Haitian Bridge Alliance filed criminal charges against Donald Trump & JD Vance

During the presidential debate a few weeks ago, Donald Trump had a meltdown about Haitian immigrants and Haitian-Americans living in Ohio. He amplified, on a global stage, that Haitians were stealing pets and eating cats and dogs. This was always a lie. It was thoroughly debunked by local and national journalists who followed up on a handful of “reports” of missing cats. When confronted with the thorough debunking, JD Vance admitted that he “created” the racist lie for attention. None of that has stopped Vance and Trump from continuing to amplify the lies and encourage their cult members to attack and target the Haitian-American community. And now the Haitian-American community is fighting back.

The leader of the nonprofit Haitian Bridge Alliance filed charges against former president Donald Trump and his running mate, JD Vance, for the chaos that ensued from their uncorroborated statements about immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, eating pets, according to the Cleveland law firm representing the agency. The Chandra Law Firm says the nonprofit used a state statute allowing private citizens to “file an affidavit charging the offense committed.”

The following charges were filed: Disrupting public service — by causing widespread bomb and other threats that resulted in massive disruptions to the public services in Springfield, Ohio; Making false alarms — by knowingly causing alarm in the Springfield community by continuing to repeat lies that state and local officials have said were false; Committing telecommunications harassment — by spreading claims they know to be false during the presidential debate, campaign rallies, nationally televised interviews, and social media; Committing aggravated menacing in violation — by knowingly making intimidating statements with the intent to abuse, threaten, or harass the recipients, including Trump’s threat to deport immigrants who are here legally to Venezuela, a land they have never known;

Committing aggravated menacing — by knowingly causing others to falsely believe that members of Springfield’s Haitian community would cause serious physical harm to the person or property of others in Springfield; and: Violating the prohibition against complicity — by conspiring with one another and spreading vicious lies that caused innocent parties to be parties to their various crimes.

The charges were filed in Clark County Municipal Court. Through the filing, the nonprofit asks the court to affirm probable cause and to issue arrest warrants. The court must have a hearing before rejecting the affidavit as part of the legal process. The law firm said the charges “stem from the impact of Trump’s and Vance’s baseless fearmongering that that legal Haitian immigrants to the Ohio town are eating their neighbor’s pets.”

“The Haitian community is suffering in fear because of Trump and Vance’s relentless, irresponsible, false alarms, and public services have been disrupted. Trump and Vance must be held accountable to the rule of law. Anyone else who wreaked havoc the way they did would have been arrested by now,” lead counsel Subodh Chandra said. “There’s nothing special about Trump and Vance that entitles them to get away with what they’ve done and are doing. They think they’re above the law. They’re not.”

[From Cleveland News 5]

I genuinely hope that there’s extensive follow-through by law enforcement and the legal system. The Haitian community is being explicitly targeted with harassment, violent threats and bomb threats. The Haitian-Americans in Ohio are hard-working folks who simply want to live, work and send their kids to school. There should be larger, national repercussions for what Trump and Vance have done.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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41 Responses to “Haitian Bridge Alliance filed criminal charges against Donald Trump & JD Vance”

  1. Pinkosaurus says:

    I’m so glad you covered this! It’s probably not going to get far but it can’t be swept under a rug without a hearing if there’s too much press coverage. Clearly the Republican public servants in OH are determined not to do anything.

    • agirlandherdogs says:

      It would be lovely if Vance was criminally charged in the state for which he serves as a senator. I love that journey for him. But as you said, it needs to get a lot of press coverage. Otherwise, it will just be dismissed without even so much as a glance at the merits.

    • LightPurple says:

      Ohio law requires that there must be a hearing.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I love this, too! I want trump to have to spend even more of somebody else’s money on lawyers. I’m dying to know who’ll even take him on as a client anymore. Some recent law school grad with school loans to pay? Can’t be a public defender, right? And I want somebody or something to wipe the smug off Vance’s face.

  2. Kelsey says:



  3. girl_ninja says:

    I hope that Vance and DT suffer from their lies. I am so disgusted by them and those who enable them.

