Robert Kennedy bragged to friends about Olivia Nuzzi’s ‘aggressive’ pursuit

The Olivia Nuzzi-Robert Kennedy affair story has everything: brain worms, a broken engagement, a staggering lack of journalistic ethics, white feminists claiming a 31-year-old woman is just a girl who is not responsible for her actions and Beltway media figures suggesting that all political reporters f–k the politicians they’re covering. It’s insane. In recent days, a lot of DC media figures have been telling on themselves by defending Nuzzi, and I genuinely hope this changes something about how the Washington press corps operates. Meanwhile, we’re still trying to figure out the timeline and just how Nuzzi and Kennedy’s affair was outed in the first place and when Nuzzi’s New York Magazine bosses found out. According to the Daily Beast, Robert Kennedy and his brain worm were bragging about the affair so loudly that the stories reached Nuzzi’s boss.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s brags to friends that star reporter Olivia Nuzzi had sent him intimate photos was what led the scandal to explode into the open, the Daily Beast can reveal. The 70-year-old scion’s boasts became known to the 31-year-old New York magazine correspondent’s boss—who confronted her over the photos.

Nuzzi repeatedly denied an affair to David Haskell, New York’s editor in chief, but eventually came clean. Nuzzi has now been suspended, and is being investigated over her journalistic ethics by an outside party. Haskell confronted Nuzzi about the affair during a 5:30 p.m. meeting at the magazine’s downtown Manhattan offices on Sept. 13, a source familiar with the matter told The Daily Beast. The meeting was limited to just Nuzzi and Haskell.

Haskell told Nuzzi, 31, that he was informed by a source of his that Kennedy had bragged about his relationship with Nuzzi to others, including possessing photographs of her and that they were in a romantic relationship. Nuzzi initially—and repeatedly—denied the relationship, the source familiar told The Daily Beast. Haskell gave Nuzzi the option to come clean on the matter, and she eventually confirmed the relationship.

New York magazine did not comment. Nuzzi declined to comment. RFK Jr. did not return requests for comment.

Kennedy had forcefully denied on Thursday ever meeting Nuzzi aside from her November 2023 profile of the conspiracy theorist after news of their affair broke. “Mr. Kennedy only met Olivia Nuzzi once in his life for an interview she requested, which yielded a hit piece,” a Kennedy spokesperson told CNN.

A source familiar with the matter said the two had met multiple times, though they cautioned those meetings included public functions and maintained Nuzzi and Kennedy’s relationship was never physical.

[From The Daily Beast]

This might go down in history as one of the stupidest things anyone has ever done professionally, personally, ethically and sexually. If you’re going to crash out over an affair, do it with someone worth the drama and actually get your rocks off. Instead, Nuzzi has now blown up her life and for what? To embiggen Kennedy’s campaign? To send her nudes to a chronic cheater and indiscreet a–hole? The fact that Kennedy bragged about it constantly is disgusting too. Speaking of, the NY Post had this exclusive:

New York magazine reporter Olivia Nuzzi was “obsessed” with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. after interviewing him in California, and pursued him via text to the point where he had to repeatedly block her, a source close to Kennedy’s camp told The Post.

“She went after him aggressively,” the source said Saturday. “She targeted him pretty hard. Bobby was blocking her continually. It was a little scary. She was obsessed with him. I think she still is.”

Nuzzi’s camp pushed back on allegations the situation was a “Fatal Attraction” type of scenario or that she instigated the relationship — but did not deny that the digital fling was tumultuous, suggesting both parties may have stopped texting each other at times.

“It’s absolutely untrue that she was the aggressor, but both parties were aware of how high pressure and high risk the circumstances were and for that reason their communication was very on and off,” a person with knowledge of the situation said.

“Olivia’s point of view is that to call this a relationship or affair is completely inaccurate. It was at most a flirtation,” another source close to Nuzzi said.

A friend of RFK Jr.’s said it wasn’t uncommon for women to throw themselves at Kennedy while on the campaign trail. The Post reported from Kennedy’s campaign launch in Boston in April 2023 noted the “hot MILFs” flirting with him that day.

[From The NY Post]

No, this is so embarrassing. Even if this is BS, this is the narrative that Kennedy is pushing. You know, the guy who received the photos sent by Olivia Nuzzi. She just wrecked her career and her engagement to Ryan Lizza over a 70-year-man with a partially worm-eaten brain who is not only bragging about how she sent him nudes, but he’s telling people that he blocked her because she was pursuing him aggressively. What the hell.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images, HBO screencap and Instagram.

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23 Responses to “Robert Kennedy bragged to friends about Olivia Nuzzi’s ‘aggressive’ pursuit”

  1. Brassy Rebel says:

    Women are throwing themselves at this disgusting clown? Even for the money (does he even have that much?), that’s plain sickening. 🤢

    • sevenblue says:

      I don’t understand any of it. Is it because of Kennedy name?

      • lanne says:

        Kennedy name for sure. Maybe the tangental connection to Jackie, JFK jr and Carolyn Bessette Kennedy was something she wanted to build a future media career on. It seems like something a woman foolish enough to pursue this creep might do. And anyone calling a 31 year old woman a girl needs to shut right up and sit down. The tendency to infantilize white women is disgusting. And you can’t infantilize this woman and then turn around and complain when women are infantilized writ large. That’s peak white feminisim in the worst way.

    • DaveW says:

      It’s not surprising…part of it is the Kennedy name, sure, but women also have thrown themselves as Scott Peterson, Ted Bundy, Drumpf….

  2. chatter says:

    Ick. Ick. Ick.

    That’s enough internet for me today.

