Why did Prince William & Kate spend a kids-free weekend in Scotland?

On Sunday, royalists were surprised to see Prince William driving his wife to church in Scotland, on the Balmoral estate. William and Kate already took their kids to Balmoral in August, before the kids’ school began, and it’s widely believed that the Wales family prefers to keep their trips to Balmoral relatively brief, usually less than a week, just enough time to put in an appearance and check that box. So why did Will and Kate go back to Balmoral in September, when their kids’ school has already started? Well, apparently, it was a rare kids-free weekend for them. They left their kids with the Middletons.

Prince William and Kate Middleton enjoyed a private trip to Balmoral this weekend, enjoying some downtime without their three children. William and Princess Kate were photographed on their way to church on Sunday, where they joined King Charles and Queen Camilla for the weekly service.

William drove his wife to Crathie Kirk and Kate, who has not been photographed since announcing that she has completed her course of preventative chemotherapy, looked radiant in a feathered hat and a pair of Cassandra Goad gold earrings.

Sources in Scotland said that Kate, who featured in the Court Circular last week for the first time this year, looked remarkably well and that Charles was on “fighting form.”

“The Prince and Princess had a private weekend and appeared to be on good form,” said the source. “The King was also in very good spirits.”

Palace sources would not comment because the trip was private, however, it is believed to be the first solo trip William and Catherine have made to Scotland without their three children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis, for some time.

Every year, the family spends a long weekend at Balmoral at the end of August. The late Queen began the tradition and loved to host her grandchildren and great-grandchildren at the castle, a tradition King Charles has continued. This weekend, it was just William and Kate who traveled to Aberdeenshire for the short break. According to the Daily Mail, the couple’s three children stayed in Berkshire with Kate’s parents, Carole and Michael Middleton.

[From Vanity Fair]

This pinged my radar, honestly. Something’s up. Something’s happening. As I said, historically, William and Kate don’t hang around Balmoral for very long. My suspicion is that they were called up to Balmoral for a specific reason by King Charles. A special meeting, perhaps? Over the summer, there were several reports about a planned “Balmoral summit” in which they would discuss their most pressing issue: what to do about the Sussexes. Who knows though – maybe this had nothing to do with the Sussexes and everything to do with Will and Kate’s marriage and work plans. It’s interesting though.

The photos in this post are from last year – they made a day-trip to Scotland to do some events together.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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56 Responses to “Why did Prince William & Kate spend a kids-free weekend in Scotland?”

  1. Maybe the negotiations aren’t quite over yet and there is still some stuff to be worked out. We can’t have the kiddies there for that.

  2. sunnyside up says:

    curiouser and curiouser said Alice.

    • Bamaborn says:

      Yes, summoned by Chuck. For once, don’t think it has anything to do with the Sussexes.

      • Christine says:

        I think this was Chuck’s “you have to prove that you spend time with me too!!!” tantrum after the Middletons were in Kate’s Twilight reenactment and the king was not. I think it’s hilarious they left the kids behind, it almost feels like Will and Kate responded with, “we’ll pretend we see you too, but we’re not bringing the kids.”

  3. Fastgran50 says:

    I think they were summoned by Charles over the shampoo advert they did. Charles will be laying down the law about their work and how to behave in public.☹️

  4. HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

    A romantic weekend getaway? LOL

  5. Brit says:

    Probably brainstorming the next video

  6. Nic919 says:

    They are spinning something because after months of being on holiday does anyone buy a weekend without the kids? No. They had plenty of time for that over the summer without being noticed.

    This looks like a summons from Charles, hence the mandatory church appearance and I suspect it’s likely because of the video, which was poorly received, excluded Charles’s explicitly and basically showed Kate could spend time doing a film shoot but remains reluctant to do anything else.

    I think Charles is getting tired of the excuses for both of them not pulling their weight while the rest of the family, all of whom are much older, are doing engagements both in and outside of the UK.

    • Becks1 says:

      I agree that this definitely feels like a summons from Charles. They were just at Balmoral a few weeks ago, I can’t remember them ever going up for a second weekend especially once the kids are in school (who will do the school run?!!? Can Carole handle that?!?!)

