Telegraph: Where’s Duchess Meghan, why isn’t she doing ‘royal-style duties’ too?!?

Prince Harry had already arrived in Lesotho by mid-day on Tuesday, which makes me wonder if Harry really did leave England just hours after the WellChild Awards on Monday night. It’s a long flight from Heathrow to Lesotho – he could have taken the red eye and been in southern Africa by mid-morning. We know he was in Lesotho in time for lunch because Princess Senate Seeiso of Lesotho posted a photo with Harry, with the message of: “Had the pleasure of hosting the Duke of Sussex today for lunch.” Did Harry even spend 24 hours in the UK? I don’t think he did. I bring this up because the lunatics over there are still humping their padded cells and chanting “Harry wants to come back to us, he wants to come back to royal work!” All of this has been deliberately obfuscated: the royalists truly believe that “someone doing high-profile charity work” is somehow “someone doing pseudo-royal work.” They do not believe service is universal. They believe only royals can “serve” in any way. This comes up in the Telegraph’s latest, “Where’s Meghan? Why Harry is going it alone: Royal observers say there is a new strategy to remind people of the Prince ‘they loved’.” Some lowlights:

WellChild was the seventh event for solo Harry: Unusually, though, the event was the seventh solo engagement the Duke of Sussex had undertaken in seven days. The Duchess and their children did not travel to London, or to New York where the Prince gave five high profile speeches last week and appeared on Jimmy Fallon’s The Tonight Show. Nor was the Duchess accompanying Harry when he arrived in Lesotho on Tuesday for what became his eighth solo appearance in as many days.

Where’s Meghan?? Particularly given the couple’s previous joint trips to Nigeria and Colombia in recent months, the Duke’s solo appearances have raised, perhaps inevitably, the question: Where’s Meghan? For a couple who have described themselves as “salt and pepper” because they “always move together”, and bought their Montecito house because two “connected” palm trees were reminiscent of their relationship, their professional separation is new…The question of the Duchess’s whereabouts is easy to answer in technical terms: she is at home, with her two young children, while her husband travels. She is also working on plans for American Riviera Orchard, including a range of jams which have been distributed to influential friends.

Harry’s solo events mean he wants to come back to royal work, obviously: [Harry’s solo] schedule has prompted speculation among royal observers that he is hankering for his royal life. With the exception of a televised haunted house skit with Jimmy Kimmel, the US comedian, and a private hour spent in a tattoo parlour, the programme could have been plucked from any week of his former role as a working royal.

Mark Borkwski is always in need a paycheck: “There has been a separation [of their work] for a while,” notes PR strategist Mark Borkowski, who has followed coverage of the Sussexes closely. “It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to think there’s something going on. She has been doing the jam thing, the Martha Stewart play. He seems to be going back to basics.” The “star power” they were expected to have together when they first left Britain, he says, “didn’t work” as hoped. “They had to change the narrative. They need a venture that deflects from the failures. The charity aspect impresses upon everybody that he [Harry] does have value beyond the controversial stuff. It has the effect of separating them from the bad press and the failed content ideas.”

A return to royal duties: Royal commentators have observed something of a return to royal-style duties after a long period of controversy. Ingrid Seward, editor in chief of Majesty magazine and author of royal biographies including the recent My Mother & I, says: “Prince Harry has finally realised – or been advised – that dissing his own family did him no favours. The golden ticket is for him to remind us why we loved him: For his Diana-like ability with children, the disabled and the disadvantaged. He might have finally appreciated he is far more powerful on his own without the distraction of Meghan as Diana was without Charles.”

Harry is Meghan’s spare: Phil Dampier, a royal correspondent of nearly 40 years and author of Royally Suited: Harry and Meghan in their own words, describes the Prince’s recent reputation as “starting to lose ground”, “looking like a bolt-on accessory” to the Duchess “rather than the Prince that he is”. “It’s fairly obvious that on these trips to Nigeria and Colombia, Meghan was the dominant partner and Harry looked and possibly felt a bit like a spare part,” he said. “This looks like a definite attempt by him to strike out on his own and carve out a niche for himself that isn’t Invictus. I think we’re going to see him do more of this, him travelling and doing things on his own, restoring some kind of prestige.”

[From The Telegraph]

While it’s possible some of this stuff is coming from Buckingham Palace and/or the fantasist royalists, the conversation about “royal-style duties” and “plucked from any week of his former role as a working royal” sounds a lot like the near-constant briefings from Kensington Palace. For years now, Prince William has been utterly bewildered by the fact that Harry would still want to do good and be involved in charity work and humanitarian work. To William, those are “royal duties” to be avoided like the plague. That kind of work is William’s heavy burden and he avoids it at all cost. William is the one who can’t comprehend Harry’s moves, and believes that Harry doing WellChild or Travalyst or HALO Trust events *must* mean that Harry wants to come back and “be royal,” because why else would Harry do all of that? Add in the fact that Meghan is just being in yet another undercover era, and basically, William is in some kind of hairy, eggy frenzy of confusion right now.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Princess Senate’s IG Stories.

