Robert Kennedy claims Olivia Nuzzi bombarded him with seductive photos

Olivia Nuzzi simply cannot stop taking Ls. This whole story is so embarrassing for her. To recap, Nuzzi is currently suspended from her position as New York Magazine’s DC correspondent. She was suspended after her editor heard that Robert Kennedy Jr. was bragging to everyone that Nuzzi had sent him her “demure” nudes. Her editor confronted her, she lied about the relationship repeatedly, and then she confessed and she was suspended. She claims the relationship with Kennedy was purely online. Her fiance Ryan Lizza dumped her, and Kennedy’s wife Cheryl Hines is seemingly sticking with him. Possibly because Kennedy is now telling everyone that Nuzzi pursued him and he repeatedly blocked her because she kept sending “seductive” photos. From the Daily Beast:

Friends of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. are claiming that star reporter Olivia Nuzzi “set him up” by repeatedly sending him seductive photographs even after her number had been blocked, according to new reports. The New York Magazine writer was “obsessed” with him and Kennedy allegedly intends to file a civil suit against the journalist, sources close to the scion told the New York Post over the weekend. Allies of the former independent presidential candidate say that after Nuzzi interviewed the then White House hopeful in California for an article she pursued him “aggressively.”

“She targeted him pretty hard. Bobby was blocking her continually. It was a little scary,” a source told the Post. “She was obsessed with him. I think she still is.” Nuzzi’s camp refuted Kennedy and his allies’ claims that she was “obsessed” with the environmental advocate turned politician and singlehandedly instigated the “digital relationship,” but did acknowledge that the fling was, at times, tense.

According to Jessica Read Kraus, an “independent” journalist and self-described friend of Kennedy, the self proclaimed “Make America Healthy Again” candidate first cut contact with Nuzzi after she allegedly made a flirtatious remark two weeks after her November, 2023 feature on him was published in New York.

“A few weeks later, Nuzzi emailed him, asking to be unblocked, claiming she had urgent information about a hit piece being prepared against him,” Kraus alleged in a Substack newsletter to her nearly 400,000 subscribers. “He unblocked her for that conversation, but later that night, she sent him a provocative picture, prompting him to block her again.”

Kraus said that for eight months, Kennedy kept Nuzzi blocked, except for when she would allegedly contact him from different email addresses and phone numbers, “insisting” they speak about “an imminent hit piece.”

“Once unblocked, she bombarded him with increasingly p-rnographic photos and videos that he found difficult to resist,” she continued. Friends who Kraus spoke with said they believed Nuzzi “set him up.”

According to security expert Gavin de Becker, who is supposedly investigating the Nuzzi-Kennedy “situation” for Kennedy, the former presidential candidate is weighing civil litigation against the reporter with the potential for future criminal referrals.

“This had nothing to do with romance,” said de Becker. “He was being chased by p-rn.”

[From The Daily Beast]

This is clearly Kennedy’s side of things, this is what he’s telling Cheryl Hines and what he’s telling friends. The thing is, I absolutely believe Nuzzi pursued him and she was the one sending him photos and all of that. Even if you aren’t inclined to believe some or all of Kennedy’s story, it’s still bonkers that this version is out there, that Kennedy’s side of this situation is that he was being bombarded with Nuzzi’s graphic pursuit, that it was not a mutual love affair at all.

Meanwhile, this is not any kind of ethical quagmire – Nuzzi’s behavior, even in the most generous reading, was utterly unethical and deeply troubling. The fact that so many Beltway journalists are defending her is insane. The Wrap did a breakdown of all of the tweet-defenses and how f–king bonkers this is. I’m including some of the tweets below:

Photos courtesy of Instagram, Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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17 Responses to “Robert Kennedy claims Olivia Nuzzi bombarded him with seductive photos”

  1. Sasha says:

    Ok so…this is a thing guys say… She was “obsessed” with me. He’s a cheater…

  2. Maida says:

    Nuzzi should be fired. Full stop. There is NO universe in which sending nude photos to a person you are covering as a journalist is OK. Doesn’t even matter who started it. That she’s been suspended rather than fired is insane.
    Also, if Nuzzi was sending unsolicited nudes, why didn’t Kennedy notify New York magazine? Why did he just keep unblocking her? It’s not as if she held more power in the situation and he could be construed as being legitimately worried about retaliation. This is disqualifying for him as well (on top of all the other things that disqualify him).

