Before Prince Harry arrived in London back in May, he contacted his father’s office about a possible meeting while they were both in town. King Charles and/or his courtiers rejected this meeting privately, and Harry issued a public statement saying that he would not see his father due to the king’s “full program this week.” Charles then pranced around a garden party and handed a military appointment to William. Not only that, but Charles went on the attack for weeks, screaming about how Harry should have begged him for a meeting and even then, Charles still would have rejected him because Charles hates Harry and so does Camilla! It was all very childish and chaotic from Buckingham Palace and a reminder that Charles and Camilla do not have the temperament to be in charge of anything. Well, Harry is due in London on Monday for the WellChild Awards. So obviously, Charles and Camilla are making Harry’s visit all about their immature psychodrama.
Camilla wants Charles to skip meeting Harry: King Charles III would like to meet with his son, Prince Harry, when he visits the U.K. next week, but is weighing counsel from advisers, including his wife, that it would be unwise to do so. Queen Camilla wants Charles to skip a meeting with Harry to avoid stress as he fights cancer, one of her friends told The Daily Beast.
Charles plans to be in Scotland during Harry’s visit: However, Charles will be in Scotland next week, The Daily Beast has confirmed, and has no intention of traveling, while Harry is expected to be based in London. It is not impossible, of course, that Harry could travel to Scotland if invited. He is certainly capable of traveling around the U.K.; last time Harry was in the country he spent a night at his mother’s ancestral home, Althorp, and, as The Daily Beast exclusively revealed, visited her grave, which is located on an island on the sprawling country estate.
Of course Harry’s team would not confirm any of this?? Harry’s team would not confirm to The Daily Beast when he is arriving into the U.K., where he is staying, or how long he is planning to be on British soil. The awards ceremony, which honors seriously ill children and is one of Harry’s most important causes, is scheduled for Monday evening.
Charles wants to heal the relationship he destroyed: Meanwhile Charles, reminded of his mortality following his diagnosis with cancer for which he is undergoing grueling treatment, would like to heal the relationship with Harry both for personal reasons and to ease pressure on the monarchy itself, a friend says. The friend said: “The king has an instinctive impulse towards Christian reconciliation, and his cancer diagnosis has only sharpened that. He wants this settled, not just because he loves both his sons, but because it has been so destabilizing for the monarchy.”
The security issue: However the king is understood to feel his hands are tied by the constitutional awkwardness that might arise if Harry were to directly lobby him over his security provision. His son and heir Prince William’s very clear views on the matter of his brother are also part of the king’s calculations about how and when any reconciliation might be effected. Although William sent birthday greetings to Harry recently, the two brothers are completely estranged and no longer speak as a result of William’s fury of what he sees as Harry’s betrayal of him and wife Kate Middleton in his memoir.
Camilla hates Harry: Camilla is said by friends to be one of those who has not encouraged a meeting with Harry, as she does not want her husband to be subjected to unnecessary stress before his trip to Australia in mid-October, ahead of which he is gathering his strength at Birkhall, his retreat in the Scottish Highlands. The friend of Camilla said: “She has been the principal voice urging Charles to slow down and take things easy. The last thing she wants him to do is to get stressed out over a meeting with Harry.”
Camilla is now telling people that she saw Harry in February too: The Daily Beast understands that Camilla was also present at the meeting, marking the first time they had spoken face to face since he cast toxic aspersions on her in his memoir and in interviews promoting it, saying she was prepared to leave “bodies in the street” in her quest to be made queen. Harry did not apologize to her at that encounter for his remarks, The Daily Beast has been told by a friend of Camilla’s.
Camilla has been telling lies and briefing the press about Harry’s February visit since the very day it happened. I still believe that it was one of the rare moments that Charles told Camilla to get out, that he wanted to have a private conversation with Harry. Camilla’s behavior indicates as much – she’s still pissed that she was thrown out of the meeting, and she’s been demanding that Charles refuse to see Harry ever since. And now Camilla is huffing about how Harry didn’t apologize to her. WHY WOULD HE? If anything, Harry went a lot easier on her than he could have. Anyway, all of this is about Camilla and what she wants. Charles is too weak to stand up to Camilla AND the courtiers who want to see him isolated and estranged from his son.
