Prince Harry visited a tattoo parlor & plans to visit Lesotho next week

I haven’t seen many people remarking on this, but Prince Harry’s movements in New York last week were almost entirely undercover. Beyond his meetings, Clinton Global Initiative speech and various charitable outings, there were no sightings of Harry out to lunch or getting pap’d outside of a hotel. He was moving around like a shark. Good for him. There was one “sighting” of him though – on Wednesday, he made an hour-long stop at East Side Ink, a tattoo parlor in the Lower East Side. He had plain-clothes NYPD officers guarding him, alongside his own private security. Did he get a tattoo for his 40th? And if that was the only non-business sighting of Harry, he and his security did a great job this trip. I hope they do a good job for his next trips: first London, then Lesotho and South Africa.

Prince Harry is having a busy autumn. Fresh off the Duke’s New York City trip, Sentebale announced that Harry will be visiting Lesotho and South Africa in early October. It will mark his first return to the region since his and Meghan Markle’s visit in 2019, and he will be joined by Sentebale co-founding patron Prince Seesio.

“It fills me, the team, and our wider community with joy to welcome Prince Harry or Mohale as we affectionately refer to him by his Sesotho royal name which means ‘warrior,'” Prince Seeiso said. “Now more than ever, as we look to the challenges of our young generation here in Lesotho, the collective energy of both local and international individuals and organizations who see the potential in these youth, is embraced. We know that there are bright futures at stake, and we continue to approach our work with the vision that all children can be empowered, healthy and resilient through sustainable solutions that can ultimately be locally driven.”

Prince Harry also shared a statement about the visit, noting Sentebale’s “profound understanding of local youth” in Lesotho and Botswana, specifically “their passions, their concerns, and their extraordinary creativity.”

“These young adults are eager and capable of driving meaningful change, yet significant barriers still stand in their way. As we head towards our 20th anniversary, our ambition has grown, giving us the confidence to bring our skills and experience in designing solutions with young people, and to leveraging our convening power to engage with leading regional players and global funders so we can add Sentebale’s voice to addressing the challenges faced by the next generation in Southern Africa,” he said.

On the trip, the group (which includes corporate foundations and philanthropists) will head to Lesotho “to witness Sentebale’s programs at work.” In Lesotho, Prince Harry and Prince Seeiso will meet with local leaders and youth advocates. After, they will go to Johannesburg, South Africa for working sessions with “leading Southern Africa-based business leaders, foundations and organizations already active in the youth sector.” Per Sentebale, “these sessions will explore collaborative strategies to deploy expertise and innovative capital to reduce the digital divide and ensure youth access to healthcare, education, entrepreneurship, and employment opportunities.”

[From Town & Country]

While this has absolutely been in the works for a while, it amuses me to think that Harry attended that UN meeting about Lesotho, where he was seen embracing Lesotho’s king and queen, and within a matter of days, this trip was announced. It’s giving “you need to come and visit us, we miss you!” He hasn’t been in Lesotho in six years, going from other reports. But remember, Harry led a congressional delegation through several African countries back in 2022. It’s possible Harry has visited Lesotho more recently and it just hasn’t been publicized, I’m just saying.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Avalon Red.

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69 Responses to “Prince Harry visited a tattoo parlor & plans to visit Lesotho next week”

  1. Jan says:

    The BM begging the tattoo artist for information about Harry and he told them all his clients deserves, their privacy, but Harry was a good guy.

    • The BM is a group of stalkers. The Tattoo place said nothing. Harry is very busy and this trip to Africa will make heads explode. Harry’s security this trip was excellent.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Prince “Africa is MINE” is going to be freaking apoplectic. Hope Wee Jason Knauf has the smelling salts on standby. Given TOB’s tendencies, he might want to wear a full set of hockey padding.

    • Is That so? says:

      Bribing, most likely. That tattoo artist will have to say no to a lot of money. Next the British trashloids will be bribing locker room attendants.

      • Jay says:

        It’s good publicity for the tattoo parlour to be discreet, yet still be “known” as the place Harry may or may not have gotten some ink.

