The Times: Meghan Markle screamed at a florist for 30 minutes in 2018

I’m bored to tears with the “Meghan is a bully” character assassination. It’s been eight years since then-Meghan Markle met a charismatic prince, and an entire national press has smeared her, abused her, tormented her and gaslighted her ever since. Enough. Give it a f–king rest. They’re still desperately trying to claim her and abuse her from afar. The “bully” story was given a second life on September 12th when the Hollywood Reporter mimicked all of the old British smears but claimed that they were being told the same thing by Archewell staffers. Meghan’s rebuttal was to organize a cover story in Us Weekly, wherein her staffers went on the record about what she’s really like as a boss – a lovely person who gives gifts, is understanding about giving people time off, and a boss who gives clear direction. Then the Daily Beast’s Tom Sykes decided to – bizarrely – get in contact with Harry and Meghan’s former staffers in the UK, meaning people who used to or still work for Prince William and Kate. So we’re back to years-old smears from salty, lazy people who were reduced to tears at being assigned tasks by a Black woman. Of course they had unhinged things to say about Meghan being a “psycho.” I bring up that Sykes piece because the Sunday Times decided to give Sykes more space in their paper. Some highlights from yet another idiotic hit piece:

Why Sykes decided to regurgitate the old smears: The outpouring of love that had emerged in Us Weekly was served up by Meghan’s comms team, to push back against The Hollywood Reporter article. After reading this rather odd piece, I decided to call up a number of individuals who worked for Meghan back in Blighty, when she was still a royal. It’s fair to say that their recollections varied. “There definitely were bad, very bad, even psycho moments. I witnessed people being chewed up in person and over the phone and made to feel like s***,” one courtier who worked for Meghan and Harry told me, adding: “It was an incredibly fraught time and I’m inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt. She has said herself she was suicidal at times.”

Meghan screamed at a florist over the phone? Another person who worked with Meghan in the run-up to her wedding told me: “I always thought she was a classic narcissist and getting her staff to tell a magazine how amazing she is only confirms that in my mind. She is lovely when it is all going her way but a demon when the worm turns.” And a third source told me the story of a florist who was “screamed at down the phone” for half an hour after posting insignificant detail online about a bouquet they were working on for Meghan (without identifying that Meghan was the client). “They vowed never to work with her again, despite the prestige of having her as a client. If you were working for her, you were often treated like a tradesman who could be treated like s***.”

The Us Weekly story was one-sided, unlike all of the British reporting!! But the ridiculously one-sided article in Us Weekly gave the media the perfect opportunity to revive these dormant controversies. Yet again, the melodrama had overtaken the good works.

Harry’s trip to the UK: Much more important [than the WellChild Awards] to Brand Harry, however, will be whether his father agrees to see him during his sojourn in his homeland. Neither side would definitively tell me whether a meeting is planned on this trip, but all the indications so far are that it is not. The King is in Scotland, gathering his strength for a forthcoming trip to Australia. The Queen, her friends have told me, is keen that Charles doesn’t get unnecessarily stressed out and is not encouraging a meeting. For Harry, there can be no meaningful rehabilitation as a royal without reconciliation. His father’s recent health scare has added a sense of urgency to that quest.

That pathetic Hallmark video: Relations between William and Harry are very poor. Yet because of the king’s health issues, some executive power and influence is already flowing William’s way. If you doubt that, just look at the glossy Instagram video William and Kate published last month to announce her recovery from cancer. Despite relentless messaging from the palace that Charles and Kate’s bond has deepened and strengthened in the course of their separate cancer battles, Charles didn’t even make the final cut. Kate’s parents, Mike and Carole Middleton, did.

Meghan DGAF about the UK: Subtle shifts in power between William and Charles won’t really affect Meghan, who seems to have little interest in spending time with the Windsors and is quite happy to be the commercial arm of Sussex Inc, selling jam and making TV shows.

Harry wants to leave the celebrity stuff behind? But speaking to sources close to Harry, it’s quite clear that he wants to leave behind the celebrity nonsense typified by last week’s debacle with Us magazine, recover his reputation as an honest dealer and become known as a serious philanthropic player. Sources have also been clear to me that Harry does not want his old royal life back: he adores the California sunshine and treasures his wife and family. But he undoubtedly would like to reoccupy the space he briefly held on stage at the Clinton Initiative, and will hold again at WellChild.

Harry must reconcile with the crown? However, it’s going to be incredibly difficult, nigh on impossible, to transform back into a credible quasi-royal unless he reconciles with the crown. If Charles were to welcome Harry back into the fold, the nation would probably follow his lead; the reservoir of affection for Diana’s boy is deep. But unless Harry can switch the narrative away from the kind of tit-for-tat melodrama we’ve seen this month, he may never be able to find his way back.

[From The Times]

Let’s take this in pieces. First, the Meghan stuff – they’re mad that the Us Weekly story was “one-sided” or they’re mad that their “unnamed sources” with an ax to grind and zero specific stories can’t compete with named staffers saying that Meghan is a good boss? If “one-sided” is a reason to toss out certain reports, surely we can toss out the overwhelming majority of British royalist reporting? The story about Meghan bitching out a florist… lol. First of all, at least it’s something specific! It took years, but we finally got one story! Now. I don’t believe that she screamed, but I bet Meghan did call the florist and ask the woman to not publicize anything to do with her, and the florist was probably in a snit about it. Sidenote: remember how the Middletons didn’t pay for Kate’s wedding cake and we didn’t find out until years later? Well, at least it wasn’t a curt phone call!

As for the stuff about Harry… he literally has that polo show coming out. He was literally just in New York with a whole lot of business to conduct. He doesn’t “need” to have a connection to those dreadful people. THEY need HIM. They need him to need them. Harry keeps showing everyone how meaningless and awful they are and they keep running after him, screaming “you need us!!”

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images, Instar. Cover courtesy of Us Weekly.

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169 Responses to “The Times: Meghan Markle screamed at a florist for 30 minutes in 2018”

  1. sevenblue says:

    Cool, now give names. Pay the florist to tell what really happened. Because, the “one-sided” article put the names of the sources and the direct quotes into the public discussion. Otherwise, it is another bullsh*t story like hundreds out there how she screamed at the palace staff. I am sure the very real florist didn’t sign any NDA, since they decided not to work with her ever again.

