Princess Kate went to see a performance of ‘Giselle’ at the National Ballet

Even before the Princess of Wales went missing for six months this year, she always had Keen Incognito seasons, where she would seemingly disappear without a trace for weeks, sometimes months, at a time. Traditionally, the Keen Incognito Season features a few “private meetings,” some reported emails or phone calls, the odd tweet. Another feature is that we get “sightings” provided by royal reporters, who were briefed by the palace that Kate was absolutely out in Norfolk or Bucklebury or wherever. I think that’s what’s happening now, especially since we’ve established that Kate is well enough to watch tennis for hours and well enough to travel to Balmoral for a kids-free weekend getaway. We won’t ever see Kate, but we’ll hear about what she’s up to – a private meeting in Windsor! – and we’ll get a tweet. Speaking of:

What’s a little bit funny about this is… The English National Ballet is not even Kate’s patronage. It used to be Diana’s patronage, then it reverted back to the Crown, and I think QEII was technically patron for years. Then in June of this year, Queen Camilla became patron. Camilla just did her first ballet event earlier this month! Kate is stealing Camilla’s ballet thunder!

Anyway, I’m glad Kate enjoyed a day out to watch some ballet. I find it interesting that she publicized it and put it in a tweet. Curious timing, eh? The whole thing is odd, honestly. I really do wonder if there’s ever going to be any energy towards the idea of “if Kate can watch tennis or ballet or put together a commercial for her marriage, she can do some Zooms with her charities?”

PS… I don’t have the patience to look through months of KensingtonRoyal tweets, but purely going from memory, is this Kate’s first “-C” tweet since William tossed her under the bus for that manipulated Mother’s Day photo?

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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66 Responses to “Princess Kate went to see a performance of ‘Giselle’ at the National Ballet”

  1. Tessa says:

    Did she get a standing ovation.

    • Josephine says:

      She’s just so strong and brave!! Blech!

      • swaz says:

        I would totally love it if she only does ballet, tennis, christmas carol concert and family movies 🤣🤣🤣this is exactly what the UK deserves 😎

      • Honeybee says:

        If you check some YouTube shorts you’ll find the reason for her visit. Many videos are getting popular now with Diana’s photos with the ballet team, comparing camilla. This the reason for Kate’s tweet. But there are no proofs that kate visited them. It is just a regular tweet. That’s why it is only C. If she was there she would have taken a pic like Diana. No proof, never happened.

  2. Well look at her out and about but can’t do work. Maybe for her next outing for herself she could visit a cancer charity seeing how she supposedly had cancer. Oops what am I saying she and the rest of them don’t know service to others just them being self serving.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      I took one for the team and went through the comment section of the Daily Fail for this post. It was brutal. Everyone said the same thing as you, Susan Collins. And many pointed out how insulting is the media’s fawning over her lazy ways when so many in the country suffer through cancer and work, take care of family etc. I was shocked. The royalist psychophants were laughed out of the room. I didn’t expect it from the Fail audience.

      • KC says:

        I’m surprised the Fail allowed the comments. They are notorious for deleting anything that doesn’t fawn.

      • Thank you Smart&Messy for checking the gutter press. I too am surprised they have the comments on but am glad to know that more people are questioning things and calling out her very lazy ways.

    • Dee says:

      Kindly pay for my mansions whilst I am entertained

    • Jais says:

      I’m kind of baffled that she even publicized this private outing? Bc obv there’s going to be people making those type of comments saying that if she can go to a ballet she can surely do something for one of her charities. Was it really worth it just to steal Camilla’s ballet thunder?

    • kelleybelle says:

      I guess “health permitting” she was able to attend. I wonder if she’ll count this as work. What a bunch of bollocks.

  3. Nanea says:

    I’m sure the powers that be hoped that this would make a bigger splash.

    Too bad that someone else, one big ocean away, did the Tonightmare maze.

  4. equality says:

    So once again a “good” day coincides with something she wants to do, but not with the “work” she is being paid to do.

  5. Dee(2) says:

    So seriously why can’t she do one Zoom? If she can film AstraZeneca commercials, go to church, hold meetings about the early years, and go to the ballet how come she can’t do any of it on camera? I don’t know, a lot of this feels like I’m doing work or going places that no one can really refute. If you weren’t involved in her early years meeting can you really deny it? Maybe she didn’t need to meet with you this time. If you were at the ballet, it’s dark and they have VIP entrances can you really say she wasn’t there? They’re just going to keep announcing after the fact,that she was at places where people either can’t contradict it or it was too dark for the next 7 months.