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- Guests arrive to attend a ceremony marking the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games, at Saint Paul’s Cathedral, London Featuring: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex Where: London, United Kingdom When: 08 May 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- Prince Harry Duke of Sussex attending a St Paul’s Cathedral service to mark the Invictus Games’ tenth anniversary in London, UK. Featuring: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex Where: London, United Kingdom When: 08 May 2024 Credit: Dutch Press Photo/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE NETHERLANDS OR FRANCE**
- Guests attend a ceremony marking the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games, at Saint Paul’s Cathedral, London Featuring: Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex Where: London, United Kingdom When: 08 May 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- Queen Camilla, Honorary Air Commodore, during her visit RAF Leeming, Northallerton, to meet service personnel and their families and learn about the welfare support they are offered. Featuring: Queen Camilla Where: Northallerton, United Kingdom When: 06 Sep 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Queen Camilla, Honorary Air Commodore, during her visit RAF Leeming, Northallerton, to meet service personnel and their families and learn about the welfare support they are offered. Featuring: Queen Camilla Where: Northallerton, United Kingdom When: 06 Sep 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Braemar Gathering highland games at the Princess Royal and Duke of Fife Memorial Park Featuring: King Charles III, Queen Camilla Where: Braemar, United Kingdom When: 07 Sep 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Braemar Gathering highland games at the Princess Royal and Duke of Fife Memorial Park Featuring: Queen Camilla Where: Braemar, United Kingdom When: 07 Sep 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- Braemar Gathering highland games at the Princess Royal and Duke of Fife Memorial Park Featuring: KIng Charles III, Queen Camilla Where: Braemar, United Kingdom When: 07 Sep 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- King Charles III and Queen Camilla arrive at Crathie Kirk, near Balmoral, for a Sunday church service Featuring: King Charles III, Queen Camilla Where: Balmoral, United Kingdom When: 08 Sep 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
This is what Chuck gets for marrying his low-rent side piece. She and her gossipy gruesome friends are as tacky as can be.
Omg that photo 😂
That photo is exquisite.
I want to make that photo of Camila my computer screensaver.
I see she’s been to the Trump school of makeup.
That was my first thought! They have more in common than we realised.
And hair! Holy smokes, she IS Trump without the fat face and fake teeth.
It’s perfect isn’t it? It should be her official portrait, or else the one where she’s glaring through the car window in Kenya.
“Charles is too weak to stand up to Camilla AND the courtiers who want to see him isolated and estranged from his son.”?
Charles is a coward hiding behind cancer that, like his other daughter-in/law, he likely does not have, but uses to get unearned sympathy and avoid exposure for what he really is — a useless, heartless joke of a man and “father”.
That should have been in the Tonightmare maze – it would have really made Harry scream.
LOL or laugh really hard. She’s looking like the love child of Mr. Heat Miser and Mr. Snow Miser in that photo.
I’m sure Harry’s seen her looking far worse.
The ways it’s cropped in the header 😂. I was like, did she get a new hair style? Like a Lord Farquad one? Marie Antoinette?
Hahaha Queen Consort Farquad.
History will not be kind to her. She can continuously burnish the turd that is her reputation while she’s alive, but the truth is constantly leaking out and that’s what her legacy will be, as all of the planted articles in the Fail disappear into the trash bin of history.
Wow! I do think she got her hair cut a little shorter so there’s less weight to it ? And it must’ve flown just strait up!
She looks like late Trump’s mother in this picture, including the glorious combover pompadour.
Hahahaha! The spitting (and hissing) image!
Doesn’t she generally wear a hat when she’s outside? I wonder where it went? I’d pay to see a photograph of the moment it made its way out of the hairspray to freedom.
That hair, look up a picture of Gary Oldman as Dracula…hello Camilla!
