Prince Harry joined Jimmy Fallon at the ‘Tonightmare’ haunted maze

Prince Harry was in New York this week for so many high-level meetings and events, some of which were in and around the United Nations. It was a business trip for him, and his business involved The Parents Network, Sentebale, African Parks, The HALO Trust, Travalyst and more. But he apparently also had time for some fun. He stopped by 30 Rock and prerecorded a bit with Jimmy Fallon for the Tonight Show. Spooky season is coming up – or is it already here? – and Fallon is hosting “Tonightmares,” a mini-haunted-house adventure within 30 Rock. Fallon and Prince Harry went through the haunted “maze.” This reminds me so much of Ellen DeGeneres always sending her most-easily spooked celebrity guests through a haunted house too, but I like that Fallon organized this at 30 Rock. The video is very funny and cute:

I love the part where the two young women are like “who was that? Prince Harry, OMG!!” Harry cursed a few times but midway through the haunted maze, he was the one holding Jimmy’s hand and leading him through it. Adorable. I’m sure Harry stole everyone’s thunder over in Salt Island. How dare he have fun while his father has cancer!!

Photos courtesy of the Tonight Show’s social media.

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75 Responses to “Prince Harry joined Jimmy Fallon at the ‘Tonightmare’ haunted maze”

  1. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    That was hilarious! Those women sure regretted not looking their best for harry 😆

  2. Inge says:

    This was brilliant and yeah the women realizing it had been him was so cool!

    I also loved Harry going “WE KNOW YOU’RE THERE! WHY WOULD YOU SAY IT TWICE?”

    Anyway that’s James Corden, Stephen Colbert and now Jimmy Fallon. I need him to go on the Daily Show and on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver next!

    Prince Harry honorary American…

    • Eurydice says:

      I loved how zombie girl was fanning herself.

      Harry and John Oliver would be awesome!

    • Friendly Crow says:

      This was so so funny! I know I’m gonna watch it a couple times today lol. Harry seems so fun. “I’m not scared of pandas! I’m not!” I laughed so hard.

      I would love to see him on John Oliver some day but he’s going to ask questions that maybe Harry isn’t ready to answer publicly. Or he’s going to make sexual advances (look up John Oliver Adam driver) but…. Harry was in the army and gay chicken is very very real. Hahaha John’s gonna be so flustered! I want to see it now!

      • sevenblue says:

        @Friendly Crow, it is still surreal that John Oliver predicted what will happen to Meghan when he was interviewed by Stephen Colbert (that was before the wedding). It is crazy to watch it back now. I think, John’s account gave a lot of credibility to H&M’s statements among Stephen & other late night hosts.

      • Nic919 says:

        John Oliver in hindsight probably was the best person to asses the situation because he grew up in the UK knowing how they deal with the royals in a weird love hate way and then he moved to the US and learned how Americans feel about that family and the culture clash that can happen.

        He did call it though on how she would find them weird.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Nic919, yeah but John is a little different still. There are lots of british people living in USA and still kissing BRF’s butts. John said he rejected BRF honor offered to him when he became successful in USA. He might always been (kind of) republican even before moving out of UK.

    • Friendly Crow says:

      I read the comments under the video on YouTube and every single one was so positive about Harry and ESP about Meghan! So great to see that the constant barrage of bs from the uk media can’t sully the truth. Harry and Meghan are great people.

      • sevenblue says:

        H&M videos are most of the time filled with bots, who write the same negative talking point. If it is positive, either the account is moderating the comments (deleting bot accounts) or KP didn’t activate bots yet.

  3. Andrea says:

    Prince Harry is a natural.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      And hot. Don’t forget hot.

      • Friendly Crow says:

        When she fanned herself?!?! I lost it. I bet Meg’s watching that in Cali with him as is crying laughing. He’s probably gonna come home to his kiddos having panda stuffies or panda onsies!
        “I’m not scared of pandas! I’m not!”

      • BlackCat says:

        I worked at a haunted attraction a few years ago. The pay was abysmal and the hours were long, and it was also the funnest job I have ever had. BOO!

        I made someone pee their pants! Which the other scarers told me is a bit of a rite of passage. Lol. I am old and creaky annd it was exhausting and I would do it again in a heartbeat.

        And I too want to see Harry (and/or the kids) in a panda costume now. I mean, don’t we all?!

      • JEM says:

        A tall drink of water, that man.

    • Lolo86lf says:

      And he seems to be having more fun than his brother Wiliam who most of the time looks like he is a bit constipated.

      • Proud Mary says:

        Haven’t you heard? Harry is sad and is desperate to return to the “fold” so he can cut ribbons and walk behind William and Kate.

  4. Nanea says:

    When I saw it this morning, I didn’t need any coffee, because it was so hilarious watching this.

    What did the 🗑📰 on the Island of Left-Behinds do though?

    They all mentioned that Harry swore.

    Not that he had lots of fun, or even seemed to be relaxed about it and totally chill — unlike other people who have to stick to protocols, because they’re stuck up, elitist, self-centered and charisma-free.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Harry is free to think say and do as he wishes, yay!!!

