebody Nobody says:

    “Demure” took a turn I wasn’t expecting

    • bisynaptic says:


    • Jais says:

      This is the comment I was looking for. “Demure” is being used by people who are not demure and just want the clout and popularity of that word. Wth are demure nude photos😂??? She was naked in a demure way? I’m sorry this is funny. Nothing wrong with nudity but we’re talking about nude pics sent to a married man from an engaged woman. A political scandal bw a reporter and a candidate. That ain’t demure. That’s sleazy af.

  8. Brassy Rebel says:

    To me, the real story here is the behavior of political reporters. Both Lizza and Nuzzi (gotta wonder if their attraction was based on the similarity of their names but that’s another story) are political reporters who write think/opinion pieces about political leaders. And, in their private lives, this is how they behave. They’re just scummy people judging politicians for the masses. I am so done with corporate/legacy/mainstream media. When I consume it these days, I do so with a hefty grain of salt. Everyone should be skeptical of “old media” sources because their star reporters cannot be trusted. I mean, even if she retained her job, what credibility does she have after this? Especially since she never had much to begin with.

  9. fwiw says:

    Answering a question from a different post, could Nuzzi switch to acting and play Carolyn Bessette Kennedy?

  10. Libra says:

    This is 2024. Have young women learned nothing from the mistakes of others in this digital age? Never never never send anyone a picture of yourself that you wouldn’t want displayed on the front cover of any newspaper.

  11. bisynaptic says:

    🥴 🤢

  12. Libra says:

    @bisynaptic; what part of my comment is nauseating to you? Your choice of emoji needs clarification.

    • DK says:

      @Libra, Bisynaptic’s comment appears as a separate comment, not a reply to any other.
      I read it to mean grossed out about the whole situation (but maybe that’s me projecting my absolute bewilderment about how anyone could bring themselves to solicit anything sexual from that complete narcissist nutjob RFK Jr., let alone a woman 40 years his junior…)

  13. Miranda says:

    Look at this idiot. She could’ve just sent him photos of a cheap blowup doll and he never would’ve known the damn difference. Even someone who DOESN’T have a brain worm couldn’t tell the difference.

  14. sevenblue says:

    Are some people really defending her with “power imbalance”? Doesn’t the power here reside with the journalist since she can write negatively or positively about a candidate if she wishes so? She is in her 30’s. There is no life experience aspect of it that she can be defended. She wrote pieces positively about her affair partner and negatively about Democratic politicians without disclosing her relationship. She should lose her job.

    • StarWonderful says:

      Women young, old, or in-between, need to be held accountable for their choices too. Bad and unethical behavior should not be excused, especially in this case.

      • sevenblue says:

        @StarWonderful, umm, it depends on how young a person is. When there is a vast life experience difference, there IS “power imbalance”. I am talking about teenagers or people in early 20’s. They are easy to manipulate or groom by an older partner in those cases. To note, the same thing can be said about a man too if he is the younger partner.

    • Get Real says:

      She definitely held more power. He had nothing over her. She’s just an idiot. And an unethical one at that.

  15. FancyPants says:

    Didn’t she tweet something about how it’s unfair for everyone to assume female reporters are all sleeping with their sources? Anyway, on a more superficial note, what are all these naturally pretty young women doing to their faces to age them so badly?

  16. Visa Diva says:

    What Olivia did was unethical. Reporters shouldn’t be exchanging personal texts of any sort with subjects nor should they be writing about they subject or others in the same business because it’s a conflict of interest.

  17. Amy says:

    This is all just so sleazy. I supposed there is room on Youtube for the next Megyn Kelly/ Tucker Carlson nutjob?

  18. Snarkle says:

    So many toxic ppl in one story! I would not be surprised if Olivia leaked the story publicly after her bosses found out to get her 15 minutes so when she gets fired, she’ll have an alt right following to fall back on- to Fox/newsmax/youtube.

    Also, wasn’t Cheryl H openly rumored to be having an affair with Kennedy for years before he divorced his 2nd wife (who then died by suicide) or am I thinking of someone else? I thought it was them.

    So much karma, so little integrity all around

  19. AR says:

    Wow. Harris looks better and better for not bending backwards for this idiot’s endorsement. I really admire her integrity.

  20. Elsa says:

    What a dummy. She just torpedoed her life for a nut job.

  21. Agnes says:

    This is so interesting to me because I’ve seen variations of Nuzzi on a much less national scale in the course of my life. Pretty, sharp YOUNG blonde (always) who can put two sentences together vaults to the top of the foodchain, then SURPRISE, it comes out she was sleeping with the (married, super crusty) boss. There was a time when journalism was controlled by MALE editors who had to be seduced, one way or another, to approve a story. Of course the easiest seductions are physical. I don’t know what Nuzzi hoped to get out of RatFKer Jr. because it sure didn’t advance her career, and he’s NOT marriage or even “romance” material.

  22. FYI says:

    Your move, Cheryl Hines.

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