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113 Responses to “Telegraph: Where’s Duchess Meghan, why isn’t she doing ‘royal-style duties’ too?!?”

  1. Lady Digby says:

    Sad that Will resents doing any kind of charity work and only does the absolute minimum with clenched jaw and balled fists. It would never occur to him to vounteer or lift a finger to help anybody else if he wasn’t forced to do so. No wonder he misintreprets Harry’s genuine desire to help, support and uplift organisations that deliver care to others.

    • SarahCS says:

      I’m a (business) psychologist and I find it absolutely fascinating when someone just can’t comprehend a different viewpoint; no matter how you try and explain it the concept is so alien to how they see the world you might as well be speaking a foreign language. I find this sometimes when I’m coaching people and you hit an absolute brick wall.

      • Eurydice says:

        I’ve found that the most difficult motivation for people to understand is “Because I want to.”

      • bisynaptic says:

        It’s a characteristic of low executive functioning.

      • Booboochile says:

        Like you read my mind…I did psych first year… I’m a criminal lawyer…and everything you said is true… Sigh… like Meghan is simply doing her…I don’t get the hatred. She left goddamn it…. it’s so exasperating this continuos harassment…and poor Harry…

      • BeanieBean says:

        I, too, find it fascinating that people can KNOW the facts and yet churn out such drivel that completely ignores those facts. Do they truly not understand? Is it willful ignorance? Is it something more sinister?

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        @BeanieBean, it’s sinister. It’s like the Republican US politics. The lying liars lie.

        @SarahCS, one of my siblings (and spouse) were/are highly regarded in their past profession. Double Masters. Both. Prelude to retirement sibling became a life coach. One of the smartest people I know. Intellectually and emotionally.

        I asked what was their hardest experience being a life coach. (most of it was joyful/happy and I saw the comments about the clients feeling sad when sibling retired-made me cry out of love)

        Sibling said, “The day a client stared me in the face and said, “You’re not looking after my best interest and you failed in telling me how to respond to people that don’t agree with me.”.

    • Becks1 says:

      I think its also interesting because it shows that William seems to live in a complete bubble and seems to be unaware of other celebrities/high profile philanthropists who do similar events. Speaking at a ceremony like WellChild is not unique to royals. Traveling to different countries to support charitable endeavors is not unique to royals. (I mean Meghan was doing it before she ever met Harry.) Sure, H&M are meeting more high profile government figures than a lot of celebrities meet on these trips, but thats because they’re so high profile themselves.

      It really is like William only sees what’s right in front of him and that’s that only royals do these kinds of trips and these kinds of events – even though thats not true.

      Along those lines, I think William assumes the celebrities only do charity work for the connection to royalty – Beckham, George Clooney – he doesnt realize that no, some celebrities really do just want to use their platform to make a difference.

      We know he would rather play video games or frolic in the sand or whatever the hell it is he does, and he only does work when he’s forced to – so no wonder Harry’s behavior is so bewildering to him.

      • Eurydice says:

        It makes me wonder what William really thinks of Diana’s philanthropic endeavors. If he can’t understand why Harry would want to do good apart from the RF, how can he understand Diana?

      • Becks1 says:

        @Eurydice that’s a good point and IMO explains a lot about what appears to be dismissiveness about his mother’s work. Harry is the one taking HIV tests for awareness; Harry is the one partnering with HALO trust. William is the one calling his mother paranoid.

      • bisynaptic says:

        @Eurydice, I am wondering the same thing. My guess is he doesn’t.

      • Kristin says:

        It’s equally insulting to me as someone who lives in a country that doesn’t have a monarchy and in fact, fought a war to get the hell away from the monarchy. So no one in America is doing philanthropy or undertaking charitable endevors because they’re not “royal”? Someone like Jimmy Carter, for example, who has spent his entire life dedicated to public service and working with non profits like Habitat for Humanity isn’t a public servant or a philanthropist because he doesn’t have “royal blood”? That’s about the dumbest thing I think I’ve ever heard from these people, and that’s saying alot.

    • Advisor2U says:

      UK’s Republic Movement just tweeted a William’s engagements in the royal circular of September:
      6 days, or 7 engagements in September. Which equals 2 Mill. pound of Duchy allowance for that mount.

