Courtier: Duchess Meghan had ‘psycho moments’ when she lived in the UK

Prince William and Kate’s staffers have been trying to smear the Duchess of Sussex for more than six years. Their few specific complaints about Meghan were always ridiculous: Meghan looked at a staffer and made her cry; Meghan sent 5 am emails; Meghan was prepared for meetings and she assigned tasks. What was less ridiculous and more insidious, racist and sexist was the broad character assassination with zero evidence: that Meghan “bullied” staffers, that she was an unhinged diva, that she marched around, screaming at people. When similar smears popped up in the Hollywood Reporter’s September 12th piece, it pinged a lot of radars. We’re currently in a cycle where Archewell’s former and current staffers are coming out on the record to talk about what Meghan is really like as a boss (completely lovely), and this should be solely about Archewell and an American business and charity. Except William and Kate can’t help but chime in, via their asinine courtiers. Here’s the Daily Beast’s latest:

Meghan Markle was a “demon” who had “psycho moments” as a boss, people who worked for her have told The Daily Beast.

The former employees spoke out after a carefully curated crop of former and current staffers said she was the best boss ever, who gives her staff bundles of freshly cut flowers and home-produced eggs, and makes her staff feel like seeds being watered. The delightful portrait of Meghan’s management style was painted in Us Weekly on Tuesday, as Team Meghan launched a fightback against a report in The Hollywood Reporter that claimed Meghan was a “dictator in high heels” who reduced “grown men to tears.” Sources close to the couple denied that story as a “fabrication” to The Daily Beast last week.

However, one courtier who worked for Meghan and Prince Harry as part of their service at the palace told The Daily Beast: “There have been plenty of difficult royals over the years, and I do think that after the ill-feeling of Megxit, Meghan’s bad moments were amplified and distorted and blown out of proportion. Princess Margaret regularly got people to hold out their hands to use as ashtrays, for example, and that’s just laughed off as hilarious eccentricity. Look at Andrew, he was unbelievable to the staff. That said, there definitely were bad, very bad, even psycho moments. I witnessed people being chewed up in person and over the phone and made to feel like s–t. But it was an incredibly fraught time and I’m inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt. She has said herself she was suicidal at times.”

The source pointed out that Jason Knauf, who was press secretary to Meghan when she was a royal, complained about her.

[From The Daily Beast]

“That said, there definitely were bad, very bad, even psycho moments. I witnessed people being chewed up in person and over the phone and made to feel like s–t.” So still no specifics then? After six years, they still haven’t figured out a plausible and specific lie about Meghan’s exact “psycho” behavior. This isn’t the first time that unnamed courtiers have even suggested this kind of thing – people forget that William and his people told Robert Lacey that Meghan is a unhinged sociopath, then they repeated the same thing to Valentine Low. Someone’s behavior here is psychotic and it’s not Meghan.

“Made to feel like sh-t” – I don’t even believe that. I think Meghan felt unsafe on a daily basis and whenever she asked for some kind of accountability for what they were doing to her, she was harmed and targeted even further. That’s exactly what’s playing out now as “courtiers” try to piggyback on whatever the hell is going on with the Hollywood Reporter.


Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images, Backgrid.

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113 Responses to “Courtier: Duchess Meghan had ‘psycho moments’ when she lived in the UK”

  1. jellitate says:

    This is beyond gross and people just lick it up!

    • swaz says:

      Well, if I was married into that lion’s den I would have psycho moments too 🤣🤣🤣the royals have pass their expiration date 😎

    • LRB says:

      I hope she never comes back to the UK but I hope at some stage Harry can bring the kids. As a Brit I am absolutely astonished by the continued hideous hate campaigns against her. Charlie and Willi could stop this – the fact they don’t proves to me they are behind it all… or their other halves. Shame on the lot of them, well done Harry for getting yourself and your family out.

      • Tessa says:

        It has bad vibes to me that the mother can’t come with her husband and children because of racism. I hope Harry does not go with the children and leaves Meghan home. It sends a bad message that the Kate, William and Charles “won”. And were able to isolate the mother from the family. IT’s just so dreadful. I also don’t think the children would be treated well and William and Kate would avoid seeing them.

      • Pink tutu says:

        I hope the children don’t come. How horrible for Meghan to be isolated like that. The only reason the media want the children to come is to make money off them. So nope. Anyway, Harry would never do something like that especially given they’re not getting protection

      • Kingston says:

        Some folks can be so fucking stupid.

