People: Prince Harry didn’t visit with his father during this WellChild trip

Here are some photos of Prince Harry at the WellChild Awards event in London on Monday, September 30. He looked especially handsome – tan, well-rested, unbothered, booked and busy. I really enjoy his electric blue tie, and I think the pattern is made up of tiny little fish? It feels like Archie or Lili might have picked it out.

As always, Harry made a speech at the show and he spent lots of time with the kids, parents, grandparents and caregivers. He always does little break-away sessions so that each family gets some special time. In one of the sessions, a 10-year-old girl gave Harry some special gifts for Meghan, Archie and Lili – they each got a crystal heart, and Harry was directed to squeeze the heart and it will make you feel happier. So lovely and sweet.

Obviously, the British media covered very little of Harry’s speech and his time with the kids. Instead, every headline was about how Harry “arrived without Meghan” and he attended yet another event “without Meghan.” They don’t even believe the marriage is in trouble, they’re just playing it up to people who WANT to believe that Harry is somehow on the verge of getting a divorce and coming back to Salt Island. Speaking of, that’s the other “story” the royalists are trying to make happen: why isn’t Harry dropping everything to fly to Scotland and beg his father for forgiveness? Instead, Harry’s team – I guess?? – confirmed to People Mag that there would be no family meeting:

Prince Harry’s latest trip to the U.K. to support a close cause won’t include a visit with his father King Charles or brother Prince William.

On Sept. 30, the Duke of Sussex, 40, will step out to attend the 2024 WellChild Awards ceremony in London, bringing him back to England from his California home for the second time in recent weeks. WellChild works to support seriously ill children and their families, and the awards celebrate the inspirational qualities of the young people and their carers. Prince Harry has been patron of the national charity for 16 years, and the awards are a staple on his annual calendar.

PEOPLE understands that the Duke of Sussex has no plans to see the King, 75, or the Prince of Wales, 42, while in London for WellChild. They also didn’t see one another during Prince Harry’s visit to the U.K. in May for an anniversary service commemorating 10 years of his Invictus Games. However, Harry extended invitations to his father and brother ahead of the May event.

Harry’s relationship with his father, who is likely still in Scotland alongside Queen Camilla, remains strained amid the Duke of Sussex’s ongoing battle for security. Sources previously told PEOPLE that calls and letters to his father go unanswered. Harry’s attempts to connect with his brother, William — through texts, calls, and messages — are also similarly ignored.

[From People]

The Sussex Squad claimed that Harry left England right after the WellChild event. Did he really fly out of Heathrow on Monday night? If so… lmao. That’s a record. I hope he did, because if he stayed any longer, the rota would have worked themselves into a lather about how Charles needs to change his plans to avoid London for even longer. Oh well… the charismatic prince came, conquered and left. So now all of those media outlets will go back to focusing on Buttons, Huevo, the Middleton failson, the Parker Bowles failson and Sophie, right??

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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63 Responses to “People: Prince Harry didn’t visit with his father during this WellChild trip”

  1. girl_ninja says:

    You can see the joy that Well Child brings Harry. It’s too bad Meghan can’t join him because of Charles and his refusal to provide protection.

    • Christine says:

      He always looks so joyful and carefree, whether it’s WellChild or Scotty’s LIttle Soldiers. These are organizations that are tackling the most horrifying things that can happen to a child, and Harry is the perfect person to be their patron. I can’t imagine anyone else who could.

  2. Andrea says:

    In January that rushing over he did to see Chaz was state business. It explains the escort from airport and the quick visit. He had to sign state papers, that’s why Beatrice showed up there as well.

    • equality says:

      It was that or something that Charles needed that was to his benefit. It wasn’t some desire to see his son.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      “that rushing over he did to see Chaz was state business”

      That’s what I think too.

    • Christine says:

      Either that or Chuck asked Harry to come back and be a full-time royal while they dealt with their cancer, and he said a flat no. Chuck would have no reason to continue with the meeting, as he clearly doesn’t care about his son at all. I can totally see him getting all huffy and “throwing” Harry out. Meanwhile, Harry’s all “L8er”!.

  3. Eurydice says:

    Every day Harry demonstrates how incredibly wrong are the RF and BM. Whatever it was they thought would happen, this isn’t it.

  4. Cassie says:

    Everyone seems happy and very relaxed around Harry .
    He must have an amazing aura around him .to put everyone at ease .

    I love the lady’s green dress , it looks lovely on her .