  2. equality says:

    PH has been supporting WellChild, Sentebale and Travalyst since he left the RF consistently, sometimes with and sometimes without Meghan along. The WellChild thing she hasn’t been with him to since leaving the UK. Why are they acting like this thing of PH going to events alone is a new PR move?

    • Anonymous says:

      They just have to say stupid things to take away the last clear thought from their reader bubble. So that they are emotionally agitated and click on every nasty advertising link and every next similar article without any rational thought. Always hoping for an even more cruelly written finale. Read the “Hexenhammer” and you will know what makes these people tick.

    • CherryBerry says:

      I feel they’ve really been leaning hard on H&M the last few weeks to try and distract from something. Most likely the news that they cost half a billion but are doing much of nothing.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Like Kaiser said, Mark Borkowski needs a paycheck. He reminds me of the anti Sussex twitter account that claims to be a “PR expert”.lol Everything the Sussexes do is bad and wrong. Insanity.

      I’m not taking the time to look back, not sure what either of them said about the WanK’s Flop Caribbean Tour. When they were fired on camera before taking a seat. If they were even given the opportunity to sit. Don’t remember if SNL did a skit on it. If not, they should go for it.

      I’d be up for that. NBC might get some numbers back since a lot of people quit the Today Show.imo

  3. girl_ninja says:

    Harry wants to come back so badly he can barely stay in England for 24 hours when he visits 😂😂😂

  4. MY3CENTS says:

    H&M are not funded by anyone, therefore it’s not our business where they are or how many events either of them does. That’s their freedom to choose and decide.
    Save those questions for the ones publicly funded.

    • 809Matriarch says:

      Mike. Drop.

    • Debbie says:

      Right? I’ll start worrying about what The Telegraph thinks when they write stories about “Where’s Kate” or “Where’s Sophie” or indeed, “Sophie Who” the way the concern troll about Meghan. Until then, The Telegraph should bug off.

  5. Smart&Messy says:

    I love the Princess’ dress and shoes!

  6. Nanea says:

    To the Torygraph:
    where’s Princess Kate, why isn’t she doing royal-style duties?

    It’s not like that’s heavy work. Chuck, who’s visibly sick, can do it.

    And QEII, who was very old and very sick, worked until two days before she died.

    • JT says:

      This. Why is Harry the only one doing “royal style duties?

    • Nic919 says:

      They are so desperate to talk about why Kate is missing but instead they have to project it on Meghan.

      • Becks1 says:

        Hey, in Kate’s limited defense (lol), she’s made it clear over the past few months that she is only going to do what brings her joy. Clearly that does not include any kind of royal work.

      • Tessa says:

        And how come she does not go on appearances with William to work with him. He was,leaving her home on tours even before this year. I don’t count the video they had some one put together for them by the woods

      • Jais says:

        Wasn’t it just two weeks ago or so that Meghan was seen at the book store opening? It’s not so much that she’s missing. It’s that she’s not with Harry during the past week or so of his travels. Which is only a big deal to the BM. Or the royal experts.

      • MsIam says:

        Interesting how after Meghan announced in Colombia that she’s in her “season of joy”, Budget Meghan is now a joy seeker as well.

  7. Afken says:

    This article repeatedly mentions their children and yet can’t seem to make the extra leap to realise that’s where Meghan is: LOOKING AFTER THEIR CHILDREN. These are not royal style duties. Not even one percent of people at the UN a week events were royal. So what were they doing? These people are just stupid.

    • Mair says:

      What’s laughable is that Meghan is doing the school run! The hallowed school run, the perpetual excuse to avoid work for a certain other branch of the family.

      • bisynaptic says:


      • aftershocks says:

        LOL! Sure, but as we all know, booked, busy, and unbothered Montecito Meg is doing way more than just ‘the school run.’ I am looking forward to her finally getting back to sharing more of her lifestyle, decorating, entertaining, and homemaking magic! Meghan has got skills, as anyone who followed her Tig blog and her original Instagram would know. As her former Suits castmates said, “Meghan gets things done!” 🫰🏽🤌🏽🫡

        Salty left behinds, ‘palace sources,’ and rota grifters need to drop their unhinged obsession. They did not succeed in defaming, isolating, or destroying Meghan Markle. They need to stop already with their depraved, distraction-tactic harassment and their messy schizophrenic obsessiveness.

    • Barb Mill says:

      Archie is in school now and Lilibet is probably in pre-school. Why would she go to New York when Harry had a whole plate of meetings.

  8. Julia says:

    Why would Harry want PR advise from Mark Borkwski? The man whose claim to fame is organising the world’s largest custard pie fight at the Millennium Dome.

