Prince Harry attended a WHO dinner in NYC & has significant events planned

Prince Harry is already in New York! He was in California on Friday evening, attending and speaking at Kevin Costner’s fundraiser-concert in Carpinteria. Then on Saturday, Harry arrived in New York. We do not have access to any of the photos, but on Saturday evening, he attended the WHO dinner in New York, ahead of the start of the UN General Assembly High-Level Week He met with Queen Mathilde of Belgium and other dignitaries and advocates for ending violence against children. You can read more about the event and the cause here. Additionally, the Telegraph had a preview of two of Harry’s events in NYC this week. He plans to highlight his work with The Diana Award and the HALO Trust.

When he was 18, the Duke of Sussex vowed to finish the work started by his mother, Princess Diana. More than two decades on, he remains true to his word. On Monday, he will take to the stage before a global audience to champion two causes intrinsically linked to her legacy: landmines and young people.

Prince Harry, 40, will be the star guest at five high-profile events held over two days in New York during UN General Assembly High-Level Week and Climate Week, which will also see him focus on conservation, sustainable travel and the many crises facing the tiny African country of Lesotho. But it will be his first two appearances that honour that birthday pledge; when he steps out on behalf of the Diana Award, which works to create positive change for young people, and the Halo Trust, the charity for which the late Princess famously issued a clarion call for action by walking through an Angolan minefield in 1997.

Tessy Ojo, the chief executive of the Diana Award, hailed the Duke’s continuing support as “truly priceless”, while the Halo Trust said that in a time of “unprecedented conflict” the Duke’s voice was needed “more than ever”.

The appearances will come amid a flurry of activity for the Duke, marking something of a shift in his public profile as he takes centre stage, solo, to further his own charitable causes. Travelling without the Duchess of Sussex, he will undertake a busy schedule somewhat evocative of his days as a working royal, with back-to-back charity engagements in place of glitzy award ceremonies and television interviews.

When he steps out at the Sheraton Hotel in Times Square on Monday morning, he may well cast his mind back to that pledge [to make his mother proud]. The Duke’s first engagement of the week will be on behalf of the Diana Award, a charity set up to reflect the late Princess’s belief that young people can change the world – and the only one to bear her name. He will take part in a panel discussion with Christina Williams and Chiara Riyanti Hutapea Zhang, two young recipients of the Diana Award, and Dr Ojo on the current mental health crisis engulfing young people.

The event coincides with the award’s 25th anniversary celebrations, and Dr Ojo said that the continuing support of both the Duke and the Prince of Wales was critical.

“It’s incredibly helpful to have people in positions of power, especially a non-political position, and especially in a system when young people are feeling more and more unheard and unseen, speak up for us,” she said. “To have people who have that platform, who have that power, not only to listen to young people but help amplify their voices, is truly priceless and we are deeply honoured and grateful to have both of them involved in our work, lending their voices to the challenges that young people face.”

[From The Telegraph]

There were equally supportive quotes from The HALO Trust people, basically that Harry is the real deal and he’s absolutely continuing his mother’s important work on landmines. This week is a very big deal for Harry – going solo to all of these significant events, highlighting his causes and speaking at the Clinton Global Initiative too. I hope we get a lot of photos!

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Avalon Red.

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46 Responses to “Prince Harry attended a WHO dinner in NYC & has significant events planned”

  1. Pinkosaurus says:

    Well, that is a remarkably straightforward and unsnarky article by the Torygraph. I’m sure the other brother was screaming, throwing up (throwing pillows?) and generally having a tantrum that he was only mentioned in passing. DIANA’S LEGACY IS MINE HAROLD!!1!1!

    It’s going to be a very hard week for 🥚.

    • Kittenmom says:


    • Chelsea says:

      The glitzy award shows dig was unnecessary, and also untrue as he’s been to less award shows in the states than i can count on my hand, but Victoria Ward couldn’t get out a factual article with positive quotes about Harry’s work from the charities who work with him without some kind of swipe to balance it out. Even with that I’m really happy that this article was able to highlight his work; especially that quote from the Halp Trust that talked about how Harry has kept in touch with them over the years.

    • It was a very straight forward article. Harry is going to be very busy in NYC and he was invited and somebody else wasn’t lol. Peg must be having a tantrum.

  2. Maxine Branch says:

    Harry looks, acts and work like a statesman. No need for the gutter press in the UK to announce his statesmanship, he just does the job. He has to be in amazing physical shape for the amount to traveling he does. I applaud his purpose driven focus and work ethic.

    • Becks1 says:

      Agree 💯💯💯

      When you are the real deal – when you are a statesman, a philanthropist, an activist who is taken seriously at high levels – you don’t need to announce it. People will recognize that and you will be treated accordingly.

      By the same taken, if you aren’t taken seriously, if you don’t take your work seriously – people will recognize that and treat you accordingly.

