Prince William tried & failed to steal his brother’s thunder with some tweets

Here are some photos of Prince William today at RAF Northolt. William was there to highlight the two new London Air Ambulance Charity helicopters, helicopters which were bought via a charity fundraising drive. Bizarrely, David Beckham joined William at this event. David is, as always, desperate for a knighthood and willing to cozy up to the Windsors whenever possible. This sort of looks bad for William though – it looks like he’s acknowledging that he has no star power, and that he has to invite celebrity “friends” to join him at work events. It also appears that this Beckham appearance was designed as a “clapback” to Harry’s visit to London yesterday. Speaking of, the Daily Beast’s Tom Sykes got a hot tip that William did something else to try to steal Harry’s thunder on Monday. The fact that William’s office has to point this out is hilarious to me – Kensington Palace posted their “September Rewind” tweet-thread about an hour before Harry appeared at the WellChild Awards. You guys…

Hours before Prince Harry took to the stage Monday night as the star of the WellChild Awards, his most prestigious remaining U.K. charity commitment, his brother released his “monthly rewind.” The moments highlighted by Kensington Palace included Princess Kate’s announcement that she has recovered from cancer, plenty of coverage of the newly bearded Prince William’s Earthshot prize, Kate’s impromptu and private visit to a ballet performance, and an art exhibition in support of and advocating on behalf of the homeless. The social media messages were posted at 2:39 p.m., local time. A little over an hour later, at 3:57, WellChild began its online stream, with Harry arriving shortly thereafter.

Prince William’s office declined to comment, though a friend of the prince’s told The Daily Beast: “It’s the end of the month and at the end of the month they do release the rewind. I’m sure the time of day they did it had nothing to do with Harry. But I think what is notable is that it shows how much they do on a monthly basis, and if that has been inadvertently highlighted it’s no bad thing.”

Another royal insider said: “It’s the age old weaponization of scheduling. The different principals were always supposed to try—but often failed—not to schedule high-profile events for the same day to avoid knocking each other off the front pages. It’s less of an issue now that there are fewer of them. But old habits clearly die hard, and there is no reason now that William should make allowances for Harry’s schedule.”

“I certainly wouldn’t buy anyone saying it just happened to be posted so late in the day by accident. A ‘monthly rewind’ could equally well have gone out the next day, or earlier in the day. It looks to me like someone is stirring the pot and letting Harry know he is not going to have it all his own way if he wants to pitch up in London and do what always used to be a royal job on a freelance basis.”

[From The Daily Beast]

“The different principals were always supposed to try—but often failed—not to schedule high-profile events for the same day to avoid knocking each other off the front pages.” That’s just the thing, isn’t it? William’s sad monthly rewind didn’t knock Harry off the front pages. It was a minor blip online as the royal rota desperately awaited Harry’s appearance at the WellChild event. All of the royal coverage on Monday – and in Tuesday’s morning papers – was about Harry, WellChild and how Harry didn’t bother to see his brother or father. William *wanted* to steal Harry’s thunder and he didn’t, so now William sent his people to point out what he did. Such a dolt. He can’t even do a simple RAF event without needing a Security-Blanket Beckham. Pathetic. Also: “letting Harry know he is not going to have it all his own way if he wants to pitch up in London and do what always used to be a royal job on a freelance basis.” William thinks ALL charity work is a “royal job.”

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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148 Responses to “Prince William tried & failed to steal his brother’s thunder with some tweets”

  1. Tessa says:

    They rewound that awful family video. Awful Beckham seems desperate and Williams face looks dirty

    • Midnight@rheOasis says:

      Huevo’s face does look dirty. The stubble on his face does him no favors. He is just one of those men who cannot wear a beard. I wonder 🥚has seen those photos comparing Harry to a young Prince Phillip and is jealous about that also.

      • Debbie says:

        William: “Prince Philip is MINE! Mine I say!”

