Prince Harry on social media: ‘These platforms are designed to create addiction’

As I was looking through the photos of Prince Harry speaking at the Clinton Global Initiative, it struck me that CopyEgg is probably screaming down the phone at Mike Bloomberg, demanding that Bloomberg arrange a meeting or a photo-op with Bill Clinton. You know it’s probably already happened. The call, I mean. Anyway, Harry was at CGI on Tuesday, speaking about Archewell’s newly formed Parents Network. The Parents Network’s aim is providing tools and resources for parents trying to navigate their kids’ online lives and the dangers of social media:

Prince Harry said today’s youth is in the midst of an “epidemic” of anxiety, depression and social isolation due to negative experiences online, as he brought his campaign to help children and their parents navigate cyberspace to this week’s Clinton Global Initiative.

“These platforms are designed to create addiction,” Harry, 40, said in remarks Tuesday in New York City. “Young people are kept there by mindless, endless, numbing scrolling — being force-fed content that no child should ever be exposed to. This is not free will.”

Beyond supporting parents and youth throughout this advocacy, The Duke of Sussex stressed the need for corporate accountability. He asked why leaders of powerful social media companies are still held to the “lowest ethical standards” — and called on shareholders to demand tangible change.

“Parenting doesn’t end with the birth of a child. Neither does founding a company,” said Harry, who revealed that his smartphone lock screen is a photo of his children, five-year-old Prince Archie and three-year-old Princess Lilibet. “We have a duty and a responsibility to see our creations through.”

[From AP]

I’m including one of the videos of his speech below – nearly every British outlet ran a live stream of CGI so that their viewers and readers could watch Harry. The Daily Beast’s coverage focused on Harry saying that his lockscreen is of his two children, and then they suggested that Harry “publicly reinforced his status as a family man and his commitment to his children… pushing back against narratives by some critics hinting that he was happy to be spending a week away from his family.” As in, the British media is trying to make “Harry’s business trip to New York” into yet another hyped-up narrative that there are problems in the Sussex marriage. Please. Unless those same people are prepared to do a similar dive on the Wales marriage, they need to zip it.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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18 Responses to “Prince Harry on social media: ‘These platforms are designed to create addiction’”

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  1. Maxine Branch says:

    The Clinton Global Initiative speech was one of the best Harry has delivered. Insightful, inclusive as well as historical. Proud to see his growth into a mature family man driven by purpose. Also, love how engaged the audience was and happy to see the standing ovation he received. Heartbreaking to see those kids photos displayed after having died so young.

  2. vs says:

    Prince Harry …. It is freaking Prince Harry! I watched his speech live yesterday and I can only say wow and well done!

    • lanne says:

      Only the British media stubbornly insists that he is the dumber brother. He’s the smarter, more charismatic, more empathetic of Diana’s sons. It amuses me that the British media live streamed his speech. Why do they spend so much time focused on someone so unimportant? Have they ever livestreamed a speech by Cain or god forbid, Unable?

      I guess the British media’s premise is to focus on unimportant people doing unimportant things. What a branding strategy. They might as well admit that the Sussexes are the only important royals out there–that’s what their actions tell us.

      Contrast the attention to Harry’s speech with TOB being met in Aberdeen with fans that could be counted one horse hoof.

      • Tessa says:

        William is no Einstein. He is tactless also laughs at his own jokes even some about covid

      • Dee(2) says:

        This was a fantastic speech in a series of fantastic speeches that Harry has given. And it’s comical that they continue to drop everything and live stream him and Meghan’s every appearance and interview. Which is why I don’t understand the pervasive tabloid narrative and people believing that he’s just so dumb and easily led. There’s no way that you could see his Espy’s speech or this and tell me oh yeah he’s just a complete moron. These people that believe that want to believe that nonsense, because otherwise they would have to say, well I used to like him but then he married that black woman and so everything that he does is wrong now.

