Melania Trump received six-figure paychecks for her rare campaign appearances

One of the many underreported stories this year is the relative disappearance of Melania Trump. She’s barely left Mar-a-Lago all year, and she’s flatly refused to travel with her husband to any campaign events. Her sole “campaign appearance” by her husband’s side this year was at the Republican National Convention. She did not make a speech, but she was on stage with him on the final night of the RNC. Apparently, she has made a handful of quiet speeches and appearances at fundraisers, always solo. And now we know how Donald Trump got Melania out of MAL – the Trump campaign likely paid Melania six figures per appearance, although no one is actually sure where the money came from. They just know that money has been funneled to Melania personally for her rare public outings.

Melania Trump has barely been seen on the campaign trail this year. One of the few times she has appeared at a political event, she’s received a six-figure paycheck – a highly unusual move for the spouse of a candidate.

The former first lady spoke at two political fundraisers for the Log Cabin Republicans this year, and she was paid $237,500 for an April event, according to former President Donald Trump’s latest financial disclosure form. The payment was listed as a “speaking engagement.”

Trump’s latest disclosure form said Melania Trump was paid by the Log Cabin Republicans for the April fundraiser. But it’s a mystery who actually cut the check: Charles Moran, president of the Log Cabin Republicans, told CNN earlier this month the group did not put up the money for her to speak, and the disclosure form did not give any more information about the source of the payment.

Ahead of the other fundraiser in July for the conservative LGBTQ group, a person familiar said at least one request was made to a donor about a similar payment. It’s unclear whether Melania Trump was ultimately paid. The campaign has not put out the financial disclosure for that period. The source told CNN that Ric Grenell, former ambassador to Germany and a Trump ally, was the one who made the request on behalf of Melania Trump. Sources said Grenell has also helped the former first lady with other business ventures.

Campaign finance and government ethics experts say a payment to a presidential candidate’s spouse to appear at political fundraisers in an election is unusual, ethically questionable and should, at the very least, be properly noted in the disclosure forms. “It seems pretty self-serving. From my own general observation, I’m not used to seeing that,” said Virginia Canter, the chief ethics counsel at Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics.

Sources supportive of Melania Trump who attended the Log Cabin Republican events and didn’t know she got paid for at least one of them defended her, saying it’s her right to decide how to spend her time and to get paid for her time. One person close to Melania Trump said she has decided “my best and highest use is where I am,” adding that “she’s a priceless, timeless asset” for Donald Trump.

Records show Melania Trump was also paid $250,000 for a Log Cabin Republican event in December 2022, one of three payments for $250,000 or more that she received for speaking that month, just after the former president announced he was running for reelection, according to Donald Trump’s prior year financial disclosure form. One of the events took place in Florida, and the other was for a California group, Fix California, which was founded by Grenell. Grenell did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

[From CNN]

It may seem unimportant in the grander scheme of things, but from my conversations with female voters, they are actually paying attention to the personal lives of the candidates, and they care about the fact that Melania is not supporting her husband on the campaign trail, just like they care that Doug Emhoff is his wife’s biggest and most vocal supporter. Like, voters f–king love Doug. Voters think Melania despises her husband. Anyway, this is a drop in the bucket when it comes to the FEC violations of the Trump campaign. All of those MAGA cult members sending their money to Trump, just know that you’re paying Melania to speak to gay Republicans and pretend to tolerate her husband for one night a year. Melania didn’t even go to the debate! She’s so over it and she’s just grifting, like everyone else in MAGAland.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Avalon Red.

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30 Responses to “Melania Trump received six-figure paychecks for her rare campaign appearances”

  1. Lightpurple says:

    Do they even live together?

    She cost taxpayers millions while she renegotiated her prenup, not surprised she’s charging for appearances

    Wouldn’t be surprised if the others are charging too.

    • equality says:

      Yeah, I bet he’s paying his offspring also.

    • HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

      She so hoped he’d be dead by now and wouldn’t have to deal with any of this nonsense anymore. All she wants to do it stay in FL, going to lunch and having tennis “lessons”. So not surprising she said, ‘if you want me in public, then pay me’. Everything is transactional with these grifters. When they still lived in NYC, it was common knowledge among the Columbia Prep community that their marriage was over, and that she couldn’t stand him.