      • Jay says:

        I just figured out what he reminds me of – there was a toy from my childhood that showed a picture of a guy without facial hair, and then you would use a magnetic wand to give him a scraggly beard of iron filings. This beard looks like a load of iron filings stuck to his face!

        ETA Oh my god, the toy was called “Wooly Willy”!!!

      • Christine says:

        I had that toy too, Jay, and you’re right, William’s beard looks like the the iron filings beard! There was no way to even that thing out, it was always weirdly clumpy and patchy.

    • vs says:

      This rewind of the month is something that they copied from the Sussex squad. I have so much pity for W actually…. I quite feel sorry for him! How can you be given so much, yet still envy everything about your brother’s life?

      • jamzsquared says:

        I honestly think it’s wild how KP straight up stole the monthly rewind from the Sussex Squad. If anyone was ever in doubt that their staffers are lurking on squaddies’ accounts (and, obviously, CB comments), that alone should be more than enough proof.

    • Jan90067 says:

      “LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME, DAMMIT!! I CAN DO THINGS, TOO!” It is pathetic and pathological at this point.

      If Willie wants a beard, his best option is to keep it *trimmed*, shaved closer to his jawline, instead of up his cheeks, where it’s the most patchy and graying. Honestly, this dud doesn’t have an ounce of style or originality in his bones. What a sad, sad, little man.

      • kelleybelle says:

        Much the same as his wife, who copies Meghan’s outfits down to the hairstyles and shoes.

    • Gabby says:

      It really is a struggle beard when it’s pictured next to Beckham’s isn’t it. AHAHAHAHAHAHA.

      • Pam says:

        This is so sad and pathetic…for God’s sake, he’s going to be a king. ACT LIKE IT. Stupid petty passive-aggressive posturing and bringing in your important friends to an event is just so high school—one might even say middle school.

    • NotSoSocialB says:

      All I can think of when I seer him is how desperately he copy-Keens his brother now. He’s gone full Kate.

      They are so bitterly jealous of H & M.

    • Penny says:

      Well, his “dirty” face certainly shows off his new, sparkly white retouched gnashers!

      Is that partly what the Wales have been doing while they’re out of the spotlight? New dental work?

    • Rita says:

      Beckham looks like a bad wax doll from Madame Tussauds… And William’s grin gives jokeresque smiling villain. They are such has beens…

  2. aquarius64 says:

    What does Beckham have to do with an ambulance service?

    • Anonymous says:

      I checked and he had partnered with a charity to aid in raising funds:

      “And, like all proud Londoners, David also knows the crucial importance of London’s Air Ambulance’s life-saving work against the clock. That’s why he’s backing the London House Draw supporting London’s Air Ambulance Charity, where you could win this Luxury House in London, just 20 minute’s drive from the England star’s childhood home, and help raise vital funds for two life-saving helicopters…before time runs out. “

      • Indica says:

        But wait, he isn’t royal! Beckham certainly can’t do charity work and be of service without being royal! THE HORROR.
        Sorry, couldn’t help myself…

  3. Linney says:

    If people are indifferent to the monarchy (never mind disliking it), the monarchy can’t last. And it is obvious very few people care. This crew is so incredibly boring and, with William the Bearded and Kate I’ll Work in Twelve Years, the ship is sinking. The royal articles in the British papers are all about old uninteresting historical stuff (and I love history) or rehashes of other boring information or articles bashing Harry and Meghan. I used to be such a royal watcher. Now, I honestly couldn’t care less.

    • Chloe says:

      Actually i think the monarchy thrives when people are indifferent because it gets the royals all the free passes they want. Some shady deals with some Saudi billionaire? No one is going to care. Pocketing government money? Nobody is going to ask hard hitting questions because the general public isn’t paying attention anyway. As long as people still show up for the “big” events (weddings, funerals, trooping etc) the royals will always look good. Especially in comparison to UK politicians.

      • Eurydice says:

        I agree. The problem is that the attention on H&M also puts attention on the RF.

