Prince William & Kate plan to relaunch their Royal Foundation in America

Prince Harry is in New York this week, doing high-level and high-profile events and meetings with a multitude of charities and NGOs. He is a busy man who works with a variety of important causes, from landmines to conservation to mental health and children’s health. Obviously, Harry doesn’t have to go to CNN and the Daily Mail and beg them to refer to him as a global statesman. Harry IS a global statesman and an internationally recognized philanthropist and advocate. Meanwhile, Harry’s brother and sister-in-law are still trying to relaunch themselves (in a very sad way) yet again to an American audience.

The Prince and Princess of Wales have set their sights on the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s home turf as they relaunch plans for their charitable foundation in the US. The royal couple were so keen to win the necessary approval for registering the foundation’s brand from the American trademark authorities that they broke into their summer holiday to complete vital paperwork, The Mail on ­Sunday can reveal. Their foundation’s focus is now on mental health.

Insiders say that the ambitious move is further evidence that the Princess, 42, is ‘on the road to recovery’ from cancer as she prepares for a return to ‘light duties’ after completing chemotherapy.

It raises the prospect of a trip to the US, where Prince Harry and Meghan live in California, although it is stressed there are no immediate plans to travel overseas. The couple last crossed the Atlantic in 2022 for William’s environmental project The Earthshot Prize.

Now the MoS can reveal a US lawyer acting for Kensington Palace has reignited the [foundation’s] proposals. American projects previously focused on the illegal wildlife trade. But an application to the US Patent and Trademark Office last year instead emphasised ‘campaigning’ and ‘fundraising’ linked to ‘mental health initiatives’. It also included an unusual request for ‘printed race numbers, clothing, footwear, headgear’, prompting speculation the couple, both keen runners, were planning to host a charity fun run in the US.

In March, their trademark was refused over technicalities. It was the same month the Princess revealed she had been diagnosed with cancer, and the application has lain dormant for five months. But after good news about her progress, a lawyer restarted the process . Palace sources say the trademark is ‘internal housekeeping’ and the Royal Foundation has no immediate plans to launch a US mental health initiative.

But Royal commentator Richard Palmer said: ‘Given speculation that the Princess might never return to full-time work, this is a positive sign that she and William have hopes of expanding the Royal Foundation in the US. Perhaps [it]wants to raise its profile to tap into American philanthropists?’

Joe Little, of Majesty Magazine, added: ‘It’s another sign that the Princess is on the road to recovery. Clearly a lot of thought and planning has gone into this application, and we can only interpret this as a positive step.’

[From The Mail]

Remember when William and Kate’s Boston trip was supposed to be their big, splashy, thunder-stealing trip which would knock the Sussexes back on their heels? LMAO. Remember William’s trip to New York last year, where he lied about going for a run and the mayor canceled on him? Yeah. Don’t get me wrong, I have no doubt that William wants to try to relaunch himself in America and make more visits to North America. Kate does not, she doesn’t want to travel anymore and that’s something no one can admit outloud. But sure, trademark applications are tricky, I’m glad the Mail is figuring that out! And it’s funny that Will and Kate want credit for stepping away from their summer holiday to “complete vital paperwork.” The bar is in hell, as always.

It’s also still amazing to me that: William is skipping the Earthshot busywork in New York this year (because Harry’s there) and that he skipped the Tusk Trust fundraiser in the Hamptons in August. While Huevo is desperate to have what Harry has in America (respect & attention), William is also just fundamentally too lazy to actually follow through.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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79 Responses to “Prince William & Kate plan to relaunch their Royal Foundation in America”

  1. They will never learn. We don’t want them here for any reason.

    • @debbye says:

      I agree. Stay away from the USA

      • BayTampaBay says:

        “The Prince and Princess of Wales have set their sights on the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s home turf as they relaunch plans for their charitable foundation in the US.”

        WHY? Pegs and Wigs do not live in the US. Would not a Commonwealth country be a better place to relaunch their charitable foundation?

      • ella says:

        Let’s visit our pretend fans in the States. Uh huh. Haven’t they heard of the US Senate’s “No Kings Act”? which states clearly “No man shall be a king”.
        They should read it sometime.

    • LaraK says:

      Yeah, Americans are absolutely dying to get back in bed with British Royals /s
      I think Katey heard something about Tea Party and thought “they are going to love all my button coats”. No grounding in reality whatsoever

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Exactly! They wanted the isle and commonwealth all to themselves they can stay there. Boston wasn’t enough humiliation for these two waste of space people?