    Also, the palace makes sure that no one uses the royals for PR. Remember how a guy cited Kate as her client to market his botox service and the palace staff quickly briefed that Kate didn’t use his services. If there is a florist out there got yelled at, there is no f*cking way Meghan did it. I am sure one of the palace staff called them.

    • Beana says:

      I bet that one of the names behind the article is Melissa Toubati, the assistant they terminated (for reasons still unknown), who got the job through her buddy Jason Knauf.

      • ML says:

        Beana, You’re on to something there with MT. And probably JK is one of Syke’s favorite sources as well.

        As for the other stuff: Syke’s says that KC didn’t make the final cut for the cancer-free Hallmark ad video. Does that literally mean he was originally filmed but edited out?
        Harry and celebrity: Harry just showed up on Jimmy Fallon…that is not exactly “serious statesman who eschews celebrity “ vibes.

      • Becks1 says:

        I feel like the majority of these “bullying” stories are from Jason Knauf and Melissa Toubati. Its clear re: Toubati that she was incompetent and never should have been hired. I think she’s the one Scobie talked about when he mentioned how having one meeting a week can feel like bullying when you’re used to one meeting every few months.

        And Jason Knauf was clearly just there to do William’s bidding.

      • Proud Mary says:

        I beg to differ. Regardless of whom there’re acting through, the lies, whether bullying or otherwise, are always from William and Kate! I believe you all are letting them off the hook when you choose to emphasize Jason Knauf and that other person. These people are mere surrogates of William and Kate, who are always the primary beneficiaries of all assaults upon Meghan’s character.

      • Becks1 says:

        @ProudMary everyone knows that Jason is William’s surrogate. I literally said in my comment “Jason Knauf was clearly just there to do William’s bidding.”

        But Melissa was hired by Jason and by most speculation/accounts she was the one that was the biggest issue and complained the most about Meghan.

      • kirk says:

        Proud Mary – The courtiers “are mere surrogates of William and Kate, who are always the primary beneficiaries of all assaults upon Meghan’s character.” Yep. Whenever someone was ‘reduced to tears’ or ‘made to feel like sh*t’ when working for Harry or Meghan, I understand that’s because they had to work for the “Spare” not the “Heir” – they much prefer to work for the ones who are anointed by God to rule. At least that’s what Robert Lackey wrote in his ‘Brothers’ book.

      • Megan says:

        Anyone else find it weird that Meghan had been working her entire adult life and there is only one job where the employees complained about her? Never heard a negative word from a single person on the Suits set, or from Archwell. If the tabs readers would apply just the smallest amount of critical thinking, they might start to wonder what exactly they are paying for in William and Kate’s office because it produces nothing and no one seems capable of doing anything but complain.

    • L Williams says:

      Yes there is podcast where a woman who was at a U.K Meghan event when Meghan was in the U.K that said that Meghan was very nice,she spent extra time at the event when she didn’t have to. Meghan spoke to everyone. But the U.K staff that where the advance team for the event where rude and demanding. I can imagine if U.K staff where that rude. What they where saying behind Meghan’s back about her.

  2. YeahRight says:

    There is no way this is true due to the simple fact that we are just now hearing about this. As much as they want to paint Meghan as evil they would’ve ran with this from the start.

    • swaz says:


    • PC says:

      According to the story in Bazaar written by Tamara Abraham, May 19, 2018, Meghan’s bouquet was created by florist Philippa Craddock. At the time she was quoted as saying according to People Magazine: “Craddock enjoyed working with Meghan and Harry, calling it “an absolute pleasure.”

      Someone needs to contact Craddock for confirmation.

      • BQM says:

        It’s not necessarily the florist who did the wedding bouquet or even flowers for the wedding. Could be someone who did flowers for their home or a dinner party. It’s all left very purposely vague especially with the detail about not even mentioning Meghan by name in her social media. Because how do you track down an unnamed florist who made a social media post about Meghan which didn’t name Meghan involving an unnamed event?

    • Mayp says:

      Yeah, I don’t believe this either. Oh, the florist might have gotten a dressing down but not from Meghan.

      Remember the story about the jeweler (Jennifer Meyer?) getting a dressing down from KP for having posted something on Instagram (or Twitter?) about a piece of jewelry Meghan wore?

      William and his minions are the screamers, not Meghan.

      • goofpuff says:

        Exactly. It was KP, not Meghan who screamed. But as along as the haters can get the media to print anything, they win. Because they rely on people who believe that media still act like real journalists when really everything is turning into a tabloid and nobody ever checks facts anymore.

  3. Afken says:

    Why would Harry need to reconcile with the royals to be considered a serious philanthropist?? The MAJORITY of philanthropists are not royal and the previous 4 nearly 5 years now proves this wrong. As for the screaming at the florist, okay, no one deserves that. But that would put Meghan in the same vein as Carole Middleton, as Charles, as Anne, as Sophie who screamed at her bodyguard in broad daylight in the high street. It makes her a bridezilla at one of the most stressful periods in her life. Not some unique monster. I always think, what is the end goal? Is it literally for her to die? You didn’t want her to be here, so she left the country. Now what? She shouldn’t exist anywhere??

    • sevenblue says:

      I believe the yelling at the florist story as much as I believed “Meghan made Kate cry” during wedding story. It is the same bullsh*t.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        I am more inclined to believe it was “The White Duchess” that probably screamed down the phone at a florist; because it absolutely sounds like something Mean Girl KKKate would do.

        Those courtiers must be doing a ton of Tom PB’s cocaine if they can’t even keep their duchesses straight over at KP when they ring up the toady press.

    • Tina says:

      Honestly it’s so funny that British people think anyone cares about the monarchy outside of the UK. I live in a commonwealth country and we don’t hear about them at all. Harry will always be princess dianas son and he has the charisma and the work ethic to be a successful philanthropist. No one cares about the Windsors.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      A family that lives off from government subsidizes are not Philanthropists what these people are just greedy and gluttonous welfare recipients.. 500 million pounds a year and they barely show up for their charities and cause, and they certainly do nothing to support the charities financially.

    • Becks1 says:

      I agree – I’m reading this and I’m just tired. Like, let’s say this story is true. Let’s say Meghan yelled at a florist during one of the most stressful periods in her life, over 6 years ago.