  6. Inge says:

    Pics of her there or it didn’t happen.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      At this point even pictures mean nothing. The BM routinely recycle old snaps to illustrate ‘new content’ and KP isn’t above faking photos outright.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Exactly! She and KP have proven to be unreliable sources. That’s why WanK are going through social media instead of news agencies, so they are free to manipulate whatever they wish. We all knew she and Peg would be outside (or appear to have been) because Prince Harry is in the spotlight with his booked and busy schedule.

  7. Gensis says:

    This is what Kate wanted people to, not forget about her. Plus Kate is as camera-thirsty as anyone in that family. That is why I have a problem she will disappear quickly because she loves her buttons and McQueen dress. She loves getting praised as a fashion icon and Aryan queen.

    • Jemmy says:

      Not sure if Kate has any control over whether not she can choose to carry out royal duties .

      It’s either there is a separation/ divorce & is no longer any obligation to make such appearances , William is refusing to support his father and do as little as possible and likewise has instructed Kate not to do anything or KC3 / Camilla has put a limit on her appearance so as not to drag focus away from them.

      Whatever the reasons, this is Kate keeping up appearances. She is as good as being a prisoner. I bet she wishes she had the autonomy Meghan has.

    • Tessa says:

      Kate has had so many excuses made for her since she first married in. They could fill an encyclopedia. The one is her not being “allowed” to work is one that was around since 2011. Also the “they are on their honeymoon” excuse where they could take “time off.” And the other where she “had to” research her patronages before she actually “worked.”

      • Vanya says:

        Everybody knows the shirkers at work but at least these days they are “working from home” and do the occasional Zoom calls to keep up appearances. But with Mumbles it’s nothing but thin vapours spread thinly. I wonder if the rest of the BRF hate her and her families powers through gritted teeth but realise since her December strike they are stuck with her antics for the forseeable – wondering how to they bring this charade to an end.

  8. Mrs Robinson says:

    It’s an interesting choice—this Giselle is about the about the abused factory workers against the landlords (as opposed to the usual peasants with broken hearts of gold and cold-hearted nobility). It’s a brilliant production by a Bangladeshi choreo, and it’s definitely not fluffy and royal supporting (like, say, Sleeping Beauty)

  9. Proud Mary says:

    So, this is work?

  10. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    Oh so THAT’S why “it was understood” that she held a meeting at windsor this week. So actually it probably was a fake meeting, because all they wanted was for her to fake work before being seen out for pure entertainment and that wouldn’t have looked good for the lazy princess. She had to tweet about it because she was ACTUALLY seen.

    • BeanieBean says:

      🛎️🛎️. You got it!

      • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

        Looks like we’re gonna get reporting of her fake meetings a few days before each of the public outing she’ll be making. (How else is she going to get applauded without ever working?)

      • Christine says:

        This is exactly how this is going to play out for the rest of Kate’s tenure as a royal. Say she held a meeting with zero proof, she gets one fun field trip.

  11. Amy Bee says:

    It’s interesting that her good days always coincide with sports or cultural events. If she’s well enough to sit through an evening at the ballet why can’t she spend 15 minutes at a cancer charity?

  12. sevenblue says:

    She can’t work because she is trying to stay cancer-free. That means she only gets to do things that bring her happiness: like tennis, ballet, not mingling with poors. That is literally what they said with different wording.

  13. Digital Unicorn says:

    Well well, seems the poor snowflake CAN do something when she wants to but we already know this. First tennis and now this, wanna bet we get some backstage shots with her and Charlotte and/or Pippa??

    If this was a private visit then why tweet about it unless its to counter the press a certain Californian couple are getting – this is peak ‘don’t forget about meeeeeee’ from her.

  14. Tina says:

    Honestly between this and the ‘taking private meetings’ (all with no photos) I feel like someone is trying to get people annoyed and talking about how little she can do. Or pointing out that she can do things like this but not visit cancer patients?

    • Nic919 says:

      It wasn’t new for her to insert private meetings in the Court Circular and she’s done it for years to pad her already sad numbers. But she has not in the past broadcast her attendance ant private events. And seeing as how the National Ballet company is Camilla’s patronage and not hers, this seems even more odd.