        Why would H “bring the kids” to that shithole if they cant safely go as a family? For what purpose would he “bring the kids” to a place where their mother isnt welcome and her life is in danger from racists within the Institution and the “family.?” For what rreason………Just so that fuckers can stretch their fucking necks and gawp at them? Just to give satisfaction to a “dreadful mob of dweebs and crones and cut-rate criminals and clinically diagnosable sadists along Fleet Street,” as H describes them in Spare?

        Fuckin’ ‘ell..

      • gtwiecz says:

        During the height of the toxic British media’s abuse of her, I started noticing the silence of KP and BP. That’s when I knew they were complicit. And after seeing Camilla hobnobbing with Jeremy Clarkson who wore the most disgusting piece I’ve seen against a woman, I had absolute certainty Camilla, Willy, and Kate were behind it all, with Charles agreement.

  2. QuiteContrary says:

    Psycho moments like ripping a sink out of the wall in anger and then grabbing his valet’s throat, as Charles did?

    That kind of psycho moment?

    • ML says:

      QuiteContrary, I came here to write this and you beat me to it!
      Can we also mention KC snarling at a poor page, the pen meltdown, Paedrew’s dozens of teddy bears needing to be a certain way as to not elicit a tantrum, and totally normal husband-wife disagreements in which the couple hits each other with pillows and throws vases??

    • Jais says:

      I mean they even provide an alternate example in the article. Margaret using a person’s hand as an ashtray? Wtf. And then there’s William. Pushing his brother to the ground bc…he won’t leave the wife he loves? Again, wtf. But yeah, Meghan was made to feel unsafe by those claiming to protect her. And then if she got upset or showed any emotion, they’re calling her psycho. Wtaf. This is really dangerous stuff. What they did to her.

    • Christine says:

      Thank you!

  3. aquarius64 says:

    KP just confirmed it ordered the hit piece in THR. This desperate move cshows William and Kate are upset the US Weekly story has undermined their smear campaign on Meghan; and failing to put names and faces to the smears concluded the Waleses have been lying about Meghan from day 1.

    • Sunshine says:

      Exactly. Confirmed.
      They never expected her to respond to THR.

    • swaz says:

      The Windsors are behind the smear campaign, JEALOUSY IS THE ROOT OF ALL HATRED 😁

    • Hypocrisy says:

      We all know that KP courtiers means WanK. I am so sick of these two and their racist hate and harassment of an American woman. Defunding the Monarchy needs to happen then we will see how these people survive without unlimited funding.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      Thank you!

      The usual KP/BM suspects are up to their neck in reviving these old smears and trying to play it off like they didn’t! BM dirty tricks funneled into the American press stream through BM dirty deals. It’s plain as the nose on your face!

  4. Yup, Me says:

    Sooooooo – the blueprints of white nonsense decided to make the competent and accomplished Black woman feel crazy and stymied at her home and job on a daily damn basis and then played stupid any time the resulting stress led to outbursts or open expressions of frustration.

    White bigots gotta do their white bigot thing and any Black person who has spent a lot of time in white spaces recognizes this garbage for exactly what it is.

    I hope Will and Kate live nice loooooooong lives so they can bear witness to every loss and failure coming for the royals. They’ve earned it.

    • Ciotog says:

      I’m guessing that she actually expected staff to work. And that was unforgivable from a Black American woman who married in.

    • Christine says:

      They really haven’t noticed how they have exposed themselves as complete frauds and liars. Everyone who has ever worked with Meghan, besides the people she showed WAY up with her work ethic in England, only has nice things to say about her. All of them.

      And they aren’t platitudes, they are very specific stories. I thought it was particularly lovely that Meghan was checking in with an employee’s husband daily after surgery and a lengthy time off, and full salary while she was recovering. The Archewell staff show up for meetings to a full lunch prepared by Meghan AND she sends them home with fruit, eggs, and whatever else happens to strike her that day? WHAT A MONSTER!

      Honestly, Meghan and Harry sound like the nicest bosses I’ve ever heard of.

  5. They are very angry that Harry and Meg are doing so well and invited to many places that they need to come up with this absolute sh*t! They are taking a page out of trump’s book with name calling and horrible lies anything to draw attention away from the lazy ass royals who are being over paid for their lack of work.

  6. Rapunzel says:

    “Princess Margaret regularly got people to hold out their hands to use as ashtrays, for example, and that’s just laughed off as hilarious eccentricity. ”

    Say what!!??

    • Afken says:

      Same as Princess Anne being said to guess what? “Make grown men cry”. It’s cited as an example of her being amazingly formidable.

    • chatter says:

      WTH? Never heard that before. What is wrong with people?
      Answer that behavior with “F.O. Marge.”
      Cult brain washing completely.

      I love that Meg is so strong.
      Yup, bug off KP. She is American, and a fully grown Adult.