      Okay? And then what? She left, she lives in a different country on a different continent, she has different staff, that was over 6 years ago…..aren’t the tabloids and RRs tired of talking about some shit that happened 6 years ago? You didn’t want her there, you bullied her out of the country, now leave her alone.

      • Nic919 says:

        It also sounds like the reason for being mad was because the florist went to the media. She wouldn’t be the first royal to get mad over that. Or threaten litigation like Kate and William did with Tatler.

  4. Beana says:

    I noticed the article is suggesting that Meghan is mentally unstable, using the term “psycho” and then making reference to her past suicidal ideation. Despicable. And straight out of the playbook they STILL use for Diana.

    • Amy Bee says:


    • Miranda says:

      Came to say this. It’s infuriating that they put this shit out there, then hide behind their mental health patronages (which, why the hell haven’t those charities dropped them by now? They can’t possilbly be benefiting that much from patrons who never show up in the first place).

    • Tina says:

      In addition to the psycho term I think Sykes’ Daily beast this week referred to her as a demon. So they are ramping up their attacks.

    • Christine says:

      This. FFS, I will never get over just how strong Meghan is, as we are nearing a decade of the abuse. I don’t believe she yelled at a florist for half an hour at all.

      • sunnyside up says:

        It doesn’t make sense, any sensible person would hang up.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Right???? Who stays on the phone when they’re getting yelled at????

      • LRB says:

        I came here to say just that… half an hour is a long time to scream, and as you say the florist would simply ring off. So another fake story . The questioning of her mental state is despicable. I think they could concentrate on Kate’s mental state over the last year.

    • bisynaptic says:


    • Gtwiecz says:

      It was the playbook for years when hierarchies or rich husbands wanted to get rid of a woman.

  5. ML says:

    The florist story has been kept secret for six whole years while all sorts of disgusting stories were being published about Meghan—some even made up like the stockings making Kate cry—and we’re just hearing about this now? I don’t believe it.

    • Proud Mary says:

      Desperate times calls for desperate measures. This is clear evidence that William and Kate are done. That summer’s Eve vid was the last nail.

    • Blubb says:

      Beans, you are right. And they never Stopp. Read today that Paul Burrell told Fayed touched Diana too. In 1995. Now that both are dead Burrell tell this. Why now? I don’t believe she would have spent the summer with the family in this case.

  6. Amy Bee says:

    Still unnamed sources and lack of actual incidents. I can’t take anything at face value because we all know white people receive responses from black people differently and they’re prone to microagressions against black people. As for Harry, the press and Palace have convinced themselves that he wasn’t doing any charity work after he left the UK. They’re desperate for him to return to the Royal fold and unable to accept that he’s not coming back.

  7. equality says:

    “I witnessed people being chewed up in person and over the phone and made to feel like s***,”. And, for the florist: was “screamed at down the phone”. In both quotes it doesn’t specifically say “Meghan screamed down the phone” or I witnessed “Meghan doing this”. I think they are taking quotes out of context to make it appear that Meghan was the one doing this when it really relates to someone else at KP.

    • Amy Bee says:

      Very true. We’re still being given an narrative of a witness and not the actual “victims” themselves.

    • equality says:

      There is also: “If you were working for her, you were often treated like a tradesman who could be treated like s***.” First off makes it sound as if it is okay to treat a “tradesman” that way. Second, again, it doesn’t say specifically that Meghan was the one treating people any such way. Could have been any higher up person supposedly acting for her.

      • Amy Bee says:

        Considering that florists etc are not allowed to post about things they’ve done for members of the Royal Family, the premise of this story rings false. Furthermore if the florist did post about the flowers, Meghan would not be the one dealing with it would be the comms team.

      • Jais says:

        There was a podcast a while back and someone from smartworks talked about meghan and their big event. She said Megan was lovely and stayed longer than necessary while some of the royal aides were not as lovely and rather rude. So yeah, that tracks.

      • BQM says:

        @amy bee florists talk and post about the royals and their events. Simon Lycett, Moyses Stevens, Rosemary Hughes etc. Just in a positive manner. But they certainly advertise it.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Yeah, that didn’t sit well with me either. Is this that stupid aristocratic ‘know your place’ thinking still hanging on? That ‘tradesmen’ are somehow less than AND it’s OK to treat them like sh*t? Who’d want to live in such a country?

    • Jay says:

      Yeah, the “treat someone like a tradesman” ( i.e. like crap) attitude does not sound like Meghan. It sounds like the Windsors, who are known to scream or fly off the handle to those that work for them, but it doesn’t sound like Meghan. We also aren’t hearing anything specific – I feel like if you had an interaction with the palace and got yelled at over the phone, wouldn’t you remember the exact words?

    • Mayp says:

      Didn’t see your post, @equality, when I made mine above. I totally agree and KP has a track record of screaming at purveyors of goods for Meghan. See the above cited jeweler comment.

  8. Maxine Branch says:

    At the end of the day, the gutter rats will hold tight to the Meghan is a bully mess because this is all they can use with unnamed sources. They cannot besmirch her character in any other significant manner because names would have to be used. This is a tiring old narrative often used for and against Black women. Seems based on their reporting this only occurred in the UK because Meghan has a long history of interacting with others through working and all reports they scrounged for speaks to her kindness and approachability. This is a hill those gutter rats are prepared to die on and I attribute this to when Harry shared how devastated she was when this bullying allegation surfaced in the gutter U.K. press. They cannot bully Harry so they go after what he holds dear, his wife. This type of reporting does not resonate well in the United States because a more thorough job would be required to substantiate and it is not worth the effort or time.

    • sevenblue says:

      They tried this in USA with Kamala Harris. The unnamed stories were basically “she expected good work from her employees”. So, no one took it seriously. I am glad this strategy doesn’t work in USA anymore especially against black women.

      • Hawkmoon947 says:

        A woman rising through the ranks can bet that at some point in her career, she will be accused of sleeping with bosses or called a b*itch, a c*nt, a b*ll buster, hysterical, too emotional, etc. Yet, in the business world, I’ve only seen men scream & throw tantrums. A woman in a position of authority is usually smart enough to know that goals are best achieved through collaboration & treating people decently.

    • sunnyside up says:

      They call her a bully, but the gutter press are the bullies, as are those who call her a bully anonymously. The named sources say she is lovely to work for, so who do we believe the ones who won’t give their names or the ones that will.