      There is a reason why his schedule this week looks so different from William’s last year.

  3. Tessa says:

    William is raging over this .good.

  4. Nanea says:

    Never change, Torygraph.

    “he will undertake a busy schedule somewhat evocative of his days as a working royal, with back-to-back charity engagements in place of glitzy award ceremonies and television interviews.”

    Harry has always been busy, reliable, charitable, helpful.

    Unlike Harry’s lazy, incandescent brother and Harry’s equally lazy SIL.

    And Harry’s never been about glitzy or interviews — it’s not his fault the BM prefers writing about the “Show up, do good” Sussexes instead of the Doolittles of Wails.

    That said, great to see Harry out and about, being a statesman-like, unlike someone who won’t put in the work.

    • JanetDR says:

      Right?! Apparently, glitzy and television are Meghan’s thing 🙄 Annoying, but at least they are recognizing that he is doing good things.

    • Debbie says:

      So, according to the writer, the Sussexes are busy doing “glitzy ceremonies and tv interviews” unless they’re being “shunned” by Hollywood? One could get whiplash on these inconsistent and everchanging BM narratives. And since when were charitable and international issues the sole domain of the royal family. Has this writer been paying attention to what they’ve been up to lately? Even when they attempt to mind their usual business, like to a tour of Commonwealth countries, it usually goes t*ts up.

  5. Fastgran50 says:

    The trashy BM are already spouting how there is no Meghan . They’re heading for divorce. They are irrelevant. How dare the wade into US politics. The same usual crap it just seems to irk the BM that Harry and Meghan are getting on with their lives and the BM don’t have access. Everyone seems to love Harry apart from the British.

    • Giddy says:

      I agree that it irks the BM that H&M are getting on with their lives. But what is especially irritating to them is that Harry and Meghan are sought out, wanted, and honored by so much of the world. It is not the future king who is sought after, but the brother who actually does the work, walks the walk, and is absolutely a statesman of the world.

    • Dee(2) says:

      They announced Meghan wasn’t coming weeks ago, why would it be a shock that she’s not there? Also these are all charities close to Harry, it’s nice if she supports them as well but they are two fully functioning adults they can go places alone. Beyond their usual hoping and praying that they break up because I guess Harry is going to come back to be their lap dog, this sounds like projection about another couple that stopped doing events together often about two years ago, even though they have the bestest marriage in the world.

      • booboocita says:

        IIRC, about a year ago Meghan attended a couple of events in Los Angeles without Harry, and the BM said that Meghan was living the high life with celebrities while poor Harry was alone at home with the kids. Then they went to Jamaica and were loved up, as usual. But I guess they’re not happy with each other unless they’re joined at the hip and their tongues are down each other’s throats.

        Ugh. They’re both professional philanthropists, and while their interests and activities may coincide, they have separate interests as well as their joint patronages. It wouldn’t surprise me if Meghan were too busy for anything other than building ARO just now — and good for her.

      • Maxine Branch says:

        So true. Harry mentioned earlier he and Meghan would do some work together and some separately but they would always be together as a team.

      • Chattychew says:

        This is so suspicious, I think we should be asking where is Meghan?

  6. Afken says:

    “In place of glitzy award shows and tv interviews” yes because Harry never did those when he was a working royal. Ugh these people

  7. s808 says:

    I’ve said this before but seeing Harry develop into the fully actualized version of himself has been so nice. I can only imagine how fans of him since the very beginning must feel. His mother would be so proud of him and the legacy he’s building for himself.

  8. Boxy Lady says:

    Do you notice how these British articles always try to name where he’s staying? “Sheraton Hotel in Times Square.”
    This article reads like a coded message to me.

  9. Cassie says:

    Love you Harry , you continue to thrive and do good .

  10. Jais says:

    This week is going to be good❤️. Look at Harry with Queen Mathilde. It’s nice to see the European royals don’t follow the BRF’s petty ways.

    • Mayp says:

      Unfortunately many of them do follow the BRFs petty ways. Matilde just happened to be there, as is not uncommon for European Royals during this big UN week in New York. I judge them by their past welcoming and support of their own Invictus competitors. I was disappointed in the Dutch Royals who curtailed most of their anticipated participation in the Invictus Games that were held at the Hague. Also, few European Royals even acknowledged that their Invictus competitors were going to the Games. I think the Danish Royals did in a very small casual reception but I don’t think the Belgian royals, and there was a Belgian team at the Games, even acknowledged their Invictus competitors during or after the last Invictus Games. Someone correct me if I am wrong but my impression has been that the European Royals have largely fallen in line with the BRF’s stance of: let’s ignore the Invictus Games. Maybe that will change now that Betty’s gone.