        The only question on my mind is, when and how are we going to hear about TOB maybe getting a tattoo, also! Something to go with his new “sexy and single” vine. A full colour phoenix back tattoo, perhaps?

      • BeanieBean says:

        @Jay: it’ll be his favorite emoji, 🍆

  2. Pinkosaurus says:

    NYC security when the UN is in town is intense. Even the tabloid rats used to bribing, stealing and sneaking into the bushes do not have a chance of getting in to lurk. Harry and his team really know what they are doing when they timed this visit.

  3. Amy Bee says:

    I guess the British press can stop saying now that he doesn’t work, right? Plus, they’ll be no time for Harry to see Charles so we can forego the questions about him going up to Scotland. He can’t go up there without being invited anyway.

  4. Lady Digby says:

    Fundamental problem for The Crown is proactive and energetic spare being visible at high level versus FK whose frequent absences or weaving about appearances you have to explain or excuse? Still it is not like anybody could have forseen that it would be Will who would fold and Harry would flourish in a crisis!

    • Eurydice says:

      I have to say that I never expected William to fold quite this badly. I figured him to be mediocre, but not the wreck we’re seeing today.

      • Tina says:

        Agreed William has never been charismatic but I always assumed he would be a pretty decent (if boring) heir and eventual monarch. Maybe I just wasn’t really paying attention. But it’s really stunning to see one brother moving about the world as a VIP and it’s not the future king.

      • Pink tutu says:

        Isn’t the problem, though, that with the entire British press as his pr machine, it matters not what he does or does not? No one will question him. He’ll be able to do as he pleases. The peasants still read the fail.

      • Neeve says:

        The thing is ,if Harry would have stayed he still would not be able to do all this,they would have kept him in roles that still dimmed his light.

      • Whyforthelove says:

        Agree, I expected Will to be boring and mean but I hadn’t expected the 100 car pile up he has become …I mean yikes I think Mad King George worked more

      • Debbie says:

        Mediocre, frequently absent? William! I’ll have you people know that for weeks now William has been very “busy” working on a second-rate beard, so there! He is hard at work. /s.

      • Eurydice says:

        @Pink tutu – Even the PR doesn’t matter all that much. The problem is that whoever pops out first gets to be king; that’s the only requirement.

        @Debbie – Lol, I’d say Will’s beard represents Will himself – mediocre and it looks like parts of it are absent.

      • Pink tutu says:

        Sure whoever pops out first. But given the entire establishment is built on supporting him, whatever he does, the plebs won’t revolt. If he didn’t have that entire pr machine making up bs there would be far more disgruntled subjects.

      • Pink tutu says:

        One of the Mary’s : that’s the question many here at least would like answered. But he can get away with murder so, who knows?

    • Joy says:

      Everything they’ve claimed about Harry (all of his life) is actually true of William. For example, he’s not that bright, he drinks/does drugs, he never got his pilot license for flying the black hawk, he’s never piloted a helicopter, only co-piloted, etc etc ad nauseum. ALLL of these things is true of William, and have nothing to do w/ Harry. When H left it screwed up decades of their lies.

      • Kingston says:

        This is the truth and the whole truth in a nutshell. Its why there’s agitation in the royal institution, the shitmedia & even the govt. And the entire ruling-class state apparatus.

      • One of the marys says:

        @pinktutu, it seems to matter to William. Otherwise why is he such a wreck?

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        @Kingston Agitation of Crown and govt is the best karmic revenge for Diana’s unaliving I’ve ever seen.

        Cluck and Huevo as the agents of their own destruction, their darkness devouring them and taking their courtiers, the press, and the tories down with the ship.

        :sips tea: Keep thriving, Sussexes. So glad Tyler Perry sent you that lifeboat.

      • Normal_Islander says:

        Joy- everything they claimed about Meghan is also true of Kate: She’s lazy; she’s never had a proper job; she stalked her husband; she’s trapped her husband in an unhappy marriage; she’s got some shady characters among her family etc. Only that last one is true of Meghan, and they’re all true of Kate!