  9. Jais says:

    The florist doesn’t actually look good here. The florist was indiscreet. I’m sure Meghan was rightfully upset but I don’t believe for a second she yelled for 30m🙄. So does Sykes write for the Times now in addition to the daily beast?

    • sunnyside up says:

      It’s the Murdoch press and Harry is suing them, they are bound to be nasty as long as they can blame it on someone else.

  10. Amy T says:

    This is not the flex Sykes and Co. think it is. It sounds sad. And desperate. And not for the Sussexes.

  11. Yvette says:

    The British tabloids and ‘royal experts’ have jumped in on this because the U.S. press said ‘Oh, look at what THR printed. Really? How about that?’ and then moved on. And, they also have to tarnish Meghan and Harry–mostly Meghan–because of the incredible International press Harry has received after his performance at events during U.N Week in NYC.

    Everyone in the world knows that the reason Buckingham Palace didn’t release the results of the ‘independent investigation by a legal firm’ into the bullying charges against Meghan is because there is nothing there. The ’employees’ were willing to lie in a leaked email to defame Meghan but weren’t willing to testify to it under oath. It’s like a vile catch-22 in which they can publish old leaks and claim to have credible bullying charges against her because no report was ever released clearing her. It doesn’t matter what Meghan says because ‘there were bullying complaints by her palace employees’ (well, William and Kate’s palace employees) and the courtiers
    nicknamed her ‘Duchess Difficult’, don’t you know.

    If there was a report backing up bullying charges against Duchess Meghan it would have been ‘leaked’ by now and used against her. Sorry to rant, but they’re now attempting to pull U.S. media into the ‘bash Harry and Meghan, just because we can’ game as well. No reputable editor would have allowed that hit-piece in THR. Media outlets worldwide know what the British media have been up and would recognize that THR piece as old British tabloid news.

    • Julia says:

      The only US press that has picked this up is Murdoch tabloid NY Post and Newsweek and The Daily Beast which both have British journalists as their royal experts. No serious publications are talking about this. It’s very much British journalists trying to push the story and make it blow up in the US. The problem is named Archewell staff have now gone on the record to defend Meghan and that has more clout than unnamed sources.

  12. Tennyson says:

    I find all this so sad:
    – Meghan never deserved any of this;
    – This country (Britain) is sick, very sick.
    For her sanity, as well as her safety, I hope she never comes back.

    • Christine says:

      Agreed. I can’t imagine living like this for a day. I like Meghan more with each hit piece, she so strong.

    • sunnyside up says:

      As much as I would love to see Harry and Meghan come back I have to agree with you, the British public don’t deserve their hard working Prince and Princess, they will have to make do with the lazy ones.

    • Gtwiecz says:

      It baffles me that a woman who has done nothing wrong is so maligned, and if it weren’t for the Sussex Squad, everyone would believe them.

  13. Tessa says:

    These awful people want harry to leave his wife and children. It’s ridiculous since to go after meghan since Charles was seen having temper tantrums and Kates behavior before Meghan s wedding was horrible. Charles actually showed his teeth to his employees. And in front of cameras.

    • L4Frimaire says:

      The Sussexes are not going through this nonsense again or upending their life and family over this BS. They said what they said. If the UK wants to escalate it, bring the lawyers in, because where else is it supposed to lead. They’ve already been over this. That Colombia trip, which focused on Meghan and locked out the UK press, really has them shook. I say keep bringing it Sussexes, one project or tour after another.

  14. Lili says:

    i’ll say good for her for standing up for herself. question is it possible to scream at some one for 30 mins . this is giving angry black woman trope vibes if she was up set and raised her voice it is being reported as screaming at some one. bottom line is people are difficult, especially when they do something wrong and get called on it then dig in and want to be right, so i imagine Meghan’s frustration trying to get what she wants. interpretation being difficult

    • Hypocrisy says:

      I would love the name of the florist so I can go full blown Karen on their lying 🍑 es…my rant will be a lot longer than 30 minutes.

    • equality says:

      Is it possible someone would stay on the phone to be screamed at for 30 minutes? Especially, if this person had supposedly decided not to work for someone again.

    • Amy Bee says:

      What I’m getting from this is Meghan was supposed to be grateful for everything that was done for her even if it was done wrong. She was not supposed to question anything or allowed to have opinions or make any decisions on what she wants. She was supposed to give up her agency and when she didn’t she called a bully.

    • Eurydice says:

      But, with all the wedding furor, why would Meghan even know about an “insignificant detail” a florist said about a bouquet that wasn’t identified as Meghan’s? I can’t imagine her taking time to read the tabloids, finding an article about an unspecified bouquet, assuming it’s hers and then calling to scream at a florist for 30 minutes? How does any of this make sense?

    • HuffnPuff says:

      This does have angry Black woman trope written all over it. If this did happen, some people take a raised voice as screaming or shouting. Meghan didn’t become an actress by being a wallflower. She seems to be a type A individual which I assume was seen as monstrous by her in laws. But Meghan and Harry get stuff done. What do the royals get done?

  15. L4Frimaire says:

    They’re back to regurgitating old smears. 2018? BFFR. The royals are looking incredibly desperate. Why can’t they just get up off their asses and do their 500mil job instead of stalking and harassing someone who left almost 5 years ago. This is blatant harassment. At this point I don’t care if she yelled at someone, insulted their momma, snubbed them, or whatever they say she did. Sick of this sh*t. They are so jealous of what they have achieved and they get none of the shine of their hard work. This is making me actively despise these people.

    • Christine says:

      Same. It baffles me that they don’t realize how they are diminishing the U.K. on the world stage. I feel for Scotland, N. Ireland, and Wales, because England is determined to sink them all.

      You are shrieking into the void, you look like you are insane. After this much time, I can only infer you really are certifiable. Let it go.

      • Unblinkered says:

        This is what I’ve been saying for weeks: the continuous smearing of Meghan, a RF member now living and working outside the UK, very much diminishes the UK’s European and global standing.

        Imagine any of the other royal houses and their sycophantic press behaving like this? Behaving relentlessly like this? Why isn’t the new Prime Minister controlling W&K?

  16. Julia says:

    Harry wants to leave the celebrity stuff behind! That must be why he went on Jimmy Kimmel because he doesn’t want to do ‘celebrity’ things anymore! Sykes is clueless . Harry is already being invited to events by the Clinton Foundation, what does he need Charles for?