    • MaisiesMom says:

      Margaret was a nightmare boss, apparently. Her former ladies-in-waiting or whatever they call them have told tales. I believe she was fun but a total diva and oblivious to the concerns of others. She made one of them drive her car, for example, even though the poor woman didn’t even know how, so that she could lie down in the back seat and not be spotted. Stuff like that.

      I’m sure Meghan was a dream boss compared to the others. I don’t know about Elizabeth; she might have been OK. But Charles, Andrew, Margaret, William? Probably Edward and Anne too. All spoiled tyrants. Maybe Meghan was demanding in her own way, but so what? She was a high profile working Royal. She needed people to get things right.

      • Monlette says:

        Anne was exposed as a foulmouthed tyrant in an undercover bit from a journalist posing as a footman.

  7. sevenblue says:

    Still no names, no details. They are trying to make this happen for how many years now. No sane media is gonna take unnamed sources over named and directly quoted people. And, trying to use her being suicidal to give a reason for bullying behavior is so so low. These people deserve worse than hell for what they did and are still trying to do to an innocent woman.

    • Nic919 says:

      Yes notice how this courtier can give specific details of actual psycho things from Margaret or Andrew but nothing about Meghan. Just some vague “chewing out” stuff, which we know the others have done.

      Meghan wasn’t suspected of beating her spouse to the point where she hid for months and still has a deal to not do much work. Let’s focus on those taxpayer funded people and issues.

    • equality says:

      Yep, no details and no names except JK, who is a proven liar after the e-mails he gave to the court. And this: “I witnessed people being chewed up in person and over the phone and made to feel like s–t.” Very passive tense and doesn’t say “I saw Meghan do this” so could have actually been about others at KP.

  8. Dee(2) says:

    Oh my goodness give it a rest, and just do some damn work for goodness sake. If you aren’t going to release the bullying investigation, and no one will go on the record even though they have “tons” of evidence and no reason to fear reprisal since this person is not and will never again be a working royal, just shut up. If KP and it’s absolutely them BP is not this stupid ( and that’s faint praise), spent just 1% of the time they do copying the way the Sussexes dress, their initiatives, their social media, their obvious love and care for each other, actually meeting with charities or following through in a meaningful way on the large projects they have introduced they would get the attention they so clearly crave and feel the deserve. Can they not get through their heads that they look unhinged? The more people meet with Harry and Meghan and work with them, word of mouth spreads and KP and their press minions looks absolutely insane banging on about how she may have been mean to someone six or seven years ago. So she was perfectly lovely pre-2016, and apparently perfectly lovely post 2020 but we’re supposed to believe all these people who won’t ever give us their names that she was just an absolute horrendous monster for that 18 months?

    • Christine says:

      Well said. It’s completely crazy that they can’t comprehend that this is just going to keep happening. The Sussexes are BUSY, and each and every time they show up and prove who they are, more and more people figure out that the rotten center of all of this is the British monarchy and rota.

      When you start briefing the rota that Meghan is a “psycho” the DAY AFTER her current and former staff GO ON THE RECORD with how lovely she is? You’ve lost the entire fucking war. We understand you can’t be Meghan, figure out how to be yourselves without all of the constant tantrums. It’s an achievable goal, I promise!

  9. L4Frimaire says:

    They keep harassing this woman it’s going to lead to something they’re not prepared for. Meghan truly looks like she is finally shedding these people and they keep trying to drag her down using her time at KP. They know she’s moved on and is completely done with them. She shouldn’t have to continually be fighting to just get on with her life.

    • Christine says:

      They are going to push her to write her memoir, and they are absolutely going to deserve it. Receipts, she’s got them.

      • Jais says:

        I do think the BM wants that. More clicks for them when they write about what a liar Meghan is. However, the RF would not want that.

  10. Rapunzel says:

    “But it was an incredibly fraught time and I’m inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt. She has said herself she was suicidal at times.”

    Interesting that this was added in. I wonder why?

    • sevenblue says:

      They are implying, she was feeling bad, so that’s why she treated staff badly. In their twisted logic, that explains why she isn’t “bullying” her current employees.

      • Rapunzel says:

        Oh that makes sense. But it’s still weird that they’re kind of acknowledging she had reason to be stressed/upset/on edge.

    • Nic919 says:

      This courtier knows that the reason for being chewed out by Meghan was justified. We were never told why Toubati, friend of Jason Knauf, was fired, but there are suspicions it related to Archie when he was first born. That’s the kind of thing that most normal people would understand as being a justified reason for chewing out someone.

      • Rapunzel says:

        Nic- and let’s not forget the nanny fired in the middle of the night.

