Donald Trump lied by claiming that VP Kamala Harris is ‘mentally impaired’

Donald Trump was on the campaign trail over the weekend, performing two dystopian speeches in as many days. Part of me wonders if Trump is mad that he had to campaign when he could have been golfing. I’ve thought, many times this year, that his Nazi rallies are not giving him the same endorphin rush as they used to – the crowds are sparse, he’s too broke and debt-ridden to rent the biggest venues (and he couldn’t fill them anyway), and his “people” keep leaving just minutes into his speeches. On Saturday, Trump decided to call Vice President Kamala Harris “mentally impaired.” This from the same man who talks about wind farms electrocuting sharks and the late, great Hannibal Lector.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump criticized Vice President Kamala Harris’s mental capacity Saturday, falsely claiming she was born “mentally impaired” and comparing her actions to that of “a mentally disabled person.” The remarks prompted criticism from advocates for people with disabilities.

Disparaging Harris’s actions on border security as vice president, Trump told the crowd in Prairie du Chien, Wis., “Kamala is mentally impaired. If a Republican did what she did, that Republican would be impeached and removed from office, and rightfully so, for high crimes and misdemeanors.”

He later suggested Harris “was born that way,” prompting cheers in the crowd.

“Joe Biden became mentally impaired. Kamala was born that way. She was born that way. And if you think about it, only a mentally disabled person could have allowed this to happen to our country,” he said, elaborating on a claim backed by no evidence. He called Harris “a very dumb person,” and repeatedly mispronounced her first name, an action some supporters see as demeaning and racist.

The comments, which were part of what Trump acknowledged was “a dark speech,” drew swift criticism. Maria Town, CEO and president of the American Association of People with Disabilities, said in a statement to The Washington Post that Trump’s comments “say far more about him and his inaccurate, hateful biases against disabled people than it does about Vice President Harris, or any person with a disability.”

“Trump holds the ableist, false belief that if a person has a disability, they are less human and less worthy of dignity,” she added. “These perceptions are incorrect, and are harmful to people with disabilities.”

[From WaPo]

I mean, you would think that if VP Harris is mentally deficient, she wouldn’t have been able to dog-walk him so thoroughly in the debate. You would think that he would be eager to debate VP Harris again. Instead, he’s scared of her and, in his chickensh-t cowardice, claims that he was soundly defeated in the debate by a mentally impaired woman of color.

Meanwhile, on Sunday, Orangina also suggested a purge-like scenario where we let cops murder all of the criminals for one day a year. Trump is a 34-count convicted felon… does he believe that he would be immune from such law enforcement violence?

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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39 Responses to “Donald Trump lied by claiming that VP Kamala Harris is ‘mentally impaired’”

  1. CiCi says:

    If you read Project 2025, the disabled will be the first to die as they claim disabled peopled bring nothing to society.

  2. Trillion says:

    Baseless accusations are admissions.

  3. LaurenAPMT says:

    Eh, let him continue to alienate himself from large groups of people, he’s screwing himself over for the election. He shouldn’t be blatantly lying about his opponent, but even if Kamala Harris did have a disability (which there is absolutely nothing wrong with), she’s still wiping the floor with him, save for the truly deluded Republicans who will follow him into the fiery pits of Hell.

    • pottymouth pup says:

      the scariest thing is that this is a close race – after all of this, his supporters still back him because they think his plans are awesome. They are so brainwashed that even when their own children die from the actions and inaction (on common sense gun laws), they will still support him because he hurts the people they want him to hurt.

  4. chatter says:

    Why oh Why, won’t this orange criminal shut up?
    Between Trump, Vance and my dog ..only my dog is worth giving attention.
    (Dog is very good boy)

    Trump digs himself deeper and deeper into a hole. He shows who he is and still has followers.
    When will decency and reasonable thoughts and actions return to US politics?

  5. ML says:

    What’s even grosser than smearing VP Harris and promoting anarchy is that this gets huge media coverage. It takes oxygen out of the room and normalizes this.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      And the media continues to sane wash his racist and xenophobic slurs. The headlines this morning should be screaming that Trump is totally unfit to be running around free, let alone running for president. But they are not. Instead, they use weasel words about ramping up attacks and harsh criticisms. And the alleged Republican criticisms are all extremely lame.

  6. BethC says:

    This sounds like a dog whistle about her race. Saying that she is limited and “born that way” seems like a way of saying what he believes about POC (aka debunked phrenology garbage about intellect) without actually saying the race part. The fact that it’s about her birth and then he repeatedly mispronounces her name are really telling. Trump is vile

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Exactly. Biden became “impaired” but she was born that way has only one meaning.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      This is completely racist and absolutely saying Kamala was born lesser and dumber than white men, and the next attack will be that she is uppity for getting so educated and all. They don’t care about complete dissonance in the attacks, just that Trump is saying disgusting things about a woman of color.

  7. Miranda says:

    OMG, they’re still fucking doing this. They’re still running against Biden in their minds. “The other candidate is impaired” is all they’ve EVER had, and they can’t move on from it. 😂🤣 But if we’re going to talk about the kind of serious impairment that should bar someone from holding high office: You know when Law & Order: SVU does those “ripped from the headlines” episodes, where they try to cram 3 or 4 topical events into one giant, incoherent mess? That was Trump’s brain BEFORE dementia.

  8. Teddy says:

    Trump loves violence. Not committing it himself, but whipping up the chaos and rage that lead to violence, and then watching as it plays out.

    • Chrissy says:

      Yes, and then playing the innocent! Like, “I didn’t say anything!” Who are the people falling for this orange lump?!

