Megyn Kelly: ‘I miss fat Oprah,’ Oprah lost her authenticity when she lost weight

A year ago, Oprah stepped out looking svelte. People gossiped that she was the latest Ozempic convert. Then in December, Oprah spoke about all of it – she has gone on one of the weight-loss drugs in consultation with her doctors, and she put her decision in context. She’s 70 years old and concerned about her health and longevity, so she’s using the weight-loss drug in addition to being more active and still watching what she eats. Oprah’s weight fluctuations have been well-documented for decades and that’s part of Oprah’s appeal to many women: she, like millions of women, struggles with her weight and tries fad diets and loses weight and then back slides. One of the most disgusting things you can say to a woman who has been open about her weight struggles for decades is: I liked you more when you were fat. That is what Megyn Kelly just said this week about Oprah.

Megyn Kelly says she misses the “fat” Oprah Winfrey of old, claiming the iconic TV host has lost her heart, “along with the pounds,” as she’s recently opted to take a weight loss drug. Kelly, the 53-year-old former Fox News anchor, told podcast listeners Friday that she finds Winfrey, 70, less trustworthy since she began taking a weight loss medication.

“I miss fat Oprah, she was just genuine,” Kelly said on the The Megyn Kelly Show. “Now this thin Ozempic Oprah has lost—along with the pounds, her heart—her sense of authenticity.”

Kelly’s lashing out came the morning after Winfrey appeared alongside Kamala Harris for a town hall in Michigan—an event that clearly irked Kelly, a very public supporter of Donald Trump. Winfrey’s full-throated support of Harris appears to have gotten under Kelly’s skin, with the Fox News veteran asserting she no longer considers herself a fan.

“I used to love Oprah, like most of us who grew up when we did,” Kelly said. “And only now did I realize I’ve been getting spoon-fed propaganda from this woman for years.”

Perhaps the most memorable moment from Harris’ interview last week came when the vice president claimed she wouldn’t hesitate to shoot a home intruder.

“If somebody breaks into my house, they’re getting shot, sorry,” she said to a raucous applause. “Probably should not have said that, but my staff will deal with that later.”

Eliciting that comment wasn’t enough for Kelly, however. She said she’d like to have seen Winfrey push Harris harder on her gun control policies, claiming the “debacle” of an interview was “the ultimate culmination of her journalistic fails.”

[From The Daily Beast]

“And only now did I realize I’ve been getting spoon-fed propaganda from this woman for years.” Megyn Kelly is years older than me, and I remember a time when Oprah was so politically important, she had to make a point of interviewing both presidential candidates on her show and it was a big deal to see which candidate performed better. I still remember when George W. Bush turned on the charm and Oprah and her audience were impressed by him in 2000. Oprah shifted in 2008 when she decided to endorse Barack Obama early on, and she’s worn her political allegiances on her sleeve ever since. It was a big deal that Oprah made a point of going to Michigan, staging the event like her old talk show, and bringing back “the Oprah interview” style for Kamala Harris. Megyn knows how significant that was too, which is why she’s making nasty fat jokes at Oprah’s expense.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, Cover Images and Instagram.

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52 Responses to “Megyn Kelly: ‘I miss fat Oprah,’ Oprah lost her authenticity when she lost weight”

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  1. Abby says:

    Wow. I cannot believe Megyn said those nasty thoughts OUT LOUD for the public to hear. Very revealing of her character.

    • Megan says:

      She is completely irrelevant and she knows it so she says outrageous things to get attention. Just ignore her.

    • Lightpurple says:

      Megyn’s whole career is based on being nasty. She delights in being a loud-mouthed bigot who openly insults others.

    • MsIam says:

      Honestly, Megyn Kelly and Ann Coulter are neck and neck for the Evil Bitch of the Year/Decade award, at least here in the US. Of course Laura Loomer is catching up to them pretty quickly. They are all some of Trump’s Very Best People.

    • Delphine says:

      You mean lack of character. She’s always been vile.