    • Josephine says:

      And who would listen to these two about MENTAL HEALTH issues? It’s really sick that they think they have something to say about mental health. Unless they are billing it as a gaslighting training session, they just have no business in that space.

    • Advisor2U says:

      These two are not serious and not committed. They don’t have any understanding of the US philanthropic world and mindset – dedication is key. None of that can be attached to these lazy asses’ profiles.

      This desperate attempt to register that foundation is only meant to collect money for their vanity projects from the super rich American right winger, and to compete with and irritate Harry (and Meghan).

    • Oh come on. says:

      Let’s boo them again!

  2. Snaggletooth says:

    Kate won’t be returning to work for 12 yrs. William is the work-from-home king. Are English people really going to be ok trips to America when these two do only a handful of appearances the 6 months per year they aren’t on vacation??

    It’s jarring to see what William looked like just a few years ago. He didn’t look good in Boston but he didn’t look sick, just ugly.

  3. Molly says:

    ” were so keen to win the necessary approval … that they broke into their summer holiday to complete vital paperwork”? Like they actually did the filing? Come on. Who writes this stuff?

    And besides, I thought Kate wasn’t “working” … this would be a lot more work than her regular “work”…

  4. Jensa says:

    I don’t understand their fixation on the US. The royal family has no role there.

    • Afken says:

      Harry and Meghan are in the U.S. there is the reason for their fixation. Still, they’ll do pretty well with the MAGA crowd in America. What did they say Boston was going to be? beatle-mania?! So funny.

      • Miranda says:

        I don’t think the MAGA crowd will even care enough to make this worthwhile. It feels like another case of the RF and BM completely overestimating the degree to which Americans can be bothered with this stuff. Even with Diana, and now Harry and Meghan, people aren’t drawn to them just because they’re royalty. It’s the warmth and charisma (and, in Harry’s case, people respect that he served in combat when he could’ve easily gotten out of it, and now does so much work for veterans worldwide). William and Kate have none of that, no relatability, and no desire to change.

      • Christine says:

        Having any success at all means they would have to make appearances here, and I am just baffled why anyone is pretending this is something they want to do. They aren’t even “working” in England, much less the rest of the U.K. Why is this a thing they needed to break the Sanctity of the Wales’ Royal Summer Vacation for?

        Honestly, who would donate money to these two lazies?

    • Becks1 says:

      They want American money. I think that was always pretty much the reason for their interest here until Meghan came along (and now obviously H&M live in the US) and then it became a matter of “conquering” the US because of jealousy and competitiveness.

  5. swaz says:


    • sevenblue says:

      I wouldn’t surprise if they do honestly. They moved into the same estate as Frogmore. Nobody can tell me it wasn’t because of H&M when they have all those houses. If there is an empty house near H&M, William would definitely buy it for his “work” visits.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Workshy Wanderdick can’t afford a home in Montecito. Soon as he started to go through the real estate section of the local paper, Cluck would be writing black spider memos to half the government looking for ways to cut Huevo off from the Duchy of Cornwall funds.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Any day now I expect to hear that exact headline.. I’m truly surprised that it hasn’t happened yet.

      • Christine says:

        No, there’s no way the two dumb cowards that are William and Kate would ever buy a house in Harry and Meghan’s hometown. They aren’t stupid enough that they haven’t noticed SoCal is solidly Sussex friendly territory. Can you even imagine either of them rolling up to attempt a conversation with Oprah?

        Now I want it to happen.

  6. sevenblue says:

    I think Will isn’t in NYC this year because he didn’t get what he wanted last year. I am sure the firm doesn’t want to get the same headlines he did in his last visit. The mayor cancelled on him, the firefighters asked where his wife was (AND he didn’t answer), his team put out there a fake run story for whatever reason (even the reporter didn’t believe it), he didn’t get real meetings with tangible agenda. When they get embarrassed, they just give up.

    • Chrissy says:

      LOL! You forgot the dorky “hip-wader” event. It was the highlight of the trip!

      • windyriver says:

        Actually, that event was possibly the only (semi) significant thing Will did during his visit last year. It wasn’t itself an Earthsh!t project, but it was part of an ongoing environmental project to restore the historic oyster reefs around NYC.