      • Proud Mary says:

        Chloe, indifferent or not, they will get their money, for now. But the monarchy will die a slow death, if the only people who care are staunch royalists. Prince Phillips said as much about why most European monarchies have died. There’s a reason why Diana was so popular — it was because even casual royal followers liked her. When the monarchy is only supported by the functional equivalent of demi-glace, they will be on their way out, or at a minimum, on their way to being like the rest of the tiny European monarchies. If the latter, it will become much harder for them to justify the exorbitant funding.

      • CM says:

        They look so awkward in that photo- both of them!

  4. Maxine Branch says:

    While Harry comes to town looking tall, robust, moisturized, tanned and clean. William comes out looking tall, unmoisturized, dirty and pale.

    • StellainNH says:

      What drives me crazy is how he poses for pictures. He awkwardly holds his hands in front of himself like he’s guarding the family jewels. He has no idea how to stand for pictures.

    • Josephine says:

      My first thought was that dishelved egg next to a wax figure of Beckham isn’t going to steal thunder from watching paint dry let alone someone with actual star power.

      • TheFarmer'sWife says:

        This! I was thinking that Davy was looking at little overly botoxed and filled. Plus, I think he’s wearing more makeup than Ryan Reynolds! And what’s with the clenched fists, Davy? Standing next to Willy and laughing at whatever he says is the price you must pay to become a “Sir.” The family really must have you on a tight string.

    • Debbie says:

      All I know is that the baring of the teeth William does, which is like a rictus grin, is nothing short of disturbing to me. He truly is the boy who couldn’t smile.

  5. Tessa says:

    William still looks like he’s coming off a bender.

  6. Inge says:

    Yep still desperate for that knighthood…

    anyway “But I think what is notable is that it shows how much they do on a monthly basis,”
    It actually shows how LITTLE they do on a monthly basis

    • equality says:

      That’s what I was thinking. It would be incredible if H&M were petty enough to do a monthly show about what all they have accomplished in September. I bet there would be way more variety of content.

    • Becks1 says:

      That was my takeaway as well….Kate posted a video (was that in september or august, I can’t even remember at this point), she went on a secret ballet visit, William posted some videos about Eartshot and visited a museum.

      That’s what they did in September and they got how much money for it??

      These rewind videos are problematic if they just emphasize how lazy the Waleses are.

      • BeanieBean says:

        I snorted when I read the part about Kate’s ‘private’ trip to the ballet. That was in the rewind?! Quite a reach, they must have dislocated a shoulder doing that.

    • Debbie says:

      Hey, listen, when you have people who define “work” as an announcement stating that you won’t see herself until 2025, or that you shouldn’t count on seeing the egg in person for a while because, from now on, he’ll be Zooming, baby, every little bit feels like a deluge.

  7. Tessa says:

    That commercial counted as work then. Kate and the butterflies.

    • Steph says:

      So did the ballet.

      • Jan90067 says:

        No pic, no proof. Personally, I think that staff just posted it under her name. She *definitely* would’ve wanted to pose with the dancers, á la Diana, if she was there (like Egg and the kids at TS’s concert).

      • Cairidh says:

        Note sure shed want a photo of herself with the pretty ballet dancers – the epitome of feminine beauty. She sees other women as competition. She’d want a picture with the male dancers though.

  8. Em says:

    William is such a beta male even from his stance in photos you can tell. Pathetic

  9. Over it says:

    If I were wanly doodle shaky, I would be more concerned about why Harry looks so happy , well moisturized, healthy and stable after working so much in such a short time and then getting on a flight to do more work and still managing to look well put together and me wanly, who has done zero to no work, still in the same country. Has not flown anywhere outside of the uk, looks like I literally sleep ar the bar with a bottle. It’s like he is drinking all day long. Why is wanky and his peeps not more concerned about ho a bad he looks

  10. girl_ninja says:

    It’s just all so laughable! Will is so desperate to be the best royal prince son, but doesn’t do ANY of the work it takes. David looks…different.