@Giddy, you beat me to it 🤣
I must admit I only clicked on this story because I had to see what was going on with her hair 🤣
Honestly, it’s an improvement! I hate the 70s ‘do she wears exactly the same no matter the engagement – it’s like always wearing a housedress – oh, wait …
That is the only reason I clicked on this article tbh. Fan-forking-tastic!
I see Jack-Jack flaming in The Incredibles.
Charles’ whorse!
Double take as I thougth I saw Evil Queen from Alice in the Wonderland. U cannot tell me thats not the hair 😂
What an awful group of people. Cannot imagine growing up in that family. No wonder harry is so happy to be free.
I have never thought of Harry as ‘so happy to be free’. I feel that he understands that this is the position he must take to protect his family. I do think he wishes the circumstances were different.
No Harry’s happy to be free. He says he wished he had done it sooner.
William is never going to change. Harry and Meghan and children are better off now.
I get what you are saying. I’m sure Harry wishes it was different and he could spend Xmas with his paternal family or maybe attend certain events or still have certain patronages but it isn’t possible. It was either his wife/children or the BRF. Charles and William will never change.
Like any person, Harry wished he grew up in a normal family environment.
Where love was first & foremost. That wasn’t the situation. It was toxic.
I can only say that my DH grew up in a similar environment. Not He was very definite on living where I lived with family. Offered to move to his area. Big NO. It took him some years to come out and say that living away from his family made him better/stronger mentally.
Ofc Camilla doesn’t want them to meet. C firmly under thumb is part of how she retains her power. I do think Charles is being isolated but I also think it’s a convenient excuse to not take any action. “My hands are tied darling boy”, meanwhile he can exert his power when he wants.
He’s going to regret not being able to get over his own ego to have a father son relationship with the 1 child who wants it and sees him as more than just an obstacle to power and money.
Charles should watch RHNY and see how Luann stopped Jill from speaking to Bethenny most of one season and whether not repairing the relationship was good for Jill in any way. Spoiler: it was not. She resented B’s star rising and then missed the opportunity to glow up with her and bask in some secondary spotlight.
It’s so strange to me how those losers think hatred is a flex instead of a sign of weakness.
Yes! They don’t have enough empathy to see that. It’s always DARVO. When Harry said once he went to therapy it was like they spoke a different language, I see it.
Charles has already made his decision to be in Scotland next week, so there’s no need for further speculation about a meeting. All the rest is blah, blah, Camilla, blah, blah, apology, blah, blah, poor Charles, blah, blah.
Sad thing is, if Charles asked Harry to visit him up there, I think Harry would. Because he actually loves his dad and knows that there may not be a lot of time left. But Charles won’t ask even though Harry is right there. And Harry isn’t going to beg for scraps of attention that Charles deigns to bestow.
I think Harry has dropped any pleasantries with her and that took her aback when they saw each other – but still, there are multiple stories saying he would only be with his father alone. She may have “seen” him and gotten a frosty reception, but I actually believe they were alone together without her.
Yeah, is this the first time in the papers it’s been revealed that Camilla actually did meet with him? But yeah, it would have been for a moment before she was asked to leave😂. Harry doesn’t not have any f-cks left to give.
Chuckles and Horsilla will deserve the karma they get. I’m sure Harry is going to get in and get out quickly he knows the drill with his useless father so I don’t think he will even try to see him which will make Chuckles nuts and the Chuckles won’t see Harry crap will continue more strongly.
That’s right Camilla, lean into that evil stepmother role. You were born for it. Of course Charles the Weak is fine with letting her be the villain too. Harry should wash his hands of all of them, including his ogre of a brother.
The entire narrative she’s pushing with these briefings actually proves what Harry said about her in his book is true. She keeps telling her pets in the BM to remind people that she worked really hard to encourage Charles to treat his younger son like crap in order to completely destroy their relationship and that she will continue to encourage Charles to go out of his way to avoid showing even a hint of common courtesy or even be cordial with Harry. She just highlights not only how weak, immature and terrible a father Charles is but to spotlight what a truly despicable excuse for a human being she is as well
Powerful Cruella DeVille vibes in the wind blown hair photo. 😆
Harry and Charles’ relationship is dead and has been since Charles removed infant Archie’s security in Canada.