        It’s an example of what Will could and should be doing as the president/patron of Earthsh!t – traveling periodically to visit some of the so far 45 projects highlighted in the past three years that are being undertaken by ES winners and finalists. Give them more visibility, and easy positive PR for him – strapping on those waders was a nice touch for the photogs. It seems from the group’s blog that he spent a fair amount of time there, but since it doesn’t make him look important enough other than a one time photo op, we don’t hear anything more. If this was something he did on.a regular basis, it might have more impact each time.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is absolutely a play for USD. The mental health focus will likely point to ~Catherine’s~ cancer as a time when she relearned the importance of mental health (and care??) as well as framing the confusion over the early reports and pics of her health (January-March 2024) as a time that she felt “bullied.” Most importantly, this is probably all a set-up for Catherine’s own soft-focus wannabe Oprah-type interview. I don’t think that they understand how un-sympathetic the U.S. is to royalty – we like those who defect, ie Harry and Diana – and W&K will never have the impact or fans of their imagined foes, Harry and Meghan. I don’t think the U.S. audience has forgetten the “straight out of Compton” treatment of Meghan plus plenty of people are ready with receipts for whenever W&K land on our shores.

  7. Sarita says:

    L M A O

    I thought the Americans were garish, uncultured, workaholics who guzzle coffee and send 5 AM emails?!

    They couldn’t handle the Tea that would be thrown into the river. Gtfo.

  8. Scooby Gang says:

    I’ve sometimes fantasized about how funny it would be if someone convinced W&K that H&M were moving to another country… only to see how quickly W would develop an obsession with that country. A girl can dream.

    • Snaggletooth says:

      God it would be extremely funny to feed WK a bunch of stories like that. Meghan plans to only wear neon polka dots. Meghan is pregnant with twins! Meghan and Harry bought a vacation home in North Korea! The possibilities lol

  9. Tennyson says:

    I don’t understand how they can apply to first illegal wildlife hunt and then say that charity deals with mental health…

  10. Tessa says:

    The keens need to stay out of the USA.

  11. chatter says:

    No thanks.
    We have enough problems in US already.
    We broke away from the British. We are not interested.

    W&K need to jam a crowbar into their own wallets. The DoC alone takes in $Millions per year.
    QE2 was the wealthiest woman on planet Earth.
    Stop all the BS. Start donating yourselves, then you can throw yourself a party, rattle all your jewelry.
    John Lennon hit that right on the nose!

  12. Miranda says:

    I’m sorry, this is so f–king transparent that I can’t help but laugh. Jesus, they’re not subtle at all. I get that William and Kate are oblivious and shameless, but how is there not ONE SINGLE PERSON at KP who recognizes how embarrassing this one-sided competition with the Sussexes really is?

  13. Joanne says:

    They won’t do any work in Great Britain so why would they set up a foundation in another country? It makes no sense. They won’t work at home so why have another place they won’t work. GB should be protesting paying for these do nothings who want to use their money to waste it in a different country. What value would GB get out of a Royal Foundation in the US?

  14. Kelsey says:

    If I were a UK citizen I would be quite miffed that these grifting welfare stunt queens are doing more to win favor in a country that threw their monarch ancestors out, than they are for my taxpaying ass. I’m sorry. this is insane behavior.

    • sunnyside up says:

      I am a UK citizen and I agree with you, what are they playing at, trying to outHarry Harry.

    • Jais says:

      Exactly. Why can’t they just do a freaking fun run in the uk? No trademark paperwork necessary. I get that they want the American money but come on. They want to do a fun run in America despite the fact that they’re British royals. That’s just silly.

      • Roo says:

        My god, it could be so easy for them to set up in England! Ask various rugby and soccer (er, futbol) stars to join the run and reach out to their followers to sign up, make the proceeds go to various charities helping to house and feed children and the elderly in need, start highlighting those groups on the royal social media early, hold it in different parts of England every year to help with tourism. Go on all those talk shows that idolize the RF to help promote it. Ugh. It’s painful how easy this could be for them.

  15. Chrissie T says:

    The line “ It raises the prospect of a trip to the US, where Prince Harry and Meghan live in California,” is a classic. Yes as well as 100’s of millions of other people

  16. Dee(2) says:

    Huh, so getting your trademark rejected isn’t a sign of incompetence and poor planning and being in over your head? Just the normal scheme of things of doing business hmm? Oh wait it’s only mentioned as an aside when it comes to them, not Meghan. And the only reason they have any real interest in the U.S. is because of two people living in a coastal West coast town. Beyond cursory visits when in Canada, how much interest did they show in popularity polls or visits between 2012-2020? Also this has to look bad to the domestic audience. They have told you that the future queen plans to pick up work again for you in a decade, why do they care about a country that’s not even in the Commonwealth?