  17. Hypocrisy says:

    This is what England pays 500 million pounds a year for? A monarchy so racist, hateful, petty and insecure that they have to destroy, or kill(Princess Diana) anyone who outshines them. Before Meghan I would gladly purchase products from England now I put them back on the shelves when I see they are made there. Once again this article has zero named sources and didn’t mention the name of the florist shop, typical for a country run by tabloid and Murdoch..I’m so exhausted by all the hate Meghan gets, my heart just breaks for her💔.

  18. This is all projection to really let us know that this is how the lazy leftovers deal with people they deem below them (which is everybody). The anger that the US article named their sources is killing them so they think let’s double down on the crap.

  19. Feebee says:

    I know the bar is high for public figures but I don’t see how this couldn’t be a case of defamation. It’s too much at this point. There has to be a limit or some way to force them to put up or shut up. To be on this for years and years. Where does it end and how much is someone supposed to take?

    • equality says:

      At least one of the cases Harry has brought is still dragging along in the UK and that one involves criminal activity that the UK government never prosecuted anyone for. How hopeful would you be that action for smear tactics would be effective in that system?

      • sunnyside up says:

        As Murdoch once said “Downing Street does as I tell them, Brussels doesn’t listen” That was about brexit, but the government isn’t going to do anything about Murdoch and the Times because Murdoch is too powerful.

  20. Brassy Rebel says:

    If someone screamed at me over the phone, I would just hang up. I wouldn’t listen for half an hour. That’s how you know this is a GROSS exaggeration.

    • equality says:

      Exactly. Especially since the person had supposedly decided not to do work for her again.

    • Christine says:

      I feel like an idiot that this didn’t occur to me. You’re absolutely right, at the very least, I would start a voice recording on my phone if a celebrity was berating me. Any random stranger would be hung up on in under a minute.

  21. Magdalena says:

    I think I have figured out what might be happening. Remember what triggered the racists the first time they became absolutely unhinged? The announcement that M was expecting A. Then they succeeded in their aim via the Daily Fail lawsuit and stressed her into losing that baby. They tried and failed with L and now, all of a sudden, they are focussing, laser-like, on the fake bullying accusations again, seemingly out of nowhere. They know, or have heard, or suspect SOMETHING. It cannot simply be the fact that she’s about to launch ARO.

    This stinks to high heaven. They appear to be out for blood. And it seems that the usual suspects know that their tabloid takes (Daily Beast included) are not hitting as they once used to, so they are trying as much as possible to insert slanderous narratives into so-called “serious” newspapers – hoping that the anonymous sources will be overlooked in favour of the cachet of the paper. Something very sinister is going on. And they’ve obviously been instructed to keep pushing this story as much as possible, presumably in the hopes that it will spread worldwide. Why now?

    • Julia says:

      The comments on the instagram post of this story are not going the way the RF wanted. Most people telling the Times to leave Meghan alone, stop using anonymous sources and stories from years ago. They also call out the Times for bullying Meghan😊

    • aquarius64 says:

      US tabloids picked it up but not the mainstream press. THR can’t back it up with a name.

    • Tessa says:

      Maybe they heard something bad about the wails and are trying to distract. Or fallout from the Andrew movie.

    • Becks1 says:

      I think the “why now” is very obviously Harry’s visit to NYC. Not only was that visit successful on its face, but it was incredibly successful compared to william’s visit last year during the same week.

      Its harder to directly attack Harry when he’s showing up with people like the Clintons, so they’re back to attacking Meghan.

      • Nic919 says:

        They are also trying to rebut the U.S. Weekly article that has actual employee names and real stories.

        Vague stuff from 2018 doesn’t cut it but the haters will lap it up.

      • BeanieBean says:

        And Harry didn’t even have to put on hip waders to walk amongst the oysters like ‘manly’ Billy Boy did! 😉

  22. Snideysense says:

    Honestly, this is exhausting. I can’t believe after 8 years anyone is still interested in reading this. It’s the same story over and over. How does it still sell papers? Meghan has literally not said a word or acknowledged them in years!

    It also seems clear to me that this is an effort to distract from the feminine hygiene product video that Kate made.

  23. Cassie says:

    Oh ffs British media get a life , get out in the garden , go for a holiday or something .

    Leave this woman alone for gods sake ,

    She is not the unstable one.You journos should all be locked up in the same mental health ward together .

    You have become obsessed because your favourite prince chose his wife and family and left the cult of the Royal Family and he is NEVER going back to live there .

    Accept it and move on for your own sanity .
    It’s pathetic .

  24. bisynaptic says:

    “Much more important [than the WellChild Awards] to Brand Harry, however, will be whether his father agrees to see him during his sojourn in his homeland.”
    —No, it won’t. It really, really won’t.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      This quote says it all: “the reservoir of affection for Diana’s boy is deep”

      They KNOW Harry is beloved in UK, and that Cluck & Huevo are NOT. As for Cloppy the King’s Nag and the Twilight Sparkle Princess of Wales… no one loves them, at all. Sycophantic press can barf up all the embiggening pieces they like, not going to change the fact that C&W’s wives are universally unlikable. On the other side, Cluck doesn’t care what happens to Harry, he made that plain in his statement; and that’s going to bite him in the bum. Already, C&C are held jointly responsible for the torment of Diana, and now H&M.

      And that “reservoir of public affection” for Harry? Charles may scoff, but the wheels are going to come off Charles’ bus if he continues to keep security away from H&M. If anything happens to Harry, people will take to the streets to mourn him like they did Diana. And that’s when Cluck’s monarchy will effectively be over. He will be blamed wholeheartedly for all of it. There will be no coming back from that for anyone in the BRF. Cooked. Done. Incandescent Wully’s reputation will likewise be utterly destroyed, as people will question the part he played, in driving the Sussexes off et al.

      I remember when Diana died. There was shock, certainly… but anger also. Anger at the BRF for not being responsive enough, but also because they held the BRF responsible for what happened to her.