    • Yup, Me says:

      I absolutely can believe she said this with her whole chest. I’ve noticed that Megyn has been looking particularly extreme in her “boney blonde” aesthetic recently, so I can completely see her being a fat-phobic bigot and speaking accordingly.

  2. kirk says:

    What a shrew. She needs to go back to Faux News to be her most authentic self. Also she needs to be interviewed by some extremely intrusive person about all her cosmetic surgeries, like she tried to do to Jane Fonda with Robert Redford, all under the guise of interviewing them about a new movie.

  3. Indica says:

    Dear Ms Kelly,
    I miss a world where I didn’t know you existed. Can we go back to that first?

  4. Truthiness says:

    I miss the silent Megyn Kelly. Like when she lost her show.

    • Josephine says:

      I was going to say that I missed the Megyn Kelly that had a brain but then realized that person never existed. It’s hilarious how she claimed that Oprah was feeding her propaganda. I guess Megyn has never been able to think for herself and replaced education with a tv show billed as entertainment.

      Won’t anyone think of the entitled white women who had every opportunity to learn but watched too much daytime tv??!! I wonder if anyone has broken the news to her about the characters on soap operas not being real people.

  5. Nev says:


  6. Wow using someone’s past weight to score some attention. What a f***ing bi**h.

  7. girl_ninja says:

    She is another miserable dark hearted cretin. She hates women as a whole but has a particular distain for Black women. Trash heap of a human.

  8. Neeve says:

    She has no integrity, Trump was nasty to her and she let it slide,where was that energy for Trump?

  9. equality says:

    She’s “lost her heart”? More likely she is protecting her heart and keeping it healthy. I miss people being less rude and avoiding comments about other people’s body shapes.

  10. Nanea says:

    I had no idea MK was qualified to judge other people’s health, especially Black women’s.

    Oprah has had her fair share of esoteric quacks on the show, but it seems she’s finally listening to her docs. (hopefully, fingers crossed)

    BTW, MK’s chin looks different.
    What gives?
    Steroids? Testosterone? Weight loss drugs?

  11. Amy Bee says:

    Eff Megyn Kelly. I still remember when Megyn wanted to be the white Oprah. Turned out she didn’t have warmth or charisma to be a daytime tv talk show host. This is the only way she can get attention these days.

  12. Kitten says:

    Oprah’s weight has yo-yo’d for YEARS. Throughout, she has remained the same person. Megyn With a Y just wanted an excuse to call Oprah fat. She is so incredibly vile.

  13. Lightpurple says:

    I liked Megyn Kelly better when I had never heard of her. I miss that Megyn Kelly.

  14. Izzy says:

    Megyn Kelly is absolutely one of those women who will keep an overweight friend around just so she can feel better about herself, and when that friend loses weight, she will start negging her.

  15. Emily says:

    Megyn wants to complain about being spoon fed propaganda?

    Well, Megyn, you’re only relevant for your comments about women who are actually relevant. We see the grift.

  16. Lexilla says:

    Remember when NBC gave this woman her own morning show? I do.

    • Deering24 says:

      Bwhahahahaah. Watching her crash-and-burn across the board at NBC was most gratifying. And didn’t her failure help to take down the insufferable ex-network head Andrew Lack as well? Win-win. 😈

  17. Sue says:

    Wow, Megyn is really desperate for attention lately.

  18. samipup says:

    You know what? It’s none of anyones’s business how much someone weighs and its none of anyone’s business if and how they lose/gain wight. I feel angry that people have to explain how they lost weight and that the media and public criticize people for using a particular method. Celebrities should not have ‘respond to allegations’ of using any particular med to help on a personal weight loss/gain journey.

  19. bisynaptic says:


  20. Proud Mary says:

    Yet another ignorant racist grifter. This is the woman who was the recipient of a truly vile, sexist insult from Donald Trump, because, being the actress she is, she carried out Rupert Murdoch’s instructions to go hard on Trump, during the 2016 Republican debate: “Blood coming out of her everywhere.” Being forced to grift on YouTube (because she has no talent other being a racist carnival barker) she’s now groveling for an interview from scum trump. If she knew anything about Oprah, she would know that big O has been loosing and regaining weight since the ’80s. Nothing new here. You can’t insult Oprah about her weight, because she has zero trouble talking about her weight issue.