      • Christine says:

        I bet this is it, I can believe that both Meghan and Harry have gotten very upset and angry about something relating to Archie, and it’s completely understandable AND relatable.

      • Ham&Cheese says:

        Wasn’t Toubati the “celebrity” babysitter Jason brought in to somehow manage pulling off H&M’s globally-viewed wedding? And she was incompetent and failed to do the job and was let go?

    • Blujfly says:

      I wonder why, too. I suspect similar things have been said in the past and cut from the final quote. Why temper it now? Unless it’s a speaker who is savvy enough to demand to be fully quoted.

  11. Blujfly says:

    She was terrified, in danger, and angry that her fears and the facts of the threats against her were ignored and dismissed because of her and her husband’s place in the line of succession, as if bad actors and threats won’t strike because you’re 6th in line to the throne. The closest to specifics they get is that a staffer was crying in a car on part of the Australia trip – after Meghan was swept out of an overcrowded market by security where members of the public were approaching her directly with zero security perimeter. Something that has never happened to Kate and William. The advance work was horrible. Frankly they deserved what she gave them, if anything. She and Harry were deliberately mistreated and mishandled because it was more important to show them their place then to protect by threat.

    • Rapunzel says:

      I also suspect Meg and Harry really chewed out some folks over the nursery fire on that trip too.

      • Nic919 says:

        I think there was something before that trip. There was discussion of pictures of Archie taken in the nursery that was out there which led to someone’s termination, most likely Melissa Toubati, friend of Jason Knauf.

    • Jennifer says:

      When people mistreat you like that, it makes you crazy. I’ve lived it. And then people shame and blame YOU for obviously being stressed and miserable.

    • Jais says:

      Yes. It reminds me of that moment in the documentary with Tyler Perry. When she verbalized to him why she was scared. And he told her that all of her fears were valid. She had just spent years being gaslit. I can’t imagine what it must have felt like for someone from the outside to validate her feelings like that .

  12. Em says:

    All these strange illnesses, windsors walking around with sickness, looking Haggard and minutes away from death, why they ask? This is the reason. Until they cease all attacks on Meghan they will forever continue to be miserable and suffering from various illnesses

  13. Tina says:

    This is unhinged. I knew it would get bad this week with Harry absolutely rocking it in New York but this is beyond. These people are so dumb and it’s just going to blow up in their faces. Meghan please drop ARO soon cuz I’m going to buy even more stuff now.

  14. Pinkosaurus says:

    I am so sick of this state sponsored harassment of a woman that escaped over four years ago. It’s disgusting.

  15. Tessa says:

    The accusations sound shrill and desperate. Odd that Charles tantrums and Williams incandesence are not cited as examples. They are well protected. Diana was gaslit also.

  16. Mab's A'Mabbin says:

    They’re shameless. They do nothing and spew lies and do nothing and spew lies. Completely useless.

  17. Tessa says:

    A lawsuit of Hollywood reporter is indicated to find the connection to k p.

  18. MsIam says:

    The whole Windsor family sounds crazy as hell (using people’s hands as ashtrays? Say what?) but sure Jan, Meghan yelling at someone over the phone is just the absolute worst. I can tell Tom Sykes really hates these people, but he’s got to put out a column somehow. Andrew, Margaret, Anne, Charles and William are all terrible people to their staff but only Meghan is the issue? GMAB.

  19. Amy Bee says:

    I believe the staff gaslit and disrespected her. They didn’t want to work for a black American actress and didn’t like that she gave them tasks to do. Camilla Tominey wrote that the staff was upset that Meghan went to her contacts in the US to help her with projects but it was clear that she did that because either the staff were not doing what she asked or were incompetent. The truth about how she was treated will come out one day and KP is not going to come out well.

  20. girl_ninja says:

    The attacks are ramping I’m assuming because Meghan is hard launching her business soon. Because these fuckers are out of control.

  21. OriginalMich says:

    You know what’s psychotic? That a bunch of full-grown adult ‘journalists’ and ‘professional’ employees continue to carry on a multi-year smear campaign that almost drove a woman to suicide.

  22. Criti Calthinking says:

    Yeah, I’m gonna need someone at RHP to leak the other 400 pages….an “accidental” occurrence while rolling out the paperback version. It’s time for the monarchy to finally get their comeuppance.

    • Gail Hirst says:

      Now to get your ‘threat’ to go mainstream? maybe then it really would shut them up? Man, that would be a great “accidental” occurrence indeed.

  23. Kelsey says:

    “Jason Knauff issued a complaint”

    Hmmmmm. How fitting.

  24. lanne says:

    They just can’t help themselves. Meghan kept copius records of everything that happened there. If they cannot produce a “psycho moment” they needed to be called out.