  4. aquarius64 says:

    Karma would be OH’s 17 Electoral College votes go to Kamala Harris in the election.

    • Glamarazzi says:

      Let’s goooooo!

    • Nancy says:

      I’d love for my state to go Harris but the gerrymandering of districts in Ohio that happened after Trump lost will block that from happening. Those districts created specifically for a heavy Republican voting population are the reason my state is saddled with that evil lunatic Vance and they will all go Trump. Save yourselves there is no hope here.

    • Rapunzel says:

      OH is probably not gonna happen but it would be karmic if Harris flipped FL, with its large Haitian population.

      • LightPurple says:

        Friends in Haiti who are also US citizens and have an apartment in Florida just registered to vote for the first time. This is why.

    • Truthiness says:

      If Haitians help flip Florida, that’s 29 or 30 sweet electoral votes. Florida is in play, we’ve already seen the Villages go wild for Harris.

      • LightPurple says:

        A family friend who has been Republican her whole live, Indiana-level Republican, is in the Villages and she has been organizing the golf cart parades for Harris. The past week, she has been posting pictures of her dog all over Facebook and Instagram with captions of Dogs for Harris and Dog Moms for Harris and she’s doing phone banks and postcard mailings. What caused the change? She’s about to welcome a new grandson, thanks to IVF. Her daughter’s reproductive rights if anything were to go wrong OR if her daughter chooses to have another baby through IVF are what’s driving her.

      • Truthiness says:

        OMG watching that golf cart parade was everything. Golf carts as far as the eye could see. Sweet, cute and kinda thrilling. Grandmas planning their cute outfits and making it a social event, Grandmas with a backbone.

    • lucy2 says:

      I’d be really shocked. I think she’s going to outperform polls, but I don’t think Ohio is in play. Florida though…I don’t know. There’s an abortion question on the ballot, and a recent poll shows her only 1 point behind.
      Gerrymandering doesn’t affect POTUS vote, does it? Just Congress.

  5. Proud Mary says:

    I pray the plaintiffs succeed against those two scoundrels!

  6. Yup, Me says:

    Good. I hope they win. I hope the Haitian community in Ohio can feel safe again. And I hope this really gets out the vote for Ohioans opposed to these two garbage humans.

  7. Mab's A'Mabbin says:

    And yet here they are, free, campaigning and running for public office. 😶

  8. Trillion says:

    the guy who hawks bibles and the guy who markets himself as a christian turn out to be big liars. Shocker.

  9. FYI says:

    Yes! Bravo to the plaintiffs! “Anyone else who wreaked havoc the way they did would have been arrested by now…” AMEN!

    In other Republicans-are-criminal news, the author of Project 2025 (and current head of the Heritage Foundation) killed a dog with a shovel back in New Mexico. And then bragged about it. Charming.

    • DK says:

      Yes – between that, the would-be-VP rising MAGA star who wrote in her memoir about shooting her pet dogs because she hadn’t trained them properly; RFK Jr’s weird bear & whale incidents… what is up with these MAGA animal abusers?!

      Animal abuse is generally one of the biggest tells that a person has some serious (and violent) issues.

      And yet the MAGA base just keeps elevating them…

      • LightPurple says:

        And the Huckabee family member who shot their dog just because he felt like killing something.

      • Ponchorella says:

        Also, a story came out yesterday about the Heritage foundation leader bragging to colleagues years ago about murdering his neighbor’s dog with a shovel when he lived in New Mexico. They tracked down the neighbor and the story checks out. Their dog went missing in the same timeline (2004).

  10. Chanteloup says:

    yessssss exactly to every word of the charges filed and this summation –
    Anyone else who wreaked havoc the way they did would have been arrested by now There’s nothing special about Trump and Vance that entitles them to get away with what they’ve done and are doing. They think they’re above the law. They’re not –
    This is the way forward, stop normalizing terrible ppl committing terrible crimes. God bless the Haitian Bridge Alliance

  11. ariel says:

    Its too bad law enforcement in this country is so overwhelmingly racist.
    These charges have a mountain of video evidence and they should be prosecuted.

