Prince Harry is ‘moving forward’ & dedicated to being a husband, father & advocate

As we discussed last week (endlessly), Buckingham Palace and Kensington Palace’s social media pages both posted birthday messages for Prince Harry. The way palace insiders and royal reporters were carrying on, you would have thought that King Charles had single-handed negotiated a peace treaty. Throughout the week, the conversation shifted from “Charles was absolutely making a reconciliation overture” to “the social media posts were Harry’s reward for not selling out his family this month.” Well, how does Harry feel about all of this insane energy around a pair of tweets? He doesn’t really care. He didn’t ask for any of it.

Prince Harry’s 40th birthday shout-out from the royal family wasn’t something he sought as a “reward” for not dropping new bombshells on the Firm, sources tell The Post. The royals made headlines on Sept. 15 when they wished the Duke of Sussex a happy birthday on social media for the first time in three years as their ongoing transatlantic tensions continue. And while one report suggested the family posted the birthday message as a “reward” for the duke not recently divulging any potentially embarrassing stories about the Firm, a source tells The Post that did not guide the prince’s actions.

“He’s told his story, now he’s moving forward,” one insider revealed. “His priorities have shifted as he enters the next chapter of his life.”

The source added that Harry “recognizes the past and the past fuels what he does in the future — doing work that’s important to him and that’s important to the world.”

“His focus is on the future — dedicated to being a great father, a loving husband and driving the success of his many initiatives,” another source revealed.

If Harry’s shift in focus has helped thaw relations with his estranged family, it “could’ve been viewed as a welcomed effect,” an insider said.

But for the royal family, the birthday message may have been “quid pro quo.”

“It is a reward for not writing a new chapter, no new revelations in his book ‘Spare,’ and he’s not going to give any interviews to promote this book,” royal reporter Richard Eden said on the Sept. 19 episode of the Daily Mail’s “Palace Confidential” podcast, citing palace sources. “So it’s their way of sort of, ‘thank you,’ and a quid pro quo.”

“A pat on the head,” host Jo Elvin added.

[From The NY Post]

So, when Charles throws a weeks-long tantrum about Harry’s visit in May, it’s all because Charles doesn’t trust him and Charles is still pissing mad about what Harry wrote about Camilla. But a few months later, Charles is now rewarding Harry? With a tweet? Come on – the Windsors were desperately trying to impose themselves on Harry’s life, as they have been doing for years. As for Harry’s new chapter… these have all been new chapters, it’s always been about looking forward. His memoir was largely about setting the record straight in his own voice so that he could move forward. That’s also why Prince William keeps pushing his own fantasy-stories about Harry’s pleas to “come back.” That’s the narrative they’re clinging to, that Harry is looking backwards, that he’s “angry” and that he’s desperate to come back to them.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images.

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21 Responses to “Prince Harry is ‘moving forward’ & dedicated to being a husband, father & advocate”

  1. Carson says:

    How people in the UK aren’t tired of this soap opera family is beyond me. You never see royal reporters posting about “work” their royals do, they only worry about Harry and Meghan. It’s exhausting for me and I’m American.

    • vs says:

      I keep asking myself the same question… 🇬🇧 isn’t tired of this nonsense ? It is the same thing over and over and over again!

      • North of Boston says:

        I wonder about that, but then I remember that Trump is running for president again, with ~ 50% polling support and non-stop press coverage of every asinine thing he says or does. Britain can just as easily as the US why we’re not tired of THAT nonsense.

        I suspect the answer would likely be the same: rational people ARE tired of it, but apparently enough powerful people, including plenty of people in the press, controlling what gets published and spread around are benefitting from it, and likely making gobs of money.

        Oh and there’s enough gullible or nasty or corruptible regular folks happy to keep swallowing the nonsense and feeding the beasts,

      • SarahCS says:

        @North of Boston and many people just aren’t that exposed to it. Unless you read the tabloids (plus the Torygraph/Times) you’re pretty well insulated. I get my royal news from here!

  2. MsIam says:

    These people will just not accept that Harry has moved on. It’s crazy. You are never, ever getting back together. Pat on the head indeed.

    • Lavendel says:

      I think they’ve accepted it for a long time, but the readers, the consumers, are fed new toxic morsels of hate every day. It’s a worse epidemic than meth and coke combined because it permanently destroys the spirit and humanity. People are addicted to hate, envy and misdirected anger so that the propagators can make money from it. Have you ever tried to clearly and persistently disagree with the hate in one of these tabloid comment sections? If so, then you have experienced first hand how a bunch of angry addicts attack you for questioning the drug. That is absolutely terrifying and deeply disturbing.

  3. booboocita says:

    This whole mess is too silly for words. After QEII’s passing, the papers were full of retrospectives of her tenure as monarch: her meetings with heads of state, her multitudinous charities, all of the politicians and prime ministers with whom she developed relationships, etc., etc., ad infinitum. What will the papers say about Chucky Boy after his passing? He quarreled with his second son, his eldest had little regard for him, he was under the thumb of his sidepiece-turned-wife. What a miserable legacy, and what an ineffectual king.

    • North of Boston says:

      Don’t forget how horrible he was to his first wife, and rumors that he and the gray men might have had a hand in her death.