    We have: Margaret and het human ashtrays, Charles and his toothpaste squeezer, Andrew and his teddybears, William and his incandescence. All documented.

    What, pray tell, did Meghan do? The fact that there are no specifics even after years, nothing other than a 5am email sent from Australia, means this is all slander. I think the ratchets are egging on a lawsuit. That’s how desperate they are for content. Meghan sues them for slander, and they get all the goodies during discovery. But royals are probably exempt from workplace lawsuits like they were exempt from equity and inclusion measures.

    I say that the Sussexes should not take the bait. They may need to be more visible in the upcoming months to counter the lies with their own voices and actions. Say nothing about the royals. The royals and ratchets are fishing for engagement on any terms. Or maybe call out the royal ratchet strategy on its face and call them out for the stalkers they are. I hope WME is working behind the scenes on their behalf.

    What if Meghan and Harry sent a representative to say: the British media keeps trying to engage with us through their slander, but we have no desire to communicate with them. For the past five years, they have behaved like an jealous ex partner who can’t let go of a relationship. Just like a person should do with a stalker ex, we refuse to engage with them to protect the safety and security of our family. As private citizens, we do not see how we continue to be subjects of interest when we have been deemed unimportant and irrelevant to the monarchy. We have stepped aside from the monarchy, and after our public statements explaining why we stepped aside, we have had nothing more to say on the subject. We wish the royal family the best in their endeavors, but we are no longer working members, so our endeavors are no longer relevant to royal reporters.

    • sevenblue says:

      That is why they are now using American media: Daily Beast and THR. They know no one takes british media seriously now. H&M showed multiple parts of doc on their behavior. If it wasn’t THR running the story, I don’t think their staffers would go on record on their experience with their names attached. That is H&M fighting back.

      • Christine says:

        Agreed, if this had been any of the usual scumbag suspects, Harry and Meghan would have ignored it. The fact that the British royals now feel entitled to attack the Sussexes via the American media is unbelievable.

  25. Angied says:

    What people get was that Meghan was in an environment were people she worked with probably never worked with a woman of color and giving them orders or asking them to accomplish goals was a little hard for some people to take. I venture to bet that none of them worked a full eight hours day of work. Here comes the spare wife telling to do work on huge profile projects and expecting them to accomplish those task. I bet when she saw the work environment she took a deep breath. Seems to me the pay is little therefore they don’t get the best candidates. She being the spares wife won’t get the top tier employees. Everything they do meaning her and Harry comes secondary to Willian and Kate. She was told to be 50 percent less and I bet that meant work less. With a hard working American like Meghan that is anathema to her being and It was best that she and Harry left. She wouldn’t be able to survive being less than herself. Meghan ran a blog which is work and those two WandK are not workers like her and Harry. William and Kate’s office could not survive in corporate America. For god sake they were complaining about emails. Pretty standard were I work to receive emails after hours and you only answer them on work hours. Harry explained it in Spare. No one is allowed to outwork or outshine the King and Queen. P.S. Why are these people still complaining about Meghan? She is in America and if you work for someone you don’t like you can quit your job and go work somewhere else. Meghan can hire 100 people and 98 will like her and 2 won’t. No one is ever going to be completely satisfied. Time to move on.

  26. Tessa says:

    And Kate gets away with lunging at meghan

  27. Izzy says:

    This is bordering on slander now. Also, every mental health organization in the UK should be SLAMMING the palace for allowing ANYONE to use that kind of language to describe someone in mental distress. No one should ever take their royal mental health initiatives seriously again.

    Ari Emanuel and WME, if you are reading or listening, take off the damn gloves and HIT. BACK. HARD. This warrants a statement on the record about the unfounded accusations from unnamed sources AND some very pointed remarks about how gross it is that people who work for the royals, who supposedly are so concerned about mental health, would describe a woman in mental distress over nonstop mental abuse as “psycho”.

    I am so f’ing angry right now.

    • Jais says:

      Yeah, using the word psycho is really really bad. But it was also bad when they told frost she was a sociopath and damaged. And yet KP is currently trying to get a trademark for some sort of mental health in the US. And these are the terms that they use about Meghan. It’s grotesque.

  28. Inge says:

    I still think KP staff was highly incompetent and was used to W&K hardly ever turning up and not even preparing, so Meghan expecting them to do their actual job made her paint her as a bully.

    Same for Kamala Harris’s bullying nonsense. Where she asks why & expects an answer. Like any other professional environment.

  29. Trix says:

    This is one of the nastiest, most libellous pieces I’ve read about her, and that’s saying something. I hope the Sussexes sue.