    • Mayp says:

      💯💯💯💯 so, it is just “internal housekeeping” when the Wales’ trademark applications glitch but for the Sussexes it’s a huge story!

    • Jay says:

      Yes, I honed in on that, too, @Dee! There was so much handwringing about Meghan’s American Riviera trademark “failure”, but of course, when it comes to the Wales, having to do additional paperwork is just a sign of their keen determination! Such tenacity, they even took time out of their 10 week taxpayer-funded vacation, my goodness, what go-getters…

    • Jais says:

      This! It’s a perfect example of the BM hypocrisy.

  17. girl_ninja says:

    Relaunch in America? Haven’t both had charities in England go under because their lack of involvement? Pegs and KKKate are thirsty-ass, lazy-ass bums.

  18. Beverley says:

    America has our own share of petty, small-minded bigots. We don’t need or want the dastardly Royal Racist or her rancid spouse, The Other Brother.

    Pegs and KKKhate, stay in Britain and keep your hatefulness there where the British tabloids can embiggen and praise you as the bestest people who ever drew breath.

  19. Em says:

    Who ever did Kate’s forehead botox for that Boston trip needs to be on retainer shame they couldn’t do anything about the jowls

  20. ShazBot says:

    I’ll bet they’re trying to do what the Prince’s Trust does. They have parties and galas in NYC to fundraise. The problem is though, Charles put in the time and energy to make the Prince’s Trust a legit foundation that does work and has ambassadors and such. The royal foundation has done none of that, so unless Will and Kate turn up, I can’t see people dolling out tons for a dinner for their foundation at this point.

    • kirk says:

      If the Prince’s Trust was doing so well, why did Chuck need grocery bags full of cash? From the 2019 link provided by @windyriver above, “The Prince of Wales Foundation, a charity linked to Prince Charles, spent $641,175 on administrative expenses last year, including $297,902 on the salary of its Washington-based executive director and more than $82,000 on lawyers, tax filings show…The group raised just over $8.4 million in the US last year, and sent $8,902,142 abroad, mostly in wire transfers, to pet causes like the Royal Drawing School in London and the Dumfries House museum in Scotland, along with unidentified groups in Europe, the Caribbean and Central America.”

  21. Beech says:

    I wonder what the other royal houses make of this

  22. Lavendel says:

    So many people in the UK are poor, have poor housing and poor health. Why doesn’t the couple focus on the problems in their own country? Mental health is only a small part of the problems the couple should be tackling in their own country. The health system needs sponsors and supporters in their own country, childcare in schools and leisure facilities needs work and donations – over 20 percent of children in the UK, more than 3 million, are affected by what is known as absolute poverty.
    Old people living in degrading conditions Poverty in old age-Briefing-January-2022- (1).pdf
    What are these people doing with foundations and trademark applications in the US when their own population is in such desperate need of help?

  23. MrsH says:

    Why isn’t anyone in Great Britain pushing back on this? These lazy, entitled, jealous, rage monsters are supposed to be advocates for the citizens of Great Britain and the Commonwealth- the people that fund their useless asses!

    America should not be of concern! Why aren’t they trying to help their own?!?!?!

    I’m pissed about this as an American but If I was a British or Commonwealth citizen I’d be really raging.

  24. Nerd says:

    I don’t understand why the taxpayers in the UK and people in the Commonwealth countries aren’t concerned about their futures who have made it very clear that they aren’t concerned with them and are more interested in trying to win a one sided battle with Harry and Meghan by concentrating entirely on the U.S.. They have been aware that one day they would become the Wales, yet put no interest in learning the language because they only value the title and not the people in Wales. They are only concerned with becoming king and queen cohort because they want the titles with no interest with the people in the UK or any of the people in the Commonwealth countries. They continue to show who they are by always ignoring the people they are supposed to serve and represent only to obsess over those who no connections to them at all. It’s embarrassing that these two people are as misguided and selfish as they are, when they had the potential of being better people if it weren’t for their laziness, incompetence and racist attitudes.

  25. Merrie says:

    Why would a British royal couple launch anything in America? We said no to royalty a loooong time ago. It’s kind of our thing.

    Meghan is American, therefore everything she and Harry do makes sense. They have that connection. William and Kare are the ultimate wannabes. It’s sad.

  26. Living Desert says:

    Nothing to worry about. After this announcement Their Laziness will not follow through… too much work, don’t ya know? LOL

  27. Becks1 says:

    I thought they hated Americans, I thought we worked too hard and were pushy and intimidating and that we don’t know our place and that we talk about hormones too much.