    • Megan says:

      Have you heard the clip from Melanie’s book talking about her soft core porn modeling? I think it’s great that a former First Lady is admitting that sex work is work, even if she tries to compare her nude photos to great art.

      And let’s face it, she needs to grab every dollar she can before Trump goes to jail and has to forfeit all his assets to pay the judgements against him.

      • Nanea says:

        The great art in this case being Michelangelo.

        Must be why she got that Einstein/genius visa.

        No idea what’s in the water in MAL/FLA, or NYC, or wherever she’s mostly spending her time right now.

  2. terra says:

    He had to pay his own wife to do campaign appearances? Yeah, okay, that tracks.

    • Miranda says:

      I firmly believe that Trump has never has a consensual relationship that didn’t involve a pay-out of some kind. I mean, come on.

      • nutella toast says:

        @miranda +1 Those tiny hands look cartoonish next to his body – the picture almost looks doctored it’s so bad. There isn’t enough $ for me to let that man within 1,000 yards of my body…not that he’d care about consent anyway.

  3. Josephine says:

    I don’t think there is anyone left who doesn’t think that Melania has been grifting from day 1. She got her parents citizenship, had a kid, and gets paid a lot of money to pretend to support the orange menace. How demeaning to the diapered weirdo to have to pay her but then again that’s how these people handle campaign funds — they just funnel the money to their personal pocketbooks.

    It’s hilarious that republicants used to think they were the party of family values.

    • nutella toast says:

      It depends what news you watch. My Dad absolutely believes it’s the greatest love story ever – he watches OAN and Newsmax.

      • Granger says:

        Yes, my mom is the same. “When you see him with her, you can tell they’re just madly in love.” I’m like, are we looking at the same video/photos???

  4. Roo says:

    Politics has never been a clean business, but man, this family has taken it to stunning depths of unethical, illegal and immoral behavior. The end of the Trump/MAGA era cannot come soon enough, and I just hope our country can heal.

  5. Truthiness says:

    They’ve always had a transactional marriage. Given all the bad blood she has with Ivanka I wonder if she was peeved at the haul Jared and Ivanka made off with after the presidency years. I’m sure she thought she was underpaid back then, since First Ladies aren’t paid.

    • Proud Mary says:

      She was hawking trinkets on the White House website during his presidency. Real lowdown grifting. That entire klan just sees the government as their personal cash cow.

  6. girl_ninja says:

    “It may seem unimportant in the grander scheme of things, but from my conversations with female voters,”

    It IS important that they are paying the Republican nominee’s wife thousands upon thousands of dollars for events AND for her stylist and possibly her very high-end wardrobe. They are gaming the system like the expert grifters they are. If Doug was being paid to speak to constituents, the press would have a field day.

    This all comes down to the owners of the these “news” outlets pushing white supremacy and wanting DT back in office. The same people who will probably allow Nuzzi back into this trash media that they have created. I am disgusted.

    • sevenblue says:

      The more money they are spending on Melania, the less money they are spending on election. Trump is emptying GOP’s vault. That is cool with me. As Lindsey once said: “If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed and we will deserve it.”

  7. Jay says:

    Kate to Melania: Teach me your ways!

  8. FancyPants says:

    Honestly, if it didn’t sound so crimey I would say good for her. The First Lady/Gentleman isn’t elected and doesn’t get paid a salary but is still expected to do the “job” anyway. (Yes I know this is just the campaign part and she is an extraordinarily awful person but this still needs to be changed).

    • Proud Mary says:

      Given Mrs. Trumps tenure as FLOTUS, I quiver with your claim that all FLOTUS have to do the work. She didn’t, and nobody cared. Her husband, moreover, was paid almost half a mil per year, plus free health care and free security and free travel. All other SCOTUS and FLOTUS before that had no trouble surviving on that salary. What was her job before she became a White House loafer? What did she do as FLOTUS to deserve a pay? I would make that argument for Hillary and Michelle, both of whom had careers before entering the White House, and both of whom worked hard as FLOTUS — Hillary worked on health care, and Michelle did Let’s Move. They tried to get Mrs. Trump to deal with her husbands controversial stance on babies at the border. Presumably her involvement was intended to give the issue a veneer of humanity. Need I remind you of what that woman did, while babies were hold up in cages?