      Part of Harry’s quest through the courts to fight the RAVEC decision was to subtly point out that they’ve done this bullying to a royal before. He wanted it on record that this revoking of security was a deliberate decision not based on facts and necessity, but on the orders of A Certain Someone. All this time Harry’s been laying a legal record down for his kids, in case something happens to him, so that they’re not left decades wondering like he was about his mother. Harry won’t/can’t talk about it for personal and/or safety reasons publicly, but I strongly suspect he knows Diana’s security was deliberately pulled, and by whom.

      • Christine says:

        Well said. I agree, Harry has been methodically exposing all aspects of the rot at the center of the U.K. He wants to correct the record, for Diana and Meghan.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        @Christine well, our lad’s a Virgo, he was always going to be extremely methodical about this. *grin* A quality the palaces and press continue to underestimate with him.

        TPTB are out there thinking that their having more money will grind H down; it won’t, because the press’ manufactured public opinion even 8 years into their no-holds-barred smear campaign, is no patch on the Real Regard that people worldwide have for Harry.

      • Lavendel says:


      • Gtwiecz says:

        How does Harry deal that the decision making could have been his grandparents? Even if it was Chuck, the Queen would have to approve it, right?

  25. Tessa says:

    On some comments sections Diana is still called unstable and it was not Charles fault at all. This decades after she died. It is a Meghan is constantly trashed by dm and other outlets.the royals better worry that this can’t go on and calls for a republic will just get louder.

  26. aquarius64 says:

    The US Weekly story has been out for a week and the BM is still upset? The press pirates must have seen complaints and people feeling bamboozled over the “reporting”? For this florist? If the BM can find out the name of the tattoo parlor owner who saw Harry in NYC it can get the name of this phantom florist from six years ago.

  27. Mrs. Smith says:

    Since the florist is in the UK, surely they would benefit enormously by being a named source? Business would be booming if they shared their tale of woe. Being screamed at by M, a victim of her notorious bullying, they should cash in! I’m sure one of the rota would love to do the interview, right? Right?

  28. Tessa says:

    I wish harry would make a clean break and stop trying to see his father. Enough is enough.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      And from England itself, no more trips back no matter how brief. I know he wants to support these charities but the cost to his family is not worth it, if the charities care about Prince Harry at all they will understand. No one should have to endure this.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Tessa, you assume that Harry asked to see his father. We don’t know that he did–I suspect if he had asked the bm would loudly proclaim that King Snubby refused to see him.

      I don’t see why Harry can’t be in the UK for the charities that he’s worked with for years. I don’t see a problem with him going to see his Spencer family and friends and then heading out before the bm knows about it. In fact, I think it would drive the Windsors crazy since they’ve done whatever they could to ‘exile’ him.

      • Tessa says:

        I make no assumptions. It has come to a point that enough is enough. The media goes on a tear about harry having the nerve to bother his father and father wanting to see the Sussex children and William getting upset.thet just don’t let harry and Meghan alone. Good that they are welcomed by the spencers. And these attacks on Meghan are big deal breakers and cruel. The spencers have visited harry and Meghan in the uk.

    • GTWiecz says:

      I agree with that. The moment my billionaire father cut my and my family’s security in Canada, I’d cut any relationship with him.

      • BQM says:

        I see people say that well, they weren’t working royals anymore. Like human feeling shouldn’t matter. But, okay. However Andrew wasn’t a working Royal and the queen paid because he’s her son. Charles could have 100% taken it on. But he wanted control too badly.

  29. Eurydice says:

    I don’t understand how attacking Meghan is useful as a strategy anymore. Are they trying to build up the narrative that Harry is unhappy in the US, that he and Meghan are working separately because she’s such a b*tch – and that would lead to H&M divorce stories? Or is this some kind of pressure from the tabloids’ owners to get Harry to drop his lawsuits?

    Really, I don’t get point, especially the THR hit piece. Meghan’s not a threat to Hollywood players or influential in the industry, she’s not a major player in the philanthropic world, very few care about the monarchy in the US. Why would an industry trade publication care if an ex-actress was once a diva or not? A one-time article won’t increase their readership, what was the point? Something else is going on here, because this rehashing of old stories doesn’t make sense.

    • Tessa says:

      The,royals are divas and seen being that way. Kate got away with lunging at meghan. Kate tried to hijack meghan s wedding.

    • Jay says:

      I think it’s as simple as they are wielding the only weapon they have to lash out at Harry – hurting Meghan. That’s the only way they have left to try to get him to lash out (or stop any lawsuits).

      They’ve tried attacking Harry directly about his service, his mental health, past girlfriends etc – nothing. He’s said it all himself, and better, in his book. They’ve tried guilting him about his relationship with his birth family, but I don’t think they don’t have the power to hurt him anymore. He’s got his own family now, and Charles and William are too broken to ever change. You can’t get blood from a stone, and I think he pities them, but knows he can’t change them.He doesn’t need their approval or connections, either.

      They’ve tried insulting Diana, but that hasn’t worked. They can try insulting his friends, or his work, but they end up looking foolish.

      No, the only thing that has ever worked to upset him is going after Harry’s wife, so that’s what they’ll do!

      • Christine says:

        That tracks, because these people clearly never knew Harry at all. There is zero doubt in my mind that “articles” like this one just act to further solidify his resolve. You idiots are feeding his need for justice, 24/7.

  30. Lavendel says:

    There was a clear attempt to overshadow Prince Harry’s success in New York with a contrived drama about Meghan. This only succeeded in the relevant comment columns of the universally unreliable tabloid press. There, as always, the hate mob raged. Without conscience, without shame and without any reality.

    • GTWiecz says:

      I have to say, it’s sad that American press (albeit controlled by Murdoch) is in cohorts to destroy one of them, an American woman. They’re favoring another country.

  31. Tessa says:

    In a way it does since Wil liam wants to conquer America and obviously wants to outdo harry
    They just can’t leave harry and Meghan alone.

  32. GMH says:

    The best thing Harry can do is attend his event and then head back to California. Leave no room to speculate on what Charles does or does not want to do in terms of seeing him.

  33. Lau says:

    Honestly, at that point I get embarrassed for them because they keep making these stories up.

  34. Hypocrisy says:

    If Meghan ever does publish her journals I hope she becomes petty enough to do it on the day of Peggy’s con a nation.

