The Mail: Newly-retiring Simon Case should write a book about the Sussexes

In 2018, Simon Case was brought into Kensington Palace to be one of Prince William’s many Tory handlers. William is an oaf and an empty suit – the Tories have been “running” him for years now. The problem was that Case quickly learned that the heir’s heir was being consistently overshadowed by his brother Prince Harry. Case spent two years spearheading the character assassination of the Sussexes, so much so that they left the UK. Case was reportedly the one who authored the Sussexit deal, although Harry believed that QEII’s private secretary was a bigger player in what went down. As a reward for all of the royal melodramas, Case was removed from running a dull, lazy egg and moved over to Boris Johnson’s government in August 2020. For years, Case was up to his ass in Tory shenanigans but he kept failing up.

In Spare, Prince Harry referred to Case as The Fly and wrote: “The Fly had spent much of his career adjacent to and, indeed drawn to, sh-t. The offal of government and media and wormy entrails, he loved it, grew fat on it, rubbed his hands in glee over it, though he pretended otherwise.” That’s exactly what happened in the Johnson, Truss and Sunak governments too – he kept orchestrating more and more Tory drama and dysfunction. Well, now that Keir Starmer is prime minister, Simon Case finds himself on the way out of Whitehall. The cover story is that Case is standing down on “health grounds.” The real story is probably that PM Starmer knows Case is a piece of sh-t. Case’s exit from civil service has brought up an interesting idea, courtesy of the Mail’s Ephraim Hardcastle column:

Couldn’t soon to depart Cabinet Secretary Simon Case greatly enrich his retirement by writing a tell-all book about the disintegration of Harry and Meghan’s relationship with the Royal Family?

He was previously Prince William’s private secretary, from July 2018 – just after Harry wed Meghan – and had a ringside seat as the Sussexes fell out of love with the family firm. While bullying allegations were levelled by – and against – Meghan, he was entrusted with very confidential information.

If he signed a non-disclosure agreement it may have applied only to working with William – giving him leeway to write about the Sussexes.

While all courtiers are expected to be sphinx-like, Case could succumb to the pot of literary gold at the end of the royal rainbow.

Case leaves at the end of the year as the only Cabinet Secretary not to have a K while in office. His predecessor Mark Sedwill achieved the much-coveted civil service triple of CMG, KCMG and GCMG before retiring to the Lords. Will his bete noire Sue Gray, who controls the honours sweetie box deny Case the customary retirement peerage?

[From The Daily Mail]

“The only Cabinet Secretary not to have a K while in office.” As in, a knighthood? Boris Johnson was passing out honors to all of his cronies, but somehow Case got left out? Interesting. Anyway, I suspect that’s what the Mail is suggesting – that Case needs a knighthood or else he’ll write a book. The thing is, I would imagine Case’s book – if he writes one – would simply be another attack on the Sussexes. Which the Windsors would approve of. Then again, there’s always the possibility that Case would go rogue and actually write about the real sh-t that went down (and that he orchestrated) during his time at Kensington Palace. Nah. I doubt any of that will happen – Case will get a CBE or KBE and he’ll probably get some high-paying media job.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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32 Responses to “The Mail: Newly-retiring Simon Case should write a book about the Sussexes”

  1. equality says:

    None of them will write a book about what really happened. He should learn from JK revealing himself as a liar after giving e-mails to the court.

    • the Robinsons says:

      If he does write a book of lies as fact he better get him some barristers.

      • Lawrenceville says:

        That’s exactly what I thought. You think Jason Knauf doesn’t want to write a full of lies book about the Sussexes? You think that Tibouti woman wouldn’t want to write one? You think all those other hangers on over there in those palaces don’t want to? Why do you think all of them are faceless and nameless sources? Heck, why doesn’t Hardcastle or Maureen or Eden or whatever they all call themselves write one? They ALL want to write a book about the Sussexes but they can’t. Because they all know the implications of putting in writing any lies about and slandering the Sussexes. Unless this Case guy is stupid, he would never write anything about nobody, not even about the left over loyals. Hardcastle can try to gaud him into doing so, I mean, like they say trying never hurt nobody.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Simon writing anything down to smear the Sussexes is going to backfire on him nuclear style.

        Meghan. Kept. Her. Receipts. Whether she chooses to air them out in a court of law, or in a memoir of her own, she already has the power of truth to destroy him and half the courtiers, govt, and BRF.

        And he knows this.

  2. sevenblue says:

    I don’t think anyone who worked in KP wrote a book and mentioned Sussexes. They can be unnamed sources in other royal books, but to put their name on it gives H&M legal grounds to sue them if they lie on them. It also gives more reason to H&M to give their side of the story. So far, they didn’t go after KP employees personally, they mostly criticized the system. KP is probably gonna buy his silence with honors, job in royal foundation just like they did with the other aide.

  3. Amy Bee says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised to see him back at KP in some capacity. It’s interesting to see who the press wants to write a book and who they don’t.