“The king has an instinctive impulse towards Christian reconciliation…”
Give me a fucking break. Stop. Just stop.
Sooooo nauseating. How that adulterous dogshit petty cad can be head of the Church of England makes perfect sense when you know it was founded by Henry VIII.
As a fan of Henry VIII’s six wives, I can’t resist pointing out that at least 2 of them were notably kind to and supportive of their stepkids and played major roles in getting Henry to reconcile with the girls. Jane Seymour brought Mary back into the fold, who became close enough with her that she was the chief mourner at Jane’s funeral; and Catherine Parr eventually helped convince him to restore Mary and Elizabeth to the line of succession. So there is a precendent for royal sidepieces-turned-consorts to not be toxic and petty, and even Henry himself would probably call out Charles for being an awful father.
Yes, oh yes, Chuckie is such a fine Christian. Such a fine man, one to be admired and emulated as the head of the CofE. Just typing those words makes me nauseous. Fine Christian men don’t marry 19 year olds for the express purpose of getting heirs. Fine Christian men don’t keep their sidepiece during that marriage and nearly drive their wives mad. Did this very fine man share the fault for Diana’s death? Did he allow his daughter in law to be subjected to racist abuse? Dis he turn his back on his younger son so completely that his son left England? Did he allow the sidepiece, now Queenie Sidepiece, to further his estrangement with his son? I see no fine man here, and I certainly see no Christian.
This. ^ ^ ^
In retrospective it’s good that Harry was the bigger person, and didn’t drag and slam Queen Side Piece in Spare the way she would have deserved and many of us, me included, would have liked to see.
Harry’s father’s second wife is perfectly able to do that on her own, and, as her ugly personality and awful behavior can’t shine on their own, she has to use friends to get the word out, so that everyone can be made aware of her mean character.
Spare was striking in how generous Harry was to everyone, particularly Keen and Charles. Willy seemed to come off worse because he knew how much the toxic media damaged them as children and grew up to weaponize the press against Harry out of lifelong jealousy and to conceal his own failure to launch. Harry acknowledged his father was weak and Camilla was pulling the strings. There were no “toxic aspersions” because she openly briefed againat Harry to protect her coked up spawn and to further her image. Her behavior was toxic and calling herbout on her toxicity does not make Harry the toxic one. The public needed educated on the invisible contract/toxic ties with right wing media and how the media deliberately distorts stories and lies to protect certain people and destroy others. Harry’s public image had been unfairly damaged to protect Willy and promote Camilla. He said the quiet part our loud. He could have went far harder at Willy and Keen in particular.
If Camilla was in that meeting, we would know what was discussed because she would have leaked it to the press. My guess is Harry and Charles will not meet. The main reason he put out that statement in May was because the press was saying that were going to meet when that was a lie. No doubt the press is going to bash Harry for not going up to Scotland even though he wasn’t invited.
It looked for a second she got a new hairdo. But it is windblown
Irony of ironies. Camilla and Charles both caused stress to the late first wife of Charles, Diana.
I think Diana haunts Camilla through Harry’s rizz and appearance.
He (unintentionally) Banquo’s the hell out of her feast, especially now that he’s rarely seen in the UK, so when he does it’s even more scary…Haha! Couldn’t happen to a nastier piece of work…
Okay, I love this idea. Thru Harry, Diana Banquo’s her feast.
Trump and Camilla — separated at birth!
I have to admit, I laughed at the idea that Camilla “does not want her husband to be subjected to unnecessary stress before his trip to Australia in mid-October”. If meeting with his youngest son would cause him so much stress that it would affect a trip he might take next month, perhaps he should not go? Surely, he’ll be just as stressed knowing Harry is in the UK and not under direct royal control?