  35. Lavendel says:

    I forgot that. This family could have shown pride, joy and love for what Harry and Meghan represent and achieve when they were there or now. Then the thousands of good things they do would be attributed to the RF. Strength, resources and love would be used on all sides and would have a stabilising effect on all people. They would also have demonstrated a family’s ability to deal with criticism. What do these people do instead? They are waging a shameful, vicious guerrilla war with a no-holds-barred press against a very committed couple who are loved by many and perceived as modern. Either they have very, very bad advisors or they don’t care, they are king after all – power must reign. I suspect these arrogant aristocrats think they don’t need to conform, they don’t need to be nice, they don’t need to evolve. They have always been able to have and do anything – by force and the power they have amassed over the centuries through violence and the overpowering of entire peoples.

    • GTWiecz says:

      Films have been made about how the aristos in the UK and even mainland Europe are arrogant, see everyone else as peons, and think they’re not accountable.

  36. girl_ninja says:

    Is something coming down the pike regarding the royals left on salt island? Because the UK rags are more manic and racist than usual.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      And shrieking within their own echo chamber too. There is very little public appetite for rehashing JKnife’s greatest hits and the Americans don’t care at all but the BM going rabid about it for whatever reason.

  37. Over it says:

    Well that’s what the florist gets for using carnations when Meghan told her dim azn time and time again that she was allergic to them . 😂. I am kidding of course. Poor meg , these people have got to get over it already. It’s been years . She quit you . Let it the f go and go away and go stalk your charisma vacuum left behind. Harry doesn’t want you/ he can’t say it any other way. I believe these people will never accept that Harry and Meghan are over them and never coming back . Lily will be graduating from college and these people will still be screaming at Harry and Meghan to come back. You need us . We are the mafia oh sorry Windsors .

  38. chatter says:

    Just this headline alone is enough to tell me the story is BS.
    So much hatred and negative vibes. Awful.
    How many years of this nonsense will they keep on with?

    Maybe if Charles or William would do anything useful for the world, then this non stop gossip would be off the front page.

  39. tamsin says:

    What do they mean with that comment about William gaining executive power and cutting Charles out of their cringe video? The allegation that Meghan yelled at a florist for half an hour is beyond bitchery. KP at work again. Harry becoming a “quasi-royal” again? What an incoherent piece of bile. Their viciousness has reached the blithering incoherence stage. Don’t know how Kaiser manages to wade through the entirety of this garbage without throwing up.

    • Christine says:

      I think about this all the time. I would be batshit crazy if I had to wade through this stuff every day to pick and choose the most vile hit pieces. I truly do not have it in me.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I can’t parse this one out either. Why would Willie having the Middletons and not Charles in the video be any indication that due to Charles’ ill health, William is being handed more responsibility? It makes ZERO sense. It looks more like the Middletons control Willie Boy, not the Windsors, and it certainly has f*ck all to do with Charles’ health.

  40. Libra says:

    Not possible. This is wedding arrangement timeline and Meghan has already said that all arrangements were taken care of by staff and people from the palace whose job it was to do this. Other articles have stated that the royals do little for themselves, they have staff taking care of all their needs and making all the arrangements for visits, ceremonies etc. I can’t believe that Meghan even knew the florists name. She was only in charge of the dresses and wedding cake because those were privately paid by her.

  41. Mina_Esq says:

    I don’t believe the florist story. I don’t believe Meghan would have even had time to do it. Like, she had wedding planners.

    • QuiteContrary says:

      It’s such a reach, and a vicious one at that.

      Meghan consistently has drawn positive comments from anyone who’s actually interacted with her, back to when she was in “Suits,” and everyone involved (including crew members) loved her. We’re supposed to believe that she metamorphized into some screaming Karen when she crossed the Atlantic? Not buying it. Won’t ever buy it.

  42. MsIam says:

    Harry “needs” to reconcile with the royals and yet William got no crowds in Scotland and the was another “Not my king!” protest against Charles and Camilla. Who needs who again? 🤔 And Tom Sykes must really, really need the money much more than his dignity or reputation to keep writing this nonsense. The royals are mad about one supportive article about Meghan in a magazine, when there have been hundreds if not thousands of articles on them praising them for their “strength, dignity, parenting, never putting a foot wrong, sliding down a slide, etc ,etc”.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      The empty streets… (lol, still love that) for both Huevo and Cluck, that would have been a narcissistic injury. They know how many used to turn up for Her Late Maj. Neither of them are pulling those crowds, even with the Limpet & the Concubine in tow.

      Every time Cluck or Huevo get absolutely blanked by the public like that, I always expect a higher number of hit pieces on H&M afterward. It’s like they’re self-soothing, the king and heir.

      Honestly tempted to tag their Twitter accts to suggest Bag Balm or some other ointment, to help them heal their perennially chapped arses.

  43. Nerd says:

    Notice how he completely tried to ignore the original THR article that lacked new information and sources, to go directly after the US Weekly article that had named sources with real past and current positive employee interactions with Meghan and Harry. That article has more weight and merit than an article that lacks sources names and details. The interesting thing about the THR article is that for an article that is supposed to be the most recent and trustworthy, not only did it lack names and details, it lacked this story about a florist from a wedding that happened six years ago. Just like the Meghan made Kate cry lie that started off with just a claim that it happened, then once questions for names and details started to flood the story, they dragged an unconfirmed story out for years with random variations and no real details or names. This is just another Meghan made Kate cry lie that is probably similar in that it was the racist white duchess who was mean and screaming at someone on the phone.

  44. chatter says:

    Chuck is a truly rotten person.
    He treated Diana badly. We all know the history.
    Diana tried to do some good in the world, and Chuck was nothing but jealous.
    Chuck, if he was not such a TOOL, should have had pride in her work and at min. supported her in that. Publicly. But he is such a small, petty man.

    Surely, a KING could find a way to speak privately with his son, if he chose to.

    M is a successful, millionaire in her own career.
    No one takes 30 minutes to complain to any biz.
    How naive do the paps think we are?

  45. QuiteContrary says:

    “Much more important [than the WellChild Awards] to Brand Harry, however, will be whether his father agrees to see him during his sojourn in his homeland.”

    The delusion. The British monarchy is increasingly irrelevant. But keep pretending, British lackeys, that Charles and company are the center of the universe. Because it’s hilarious to us in the reality-based world.