  4. Tarte au Citron says:

    Is “Kindly Call Me God” for KCMG still in use in those circles?:))

  5. Vuyelwa Ncube says:

    Eww and he probably will too. I hope he gets Legal letters.
    It won’t sell though.
    Oh and Sussex Squad don’t forget to get a copy of Royal Codes

  6. Afken says:

    Doesn’t the man have a NEUROLOGICAL condition? Also there is no literary pit of gold for anyone writing about the Sussexes except for the sussexes (and maybe Omid for finding freedom). No one else is making any sort of serious money because nobody cares to hear the same old crap from royalists perspectives.

  7. Chantale says:

    I hope he does! He is a liar and I am seeing more lawsuits.

  8. Jay says:

    Am I missing something – haven’t people in government been calling for Case to resign for at least two years now? He avoided answering questions about his role in the BoJo government’s Covid response by going on medical leave. So I don’t know if anybody will be eager to see him rewarded with a trip to the house of lords.

    The threat of him writing a “tell-all” memoir about his role in the Sussexit and everything behind the scenes at KP feels like he is hoping someone will give him some money (or, ahem, maybe a cushy job at a foundation) to shut the hell up. I do not think that the Wales want anybody, not even an ostensible ally, digging in to that.

  9. Proud Mary says:

    Am I the only one who’s not surprised that this racist man worked with William and Kate? Yeah, but “we are definitely not a racist azz family.” The thing is that, the Fail is just so dumb. Simon Case writing a book about the Sussexes is not the win you think it’ll be for the Monarchy. First, they will have to openly admit that the so-called NDA is only useful to serve their own purpose: as in, Jason Knauf can testify against Meghan. Then, he will have to make sure that he won’t be sued by the Sussexes for lying. Then the monarchy will have to make sure that his so-called book doesn’t open the door to Harry’s other 400 pages. Go ahead, make his day.

    • WaterDragon says:

      Please, please open the door for Harry’s other 400 pages. We want the real story which can only come from Harry. The BaRF, BM and Rota Rats are NOT reliable in regards to the TRUTH.

    • Becks1 says:

      Agree completely. his writing a book could be a disaster for the monarchy; I doubt it will happen. Or if it does, it will be focused on how wonderful Charles and William are and that will be about it.

  10. Debbie says:

    I think it’s appalling that the Mail is salivating at the thought that a man who spent years denigrating the Sussexes, and driving them away, would now fund his retirement by using their names to sell books. They all sound like birds of a feather to me.

  11. Jais says:

    As a character witness, his reputation is pretty bad at this point what with partygate and whatever else they have on him.

    • Proud Mary says:

      He’s a flea bag, but next to the BaRF, he’s gold by comparison, I supposed? At a minimum, he’s a bird of similar feather. But, as long as the royal family has it in for the Sussexes, even child molesters are considered saints in the British media.

  12. Inge says:

    Wasn’t he behind the Flybe stunt as well?

    Also bring it, Harry & Meghan have all the receipts.

  13. Fastgran50 says:

    If ever there was a creepy looking guy he is it. He is losing his government job because there is a suspicion he was leaking information and was shit at his job. He isn’t liked or trusted within government. Basically he moved his sleazy ways he was using against Harry and Meghan to the government He is going due to his health supposedly; but I like he is is going before he’s pushed. I think he was friendly with another creep Dan Wooton and of course biggest creep Jason knauf. Of course Jason knauf got a knighthood and still works for William says it all doesn’t it

  14. Lady Digby says:

    Simon recently had to apologize for “raw” covid messages exchanged on what’s app.
    BBC article on said apology!

  15. Magdalena says:

    Kaiser, I believe Case used to work for Boris Johnson *before* he went to Kensington Palace. Several tabloids (I’m including the Times and Telegraph in this) wrote gleefully about how “Savvy Prince William poached one of Johnson’s most trusted aides” and a couple wrote that “William personally apologised to Johnson” for having done so. At least one phrased it as “William asked Johnson if it was okay”. It was originally claimed that Case was to be with William “on a 2-year secondment” and will return to government in due course.

    But yes, he is a right piece of work, that one. H’s description was accurate.

  16. Jennifer says:

    If this POS put pen to paper about Harry and Meghan, especially Meghan, I’d be standing there holding Meghan’s hand as her attorney and popping bottles just THINKING about the defamation lawsuit judgement. As an American citizen, we are throughly lawsuit happy and juries and judges love to award monetary judgements … just ask the orange one losing to Kamala, his four season landscaping “attorney” and Fox News.

    Do it. Do it. Do it….

  17. Neeve says:

    Who decides who gets these honours? Are people nominated from different sectors and then shortlisted for approval by the courtiers .What do Boris and this Sue Grey gave to do with it?

  18. monlette says:

    Palace insiders sign NDAs and can be jailed for selling gossip about any of the royals. That’s how I can be sure Knauf is Willy’s puppet.

  19. Mel says:

    He won’t . A) he doesn’t want to be caught lying and B) it’s very easy to sue people for maligning you in the UK. Not going to happen.

  20. One of the marys says:

    Can anyone including @kaiser explain to me what it means for the torys to run William. William seems to do so little and he’s such a lightweight. Does anyone motivate him aside from Harry?

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