  3. Agnes says:

    God, I wouldn’t wish anything ill on her, her humilation is so complete, but then again she did write that hit piece on Biden — that indirectly led to Harris running which IS a good thing. These times are so twisted and tortuous it’s hard to keep anything straight! I’ve known women like her and don’t worry, she’ll fall upwards. Beyotch.

  4. LadyE says:

    I don’t care about the ins and outs of whatever these two were or were not doing sexually. I care about the fact this “journalist” was behaving in a completely unethical and unprofessional manner that directly impacts the presidential campaign. I care that she did not disclose this (and in fact denied it to her editors when confronted, only admitting it when they told her RFK had told people about the pics and it wasn’t just unverifiable gossip) and has continued to report on the presidential campaign.

    I am truly shocked at the journalists defending Nuzzi (and there are so many!) and pretending like this is no big deal. This is such a huge conflict of interest, it’s like journalism 101 of what you do not do. I cannot believe that she is only suspended. She should be fired and all her articles pulled or at least should have a massive asterisk stating that her neutrality and impartiality has been called into question.

  5. Pinkosaurus says:

    Ew, this denial is so incredibly embarrassing for Nuzzi. This is who you threw it all away for? The guy that’s throwing you under the bus while pointing and laughing? Girl.

    I’m sure this is the story he’s telling Cheryl Hines. I wonder if Cheryl is his usual source of financial support? She bought him, but he still likes to run around on the side like he has done his whole life.

  6. Jais says:

    The people defending her are telling on themselves fr. She did something sleazy and unethical. And didn’t she originally make it sound like she went to her boss with the information whereas it seems like she was actually caught out. Bc that worm brain was an indiscreet douchebag.

    • pottymouth pup says:

      notice who it is defending her – they’re all folks who bend over backwards for the right-wing set. I guarantee you that if Nuzzi was a WOC or not someone who didn’t really hide her RW bias, those people defending her would be the first in line to pillory her.

  7. OriginalMich says:

    This is beyond humiliating for Nuzzi. Shrug.

    To me, the bigger story is how the media is responding to it by defending it. By and large, political journalists have become a smug, back-patting club of ‘cool kids’ devoid of ethics. And they wonder why the rest of us have lost trust in them.

  8. lanne says:

    To me, she’s an idiotic woman who screwed up. But what sucks is that when an idiotic man screws up, it’s just a man who screwed up. But this bitch has made professional life that much more difficult for other women, and in particular young conventionally attractive journalists who will have their professional integrity side-eyed.

  9. Rapunzel says:

    She’s so racist and deserves what she gets. Her Twitter history is full of Obama is a Kenyan BS. Not sorry for her.

  10. girl_ninja says:

    “Haskell told Nuzzi, 31, that he was informed by a source of his that Kennedy had bragged about his relationship with Nuzzi to others, including possessing photographs of her and that they were in a romantic relationship. Nuzzi initially—and repeatedly—denied the relationship, the source familiar told The Daily Beast. Haskell gave Nuzzi the option to come clean on the matter, and she eventually confirmed the relationship.”

    Liar, liar, nudes on fire 🔥🔥Lied to her bosses face over and over before admitting to him. What else has she lied about. They’ve got to go over everything she’s ever written because this chick is disgusting.

    Tanking your career (as racist, bias and trash as it was) for brain worm riddled, roadkill eating, cheating ass bum all because of his agency to power and his legendary last name is some next level kind of bullshit. But she’s a bum and a liar and this is what she gets.

    Also: Nuzzi is only 31 years old? I don’t believe it, need to see a birth certificate.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      That Kennedy name is a hell of a drug for a certain type of person, its the same over here in the UK with the aristos – if you have a title, you can have whatever and however you want. Just look at William.

      There is also the strong resemblance to his father, esp when he was younger however I never found either him or his brother that good looking – John Jr however, he was hot (he clearly took after Jackie).

      Fame. money and power are hella drugs.

  11. Sassy says:

    Cheaters always brand their mistresses as being obsessed with them. I don’t believe him.

  12. QuiteContrary says:

    How was she only suspended if she denied the affair to her editor, instead of immediately coming clean?

    • VilleRose says:

      They always have to do an internal investigation with these kinds of things, whether the person lied about it or not so it doesn’t seem retaliatory. HR/outside person will do an investigation and then based on their findings, they will decide what to do with her. These things almost always end up with the person being fired so this is just the first step to firing her. She might be arguing “oh well I didn’t sleep with him so I didn’t have an affair!” But if she sent nude pictures of herself, she’s done for.

  13. FYI says:

    “Bobby was blocking her continually.”

    Um … that’s not how blocking works. 🤨

  14. Gloria says:

    She looks like a pre-veneers Ivanka. There’s a type, huh?

  15. Popsicle W says:

    Yo!!! This story is WILD!!!!! 🤣

  16. VilleRose says:

    What a stupid way to throw away your career and how embarrassing. Can you imagine having to explain continuously “I got fired because I sent nude pics to RJK Jr, the man who tied a whale head to his car and abandoned a bear carcass in Central Park… oh and also some kind of brain worm.”

    Not sure RFK Jr. can look worse than he already does with all his abusing of animal corpse shenanigans and brain worms. He had multiple affairs during his second marriage (and probably during his first) and probably cheated on Cheryl Hines with multiple women, not just this journalist.

  17. Lynne says:

    She isn’t interested…..she did it to have early access in the future to WH news if trump is elected. we presume then Kennedy would be appointed to the cabinet or be an advisor.
    Sending nudes etc. delegitimizes her past journalistic work. She probably did the same earlier.

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