  5. Fastgran50 says:

    Lovely well child ceremony as usual Harry shines. This now getting on my last nerve. The British trash tabloids are harping on about Harry polo documentary being awful Netflix ready to cancel him and Meghan is a bitch from hell and her cooking show is cancelled. The Aussies are harping on about the Sussex brand on it last legs. Harry wants to be away from Meghan because she is so awful. Will this pure evil tirade never end against them. You think that they were serial killer the way the press troll them. Why doesn’t Meghan’s WWE team try and help her. What happens to their children in the future when they see all of this.

    • sevenblue says:

      I think, you should stop reading tabloids or watching their morning shows. H&M are okay and they are gonna be okay. No one who does serious work gives a sh*t about what rightwing media says about them.

      • Maxine Branch says:

        Precisely @sevenblue

      • Cassie says:

        Yes , you just have to steer clear of certain morning shows and just laugh at the magazine covers here in Oz .

        To be honest in normal conversations , nobody is really that interested in the Royal family .
        It just never comes up ,not like when M and H first left and the smear campaign was in full swing .

        It seems to be a lot less spoken about ,

      • Amy Bee says:

        @sevenblue: I was going to say the same thing.

      • Andrea says:

        Then what would we have to come here and read?

      • sevenblue says:

        @Andrea, because this isn’t a propaganda site. We are discussing the stories. When it gets too much, I also take a break from royal articles here.

      • Proud Mary says:

        Not only should you stop reading tabloids, but can you please stop sharing what read there? Can you please stop posting it here.? This not good for anyone’s mental health. I do my best to scroll by anytime I see a sentence that starts with “the British tabloids are saying.”

      • Becks1 says:

        I mean half the articles shared and discussed here are from British tabloids 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

      • Fastgran50 says:

        My bad ladies. I thought I would have a little ravel through the tabloids . It’s been a long time and boy did it make me feel sick. When you think humans can’t get any worse it does. I had to lie down in a darkened room after that. It was my own fault , you know you shouldn’t but you do it anyway. I think the tabloids are getting worse. Is it any wonder I prefer dogs to humans. Anyway it’s nice to come to this site and get normal prospective on things again.😂

      • BQM says:

        I used to say they should split the site into celebitchy and royalbitchy. People could click on one or both. Sort of like the tab that says Royals. Only put all the daily royal posts there only.

      • Jais says:

        I see clips and screenshots on Twitter of the negative stuff but I try to steer clear of the super negative ones. So while I don’t click on any of the tabloids and give them money, I’m technically still on musk’s hellscape so I’m not sure it’s any better😂. And yes, dogs are the best.

      • Lawrenceville says:

        @Becks1, that is true however, when Kaiser reports about these articles, they don’t repeat verbatim in the comment section. Secondly, you will find very many of us that really don’t even read the “highlights” because we prefer to not read for our own mental health protection. And third, many of us, for our menta health, choose not to click on nay tabloid articles not click on certain youtube sites not tune in to ski news etc. So, when people ask, nicely and respectfully, to not have what people read from those hateful sites repeated in the comment section, I don’t see why we are reminded about how “all these discussions are based on tabloids’ etc. Dismissing other people’s feelings is making this site not very user friendly, IMVHO.

      • Grey says:

        @BQM YES I would love that. I miss the frivolous celebrity gossip that made me fall in love with the site in the first place. I find now I can go days without checking in here, where this used to be my fun read before getting going on the day. I don’t mind the Royals stuff, it just isn’t what I am looking to digest on a daily basis.

      • Christine says:

        Co-sign, sevenblue. I rely on the generosity of Kaiser, I will not go near the trash media, or look at the comments on any of their character assassination attempts of the Sussexes. I truly don’t think it’s healthy for people who the British media hasn’t managed to wind up against Harry and Meghan. The disparity between the truth and what they are selling people is too great. It’s like Trump, no point in knowing what he is saying from his mouth, or what the magas think. It’s not remotely rooted in truth. Or coherent.

    • Jan says:

      In case you missed it, Meghan is in her era of “JOY.”
      If she spent all her time reading or listening to what people are saying about her, she would be in the fetal position all day and never leave her house.

    • Angied says:

      I don’t know where you live but in the U.S we don’t get this tabloid trash daily on our morning shows. Harry and Meghan can get up in peace without seeing or hearing this on our morning shows or newspapers. In the UK and Australia it seems your news is dominated by this. Your culture is the same. Even shows like ET and Access Hollywood doesn’t come close to what the UK does daily. You see why they live here. The mostly avoid this nonsense Also if you can see what is happening to them in the context of the culture wars that are going on it won’t bother you as much. They left one of the whitest institutions in the world which I feel is supported by their right wing press and sad NO we don’t want this for ourselves or our children. We want to serve in our way and that upset so many people. There are people who would sale their souls to be acknowledge by the royals and serve them and Harry and Meghan essentially said we can do better and they have. They are thriving. Service is universal.