  11. Roo says:

    So proud of his good works and his hard work. And I’m chuckling to myself at his packed schedule because his involvement is clearly respected and wanted, and I can see why his jealous, small brother canceled his own trip to NYC.

    • Moniquep says:

      Can anyone imagine William in New York this week trying to compete with Harry’s schedule?
      W would drop dead from exhaustion! He already looks sickly.

  12. Amy Bee says:

    This Telegraph piece tells me that except for the Halo trust and the Diana award they have unable get anymore information about Harry’s work in NY this week.

    • Kingston says:

      Excellent observation. And the reason is that both organizations u mentioned, have british components to them.

      Whats even more stark is the fact that with all their nosey intrusion into H&M life and activities, they have studiously ignored every mention of Travalyst, started and headed by Harry and currently setting records of achievements in the green travel and technology space. Thats one meeting I cant wait to hear about this week.

      I found it hilarious that Tessy Ojo, the CEO of the Diana Award felt obligated to mention Bully in spkng of Harry’s 20+ years dedication to the organization, when we all know that Bully only recently began attaching himself to things Diana when he and his handlers saw the positive global response H received for his loud, proud and sustained honoring of his mother throughout the years, including when the RF gave every indication that theyd love nothing more than to forget that Diana ever existed and Bully was okay with going along with that.

      • Christine says:

        I can’t believe how shortsighted William is. Harry has dedicated his entire adulthood to HIV/AIDS and landmines. William hasn’t even bothered to go to Angola and see for himself what the landmine field Diana walked all those years ago looks like today. You are decades behind in showing that you care about your mother’s legacy, let it go.

  13. Moniquep says:

    First of all let me just say I don’t know how Harry does it!! He’s like the proverbial energizer bunny. He just keeps on going, and going. OMG!
    And the likes of the daily fail and Jan “no neck” Noir has the nerve to ask what does Harry do? The answer is he’s booked and busy, doing the work he’s pledged to do. Using his privileged platform to make a difference in people’s lives and the world In general. Unlike the rest of his unroyal “family”
    May God continue to bless him and cause him to prosper.

  14. Chelsea says:

    I’m really excited for this trip; he and his team seem to have done a really good job putting together an itinerary that highlights the issues he’s passionate about in a substantive way. It’s not 5 min phito opps; it’s high level discussion and diplomacy to move the conversation and movement forward on some really important topics like violence against children. Kudos to them.

  15. sevenblue says:

    Remember when Will was in NYC last year? How pathetic he was and how empty his schedule was. Haters can talk sh*t all they want. People who do good work get involved with Harry & Meghan. They are still doing their charity work without getting tax-payer money, because they actually care. That can’t be said about left-behind royals.

  16. aquarius64 says:

    The wrong son is inheriting the throne.

  17. Jensa says:

    William will be absolutely spitting feathers about this.
    How delicious!
    Who’s the global statesman now?
    And, well, you can see why William decided against going to NYC for Earthshit or whatever it was. The comparison between him and his vastly more accomplished brother would just be too humiliating for him.

  18. Hypocrisy says:

    Prince Harry is going to be working more hours between this week until he returns home after the Well Child awards than WanK have worked yearly..I love that the BM are stuck with the lazy duo for life now.

  19. JJ says:

    This is going to be a good week!

  20. swaz says:

    Great job Harry !!! Diana would be proud 😍

  21. Tina says:

    This will be a fun week. Very high profile events and I’m sure there will be a few surprises too. 2024 continues to be an absolute smash hit for the Sussexes.

  22. MsIam says:

    Lots of excitement for Harry. And unless Meghan had separate meetings, there was really no need for her to go because these are all his organizations and causes. Now Mangela Levin won’t be able to accuse her of elbowing someone or some other nonsense.

  23. Saucy&Sassy says:

    A global effort to make social media accountable for their part in allowing bullying and violence against children and will go a long way to helping in this cause.

  24. tamsin says:

    I was reading another article about this WHO event and the MC at the dinner was English actor Will Poulter who is apparently and ambassador for the Diana Awards. It’s interesting to see how internationally interconnected Harry and Meghan’s issues and causes are.

  25. Proud Mary says:

    If you are an actually global statesman, you don’t have to say so. You just do the work, and the world will call you a global statements man. No wonder they’ve dust off their Meghan hate. But it won’t work. Just. love. Seeing Harry’s glow.

  26. VilleRose says:

    British tabs always try to make it a huge thing that Harry and Meghan often go to events separately but my guess is with such young kids, they like to make sure one parent is home at all times. But we all know Harry being out and about working makes the other brother seethe with rage because it makes him and Kate look bad (notwithstanding Kate’s current health struggles).

  27. TheCrankyFairy says:

    If Harry is staying at the Times Square Sheraton, his security has massively fucked up; if he’s not one has to wonder why the telegraph wants that hotel under a microscope.

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