NYC Mayor Eric Adams facing five federal charges of bribery, fraud

Late Wednesday, New York City’s Mayor Eric Adams was indicted on federal criminal charges. At the time, the indictment was sealed, but it has since been unsealed. More on that in a moment. On Thursday, federal agents executed a search warrant on Gracie Mansion!! That’s the official home of the NYC mayor. The search warrant was for all of Mayor Adams’ tablets and phones and anything pertaining to Turkey. The country. Because apparently, Mayor Adams was taking bribes from Turkish officials. He faces five federal charges of bribery, fraud and soliciting illegal foreign campaign donations. Here’s the thing: I totally believe he did it and I totally believe the feds have enough evidence on him, but OMG, Donald Trump and Clarence Thomas are RIGHT THERE. Some highlights from the NY Times:

Mayor Eric Adams was defiant on Thursday in the face of five federal charges of bribery, fraud and soliciting illegal foreign campaign donations, insisting he would stay in office and imploring New Yorkers to hear his defense. The indictment, which was unsealed on Thursday morning after a search of the mayor’s official residence, Gracie Mansion, followed an investigation that started in 2021. Prosecutors said the scheme began when he was a top elected official in Brooklyn and continued after he became mayor.

The investigation focused on whether Mr. Adams, 64, had conspired with the Turkish government to receive illegal foreign campaign contributions in exchange for acting on its behalf. Damian Williams, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, said that Mr. Adams had been “showered” with gifts that he knew were illegal.

“This was a multiyear scheme to buy favor with a single New York City politician on the rise: Eric Adams,” Mr. Williams said at a news conference. “Year after year, he kept the public in the dark.”

If convicted of all five counts in the indictment, the maximum penalty under law would be 45 years in prison. But under the federal sentencing guidelines, he would likely receive far less.

According to the indictment, Mr. Adams had “sought and accepted improper valuable benefits” since at least 2014, when he was Brooklyn borough president. The benefits included luxury travel — free and discounted Turkish Airlines tickets and free meals and hotel rooms — from wealthy foreigners and at least one Turkish government official, prosecutors said. He traveled on the airline even when it was inconvenient, they said, including a 2017 flight to France from New York that first stopped in Istanbul. Mr. Adams tried to hide the gifts or make it appear as if he had paid for them, according to the indictment. Their value exceeded $100,000, prosecutors said.

In exchange, prosecutors said, Mr. Adams pressured officials at the New York Fire Department to permit a new Turkish consulate building in Manhattan despite safety problems. A Fire Department official overseeing the safety assessment said he was told he would lose his job if he did not follow the order.

[From The NY Times]

You can read the indictment here, the NYT put the full document online and annotated it. I’m not a lawyer, obviously, but from I read, they really do have an abundance of evidence, not just from Adams, but his staffers who acted as go-betweens with Turkish officials. There are extensive electronic receipts. It shows the equal-parts horrifying and hilarious banality of fraud, the bargaining, the sleaze, the fact that they were so stupid to leave all of this documentation of their crimes.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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18 Responses to “NYC Mayor Eric Adams facing five federal charges of bribery, fraud”

  1. Pinkosaurus says:

    He really thought he was completely above the law. There are some funny memes out there about how challenging it will be for NYers to find an even more terrible mayor. Being a decent, competent and incorruptible human seems to be disqualifying.

    I’m just wondering how long he hangs on and refuses to resign. Anyone have a head of lettuce?

  2. KC says:

    Towards the end of my political consulting career I had a very brief interaction with him and his campaign. Their vibe was so weird and shady and they ended up screwing me over. I’ve interacted with a lot of politicians over the years and for the most part I would have been surprised to hear this kind of news about them. (Those politicians sucked in other ways.) This guy, not a bit. Seeing this news reminded me of how glad I am I don’t work in politics anymore.