    • Alicky says:

      Beckham’s face is YIKES!

    • Betsy says:

      In a world of terrible things we have limited control over, and after doing as much as they can to insulate themselves from every uncomfortable or awful thing, wealthy people have decided that they should destroy their faces by have various substances injected into them. Even the “good” ones IRL have an undefinable “off” quality.

      Stop doing this, wealthy people. You don’t look good.

  11. Jais says:

    The weaponization of scheduling indeed. Lordy, that level of thirsty is a lot. And to say it’s notable bc it shows how much work they’re doing over the month!!! Does it? Does it really? Cuz even with the rewind I ain’t seeing that much work…just saying😂
    Did any rota go with him and Beckham to the RAF event or did they just take their own photographer and release the pics? The zoom king indeed. Letting the rota know that he’ll do all his events in-house if they’re just gonna fawn all over his brother?

  12. Caitlin says:

    Couldn’t resist looking at some of the responses to the tweet – a quick glance confirmed my suspicions that the vast majority were not impressed with the nothing burger laundry list of “fuck all”

    Maybe he can refrain from tweeting until he does something meaningful that doesn’t suck up taxpayers’ money and resources? Every one of these publicity stunts comes at a cost to the public and I just don’t see the value.

  13. Tessa says:

    Huevo is letting harry know Beckham likes him better.

  14. Nanea says:

    The way KP pushed their rewind reel out shortly before Harry was due at WellChild feels like the powers at KP deliberately wanted to bury it/set it up for failure.

    Which it totally deserved. They’re not doing anything worth mentioning, it’s nothing any sane person would compare to actual work.

    And Harry’s brother out with Becks?
    Solidly C-List achievement, sorry for the worthwhile event to draw a has-been and a never-was and never-will-be.

  15. s808 says:

    “letting Harry know he is not going to have it all his own way if he wants to pitch up in London and do what always used to be a royal job on a freelance basis”

    Seems like that’s exactly what’s he’s been doing though. How are some tweets supposed to impede that?

    • Becks1 says:

      But don’t you see, KP TWEETED about how little William and Kate have done over the past month (Harry’s NY schedule alone puts their whole month to shame). That must have shook Harry in his core!!!! They tweeted a video! I’m sure Harry saw it and it ruined his entire night!!!!!


  16. Amy Bee says:

    This is just proof that the monarchy is not a serious institution and needs to be abolished. Plus David Beckham has no self respect and will do anything to get that knighthood. I’m betting he wasn’t even the first choice for KP but was called up when they couldn’t get Tom Cruise for this engagement. Pathetic for both William and David.

  17. Miranda says:

    The secondhand embarrassment I feel whenever they trot out Beckham kinda surprises me, considering that I don’t care about him or his sporting achievements at all. At this point, are they just denying him a knighthood so that he’ll always feel obliged to make himself available whenever William has a “I have famous friends too, Harold!” tantrum?

    • Amy Bee says:

      Beckham has done nothing to deserve a knighthood. The footballers who have been knighted have won the world cup. Does he even work with UNICEF anymore? We found out he was only doing that so he could get a knighthood.

    • lanne says:

      Mr. Beckham will pole dance for his knighthood. He’s doing it figuratively–it might be more honest of him to do it literally.

    • Becks1 says:

      I agree…..I almost feel bad for him but not quite. His desperation is almost tangible.

  18. slippers4life says:

    They’re not going to give you a knighthood David! He’s not going to propose. They’re just stringing you along. You are one of the greatest athletes of all time. Do you really want to be remembered as a sad desperate knighthood clinger? Get back to yourself this is just sad and sooooo obvious to anyone with eyes.

    • sunnyside up says:

      I suspect it is being pushed by Posh.

      • sevenblue says:

        I think, it is all David. Weren’t his emails got leaked one time, complaining about not still getting knighthood? His wife looks more secure compared to David.