  21. NotSoSocialB says:

    I see she’s still laboring under the delusion that anyone likes her or gives two sh*ts about what she says. 💅

  22. Square2 says:

    Megyn Kelly IS the “journalistic failure”.

    Oprah will always be (one of) the Queen in Interview & her true self; Megyn Kelly will always be a fake.

  23. Wilma says:

    Raging hypocrite says what?

  24. Oh come on. says:

    If anyone is qualified to tell a self-made Black billionaire how to be “genuine” and “authentic,” it’s … Megyn Kelly.

    Megyn and her misogynoir need to take all the seats.

  25. Elsa says:

    Kelly has always been vile. It is a real shame too because she has dealt with really bad things from men. She could be better.

    Oprah can take weight loss drugs for no other reason than the fact that she wants to be slim. She owes no one an explanation. I take them at 63 and I’ve lost 26 pounds. I’m doing it because I want to look better in my clothes (and without them). If I get health benefits all the better.

  26. lucy2 says:

    Remember when everyone stopped paying attention to Megyn and we didn’t hear from her or give her free publicity?
    I liked that better.

  27. tamsin says:

    This woman is so ugly in character that when I see her image, I think of gargoyles.

  28. H says:

    oh PUH-LEASE. if Oprah was still fat, Megyn would be wringing her hands nonstop about “normalizing unhealthy lifestyles”. Give me a break.

  29. KC says:

    I miss muzzled Meghan.

    She’s a nothing now and hates and will lash out at any woman who is more successful than she is.

  30. Walking the Walk says:

    Megyn is just angry she has no power anymore and got pushed out of Fox and then NBC. She can keep her hateful comments to herself and weep some more about Black Santa.

  31. Dora says:

    MK is one of those white women that are only comfortable with a black women if she is fat, loud, and a stereotype it’s why so many plain white women hate Meghan. How dare she be beautiful as arid, intelligent and married to a prince that adores her. To them she occupies a space that only a white woman should have because remember black women are not suppose to be considered beautiful. Mk wishes she had half the skill success and pull that Oprah has. She likes fat Oprah because she is comfortable with that. Slim Oprah she considers competition. She resents that. On a plantation she’d sell her after scarring her face with a branding iron like white plantation women use to do

  32. LynZ says:

    I have a thought. If Meghan Kelly really believes this then she should gain substantial weight and maybe someone in the universe will take her seriously.

  33. Veronica S. says:

    She’s so mad she doesn’t have a huge media platform anymore lol. Just desperately, grossly in it for the attention.

  34. Grant says:

    She is such a vile, disgusting human being. She’ll say anything to get clicks.

  35. Golly Gee says:

    Be sure to let the door hit you hard on the way out, Megyn.

  36. Denguy says:

    What does Megyn Kelly know about authenticity? Even her breathing seems performative.

  37. Anna Nonymous says:

    Oof!! That’s incredibly harsh and rich. Especially coming from one of the least liked and successful female journalists shading the most likeable and successful at any weight journalist of all time and of any gender! The unmitigated GALL of a fellow woman, a white woman, to put down a fellow female over her weight is mind blowing. What an evil cow. Oprah is able to work at will. She’s helping Kamala because she feels it’s the right thing to do. That concept is not one that Megyn Whats her name is grasping here. She cares about other people, she cares about making the world a better place. She literally had nothing to gain from interviewing Kamala. Oprah struggled with her weight and feeling not good enough from the judgement of the world. Now she’s finally lost the weight in her Golden years and we have basic bland Robo B here calling her not fat or entertaining enough. Ffs. Is she kidding with this stuff? Who says these things? Did you hear about The Republican guy running for election that said on tape that he doesn’t know why any woman over 50 cares about abortion. He even got some laughs from the crowd. As if we are biologically not getting abortions after 50 so who cares? Please Gawd Get that clown out of office and please take the microphone out of his hand!