      • BQM says:

        I get all my magazines from our local library in digital format. Scrolling down each week I come across the Aussie ones available, even though we’re in the US. They’re bonkers! It’s totally national enquirer level. Every single week Meghan is on the cover in some aspect and always negative. The Sussexes should be on their 10th divorce by now. And it’s the same regurgitation of “William won’t forgive/Charles suffering but also unforgiving/Harry desperate to return”. But with a more nasty spin.

    • Eurydice says:

      I understand the temptation, but I keep in mind that this is both a money-making operation for the tabloids and propaganda for the monarchy. So, I choose not to support that and I come here instead.

    • bisynaptic says:

      What’s interesting is that the predictions don’t come true, but the stories don’t change.

    • Cassie says:

      Never ever click on any Daniela Elser story .

      The woman is a completely utter lunatic .

      Every bad headline is written by her .

  6. Inge says:

    The Fail called him the Prince of Hearts for a little while, then they changed it…

    The tie has tiny fish and submarines on it!

    And Harry is so committed to his patronages.

    • Jais says:

      Someone said no to calling Harry the prince of hearts😂. William? He really is one though. So many sweet moments at Wellchild. Hope all the families had an amazing night.

      • Jaded says:

        Interesting that Diana was known as the “People’s Princess” and “Queen of People’s Hearts”. Like mother like son.

    • Tessa says:

      I doubt harry is bothering to contact william

  7. Maxine Branch says:

    If Harry left the UK after the Well Child ceremony as reported, I hope this is a sign of things to come for any future visits re commitments he has there. Take care of your commitment then immediately bounce.

  8. Pink tutu says:

    It’s such an incredible event That the British media want to be awful about it is, them. When someone said, we’ve got you too! That was tears. And it’s true

  9. Pink tutu says:

    Harry and Meghan, we’ve got you too. I want to say that separately. We’ve got you too.

  10. Jais says:

    So many sweet moments at wellchild. Hope all the families had an amazing night. Not sure if it’s real but saw a screenshot of a headline calling Harry the prince of hearts but then the headline was changed within 2h😂. Someone said absolutely no to Harry being called the prince of hearts.

  11. Amy Bee says:

    The key word here “understands” that means that People has been unable to confirm but they believe that Harry didn’t have plans to see his father or brother. According to Sky News, Harry’s team said they weren’t going to answer any questions about whether he was going to see them or not. I think his statement in May was his final word on that matter plus it’s clear that he had no time to see Charles and he’s not interested in seeing William. I just love that we don’t know his plans after the Wellchild Awards. It’s better for his security and we don’t need to know his every move. The British press got another reminder of what they lost and it’s what they deserve.

  12. Hypocrisy says:

    Love that Prince Harry returns to cheering crowds, love and support from the people he interacts with and the leftovers have not had that since they bullied the Sussex’s out of the country. Harry does more work in a few weeks than the half a billion pound royals accomplish in a year.

  13. Becks1 says:

    Harry looked like he had a great time last night; his presence there really does mean so much for the organization and the attendees. and it does what a patron is suppose to do – it brings attention to the organization. I doubt I would have ever heard of wellchild without Harry’s involvement, and now I follow them on social media etc.

  14. Proud Mary says:

    I know it’s just me, but I really wish we could discuss Harry’s work with this amazing organization, without mentioning the jealous loafers, masquerading as his family. On a more important story (than whether Harry visited Mr. Camilla), someone shared an article that got at the heart of the matter, about why the royal family is lately attacking Meghan. I was hoping to find it here.

  15. kyliegirl says:

    I love this event every year. What a wonderful charity that Prince Harry has supported for 15 years. Brings much needed smiles and joy to the children, families and care providers. Also, what a great spontaneous moment when someone shouted, “and we’ve got you” and the audience cheered. Yes, Prince Harry, we’ve got you and your family too. 🙂

  16. Nanea says:

    Harry is so supportive to causes that are near and dear to his heart. Too bad he has such a strenuously long commute, although he didn’t appear tired or jetlagged at all.

    It was so lovely to see all those little messages shared by WellChild with infos about the award-getting kids and carers on their socials, and about the celebs who showed up to present awards, like Beverley Knight and Rod Stewart.

