Zachary Levi endorsed Donald Trump, Robert Kennedy Jr. & Tulsi Gabbard

Last year, America suddenly learned some things about Zachary Levi all in the space of about 24 hours. We learned that he is not Jewish, but actually a hardcore Evangelical/fundamentalist Christian. We also learned that he’s an anti-vaxx idiot who interacts with anti-science and transphobic people and social media accounts. Well, surprise, surprise, guess who Zachary Levi has endorsed?

Zachary Levi endorsed Donald Trump at a rally in Michigan on Saturday before introducing former presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard to the stage. The “Shazam!” actor was at the “Team Trump’s Reclaim America Tour” event to moderate a conversation with Kennedy and Gabbard.

“We’re here to make sure that we are going to take back this country. We are going to make it great again. We are going to make it healthy again,” Levi said on stage. “And so, I stand with Bobby, and I stand with Tulsi, and I stand with everyone else who is standing with President Trump. Because I do believe, of the two choices that we have, and we only have two, Donald Trump, President Trump is the man that can get us there. And he’s gonna get us there because he’s gonna have the backing and the support and the wisdom and the knowledge and the fight that exists in Robert Kennedy Jr. and former representative Tulsi Gabbard.”

In his speech, the actor discussed his background as a factor of his decision. “I grew up in a family that was Christian conservative, that was pretty much the lane that we were in,” he said. “My parents were Kennedy Democrats who then turned into Reagan Republicans, and they taught me to have a healthy level of distrust for the government and a healthy level of distrust for industry that runs amok.”

Levi explained that his ideal candidate was Kennedy, but in the absence of that option, the next best choice, in his opinion, was Trump.

“For a long time, I was like, ‘Man, I really want to find a politician that represents all of the things that I want and I want to see in a presidential candidate.’ And this year, I found Bobby Kennedy, and I thought, ‘Man, this guy is it. He’s the real deal.’ And in a perfect world, whatever that would look like, perhaps I would have voted for Bobby,” Levi said at the Michigan rally. “But we don’t live in a perfect world. In fact, we live in a very broken one, we live in a country that has been hijacked by a lot of people who want to take this place way off the cliff. And we want to stop that, right?”

[From Variety]

The thing about Tulsi is that it’s basically been established that she’s a Russian asset. Hilariously, Tulsi stood in for Kamala Harris during Trump’s debate prep, so Tulsi is at least partially to blame for Trump’s unhinged “they’re eating the dogs” meltdown at the debate. As for Kennedy… yeah, Levi is a hardcore anti-vaxxer, so I can see how his loyalty would have been with Kennedy. If I’m being honest, I’ve stopped trying to follow the “logic” of why MAGA cultists or anti-vaxxers are voting the way they’re voting. There is no logic there, you cannot have a conversation in good faith with any of them. They’re all just…stupid and/or ridiculous people.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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65 Responses to “Zachary Levi endorsed Donald Trump, Robert Kennedy Jr. & Tulsi Gabbard”

  1. chatter says:

    I have no idea who this man is, I assume he’s an actor.
    From his statements here, I now know I will avoid any project his in involved in.

    I have zero time for uninformed fools such as this man.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I am a Christian and Trump is the polar opposite of anything I would support.

  3. TN Democrat says:

    Damn. What the absolute f@#$ is wrong with the people that fell into the bat@#$% crazy Q nonsense? Please vote blue like your life depends on it because it DOES. I live in a magat area that is failing from the ground up to aid people affected by Helene. (I am safe, but areas all around me are destroyed). The lack of common sense is proving fatal, from allowing construction on flood plains (including the hospital that had to be evacuated), refusing to loudly support evacuations before the storms hit, a governor that called for prayer and fasting instead of using his peabrain to implement any plans and maga elected officials not being able to form full sentences in press conferences. The magats have no plan except to exploit the poorest so the richest get richer and do not care about anyone’s welfare.

    • Megan says:

      Project 2025 calls for eliminating NOAA and the NWS, which means there will be no information for preparation and evacuation for future hurricanes. Weather will just be a game of Russian roulette.

    • Depressed & Angry says:

      I hear you–I’m from SWVA, and our worthless MAGAT Congressional rep, Morgan Griffith, was here yesterday, visiting a devastated town, mouthing platitudes with our equally sorry Gov. Youngkin. This is the guy who votes lockstep with the the Republicans against programs and agencies he is now promising to contact for help! He’s up for re-election, and he’ll probably win. Makes me sick.

      • TN Democrat says:

        Well. About 50 Tennesseans would have drowned at a hospital (controlled by an awful and inept monopoly) foolishly built on a flood plain whilst our governor fasted and worshipped his false idol if Virginia hadn’t helped with the airlift. Thank you Virginia!