  9. Ocean Girl says:

    Wow, they don’t think that sometimes, there are reasons the two of them have separate schedules? Even the closest couples spend time apart, especially when they’re as busy as Harry and Meghan. Ohhh, *that’s* the problem! The left-behinds and their mouthpieces don’t understand “busy!”

    • BeanieBean says:

      They can’t seem to comprehend that most couples don’t work together. And those few that do–e.g., the BRF–still do things by themselves. Sophie went to some countries in Africa recently, where was Edward? Where were the articles about missing Edward? Anne more often than not travels without her spouse to her engagements. Where’s Tim? What’s he been doing? And so on.

  10. sevenblue says:

    Such weirdos. They are gonna continue writing this same sh*t for years until they decide on one of Will’s children as the new Spare.

  11. Thelma says:

    The British media p, aka Royal Rota rats, sure spend a LOT of time writing about the Sussexes that they claim are irrelevant. It’s so pathetic. Write about Kate and Will. But of course the interest in the left behind royals is minimal!

  12. Amy Bee says:

    I keep saying it but these people are unhinged. Since when was charity work and advocacy royal work? So when Meghan was doing work for UN Women and World Vision was she doing royal work? We all that if Meghan was with Harry they would be saying that she had abandoned their children.

  13. Maxine Branch says:

    Pretty sure service was drilled into Prince Harry the entirety of his young life with his birth family. However, their idea of service and his understanding appears to quite different. Service to Prince Harry appears to be integrating himself within the community while providing tangible results either through physical labour, campaigning or funding. This appears to be what drives him and where he gets his most satisfaction from. His family does not understand this nor do they engage with communities in this .

    Harry mentioned in his engagement interview clearly Stating he and Meghan would work together and sometimes separately, but they would always be together. Makes sense to me especially now with two children under 6 and one just starting Kindergarten.

    • equality says:

      Harry’s understanding comes from his mother. After all, she trained him during those all-important “early years”.

      • sevenblue says:

        @equality, you must be wrong. There was no “early years” before Kate. You probably didn’t see the pie chart that Kate worked so hard on.

      • BeanieBean says:

        @sevenblue: you’re right! Nobody knew about the Early Years back in the 80s! We lived in ignorant times. Geez Louise! 🙄

    • Magdalena says:

      If we bear in mind that “a life of service” to Harry and Meghan and everyone else in the world means “living a life doing good for others wherever there is need” but that for the left behind royals this really does mean “service not to the public but TO THE CROWN” then we’ll understand exactly why they are so pressed about Harry’s work, and Meghan’s. If they keep describing the work these two people do as “royal work” then it pulls the wool over people’s eyes because those who aren’t really paying attention will assume that Harry and Meghan are doing what royals usually do, when nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, there are articles in the not so distant past citing courtiers grumbling that Harry and Meghan “don’t just want to BE, they actually want to DO” as though this were a bad thing. They are now feverishly attempting to copy the appearance of the Sussexes’ work while not actually doing a damn thing. It’s all smoke and mirrors as usual.

      • Magdalena says:

        I’ll just add that “service to the crown” actually means “doing whatever is necessary to ensure the survival (continuation) of the crown/monarchy” and after the queen, Harry was their strongest card, not the heir who would get all the spoils (wealth) due to his status.

      • BeanieBean says:

        They are spokesmodels for the crown, nothing more, nothing less.

  14. Dee(2) says:

    I think it’s a little of both, KP/BP really being confused asking if Harry still wants to do charitable works why he doesn’t want to do it for their benefit, and them legitimately not understanding that supporting your spouse doesn’t mean that you’re attached to them like a Lego. Also they need to give this Harry’s 75th solo appearance stuff a rest. They have two small children who are at the beginning of a school year, why would they have both parents away from them when both parents are more than capable of commanding attention on their own? Maybe for people who let Nanny’s do the majority of the heavy lifting that seems odd, but to me it seems VERY bizarre to not understand parents staggering business trips for stability.

    • sevenblue says:

      I don’t believe, they don’t understand it. They just need negative talking points to talk about H&M, so they recently came up with that one. Also, before QE2 died, when H&M were visiting UK for charity work, the royal reporters said, in the end H&M got what they wanted. That is, they are doing charity work in UK and 100% independent financially. So, they are just playing dumb.

      • Dee(2) says:

        I should have put confused in quotation marks, because I know that they absolutely get it the media and the courtiers. I think it’s more so them not “understanding” like most things why someone wouldn’t want to behave in a manner solely for their benefit to no benefit of their own self. Harry appearing at the UN, getting positive column inches, and showing up for the UK public doesn’t benefit them, it actually hurts them given how lazy the heir and his wife is, so why is he doing it?