  30. LadyE says:

    Since these courtiers live to create revisionist history, I would just like to remind that H&M’s staff repeatedly said deeply disrespectful comments about Meghan to members of the royal rota that ended up in the press. They bragged about referring to *their boss* as the “degree wife” and speculated openly about how long her marriage would last. These nonstop comments were not about Meghan’s behavior at all. This is the height of unprofessionalism and is, to the contrary of what is said, clear evidence of bullying by the staff. I certainly believe that some staff were very uncomfortable being confronted by nasty gossip about Meghan that was clearly from their office staff. And, as a manager of staff, would just say that being called on the carpet and told off in no uncertain terms, and yes including being fired, is a completely appropriate boss response to this kind of behavior.

    I get that the RF staff are themselves little aristocrats or otherwise “connected” and I very much believe that they thought that they were above Meghan, as a lowly commoner married in who isn’t even British. They thought that they could and should tell her what to do and got a big surprise when Meghan (and Harry) acted like their BOSS, which they were. I have no doubt that this caused quite the shock for these people who believe that they are above others based solely on birth and title. Too bad, so sad /s

    All it takes is to look at the actual printed stories with quotes from KP staff to see that from the beginning these people were disrespectful, thought they were untouchable, and were insanely unprofessional. Their behavior would never stand, not for a damn minute, in any other job. Talking shit in the press about the CEOs wife? Umm yeah your ass is gonna get fired. Using a nasty nickname about your new boss and it ends up in print? Yeah, this will be addressed and not in nice, friendly terms. As it should.

  31. chatter says:

    Adult female stands up for herself. Fights back against BS. Gets called nuts.
    The BRF are garbage and so is the “press” the buy out to control H&M.

  32. chatter says:

    Libel and slander, IMO. Lawyers, let’s go!

    Tom Cruise is well known for suing about articles. Done it for decades.
    Sue them into the ground.

    • Square2 says:

      Cruise is white & has the backing of a mighty Cult. A black American woman, who was/is hated & targeted by almost all the whole nation’s main media & a powerful firm backing the attack, who has 2 young children, does not have that luxury to sue as she pleased.

  33. Tessa says:

    This is like the “damaged” Diana spin that came out even after Diana died and could not defend itself. I remember the elderly Mountbatten sisters (Charles cousins) called Diana “damaged.” The UK royals never learned a thing about the way they gaslit Diana. They have another one to gaslight now.

  34. Anonymous says:

    The Hollywood Reporter that claimed Meghan was a “dictator in high heels” who reduced “grown men to tears.”

    I dont belive it but… I mean… the way the wrote it… sounds kinda hot?

    • Interested Gawker says:

      It’s fascinating what these Sussex haters fixate on. M favouring high heeled shoes, walking so elegantly in them on any and all terrain, seems to irritate them.

  35. Lavendel says:

    It’s about overshadowing Prince Harry’s glittering successes in New York with these slanderous statements about Meghan. The only correct answer is: “Anonymous” sources in a palace or anywhere are not to be taken seriously. Anyone who does not show their face and does not stand up to close external and judicial scrutiny of their claims is not seen as credible by most people. That is also the case here. Not credible. Sounds like the usual hate campaign.I think Meghan needs to defend herself behind the scenes with a lawyer. Not in public. She shouldn’t expose herself to any more violence. And violence in one of its worst forms – that’s what’s being done to her on a daily basis.

  36. Lili says:

    Good! if that’s what it takes to get things done, she’s been out of there longer than she was in. Her work has stood the test of time and is still reaping benefits. you go Boss Lady !

  37. Elizabeth Kerri Mahon says:

    Interestingly, all these stories about Meghan being a horrible bully are about KP staff. When she and Harry moved their office to Buckingham Palace, all the stories about Meghan being ‘a degree wife’ stopped. This is a KP agenda, which I’m sure has Huevo’s hands all over it.

  38. Nic919 says:

    Richard Kay called her Duchess Difficult in 2018 in a DM article. Also, THR is owned by Penske media and they sided with the studios during the strikes, which is right wing. They are not as obvious as Fox News right now because they are coasting from their reputation from the previous owner.

    But this EIC can’t use any real person to substantiate the claims because it’s taken from the UK courtiers. If Josh Kettler can go on record and be nice about them, it blows up their whole Meghan is awful stories.

  39. sunnyside up says:

    I can’t help wondering if we are getting this anti Meghan campaign because Kate made herself look unsensible with her video. Distraction technique.

  40. equality says:

    No details, no names except JK, who has proven himself a liar with the e-mail deal. And the quote: “I witnessed people being chewed up in person and over the phone and made to feel like s–t.”. Doesn’t say I witnessed Meghan doing this. It could have actually been in reference to anyone and put in out of context.