    • Jais says:

      Interesting @tina. It does feel like a deliberate baiting or daring of the public or the media to say something. Bc yeah announcing private events is wild as nic919 says. But why?

  15. Nic919 says:

    How can she not have the time to visit one of her patronages, but she has time to watch the ballet in a crowded theatre (for all those who claim she’s avoiding germs) . And then she has the nerve to post about it.

    Meanwhile Anne’s out there in France and elsewhere after having been concussed by a horse and hospitalized. Sophie has been to Tanzania and other events in the UK.

    It’s absolutely wild for Kate to overtly flaunt how she doesn’t have to do a damn thing she doesn’t consider fun. Especially after the video showing her running about and stating she is cancer free.

    The media is silent for now but at what point do they question what the hell she is doing?

  16. Interested Gawker says:

    I do wonder if Kate’s speech or cognitive reaction time has been even more impaired than it was already. Contemporaneous Zoom events and live interaction with independent members of the public might be something she can’t do but sitting as an audience member -seen but not heard, would be a way of pretending nothing serious has happened to her.

    They might fake a Zoom event that can’t actually be independently verified as live to insist ‘everything is fine, nothing to see here’ with Rebecca English swearing it was a normal event to strike that off their ‘Things to throw off suspicion’ list.

    This is why William’s reign is doomed and he will always hold destructively jealous feelings towards his brother. WanK are too curated, secretive and dishonest to interact with the public consistently enough to establish affection for them in the public mind.

    So long as that farm video remains out there purported to be real with no retraction or verification of the actual participants KP has form for STRAIGHT UP LYING to the public about Kate’s whereabouts.

    People shrug off the Frankenphoto and it’s kill notice and refuse to believe the ‘cancer video’ was AI, quibble enough reasons to explain away old photos repurposed as new sightings are legitimate. People argue and reject suggestions those specific situations are fake continuously but that farm shop video is an unambiguous example fraud with on the record confirmation KP and The Sun were working together. KP has form for dumping false content to be disseminated through the international news media to serve their agenda.

    They keep dangling Kate out there to pretend ‘everything is fine’. Everything is NOT fine.

    One of these days the truth will out.

    • blueberry says:

      I was convinced she had a stroke that caused facial paralysis and slurred speech. It’s certainly not out of the question and would account for so much shadiness. It’s possible she never had surgery but was hospitalized for a stroke and maybe other injuries. When she was being treated cancer could have shown up. Hmm

  17. aquarius64 says:

    If Kate can go to the ballet she can go to her patronages. But I think she is on lockdown by the Firm, coming out when it tells her to do. The Midds can only do individual projects only if they praise the Windsors. I don’t see Kate coming out the winner here.

    • Nic919 says:

      The national ballet is one of Camilla’s patronages so I am not sure she was told by the courtiers to make her attendance known.

      It’s not like she hasn’t been before, but normally there is no tweet about it and at best photos taken by someone in the audience.

  18. TN Democrat says:

    Never thanking the medical professionals who cared for her and never specifically supporting/mentioning any cancer charities is a very curious tactic. The left behind lot has completely lost touch with reality iand are starting to cannibalize each other. The working folks who have serious illnesses certainly don’t get world-class immediate treatment/long-term care and to live in tax payer funded luxury with every perk imaginable. She was never a worker bee and never had public speaking skills. Her contribution was posing for pictures and she never made any impact or waves other than refusing to wear panties and weights in her skirt hems. The tax payers funding her should be outraged. At some point the Windsors won’t have a large enough bot army to ward off totally justified public criticism and outrage at their wingnut media allies. Public opinion began turning with the attacks on Harry after Charles refused to see him in May and the briefing around the ESPYs. Pre-2016 is getting ready to rain down on Camilla, Chuck, Keen and Willy which is why Harry/Meghan have been briefed against so much lately.

  19. Shanta says:

    So…just as I suspected….. She’s only going to do the “fun” stuff now. Kudos to Carole…… She negotiated a great new contract for her.

    • Tessa says:

      She was always doing mostly “fun” stuff, like watching sports. And then she slid down that slide when she was promoting Early Years.

      • Nic919 says:

        I just wonder how long this will last when others like Sophie and Anne are chugging along doing more substantive things at least compared to Kate.

  20. Saucy&Sassy says:

    Uh, when has she announced being anywhere when there isn’t a photo? This entire story is strange.