    • sunnyside up says:

      I seem to remember that Kate couldn’t do any work when George was taking some exams, but that’s OK because she is Kate.

      • Becks1 says:

        I seem to remember when William couldnt’ work for months last winter/spring because of the “school run” but I guess only the Wales’ kids need to get to school.

    • 809Matriarch says:

      We have to remember what happened the last time they were both together in the UK for Well Child. They ended up being away from their children for a long unexpected time.

  15. Tessa says:

    Ingrid is,talking nonsense
    Diana wanted a marriage. The issue was Charles jealousy of her popularity. Harry does not want to go back to the uk

    • Tennyson says:

      H&M got stranded in the UK after Queen Elizabeth death, and as a result, the children didn’t see their parents for weeks, a trauma for all.
      I’d say that since, they have decided they only both leave for major events like Nigeria or Colombia.
      I understand them completely.

  16. Cel2495 says:

    lol, these ridiculous headlines… Meghan is a private citizen and she got two babies to raise along her husband. She could be working on her own things or she could just be happily spending time with her kids… whatever she is doing, she doesn’t need to tell the British rats . The audacity!

  17. Tessa says:

    The put downs of Meghan saying she made harry look like the,spare are atrocious. Just copies what bots rant about.

  18. S says:

    The dumb white women who work for Bill Simmons have started a Harry and Meghan divorce watch based on these British tabloid talking points. These know-it-alls dispensing PR advice too celebrities are apparently too lazy to know that Meghan and Harry were at the recent bookstore event. Or to know Harry has a job as well as other charities beyond Invictus. Somehow these women who live in LA surrounded by celebrities think Royals are the only ones who make charity visits to raise their profiles as if they have no knowledge of all the charity work celebrities do.

    • sevenblue says:

      I mean, who cares? I didn’t even hear about that. Meghan had an entire country’s media (both UK TV and press) after her, waiting for her to dump Harry and leave UK. I doubt, she even heard about something like that.

  19. diana says:

    lol work shy. hmmm

  20. Eurydice says:

    Colombia was just 5 weeks ago. Apart from ignoring the fact that raising the children is a joint responsibility, the Telegraph ignores that H&M run a foundation together, they have investment portfolios, they own real estate together. Sure, there’s a staff and advisors, but someone has to manage all that. H&M may have some separate interests, but their lives are intertwined.

  21. aquarius64 says:

    The rota rats are straving for Meghan content because the invisible contract is bankrupting them. They really need to expose the truth about the Wales marriage to get their coin but access is more important. For their bosses, the media moguls, it’s more about control: they have the sovereign, the heir and their wives on leashes.

  22. Moniquep says:

    In paragraph 2 the question is asked and answered. Where’s Meghan? She’s at home taking care of their 2 young children and working on their business ventures. End of story.
    Salt and pepper sometimes end up at different points of the table.
    Harry has the freedom to do the things he wants to do, away from the shackles of the “firm”, why would he ever want to return to be even more shackled? As we’ve seen and heard, they want Harry to come back and sit in a corner so he doesn’t outshine lazy William.
    I know they keep referring to Harry as being dim, but he isn’t that dim.

    You go Harry! Keep on trucking and never look back.

    • Jais says:

      This! That statement struck me as matter of fact with surprisingly no snark. But then it kept going. But yeah, that should’ve been the end of the story.

  23. Jay says:

    As always, every accusation is a confession with this family. Do we think that if TOB had ever somehow “freed” himself from the constraints of the royal family, that he would ever set foot in a homeless charity again? I think the answer is “no”. So it’s no wonder that they will never understand Harry wanting to use his privilege and connections to help others – it’s an impulse that the left-behind Windsors will never understand.

    • JT says:

      TOB doesn’t even need to be free of the RF to not do charity work. He barely does that now. His most consistent “engagements” all year were football games and most of his flurry of activities were because Harry was out doing work.

  24. Tennyson says:

    Many Europeans, including British people don’t understand the universality of service.
    I volunteered, meaning I wasn’t paid for a decade in Haiti and Brazil, teaching and helping at an orphanage.
    Afterwards, when applying to work, or in employment in the US, this service to others was acknowledged. I was even asked to talk about my experiences by my employers, the schools or by the community. It was a plus.
    Now, 12 years ago, I moved to the UK where potential employers couldn’t understand my motivation and blurted out ‘But Mrs T, people go abroad to enrich themselves, not the other way around’
    I was flabbergasted and failed to explain to these people who worship money and common sense, that there exists many forms of enrichment, and giving one’s time to the vulnerable is one of them.
    They couldn’t comprehend because for them, that type of service was indeed limited to the Royals and celebrities. They perceived me negatively, as lacking common sense because I had opted to serve others.