    But it turns out they’re fine with Americans as long as we’re bowing and scraping and donating money 🙄🙄

  28. Amy Bee says:

    I’ve come to the same conclusion that William is too lazy to put in the necessary work to become a global statesman. I also think that his team doesn’t know the first thing about how to make that happen hence the trip to NY was a flop last year. It’s interesting that the British press hasn’t made a whole scene about William and Kate failing to get their foundation trademarked in the US. As Kaise says at least they’ve realised that it’s a long process and that are many hoops to jump through to get approval.

  29. Saucy&Sassy says:

    Hmmmm … I wonder what Michael Bloomberg thinks of this. It didn’t take long when the money for Earthshot was transferred from Billy Idle’s hands, and a separate entity was created to handle the funds. It’s interesting because I doubt they will need to account for their charitable distributions in the US? Will the money be used in the UK?

    It’s interesting that they’ve decided to go with mental health. Let’s see how long this one lasts. I can’t see either of them doing the work necessary, but I guess time will tell. Why didn’t they choose a Commonwealth country? I’m sure they’ll find some monied people connected to the Heritage Foundation to donate.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Seeing that green dress again… It’s even more awful than I remember. Too green (but ecology…get it?), too tight, wholly unflattering, with strange uncomplimentary jewelry.

  31. L Williams says:

    Another royal Ponzi scheme. Take a look at the financials for Earth shot and the Royal Foundation U.K. They spent more money on promotion and expense on Earthshot then they gave out. And Meghan’s cookbook together after launching five years ago made more money for the Royal Foundation than anything else. Meghan knew the score and all the money from her cookbook doesn’t stay with the foundation but is transfered to local U.K food bank.

    • Lavendel says:

      Yes, that’s the real scandal. No matter where these people collect money, they spend most of it on administration, their own staff, travel and advertising. Very little reaches the people affected.

  32. Nic919 says:

    It makes no sense that they are able to set up a non profit outside of the UK. They are not private citizens but part of the UK government so I don’t understand how this is even allowed. (At least William will eventually be head of state )

    What kind of money do they even need to be raising?

    • sevenblue says:

      I remember Seth Meyers talking about attending a charity dinner with W&K in USA. He said they were collecting donations for a British university / school. The rich people make donations to get access to the royalty. This was during the early years of their marriage. BRF loves the American money. They probably want money for their foundation now.

  33. s808 says:

    Setting up here when their RF hasn’t done much of anything in the UK?

  34. Mina_Esq says:

    I chuckled when I pictured Will and Kate completing “vital paperwork”. Realistically, the lawyers are doing it all.
    The BRF was given such a gift with Meghan. They could have appealed to American audiences so easily through Meghan. Of course they want a piece of the American pie. There is a lot of money in America. Their other sources are shady middle eastern businesspeople and royals. Of course they’d prefer American money. Sucks to suck.

    • AC says:

      Yeah M would have helped them relate more to American audiences esp if they wanted more exposure. But they’re soo super arrogant as they don’t see M as an equal.

  35. QuiteContrary says:

    Oh, please, let them come over. The late-night comedians such as Stephen Colbert and the aforementioned Seth Meyers will make mincemeat out of these clowns.

  36. BeanieBean says:

    Oh, spare me the signs of work! the actual work. Whatever that is to them.

  37. CM says:

    They are so obvious and petty.

  38. Square2 says:

    Just like all those Lords (including Winston Churchill’s father) in the late 19th & early 20th century, who married Millionaire American heiress, the Wank hate & look down Americans but LOVE American money.

    They tried to con Michael Bloomberg with Earth💩, but Bloomberg found out & made Earth💩 moved out of The Royal Foundation and operated independently outside The Royal Foundation operation (shady grifting).

    Now they are looking for right-winged Billionaire money.

  39. Proud Mary says:

    To me, this is clear evidence to support the fact that, despite their lies to the contrary, they know that Harry and Meghan are kicking it in the US. But their half-azz efforts won’t work.

  40. AC says:

    Having a couple patents myself it’s not easy to get patents or trademarks issued by the USPTO.
    And this is definitely a 1 sided competition with HM. The thing is HM is very successful in the US and they’re getting more respect over here – HM success in the US is threatening the firm. That’s prob the reason why the US is important for the leftovers to have a base as they know they are losing ground outside the UK. Not to mention the US media is very influential/powerful. And it can really help one’s PR(I’m looking at WK).

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