  21. Lavendel says:

    Perhaps the heir to the throne has made it clear to the King that he will do the same as his brother if the King does not grant him more freedom and independence? Inklusive good press imageless every day. Many things seem to have fallen out of semblance for this whole family since the Queen’s death. Modern is different. Authentic too. But presumably these people don’t care about appearances. They are king, what can happen to them in this country? Nothing. The king is above the law.

  22. Maureen says:

    I do hope she paid for her ticket.

    • The Duchess says:

      Oh, please. Kitty is living her best Victorian Princess life and it’s all at the expense of the British taxpayer. Asking her to pay for something would be like asking her to grow a brain.

      • Cairidh says:

        Victorian princesses worked as nurses tending wounded soldiers. They raised money to found new hospitals. They served at soup kitchens, and started projects to help poor children. Visited the sick, and had a long list of charity patronages they actually took an interest in.

  23. Blubellah says:

    This tweet screams plausible deniability. She didn’t actually say she went to the ballet.
    The UK rags are inferring and saying this and we know they misrepresent and lie consistently.
    Also, if she did go and it was not work-related, why make an announcement?
    Are we to expect next an announcement that she went to the movies this weekend?

    If she’s well enough to do fun outings she can do some work. Especially since what they call work is literally breezing in and talking to people and posing for photos/videos. They just get chauffeured to events and sit and talk and listen. That is all they freaking do. I’m embarrassed for her at this point that the bar is set below sea level for her and she still fails to meet it.

  24. Lavendel says:

    Kate just shows it very clearly, she doesn’t keep up the busy useless pretence. These people have never worked for the people, only for themselves and the monarchy. And that’s exactly what Kate shows. She shows the truth. Kings do nothing for the people, only for the monarchy and for their own well-being. That has nothing to do with illness, but everything to do with truth.

  25. Del says:

    In the last five years can I count on one hand how many times on one hand how many times Kate has visited a hospice or homeless shelter? It certainly feels like a yes to me. And it makes the current situation involving Kate’s alleged illness and recovery feel so questionable to so many willing to speak their minds.
    There has been so much criticism against Charles for so many reasons however he’s consistent in terms of work ethic.
    It seems William and Kate are the lost generation of heir and consort.

  26. tamsin says:

    Did Kate say somewhere that she was only going to do things that bring her joy? I’ve heard elderly people say similar, after a long life of hard work and duty. I’ve heard people who are terminally ill determine to spend what is left of their life seeking “joy.” It could also come from a place of complete self-centeredness and narcissism, to focus only on one’s own joy. I think I also read a royal commentator who wrote that Kate was making memories with her children during the long summer. There is the cringe-worthy video of William and Kate enjoying joyful times with each other and their children. Kate’s situation is indeed puzzling, and perhaps that’s the point. She may be out of sight, but she definitely doesn’t want to be out of mind.

    • BQM says:

      I’m not saying this is what it is but your comments brought to mind that magazine story about Kate and Charles being worse of than believed or reported. You laying out those quotes/comments gave me an eerie feeling.

  27. QuiteContrary says:

    Even her social media posts are so banal: Creativity at its best!


  28. wolfmamma says:

    Just watching a movie with His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu.. both elderly, one with prostate cancer. Yes they are together, for a week talking about joy, producing a film. This is dedication and commitment.
    Not lying around for weeks and months and then expecting applause for attending a ballet.

    • Kat says:

      If this woman has cancer why is she not promoting cancer charities or doing other positive things? At least Charles is doing some duties at age 76
      We all know she does not like what they call “ work” but she has been like this all her life. Encouraged and kept by indulgent parents until the tax payer took over
      Now she is using cancer as an excuse to do even less and be treat like a fragile piece of delicate china.
      If this is true she is despicable and a shameless disgrace

  29. Lau says:

    She wants to be Diana so bad and Camilla won’t let her ! Anyway she can go to the ballet on her own but when Harry goes on a business trip on his own that means divorce is coming I guess.

  30. julie jules says:


  31. Tashiro says:

    I don’t get KP at all. She didn’t even thank her medical team in that Ivory soap commercial. Correct me if I’m wrong cause I didn’t watch it. She didn’t reach out to any cancer charities I mean what are they thinking, that’s a no brainer. Are they this tone deaf or are they so much in there own bubble that they think everything they do is great and significant? I mean come on.

    • Nic919 says:

      She did not and James Middleton in the today interview danced around using the word treatment when he was asked about her. There many things not being said here.

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