  41. Befuddled says:

    Okay let’s say Meghan did have a “psycho moment”.

    She’s still relatively newly married.
    She’s a new mom. Not to bring up hormones but they definitely are not acting right. My baby is 12 weeks old and my hormones are still out of whack.
    She’s given up her home and career to move to a new country.
    She has started a new job with zero support and hostile coworkers.
    She is being attacked and threatened by the tabloids.
    Her BABY is being attacked and threatened by the tabloids.
    The nursery fire.
    Her dog has an “accident” and ends up with a broken leg.
    The sudden firing of a nanny in the middle of the night.
    She knows her husband’s family hates her.
    How well would ANY of us fare?
    Personally, the second my baby’s nursery caught on fire I would have gone to every single palace those inbred, pasty bitches owned and set my own fires. If she chewed someone out, they deserved far worse than that.

    • Jaded says:

      While I agree with most of your points, a bit of correction: Meghan’s dog Guy was injured in Toronto when she was visiting Harry in London, he escaped and was hit by a car. She’s not “relatively newly married”, she’s been in a solid marriage of 6+ years. Her hormones have nothing to do with it, her kids are now 3 and 5. The nursery fire was never proven to be a deliberate act — old space heaters are notorious for catching fire — nor did it happen in any of the palaces, it happened in a guest housing unit at the Governor’s official residence in Cape Town. Before putting Archie down for a nap, the nanny had taken him with her to the kitchen. It was then that the heater in the nursery started smoking. Unfortunately there was no smoke detector in the room. Staff smelled smoke and rushed into the room with a fire extinguisher and got rid of the heater.

      • Befuddled says:

        Jaded, I was referring specifically to the time frame of when she was supposedly having a “psycho moment”, when Archie was a newborn. Apologies for the confusion, and thanks for the correction on Guy. I must have gotten mixed up, I thought that was when she had moved!

    • TurbanMa says:

      Yup, all of this. My sentiments exactly.

  42. Jaded says:

    Psycho moments like forcing yourself sexually on underage, trafficked teenagers? Like shrieking at staff for not organizing your f-cking teddy bear collection on your bed perfectly? Like yelling at a housekeeper to come upstairs to open your drapes when you were standing right next to them? Oh right…I forgot…the royal wagons continue to circle around Andrew to bury his real crimes and misdemeanors whilst continuing to smear and lie about a wonderful person. It appears the evil triumvirate of William, Kate and Jason Knauf is still spreading filth. SMH…

  43. Vixxo says:

    QE2 buried that bullying report deep. Meghan asked for a copy. I want some disgruntled courtier to leak it. This doubling down on lies is crazy

  44. TurbanMa says:

    I feel like the only way this could be remotely true is if people’s wilful incompetence put her, Harry and Archie’s lives at risk. And yes she was being abused and gaslit and asking for help and was denied. Of course she would fight back and even then I believe she would have done so with control, that’s who she has shown herself to be. A force to be reckoned with.

  45. Walking the Walk says:

    What is the purpose of this now I wonder? Cause Harry isn’t coming back. Meghan is definitely gone gone. So is this to just sully her name some more? It’s so bizarre to me. And also again, where was Harry? This whole thing seemed to happen without anyone being held to account outside of Meghan. This sounds so insane. Also if grown men are weeping because of her, I got questions about what the heck is wrong with you if your boss asking a question caused you to go into hysterics.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      The longer H refuses to settle out of court over the BM illegal information gathering the more desperation there is to apply pressure to make him drop it. Any way of poisoning their reputation, endangering their security and interfering with their money streams the BM will do.

      I wish there would be an in depth article or media story laying all this BS the BRF/BM perpetrate on H&M. It’s long overdue.

  46. Pebbles says:

    This whole thing makes my stomach turn. It is outright bullying and I hope William gets what he deserves. God help England with that as a future king!

    To me these stories were intentionally released when Harry is away for possible over a week with trips to NY and London. Not sure if he’s returning to California between then so she will be alone dealing with this bullying bullshit. The CONSTANT daily personal comments about Meghan from outlets like the Sun’s YouTube with the usual white male correspondents hinting they want something bad to happen to her, along with the usual GB news, talk tv and Kinsey Schofield trash talking to the usual talking heads and feeding the idiots more hate fodder.

    I’m so done with that country and especially the monarchy who co-signs this for years.

    I’m glad named people have spoken out and I hope H&M leave it at that and proceed doing the great work they have been and prepare for what else is coming. They’ve made it through worse and we can all see the intentions.