      • LisaN says:

        This! I visit a popular royal subreddit, and said there are literally videos online of H flying an Apache, and was shut down as being delusional. Like digital evidence is not enough 🤦🏼‍♀️

  5. Pink tutu says:

    NYC police were treating him like the VIP he is. So impressed with the NYC motorcade given what happened previously and that the media were staking out his hotel. Such obscene vultures. Go see what your tax funded royals are doing.

    • Jais says:

      The serious security that Harry and Meghan now get every time they’re in nyc suggests that the relentless car pursuit was as serious as they said. I’m still mad at how people acted like they were exaggerating about that. They never said high-speed. They said relentless. People put words in their mouth that they never said and then called them liars.

  6. Anonymous says:

    So we have a ‘spare’ who, in 1 year, has visited Vancouver, Nigeria, Colombia, a week in NY with high-profile groups and the UN, supporting his beloved charities in London, received multiple awards, produced a Netflix show, started and continued initiatives with their foundation, and now is going to visit Lesotho and South Africa. And we still have 3 months left in 2024. And the heir the throne has done what? Went to Germany for some soccer matches? Had some meetings at a pub?

    lol…I really think they’re going to try and force William to do a tour somewhere in 2025 and we’ll get another failed attempt at W trying to be H.

    • Pink tutu says:

      I think he’s done more than that. He’s done at least two charity polo tournaments including one in Sin? I think. There’s still a lot more he’s done. Weird, right? No one cares about him. Lol

      • Eurydice says:

        Really interesting, thanks. Fascinating to see the progress Harry has made since he left the RF, especially considering that the first year or so were filled with the chaos of relocating and the pandemic.

      • ML says:

        Anonymous, I appreciate both your comments, and I like the way this VF article you linked mentions that Harry switched up his NY visit between different charities and topics, his public speaking skills have improved significantly in the last five years, and emphasized that experienced staff who have worked with him for over a decade help him here. Specifically the amount of countries he’s visited, his clear preparation and his commitment to his causes compares well to the environment he grew up in. Without being blatant about it, Erin V. (Last name??) was impressed by H(&M), less so the RF.

      • Fastgran50 says:

        I agree with this article Harry has come into his own since leaving the royals. The writer was right is is very nice listening to Harry’s voice. He’s so like his mother was.

  7. Lavendel says:

    Perseus could defeat Medusa the Terrible with a cloaking cap and there are very modern experiments with light refraction to make aeroplanes “invisible”, especially in the military. I think Prince Harry has a cloaking cap. Useful for defeating the Gorgons 🙂

  8. Talie says:

    If NYC has determined he needs at least one police car following him around then London is definitely playing Russian roulette with his life every time he goes over there and they claim he doesn’t need security. Man, these people are like sadistic on another level. If the press was actually decent over there, they would be calling this out.

    • Nanea says:

      There was an article in the Standard earlier this year, sadly no date, and there’s a screenshot making the rounds with an exerpt.

      Long story short — if Harry is harmed, no1 currs.

      ● King Charles justifies the government preventing his son from having security by arguing that a successful attack on Prince Harry would not significantly disturb the British public

      Sir James said it was “simply incorrect” to suggest that there was no evidence that the issue of impact was considered, adding that the death of Diana, Princess of Wales Harry’s mother – was raised as part of the decision.

      He added: “Ravec gave greater weight to the impact on state functions being lessened as a result of the change, over likely significant public upset were a successful attack on (Harry) to take place.”

      Mr Justice Lane will give his judgment over the case at a later date.

      • heatherthyme says:

        ● “King Charles justifies the government preventing his son from having security by arguing that a successful attack on Prince Harry would not significantly disturb the British public.”

        This is one of the most cold blooded statements ever! No loss to him, and no disturbance to the British public! My G_d!

      • antipodean says:

        The cold-blooded gall of these people! A variation of Mustn’t frighten the horses! I suspect that the British public would be far more disturbed by anything happening to Harry than they would old Chuck himself!

      • Chantal1 says:

        That’s one of the most underhanded and evil call to action I’ve ever seen. And Trump sends at least one evil call to action to his MAGAts daily.