    • olliesmom says:

      He loves planning and watching violence so much that he’s planning America’s very own Purge. “One really violent day”. I’m sure that isn’t just still in the concept phase.. Then the Repugs as usual say “oh, he was just kidding”. He’s not kidding. The look in his eyes when he said it at his rally over the weekend. When he’s kidding he makes that stupid smirk because he thinks he’s funny. He wasn’t smirking. And they cheered.

  9. Jay says:

    Even people who don’t know much about Kamala know she’s hella smart! So I don’t see this attack being particular effective outside of his racist goons. It also indicates that the hits on her as being “too liberal” or “othering” her about her background are not working.

  10. Pinkosaurus says:

    Just statistics alone will tell you that there are parents and siblings of people with disabilities voting for Trump and it’s just inexplicable to me how they don’t find this attitude and language disqualifying.

    • Miranda says:

      Mr. Miranda has a cousin with a nonverbal son (caused by vaxxing, of course, but there’s a twist: she never had him vaccinated and thinks he “caught” it from other kids who were!), and she loooves to go on about how Trump has a “kind face” and claims that listening to him calms her son down! 🤢🤢

  11. Brassy Rebel says:

    The VP’s speech at the border on Friday drew blood. She flipped the script on him when it comes to border security and immigration. I urge everyone to pull it up on YouTube if you haven’t seen it yet. And in his unhinged ranting, he did reveal that he was mad about her speech. But, without question, he is getting much worse. He’s leaning into the fascism because that’s all he’s got. People wonder how, given his obvious lunacy, this election can still be so close. It’s the racism. He knows that’s what his supporters want and he delivers. Don’t let anyone tell you they are voting for him because of the economy. They are hiding behind that. Even those who came for the economy stay for the racism and white grievance.

    • FYI says:

      The best / worst is yet to come.

      Over the next 30 days, as it becomes more and more evident that he is behind, he will lose it like a malfunctioning toy. Watch for it. He is going to go full-on racist, full-on misogynistic, full-on loony. Yes, even worse than he already is. I am convinced that even MAGA people will wonder WTF he’s doing.

      • MsIam says:

        Its definitely about the racism because its not about his policies, this guy is incoherent. In my state Michigan, I just finished reading about a mail carrier who was threatened by a homeowner for putting Kamala Harris literature in his mail box. He called both Kamala and the mail carrier a ‘black bitch”. The mail carrier pepper sprayed his ass and he got arrested, lol. He’ll probably be considered a MAGA martyr now.

  12. FYI says:

    In addition to the seriously unhinged garbage he always spouts, Trump is referencing Congressman Mike Kelly (R-PA) in this speech. Here’s a bit about Mike Kelly:
    * He is 76 years old.
    * He received nearly $1 million in PPP loans during COVID — WHILE A SITTING CONGRESSMAN — to keep his car dealerships going. Those loans were “forgiven.”
    * His net worth is $14 million. He opposed Biden’s student loan forgiveness program.
    * He skipped votes in Congress, citing the pandemic as a reason why he couldn’t show up, while simultaneously attending the wretched CPAC conference.
    * He tried to get all PA mail-in ballots for the 2020 presidential election thrown out, which would have disenfranchised nearly 3 million voters. He was trying to flip the state to Trump after the fact.
    * He submitted a fake slate of PA electors to try to turn the 2020 election to Trump.
    * He wants to ban same-sex marriage.
    * He has said he’s a person of color because he’s Irish.

    Needless to say, Kelly is an avid Trump supporter.

  13. mellie says:

    Not that I think anyone on this site will disagree with this……he is a disgusting excuse for a human being.

  14. Juxtapoze says:

    Anyone who thinks DJT is more intelligent than Kamala Harris after listening to them both speak for 5 minutes is likely mentally impaired.

  15. Proud Mary says:

    I’m sorry, but the headline doesn’t quite get to the heart of it issue: DESPERATE DONALD TRUMP SCRAPES BOTTOM BY GOING ON IN ON RACISM. Is more like it.

  16. Dora says:

    I wonder if they realize that if they start a purge the gangs will finish it and it would include them too and their families. They would be the goal. If you hate somebody enough you will do anything to get to them. Why do they talk such violence and hate as if no one has weapons and would use them. Their fantasy of Liberals is tofu, tie dye clothes and fear of guns. They’re wrong

  17. chatter says:

    How/Why does he continue to get away with this garbage?
    Are there actual journalists still working in US?

    The big 3 networks + CNN + everyone else in the press should be condemning this racists fool.
    100%. Daily. The Editors should be damning Trump 24/7/365.

    This is still America, dammit.
    Go talk that Nazi inspired trash in hell!
    Trump is Evil.
    If I was SS Agent assigned to guard him, I would refuse.

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      The media owners *want* Trump reelected because they know it will be utter chaos for DECADES and that means serious money for the media owners.

      That’s it. They just want the money.

  18. CLOVE says:

    Most of us (women of color) know that he is attempting to stereotype her because that’s what people like him think of us.
    Just listening to him, you know who is unintelligent. Trump is the vocabulary of an elementary 4th grader. His base loves this, as he says, “poorly educated” and racist.

    • Traveller says:

      It’s always projection with all of them. If they demean anyone else it is always with something that only accurately describes themselves.

  19. Barbara says:

    He also claimed there were 50,000 people at that rally. Prairie du Chien has a population of just over 5,000 people. 😂

  20. Groversmillie says:

    Every accusation is a confession.

  21. Marla Clark says:

    Gee, since she whooped his butt in the debate, does that mean that he is even more mentally impaired? … and she did earn her Juris Doctor… not usually a sign of mental impairment. What a stupid thing to say… and so rude… he never just stands on the issues. He insults like an immature and petulant school boy…. ugh!

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