    If I were Harry, I would go to wellchild awards and leave. No explanation necessary. His dad is WEAK! Can’t control his conniving wife with her press allies and can’t control his idiot drunk heir. Trying to force his brother out of a home he has a lease for through press manipulation. Destroying his whole family because he never really learned how to be a man, husband, father or brother!

  47. Catherine says:

    Thank you Daily Beast. THR tried to disguise the fact that their story was nothing but the palace attempt to revive and legitimize the bullying allegations by placing them in an American publication. But the absolutely incandescent response in the Daily Beast to Meghan being publicly defended establishes without a doubt in my mind that KP specifically the incandescent one himself; William is behind all the BS. Never forget these specific accusations originated in KP, the broader smear campaign was fueled by KP. Ever since KP released that highly questioned statement about Kate “planned abdominal surgery” in January, there has been a slow burn revival of old attack tactics on Meghan. As Always, they attack the Sussexes when they F up. Also, the tours have them terrified of the Sussexes global impact. But more importantly; it infuriates them when Megan is publicly embraced, supported and validated. It infuriates them when her absolute competence is on full display.

  48. Over it says:

    Chewed them out did she and made them feel like shy. Okay, we see you , you racist gaslighter . Princess Margaret is eccentric and Andy is whatever. But the black woman, well she is straight up unhinged and mental . Last time I checked it was not Meghan who attacked Harry and threw him onto a dog bowl , it was also not Meghan who gets into fights with her husband and throws things at each other . It was also not Meghan who used the walk about at the queen funeral to step to her sister in law like a damn bullying B. I Have had it to to my left eyebrow with the Meghan is a bully bs. If she was so horrible then why was she the only one who was suffering from suicidal ideation? If she was so horrible how come these people were bit more afraid to go tattle to the tabloids about her . Were that not afraid that she would have overheard them and boiled them alive ? As for Jason , grow up, grow a pair and go back to your bed buddy willy

  49. Isabella says:

    Meghan left Britian long ago. She was only there for a short time. She only spoke up once, in the Oprah interview, about her bad treatment. It is just weird that they’re still delivering hit pieces about her. The misogyny and racism is nonstop.

  50. Isabella says:

    Meghan left Britian long ago. She was only there for a short time. She only spoke up once, in the Oprah interview, about her bad treatment. It is just weird that they’re still delivering hit pieces about her. The misogyny and racism is nonstop.

    They are definitely trying to bring back Jason Knauf. To see his name in these stories is bizarre.

  51. MrsH says:

    I have a very clear memory of one of the Royal Reporters on tv talking about how lovely and gracious was and they said specifically that Meghan was actually the ONLY one of all of the royals that is incredibly sweet and nice M is to them and she goes out of her way to make sure that they got their shot or what they need. I remember it clear as day because it shocked me that other royals weren’t nice (polite) . It didn’t shock me that Meghan was nice. I’m American so I only see these people (Rota) on tv for special events. I wish I taped H&M’s wedding. I’m pretty sure it was during coverage for their wedding that this was said. The timeline would work since people were being nice to M then. Does anyone else remember hearing this?

  52. Saucy&Sassy says:

    It sounds like someone doesn’t want to be sued … that sentence about her suicidal ideation tends to underscore that.

    Unless they keep this going, I don’t know that it needs to be addressed. This was wen H&M were sharing staff with WanK. Once at BP, this stuff didn’t get published. Staff in the US has made it clear what type of boss she is.

    The bm wants a response. I suggest that if Meghan gets annoyed enough, she could release her 20-25 page response to the bullying claims. I’m sure it names people. That should keep the bm busy for a while.

  53. wolfmamma says:

    Looking at one of the pictures above… the face on the left so affronted and so angry, the face on the right working so hard to not let the emotion flow….
    And the other pictures of Meghan’s posture so straight, doing what she has been told to do.

    There for all to see.

    I no longer think it’s a loss for the BRF …
    I’m applauding the courage of Harry and Meghan and that the world gets to benefit positively from their hearts and efforts.

  54. Kel says:

    Heads up but the new boss/editor of the daily beast is from the UK. He worked with the daily mail and telegraph. He’s also bringing back Tina brown. Things are only gonna get more cray from here. So sick of these people.

  55. therese says:

    I had to decide whether I would read this article. The top picture to me is the epitome of grace under pressure, with her inner beauty shining through. Unlike the P of Wails in her manic presence in public when she was forced to do what she was paid for. This is still a war, and I think that the Palace and minions have had their period of grace where Harry and Meghan just take the hits without firing their own volleys. At least I hope so; how much do they think I can take? I still remember when Tom Bower came out with a book, and I was thinking that if a neanderthal can write a complete book of fiction and get away with it, so can I. Where’s Kitty Kelly?

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