    • Mayp says:

      @tennyson, your comment, and I believe it, is really shocking to me. This would go a long way in explaining why the Rota snidely refer to the Sussexes’ statement regarding the universality of service and why their service is deemed “quasi-royal.”

      What I also find sad is that we now know the health benefits of volunteering, both physically and mentally. How is this not valued? If only as a means to better oneself?

      In my opinion, selfish and backward.

      • Tennyson says:

        I know. The first time I heard the comment ‘But people go abroad to enrich themselves, not to impoverish themselves’, it came from a social worker, of all people who worked at a school. I’m a Special Ed teacher with an emphasis on language, hence I’ve taught illiterate kids abroad in the developing world as well as in developed countries. In our countries, there’s usually a social worker involved because the kids come from poor or abusive families.
        I was appalled by her/their ignorance and they thought I was weird. It was like living on another planet.
        A head teacher here, sort of Dept Head also asked me if I hadn’t cared about my professional career! There too, I tried to explain that teaching was service and that in other countries, like the US, it was seen as positive to have volunteered one’s time and expertise to the less fortunate. I heard it all, including whether it meant I prefer the beach or being on holiday. In Haiti, there wasn’t even electricity or running water at the school. Most kids didn’t either at home and often studied in the evening under a streetlight. Haiti is terribly poor and tough but the Haitians are wonderful people. Ì went to interviews where people mixed up Haiti with Tahiti, and they were teachers! And even when they didn’t, they had no notion of the local poverty, the hunger, the crimes, etc.
        I could go on and on…
        I’m French, but have lived in several countries, found the US so easy and relatable, and after 12 years I still don’t understand Southern England. The country is definitely xenophobic, and of course racist.

      • Mayp says:

        Well, this person from the US really admires you for and appreciates your service! 🥰

    • BeanieBean says:

      Wow. Just…wow.

  25. MsIam says:

    The UK press is just mad because they can’t write any new garbage articles complaining about how much the Sussexes hold hands or totaling up the cost of Meghan’s clothes and jewelry. We see you losers. Go count William’s beard hairs or something.

  26. JC says:

    “Where’s Meghan and why isn’t she doing any royal-style duties too?!”

    I guess the excuse of doing “school runs” can’t be applied to the Sussexes…?

    Or is that only reserved for those on top of the food chain? Asking for a friend.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      It’s feels like they are hunting Meghan, especially the headline. The new attacks on Meghan seem to be escalating in their hate towards her. We all know this is WanK, the world sees it no matter what narrative the bubble 🫧 heads try to push on the public. The country of England should hang its head in shame for what they have put Meghan through, don’t think we haven’t noticed how you treated a citizen of ours🇺🇸.

      • Jais says:

        Yeah, it’s creepy. She was just in Colombia. She was just at a bookstore opening. We know she has things coming up. The BM doesn’t need to see her every week. It’s giving ownership vibes. They want to see her just so they can write snarky and hurtful things about her. It’s like they’re saying, come out Meghan so we can hurt you. Abusive vibes.

      • CreoleTomato says:

        @Hypocrisy — fellow American here. Thanks for your insight about the way they hound Meghan. I totally agree with you. Special relationship? Not!

  27. Advisor2U says:

    UK media and RR/RE coordinated taglines in every article/commentary, briefed by KP/William:
    “Man (Prince Harry) goes to work without his wife, they must be divorcing”.

    A prince, who left the cult almost 5 years ago, but never stopped doing his charitable and philanthropic work, was doing the same thing in ca 10 days in three continents:
    The UK Media and RR/RE in a desperate coordinated attempt, fed by KP/William:
    “He copies our royals’ charity work, he desperately wants to come back to do royal work”, but he can’t have his cake and it it too”.

    Stay in denial on your tiny wet island.

  28. Joanne says:

    It’s perfectly acceptable for Kate and William to not work at all because the children are in school. But Harry travelling and working while Meghan takes care of the children who are in school means they are divorcing. How do they wrap their tiny brains around this and think what they write makes any sense at all?

  29. s808 says:

    They’re trying to force H&M in the spare roles they’ve vacated. This isn’t about any divorce talk, this is about being seen and going to work so the press can have something to talk about and it’s a distraction from W&K. If H&M had stayed they would’ve been out doing engagements every day while W&K would be somewhere in the wind. Meghan will be seen when she wants to be.

  30. Angelica Schuyler says:

    They just don’t get it. They simply cannot comprehend that Harry is not living his life to be royal. That everything he does is not to get back into their good graces, that he strives for happiness and fulfillment that has nothing to do with trying to place himself back in the top rungs of their hierarchy.