  9. ML says:

    Melania just came out in favor of nudity last week. This week it seems like she’s showing how she only does political appearances as FLOTUS/ wife of if she receives a 6-figure paycheck for it. Interesting.

    First off, this reads like a Republiscum “let’s get this out there now so it doesn’t get too much scrutiny in October” move. Most people I know are not Melania fans and this stuff doesn’t endear women to Trump.

    Next, Trump never does anything unless there’s something in it for him. We now know that Melania doesn’t either unless there’s something in it for her. $100,000 and up for an appearance is sick.

  10. equality says:

    They would have to pay me far more than that to touch him and hold his hand. Wonder if she gets extra to appear with him and show affection.

  11. Brassy Rebel says:

    At this point, Trump needs Melania far more than she needs him. And this is some weird 💩 that she is getting paid to speak to gay Republicans. Actually, it’s quite weird that there is such a thing as gay Republicans. 🤔

  12. Proud Mary says:

    I disagree. The most underreported story is the fact that the Amazing Michelle Obama, was followed by this complete waste of space. The worst First Lady in US history. Her so-called disappearance is most likely due to the fact that the monster’s campaign can’t pay her enough, so she has to grift elsewhere. Can you imagine the media meltdown if Barrack’s campaign was funneling money to Michelle? It bugs me to no end that some on the left try to make this wench into one of Donald Trumps victims. I’m no fan of his, but she’s no victim. She’s his co-grifter.

  13. Oh come on. says:

    If we Dems didn’t have this stubborn desire to believe Melania hates him, we would see this as garden-variety Trump family corruption and grift.

    His campaign (or donors or party, funding stream is unclear) is funneling campaign funds to Trump’s family members. That’s standard operating procedure for this crime family.

  14. davywavy says:

    Okay, remember y’all heard about the 6-figure payout for Milwaukee first on Celebitchy.

    Here’s the thing that’s interesting now: with Laura Loomer: I think it’s worth speculating that with Laura Loomer onsite, Melania’s days of grifting are over.

    I don’t know how it ended with Marla Maples, but Donald’s marriage to Ivana ended when an adoring newbie arrived on the scene. I think with Donald and Laura slipping around together, Melania will not find herself invited to any more appearances. She hates all this stuff and I think The Donald is now being reminded of how good things can be with a hanger on.

    God please forbid this from coming to pass, but in the demented minds of Donald’s advance WH team, Melania is nothing but a liability. No one wants her back as First Lady. How much better to bring in an enthusiastic social hostess, who may transition into wife.

    I think that DT would be gleeful about no longer having to pay up a wife who despises him and, turning the tables on the power dynamic.

    I don’t think he needs her anymore.

  15. SIde Eye says:

    I hope she’s holding her nose in that first photo and not breathing him in. He always looks like the defendant due in Courtroom 2B with those baggy suits and ties that are way too frigging long. Oh wait… never mind.

    I caption that first photo and she says “this hug lasts 2 seconds and that’s it!” He actually looks surprised she’s leaning in to earn her appearance fee.

    Dude can’t even pay his airport fees and the arenas for his klan rallies but he can pay her hundreds of thousands. Omg he is fleecing that party and I am here for it! He really met his match lol. I will never forgive her for that ugly ass sociopathic jacket and for ripping up the rose gardens of the previous First Ladies – just destroying history and someone here once said it was to make it wheelchair accessible lol like she gives a flying fuck about the differently abled. There was no need to rip up that garden she’s just a destroyer and a racist birther just like him.

  16. Aud says:

    Our “freedom of the press” media is completely broken and corrupt. What began as “the people” reporting the truth that we the people should know is now a transactional monopoly of shifting funds, favors and threats. I’m so sick of it.

    “OMG lOok hoW eXpenSivE KamALa’s nECKlacE is!” Pikachu shocked face. Radio silence on Melania’s wardrobe. Remember the shock and horror when Michelle wore a sleeveless gown? Then Melania’s soft porn showed up and it was crickets.

    I just so tired.

  17. Elsa says:

    Grifters gonna grift. I don’t care what a woman does with her body, but great art it ain’t.

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