And if he really is in ill health and his impulse is to see his son, the stress of keeping this hostile public charade going is much greater. Any ‘advice’ otherwise is grotesque elder abuse, in fact.
This whole article is so full of it. After once again trashing Meghan, do these cretins really expect Harry’s team to give them any details about his UK trip? Seriously?!!! Also notice how William’s reasons for not speaking to Harry keeps changing. Right now it’s Spare or not saying Catherine, before that the Oprah interview, before that the Netflix and Spotify deals, before that leaving the UK, before that the South Africa interview, etc.,etc. Whatever. Anyway, once again trying to center the royals in whatever Harry’s doing and trying to cause drama and pull focus. Anyway hope his Wellchild event goes very well, the Rota locked out and safe travels back to California. Also Charles is a petulant coward.
Sounds like Camilla’s position in the BRF is not as strong as we aew lead to believe. Camilla fees a reconciliation between Harry and Charles would convince Charles Camilla is a mistake on the end. She knows she’s cooked when William comes to the throne. That’s why she’s trying to ingratiate her kids and grandkids to Charles; they are not in the line of succession.
I read that just so I could see the pic of her hair
While I think Camilla is evil I think this is no different than Chuck saying it was Anne’s idea to kick the Sussexes out of Frogmore Cottage. Its no different than Willy blaming the mother’s day frankenphoto on Kate. No different than Andrew claiming he was with his daughter at a pizza place instead of committing a crime. Excluding Harry all these royal “men” refuse to deal with the consequences of their awful decision making. They selfishly make their wives, daughters and sisters carry the blame and subsequent consequences by telling them they’re “serving the monarchy” or doing their “royal duty”.
Thankfully Harry rejected this “royal duty” for Meghan and they left.
Christian reconciliation my butt.
And I am still laughing at that journalist that has been tearing strips off Palmer for three days running now and all the tea we are getting on this insane marriage and the Whiners.
What a travesty the Windsors are … all the tea that is boiling out of the pot… phew. And yet Charlie et al just got a raise ! Go figure
Evil stepmothers are not just in fairytales, Camilla is living proof of that.
No one’s photo-selection game is stronger than Kaiser’s! 🤩🤩🤩
I’ve only had one cup of coffee so I’m just going to say it, I HATE this woman. I disliked her before, but now she truly is the evil stepmother except for the ugly face in the mirror. The external reflects the interior.
Charles needs to grow a pair… the Cow does not need to see Harry, but it would do Charles a lot of good to share some private time with his ‘darling boy.’
He doesn’t want to die with no reconciliation… the Cow wants no reconciliation because she knows Harry has the measure of her.
So Charles… is blood thicker than water?
A decent person would be stressed over NOT seeing his child and would be stressed out about Harry and his family being in danger without needed security and would do all that he could to help. Instead what stresses this tool (with influence and resources at his fingertips) is the thought that his son MIGHT MAYBE ask for help.
Camilla is evil incarnate
Her face looks like a withered old prune.
And LOL at Charles’ Christian impulses. As far as I know — and I haven’t read the Bible cover to cover — but I can’t remember a psalm about imagining oneself as a sidepiece’s tampon.
She looks like a spoiled pear. The inside is just as hideous, too.
By far the most flattering hairdo that woman has ever sported.
Does the flowbee work with a Dyson hookup?
Yes it does work on a Dyson animal upright vacuum.
That’s his son and grandchildren! I’m sure he’d like to see them before he dies!
He needs to see Meghan too. Such a cold hearted man
That photo reminds me of the red queen in Alice in Wonderland!!!
Camilla using her husband’s cancer to further rehabilitate her image, as per usual.
Kaiser, I am dead , thanks for the photo of side piece leather face . This B Evil deeds will forever haunt her face until her last days. As for chuck, he truly is a dog s father, and grandfather.
Love me, love my children. Camilla should not be interfering between a father and his sons. As for William, he should keep his nose out as well.
Her forehead is remarkably smooth and free of deep wrinkles. What gives?
Why do Camilla’s dresses always have zippers in the front? She has maids to help her dress.’