        I can’t believe that the Lying king said the quiet part out loud! He really wouldn’t care if something awful happened to his youngest son! I now believe that C-Rex orchestrated both the NYC car chase and the Paris paparazzi one, trying to achieve the same result (I was suspicious but also skeptical). I hope that Harry truly severs ties with this evil institution bc I think that as long as they think they own and control him, neither he nor his family will be safe. Apparently, 5000+ miles and financial independence aren’t enough deterrents for these vultures to leave the Sussexes alone (apologies to vultures!). And we know that Willy Nilly is 100 times worse than his sh*tty father.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Cluck makes these assertions at his peril. If a successful attack on Prince Harry happened on UK soil, I predict Cluck’s reign would absolutely be over.

        People that don’t show up to his public walkabouts nonsense would be in. the. streets, baying for another royal’s vitals altogether. Too many people hold him responsible for what happened to Diana. Everything would unravel for the palaces if a hair on Harry’s head is harmed. THAT is why they need to get RAVEC’s poop in a group and grant Harry the security he deserves.
        Because the survival of the ones currently denying him security depends on it, basically.

        Harry is beloved globally. Cluck is not beloved anywhere.

  9. Swack says:

    My grandson is a tattoo artist and Harry could have definitely gotten a small tattoo in that time. Maybe something to commemorate his children.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      I got my belly button piercing at a tattoo shop, maybe he went there for that🤷🏼‍♀️.. I think it is hilarious that they refused to give the British media any information. Most people don’t just drop into a tattoo shop if they aren’t considering getting something done.. but no matter what he chooses to do it certainly isn’t news, or anyone else’s business.

      • Pink tutu says:

        I had my ears pierced (aged 50! Lol) at a tattoo parlour. They have excellent technique and cleanliness (at least where I went). Highly recommend.

      • HeatherC says:

        I recommend anyone get anything, incuding ears, pierced at a tattoo parlor At least in my state (NY) the cleanliness is regulated by the health department and it’s not a 19 year old with 2 weeks of training using a “gun” that is impossible to sterilize and is used on everyone (hi Claire’s!). Tattoo parlors use single use only supplies, from needles to razors to paints (though they may be pulled from a bigger container into a small one, it’s not poured back in). My neice got her ears pierced (4 years old) in Florida in a tattoo parlor (with her mom) and it was painless, quick and no infections, healed with no problems.

    • Berkeleyfarm says:

      I got my first ever small, simple tattoo this year (a life size outline of my late cat’s paw with a little heart in the center) and the artist was done in like 10 minutes!

  10. Mightymolly says:

    Can a New Yorker explain that video to me? How is there a giant undeveloped plot of land in the world’s hottest housing market? Sorry I tried to look for Harry but that was so distracting.

    • Is that so? says:

      Look for the prelate pate. Harry is not wearing a hat and his shiny scalp is a beacon. First time I’ve felt affection for that particular view. He’s wearing white sneakers, dark (maybe black) pants and an open brownish jacket.

    • Libra says:

      Maybe a building teardown and developer waiting for permits to build?

    • windyriver says:

      ES Ink is on Rivington Street in the middle of the Lower East Side. An area undergoing rapid change from it’s former history as the first stop for various waves of immigrants coming to the US/NYC. Very likely at one time there were decades old tenements or other buildings on the site that were pulled down. (See the new modern building four blocks north at the corner of Suffolk St. which replaced a circa 1925 factory.) Lots of new eateries have sprung up the last few years. Wouldn’t be surprised if plans exist for future building on that site.

      • Mightymolly says:

        Thanks Windriver. That makes sense! I haven’t been to NYC in years, but it seems like the more traditionally wealthy neighborhoods just keep finding new ways to add high rise housing in every available nook. (I love the video tours of those awful penthouses a million feet above the city.)

  11. Is That So? says:

    It sounds like a busy working trip. It would be nice if Meghan, the children, and Doria could join Harry for a part of it. I know he’d love to introduce the kids to Africa and vice versa.

  12. Kingston says:

    Er…..busy, WORKING, trip = NOT a time for fun, family, holiday. 🙄


  13. Em says:

    Hope he gets a tattoo of his wife and kids or a wedding band tattoo so any time the tabloids say he makes a solo trip without his family to be shady he can be like nah I’ll always carry them with me

  14. Neeve says:

    I wonder which Royals have tattoos,i would think that would be something frowned upon. Though I’m sure someone like Mike Tindall might have a couple.