    It also showed how well Harry’s team briefed him because H “remembered” the name of a plush toy from a kid he met several years ago. Unlike his brother, Harry does read his briefing notes!

    Harry’s quirky tie BTW is by Reef Knots, and it’s little sharks and submarines. Hubs is also a ginger, has a public-facing job with lots of time spent talking to other people in an official capacity, so I bought three of those silk ties off their site this morning — polar bears, flamingos, and shells.

    • Angied says:

      I hope that guy who owns that company is ready. Sales are about to go off. 😊

      • Eurydice says:

        Harry’s tie is sold out.

      • booboocita says:

        I don’t know if anyone modeled Reef Knots’s ties on their website before Harry wore one, but their ties are now being modeled by a gorgeous, bearded redhead with more than a passing resemblance to Harry. Good marketing!

    • Magdalena says:

      Or it could be that he genuinely remembered and therefore didn’t need briefing notes to prompt him? When you have a heartfelt moment with someone, you remember the details vividly. You carry the memories with you. And as we see, time and again, Harry’s interactions and work with his charities are full on, he becomes immersed in pretty much every aspect. He would remember, because that is who he is.

      • Jay says:

        Those little briefing notes are common for politicians and public figures – they meet so many people and I think it would be very difficult to recall every detail perfectly! I don’t have a staff to help me, but I have definitely done a quick internet deep dive before going to, say, a work event where there are people I haven’t met for years, or even a family reunion where there are cousins who I don’t know anything beyond their name. Am I the only one with such a poor memory for these kinds of details?

        I don’t think it’s a bad thing at all that Harry would make sure he’s well prepared to have a conversation – it shows that he understands the importance of preparation and making the people he meets with feel “seen”. It’s definitely a skill!

  17. Anna says:

    Apparently his tie is from Reef Knots which is a sustainable clothing brand based in the UK that is involved in marine protection. Harry really is doing it all.

  18. Cece says:

    As a parent with a child who spent multiple months in the hospital and has a chronic long-term condition, I applaud Well Child for the work they do. Harry is an excellent ambassador for this organization. He gives the parents and children a moment to be “seen” and at the end of the day we all need that respect & honor. Life can be long and hard at the best of times.

  19. Tina says:

    I’m glad he dipped into that island then dipped out. There seemed a vibe of resignation from the royal rota. Someone posted a tweet of Chris ship talking and it was just kinda pathetic. Like they know that none of the nonsense they peddle is working and they are just stuck with the boring royals who don’t do anything.

  20. ML says:

    Correction, Harry had a scheduled visit in the UK and his father neglected to make time to see his son. KC is the one who can make a visit happen.

    • Eurydice says:

      Correct. One doesn’t just pop in on the king uninvited.

      • MsIam says:

        Didn’t Charles just attend some event where Camilla and her crazy hat were looking bored to tears? Then they got on the big helicopter and flew off. So yeah Charles could have easily made time to go see Harry in London but he wouldn’t. It would interrupt his martyr performance. I guess he’s hoping for a BAFTA.

    • BQM says:

      Sad but true. I’ve no doubt Harry would visit if Charles asked. But he can’t just show up at the Kings residence, son or not, like “hey, dropping by, is dad around?”.

      We’ve had the stories about cam forbidding a visit so as not to cause stress. But I also believe if someone said to Harry, “your dad really needs to avoid stress and talk about security, lawsuits, etc” Harry would acquiesce. So either Charles doesn’t want to see him with Camilla egging him on, Charles doesn’t want to see him and Cam is backing him up (and possibly being the fall guy), Charles wants to but Cam runs interference or Charles doesn’t want to and Cam is like, whatever. But bottom line it’s ultimately on Charles, not on Camilla or Harry. I just find it very sad.

      • equality says:

        Or you would think a loving father would be more stressed at thinking his son and family might be in danger rather than focusing on the stress of discussing something.

  21. MsIam says:

    That tie really makes Harry’s blue eyes pop. And the story about the little girl giving him the hearts was so sweet! I wonder if he’s on his way to Africa now?

  22. sammi says:

    Did you see Chris Ship..less outside the Royal Lancaster Hotel when they managed to trace Harry’s residence and he made an asinine comment about “How ironic that he is staying in a Royal Hotel”
    Then he sadly reported that in the past he had been at the WellChild event and it was so inspiring. Obviously not invited this time and then he had to admit Harry had left from the back of the Hotel so no photos!
    All this after he said he would not be reporting on the Sussexes after they left Royal duties.

    Sad UK media and the remains of the dy…..nasty family.

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