      • tamsin says:

        “He’s the smarter, more charismatic, more empathetic of Diana’s sons.” I agree that Harry is smart, charismatic, and empathetic, and that William is none of these things. That’s the problem. If William were even a smidgen smart, he would try to ride Harry’s coattails instead of trying to destroy his work and reputation. Any normal father would be proud of Harry’s achievements, and any normal firm would promote Harry and leave him to lead and work. Squashing people in order to stay on top is the MO of tyrants and bullies.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        The “Harry is the dumb one” myth was started by Charles & Boland to make William look like the heir he was supposed to be. Tells you something, that they knew something was so off with William way back then (mid-90s), that they had to start throwing the Spare under the bus before the poor kid had even hit puberty.

        It’s known that both Princess Beatrice and Prince Harry both have dyslexia.
        Unlike Bea, whose parents actually got her early interventions for this and supported her, Harry was more or less abandoned by his father and not given access to assistance for his disability, which caused Harry to struggle in school… Which his dogsh-t father then used against him via the press to embiggen Harry’s lazy, rage-prone older brother.

        Given this and all the other abuses Charles has heaped on his youngest son for decades, often with the help of the Horsey One – I hope Harry never reconciles with Charles. I hope Harry leaves the entire BRF on read, forever. They don’t deserve any kindness or recognition.

  3. Julia says:

    This really was an excellent speech and Harry delivered it so well. An important topic and so glad he is using his platform to highlight this issue.

  4. s808 says:

    Yess so right and I can’t help but think if there were more spaces for children, it wouldn’t be so bad. I grew up on the introduction of the internet and there were kid-friendly websites and actual places that kept me and my friends from migrating over to social media when it came out. We desperately need kid spaces again. If anything there needs to be more protections for kids online. I saw IG has a teen version or teen restriction for kids 17 and younger which could be really great.

  5. Walking the Walk says:

    Great speech! I do say though that they need to be careful there with some thinking that being a parent means totally blocking your children from having different views and talking to others who you deem not great because they are LGBT.

  6. Sandra says:

    Studies are just coming out because even though it feels like forever, social media is still very new in the grand scheme of things. I was talking to an addiction counselor who told me that people get highs off of the “Likes”…it raises your dopamine levels. So their brains are like, “That felt good, I’m going to do it again.” And of course, when they don’t get the “likes” the brain doesn’t get that high and they get depressed. Much like using a substance. I quit social media after that conversation, and I honestly feel happier and like my quality of life has improved.
    I’m in my 40s. Imagine what this does to children and their developing brains.

  7. Hypocrisy says:

    Unbelievable how this is getting covered, for an irrelevant Royal he seems to be the only Royal accomplishing anything with tangible results and that benefits society as a whole. Prince Harry may have stepped back, but he has left that family in the dust any comparison to “Royal work” is hilarious. I saw the video peg made, couldn’t stop laughing because he is twenty years behind his brother in initiatives, causes and networking and the poorly produced videos as work is never going to compare.

  8. Normal_Islander says:

    Harry and Meghan are both great public speakers. They could have been a real asset to the BRF, if only they wouldn’t have shown up the rest of The Firm for being so bad at delivering speeches and so lacking in charisma. Meghan especially, can’t have a commoner upstaging people of noble birth who are supposed to be inherently better than us.

    • lanne says:

      That’s why the royals can’t be taken seriously as a real organization. An organization that wants to promote itself globally will use the tools at its disposal to do so. The royal family is a personal fiefdom that uses public money to oblige the petty desires on individual people. British taxpayers support the narcissistic whims of Chuck da turd and Unwilling.

  9. Libra says:

    Yes, it’s an addiction. Husband and I were out for Sunday brunch while a male, female, and what appeared to be their 2 teenager daughters sat nearby. They all were scrolling their phones the entire time we were there. Not one word passed between them after they ordered. The family, as we know it, is broken.

  10. Jenna says:

    All I have to say is I love my husband and children very much–but I would be VERY happy to spend a week away from every last one of them.