      The timing makes it seem like this was about the video. We speculated he was not pleased and I think this just proves that.

    • Jais says:

      Charles also has cancer, is not done with his treatments and yet he’s doing work. But here’s Kate, having enough energy to make a video but not even able to commit to Remembrance Day. It’s possible that he’s lost his patience. No one is really expecting her to do much or even close to a full schedule but maybe Charles wants to see her doing more?

  7. Dee(2) says:

    Their marriage is so bizarre to me. They don’t appear to really like each other, but then they do things like this which without knowing what’s going on in the background would make you think that they just wanted the weekend away after all of the health issues from this year. A kid free couples weekend where they could be romantic. I used to think man it must be really close to getting a divorce, but I don’t know. It seems like the worst type of torture to me if you despise someone to have to pretend in public even for a few events a year that you’re still married and in love with each other but maybe it’s worth it for what they get to maintain.

    • Becks1 says:

      I think if they wanted a weekend away to relax and recharge they wouldn’t have chosen Balmoral with Charles and Camilla lol.

      • Christine says:

        Seriously, can you think of anything less sexy than hanging out with Chuck and Cam on a couples’ weekend at BALMORAL, the place you learned your mother was dead?

      • Libra says:

        “The place you learned your mother was dead ” , now seated across from Camilla and Charles for a “come to Jesus ” meeting. The insensitivity.

      • Chrissy says:

        I agree. Don’t they have a house in Wales that they could use as an escape. Willnot has access to multiple properties throughout the country, doesn’t he? I can see Charles being mad because that ridiculous video confirmed to everyone that these two are living the life of Riley without doing any of the work expected of them!

    • TigerMcQueen says:

      Nothing screams relaxing couple’s weekend like spending it with a parent/stepparent/in-law in a place they normally avoid.

      I’m being obviously facetious, it wasn’t a weekend away, it was a summons from the king. Someone isn’t happy about the inability to commit to work for months out yet being able to film a rather lengthy “I’m all better” video.

    • Gtwiecz says:

      The fact they never hold hands when walking together is strange to me. It’s natural for normal couples to reach for your spouse’s hand when walking.

  8. Tina says:

    Oh this pings hard!!!! Why not take a romantic break in their mansion in London or one of the other royal properties in the country? No way they go up to balmoral for a mini break.

  9. aquarius64 says:

    I think Charles called the Waleses up to deal with the fallout of that Hallmark no more cancer video and how Harry’s NYC visit sends the message the wrong son is heir to the throne. Hence the hit pieces and the floated plans of William and Kate to “conquer” the US. Charles is probably po’d that Kate is not pulling her weight as future queen consort; but because he colluded with KP to protect these dimblubs for the hospital trip and the FrankenPhoto fiasco Chuck’s stuck. Say hello to karma for mistreating your younger son and his family.

    • Kristin says:

      As much as I loathe Kate, Charles doesn’t have much credibility in the department of Queen Consorts not pulling their weight. His own Queen Consort doesn’t do jack shit. I mean honestly, what DOES Camilla do? Drink gin and tonics all day and spend Charles’ money? I swear, when it came to picking appropriate wives, Charles and William are complete morons.

  10. Jaded says:

    I don’t think it had anything to do with the Sussexes other than Willbur’s failed attempts at one-upmanship, I think this is ass-kicking time for the Wails. When the tabloids and Rota are starting to make sly digs instead of the usual nauseating fawning you know something’s up.

  11. nmb says:

    Maybe Charles has taken a turn for the worse and plans are being made for William to be king?

    • TikiChica says:

      This is what I think too.

    • ecsmom says:

      That was my first thought. Negotiations on what happens to CRC (Camilla the Rottweilers C…).

    • Jais says:

      Maybe and yet he still has plans to go to Australia very soon. Maybe he’s actually telling William and Kate that they had better not pull focus during his trip. I thought maybe it was to tell them to get it together and do more but maybe it’s the opposite. As in he’s telling them they better not put out another tawdry video while he’s in Australia. Bc he probably knows they are capable of doing something like this. Remember Kate stealing the Chelsea flower show thunder. It may be that Charles know this will be one of his last big tours though.