    • Smart&Messy says:

      Egg must be devastated. This is what he wanted for himself when he was in NYC. Next time he resurfaces, even the “beard” won’t distract from his wrecked appearance.

      • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

        It is understood that prince william wants to be a half in half out heir to the throne just like harry wanted or preferably an alll out king, working from home and zooming ribbon cuttings with his keen wife by his side, after morning school runs and before lunchtime only.

  5. s808 says:

    Harry looks sooooo good in green!

  6. Cassie says:

    Harry is just so much fun and so normal .
    I bet people love being in his company .

    • Ana Maria says:

      Remember that Formula 1 race that he attended(was it this year, or last year?)…Anyway, one of my nephews was there and saw him close enough, interacting with people, and he told me that he was super cool, warm, saying hi to everyone, totally normal…

  7. Amy Bee says:

    It was funny and yes the best part was the two actors realizing that it was Harry. According to the obsessed on GB News it was very American not very royal. These deluded people really think that being a royal is the best thing in the world to be. I just love that Harry is living his best life and everytime I see him out and about I don’t see how people could believe that he wants to return to royal life. He would not be allowed to do most of things he’s done in the last 5 years.

    • Proud Mary says:

      It’s very royal to grab your husbands azz in public like Kate date with William. It’s also very royal to physically attack your brother, like William did to Harry. It’s very royal to cheat on your spouse, like Charles did to Diana. It’s also very royal to appear in a cheesy ad to announce you are “cancer free.” Silly me.

      • Kittenmom says:

        You forgot how very royal it is to roll around on the beach and pretend to neck like teens…in front of your little kids! LOL

      • Interested Gawker says:

        Diana broke a prop bottle over Charles’ head at a film studio. There’s room enough for some irreverent fun with the royals, they’re just bitter H’s shine doesn’t fall under their control anymore.

      • windyriver says:

        To be fair, cheating on your spouse IS very royal. Didn’t Charles supposedly say at one point, he wasn’t going to be the first without a mistress? As for physically attacking a brother, well, back in the day…

        Grabbing your husband’s ass in public and the cheesy ad, well, they’re breaking some new ground there.

    • Jay says:

      GB news saying “It was very American, not very royal.” They are so, so tantalizingly close to getting it! So close!

    • Friendly Crow says:

      Halloween is very American so in that they are correct. A royal having fun is also American? What does that say about the uk royals? That they don’t enjoy their work or meeting the public? It’s duty and not at all fun? That’s not the flex they think it is.

  8. Jay says:

    And there it is – this is what TOB could never and can never do! He can try to copy Harry with “high level” meetings adjacent to the UN, or his own international organizations, or even attempt to “poach” international humanitarians like Chef Andres. But being open, funny, and silly? Relating to other humans? It’s beyond him.

  9. Dee(2) says:

    I always love these little appearances whether it’s him or Meghan being their goofy selves. Mainly because it’s funny but also because they were so battered down by ” protocol” and a lot of other times they are doing official things that would make it inappropriate to be jokey. It’s nice to see them just laughing and having fun. Also Harry’s facial reaction when news reporter Jimmy turned into a zombie is absolutely going to become a meme.

  10. Proud Mary says:

    Harry’s in New York, does a TV show without Meghan. British press, Meghan didn’t fly in for the Jimmy Fallon show, therefore divorce. BTW: Harry looks great!

    • Dee(2) says:

      The British press is Groundhog Day with that nonsense. I had to actually go back in the archive here and look, they were saying the same nonsense this time last year. They’re just wish casting at this point. It’s their only hope since external stuff isn’t working, that they just internally combust. Just another despicable action on a tall pile of horrible behavior.

  11. Ginger says:

    I loved watching this! You can tell Harry is just a blast to be around. Everyone seems to love being around him. I loved when Jimmy said Harry is scared of pandas lol

    • Hypocrisy says:

      It made my morning 🤗.. and luckily I had power to watch it😊

    • BeanieBean says:

      I guess I’m the odd one out, I was so uncomfortable! I went to one of these things in high school & I HATED IT! I hated everything about it! The strobe lights, the utter darkness, the people jumping out at me (some of whom were my friends, turns out), the claustrophobic confinement, how long it lasted–I just wanted OUT. Good for Harry being a sport, but this is not for me. And I can’t watch it a second time, not even for the cute reaction of the two women.

      Oh, @Hypocrisy: are you in the Hurricane Helene corridor? Oh, gosh, glad you’re OK & have power!

  12. swaz says:

    What a way to end a long work week 😍He is so gorgeous 😍

  13. SueBarbri33 says:

    Harry is so charming. No wonder Will hates him. Actually, it’s no wonder they all hate him. He’s just like his mother: lively and quite normal. Adorable.

  14. Brit says:

    And in the UK ‘How terrible that this was released mere hours after Catherine released a tweet that she had been to the ballet’

  15. aquarius64 says:

    I watched it when Jimmy Fallon came on last night. It was hilarious. I thought celebs were shunning the Sussex’s, right BM? The UK morning shows are slating this because it blows up another narrative of theirs, like the US Weekly rebuttal on the THR character assassination of Meghan.