      • Jaded says:

        @sunnyside up — I was thinking the exact same thing. You know Posh would LOVE to be referred to as “Dame Victoria Beckham”.

    • SarahCS says:

      I agree and I love this for him. I had no great like or dislike for him but since he gleefully took the money from Quatar during the world cup in spite of their atrocious human rights record I hope the Windsors continue to string him along and humiliate him.

  19. Pebbles says:

    He looks like an idiot in these pictures and the beard makes it worse. On the positive side it looks like he brushed his teeth today or maybe somebody told him to go get a cleaning.

  20. Cassie says:

    Williams smile is fake.

    He looks desperately unhappy ,a shell of what he was 15 years ago .

    His jealousy of his brother is destroying him .

  21. Sarah says:

    My oh my – he does not look well at all.

  22. kyliegirl says:

    He is so dull he even make David Beckham look like a bloated mess.

  23. Nerd says:

    All I can do is laugh because this only shows how desperately sad William is. Same goes for Beckham. Although now I’m wondering if I should start doing “monthly rewinds”? I’m just debating on if my “monthly rewind” for September should include the actual work I did for September or just my social media posts and trips to the grocery store? Unfortunately I wasn’t able to go watch any movies at the movie theater to add to my September “monthly rewind” but hopefully I can add at least one outing to the movie theater to my October “monthly rewind”.

  24. Eurydice says:

    I must be living under a rock. I didn’t know the “monthly rewind” was a thing.

    • Tessa says:

      It’s like those Easter presents the keens wanted.

    • sunnyside up says:

      First I have heard of it, obviously trying to distract from something, his brother, or that awful video.

      • Eurydice says:

        The article makes it sound like this has been an ongoing thing, but what in the world could they have recapped for the past year? “William wobbled through an investiture,” “William skipped his godfather’s memorial, “William threw Kate under the bus…again.”

    • Becks1 says:

      I can’t remember when they started doing these, but they’re always stupid because the Waleses do so little. I think the Royal Family account does one as well (but started after KP) and I find that more interesting because it highlights things that maybe didn’t get a lot of press or sometimes just makes you realize how much Charles actually does when compared to William.

  25. Hypocrisy says:

    This looks so tacky and bad for the Monarchy.. are there any adults at KP, I really would like to know. Releasing the monthly rewind just pointed out the fact that Peggy only did 6 engagements the entire month, and reminded everyone that in August he only worked 6 seconds (video clip). So gold star there for whoever made that decision. Now let’s discuss the pins.. over the last few outings Prince Harry’s support of organizations/charities has been highlighted by the lapel pins he chooses to wear, it’s been highlighted all over social media, enter Peggy and KP who decide now is the time to dress in lapel pins also. I know it’s a minor detail in the big picture but it just reinforces the fact that the only thing Peggy does is stalk and study everything about his brother, it truly has morphed into a disturbing obsession. The fact that Peggy also only “works” when Prince Harry is out or making positive headlines should be called out also.

  26. Tessa says:

    Keens possible visit to the ballet was an achievement then. Standards for accomplishments are low

    • Jais says:

      But wasn’t her visit to the ballet private? Which means it shouldn’t be included as a work event for the monthly rewind. Unless they counted it as a work event???

      • SarahCS says:

        All the grift all the time.

        I run a business (its just me) and this feels like if I decided to do something fun but found a way to describe it as work related so I can deduct the cost of it from my corporation tax bill next year.

      • Becks1 says:

        It’s not listed on the court circular at this point but maybe they’ll add it?

        Honestly a review of the CC for the last month is just so embarrassing for W&K. William held a meeting with the VP of ES, Kate held an early years meeting, William had that day of events in Scotland and visited a museum in London.

        Meanwhile Charles does more events in one single day. The Gloucesters are doing more in one single day.

        They really have no shame and think they are completely entitled to their lifestyle without working for it at all. And I guess so far they’ve been right.