  4. Cel2495 says:

    What a wanker. He is not even a great actor so …

  5. Indica says:

    I have to admit, at first glance I read the tour as ‘Reclaim Racism Tour’ and quite frankly…

    I’m sticking with that title.

  6. Trillion says:

    I have several MAGA friends from my high school and college days (grew up in a Christian cult) who were breathlessly posting about how celebrities’ opinions are useless and unimportant. This, of course, came on the heels of the Taylor Swift endorsement. well, HA HA HA MAGA, looks like you’re stuck with Kid Rock, The Nuge, Amber Rose, and this guy.

    • Bethany says:

      Like they wouldn’t be screaming it from the rooftops if a recognizable, culturally relevant celebrity publicly endorsed them. Please.

      Also, this is the most non-endorsement endorsement ever. “I didn’t plan on voting for this guy, but since I have only 1 other choice…guess I will!”

    • LBB says:

      Don’t forget Chachi.

  7. FYI says:

    Levi and others need to stop calling him “President Trump.” We have ONE president, and right now that is Joe Biden. In January, it will be Kamala Harris. Trump is the former president or, as The Guardian puts it, the “ex-president.” More than 80 million of us made sure of that.

    • Debbie says:

      I noticed that too. Also, he correctly referred to Tulsi Gabbert, or whatever her name is, as FORMER representative Gabbert, so clearly he knows what form to use but is calling Trump that to ingratiate himself with him. It’s like that “sir, sir” thing.

    • Traveller says:

      That makes my blood boil too. He is NOT the president!
      But it’s mandatory for all his cult members as a their way of bowing to their Fuhrer.

    • Terri says:

      To be fair, Traditionally all former presidents have retained the title. As an example the news has posted the President Carter has a birthday soon.

      Emily Post bemoans the use, which I find a little hilarious.

      • Traveller says:

        Duly noted – but I personally think it is a form of respect that should be awarded only to past presidents that didn’t try to overthrow the government.

  8. ML says:

    I’ve never heard of this guy.

    Tulsi: tbf, she should have known that Trump is untrainable. So, specifically I blame her for -trying- to help him. If Trump takes the bait and there’s a second debate, she can try again to get through. She’d have to practice crowd sizes, and I can’t see anyone valuing their skin stuck in a room with him for that. Most of the Republiscums seem to be Russian assets—if not her, then another.

  9. MrsBanjo says:

    The fucker purposely used his middle name in order to seem Jewish because he thought it would help his career. Zero surprise that he’d do this shit. Hopefully his career goes the way of Gina Carano’s.

  10. Proud Mary says:


  11. SCS says:

    Oh Chuck, why can’t the real guy be as great at the character? I went off Levi during the pandemic which is when all his crazy came to light but this . . . this is just batshit.

    Damnit, another great show ruined by an actor who is actually a horrible person.

    • Debbie says:

      Has he been around that long? Since the pandemic, really? How do I miss these creeps (and thank you to whoever is looking out for me).

      • pottymouth pup says:

        since well before the Pandemic. He was the lead in a show called Chuck

      • Christine says:

        For time period reference, Chuck was on while ER was finishing its final seasons. Zachary Levi has steadily worked since then.

    • lucy2 says:

      I watched that show, but always disliked him. Something about him bugged me. Never expected he’d be a maga idiot until a few years ago when his true self started coming out.

  12. Jaded says:

    I’ve never heard of this self-righteous dolt and hope I never hear any more ill-informed MAGA word vomit like this ever again.

  13. Brassy Rebel says:

    All these people must have brain 🪱s.

  14. CreoleTomato says:

    This guy is “best” known for DC’s failed Shazam movies. In their effort to copy the Marvel Cinema Universe’s success, DC made a lot of bad superhero movies, and this guy’s acting didn’t help one bit. Now we find out he’s a loon and a liar too: Small threat!

  15. Demona says:

    I saw him one time on a panel at a scifi convention but it was just himself and no other actors. He paced the stage and just spoke for 40 minutes straight. It was bordering on manic and I was sincerely wondering if he was okay or maybe he was off his meds or something. Wild emotional swings, rambling stories, etc

    Then his true colors were revealed a few years later and I was like….Yeah I buy it.

  16. Juxtapoze says:

    Trump & RFK Jr being spun as the “healthier” choice among the wellness right-wingers. Bwahahahahaha!!!! This is the peak of delusional.

    • Kitten says:

      Yes an orange, diaper-assed blob that shovels McDonalds down his pie hole all day is most definitely who I turn to for health advice.

  17. M says:

    I figured he was an undesireable after he secretly married Missy Peregrym and she left him after 6 months. That is just enough time for her to figure out what was up.