  4. chatter says:

    Harry is the son of a King. Blood Prince.
    Title or no. Working on his own or thru The Firm. Harry is untouchable, IMO.
    He also has charm, good heart, wants to do more for others vs. wearing stupid cosplay robes and feathered hats. i.e. William
    Good for him.
    25 years after Diana, those of us who recall her, her charity work broke walls down for AIDS patients, etc.
    Harry will go forward and may likely outlast The Monarchy.

    William seems to be throwing the Crown into the fire just by being so uneasy at the job + lazy.
    Free Prince George!
    Btw, for all Andrews awfulness, he has a point about his daughters. They Re full blood royal Princesses. Put them to work.

  5. Afken says:

    You can tell how special these people think the royal family is, that they think Harry is 5000 miles away pining for a social media birthday acknowledgement. Richard Eden and other sycophantic royalists would melt if a royal waved at an aide to type happy birthday to them on Twitter. Imagine thinking that is a reward or something Harry even gave a damn about. This is embarrassing. Richard Eden is embarrassing. And considering Harry still has those 400 other pages, they better not get ahead of themselves that spare had no update.

  6. TN Democrat says:

    Willy’s lifelong ambition was apparently not to be king. It was apparently to day drink/do as little as possible, to lord his status over everyone, to expect his brother to do his duty for him and to financially and emotionally abuse his brother his entire life. His continued focus on Harry is psychotic. Harry left 5 years ago and isn’t returning broke and broken without Meghan and their children with his tail between his legs. Willy and Charles are disgraceful and sold their souls (and no telling what else) for good pr that is going to come to a screeching halt eventually. Willy doesn’t have the backbone to handle the coverage he reaped on Harry.

  7. Scooby Gang says:

    Of course the RF push the narrative that H desperately wants back in.

    Meghan said thanks but no thanks.

    Harry said no more and clearly stated that the only direction he’s interested in is forward.

    The RF are desperate to appear revered and desired. If H&M left and have no regrets or interest in going back to that life, that means the RF aren’t so special after all. They’re not wanted. They’re no longer the Cool Kids Table at which everyone pines for a seat.

    Keep living as you see fit, H&M!

  8. Hypocrisy says:

    How many times does Prince Harry have to tell these people his home and family are living in California building their own lives and raising their children for the foreseeable future, and the children and his wife will not be returning unless security is restored. If it wasn’t for Prince Harry’s loyalty and dedication to his children’s charities he is a patron of I doubt even he would set foot on that isle.
    All the coat tail riding the left overs are doing with Prince Harry makes it glaringly obvious just how little the rest of them accomplish with their unlimited Public funding. I’m not looking forward to the very vulgar feeding frenzy that happens every single time the Sussex’s are out in the world creating change and highlighting charities, we can all see through the extreme gaslighting trying to cover up for the lazy four so called working royals.

  9. Dee(2) says:

    I’m guessing Harry’s shoulder shrug to their “overture” is why they seem to be going overboard with this whole ” they are living separate lives” narrative this week. I saw In style reporting it this morning from BM sourcing of course. They really want that marriage to end, and pray that would mean he’s coming back. Every single time they see evidence that Harry is welcome and respected in spaces the heir isn’t they lose their minds.

  10. Nerd says:

    So they are admitting that the reason they stopped sending birthday wishes to all of the Sussexes is because they told their truth about their lives and it has nothing to do with only sending birthday wishes for “special” birthdays? So they admit that they are taking their hate and resentment out on two children because their parents were brave enough to speak out against the abuse they experienced? Also that wasn’t a birthday wish from KP. That was a copy and paste of what BP sent. That is something entirely different and impersonal.

  11. Jais says:

    Ooh wow, they posted happy birthday. After all the sh*t they’ve pulled? It’s performative but sure the BM can act like it means something. All it ever really means is that Harry ain’t coming back.

  12. Amy Bee says:

    The British press and the Royal Family haven’t realised that Harry has moved on. Maybe at the end of this week they will finally get it.

  13. Beverley says:

    The Left-Behind royals don’t want Harry back, they just want his shine to reflect on them. (Pegs might want him back to be his personal workhorse and scapegoat.) But the rota rats rue the day the Sussexes left Salt Island. They counted on Harry to be too frightened to leave and thought Meghan would stay to stand by her man, giving the rats every opportunity to use and abuse them.

    The rota are SHOOK that their meal ticket noped out. Yet, the tabloids refuse to change course. Their resentment and racism won’t let them.

  14. Jennifer says:

    UGH … “a pat on the head.” CHILD PLEASE! What in the actual hell is up with the belitting and all out rude infantilization that these royalist twerps use when speaking about and to a FULLY GROWN ADULT MAN or an adult period. They actually think it’s either a dunk or a flex or positive and it’s none of those. I guess since they use this when discussing to ol’ Mumbles aka Mumblina and it goes over so well that it’s acceptable?!!?

    Girl bye.

  15. ShazBot says:

    I wonder what Richard Eden would talk about if he couldn’t talk about Harry & Meghan?

  16. That girl says:

    The confuse anger with accountability. How very mediocre white man of them.

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