  3. Brassy Rebel says:

    I just hope the Feds are looking at all of Trump’s current grifts. All the things he is selling online would be a perfect way to cover up foreign campaign contributions. Yesterday, he debuted $100,000 watches. I’m guessing those are a bit pricey for his average supporters in rural Pennsylvania.

  4. ML says:

    MAGA and Trump support Eric Adams.

    I’ve lived abroad for a long time…why aren’t the Republicans screaming about this Democrat being corrupt? I don’t understand that.

    Looking at that link, Eric Adams has been doing dodgy business since well before he became mayor. The fact that at least one foreign government (Turkey) “bought” him, and he has left tons of evidence of kickbacks, bribery, influence, etc… and people in his circle have either been targeted or leaving, this scandal might grow. I don’t trust the Trump connection to him.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Trump is defending him saying that the Biden administration is going after him because he was critical of their immigration policy. It fits Trump’s narrative that the Biden administration has weaponized the Justice Department. Besides, Republicans are hardly in a position to criticize anyone for being corrupt. They are hypocrites but even they know that wouldn’t land well.

      • ML says:

        How many actual Democrats does Trump speak well of? Years ago, this would have landed Adams in an attack ad. I see what you’re saying with the SDNY and immigration links that both of them have, but I can’t shake the feeling that (maybe in another country?) something might connect these two. Trump has zero loyalty and this defending Adams just hits me as really effing weird.

        Btw, I want to thank you and everyone else who posted calming info about the polls yesterday. I’ll try to pay them less mind (when you’re not in the country, it’s harder to gauge the mood).

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        The mood here in the US is hopeful but nervous. We all have PTSD from 2016. I love Hillary but gotta admit, imho, Kamala is a superior candidate.

      • ML says:

        PTSD from 2016: Me too! I went to bed celebrating Hillary Clinton’s win and I know exactly where I was when my husband told me she lost the next morning. I felt sick!
        I agree that Kamala Harris is a better candidate, and I’m glad that Hillary essentially backed her immediately after Biden stepped down. Master stroke! I really love how Harris had all her ducks in a row and hit the ground running, it’s just that it feels like it shouldn’t be this close.

  5. Amy Bee says:

    I’m sure if they look further they would find that he was a crooked cop too.

  6. Kitten says:

    Dude has always ALWAYS been shady and so many of us warned NYers yet people in the city voted for him anyway smdh. It really was such a head-scratcher at the time….

    And this is just the tip of the iceberg–we’re gonna learn about much, much more.

    • Feeshalori says:

      This is one NYer who never voted for him. Too much controversy swirling around him from back before his mayoral campaign. He thinks he can still run our city while facing these serious charges, he’s going to run it into the ground if he doesn’t resign and l hope he’s forced to. Too many corrupt politicians believing they can skate by on their pride and hubris. I can only imagine the revelations in the upcoming days and weeks. This has been one crazy political season.

  7. MaisiesMom says:

    This guy is so tone deaf. Yesterday he held a press conference outside in the city, so that passers-by were yelling “Resign!” at him. He just said “not gonna happen” and walked off. There are politicians who are corrupt but also smooth. He is the former and decidedly not the latter. He’s also weirdly cop-happy. I know he was a police officer but still. The robot cop thing? Shootouts in the subway over someone hopping a $3 fare? I’m not saying they should just let that go entirely, but priorities FFS.

    Adams had the bonus weird habit of ingratiating himself with overseas visitors by comparing NYC to their capital or largest cities. “New York is the (Lisbon) (Athens) (Istanbul) of America!!!” Weak stuff. I’ve lived in the NYC area or had my immediate family there my whole life. I do think this guy is the worst Mayor they have ever had. Giuliani is a train wreck now but he was basically competent and did a good job during 9/11. Bloomberg was efficient and got rid of smoking in public places, for which I am forever grateful even if my father wasn’t. Koch was funny. Adams has nothing.

  8. bisynaptic says:

    Here’s to Clarence Thomas’s indictment.

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