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      Same. I loved his show (“Chuck”) but when that marriage debacle happened I figured he wasn’t the person most fans thought he was. Then he came out as anti-vaxx and slowly started the “both sides” crap and I was done with him.

      I’m not surprised he went full magat but I am disappointed.

  18. bisynaptic says:

    LOL Things must be getting desperate in Trumpland. THIS is the way they’re resorting to introduce their candidate? “My next-best guy”?? 😂

  19. girl_ninja says:

    Someone in the entertainment industry shared on Threads that he is broke. And I wouldn’t be surprised if this were true. He could always go and work with Kelsey Grammer, Hollywood seems happy to keep giving him shit to do.

    The way he laughed trying not to cry as he ranted on and on about how folks should go see Shazam instead of John Wick will never not be hilarious to me.

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      Haha, go fash, lose cash.

      Enjoy your meager, no longer famous existence, Zachary!

    • BQM says:

      He’ll never be totally destitute as long as there are conventions unless he drives away fans. He goes to pretty much every significant one and is really popular. Probably takes home tens of thousands each appearance. So he’s got no reason to throw in with this crowd except personal agreement.

  20. Lightpurplei says:

    Levi’s lifelong best friend and former business partner (their production company failed) is Daily Wire founder, proud misogynist, proud anti-trans activist, proud racist, litigious anti-vaxxer, creepy Christian minister Jeremy Boreing. His views and stupidity are no surprise. Perhaps the best thing the annoying Taika Waititi ever did for the MCU was kill off Levi’s character in Ragnorak without a single line of dialogue

  21. Anonymous says:

    I knew he was somewhat problematic, but I didn’t realize the extent of his views. Always disappointing when an actor in a show that you love (Chuck) turns out to be an unhinged crackpot.

  22. BlueSky says:

    I see him making Z list Jesus movies that no one will see.

    • Christine says:

      You’re right, he’s Jim Caviezel-ing himself, but there’s no Passion of the Christ coming for him after his nutty views are exposed.

  23. Kbsb says:

    I heard about Levi’s anti-vaxx and pro Rump stuff some years ago, and have not wanted to see his movies etc since. He was in the ‘Harold and the Purple Crayon’ movie that came out in the summer. I wouldn’t have seen it anyway as I didn’t like what they did to the story, but especially not, since he was in it. He was also in one or 2 of the seasons of Mrs Maisel— playing a doctor, actually! Trump is more and more nonsensical.

  24. Bev says:

    May he never work in Hollywood again.

  25. sunshine says:

    i remember watching an interview he did years ago when he was on mrs maisel. at the time, i actually thought he was a nice and thoughtful guy.

    i also remember him talking about his battle with depression and suicidal thoughts, and how existentially sad he just seemed.

    i’m now convinced that the depressed-and-lonely-men-to-extremist-worldview pipeline is REAL. he’s famous so it gets a bit of attention, but i believe millions of regular men out there have become radicalised by the toxic MAGA/mano-sphere that exploits their loneliness and gullibility.

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      This is so true. These men are so vulnerable and they feel so weak and some loser(s) comes along and pumps them up and leads them to the most toxic thought patterns imaginable.

      Those beliefs literally become their lifeline and how they survive. A lot of struggling people are able to see through the bs but a small percentage can’t and they fall right into whatever cult is preaching to them.

      • IFoxi says:

        I think Joe Rogan podcast is the gateway drug to maga addiction.

      • Kitten says:

        Absolutely. Watching fam in the midwest get Trump-curious after years of being loyal Dem voters and Rogan (and Musk for some god forsaken reason) is the clear throughway. He comes across as a more independent-minded, rational person than Trump but at the end of the day espouses many of his worst views, especially the transphobic stuff.

  26. Normades says:

    Urgh no my favourite Disney. Flynn Rider would never be Maga.

  27. cabooklover says:

    I am so glad Missy ditched him, it was the best decision she could have made.

    • Flamingo says:

      right, he’s such a Christian fundamentalist. But he can’t (allegedly) even follow one of God’s commandments. Another hypocrite.

      Thou shalt not commit adultery.

  28. Christine says:

    I am never getting over this asshole ruining Chuck for me.

  29. Thelma says:

    Never heard of hi m. Who is he and why should I care about his uninformed opinion?!

  30. deezee says:

    Ugh, he was my celebrity crush in the Chuck days. But that faded fast after I saw an interview with him where he showed off his end-of-the-world bunker because it “wasn’t if but when” the world would end. And btw, that interview happened during the Chuck days, before he moved to Texas.

  31. Kitten says:

    This is like the least surprising thing. He has been showing us for years now who he is.

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