      • Jais says:

        It would be embarrassing if they had any shame. Imagine posting this just as Harry is about to do another event, rounding out a whirlwind week of events that put William’s month to shame. But the ballet thing really gets me. So let’s say the ballet visit is not added to the cc. Then they’re using a private fun day at the ballet to add to their monthly rewind of work. They’re padding their work in a video to fool the public into thinking they’re doing more than they’re actually doing. All while they’re barely doing anything. Visiting the ballet as a private citizen should not be added to a monthly rewind of work. But I guess it’s the Wales way or whatever.

  27. Kateee says:

    Beckham looks like a wax statue. But William just looks worse and worse. As they say, you get the face you deserve.

  28. TheOriginalMia says:

    The beard is still struggling. Le sigh. He knows he looks ridiculous but will continue to trot that patchy, thin mess out for every event. Granted that’s the same thing said about his hair so he’s used to inadequacy.

    How long was the video? They’ve done crap all, so I can’t image more than 3 minutes of recycled images.

  29. Digital Unicorn says:

    Prince Hot Ginge v’s Prince Hairy Rough Potato – who’s the winner ladies?

    Prince Hot Ginge (all the thanks to Michael K at Dlisted for that gem) for the win from me.

    As for Prince Hairy Rough Potato, not even the hotness of Beckham made him look good – he looked like he’s just rolled off another bender.

  30. Proud Mary says:

    William looks sickly.

    • sunnyside up says:

      He needs to get rid of the stubble, he can’t grow a beard.

      • Gabby says:

        He can enlist his wife’s wig maker to fashion him one and glue it to his face. It won’t make him Harry though.

        Just like the friend in Working Girl – “Sometimes I sing and dance around the house in my underwear. Doesn’t make me Madonna. Never will.”

    • Carrie says:

      @Proud Mary. Agree 💯. He looks drawn and haggard.

    • MsDoe says:

      He does look sickly — too thin, with poor posture, and looks to be 10 years older than his real age. Doesn’t look regal in any way, shape, or form.

  31. Agnes says:

    How many ways can we call Wooly Willy pathetic? I’m running out of steam.

  32. Libra says:

    Poor David Beckman, reduced to fawning over an unremarkable man-child.

  33. Afken says:

    Now why would William stand next to someone who actually can grow a beard? Why would he do that to himself?

    Also September rewind don’t make me laugh.

    And as for charity work being royal work tell that to the thousands of charities that do not have a royal patron. These people are so narcissistic.

  34. heygingersnaps says:

    Oh my word! Bulliam is how many years old?! Yet he still has that man child energy about him. I think it just shows how his development stopped when he was a child. What a tool.

  35. Joanne says:

    My niece is at Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe where she was mugged by a baboon that stole her backpack. She tried to get it back and the baboon bared his teeth at her. She sent me a picture of it and it looks exactly like William smiling.

    • PrincessK says:


    • BeanieBean says:

      OMG!!! 🤣. But oh, your poor niece! I’m glad she’s OK!

    • CherryBerry says:

      Can we account for Williams whereabouts at the time?

      • Joanne says:

        There was 2 baboons and one looked a lot like Jason Knauf. My niece as some incredible pictures of the baboon going through her backpack. He was very good with zippers, examined everything in it but didn’t steal the money.

      • Hell Nah! says:

        I got turned down for a much needed loan this afternoon (my roof is leaking) and on the way home from the bank my car died.

        Thank you Joanne and CherryBerry for this much needed laugh!

  36. Magdalena says:

    Ha! The “monthly rewind” is something that a Sussex Squadder started some time ago and shortly afterwards, KP began posting something similar on Twitter. Even H+M posted look-back videos well before KP began copying. It’s not as though KP’s principals do any work – what are they rewinding?

  37. JustBitchy says:

    The Twitter thread was definitely quickly put together. The instagram reel isn’t done yet. That takes more time which they didn’t have yesterday.

  38. ML says:

    This is giving “If a tree falls in a forest, and no one is around to hear it fall…” energy. So they let everyone know by telling Sykes. Haha, your brother dissed you!