  12. ravensdaughter says:

    Oh yes, the power of the law wielded against the liar-harassers! Plus, it’s a criminal action rather than a civil one, so it will move much faster through the court system

    I still haven’t read SCOTUS’s immunity decision for Trump, but surely a coordinated effort to target and cause harm to a specific racial and national group (from Haiti) is a crime that crosses the line into unprotected criminal activity.

    How about a federal investigation for hate crimes? Let’s do it!

  13. Anna Nonymous says:

    There are no words. There is no way to explain how enraged, disgusted, and ashamed I feel of our country. How is this race so close??? I watch politics avidly. Drumphf and no Chance are the most ridiculous, knuckle dragging, racist, clownish, unhinged, dog whistle to the lowest common denominator parasites I have ever seen. They are Literally saying whatever racist garbage the qanon freaks are whispering about, like literally Laura loomer in drumphfs ear. It is so appalling and horrifying to me that our beautiful free noble country has been reduced to this. Drumphf and no Chance are lowering our national discourse, they are lowering the collective IQ by firing up and unifying people around hate. I just don’t believe it. I understand it but I don’t want to believe that this is who we are. This race is so close. How can it be anywhere near close with such a toxic pairing of no Chance and Drumphf? We are better than this! We are better than grab them by the p#$$/ We are better than the Dobbs decision! We are better than demonizing Haitians, we are better than giving tax cuts to billionaires, better than all of this. This is America. We pull the downtrodden up, we don’t kick poor immigrants when they’re down. What is going on? How are we being united by our hate? Of each other? I just don’t understand. Vote Harris Walz y’all.

    • Giddy says:

      Couldn’t agree with you more. I hope and pray for a Democratic sweep because I almost feel like I will otherwise lose my mind. I cannot bear the idea of Trump and Vance, also fools like Marjorie Taylor Green, Ted Cruz, or Josh Hawley. I’m tired of liars. I’m fking tired of Republicans.

  14. AmyB says:

    This is great news!! Trump and Vance need to be held accountable for their racist lies targeting the Haitian community.

  15. SIde Eye says:

    Yes to everything you said Kaiser and I agree with what everyone has posted. Thank you! I am so glad they are fighting back.

    More criminal charges on top of the 91 indictments (34 convictions) for this one man crime spree. And now Vance can join him as a criminal. What has made this worse Vance admitted he knew it was a lie – he is on record saying this so lawyer up assholes.

  16. Brassy Rebel says:

    Although there is ample evidence for probable cause, no one should get their hopes up. Ohio is completely captured by MAGA. It took all the Republican officials in Ohio, including the governor, weeks to make a clear denunciation of Trump’s and Vance’s lies and to attribute the harm caused to them specifically. They’re still very reluctant to connect the harm to the Haitian community to Trump and Vance. And Vance, for some reason, misprounces Haiti as “Haitia”. I truly fear for this country in the weeks ahead and beyond.

  17. FancyPants says:

    I’m delighted to watch JD learn the same lesson as all of Trump’s other co-conspirators about how the Trump campaign money is only for Trump lawyers and he’ll have to pay for his defense out of his own pocket.

  18. Maggielou says:

    Yes to every single comment. Karma needs to kick JD Vance to the curb and the wallet to pay his own legal bills we all know he orange menace will screw him over. I hope this case goes all the way and damages can be awarded. Best karma would be as said in comments the Haitian community in FL votes these mofos to hell and back. Florida in the Dem column it’s game set match.

  19. Saucy&Sassy says:

    It’ll be interesting to see how the hearing goes.

    One of the positives of all of his is that I have a feeling when JD Vance goes up for election again as a US Senator, Ohio will kick him out.

  20. bisynaptic says:

    The litigator is a friend of a friend and a fellow college alum. Fingers crossed that the case makes a big splash! 🌊💦

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