  15. Saucy&Sassy says:

    “On the trip, the group (which includes corporate foundations and philanthropists) will head to Lesotho “to witness Sentebale’s programs at work.”

    I hope they get the donations they need to continue the work they’re currently doing and adding more programs to make it even more successful.

  16. Steph says:

    I was a little confused about Harry only mentioning young adults instead of all youths. Then I remembered why Sentebale came about to begin with. When it was founded over 90% of the population of working and reproductive aged people had been killed by HIV/AIDS. It essentially became a nation of senior citizens and orphans. Twenty years on, yes, they are young adults now. The population of children won’t really be there until these young people have kids of their own. That’s a devastating reality.

  17. tamsin says:

    I read that Sentebale has grown and developed in their work over the two decades and now has extended its programs in Botswana as well, so the foundation’s reach is growing. Harry seems to have supplied a lot of funding through his polo, but I guess he can’t be doing that forever, so always thinking of the future. I think Harry’s vision is something not mentioned enough. Seems he’s always alert to needs in the world, and responds productively or helps others to be productive in areas where he thinks he can make a contribution. Sentebale, Halo Trust, and Travelyst, Parents Network are prime examples. I imagine that Harry was actual the driving force behind the mental health initiative. It seems the boys split up their mother’s humanitarian causes. William took on homelessness. Can anyone point to one successful program or project that William has initiated or stood behind? Taking a picture with a homeless person doesn’t really count, nor does “sleeping rough” one time. Like Kate, he needs to get past the “awareness” stage. We all know homelessness is a major socio/economic issue. What has William done to alleviate the problem? Beyond laziness, he seems to lack the ability to work with others and generate solutions.

    • windyriver says:

      Harry also donated $1,500,000 to Sentebale and 300,000 pounds to WellChild from the proceeds from Spare. The statement he would do so was included in pre-publication PR for Spare and appeared on the bottom of the official Penguin Random House page. The statement is still there, though the page was updated to included the publication of the paperback version, due out 10/22/2024.

      There isn’t much more to say about William’s efforts that hasn’t already been said. At one point a few years back, my theory was, Will didn’t really understand what it means to work, to put effort into something and be rewarded, because as heir, he was always allowed to glide through, with no consequences for failing to complete assignments or projects. (Who really believes he earned that college degree?). I thought, he must really believe Harry’s success is just a matter of a splashy project introduction, followed afterwards by the right photos and PR. But since Will never put in the work to back things up, his programs were always doomed.

      Could be, this theory is true, at least in part. But Will’s now a 40+ year old man. If he’s not getting the results he hopes for, he’s got the resources to help him figure out why not. Of course, he’d have to actually care about the projects he’s putting out there, and (as with Kate) the indications are, he doesn’t care beyond the superficial consideration of what will give him good PR compared with Harry. A sad way for anyone to live their life.

  18. Lady Digby says:

    As Harry flourishes whilst Will wilts, should the Firm be concerned or just shrug because they control the BM who will always cover for FK? Has Will, gulp, already peaked and its all downhill from now on or is it just a bad patch caused by drinking to cope with both father and wife having uncertain health and the prospect of becoming king a decade before he expected? Did pa extend a fatherly embrace towards his son and heir at the Balmoral meeting? It is his duty as King and father to prepare his son for kingship so they should be enjoying mutual comfort and support in each other’s company but history teaches us otherwise. Diana would have intervened because something is really wrong with Will.

  19. wolfmamma says:

    William lacks the compassion gene I believe. And Kate too it.
    Sad for the monarchy and the House of Windsor to be so obvious about it.

  20. Vixxo says:

    My favourite thing is #DailyFail trying to get info from the Tattoo Shop owner who didn’t even acknowledge Harry had been there.
    Unlike the cab driver in New York who claimed nothing had happened then we find out through a court filing that the NYPD sent a report to the Metro about how dangerous the chase was.
    Looking forward to Harry being in the neighborhood 😀 💝💖💗💕💟💞💓❤❣💜

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