  39. Izzy says:

    LMAO no one even noticed the Tweets.

  40. MsIam says:

    Sorry if this is being petty, but I noticed that at a lot of the events in NY Harry just wore a shirt and suit with no tie. Now here’s Bulliam with that same look. Doesn’t he usually wear a tie? Or usually a pullover sweater with a shirt if he going for “future king casual”? Anyway, the struggle beard is actually looking worse now, not better. Its giving “Will work for food”.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      It’s very disturbing to see, Peggy definitely has an obsession with morphing into his brother.. just waiting for him to dye that ring around his head ginger to complete the look. It’s creepy as f@#!

    • Becks1 says:

      He’s definitely done the no-tie look before. It may be a Harry copy-look, but its not recent.

  41. Cali says:

    In the teeth baring picture, William is surrounded by 5 normal people. Those five all look better and more relaxed than William. He looks terrible in comparison.

    His life choices are playing out on his face. And in addition to his anger and jealousy there are clear signs of substance abuse. The extreme weight loss and the staggering at a public event make that clear.

    Harry looks so much better and it’s because he is happy and lives a healthier life. And he has a loving marriage.

    Does William have no one to help him see how pathetic/awkward/desperate he looks? This is a man in crisis.

  42. Jay says:

    This whole sad attempt to “steal Harry’s thunder” just confirms what we already know about William and co: that they are (still) obsessively following Harry’s every move, that they take every event, announcement, or post as a personal insult, and that they seem to assume that Harry does the same. It’s pathetic ( and even more so because it is always unsuccessful!).

    All of this talk of not allowing Harry to take over William’s “turf” ( aka meeting with seriously ill children and their families) seems pretty childish and petty, doesn’t it? You would think the heir to the throne would have something better to do than attempting to needle his own brother, but he (or his staff, I guess) seems to spend way more time thinking about how they’re going to take their revenge on Harry than any of their actual “work”.

    • Henny Penny says:

      This current iteration of the RF is truly pathetic when you step back and consider that this is really about Harry throwing a spotlight on SERIOUSLY ILL CHILDREN versus William throwing a tantrum because nobody cares about him. Somebody needs to get William some therapy.

  43. Kingston says:

    “…….and do what always used to be a royal job ON. A. FREELANCE. BASIS.”

    And that, dear constant reader, is the rub……..the nub…….the crux…..of the matter

    Actually, methinks the word theyre so sadly and so badly and so unsuccessfully trying to avoid is the word and concept: “free.”

    As in: Harry… doing for FREE the thing for which the royals are given a scandalous amount of millions of Pounds at the expense of this broken down and failing country, where the population of hungry, poor and homeless people keeps growing.

    As far as the criminals in palaces are concerned, Harry must be thwarted by hook or by crook.

    Folks, the persecution of H&M is only set to worsen the more the duo get into their stride creating a life of the perfect balance between humanitarianism, philanthropy and commercial/financial success – as has been their goal since they set out blindly in 2020 into their freedom; while the leftovers remained stagnant and exposed as the worthless, useless, cheats, pretenders and imposters that they are.

    So……………gird your loins.

  44. Henny Penny says:

    The British people spend over half a BILLION pounds supporting these sad and useless people. And the more Harry and Meghan do without tax payer support the more obvious it becomes how archaic and anachronistic the RF is in the modern world. I feel for poor George. He already looks like he’s carrying the weight of the world.

  45. BeanieBean says:

    ‘Royal job’? Huh. And yet William himself brought Beckham along. A non-royal.

  46. kelleybelle says:

    If I didn’t know better I’d put Will in his early 60s, especially with the side pic of him with David Beckham. Eeesh, he looks awful.

  47. Andrea says:

    Putting William next to David Beckham really makes clear how gaunt William is. Where did his muscle mass go??

  48. Murphy says:

    How could he even link David Beckham to this event? Does David have a pilots license or something?