    • girl_ninja says:

      Fired. Period. End of story. And everything she has ever written for the New Yorker should be combed over and dissected. Because she is clearly a liar.

    • Lucy2 says:

      Totally agree on both points. She needs to go. And he should’ve taken action, rather than just blocking her. If this was all happening while he was a presidential candidate, wouldn’t your first stop be that she was trying to set him up? Go to her bosses, go to another media outlet, go to the FBI, something. Blocking and unblocking her is just pathetic, and a pretty clear sign to me that his side is not 100% truth.

  3. girl_ninja says:

    There is no difference between Olivia Nuzzi and Laura Loomer. Not. One. Thing. In fact, each of these birthers, racist should be embarrassed to be mentioned in the same breath as the other.

    What disgusting and embarrassing, and for me hilarious behavior. The way that trash heap, disrespected President Obama and President Biden? Babyee…you can rot in the prison of her own making. OMG. I can’t believe she did all this for RFK Jr. I’d rather have embarrassed myself for his father’s corpse than him! 😭😂😂😂😂

    • Lawrenceville says:

      ROTFALMBO,😂😂😂😂when RFK Jr. blocks you and doesn’t want your nudes, you know you are disgusting on so many levels and some more. That man is one the most disgusting things I ever read about, my goodness.🤮🤮This stuff is so disgusting EEEwwww, eeewww to that Nuzzi nude pics, pass the puke bag please. 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮

  4. FancyPants says:

    How ironic that her fellow journalist describes her as “an impossible-to-discourage reporter” in a story about her repeatedly requesting to be unblocked so she can send more unsolicited nudes…

  5. Nicole says:

    David Simon is a national treasure.

  6. LadyE says:

    RFK jr is a crazy man and a prolific cheater/womanizer. I normally would not believe a word of any denial from him. But….this is quite detailed and is frankly a weird defence to just make up. It’s obviously disprovable if it’s not true. It’s also quite dangerous if it’s not true. He would be opening himself up to a defamation suit. The fact that he is continuing to push this in public and people are confident enough to repeat this to the press honestly gives me pause. It’s incredibly strange and concerning behavior if she did do this, but it’s also definitely sexual harassment. If he has the messages from her (from different numbers) asking to be unblocked and claiming she has info on a negative article, this puts this in a very different light to me. Ugh never thought I would be concerned that RFK was sexually harassed, but I’m kind of uncomfortable treating this like an affair gossip story…

    • Bananie says:

      This was the bit from the Kraus-friend for me that is telling:
      “photos and videos that he found difficult to resist”… PLEASE. *eyeroll*
      it makes complete sense that a man who displays intensely bizarre behavior would spin this kind of convoluted denial.
      He could resist the enticement by keeping her blocked and reporting the harassment to her employer. This is RFK hedging. They are both disgusting.

  7. Anna Nonymous says:

    Men are easily manipulated by beautiful women. This new version of Ann Coulter really overplayed her hand. Also why do any of this? Money? Fame? I’m sure he encouraged her attention. The fact that Laura Loomer and Nuzzi thought they could sleep their way up the ladder is so gross. Why not rise up the Republican ranks by being a strong, career woman, dedicated to public service and defending the weak? Oh right that’s because Republicans only see women as sex dolls, arm candy and breeding cows.

  8. kif says:

    All these people – RFK Jr, Anne Coulter-lite and her predator-ex fiance, deserve each other. All trash.

  9. SG says:

    Adding context. Kraus is a hack and deeply intertwined with the Kennedy campaign. Like this summer has been to his home, on his boat, bragged about riding with him in his jeep, etc.
    5 years ago she did incredible IG gossip stories, but then during covid became antivax and eventually MAGA. She’s also spent tons of time with Trump et al at Mar a Lago. I hate that she’s being used as an “independent” source on this site when she’s covering up for her Kennedy Camelot obsession.

    • BQM says:

      It did say “independent” and “self proclaimed friend” of rfk’s so I think the article was pretty clear she wasn’t unbiased.

  10. Somebody Nobody says:

    My how the brain worm has turned. So trashy all around.

  11. Gloria says:

    Look what she made me do.

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