    Harry and Meghan are not living to impress the crown. They are not trying to be working royals,. They are happy doing what they do apart from the royal family. They’re not coming back. They’re not trying to come back. They don’t care. They’re just not that into you. You all are never ever ever getting back together.

    It’s over. Just move on. Harry and Meghan have.

  31. kelleybelle says:

    Here’s a question: Why is The Telegraph so effing obsessed with Meghan?

    • L4Frimaire says:

      Ever since that Colombia trip they’re acting really crazy over there.

    • sunnyside up says:

      Probably realised that they can make money out of her like the rest of the gutter press. The Telegraph used to be a serious newspaper.

      • kirk says:

        Anybody who’s ever seen that Telegraph front page picture of dude in a bathtub “proving” that Prince Andrew couldn’t possibly have been guilty of having sex with teenager controlled by Jeffrey Epstein, understands that the Telegraph hasn’t been a “serious newspaper” for a while. Let’s not even talk about senior reporter Camela Twoooomany stalking local government employees at Montecito Water District so she could screech something negative about Meghan & Harry.

  32. Lavendel says:

    No, Prince Harry’s activities over the last few days have not been pseudo-royal, nor could they have been in a royal calendar. Because he is travelling for the people and not for a dusty, immobile monarchy. He was always different, but in the past he was still under control and could be humiliated. As a prince, he serves the people, not the monarchy. Every prince and every king should do that. Other monarchies in Europe do this much more visibly, only the kings of London can’t do it.

    • Magdalena says:

      Exactly this. In fact, when Harry was a “working royal” (one of the few who did any actual work), the palaces consistently failed to add many of this type of work (with the same organisations!) to the court circular, claiming that they were “private engagements”. For so many years Harry’s visits and projects and work with WellChild and Sentebale and Invictus went uncounted, so at the end of the year William and Kate’s phone calls with their own staff could be counted as engagements, but Harry’s numerous meetings with members of those three charities and others were routinely not counted. All to cement the narrative that lazy-arse Kate and Workshy William were the hardest working of the three. But NOW the royals and UK media want to claim that the work they used to ignore and downgrade is “royal-style work”??? Who else in the royal family works the way Harry and Meghan do? How many of them have done anything which provides tangible benefits to the organisations of which they are patrons? First they mock H+M, then they copy, and when the copying fails spectacularly, they attempt to co-opt their work by labelling it “royal”. The jokes continue to write themselves at this point. The ownership is off the charts with those fools.

  33. QuiteContrary says:

    Why don’t they answer the bigger question: Where’s Kate? Why is William making solo appearances? They both live on the public dime, so they both should be held accountable.

    Harry and Meghan are private citizens paying their own way. It’s no one else’s damn business how they spend their time.

  34. L4Frimaire says:

    The whole premise of this is so incredibly sexist. Basically they’re saying she gets too much attention when they do trips together but now wonder where she is when he’s doing trips focused on the charities he founded? Also, they’ve been married almost 7 years now. Kids are in school, several projects in the works. They can’t constantly be traveling together when there are also responsibilities at home. Fall is the busiest time. The way they dismiss their commercial ventures is ludicrous. The money has to come from somewhere and they can’t tap into the taxpayers like the UK royals, who barely so anything. They spent the past week smearing Meghan now they want to know where she is. These people are nuclear level stalkers.

  35. Robin Samuels says:

    BM will forever associate Harry with royalty despite the fake outrage that he abandoned the family. Prince Harry is acknowledged and respected, but he’s not their moneymaker; it’s Meghan. Only the BM is drooling over these trips. BM can’t get an interview with anyone at the UNGA that spoke with H on a personal level. Most news medias are focusing on the ME crisis and the upcoming US election. Let Meghan step outside with a project or an appearance and she will get global traction You don’t have to be a genius to know that Meghan helped create the independent global statesman known as Prince Harry, the People’s Prince.
    I love their strategy. They are a phenomenal team. I hope George will treats his Spare with compassion and respect.

    • lanne says:

      The Wales are setting themselves up to repeat the generational trauma of the past into another generation. George and Louis will be forced into Heir/Spare roles, sooner rather than later because of the omnipresence of social media and the ratchets parasocial relationships with their family. It’s romantic to think of those kids deciding to get together and peace out, but the truth is they are being isolated and indoctrinated as we speak. All they will know is the royal way of doing things, so they will have no choice but to be tabloid fodder as they grow up. Their parents will sell them out. The media will sell them out. They royal establishment will sell them out. They are being set up to be valued conditionally–they will be valued if and only if they behave exactly as institution wishes–they have to have the right interests, the right friends, the right partners, the right opinions, and the right looks. If they deviate one inch from what’s expected, they will suffer the consequences. I wouldn’t wish their upbringing on anyone. The royals are the ultimate expression of conditional love, and the consequences of conditional love.