    • Lady D says:

      Suppose David gave a huge donation towards the purchase of the two air support emergency helicopters? I can’t figure out why he’s there, either.

  49. chatter says:

    William needs to stay quiet.
    Less seen of him, the better he comes off.

  50. Badgerette says:

    Putting wills next to Beckham really shows how poorly wills is aging. Beckhams almost 50 and looks so much younger than the clown.

  51. CF says:

    OMG I just read that the Earl of Spencer has told H &M that they could have or use Althorp her childhood home as their base home when they are in the UK. I bet Charles and William are going ballistic 😂🤣

    • wolfmamma says:

      How wonderful!!! And perfect on so many levels !

      Meanwhile I think Willie and David both look desperate. One, homeless desperation and one “ well preserved “ desperation.

  52. sueinorleans says:

    Another story about Harry and William and who is stealing who’s thunder. The problem for William is that at the end of the day no matter what he does Harry will ALWAYS steal his thunder. Not because Harry is so wonderful and William is so awful (although this is true) but because the toxic British media has proven over and over that they would rather rehash a 5 yr old story about Meghan/Harry than write stories about what the current “working” royals are doing today,

  53. HuffnPuff says:

    I don’t think either man looks good. Prince Hobo’s struggle beard makes his face look dirty and Beckham overdid the coloring on his eyebrows, beard and mustache. Way too dark and clearly unnatural. He looks like an animated wax figure of himself.

    • Carrie says:

      One of the first times I’ve ever seen David look comically like a poulter pigeon. Both men look clownish.

  54. Lau says:

    David Beckham’s desperation is getting more hilarious by the day now. It’s honestly one of the funniest thing I’ve seen in a while.

  55. Mel says:

    I feel second hand embarrassment for him. Maybe stop worrying about what Harry is doing and fix your own life? Does he or the rota not get that Harry, as a private citizen gets to do what he wants, when he wants and doesn’t have to clear it with them? Maybe if you were doing anything of note you’d get the attention you so desperately crave.

    • Libra says:

      Good point@mel; they all still believe Harry and Meghan need to get their permission to leave the house or go on business trips or out to lunch or dinner. I don’t think either Charles or William get it; Harry is a free man, free to set his own schedule.

  56. Fastgran50 says:

    Arise Sir David Botox😂

  57. Ocean Girl says:

    Releasing a “look what we did!’ when no one cares is giving “please clap” vibes!

  58. sammi says:

    Poor Beckham…washing his hands in front of his body in abject servitude….William desperate to show his new white teeth and looks even more like Wallace and Gromit advert……….Kate out ‘dancing’ to a different drum..if she was really there at the Ballet…????? Wonder how long those people keep the photo on their phones before it cracks the screen.

    • Kat says:

      The photos of David Beckham fawning at William are very embarrassing.
      That man will stoop to any level to get a knighthood

  59. chatter says:

    William needs an entirely new team of advisors, PR, dressers, etc.
    Send him to acting class fgs!

    Prince Phillip LOOKED like a Prince, especially in uniform.
    Tall, excellent posture, perfectly at ease being the center of attention.

    Actors who can do a better job of looking royal vs William
    Alan Rickman – In any role. Rickman looked and sounded like a man that was a leader.
    James Purefoy – The black Prince A Knights Tale
    Rufus Seewell – A Kights Tale
    Peter O’Toole -Lion in Winter

    He is the Future King! Act like it man!
    Why is he so terrible at his job? Diana was terrific in her public work, how can William be so charmless and uneasy?
    Stand up straight, shoulders back, put your hands behind your back, not in front of the jewels.

  60. Penny says:

    To paraphrase Gina, from Brooklyn 99, that beard looks like he unclogged a shower drain with his mouth.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      @Penny, I needed this lol today. Love. And to the above comments about Alan Rickman, yes. Even in Truly, Madly Deeply and one of our favorite ‘Christmas movies’, Die Hard, AR was more kingly.

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