  16. Jais says:

    Cute!! I mostly don’t mess with haunted houses bc I get too scared. There’s a bunch of haunted corn mazes near me that I’m trying to work myself up to doing at least once. Now, if I had Harry to go with me, I’d be there on the first night😂

    • BeanieBean says:

      I could maybe do one of those, as long as it’s broad daylight with nothing overhead.

      • Jais says:

        They’re usually just regular corn mazes by day but haunted ones at night with scary people, fake chainsaws etc and you have to take flashlights to go through the maze. Honestly as I write about it, it’s sounding less and less like something I could do. But the idea that it’s not enclosed makes me think maaaybe?

      • BeanieBean says:

        Oh, no, I’m out then!

  17. SarahCS says:

    This is brilliant! I’m not sure what I enjoyed more, the two girls reacting to him or the fact that by the time they got to the corn maze type bit they were holding hands. Oh and “why would you say it twice??” He’s a natural and comes across so well in there type of things.

    • Friendly Crow says:

      “We know you are there! Why would you say it twice?!?” The genuine bewilderment and mild frustration is hilarious. He thought he was safe 😂😂😂

    • Abby says:

      Those were my favorite parts too. hahahah.

      I was first thinking about Harry being a veteran with PTSD going into a haunted house. I have a friend and a brother who have seen combat and neither would go near a haunted house now because it would be triggering. But this was a cute bit.

      • BeanieBean says:

        I thought it’d be either that or Harry’d be good at this as he’d be familiar with night-vision goggles & maneuvering in the dark.

  18. Amy Bee says:

    I’ve just seen an excerpt from the British press where some royal commentator said it was undignified. Whatever I’m sure that person was full of praise for William dad dancing at the Taylor Swift concert.

    • MsIam says:

      Oooo, its “undignified” ! I bet that will really get to Harry, lol. This from the people who want him to come back and stumble around drunk falling out of bars. You know, the fun, cheeky Harry they are always whining about “missing”.

    • Dee(2) says:

      Having fun is undignified? Why do they insist on acting like it’s the 16th century? These people are normal humans just like I am. They watch TV, laugh at silly things, get colds, have bad breath, etc. I will never understand. They told him, if you and your wife don’t like the way that we expect you to do things then get. And left they did. They have spent the last five years chasing them telling them why they still have to do everything that they say.
      ETA- Hard agree @MSIAM they want him to be a buffoon, for a comparison to Williams barely held together “dignity”. Being fun, charismatic, and charming is not what they want from him.

    • BeanieBean says:

      You know what else is undignified? Having your skirt fly up around your head while on an official engagement. Downing a pint or three prior to a visit to a grade school. Keeping your back turned to visiting royals at an official engagement. Showing up drunk to an investiture. Staying in the car on an official engagement. Oooh, there are so many examples! And this isn’t one of them. 🤦‍♀️

    • Angied says:

      Fallon is the number 1 night show in America. He regularly set trends on Twitter here. Cate Blanchette was on their last night playing a game with him and promoting her movies. Not everyone gets on Jimmy’s show. Every major A list star has been on this show. He does these skits with only people who have excellent comic timing. Harry naturally has these skills. He is so personable without even trying. He doesn’t do these skits with anyone. I bet he would be great as a fill in host. The ratings would go to roof. He’s sexy and funny without even trying a great combination for a night time tv host.

  19. Steph says:

    They aren’t going to say “how dare he have fun while Charles has cancer?!” They are going to trying making him having fun without Meghan a thing.

  20. JoiLuv says:

    Why do I feel like the TOB will call James Cordon to do a bit over in the UK 😂

  21. Interested Gawker says:

    This was adorable!

  22. MaisiesMom says:

    So funny! I love that when it was finished and they went to take a picture, his reaction when yet another horrifyingly painted face popped out to scare them was to raise his fist. That military training couldn’t stay muzzled forever.

  23. maisie says:

    Jump scares are a thing, but Harry has known REAL fear in his life. “Jesus f*ck!” is such an American thing to say.

  24. CJW says:

    This was a hell of a week for me, This was absolutely what I needed.

    We love you Harry

  25. B says:

    That video was fun! Harry is having a ball!

  26. TN Democrat says:

    Thank you, Good Prince Henry! That video was delightful. Happy belated 40th birthday!

  27. SpankyB says:

    I hurt my back and it hurts to laugh, I shouldn’t have watched the video. LOL It was worth the pain though and I’ll probably watch it a few more times today.

  28. Qtpi says:

    Sorry Salt Island. He’s our Prince now.

  29. Beverley says:

    Harry is fit as hell. He looked so good in that shirt! (Sorry Meghan 🙃)
    He carries himself with confidence and excellent posture.

  30. Fastgran50 says:

    Harry always gets on with everyone. He’s not stuffy or standoffish. He always draws people to him because he’s so likeable. That what his father and brother hated about him . Harry always got the attention of people William and Charles hated that. Now Harry’s away from his toxic family he shines. Harry truly is his mothers son no matter what the BM SAYS.

  31. QuiteContrary says:

    Man oh man, the Brits really blew it when they forced Harry and Meghan out. Because they just brim with charisma. This video is hilarious and Harry is just so appealing.

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