      • Marchioness of Blorf says:

        Charlotte is the spare, not Louis.

      • Becks1 says:

        Yes but I think the heir/spare dynamic will play out more with George and Louis than George and Charlotte. I think she’ll get treated differently (for better or for worse) because she’s a girl.

      • Christine says:

        They are clearly driving the narrative around Charlotte to be that she is the epitome of QEII, Louis is definitely already getting the spare treatment.

      • windyriver says:

        I think Charlotte will have her own set of problems because of Kate’s competitiveness and jealousy over other women. As Charlotte gets older and attracts natural attention, Kate won’t take well to being outshined, not even by her own daughter. And of course, Carole is still in the picture; who knows what her ideas are for her granddaughter’s future.

    • Camomile says:

      Harry always was a global statesman. Meghan didn’t create that. You’re treating her like the BM do, that he’s a puppet on a string dancing to her tune. Please.
      It’s wilfully ignorant at this point not to know that Harry created numerous fully fledged charities, international charities, before he met her. He’s always had this role in the royal family as well. That’s why they’re pressed. He’s not there to be sent around the world when needed and draw positive attention. He’s always done this and he’s always been good at it, unlike the rest.

  36. Mina_Esq says:

    My mom retired two years ago and has since taken up a lot of volunteer work. Some of the women in her circle of friends can’t comprehend that she is doing all of this “free work” that she “doesn’t have to” do. Some people just haven’t evolved beyond their own selfish needs.

  37. One of the marys says:

    It’s impressive propaganda to look back at the last few years for Harry and refer to failures and lack of prestige. It’s fascinating to witness.
    My hope is he and Meghan have the strength to survive and thrive in these strange times

  38. Saucy&Sassy says:

    Doesn’t the bm go through a ‘where is Meghan’ screech once a year or whenever they don’t see her as much as they demand? No new news here.

    What I like about Harry no longer being managed by the brf is the fact that he can go in whatever direction he wants and do as he chooses. The brf would never have funded what he and Meghan have been doing the last four and half years because they would never have allowed them to overshadow the heir. Think how much that alone has changed Harry’s life.

  39. Mel says:

    They have small children in school, she’s trying to launch her own projects, she doesn’t have time to follow Harry around. Philanthropy is not “royal work” this is just stupid. Say that the left behinds give you nothing without saying it.

  40. TN Democrat says:

    Why wasn’t Keen doing multiple daily events when she has a full staff and her kids were all in school? Keener and willy are on the public dole. Meghan and Harry are not. Remove all the BS fluff (“meetings” with no photographic proof) Keen used to boost her numbers pre-whatever is going on with her and Meghan has done more public facing events than Keen has done in Keen. Meghan can form full, cogent sentences in public and isn’t a bizarre Victorian cos player.

  41. Lavendel says:

    Would strangers shout in my direction for days with their megaphone: “Why aren’t you with your husband? Why are you leaving him alone? What are you doing here? Go to him as soon as possible,” then I would tap my forehead and wonder if these people were still sane. What business is it of theirs what Meghan is doing? She’s not a member of a radical cult and doesn’t answer to anyone. This crazy cult with silly megafon that has only one goal with all its madness: To make money.

  42. Boo says:

    First of all, derangers have long said they should both lie low, live a quiet life out of the limelight etc etc – and now she’s laying low and still they’re after her.

    anyway, there’s no mystery, she’s obviously knuckling down getting ARO ready – which we are ready and waiting and salivating for!!! bring it on Duchess

  43. Nerd says:

    Meghan and Harry have never done “royal style” events. They have always outshined the others and what they do can never be compared or placed in the same category as the non-work the others do. Harry and Meghan have always entered their work with the purpose and the outcome of doing better and creating impact for others. That is one of the reasons why the others and the UK media have always had a problem with them. That is why even the work they have done previous to leaving the UK is still helping people and communities in the UK even after all of this time of them not being there.

  44. Vixxo says:

    Meghan is in her Season of Joy supporting her husband from home with the kids while he goes out and conquers the world

  45. Theresa says:

    For me, what Prince Harry is doing shows that he is more like his mother and actually genuinely cares about people. Baldamort is more like Andrew…do what he has to and just get the money.

  46. blunt talker says:

    Meghan is minding her own damn business-she is minding her own children-if other people in the media or tabloid business would do the same-I enjoy seeing them do things together and I enjoy seeing them doing things solo-that is a modern couple-and a modern way of living. My sister and her husband do things together and do things apart-they have been married 22 years and it works their family dynamic.

  47. Hana says:

    Eff this guy. Im a black woman who hates nazis

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