  46. MikeB says:

    From day one the bullying story has been a coordinated attempt by the RF and the BM to destroy the reputation of Meghan.
    Knauf wrote to the palace HR alleging bullying in 2018, that memo, which should have remained confidential was leaked to the Daily Mail.
    Timing is everything in that the public was made aware of the allegations just before the Oprah interview, who authorized the leak of the memo and details to The Times?
    The revival of the story is also interesting. Harry was going to New York for a number of events, there is no doubt that it was intended to throw him off his game, they failed Harry was outstanding.
    So the Us Weekly story is one sided? Give me a break, all tabloid stories have been by unnamed sources, insiders and alleged aides.
    Can you imagine the damage done to an organization when it is claimed that two people presently working for H&M, unnamed of course, talked to the Hollywood Reporter? Everyone would be looking at others wondering who talked, not good for a happy work place. If it’s that bad why do they stay?

  47. Hannah1 says:

    Hard to find any details on Toubati because of the saturation of the BRF propaganda machine, but there;s this
    “ Every morning, at 5 AM, Melissa received lists of demands from the Dutchess, making sure that everyone was ready to go from the crack of dawn. Surely that was everything on Meghan’s list? Apparently not. It’s said the Duchess has also been known to break a few royal rules along the way, too.

    One of the biggest rules that Meghan has chosen to ignore since becoming a Royal is her wardrobe. Reports state Meghan has been told to stop dressing as though she’s still an actress and find a wardrobe that suits her new role as a Royal. And it was Melissa’s job to encourage her to comply.”

    Please please please Meghan write and produce a satirical movie about these dunces

    • Nic919 says:

      Nothing Meghan wore approached the awful jeggings Kate wore but we are to believe that was appropriate royal wear? Or the multiple skirts flying up ?

      They try to equate being an actress like being a prostitute but the facts are that kate has exposed more of herself in the public sphere than Meghan ever did, even in the staged love scenes she did.

      They don’t want to admit that.

      • Becks1 says:

        And jeggings and leggings aside, nothing Meghan wore was really that different from what we’ve seen Sophie wear over the years (allowing for style changes obvious) – professional wear – with coatdresses for major events. Kate is the only royal who wears coatdresses on a regular basis. Not even camilla does.

      • Ennie says:

        These bozos are really rewriting history!

      • Hannah1 says:

        I actually don’t believe the ‘wardrobe encouragement’ angle because there never was anything inappropriate about M’s attire.

        But openly admitting that Toubati had the secret job of pressuring M is an admission that she was a plant working against the person she was supposed to be assisting. The idea that M, as a pregnant new bride, was forced to rely on a personal assistant who was taking orders from elsewhere is chilling and grotesque.

        Shades of Mrs. Danvers in Rebecca

      • Christine says:

        They really haven’t moved past the Regency romance mindset over there, like at all. In all of those books, Bridgerton is just one example, opera singer/actress/dancer is code for loose woman who is not marriage material for the any of the Ton. The naughty dukes and earls are always banging one of these three, until the love match of the century comes along.

      • Hannah1 says:

        @Christine, Good connection —the fanfic version of their story satirizing the villains is practically writing itself. H & M would never need to work again if they produced it!

        We simply must see that story of attempted assasination of Charlotte via wreath lily brought to life again

      • Tessa says:

        It shows sexism to say actresses are bad people and only suitable for flings.Nothing bad is ever said about actors being unsuitable for marriage.

      • Tessa says:

        There is racism. Cressida worked as an actress and was a dancer. She had a small part in a Weinstein film tulip fever and acted on stage. Yet the media leaves her alone and Seward was rooting for harry to marry cressida. Meghan worked as an actress and was trashed for being an actress and not suitable. Such obvious racism

      • BeanieBean says:

        Meghan knows how to dress professionally & appropriately for the occasion. She is NOT the one whose skirts fly over her head in work situations.

      • Mayp says:

        @tessa, no doubt racism is involved but Seward has long-standing connections to C’s family. I think she is even one of C’s godmothers.

      • Scamuppet says:

        K loved her jeggings skin-tight, too. If Meghan wore them in that manner, the rota would’ve went wild..

  48. GoodWitchGlenda says:

    You know what? Even if she did do all of that (she didn’t), what’s the big deal?. The royal family is chock full of absolute sadists and nobody seems to care. The hypocrisy to bang on about Megan‘s “behavior” when Prince Andrew and King Charles exist…

  49. Lavendel says:

    Did the florist have anything to do with one of the nastiest tabloid stories that the lily of the valley in Charlotte’s floral wreath at Harry and Meghan’s wedding threatened Charlotte’s life? Meghan has been blamed in a way that is unspeakable.

    • Christine says:

      I have managed to make my brain forget that one, and I am always shocked anew to remember they accused Meghan of trying to kill Charlotte with her choice of flowers. Here’s hoping I can relegate it to the far reaches again, because that was despicable.

      Tell me again, Little Britain, how you ALL gave Meghan a welcome befitting a Princess, and she crassly threw it back in your faces with her grifting American ways.

      You had it out for her from “(Almost) Straight Outta Compton”.

    • Jais says:

      And iirc, Kate’s bouquet also had Lily of the valley so that whole story was one unholy mess. Or there were Lily of the valley somewhere in the church?

  50. slippers4life says:

    I thought this was all investigated by a 3rd party and no bullying was found? Why don’t they release the reports then?

  51. Sasha says:

    Sorry, but at this point I just plain don’t believe and cannot imagine Meghan ‘screaming’ at anyone. She’s shown herself to be a completely different sort of character who, if she does ‘play a game’ of any sort, plays it very differently. Meghan doesn’t seethe with rage and throw a fit. If anything, Meghan is much cooler and more calculating. She’s clever. She covers her bases. She just isn’t the person who loses her shit to a florist over the phone.

  52. AC says:

    Funny how all their b&@thing about M is coming from the UK. 😆
    She’s been back in the US since 2020 and there are no valid/named sources in the US that have had complaints about M.

  53. blunt talker says:

    my advice to all posters of Meghan and Harry-repost these two articles by these two writers-Bernadette Giacomazzo and J P Caonabo.they spelled it out about the constant abuse of the Sussexes and who is doing it.

  54. Scamuppet says:

    Interesting. How did he know who to call?

  55. sunnyside up says:

    So Kate’s bridesmaids had lily of the valley in both their headdresses and their bouquets and that information is on the royal website. So where were the Kate is trying to unlive the children stories then.

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