  12. s808 says:

    I agree with everyone else that they were summoned. For what remains to be seen. There’s a few things it could be about tbh. The commercial, the next step in their separation and how things will go from here or just a general dressing down about the lack of work.

  13. Amy Bee says:

    As long as Harry and Meghan weren’t the subject of conversation between the two couples, William and Kate can go up to Scotland every weekend if they want to.

  14. ML says:

    “ William and Princess Kate were photographed on their way to church on Sunday, where they joined King Charles and Queen Camilla for the weekly service. “

    Okay? KC and W were absolutely NOT on the same page for most of this year, and they were snarking at each other via the media. So, if you and your dad don’t get along, would you choose to go on your very first romantic getaway without the kids in ages to your dad’s estate and spend time with him??


  15. Digital Unicorn says:

    Interesting – its telling that they made a point of saying that they kids are with her parents, esp after they made the cameo in the Temu Boden ad playing cards with them. Looks like we’re back to the kids being kept from Chuck while making it known the press who the most favourite and involved grandparents are.

    Its likely that this was not a planned visit – they were summoned so to speak. If Katty can make trips to Scotland and cheap TV ads then she CAN work. She just doesn’t want to – when are they press going to start reporting on that.

  16. Neeve says:

    Do you guys think I they stayed in the same room?

  17. equality says:

    So the wonderful grandpa didn’t want the children along so he could see them? W&K could still have all kinds of romantic time by turning the children over to the nanny. If they really wanted a child free weekend for them, they could go anywhere without drawing attention to themselves by specifically going to church with C&C. Anyway, being around Cam would kill any romantic thoughts. So it seems more like some meeting. Which should be about W&K’s behavior and not H&M (who they need to get the memo that they are not in control of).

  18. Thelma says:

    I’m truly not body shaming but her legs in the second picture give me anxiety. I’m sorry, that was NOT a healthy weight.

  19. Inge says:

    how odd

    I get that working parents love a weekend away.

    But neither of them work, so they could have gone whilst the kids were in school and still spend a weekend with them.

  20. Lili says:

    have we seen charles out and about in the last couple of weeks? there have been loads of charles said this or that but have there been sightings of him ?

  21. Monika says:

    Who would choose Balmoral for a kids-free weekend?

  22. Kittenmom says:

    “William feels younger and sexier than ever !1!1! They can’t keep their hands off each other! Wales Baby #4 in 9 months!1!1!” 😹😭🤣 – Derangers, probably

  23. blueberry says:

    I mean… I get along with my inlaws but a “weekend getaway” with them would not be close to “romantic.” They were summoned because of their unseemly behavior. It’s possible Charles has health news and he’s telling them they need to get their sh’t together. It will be interesting to see what happens next.

  24. Lady Esther says:

    Maybe I’m crazy but didn’t both trips to Balmoral show Kate in the same outfit? Same hat at least. Are they actually recent photos? Or all taken at the same time, eg there was only one trip?

  25. Tessa says:

    They probably were far apart in separate wings. I thought grandpa Charles wanted more time with the Wales kids or so said the spin. The children were with the middletons

  26. Red says:

    Yes 2025 is the year Waity will get keen, I can just feel it.

  27. TN Democrat says:

    Our body our choice, but something clearly isn’t right with her. Keen typically wears layers that conceal how thin she really is. Her arms were painfully thin from certain angles in the Wimbledon pics and her thighs are painfully thin in these pictures. An adult woman who was not this thin in young adulthood who has birthed 3 children isn’t naturally this thin in her 40s during perimenopause. Photographs supposedly add weight. What does she look like in person? Images like this do the Windsors no favors.

  28. girl_ninja says:

    As long as they leave Meg and Harry alone, I don’t really care what those two are up to.

  29. JR McGraw says:

    She was wild for trying to pull off this wig like it was her actual hair

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